Carbs or calories - Should you care?

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Diet Doctor

Diet Doctor

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@dawnelder9046 2 жыл бұрын
I starved myself fat and sick on 1200 low fat, high fibre calories a day for decades. Barely fit a size 18. Read Good Calories, Bad Calories. Watched The Oiling of America. Lost the weight, and kept it off 13 years now. Also fixed several health problems. I will stick to what works for me.
@vas4739 2 жыл бұрын
On keto/IF 4 years now and doing relatively well considering where I was medically & being 67. At this point the only carbs I consume are leafy greens and cruciferous. Meat, fish, eggs, poultry, some dairy (no milk) Very pleased & my PCP is QUITE pleased and suprized.
@markburnham7512 2 жыл бұрын
I care about what works for me, and what works for me is a diet that is based on whole foods, emphasis on animal protein, very low carb, no grain, eat only when hungry, eat to satiety (no more, no less), no calorie counting, no ketone chasing. I believe the most important single factor is eating only whole food.
@boink800 2 жыл бұрын
Counting calories is a total fool's game.
@johndsmithkoipondgarden.878 2 жыл бұрын
Been on a keto diet for about 14/15 months, At first I lost weight like crazy, But then I started to worry about my nutritional needs, I started a food diary, To get my daily nutrition I had to add food/calories to my diet , Then I started putting weight back on, Most of the time when I eat, I`m not hungry, but I go ahead and eat because I know I need the nutrition. I must say since I started the keto diet I have been feeling healthier everyday. I will always be on a keto diet, its away of live for me now, 75 and feeling awesome.
@fbrown2014 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps on a well formulated ketogenic diet a person gets all the nutrition the body needs. Did the additional nutrition you calculated necessary end making you eat more carbohydrate? More Fat ? Both?
@MrMcparsons 2 жыл бұрын
Ahhhhh! But you didn't tell us what the study says!!!
@boondoggle4820 2 жыл бұрын
For me, the most helpful information has been information on the carbohydrate-insulin model because I was never able to sustain any level of weight loss until I learned about this model. With the energy balance model, there was always a yo-yo effect where I would count calories, exercise, lose weight, and gain it back even though I was eating fewer calories and exercising. I think that the biggest component is genetics which neither model can do a whole lot about, but the carbohydrate-insulin model seems to be a key component for people who are genetically predisposed to non-ideal levels of adiposity, though calories still matter because once your insulin is low, you still have to eat less energy than you're consuming. However, your body will adjust to chronic calorie restriction to maintain that genetically predisposed level of adiposity. It's difficult and strenuous but I've found that the most effective approach is healthy keto combined with intermittent bouts of alternate day fasting where I fast for at least 36 hours at least three days per week. It's quite tough but it will absolutely move the needle for me.
@markotrieste 2 жыл бұрын
Same here.
@TerriblePerfection 2 жыл бұрын
Bart Kay would have a field day with this! 😳
@rogerwilcojr 2 жыл бұрын
What makes it confusing is that a calorie is only a calorie in the lab. Once you start processing them in the human body they are not.
@btudrus 2 жыл бұрын
Calorie is an unit of heat. That is not an appropriate representation of what happens when we digest food, as our body processes the CHEMICAL energy by a cascade of enzymatic reactions to be able to use that energy. That has nothing to do with burning something in a calorimeter.
@mynock250 2 жыл бұрын
I sure it’s both, but for most a straight calorie restriction has never worked long term for anyone.
@JohnnyHughes1 2 жыл бұрын
The problem when talking about calories is that you are not BURNING food. The ATP fuel process is a different type of chemical reaction than burning something and measuring heat. Sawdust will produce heat if set on fire (or tree bark or wood). None of those create ATP in your body. Calories is a worthless measure when used in the relation to metabolism. You are interested in the actual chemical reactions that take place in your body, not burning materials and measuring heat.
@btudrus 2 жыл бұрын
"The problem when talking about calories is that you are not BURNING food." Not just that. The real problem is that everything in our body is (as long as we are healthy) THIGHLY regulated. Most importantly: Appetite, fat storage, energy expenditure. There are no obese animals in the nature (except in special situation like when these prepare for the winter). There is no animal who is "counting calories" yet as long as these are healthy, all have their ideal weight / body fat percentage. "Energy balance" is never the problem. The problem is hormonal / biochemical dysregulation. What you say is true and it underscores how nonsensical the "energy balance" model is, yet it is not the most important aspect...
@fbrown2014 2 жыл бұрын
@@btudrus Yep. Sometimes -∆E is a cause and sometimes -∆E is an effect. All depends on how you set up the experiment. The problem: mainstream researches insist -∆E is always the cause and the only cause of -∆WT. Whereas every N=1 proponent of LCKD insists that -∆C%E is another and a very effective driver of -∆WT. Progress is being made. Now mainstream researchers insist LCKD "is not better than" their preferrred diet (which now has more fat and fewer carbs) than their previous favorite, the low fat diet. Mainstream researchers still err, but the difference between wrong and right has been reduced. Eventually (there is always a time lag things like this) the public will stop getting worse and might even begin to get better. How much public health improves depends on how many continue to fight the good fight. Keep up the good work, Brutus!
@saltrock9642 2 жыл бұрын
I lost 85 pounds over a 9 month period by living keto but also eating smaller meals. Living “strict keto” also was a calorie deficit and the magical part about it was I never got hungry, hunger pangs completely went away. Now I’m gaining some back but it’s because of powerlifting 3 days per week so now I crave natural proteins to feed my growing muscles. Yes, at 55 I’m growing muscle on low carb high protein diet. I’m not cut or ripped but a lot thicker in all areas of my body, in a good way, which helped to fill in some of the dreaded loose skin. Thanks Doc, you really have helped me a ton.
@kimbreedavis 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations for your success
@oldtymer9106 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, I have about 40 to 50lbs to go and I'm just now starting to notice some loose skin on my torso, I'm easing into some intraval lifting after being out of it for almost 3 decades now. Good luck to you on your journey!
@michaelcariello6233 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimately we have to know the mechanisms that determine fat gain, fat loss and maintenance. Treating keto diets like a black box where you’re getting results but you don’t know why will only get you so far. We must have an understanding as to why it works. To take things a step further we have to determine whether some foods like sugar and starch are toxic to humans. Until these questions are sorted out from a scientific standpoint we will always be in a stalemate with the conventional wisdom regarding nutrition.
@btudrus 2 жыл бұрын
"whether some foods like sugar and starch are toxic to humans" we already know that
@michaelcariello6233 2 жыл бұрын
@@btudrus Even though it may seem obvious to some of us, whether modern starches and sugar are toxic to humans is still an open question, both in the mainstream and in the low carb space.
@btudrus 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelcariello6233 "whether modern starches and sugar are toxic to humans is still an open question" Actually not. Of course the sugar-industry is paying pseudo-scientists trying to prove otherwise, but fructose and glucose toxicity is a proven fact.
@159awi 2 жыл бұрын
Insulin model worked for me up to a point. Then the energy balance took me a little further. It made me realize that fats and carbs both matter.
@davidteitelbaum3476 2 жыл бұрын
I lost some respect for Dr. Scher on this one. 58 years old, 113 pounds, long distance runner, 3 decades of low fat-nearly no meat high carb diet (because calories are calories!) and I discover I'm prediabetic with NAFLD in the works. A. Not everyone who is metabolically sick is trying to lose weight (I'm trying to gain!). B. Knowing how we got to be unhealthy can help us undo the damage and prevent further. I find it really condescending to assume that unhealthy people don't give a &%*$ about how/why they got that way. Listening to "medical professionals" tell us not to worry about how it works, just eat the way we tell you, how we got here.
@sirjonsmithiii992 2 жыл бұрын
For me, i can eat more calories on Keto and still lose weight, compared to higher carb eating.
@geoffreylevens9045 2 жыл бұрын
Does it need to be either or? Could it not be some of each, maybe varying with the individual context?
@baccaratfitness2360 2 жыл бұрын
The advantage that a keto or carnivore diet has over regulating carb intake is that most of us are addicted to carbohydrates and it’s easy to rationalize eating more or less of them if they’re in the diet at all. If you’re eating a keto or carnivore diet and you’re still gaining weight just eat less fat. Better to regulate fat intake rather than carbs imho.
@greco37 2 жыл бұрын
How about feed the gut and protect the liver? That pretty much sums it up doesn’t it?
@markotrieste 2 жыл бұрын
Focused on calories for twenty years, no way I could lose weight. Tried intermittent fasting - snap, lost 30 lbs and never gained them back. IF is easier when done on low carb diet. That's all I know *for sure*.
@plumeria8357 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@hazelfox5613 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, thank you. I think one of the keys is sustainable weight loss. In the past I’ve lost weight using calorie restriction and eating a low fat pattern of eating only to regain the weight and more. When I started thinking about going low carb/ keto, I tracked my food intake and found that I naturally eat about 1500 calories a day. ( I’m a petite woman). So, all I’ve done is change what I eat and when I eat. I keep my carbs under 20gm per day. I’m losing weight, and more importantly, have maintained a 40 lb weight loss for 3 years by keeping to a lower carb way of eating. I still need to lose more weight, so I’ve gone back to Keto. I find it easier to do this in the summer. Then I’ll go back to low carb over the winter. So for me the carbohydrate/ insulin model of thinking has been a game changer.
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's a mix. You can't just bury yourself in energy, but if your insulin is elevated, you won't have much luck.
@tmcche7881 2 жыл бұрын
A high carb, high satiety diet is like unicorns, I have never seen one.
@weinerdad 2 жыл бұрын
Agree it doesn’t matter too much, and is a mixture of ideas, just as metabolic health is a mixture of processes. I appreciate Low Carb Down Under talks but they are too much “into the weeds” lately, as you say. I like how Diet Doctor has moved toward more protein than mostly fat keto, which is what Dr Bernstein suggested was ideal for a long time. If you could, would you be able to explain how glucose/carbs convert to fat and get stored in the adipose tissue; and compare that to how dietary fat gets processed and stored in adipose tissue, as well? This is a bit unclear to me how both macronutrients end up causing weight gain due to excess while keto vs. vegan advocates will blame diabetes and excess weight on one of those macronutrients than the other.
@wocket42 2 жыл бұрын
Not read the study yet, but I assume it leaves out the role of the type of fats you eat and how they disturb autoregulation in the human body. There is a lot of evidence that fat intake as mostly saturated fat has a completely difference impact as does a mostly polyunsatured fat intake. Erik Westman e.g. doesn't care which kind of fat you eat as long as the diet is keto. It works for his practice, but I don't think it's current science. My advice: follow the models that works for you, but avoid PUFA seed oils and too much omega 6 in general.
@ratharos 2 жыл бұрын
It’s always about calories. Keeping insulin low is healthy and makes dieting easier but its about calories at bottom
@markiangooley 2 жыл бұрын
I’m on nearly a carnivore diet but getting sloppy and adding sufficient alcohol and other superfluous things has made me gain weight. Also I get tempted to break my usual pattern of intermittent fasting - by snacking on fatty meat.
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
Sufficient alcohol?
@cps_Zen_Run Жыл бұрын
Instead of the position, Low carb initiates ketone production , better to say higher carb interrupts the preferred state of Ketosis.
@johngosnell3847 2 жыл бұрын
Truth matters. The distinction between the models is of utmost importance. Energy balance suggests drinking skim milk is a good choice. Is it? Sad to see DietDoctor has adopted this post-truth viewpoint. Growing organizations inevitably trend towards the mainstream unless their hiring practices somehow exclude defenders of the status quo.
@EngineerZX 2 жыл бұрын
I work in research, and I agreed with Diet-Doctors on almost everything except using "Calories" as the unit of energy for human intake, as so many research publications and trials are showing it's not a consistent unit nor is it accurate.... simple point we are humans and the unit of energy that comes from burning food does Not apply to our digestive system which works on bio-chemical digestion and absorption.
@navy80to04 2 жыл бұрын
Throw the scale away! It's how your clothes were fitting, to how they are fitting. Yes I lost 75 lbs in 2 years, but I went from TIGHT 38's to 30's, and now 30's are getting lose and I am gaining weight. Building muscle at 61. Wow, for me.
@paulchapman411 2 жыл бұрын
Came across this study researching artemisia vulgaris. Seems it could block some of carb digestion. It is an edible plant. All studied Artemisia extracts showed inhibitory activity against principal enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, such as α-amylase (IC50 = 150.24-384.14 μg/mL) and α-glucosidase (IC50 = 214.42-754.12 μg/mL).
@shiplesp 2 жыл бұрын
Except that this understanding informs the published guidelines. We may be able to ignore them, but the people who have no choice - those receiving food assistance, the military, school lunches and hospital meals, will continue to be fed high carbohydrate meals without recourse. I understand your point of view, but certainly it matters what part of each model is correct. I am a little disappointed.
@matthewmahon8204 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I adapted my metabolism to be a fat burner by lchf, then you do an extended fast, 48 hr or so, once a month. This is easy due to the energy provided by your fat stores, I got rid of most of my visceral fat and greatly reduced my inflammation.
@weinerdad 2 жыл бұрын
How do you know you had visceral fat, and how do you know most of it is gone?
@matthewmahon8204 2 жыл бұрын
@@weinerdad well, I lost 80 pounds, waist went from a 42 to 36, my waist to height ratio went from a 0.75 to a 0.45, lost 3 inches in my neck based on collared shirts, completely stopped snoring, so I didn’t get an mri but I’m fairly certain the fat that was on my body was visceral and it’s mostly gone.
@Jayc9582 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think it’s as easy as “an easy way to control calories “ or however Dr. Sher worded it. I know I can eat more overall calories since giving up carbs. That was eight years ago. When I eat carbs my body seems to automatically want to store fat. If I try to eat less and fight my hunger my metabolism clearly makes up by slowing down.
@Copeharder00 Жыл бұрын
I lost 89 lbs on 8 months of keto, then cycled off of it and now I only count my calories, of course keto set up good habits and I still avoid most junk food, but I have lost an additional 20lbs after 4 months of being off keto.
@garyharvey3545 2 жыл бұрын
Protein in grams is very misleading considering 100 grams of red meat can consist of more than 60% water and less than 20%.protein.
@patricialarusa8994 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you I ready loose weight and keep my sugar level steady...eating healthy them worries if I am using the insulin the ray way...
@helenndow1101 2 жыл бұрын
I wish someone would come up with a healthy weight GAIN diet, I need that badly.
@dietdoctor 2 жыл бұрын
We have a guide for that!
@locoemutwo4872 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your message. You're on that means I agree with you.
@jesusislord27 2 жыл бұрын
I love this channel so much! Here's a wicked random question that has always perplexed me....How can huge, muscular animals (like horses) eat a diet composed primarily of grains and hay, and still maintain and grow their muscles? Domesticated horses eat plant-based diets with very little protein, yet they're ripped! How???
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
They have different digestive tracts.
@jesusislord27 2 жыл бұрын
@@CarbageMan Thanks for replying. I know that it seems obvious that horses and humans are different, but it would still be fascinating to know the mechanisms by which such a large animal can turn those starchy carbs into muscle (without much protein).
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
@@jesusislord27 Horses have much larger intestines, and the food spends days in there, where microbes break down the grass and hay. Adult horses don't actually require much protein. The web is a wonderful thing.
@jesusislord27 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent! Thanks! And you're right, the web can be times. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer.
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
Even though horses eat grass, their gut bacteria actually 'eat' the grass and horses 'eat'/get nutrients from bacteria - does this mean horses (and herbivores) in general are technically not plant eaters but bacteria eaters from rotting compost?
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
"High fat, high carb, high sugar" made me think of pizza, and then I figured out why some people like that abomination with pineapple on it. Sweet+salty+fat+grains…uhuh. Frankly, pineapple on pizza nauseates me.
@ladym6738 2 жыл бұрын
Think you are correct: 5 yr. omad; low carb; hungry at end of day; not loosing weight; healthy otherwise etc. They need more old lady studies.
@lisavls 2 жыл бұрын
Great commentary, thanks
@itismikefitz 2 жыл бұрын
I've been following a LCHF diet for some time and have lost a lot of weight (150lbs) with the help of intermittent fasting. Currently strict carnivore. Recently discovered Ted Naiman who makes a lot of sense to me. Eat high protein and low fat low carb - turn the ratio of protein up to your total energy consumption to see increased weight loss success. He advocates for an 18:6 intermittent fasting schedule too. Believe he recently joined the diet doctor team 👍
@Cbd_7ohm 2 жыл бұрын
He has no idea what he's talking about.
@Cbd_7ohm 2 жыл бұрын
He thinks satiety is as simple as satiety per calorie, as if palmitic acid has the same biological effects as capric acid does as linoleic acid does etc. soley based on the molecules being carbohydrates, fats, or amino acids, as if they are all the same within each group which is totally ignorant.
@evanhadkins5532 2 жыл бұрын
It would be interesting to know (though I don't see how we could) how much of the success of Keto diets is people being pre-type2 diabetic.
@garyharvey3545 2 жыл бұрын
How can you not lose weight on properly managed Low Carb diet?If you gain weight on low carb you are either doing it wrong or started with e very low base. How can you talk calories when it is a measurement of heat energy obtained in a lab not energy oxidised in the body by consuming various foods?
@karenohanlon4183 2 жыл бұрын
I dont like the whole idea of counting the grams thing. Or eating protein powder. I avoid the dodgy junk food ditch the sugar go as low as I can with carbs. Joint pain goes away mood improves. No meticulous counting involved. I agree Brett eat to satiety. I will be listening to you not reading papers that are so detailed the need a scientist to interpret. Yourself , Jason Fung and Ken Berry keep me on the right track.
@m3tho5 2 жыл бұрын
Think metric used, weight, isn't accurate. Most people just want to reduce size... Just harder to measure. Healthy size reduction.
@phoenixchi64 2 жыл бұрын
Great discussion!
@alvarocampos580 2 жыл бұрын
What's the advantage to become a carnivore and avoid vegetables?It's make no sense to me
@miklimecat9636 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are finding that their health problems improve after eliminating plants (especially for those with autoimmune issues). Carnivore is the ultimate elimination diet. Ruminant fatty meat is also the safest thing to eat with the most bioavailabile nutrients. Plants have a lot of defense chemicals that they use to ward off predation. This can cause problems for people. A person could be having problems with any number of things: plant oxalates, phytic acid, salicylates, lectins, and other antinutrients etc, mold, man made pesticides, plant carcinogens...and so on. A lot of their symptoms resolve when they eliminate all the plants. And then after healing, adding back plants one at a time easily tells you which plants are problematic because your symptoms will come back, so you end up knowing which plants made you sick. People have resolved a lot of symptoms of previously “incurable” diseases: diabetes, chrohn’s, irritiable bowel, ms, fibromyalgia, hashimoto’s, heartburn, ulcerative colitis, all manner of joint pain, and that’s just what I can remember off the top of my head. If you’re not overweight, or chronically ill, or suffering from constant joint pain, fatigue, or even just mental fog, then you’re probably fine eating whatever you’re eating. Just remember plants are not the benign things we’ve been led to believe they are. They have their negatives. You have to do your own cost benefit analysis to see if they’re worth eating or worth eliminating. But first you need to read up on how they can be bad, and also read up on how a lot of the touted benefits of plants are things you don’t need or can get through other means.
@btudrus 2 жыл бұрын
Of course it matters. The "energy balance" nonsense is just a distraction from the REAL CAUSE, which is a hormonal dysbalance. I wouldn't call it a "carbohydrate-insulin model" though as there are other hormones besides insulin (which still is the most important but nevertheless..) such as cortisol, catecholamines, aldosterone, thyroid hormones and so on. The energy-balance model is COMPLETELY wrong, because the body/hormones/biochemistry REGULATES appetite, fat storage and energy expenditure by several ways each. Yes, regulating energy intake is part of the game BUT it is never the PRIMARY CAUSE. It is just a part of the mechanism. Which means that targeting the energy intake/expenditure without targeting it's hormonal/biochemical regulation is a COMPLETE NUTS and it will mostly not work long term. (It may work only due to the fact that regulating energy intake and physical activity [cave: I'm not talking about energy expenditure] can change the hormonal/biochemical regulation....)
@Ethan-sg9cm 2 жыл бұрын
Reducing calories reduces your resting metabolic rate. The traditional French diet was high(saturated) fat high processed carbs but they stayed lean. It is not high carb high fat but high carb high polyunsaturated fat diet. The French obesity rate only went up after they reduced carb intake and quadrupled their seed oil intake. Low carb side steps the the main issue that too much seed oils keep fat cells insulin sensitive hours after a meal, meaning no release of free fatty acids when fasting.
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
A well-formulated low-carb diet eliminates seed oils.
@heredianna2496 2 жыл бұрын
I am sorry but do you even know past and current French eating habits... The French obesity rate only started to went up when our processed food + sugar consumption went up. We still mostly eat/cook with real butter and creams. The South of France where I grew up have been cooking mostly with olive oil for a while way before obesity went up and we don't cook much with seed oils. In the past the only processed carbs we would eat would be bread or pasta. But our bread quality is not over processed and people did not eat pasta everyday or in huge amount. Our dieticians had put France on a balanced mostly non processed diet. So I don't know why people obssessed with details that do not make sense when the Elephant is very obvious in the room. Now more and more people eat sugar processed cereals instead of bread with a little bit of jam for breakfast, they drink fruit juice and/or soda every morning instead of once in a while, they have a pastrie daily for lunch desert instead of having it on the weekend only, they eat more sandwiches than before during lunch breaks. Kids eat processed biscuit/cake with fruit juice again for the gouter ( 4pm snack) instead of bread+90% chocolate bar+ yogurt+water. People go to fastfoods ( McDonalds, unhealthy versions of Pizzas, Kebabs, Tacos...) way more often than before and Uber eats does not help. People cook less and rely more and more on processed foods. This is what is happening in France.
@aprilek6003 2 жыл бұрын
well said dr. Brett do what works for you folks it doesn't matter why it works
@zacharris6299 2 жыл бұрын
How about the PUFA torpor model?
@johngosnell3847 2 жыл бұрын
Why not discuss the paper and the points made therein? DietDoctor has officially stood against the carbohydrate insulin model. Shouldn't you defend that position? Seems very weasely. Like you know it's correct but want to continue with the protein/energy propaganda (CICO 2.0), so you just tell people to ignore it.
@RebeccaRaven 2 жыл бұрын
Low carb curbs my appetite. So I don't really care. I eat less than I used to and I have cut out lots of the bad actors in my diet. I say low-carb because the fat in keto was killing me.
@GregariousAntithesis 2 жыл бұрын
I do not understand how anyone can loose weight eating a substantial amount of carbs consistently daily. I see no real weight loss until most of my glycogen is depleted.
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
It's down to calories, if you eat less than a thousand calories daily of anything (even cakes), you will lose weight. When you're losing weight your eating more than what you put in your mouth. When I lost weight I was eating nearly a pound of body fat a fat a day.
@GregariousAntithesis 2 жыл бұрын
@@akhusal our body has roughly 2000 calories of glycogen stored in our muscles on average. Our body uses both fat and glucose for fuel. Day to day activities and aerobic exercise we typically burn more fat than glucose and anarobic exercise like resistance training or intervals burns more glucose. So if your body stores 2000 calories of glucose, no its not just about calories in. Additionally if you get below 1200 calories a day for an extended period of time your metabolism will slow down. Additionally when your body fat percentage starts approaching 10% it gets harder and harder to loose weight.
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
@@GregariousAntithesis I lost 4 stones in four months by eating less and moving more. Kept it off for 8 years now; during the winter lockdown was running 7.5 miles daily in the snow, ice, wind and rain at 50 years old. Of course I need less calories as I don't have to carry 25 kilos of body fat all the time. Plus as I am fitter, with stronger heart, lungs, tendons, ligaments, better circulation, more mitochondria running/any movement is easy for me requiring less effort and fewer calories.
@GregariousAntithesis 2 жыл бұрын
@@akhusal i am 56 and lost roughly 35 lbs in 3 months its 10 months now and im still maintaining my wwight of 165lbs but i have been trying to get down around 15% body fat and the last 10 lbs is very hard and im not willing to reduce my calories below 1200 which is what i used to loose the other 35. I do best around 1600 calories which is low for a male and 1200 is not sustainable.
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
@@GregariousAntithesis try fasting, if your not used to it build up gradually by having breakfast half an hour later each day until you eat one meal in the evening - then try eating the next morning. I have 20% body fat which is 90,000 calories - enough food to sustain a month of fasting. Ignore the hunger and it will pass and disappear, hunger is the body asking you if it's OK to burn body fat - say yes by continuing fasting.
@pointshealthcoaching8474 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining so nicely doctor. The whole idea of overconsumption of calories has been beaten to death. It really is based on a grain based diet. you cannot overconsume when you are eating Whole Foods -fatty meats- because they are so satiating
@heredianna2496 2 жыл бұрын
So over consuming calories does matter but managing the calories intake is easier on a wholefoid diet unless you're dealing with stress, depression...which can mess up even a wholefood diet.
@Johneseed 2 жыл бұрын
Well that was confusing as you went every where and just tried to be everyone’s pal and failed to be a doctor. Sorry I will stay “Carnivore” and eat fatty red meats and fast when I feel it’s right.
@Robinedghill 2 жыл бұрын
It’s will. You either have it or not.
@Accolades70 2 жыл бұрын
@efx1213 2 жыл бұрын
It always comes down to calories in calories out
@dorseykindler9544 2 жыл бұрын
@CarbageMan 2 жыл бұрын
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
Agree, anyone can lose weight, just eat half what you normally eat.
@thalesnemo2841 2 жыл бұрын
CICO has long been debunked! ITS the CARBOHYDRATES ! Just skip them!
@efx1213 2 жыл бұрын
@@thalesnemo2841 I'm not an expert by any means, I follow Layne Norton (biolayne) and his videos make since at least to me.
@booboobearify 2 жыл бұрын
I changed my body composition on keto but never lost scale weight. Recently been gaining weight from cheating and eating keto snack foods which screw up my digestion...
@andriyandriychuk Жыл бұрын
Carb insulin model is right
@keywestfan2503 2 жыл бұрын
I am a fairly strict carnivore and have been for almost 2 years. This has been a game changer in terms of taking my muscle mass and fat loss to the next level. I’m 6’5” and 215 lbs. I lift weights 4-5x per week. Walk daily. HIIT exercise either running stairs or sprints 2-3x per week. I eat near or at maintenance of 3100 kcal or so. Some days less if I’m full, some days more if hungry. Over past month I’ve been experimenting with carb cycling every 3-4 days. Focus on clean carbs with LOW fat. Fruits, rice, sweet potato, maybe some cereal with skim milk, fat free froyo, sushi etc. But keep my fat to less than 30 grams total. Been REALLY shredding up like crazy over past month doing this. The key to carbs is avoidance of Randle Cycle activation. Where weight gain in all likelihood comes from is the ingestion of fats and carbs together. I believe intermittent carbs ok if fat intake avoided
@seanveach950 2 жыл бұрын
Eating less makes one lose fat for sure. Getting hormones balanced helps one actually be able to eat naturally as hunger signaling does what it is supposed to do. My belief is that a dis-regulated person healing and wanting to get lean and stay that way employs both, whether they want to or not. You do need to allow the body to use excess fat, but your hormones need to work properly for this to be effective long term without it being a constant mind game. That is why we all believe everyone is different, because it is always a moving target between these methods and where each of us is mentally and metabolically. I still believe the more info you have, the better you can design your own approach.
@akhusal 2 жыл бұрын
When you eat less through the mouth you eat more of your fat. When I lost weight I was eating more calories - as I was eating nearly a pound of body fat a day.
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