AITA For Refusing To Sell Gift Cards To A Rude Customer?

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#AITA #Reddit #Story

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@veezopolis 2 жыл бұрын
I worked in a bank. That scam is extremely popular, and I heard all the tome, "you aren't allowed to refuse my use of my money" no but we can protect our own assets
@keshaponso2034 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry. How does this scam work? Seems quite extreme if people acrually think it's OK to ask a customer why they want a product as a scam prevention method.
@VSE4me1 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: My husband, sick with cancer and high on pain killers, happened to pick up on a phone scam call and simply had zero reasonableness filter. They managed to talk him into going to various stores and buying thousands of dollars in gift cards. Thanks OP for at least trying to stop what looked like a scam. I wish someone had done that for my husband.
@LoriCrabtree31 2 жыл бұрын
This made me sad... Hope things are better for you both, cancer sucks and scammers suck.
@m4sk3d1 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry did someone try to equate buying multiple low value gift cards to 3-(more than likely) max value gift cards, every detail I worked at tells us not to sell more than $500 per person and even then manager only (because of scams), I get where most comments are coming from but 3 $500 GC at one time is hitting every red flag in the book for retail
@alexanderhenby1362 2 жыл бұрын
Right, Who is just dropping 7500 dollars on teacher appreciation day? They got fifteen 30 dollar tops
@almamorello3088 2 жыл бұрын
@duanesamuelson2256 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderhenby1362 1500 not 7500...and I regularly gift money to my kids this way. The 15 cards the narrator didn't give the value. It's not OP's choice or decision, it's either the stores policy or not...not an cashier.
@Lady.B0420 2 жыл бұрын
The guy who didn't sell the gift cards, in America you can refuse service to anyone for any reason. However, a lot of retailers are now encouraging employees to prevent the scams if possible. You can always tell who has for currently works retail and who is just a customer.
@AaronPaluzzi Жыл бұрын
On top of this the manager trying to shove her way in is troublesome. The commenters were focused on OPs attitude toward this, but what the manager was trying to do was fraud. "The manager can't sell cards of that large a denomination but we can" The manager was trying to use OPs logged in register to sell the cards. If the fraud blew back it would have been OP held responsible. You DO NOT allow another to use your register until you are appropriately cashed out. That is a huge issue. That manager could be fired if corporate caught wind and saw that video.
@fixthethings8055 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Manager attempted to commit fraud. And it may or may not be a "good" reason to refuse service (obviously a matter of opinion), but if it's not discrimination against a protected class, then it's a legitimate reason. And refusing to participate in what you believe to be illegal activity seems like a pretty good reason to me.
@elizabethcox5911 2 жыл бұрын
$900 for a necklace? That's more than my house payment and cell phone put together!
@juniper890 2 жыл бұрын
At the very least it better be a damn fine necklace.
@Pysslis 2 жыл бұрын
That’s more than my monthly income!
@deeatonsr21613 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not a cat person...I tolerate them but they aren't my number one choice for a pet. However, you're talking about an 18 year old...he doesn't have that many years left. YTA for forcing your man to rehome his pet.
@cult_of_odin 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not either, can't stand them but my wife has a cat that's 15. He is half senile and just sleeps most of the time. He get to sleep and eat soft food all day until he finally passes. He is old and I just want him to be comfortable.
@SleepyHo123 2 жыл бұрын
Cats are really territorial. An 18 yr old cat would in contast panic if its not use to other animals.
@duanesamuelson2256 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmm...long term pet (of any kind) vs a relationship? Good bye relationship, if someone has that attitude then they aren't worth being with.
@brianaschmidt910 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. And the fact that the cat started immediately attacking the dog isn't a cause for concern either? I love my cat but if I thought that she was a danger to my other baby I'd definitely re-home her with a loving home. (The cat is being aggressive and most dogs end up euthanized when they attack others. Even with provacation. The cat is only being rehomed. Though Yu are right that she needs to leave him for HER furbaby's sake
@duanesamuelson2256 2 жыл бұрын
@@brianaschmidt910 so you would get rid of a pet you had for over a decade if it would attack a new pet? You aren't worth getting to know, no sense responsibility...and your definition of love is shallow.
@Dai-le1 2 жыл бұрын
God I'm glad my store has a $500 limit per store, all these YTA are just terrible. I honestly would've refused too and while I understand the customer didn't have to disclose why, nor should they really asked, it's still way too suspicious to go through with
@missybuchanan9631 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimately it was about her conscience, so I don’t get how she was the a-hole either. It’s bizarre.
@BMakabre 2 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the YTA commenters don't bother reading about the current scams that are doing the rounds. The 'money transfers in gift cards' is a very common scam (especially online love scams). OP's reply of "They don't pay me enough to be a villain" is a very true statement - too many employers would throw the employee under the bus if the transaction did turn out to be the customer taken by a scam.
@shersmk90 2 жыл бұрын
As long it isn’t a rule in the store you should just do it after a warning. And after that make sure cooperate will make it a rule so no other person who knows it is a scam should still need to help. The op is an a-hole.
@patriciamebane762 2 жыл бұрын
Z q
@thatoneguy9816 2 жыл бұрын
@@missybuchanan9631 who is she to tell a costumer you can’t buy here because you refuse to tell me what for?
@moonlady3000 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Groom: if you wear white to the wedding I'm kicking you out. Women: *wear white* Groom: Get out Women: *Surprise Pikachu Face*
@MegaInsaneMC 2 жыл бұрын
People in the giftcard story are missing a key detail 1. Terminals in most places have user logins to help track who's on what till at any given time. (E.g. someone says Timmy Till boy stole from terminal 4 but in actuality the login record proves he was on terminal 7.) 2. The managers terminal wasn't allowing it, bear in mind point one and then realise that manager logins often have extra things they can do, for example writing off damaged goods, returns, cashing up the till draw and such. Now we know these two things, if the MANAGERS LOGGED IN TERMINAL wouldn't allow this transaction, the system has an active block against a gift card transaction of that amount, this is very, very common in order to prevent scams. Does OP sound like a wee bit of a dick? Yes. But in this situation he has every right to refuse a potentially fraudulent sale in the same way he could refuse selling alcohol or tobacco products if it is a suspected proxy sale. TL;DR comments focus too much on OP seeming like an ass and less on the actual issue at hand.
@Tropicanine 2 жыл бұрын
thought the same, if the manager cant do it on her own terminal, shes just wanting to get in that cash and if it ends up beeing a scam throw op under the bus either way putting the fault on them
@jazarahcatx 2 жыл бұрын
I work at a store and deal with gift cards. Our terminals, unless cash will ONLY allow 1 500 gift card transaction. I don't get the YTA besides for how the OP talks
@thatoneguy9816 2 жыл бұрын
The actual issue at hand is the asshole harassing the costumer and refusing to take his answer and denying him a sale. What exactly did he change? If I buy a 500$ Starbucks gift card should I be stopped?
@analisaandthelobbyist 2 жыл бұрын
@@thatoneguy9816 I'll copy and paste my (long) reply here, so that you can understand this bc this CAN induce legal trouble for the store and OP, even if they supposedly "don't have a policy on this." And as for your scenario with the Starbuck's gift card, it's not quite the same. We did have rules on those, too, but typically scammers want the "Prepaid Visa debit cards" because they're money you can purchase whatever you want with just like a real debit or credit card. The issue is that those CANNOT be returned, nor can they be cancelled or anything if fraud is reported. You know how you can contact your bank and freeze or cancel a stolen, lost, or compromised card? Neither your bank NOR the store from which you buy those gift cards can cancel or deactivate those cards once they're purchased and activated. It's exactly why scammers request them because they can't be usually traced back to themselves, either. It is VERY difficult to catch this kind of scammer, so your money and stuff is basically just gone. As the stores and cashiers providing them, you can get bitten SO hard for selling them. Anyway, after THAT long reply, here's my other comment I posted: "As for the first story.. What's with all the "YTA" scores? I used to work at a huge chain store. It CAN come back legally onto you and your store(s) if you sell that many prepaid gift cards. People literally buy those in scams BECAUSE they can't be returned, nor can they be cancelled (like a real debit or credit card can) when fraudulent behaviour is reported to a bank. They'll come after the store and/or cashier who sold some poor person (usually an old person) for that money and legal fees and shit. So, legally, we were not allow to sell more than $500.00 at a time, it HAD to be paid for with either cash or a debit card, a manager had to be present if it was a sale of more than $100.00, (which is a NORMAL gift amount) and, yes, we DID HAVE to ask the reason they were buying them, especially if it was a high amount. If they gave us a weird answer, as in they didn't know WHO they were giving it to, they were paying for something with it, etc--for example, this poor old lady, omg, I was so sad. She was trying to buy $600.00 in the gift cards to buy a puppy...several hours away, from someone she'd never met, and for a puppy she'd never met nor seen more than a few photos of. There were more sketchy details, but I can't remember them all, but they ALL fit the training of what we were supposed to check for. She was 100% getting scammed. I had to explain the scam to her, and so did the manager, and we apologised and refused the sale. We also advised her to work out purchasing the dog in cash, in person, and to take someone with her who can keep her safe if she actually drives to meet this person. She looked so sad that the puppy probably wasn't real, but she thanked us and left. She was a little upset at first, but she was ultimately happy we opened her eyes to those types of scams. These are LITERALLY illegal and the sales the cashiers perform can ABSOLUTELY come back to bite us, so OP is NOT the asshole! What the heck!!"
@thatoneguy9816 2 жыл бұрын
@@analisaandthelobbyist he’s the asshole. If you don’t want it sold, don’t have it in the store. Card say you can buy between 25-500$ and other brand may differ as well but it wasn’t his money or business. He’s also a dumbass and out of a job. You plan to stop everyone who buys a gift card? Question them?
@christapinder8205 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that the managers till locked her from doing such a large amount of money in gift cards probably means it's against policy. So nta
@lizzistorm7474 2 жыл бұрын
The wholesome story with the girl and her mom and step dad literally brought me to tears because my step dad is kind of like that, but my mom and I probably will never be that close and I'm obviously the last favorite kid. I'm so glad OP has such an amazing, loving, supportive family.
@slurrymadz 2 жыл бұрын
Same, legit crying right now after listening to that one 🥲
@tonicus123 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I teared up a little at that one. My step dad and I never had this closeness and I always stuck with my mom's last name. Bio dad never in the equation. Every time I expressed my issues like this with my mom, she'd always get upset because she was thinking what made her happy would also make her son happy, even when it created great anxiety and hurt me. Making sure both sides understand each other is crucial.
@swaggchu789 Жыл бұрын
As a mom who has made many mistakes, I'm so sorry you all have been made to feel the way you've felt. Hopefully in the year since you've commented, your moms have tried to make it up to you all. If not, I promise you that it's not bc you aren't good enough or did anything wrong. We as parents like to think we're superhuman but we are not. We make mistakes that change the trajectory of our children's lives and it kills us. Unfortunately, some of us won't acknowledge that bc it's too hard or we don't have the emotional intelligence to say what we want to say in the way we need to say it. I say all this to say that you are all special humans and this Internet mom sends you love.
@stephjovi 7 ай бұрын
Same. (story of a girl who thought she's such a burden to her mum and step dad ended with step dad telling her he loves her and wants to adopt her).i legit teared up in public. I hope it's a real story and kiddo has been adopted by now. Wish I had such a great step dad when I was a kid6
@RevWarRev 2 жыл бұрын
Wedding drama: So this buncha bullies, this toxic 'unit' decides who is or isn't part of the 'family'? No, nope, un-unh. OP reacted just as he should have. Too bad the others in this family have given up their b@lls or thier souls to knuckle under to these alligators. Go NC - they'll be out for blood revenge going forward. OP needs to make sure he's not gonna be complicit anymore, and any who try to justify this is on the outs.
@rsmith6425 2 жыл бұрын
One of my favourite quotes is "if you loan someone money and then never see them again it's money well spent"
@missliz3043 2 жыл бұрын
Working as a cashier for the last 11 years, we have to take multiple tests on the computer. One of them tells you to refuse selling gift cards over a certain amount, 500+, if in in multiples. You did everything right, whether they trained you or not, If your manager wants to take the risk that's on her. This would have been a different story if the man would have been honest and said yeah I'm buying these for gift cards for my people at my company or any other logical reason but he didn't have one so he was scamming.
@AstarTiamat 2 жыл бұрын
He wasn't scamming. He was being scammed.
@scotte8629 2 жыл бұрын
then don't sell them at all.
@andiharper546 2 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for the older people who come in trying to buy $500 worth of gift cards. Every one of them say it's for the grandchild's birthday. Fortunately, most of the credit cards don't go through. Those ones panic. We always ask if it's someone on the phone telling them to do it and it's always no. People suck.
@duanesamuelson2256 2 жыл бұрын
It's the store policy not some law you're enforcing. If the store doesn't have a policy in place then they should have been sold.
@duanesamuelson2256 2 жыл бұрын
And it's absolutely none of your business why someone is buying anything in the store you work in.
@Breezely22 2 жыл бұрын
So many adults, even when not pregnant, struggle with inconvenience. Many adults can't hold it. Especially in a car. He messed around and found out.
@Tyler171819 2 жыл бұрын
Wedding Story: That would have been a perfect opportunity for the Bride to show her family’s version of a prank. Having her family members waiting at the door with supersoakers filled with colored water to soak anyone wearing white 😈
@catlover2223 2 жыл бұрын
Or better yet, wine. That way they can have something to match when they inevitably whine about it. :) 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who worked in a retail store, anyone buying more than 2 $500 visa gift cards (Anything over $1000 in gift cards) are questioned, and if we don't get a reasonable answer, we refuse to give them the cards. Customers ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!
@ComaLies225 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I was somewhat leaning towards Op until I read her dog was being equally aggressive towards the cat. If she’s going to get rid of the cat for the sake of her baby, then shouldn’t she get rid of her dog too???
@rsmith6425 2 жыл бұрын
Right? No wonder the cat is defensive! I think pitbulls are lovely dogs but if one of them is being aggressive towards me I am scared and I am not a fraction of the size of the dog. Also, while I obviously wouldn't ever want my children harmed, an elderly cat can scratch a baby while a pitbull can very easily kill small babies and animals. I am not at all saying hers would but in a fight between cat, baby and pitbull I am betting on the dog every time.
@ten5h1 2 жыл бұрын
I get a feeling that the cat was terrified of the dog. I have seen aggressive pit bulls going after strays and it breaks my heart when I can’t save them. I have a feeling if she had gotten rid of the dog, the cat might have calmed down.
@rsmith6425 2 жыл бұрын
@@ten5h1 or made a completely cat safe space, when I was growing up we got a cat when we already had a dog so we installed a baby gate on the stairs. Cat could jump over it but the dog couldn't so the cat always had a refuge
@piiinkDeluxe 2 жыл бұрын
I felt they didn't really try to find the reason why the cat acted like this. Change for cats is intense, especially seniors.
@Maria-chan5863 2 жыл бұрын
@@rsmith6425 That's a good idea for the general case, but in this specific one the fact that the cat is 18 means that it might not be able to make that sort of jump any more.
@leannenuttall5655 2 жыл бұрын
1st op has principles!! Damn great job young lady!! Stand firm you will go far !!!
@nikofluff7122 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh 💀 Yall are so dumb This op is every entitled and went on to attack eveyone in their comment section because they pointed out op is a karen They don't have morals they are just nosy
@anitakyota9922 2 жыл бұрын
The creeps are the couple using your bed when you are gone! They are gross!!!
@itazuranakisu 2 жыл бұрын
I have an old dog and honestly if I was in the husband’s position I would’ve told her this was my dealbreaker. The dog was here before you. Forcing or guilting someone to give up a pet that is healthy, loved and well cared for is a recipe for resentment. The poor animal will feel abandoned by such a betrayal after years of being together.
@Eric-bl8lp 2 жыл бұрын
She suggested they do it not guilted or forced and even if she did, youre overlooking the fact that shes pregnant. Shes not making him choose between her and the cat, its her+ the kid or the cat. Not to mention the dog is being attacked by the cat as well so the cat is negatively affecting three lives.
@k3upikachu Жыл бұрын
@@Eric-bl8lp she didn't suggest it; she bullied him into it. And the dog was being aggressive towards the cat, so she should get rid of him too, right?
@Eric-bl8lp Жыл бұрын
@@k3upikachu where did you ger the idea that the dog was being aggressive too?
@ShakedownDreams 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I watch a LOT of scambaiting/PSA type videos about Advanced Fee Scams; the OP most certainly was not TA, and absolutely did point out an Advanced Fee Scam. The one thing I could see that OP needed to do differently was maybe go into a little more detail on how the scam works, but buying 1500 dollars worth of gift cards with the only reason being "personal use" it's exactly what scammers tell their victims to do. I do not understand the YTA votes at all.
@Tropicanine 2 жыл бұрын
also a bit fishy the manager couldn´t do it on her own terminal, for some reason. maybe cause usually in moost places they arent allowed to sell beyond a worth of 500 at once and if it turns out bad she could put all the fault on op, while still cashing in for the store for a pat on the head? at least thats my suspicion.
@jazarahcatx 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tropicanine you're right. Most places won't let you do more than one 500 gift card at least for my store. You have to wait like a few hours in between to buy them or go to different stores
@gojewla 2 жыл бұрын
Gift cards are also a favorite think to purchase after a wallet theft.
@scarysara9364 2 жыл бұрын
For the cat and dog story: The husband should have given the dog away; then use the excuse “We want to keep the new baby _safe_ , _don't_ we?“ 😏
@kuehnerthanyou3409 2 жыл бұрын
While I agree with the sentiment, it would almost be worse to get rid of the dog as well. It should have been neither being rehomed, but the dog shouldn't be punished for his owner being a selfish dumbass. I really reeeeeally hope the husband went to get his grumpy old kitty and that OP was just too salty to update.
@jadedjane6241 2 жыл бұрын
He should have showed OP and the dog the door and live happily ever after with his cat
@scarysara9364 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadedjane6241 Agreed. :)
@lindahoward7309 Жыл бұрын
My grandaughter has 2 bullies! She's 27, married but noo kids yet. I pray she doesn't have kids with those dogs in her home! My friend is hospitalized right now after a "family" Pitt mauled her horribly. She may never have full use of her arms again!
@SCUBASUEReynard 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t understand . If the register is yours no one else is supposed to ring on you register on your draw. I most stores have a 500 $ max . AARP, the States Attorney General. These scams range from your kids in jail, to we put too much money in your account. .Heck not to long ago we bought a motorcycle from he said he had the bike sold out of state. And that person was going to send a truck by to pick it up. That someone sent him a bank check for 5000 more than the bike was worth. Just send me cash back. With the driver... He sent the check back. After calling police. Then called us to purchase the bike.
@adrianmcbride1666 2 жыл бұрын
A fair deal of this is what I was thinking. The op specifically said that the manager was not able to do it at their own till/register so said manager was trying to circumvent the systems put into place.
@kirtemoon529 2 жыл бұрын
That one about the wife making the husband get rid of his VERY old cat pissed me off so goddamn much. Hell, my parents’ second cat lived to be 17, and would constantly scratch and bite as he got older. He’d kick the absolute crap out of me and my older sister, and my parents response? *he was here first. Respect him.*
@dustyrose192 Жыл бұрын
My mom is the opposite. When our old cats got fleas (plus one was constantly being attacked cus she kept letting it outside) she told us that a nice man with a farm came and took them... Jeez
@als2480 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who worked retail, some stores actually have policies against doing this. That being said, it's December. It's probably for Christmas
@jazarahcatx 2 жыл бұрын
They scam all year long. If it was Christmas they should know most places can't/won't do more than one 500 gift card. They wouldn't mind going more than one place/terminals to get cards.
@Violexie-wb7op 2 жыл бұрын
Oof: "They don't pay me enough to be a villian." That part. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think OP was trying to do his or her best to do the right thing.
@talkytabby2878 2 жыл бұрын
First op is NTA. At our store only a manager is allowed to give gift cards because we've been overwhelmed with scam attempts.
@inabruzzowithme7877 2 жыл бұрын
The daughter that helped with the nursery story... It breaks my heart to hear that she's *grateful* for her mom sticking around. As if not being abandoned is a privilege, not a right. Dammit.
@cynicalminion 2 жыл бұрын
27:22- alternately, "sorry you don't get a birthday gift... i was going to buy you the bracelet you asked for, but the sale was declined because there's an unauthorized charge on my account. unless you want divorce papers for your birthday, the necklace is getting returned and the $900 is going back in my account, which you will not be touching again."
@fionacheung42 2 жыл бұрын
Please tell me they got that old cat back 🥺
@suellendodd8076 2 жыл бұрын
it also sounds like what happened to my kindergarten his teacher thought it was ok for girls to slap boys in the face..not good..i finally told him..hit her back..he was younger and smaller than the girl..also she ,the teachertried to change his hands..he is left handed, a southpaw, she told him at 4 1/2 he wasnt a lefty..that was it..i said if this teacher keeps doing this stuff to my son i will go after them..and yes she told me a lot of kids think they are lefty but are really not!!
@jodycotton9454 2 жыл бұрын
The post about the stepdad and the teens pregnant mom had me reaching for my Kleenex box during the talk the stepdad had with OP! Wishing this family many blessings.
@tugglemiles2991 2 жыл бұрын
The manager is THAH. I was at PO when a postal clerk tried to stop an elderly lady from sending 20,000.00 cash
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
The difference is, the gift cards are a transaction that the store wouldn't have gotten any flack for, whereas sending 20k from the post office then involves potential wire fraud that the clerk could go down for. There are a whole rules and laws that the person who processes the wire transfers has to follow (some even vary depending on the country the money is being sent to), and Western Union other wire services are governed by the Patriot Act, and a few other things. Gift cards and wire transfers are two entirely different animals.
@josephmckee3605 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers more then likely he would come back and cause a scene because he is out $1500 and the store sold him the cards, he can't get to the scammers but can take out his anger on the person who sold him the cards
@minagica 2 жыл бұрын
Ooooh boy, "Adam"'s stepdad is an abusive AH and the mother should lose custody over this. Nobody has to be abusive, abusers always pretend they've been made to punish you by you, this stepdad is exactly that
@eph2vv89only1way 2 жыл бұрын
First story: Not selling that amount of gift cards is actually policy for this very reason in many stores
@kimhernandez2541 Жыл бұрын
I remember watching this video and not thinking anything particular about it. I know different now. Thank you for having the courage to stand up for an elderly person who is being scammed
@LadyBern 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 I wish someone was this vigilant. Someone I knew got taken by one of those scams. Usually she was careful but thinking it was a legit bank she fell for it and transferred a few hundred via a visa gift card.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Жыл бұрын
1:32:44 the wife in this story not wanting OP to go back to school solidified that this was financial abuse for me. I feel so bad for this OP.
@rubymeaddle Жыл бұрын
The 18yo cat is going after the dog. It is the aggressor. And OP is not wrong for worrying about her baby. NTA.
@analisaandthelobbyist 2 жыл бұрын
As for the first story.. What's with all the "YTA" scores? I used to work at a huge chain store. It CAN come back legally onto you and your store(s) if you sell that many prepaid gift cards. People literally buy those in scams BECAUSE they can't be returned, nor can they be cancelled (like a real debit or credit card can) when fraudulent behaviour is reported to a bank. They'll come after the store and/or cashier who sold some poor person (usually an old person) for that money and legal fees and shit. So, legally, we were not allow to sell more than $500.00 at a time, it HAD to be paid for with either cash or a debit card, a manager had to be present if it was a sale of more than $100.00, (which is a NORMAL gift amount) and, yes, we DID HAVE to ask the reason they were buying them, especially if it was a high amount. If they gave us a weird answer, as in they didn't know WHO they were giving it to, they were paying for something with it, etc--for example, this poor old lady, omg, I was so sad. She was trying to buy $600.00 in the gift cards to buy a puppy...several hours away, from someone she'd never met, and for a puppy she'd never met nor seen more than a few photos of. There were more sketchy details, but I can't remember them all, but they ALL fit the training of what we were supposed to check for. She was 100% getting scammed. I had to explain the scam to her, and so did the manager, and we apologised and refused the sale. We also advised her to work out purchasing the dog in cash, in person, and to take someone with her who can keep her safe if she actually drives to meet this person. She looked so sad that the puppy probably wasn't real, but she thanked us and left. She was a little upset at first, but she was ultimately happy we opened her eyes to those types of scams. These are LITERALLY illegal and the sales the cashiers perform can ABSOLUTELY come back to bite us, so OP is NOT the asshole! What the heck!!
@TheAngierolfedownes 2 жыл бұрын
35.33.... nice granpa, you died just in time........literally took the words out of my mouth markee👌🤣🤣🤣 gotta love that Aussie humour👌🇦🇺
@samanthamaloy4413 2 жыл бұрын
For the first story: it's not necessarily about the scam itself but the refusal to participate in something that he believes is wrong and then having someone try to force him to anyways. I wouldn't want to get trapped in a situation where I am not comfortable rendering service and someone else tries to do it anyway under my log number regardless of if it's a "big deal" or not.
@cass973 2 жыл бұрын
OPs wife can't see anything he produces??? Is she blind does she not see the CHILD? OP cleans house every night so every morning it's clean.If OP gets groceries and cook dinner she should see that as well
@hvymax 2 жыл бұрын
Roommate has no business in your room.
@SherioCheers 2 жыл бұрын
NTA: The office max I used to work at did not sell more than two $200 gift cards at a time, it was to avoid ppl getting scammed.
@pamelalaub6204 Жыл бұрын
OP didn't put a camera in the roommate's bedroom, bathroom or a public area. Protecting your private space with a camera is smart. No one should be in her room if they weren't invited in. "Banging" in someone else's bed and leaving the used sheets on it is really disgusting. The roommate and his "shag" partner are A**holes.
@phoenixsky6124 2 жыл бұрын
The necklace was absolutely not a gift. I’d stop buying her gifts completely after the fit she took.
@nocause5395 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who had to introduce a new puppy to a senior cat it is the WORST IDEA EVER, but my other dog died and he provided me emotional support. I wouldn't do it again. Dogs and cats have different signals so often can't communicate properly, not to mention senior cats have less energy and more health issues so it's not easy for them to get away from a playful dog. YOU NEED TO TRAIN YOUR FUCKING DOG and give the cat easily to access high places to get away from the dog. Or even just hideouts that the dog can't get to. Giving away a senior cat is paramount to murdering him. Splashing them with water is also stupid. Look my cat went after my puppy and it was the cats way of teaching the idiot (no offense to my baby ) boundaries because he wasn't getting it otherwise and he was less playful. When your husband divorces you later I won't be suprised. EDIT: examples Dog wag tale means play Cat wags tale means kill(about to attack) Dogs pricked ears mean caution Cats pricked ears means relaxed.
@RokoFireFox 2 жыл бұрын
My mom dated a man younger than my older brother(who turned 40 this year. and was 36 to 38 during this he's 12-13 years older than me). I kept saying how it was weird and she would just say "you don't care about age as much as you get older. I'm just like ew over it cause he was YOUNGER THAN HER OLDEST CHILD like ewwwww. he wasnt much younger but still younger, had 0 kids and 0 experience with kids and kept trying to tell her how to parent my youngest brother who was still in school at the time. It's just weird as hell..
@itchynose679 2 жыл бұрын
My friend forgot her own name and id number when filling exam paper, totally normal. I still have to use tone to remember my own id number. I put notes for stuff I can't remember on my phone, or disguised as contacts
@lianabaddley8217 Жыл бұрын
I have to do my whole SSN when trying to remember the last 4. Otherwise I get mine and hubby's mixed. Lol
@tmcharms 2 жыл бұрын
In Africa, older women are likely to reprimand you for allowing a child to cry instead of breastfeeding them. It's normalized that even kids understand that boobs are for feeding.
@kskidspastor Жыл бұрын
I work in a school setting and I see kids sitting, unsupervised, in the hallway for long periods of time. I’ve seen 2nd graders spend an hour or more in the hallway because they aren’t paying attention and are being disruptive.
@bosiagan 2 жыл бұрын
Holy shit the necklace story. Where I live 900 dollars is over the minimum to classify as grand theft. She did it without OP say or knowledge and legit could've gotten ruined if OP decided they wanted police involved.
@darianchristie3260 Жыл бұрын
39:30 YTA. Babies in utero press on your bladder. She's carrying twins so it's bound to be worse. There's NO way she could hold her bladder with babies pushing and kicking it. She'd be lucky to make it from the lounge to the bathroom.
@roblogs7168 2 жыл бұрын
I got scammed as a kid😂so honestly he ain’t the asshole as far as I can see. The lady asked me are these cards for you . I said yes😂and she was like ok. Honestly I wish someone would have told my young ass about this
@abyssangel_ 2 жыл бұрын
story 1 is NTA the yta votes clearly dont work in retail. we're literally trained NOT to put so much money on visas, or visas are cash only.
@katieb.1184 2 жыл бұрын
if it's "such a small amount of money" Emma can pay.
@wsn111 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. NTA! Had a scare four months ago where they convinced my usually intellegent Father that the court had made a decision on his case without him and was going to take his house as collateral if he didn't immediately pay some court fees with gift cards. They knew his address and they knew he had a court case and that was it. I tried to head him off at 3 stores with phone calls. He went to the one I hadn't had time to call before he went to checkout, but luckily they refused to make the sale and I am so grateful. It would have drain his accounts to nothing. Fear does funny things to people.
@amandalogsdon2975 4 ай бұрын
The wife that bought the $900 necklace & her sister are ridiculous. Especially calling him abusive. SHE STOLE from him & she's calling him abusive. That's insane.
@fibienn250 Жыл бұрын
Shoe kid is remarkably articulate and ordered for a 14 year old. Quite outside my personal experience of teaching gifted children Also mentioned the Vans which I myself have walked miles without any significant pain.
@nightbest2308 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Anyone calling OP an idiot are heartless and without morals and seem to me to be persons who if they found a wallet or purse full of money would take the money, try and use the credit cards and dump the wallet/purse. You should do right even without expecting a reward.
@yadealone Жыл бұрын
You did a great job! It was great you tried to save the customer. You are not the Nta.
@ravenvixen7903 2 жыл бұрын
So the step dad being aloof does not mean that he doesn't see OP as his kid, especially taking into account he didn't say anything around his "first" daughter. My step mum is the woman I consider my mum and has been in my life as long as I can remember (I was no older than 3) and she still keeps a certain distance compared to my brothers (her bio kids). I'm still her daughter, and she has always referred to me as such, but as a step parent, there is always that feeling of not wanting to over step as the non bio/non adoptive parent.
@wyvern723 7 ай бұрын
Rehoming an 18 year old cat?!!! That is horrible. No. Hazing isn't cool. Showing up to a wedding in white?! That's awful. Those women are toxic! 16 is old enough to decide which parent to live with. She's pregnant with twins. Holy cow, when I was pregnant with my son I had to pee literally every hour for the last three months of my pregnancy. He was literally pressing against my bladder. You could see it on the ultrasound. Twins?!! That poor woman. OP was warned. Jesus.
@cass973 2 жыл бұрын
OP inherited grandpa's house- Commenter said keep breaking HOA rules but OP isn't breaking rules!! OP isn't part of the HOA so OP isn't breaking rules he is just living in their house.
@Mew_Mokuba_Akari 2 жыл бұрын
The point is to annoy and miff off the HOA for giggles by breaking their rules intentionally just because you can. Knowing they can't touch you. Especially since they have gone to such great lengths to try to bully and even force him to join.
@lpm67 Жыл бұрын
Here it is... No means no, it doesn't mean maybe or must try harder. And paying for a meal does not mean your owed anything.
@Suelorie 2 жыл бұрын
the stayhome dad situation-sounds a lot like a roll reversal situation. A lot of men in the past behaved this way toward their wives and looked down on their wives roll as homemaker/parent etc. and also did everything they could to keep the wives dependant ie. played down their work or education plans .
@Ren-ri5sd 2 жыл бұрын
The step father and pregnant mom with teenage girl op: the edits GENUINELY made me cry oh my god so sweet
@SamWeaving 2 жыл бұрын
33:00 minutes no op is definitely the asshole, regardless of whether the guy pressured her for a second date. She had already decided she wasn't interested and was just going to ghost him because of the toddler yet still made him pay for the date. Clearly just using him for a free meal
@dustyrose192 Жыл бұрын
I hate people who do that .They both suck. Op for not being straight with the guy and the dude for not taking no for an answer
@RevWarRev 2 жыл бұрын
Cat/Dog Drama: Cat's 18 years old. Sounds like they did the minimum to intervene medically. And this is proof there aren't bad dogs, just irresponsible owners. So the geriatirc cat has to go, but the aggressive dog doesn't.
@Mew_Mokuba_Akari 2 жыл бұрын
Yes of course don't you know that an aggressive dog that could potentially hurt or kill the baby is safer than a cat that probably not care if the baby is on the place. This lady tried avoiding telling that her dog was aggressive till she slipped and admitted it. She's stupid and he's an even bigger one for agreeing to keep the aggressive dog over the cat.
@dustyrose192 Жыл бұрын
@@Mew_Mokuba_Akari A dog is more likely to kill a baby than a cat is. She needs to either send the dog ti training or make the upstairs cat only and the downstairs dog only
@kontonce89 2 жыл бұрын
wait till they find out im in my 20s and often forget how old i am
@tamitami9275 2 жыл бұрын
Breast feeding mama: Why is she feeding a toddler she has guilt for still feeding? Why does she feel guilt? They are her babies. There is nothing wrong with feeding your babies and it is no one else's business. I mean when they are like 16 and you are still in the park breast feeding them, there is a problem, but these are babies.
@Mew_Mokuba_Akari 2 жыл бұрын
There is a story of a woman who is still breast feeding her 2 boys. I think one was like 4 and I know the other is 6. She even does it in public.
@tegantalks9612 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1- YTA. My dad’s company gives out $200 visa gift cards to their employees around the holidays. While buying 3 $500 cards seems sketchy, let them know this is a common scam and if he still wants to buy them, then it’s on him. I would make a note that you sold these cards for this amount on this day so that if it does turn out to be something sketchy, then you have some sort of paper trail. The guy doesn’t have to disclose to you what he’s doing. Maybe he’s getting visa gift cards for his kids or something.
@Mr.andMrs.Smith_0420 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, Op should've stopped at informing him of the scam, and they probably were xmas gifts, considering it was Dec., if the stories even real that is 😒
@missliz3043 2 жыл бұрын
Cashiers are trained not to sell gift cards in multiples, over certain amounts. It's a huge deal, the government/Feds get involved, sometimes the cashier has to pay the fine sometimes the store, and these scams happen all the time. Now if the man was not scamming he would have given a reason for buying, any reason, and this would have been a different story. Every cashier has the right to refuse a sale.
@scotte8629 2 жыл бұрын
@@missliz3043 then don't sell any of them or put up a rule of 2 cards only or w/e. Not doing so means you are minding someone else's business.
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
OP NTA. Feeding 2 babies at a time wow!! OP, your a trooper! Though I wouldn't encourage opening a door without being covered by blanket or what not. EX silk and ex mil have no right to yell at you for feeding your babies. Especially if they came without invite and sneaked their way in. Doesnt Ex Mil know women have boobs to nurse their babies which was the exact thing they interrupted. They weren't there to help so they can leave. Agree with the since they are ex, you don't have to welcome them when they are not invited and dont feel bad if u call cops.
@ChristianMcAngus 2 жыл бұрын
Op in story 1 is very much not the AH, going to heroic lengths to try and save someone from losing $1500.
@asherikamichaela8425 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, the gift card story. I've worked in a number of places that sold these and OP is 100% NTA. Cashiers (in most stores, anyway) are trained that it's against policy to sell that much on GCs. It's not a question of ethics or anything, not for the company at large, but a liability issue should the authorities get involved. It's just easier for them to ban such behavior and not deal with the potential consequences. Smaller, independent stores, however, often have fewer restrictions on this sort of thing because they don't generally have armies of lawyers advising them against it. I'm sure that's why the customer went to this store in particular- because whoever asked them for the cards directed him to do so. It's not the number of cards bought or anything- it's the total amount. Looks especially sus when you max out the allowed amount on each one. There's a reason there's a monetary ceiling on those things. It's to protect people.
@katieb.1184 2 жыл бұрын
ummmmm. family doesn't just get free rights to other's things. No. Just no. No one just has rights to your stuff, blended family or not. I don't just borrow stuff from my parents without THAT PERSON'S permission
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who frequented Disney (I have an aunt who works for the company) and you NEED good walking shoes. It's no joke. I wore vans once and only once, I was on the verge of sobbing at the end of the day because of how much it hurt and I don't cry for shit. People who wear flip-flops are either a) people who seriously underestimated Disney or b) people who live close by and have annual passes so they're only there for a few hours
@kimberly8164 2 жыл бұрын
Nta, he did it with good gut intentions, good for trying to do a good thing
@kismetcaffet9862 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that no one is calling out the female family unit's gaslighting of OP. They told him that they would never would "never do such a thing." They knew they were in the wrong or they wouldn't have lied like that to OP. OP: *sets boundary* Females: *apologizes after crossing boundary and says they will do better.* Later- OP: *reminder of boundary for upcoming big event* Females: What are you talking about? We would never do something like that! *Females cross boundary at the event and do what they said they would never do. OP reacts honestly and as he told them he would to enforce said boundary.* Females:. ATTACK FORMATION B7-12! GO! GO! GO! *Females go on aggressive offense with lies as their defence since they have nothing to legitimately defend their choices with.* OP: umm...I'm not quite sure what I did wrong, but the way I am getting attacked and now excluded from the family until my wife and I apologize must mean that I did something appalling, right? Am I actually the one in the wrong? Did I overstep by enforcing a clearly communicated boundary of mine? That is not just a toxic situation for the new female family members who are being hazed. That unit of females has no respect for the male members of their family and outright flaunt it. They have so little trust that the men can choose their own partners that they are setting up cruel tests for their girlfriends. They sound like people who don't deserve to be at OP's wedding anyhow. They clearly never supported the couple since she never was properly "tested" and they felt that the actual wedding event was fair game to use as a chance to test her. They are married now and the testing-power-play-game is still being played by that unit. Sadly, OP should take the opportunity they are giving him to cut all contact with them. OP needs to start making his own family traditions that don't include the toxic people who habitually abuse their family under the guise of testing potential partner's worthiness. Invite dad and bro, tell mom and the other members of that unit they are not welcomed. By tolerating their behaviour, the family has inadvertantly encouraged it. It is time to show them that there is no more room for that BS. Life is too short to put up with controlling people like that. The men in that family should get to make their own decisions and be allowed to make mistakes, even/especially in choosing their own spouses.
@AaronPaluzzi Жыл бұрын
Found the dog allergy post on reddit and read more comments. As someone who flew for years and watched similar scenes play out repeatedly the person being bumped will almost always claim to be flying out to see a dying family member. This always triggers the otherperson being offered a first class bump or other offer. Everyone was calling YTA, but truthfully i would have gone with Everyone Sucks Here especially the airline. All US carriers (delta, us airways, spirit, frontier, etc) do not have easy ways to report allergies such as a dog allergy. Food yes, others no. In OPs place i might have asked if they could sweeten the pot here a little more. I will never call YTA for someone raking an airline over the coals.
@MissClockworkRabbit Жыл бұрын
Buying multiple prepaid Visa gift cards is also a form on money laundering. It's what a lot if dealers used to do at my old job. We were made to be very careful with that as a result.
@baileymae4547 2 жыл бұрын
Gift card story: when I work at the club of Sam we were trained not to sell multiple gift cards totaling in $500 or more as it is illegal where I am and we could be in legal trouble for selling it
@get6149 Жыл бұрын
Never the ahole for using your body the way it was designed to feed the next generation
@connorburnett21 2 жыл бұрын
story baffled by people saying yta....where i work its against company policy to sell that much money on gift cards
@suellendodd8076 2 жыл бұрын
@alexanderhenby1362 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, first story already made me upset. OP can get in trouble for selling someone they think is being scammed the gift cards. The store can (and often do face legal fines) and the manager trying to force OP out from behind their register is a huge red flag. Do you know WHY the manager can't sell a large sum on gift cards on their till, because it's a loss prevention thing to keep managers from stealing from the store. I've had a manager who got caught stealing money and having someone buy giftcards for them. Also OP is allowed (In the United States) to deny a costumer service for any reason and thinking they are involved in a scam is a damn good reason. NTA my guess is manager is stealing cash out of the safe.
@alexanderhenby1362 2 жыл бұрын
Dad who can't remember dates and how to spell his two year olds name, I'm 90 percent certain its sexism, but not on the Dad's part. It sounds like dyslexia which most people dont realize affects a lot more than your ability to read, but also things like spelling, dates, reading an analog clock and right and left. Dyslexia normally gets diagnosed better in girls because "boys just dont like to read as much" or "remembering dates is just harder for men" My dad would misspell my dead name for 24 years, and still misspells my kids name. Found out last year at 47 he's dyslexic.
@oliviaanderson4595 2 жыл бұрын
Lol...I wrote down all my information, medical information, medicines, current health issues for my partner on paper to hand to ambulance when/if called as there was a lot (I was severely ill for almost 2 years and multiple ambulance trips/hospital admissions). 1st time after this and ambulance partner STILL gave wrong information to ambulance crew because he decided to read it wrong instead of handing it over as directed! Luckily, I was still conscious at that point but nearly caused a major issue if I hadn’t managed to spit out “JUST HAND OVER THE PAPER!” Ambulance crew said was lucky I did that as he failed to mention key medicines and health issues I had! Very frustrating :(
@skyelindsey687 2 жыл бұрын
1st story, NAH. The guy would’ve bought the cards anywhere that would sell it to him. If he had bought the cards from OP then the guy would’ve come back in and demanded a refund from them when that’s not possible. OP would’ve been the villain in the story, not the scammers, because OP sold him the cards. Of course this is under the assumption it was a scam and not him buying them as gifts for his family.
@mgaus 2 жыл бұрын
Manager trying to hip check OP out of the register is the a-hole for assault
@Amehana Жыл бұрын
That bunch of women claiming they would have changed out of the white after are so full of the "brown stuff." No way they would have.
@sarahstanton49 8 ай бұрын
I've heard women who have given birth can also have less bladder control too, so even if she wasn't pregnant it was still an ah move. (this isn't even considering any medical reasons on either gender)
@derpydragon1227 Жыл бұрын
One thing about Story 2 got my attention: Apparently the cat was causing more issues towards the dog than the dog was towards the cat. Enough for OP to cause the previous post to get deleted. There isnt any mention of her dog doing anything to the cat at all. So this might be a case of unreliable narrator, and I wish the Husband also did a post on his side of things. OP is also pregnant, and with the mentioned behavior the cat is having towards a 3 year old dog, she has a right to be worried. It's better to rehome, in this case, than to continue allowing an animal to suffer because of a situation. In fact, I'm curious on why they didn't ask a family member instead. Surely the husbands parents might be around and willing to take of the cat and stay in the family, right? That or the opposite for the dog.
@asherscott3151 2 жыл бұрын
Bro I do not understand the NTA for the first story. That is clearly a giftcard scam if the person could not explain why he needed 1500 in gift cards. He did the right thing. He can be up his ass about it if he likes, because he got fired for it
@basicimagemarketing6499 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not up to the cashier to decide if it’s okay for someone to buy what they sell. It’s not “clearly” anything. I use visa gift cards literally ALL the time. No I don’t purchase in quantities of $500 each, but it’s also not OPs job to decide what’s best for the customer.
@als2480 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't realize that people had to justify their purchases in order to make them could have easily been a Christmas purchase given that it's December or at least it was last year when the person try to buy them
@abyssangel_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@basicimagemarketing6499 we're trained not to sell more than $500 worth of visa cards to avoid scams :/ u clearly dont work retail and ur clearly an entitled customer lol
@scotte8629 2 жыл бұрын
@@abyssangel_ no it's don't bother selling them (entitled business) if you are going to use UNPOSTED rules about them
@abyssangel_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@scotte8629 go to any walmart and try to put 1.5k on a gift card karen
@wendycoulter9122 2 жыл бұрын
that lady who got mad, would hate me, I have even had mental blocks on my own birthday when doing shit lke that. I have even had to ask my mom at times, prior to cell phones
@corlenajames1381 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP might've missed a great opportunity for a Malicious Compliance story. Once the manager told him to do it, I would've done it & let the manager deal with the issue afterwards.
@hvymax 2 жыл бұрын
No good deed goes unpunished.
@swaggchu789 Жыл бұрын
1:32:45 this breaks my freaking heart. This man has been an amazing father and husband and his wife is just terrible. I'm glad he's getting away from her and he's going to be so much happier.
@littlegreycat Жыл бұрын
I am the wife and I cannot remember dates and spellings of names. It’s a learning disability. If this husband cannot remember his other family members birthdates then it definitely sounds like a disability. Also like the others say, filling out forms sucks. It’s easy to get mixed up. She should help him fill out an info card for His wallet. One for basic info without ssn. And another with the ssns and anything else you don’t want to risk losing, and put it in the filing cabinet at home.
@heleneclark563 Жыл бұрын
For the husband who can’t remember the spelling of his daughter’s name. Reminds me of my dad. He could never remember my mom’s birthday or their anniversary. He remembers the month and that’s all. He swears that they were married on April Fools Day when they were married on the fourth. Once he filled out a prescription insurance for work. My mom happened to see the statement that he gets every month and had our birthdays listed. He got mine and my one brother’s birthday right. My youngest brother, he got the right month and year. He missed the date by two days. My mom’s birthday, I don’t think that even she knew but he actually put down my aunt (her sister) birthday.
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