We need bold leadership. A city that has grown to a half million people but still holds on to outdated car-centric sprawl and infrastructure and where a pedestrian is often in peril used to simply be a conversation online or in circles. Now with the climate emergency it should very well obvious the time is now (actually yesterday) to enact immediate improvements to mitigate disaster. A moratorium on sprawl. Rapid transit to each corner of the city. Dedicated lanes for all transit. Synchronized traffic lights. Pedestrian crossings then car only turnings (see Quebec City). All major streets must have advanced turning. Dundas and Wellington anyone? Car sharing by the minute with the ability to pick up and drop off anywhere via GPS. Protected bike lanes not just a painted line. Bike sharing. Bike rooms and lockers at workplaces. Make Veterans a real highway with interchanges. Eliminate all major route train blockages. Richmond street. Colborne street. Everyone should be able to get to work on reliable transit and not have to bankrupt themselves with a car just for work. People should be walking more (for their health) and less door to door driving. Back to bold leadership. Elect people that don’t have their head in the sand about the climate emergency. Do not give further credence to “we don’t need transit or we are not big enough for bikes and transit etc” The environment doesn’t know the difference in the size of a city and many places in Canada and the world have better transportation and livable communities than outlier London. Or give immense power to one council person to kill rapid transit for 30,000 Western students because “most of my (well-heeled) constituents drive” Or let’s form a committee and study it. That ship sailed long ago too. There are always going to be people that are selfish and don’t care about the earth or the future of others. We can’t continue to have them call the shots. Our lives depend on it.
@levihayden662 жыл бұрын
Many move away from London because of the bad transit. It took 25 years of talking before the adelaide underpass got the green light. Richmond and Oxford, one gateway into the city centre also needs an underpass.
@debbiewilson57392 жыл бұрын
you guys need to watch the you tube channel not just bikes it's from a biker that was born here in london , and now lives in the netherlands we need to follow it . i bike year round and the roads are only car friendly i work at the hospital and baseline rd and other suck roads suck big pot holes as we are fixing warncliffe rd there should be a major bike land as you are building it .
@debbiewilson57392 жыл бұрын
ltc needs to start earlier we start our shifts at 7 am and 6am and there is no buses thats redick our service should be starting at 4am
@debbiewilson57392 жыл бұрын
i ride year round because transit doesn't start earlly enough and transit doesn't comes offen enough