Copper Flooding - MAP02: Pain in Green (Blind Ultra-Violence 100%)

  Рет қаралды 17,062



Күн бұрын

Level made and submitted by Cutman 999.
Game: Doom II
PWAD: CF demo-v1.1.wad
Difficulty: Ultra-Violence
Source port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 (-complevel 2)
Pistol start.
Blind (never played or seen the maps before).
All kills and secrets.
No saves.
Subscribe for more playthroughs!
Link to WAD:
Link to source port:
Widescreen status bars:
Doom minor sprite fixing project:
Submissions overview:
Flyover shots powered by Cameraman:
My Doom settings, extended HUD and more:
00:00 Intro
00:12 Blind Run (No Stats)
19:15 Blind Run (Stats + IDDT + 100%)
29:25 Outro

Пікірлер: 140
@Brick_Eater_ Ай бұрын
>named pain in green >the green slime doesn't hurt false advertising
@lecoindugamer7644 Ай бұрын
Reported for terrorism
@Rajesh-Koothrappali Ай бұрын
Lawsuit in progress. Please refrain from making more complaints the office is full at the moment, can I take a message ?
@Zen_Kai256 Ай бұрын
Small suggestion for the mapmaker, simply pointing Decino was looking for a switch at 21:10. The right side of the little crevasse has a missing texture, easy to miss in such a big map.
@YogiTheBearMan Ай бұрын
PTSD of that one Ancient Aliens secret map where you see on the map where you want to go but getting back there again is so convoluted
@coryhouser6201 Ай бұрын
The finished screen music is epic AF. Love the heavy drums.
@T3sl4 Ай бұрын
Classic Heretic MID, famously used for same in Alien Vendetta. Which, the map style, not to mention choice of textures and song (XPLASMA) also draw strongly from (MAP10). The "retro" nod warms my old Doom heart ;)
@JangianTV Ай бұрын
This midi will never be uncool, and nearly half an hour of it! Fine map too. 😊
@konnoyasuki1856 Ай бұрын
Ikr? Plasma from Duke3D is my personal Non-DooM FPS music of all-time. So atmospheric and ominously melodic.
@El_cuckman Ай бұрын
Hey, mapmaker here! So, to add some author commentary to this one and add a bit of context, this map was the first after a couple of failed, unfinished experiments I did a year before, that I actually considered fun or "decent" at the very least. Despite this project starting from just fooling around trying someday to reach the every-mapper's dream of "the one-man megawad", this silly map 2 about exploring a haphazardly textured cavern covered in ashwall4, actually was the first sign of what I wanted to do as a mapper, and what project I wanted to make as a whole. The first version of the map was an open area cliffside with a janky 3d hell revealed 2 bridge, some of the ideas from that like the marble ruins carried to the actual final map, but outside of it, the whole idea got scraped and I lost the whole map as well. Then I developed this in like, idk, six months, and coming from that era of my mapping carrier of just making stuff I didn't even thought out well that I never finished, completing this map felt so tiresome, the slow pace of the development is actually the reason I tried speed mapping in the next map, and other community project contributions I made last year. The idea from my influences were to obviously, trying to emulate darkwave's natural sights with an Iwad-esque art style in mind, with heavy contrasted lighting and shit, but the plutonia 2 influence came from the interconnectedness of the whole map and how you can backtrack easily most of every area without much issue, like what the Gusta's contributions of the set were, although not as recognizable or even in the same league of those 2. Even if this map obviously has its issues, some of them I haven't noticed recently since I didn't even test out this map in a full playthrough once I compiled it from my base file, funnily enough, I still feel proud of what it represents for me and my evolution as a mapmaker; how I surpassed this map in most of my most "recent" releases, and heck I even did a map in the spirit of this in a lot less time for a community project. Thanks pumpkin man!
@thor1829 Ай бұрын
Excellent level, Cutman! Genuinely a good looking level, even if it's a bit rough around the edges. The combat looks nice, and your ideas and thought process into making the level comes out rather nicely!
@decino Ай бұрын
Thanks for the submission! This was a fun one to explore despite the minor issues. Once everything is polished I reckon it will be awesome. I'll also go check out the other two maps.
@Denzel20. Ай бұрын
yo y mi pinga itanica
@Denzel20. Ай бұрын
el titanic le dicen
@drlipschitzz2273 Ай бұрын
I have been watching for years, but recently I am binging your 5+ hour videos everyday while waiting for your juicy uploads. Thank you for getting me through hard times. Rock on.
@adampagano5361 Ай бұрын
The map has good ideas, but I definitely agree about the lack of polish. I hope the secrets have better tells in the final version.
@MrDopeKeen Ай бұрын
decino is planning a playthrough fully narrated in Polish for 1/4/2025
@lukebehrendsbro. Ай бұрын
Honestly this map is fine I don't see much wrong with this one. I think Cutman did a good job with this one. I guess Dark places is a bit iffy but eh, everything else looks pretty good to me. Secrets are worth it when it comes to puzzles pieces with this map. Great job out there. 👍
@TheRealNormanBates Ай бұрын
2:31 man, that Imp wanted your autograph!
@Exarathas Ай бұрын
He even jumped virtual heights!
@dreadwanderer Ай бұрын
For a WIP mapset it's awesome work, the fundamentals are there and the experience is engrossing.
@Exarathas Ай бұрын
The detail lighting is already top tier, I really like it
@Exarathas Ай бұрын
Appreciate the recent uploads. I assume you have scheduled them via KZbin, but still, you had to record them at some point, despite Ducino 2.0 spawning. Thanks!
@sakitoshi Ай бұрын
at least on my end, videos came out dark because of the way dsda-doom gamma setting works. but checking now it seems that they fixed it. obs capture brightness matches what i have in-game (gamma correction level 2 pressing F11) now.
@gackmcshite4724 Ай бұрын
If you were around during the days of divx, and trying to fit a DVD onto a CD, You will be well aware that encoders darken things to make them easier to compress. Same with Xing mp3 encoder, it removed a lot of the high frequencies first. DivX allowed you to do two pass encoding, getting a rough idea from the first pass and applying that to the second so the size would come out just under 700 MB. There was a Jodie Foster movie. Something like safe room, after two passes it was still only 150 mb. Darkness compresses better.
@s.s.r.s2641 Ай бұрын
Delicious lead and copper‼️‼️‼️
@worldoffood123 Ай бұрын
Had no idea this song was from Duke3D!! Dark maps can be cool, but it's very important to have torches or light patches. It can get very disorienting without a landmark frame of reference.
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
Yep, it is. From Episode 2 Map 7, Dark Side. Possibly the best level in Duke 3D.
@Ironstarfish Ай бұрын
This was the darkest upload you've done in a long time like wearing sunglasses. Also, hopefully you balance out with some practiced runs
@dinitroacetylen Ай бұрын
ducino loves every individual aspect of Duke3d. He just hates it as a whole.
@crit-c4637 Ай бұрын
This is my favorite submission from this round, so far. I love the theme and feel the creator captured here. Also those secrets were really well done.
@TeaAndTankControls Ай бұрын
This song brings back memories of getting lost in Duke 3D... The map here is already very nice, it has a good atmosphere. And I like the way you politely comment on it. ^^
@flaviapunktexe6924 Ай бұрын
Minutelong secrethunting without action? I like that!
@zaidrune Ай бұрын
Un capo Cutman y también , un capo Decino BV
@DevaPein Ай бұрын
nice map overall. nice music, and general aesthetic. a bfg and 260 ammo on level 2 is generous I would say for pistol start as not too many places to really burn that 260 ammo with cause. (maybe the 5 nobles, rev and archviles at the end door section is really all I could see it used for). For continuous playthrough. seems too generous saying as they still would have ammo, resources etc. Who knows. Maybe for that type of player, the bfg will show its worth in map 3. just seems a little much is all too me so early, but it is 15 map wad by design. not a 32 so. maybe things ramp up a little quicker in a set like this. overall. think its looking great and this was a strong showing in my opinion of the mappers capability. excellent snake! err dude.. damn metal gear solid vr missions lol rent free in my head
@GreenSlayer1456 Ай бұрын
Great atmosphere and details on this map. nice video!
@XzMondayNightzX Ай бұрын
decino confirmed for skipping doom fan fiction just so he can rip and tear faster.
@Muladeseis Ай бұрын
18:05 That was a good battle against the revenants, I was dodging all those rockets with my body too haha.
@jpa3974 Ай бұрын
The map author will probably read the comments, so I'll write a few things for him here: The map is a bit ugly to be honest. There's a clear theme but each room looks like it was made with a different idea in mind. Repeating the decor theme here and there might help. The map looks like a mix of something more advanced and sophisticated with simplistic old wads. There's a certain attempt to make something more complex, but in the same room where there's something detailed, there's a long straight wall with a single texture without any detail. It really looks like a "work in progress". Of course, making something really detailed and beautiful in the Doom engine is quite difficult, it requires a lot of practice and a lot of knowledge, which few people really manage to do, so I think the best way forward is to try for a simpler, more restrained aesthetic. And also stick to a simpler theme, without trying to create a different theme in each new room. The combats seem bland too. You collect the blue key and some revenants appear and that's it. If there were two revenants and a Mancubus, things would be more interesting. Or even three revenants, but the walls in the highest position open up to reveal a Mancubus who will put pressure on the player while he fights the Revenants (or the other way around, that would be better). Or maybe just a few Imps to put the pressure on during the fight. There's another part where there are three Hell Knights in a corridor as a trap. This kind of combat doesn't work anymore after 3 decades of people playing Doom, you have to make the player use their head. Something like two teleports that start making zombies appear for several seconds, forcing the player to prioritize them who are hitscan while a Hell Knight constantly threatens him, is already better than simply making the player fight Hell Knights alone. In fact, Hell Kinghts and Barons of Hell are probably the worst monsters to face alone, they don't add anything to the gameplay in this way, they only make sense when they have a different role in the battle than directly fighting the player.
@clinteastwood6875 Ай бұрын
Yeah this map has potential but it needs better combat and some rough edges worked out with the aesthetic.
@El_cuckman Ай бұрын
Thanks, I agree with most of what was said here. Finally, someone I see not just saying "hey the map was good" and then leaving the room, the review fits more my modus operandi of reviewing. The bland combat I can excuse it at least of just because of the slot, I tried to at least introduce most of the midtiers in simple, self-contained scenarios that at least could make you think what they can do with no caution. Also, 150 enemies in a map2, that certainly would raise an eyebrow of someone once they notice there's not so merciful stuff in the future. Some of the combat ideas you bringed I could actually use for something I could probably implement....
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
Polite, but incisive and detail. That's some good critique right here. The point about the Hell Knights very much worth stressing, as on its own the "slow fireballer" design of the Imp is very bland. It should always be used as a baseline for spicier or more intrincate stuff.
@makrostheblack4791 Ай бұрын
Very nice looking level!!!!
@Rajesh-Koothrappali Ай бұрын
It’s always a good day when we get a fresh doom wad from decino
@LAMAROUX34 Ай бұрын
Hello hello everywone ! Good viewing to you all !
@CaveyMoth Ай бұрын
This music is really on the dark side of things.
@kingofzombies23 Ай бұрын
Reminds me of The Mucus Flow from CC2 as well
@VexLawman Ай бұрын
Un capo el Cutman.
@eldandraken4850 Ай бұрын
those tiny switches made me anxious
@Olek54321 Ай бұрын
Duke Nukem 3D music fits so well in Doom maps, it's incredible :D Good choice by map maker in my opinion. To be honest, I also started to think if Plutonia 2 had special identity, but I don't know. 1st Plutonia is more remarkable I guess, Plutonia 2 did everything better and harder, but the original is like easier to remember :D Not sure how to explain Aaaaanyway another great submission, when the project is done, I think it's gonna be worth to check :D And yeah, my first impression was also this map is more TNT-ish than Plutonia 2. For me it's because some parts have huuuuge open area Damn, it's 11 days after upload and I'm watching it today lol. Don't have much time nowadays and energy :( :(
@ItsBofu Ай бұрын
Really digging this mapset. Love the way it looks.
@HalfBakeDestruction Ай бұрын
aaaaaah looks* more AV than the other two wads mentioned
@YogiTheBearMan Ай бұрын
8:45 the slime fall would be ok if it was lighting the environment below imo. Casting shadows and stuff
@ademkapovskic8106 Ай бұрын
while the mapmaker claims this was inspired by Speed of Doom and Plutonia 2, i do agree that it leans more towards TNT: Evilution than Plutonia 2 because it reminded me of Baron's Den, Deepest Reaches etc. it even has a bit of Escalation Titan with the small switch hunt, though ET did a cool thing where little arrows are in the automap pointing towards the switches as hints. very promising wad concept though
@lecoindugamer7644 Ай бұрын
I always liked green maps
@carpediemarts705 Ай бұрын
Nice to come home from work again and watch a Decino. Hows your time with Lil Punkin? I believe Yung said something about the biggest loss for a kid is the unlived lives if their parents. Glad you're able to squeeze in a little doom recording while he naps.
@carpediemarts705 Ай бұрын
Reward only comes through challenge. Being a parent is supposed to be the most rewarding thing.
@georgeheilman885 Ай бұрын
If this is what the demo looks like, imagine the improved map. Impressive.
@ferreira991 Ай бұрын
This theme has always sounded to me like Bernard Hermann's Starlight.
@paulsibilleau3639 Ай бұрын
Imp's @ the Start kind of remind me of E1M1; GG!
@Bandita1001 Ай бұрын
14:10 They are the Green Pain.
@TexasGreed Ай бұрын
Cool map. Spooky music
@andrewlanglois6362 Ай бұрын
9:34 Looking at the level from this POV, seems like consistencies between both Quake and Hexen
@adre2194 Ай бұрын
I can say I often have trouble making out things in your videos, always figured it was just the levels being dark but maybe the compression's got something to do with it too. I wonder if there's any solution to it or if I'll just have to keep maxing out my brightness lol
@iguana9173 Ай бұрын
Another amazing play through.
@riba2233 Ай бұрын
def looks like sod map, still a bit unpolished but I'm sure that it will get better :)
@matium-prime Ай бұрын
Cutman 999
@JoeyJoJoJoestarJuniorShabadoo Ай бұрын
Another day robbed of a Decino HDoom playthrough. *sigh*
@scottl.1568 Ай бұрын
I'd much rather see a yellow screen "explainer" video about H-Doom😅
@user-kw4qx4qu8c Ай бұрын
H-Doom is trash - cannot seduce the explosive barrel.
@Tarles_X Ай бұрын
Decino never gonna make this video lol
@kizmetmars Ай бұрын
@@Tarles_X Not something anyone should want to see. He's too pure.
@adre2194 Ай бұрын
...what is HDoom?
@RobertGee101 Ай бұрын
I got into sports and weight lifting since the start of the year, been into less gaming since
@adinocc2042 Ай бұрын
Good map!
@ThatRedHusky Ай бұрын
Oh hey isnt this a Sunder midi? Or am I trippin
@decino Ай бұрын
Used in Sunder, originally from Duke Nukem 3D.
@user-ny4jz7jq7r Ай бұрын
reminds me of the dark souls character creator music (which it obviously predates)
@ThatRedHusky Ай бұрын
@@decino The more you know!
@BladeTrain3r Ай бұрын
Finally moved to a reasonably nice monitor with a high refresh rate... played some Doom first, now I watch this video at 60FPS and my eyes scream 😂
@kallekivimaki7825 Ай бұрын
I thought he said "Cartman 999"
@southpakrules Ай бұрын
Will you do another special for the 150k subscribers point?
@decino Ай бұрын
That number was reached over a year ago.
@Raiggonaxes Ай бұрын
@@decino For the 200k? :D:D:D:D:D
@decino Ай бұрын
I'll do something special for 200k subs, yes.
@southpakrules Ай бұрын
@@decino And it will be reached again pumpkin dad, but in reverse now! Of course it's a joke and I can't wait for the 200k stream.
@GreatFox42 Ай бұрын
I think I had it explained to me once that YT darkens videos since the darker a video is, the less shades of color it has to work with, and therefore makes the file size smaller.
@CaveyMoth Ай бұрын
The slime doesn't hurt? I am Jack's confusion.
@cubid0u Ай бұрын
Honestly you'd expect green slime to hurt in a map named Green Pain...
@CaveyMoth Ай бұрын
@@cubid0u Yeah, it's like if Mount Pain didn't have any enemies on it.
@Muladeseis Ай бұрын
@@cubid0u But I think it's better not having a map where you have to wear a lot of radsuits.
@nerdysoldier Ай бұрын
@DEdens1525 Ай бұрын
Be cool to play when it's finished.
@scottl.1568 Ай бұрын
Why can ambush flag enemies hear you punching the air? And why don't they hear your arrival on the map? Surely there's a teleporter sound or the sound of a door closing behind you 😮
@logikylearguments6852 Ай бұрын
Could you beat doom if you were playing as an imp decino?
@decino Ай бұрын
@Simulation6 Ай бұрын
Compression tries to minimize the amount of data to define each pixel causing darker pixels to be set at 0... meaning black (0-255). anything even getting close to 0 or 1 when it comes to luma data will be set to 0 or 1... and the pixels surrounding that area will be set that way as well in order to compress as much as possible over as many frames as possible. This allows for better playback since the data stream is ridiculously smaller. If you'd like to combat that change your gamma settings, or brightness settings (it's been awhile since I've opened anything by GZDoom) to higher than you would think needed, and it will still come out slightly darker on KZbin. It will effect what you see when playing, but come out a bit brighter on KZbin. You have been complaining about this for a long time, but it's not limited to KZbin compression. All compression does this. Figured I'd try to give a suggestion. Making it brighter will result in a bigger file size of your recording if you are recording to a compressed format (like MP4) as well since a bright pixel with more information is going to result in a larger file size. Your upload times and KZbin's processing times will also be affected.
@Cenere1789 Ай бұрын
Hi decino it's possible to have a video with all your stats and map info color for the automap and an explanation how you use the automap indeed :) thx
@decino Ай бұрын
My config can be found in the description.
@jeisonlucio Ай бұрын
I really liked the intermission music
@razvanvasilache7834 Ай бұрын
@Admen73 10 күн бұрын
@PrimevalDemon Ай бұрын
Praise be! As of 3:35 pm ny time Monday April 15th, 2024 video stats are: 31 comments before this 32nd 153 likes, 154 including mine now. Uploaded 1 hour ago 1,282 views Channel subs including mine prior, 196K
@PancrasioS.D. Ай бұрын
Absolutamente surrealista jajajajajjaja decino jugando un mapa del cuckman decino, will you play the Hispanic Community Project? It was released last week if I recall correctly. It's kind of a mix between Doom 2 in Spain only and JPCP, but also a lot of its own identity, you may like it
@decino Ай бұрын
I won't do any megaWAD playthroughs for the time being but feel free to submit a map from the WAD.
@PancrasioS.D. Ай бұрын
​@@decino Wise decision, it features 43 maps... 43...
@anthonytilleman3576 Ай бұрын
This may kind of sound silly but I’m actually having trouble finding the widescreen version of ultimate doom and doom two I keep getting the 4:3 title screen. I tried going defined the original I would but it’s always still shows up 4.3 and not 16:9
@decino Ай бұрын
You need to make your own PWAD with SLADE. Widescreen assets can be found here:
@anthonytilleman3576 Ай бұрын
@@decino thank you decino
@opihutt Ай бұрын
@gurmindersingh1926 Ай бұрын
Yo decino can you someday make a video on why hall of mirros effect happens :) If you dont want to do it then i dont mind. Thank you
@gurmindersingh1926 Ай бұрын
Or just showing how the doom renderer works
@Nob1ej0n Ай бұрын
Huh, I'm drawing a blank here. Not sure what to think. I'm not a reviewer either. But here, have some engagement. 😅
@aweillekevin4201 Ай бұрын
I know its not doom, but would you ever consider doing a playthrough of Warhammer 40k: Boltgun?
@decino Ай бұрын
@aweillekevin4201 Ай бұрын
@@decino Fair enough! Also, thank you for taking the time to reply!
@Jarcky Ай бұрын
No views? Damn he really DID fall off
@Doom2isthebestW55 Ай бұрын
That’s what I’m saying
@decino Ай бұрын
stop booli!!!!
@thor1829 Ай бұрын
@@decino I can't hear you from the top of the mountain you just fell off, pumpkin man! You better start shilling some merch
@eugeniosabater8449 Ай бұрын
Question: What is "extended hud"????
@decino Ай бұрын
The time/kills/secret counters you see in the bottom left corner.
@eugeniosabater8449 Ай бұрын
@@decino Oh okay I see thanks!!!
@scottl.1568 Ай бұрын
Decino said "If the WAD ain't Dutch, it ain't worth much...!" 🇳🇱 😅
@inuyasha3204 Ай бұрын
What's iddst??
@decino Ай бұрын
Makes the automap centre itself to a secret sector you haven't found yet.
@inuyasha3204 Ай бұрын
Oh I see do u have to have follow on or off ty
@decino Ай бұрын
I think it turns off follow mode automatically. The cheat only works in the latest DSDA-Doom version.
@doommaker4000 Ай бұрын
What's the midi in this?
@decino Ай бұрын
Intro, bottom left corner.
@doommaker4000 Ай бұрын
​@@decinoBless you pumpkin dad
@Denzel20. Ай бұрын
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