Crimson Peak Movie Review - SPOILERS : Beyond The Trailer

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Beyond The Trailer

Beyond The Trailer

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@Jingasol 9 жыл бұрын
sigh... I have seen this film and I really love it. I saw it as a simple dark fairy tale.
@LadyKillerGamer 9 жыл бұрын
+Nina M Many critics didn't like it so...but your opinion!
@dubbingsync 9 жыл бұрын
That's probably the best way to think of this movie, because fairy tales seem to get a little odd and sometimes lose track near the end of the story.
@sickasorpheus 9 жыл бұрын
+Rhys Causon lol yus
@DORMY7teacup 8 жыл бұрын
+Nina M It was partially based of off Charles Perrault's Bluebeard, so it technically is a Dark Fairytale.
@Rachael1918 9 жыл бұрын
I loved the film so obviously disagree with your summation (and I'm really baffled by the idea of people laughing at it - that's just so strange to me), though I respect your right to a different opinion. I want to comment on the colouring of the ghosts - Thomas's ghost was white because his ghost was meant to be in a state of grace; he redeemed himself through his actions, specifically his efforts to help Edith and his love for her. This is further signified by the fact that he disperses into the snow. Lucille's ghost, meanwhile, is black and she's still tethered to the house - she can't let go of the past, so she remains. As for the disrepair of the house, they make it very clear that the Sharpe family is impoverished - there are various lines about the father squandering the inheritance, they have no servants (Lucille is shown doing the cooking and housekeeping herself, which would have been unheard of for a family of that station), and the lack of money is the whole purpose behind the Bluebeard scheme. And they didn't kill the baby - the baby had a genetic defect because of the sibling relationship between its parents, which killed it in infancy (they only kept the murdered wife Enola alive because she promised she could save the baby, a mission she failed in). And I absolutely disagree with your view on how it was filmed - I felt the lighting and the quality of the filming were highly cinematic and accomplished. I found the script and characters compelling, and found all of the actors good or great. And del Toro is absolutely right to be proud of the film - I just saw it today and it's undoubtedly one of my favourites of his, being right up there with The Devil's Backbone. All of this just demonstrates how subjective film is - what you perceive to be a bad film, I find an excellent one. Different strokes, and all.
@valkeakuulas 9 жыл бұрын
+Rachael1918 That is what I remember as well, Lucille talked about the baby just not being viable to live, she hadn't specifically killed it. I kept also thinking about the colour of the ghosts, the very first one of the wives was just a dust cloud sitting in the wheelchair and then I did read that the one coming out of the floorboards and the baby ghosts were two different ghosts and that they were red because they'd been hidden in the tanks, perhaps they had burned the first wife so no materialisation of tissue for her ghost? Ediths mother was black because she was rotten from the plague/kolera and Thomas Sharp was light beige because he had died just moments earlier hence no decay. The only thing that breaks this thought is the ghost of Lucille Sharp. She was black, perhaps it was months after and she also had sort of decayed the way Ediths mother had, into greyish black form.
@Rachael1918 9 жыл бұрын
valkeakuulas that's an interesting theory about the colouring of the ghosts. I'm of the opinion that while the circumstances of the ghosts' deaths did inform their colouring, the colours are also symbolic. So the red ghosts, as well as being red because of the clay, are also red because red signifies danger (the ghosts are trying to warn Edith about the evil in the house). That's why I also believe that the white and black colouring of Lucille and Thomas respectively says more about the states of their souls than the nature or timing of their deaths.
@InfernoMutant 9 жыл бұрын
Grace, I must respectfully disagree with nearly all of your points about disliking this movie. I am not a die hard fan of Guillermo del Torro, but I really enjoyed this movie - and I'll tell you why. It was sort of in the middle on so many things, which I found artistically fascinating. The story was a story, with ghosts in it, which is not necessarily what you expect in Hollywood. It happened to be a story, at its core, about a girl who is protected and supported by her father, a girl who dreams of becoming a great writer in the early 19th Century (no easy task) and who has never really found the need or time for love. Then Tom Hiddleston's character comes along and decides to choose this girl, to romance her, so he can get her wealth to save his sister and himself from certain ruin. The rest is simply each character learning, as they do, what the true plans are and motivations. I think Mia Wasakowska's character was an interesting, and fairly realistic, blend of a woman who is young, interested in becoming strong and independent, but who truthfully hasn't experienced a lot in life. Obviously she could be wooed by a man who has had the experience of wooing at least three other women in the past to marriage. I feel like this is something that is different that Hollywood, or rather Torro, has given us, that some people just aren't ready to digest perhaps? Does it have to outright SAY "these are the themes and this is why the character is acting like this now"? I hope it doesn't. I'm not saying this is "the best movie ever" or anything, but it was definitely interesting and I find it interesting that you feel it failed so horribly. Thanks for the review though - I watch you religiously for all of your coverage! Won't stop due to disagreements! Keep up the good work I always love watching you! :)
@agape7134 9 жыл бұрын
why go see a movie that is advertised as a Gothic romance expecting it to be a ghost story when they stated, in advance, that it was not a ghost story? Mia's character has been seeing ghosts her whole life, not just her mother.
@hdtqw 9 жыл бұрын
You make a lot of good point, but you seemed to have misunderstood the part about the baby. The baby wasn't killed by the siblings, it was an in-bread child of the siblings and died because of it. The wives in the wheelchair was originally brought to the house to take care of the baby.
@BeyondTheTrailer 9 жыл бұрын
+hdtqw That was Enola's baby. The fact you don't know that shows how poorly this movie is written.
@pen0neth 9 жыл бұрын
+Beyond The Trailer No it wasn't. Lucille literally says, "It was mine. He was born wrong. She promised she could save him." ... or something along those lines.
@sammreneerenveit7321 9 жыл бұрын
+Beyond The Trailer actually I just saw the movie and Lucille Sharpe states it was her and her brother's child.
@dariusreidace6663 9 жыл бұрын
+Beyond The Trailer Lucille also mentions that Thomas didn't sleep with the other 3 wives at all. There were several context clues to the baby being Lucille's.
@282elsa 9 жыл бұрын
+ComandoPadentro good thing somebody said it. I was thinking the same thing how can you be a good reviewer if it looks like they weren't even paying attention to the movie.😊 I saw reviews before going to see the movie and they weren't good but I decided to be the judge instead of listening to other people and I liked the movie.
@christochristo6245 9 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you disliked it this much! I loved it. It was over the top in every way and so much fun.
@DoomIsPink 9 жыл бұрын
I could be on board with a lot of these criticisms except for the point where being blonde somehow disqualifies Mia Wasikowska from portraying a properly bookish and capable heroine? Hair color has nothing to do with intelligence, and the portrayal by this particular actress would likely be the same regardless of what ridiculously long wig they slapped on her. Being brunette doesn't come with a license to be suddenly more badass :I
@mariaashot5648 9 жыл бұрын
+Shauna Kelly It's a really obvious wig she is wearing and that cheapens the look.
@sickasorpheus 9 жыл бұрын
+Shauna Kelly I think this is one of the times Grace is talking business. You're not wrong, but there is that stereotype. Film is an art that largely utilizes stereotypes to help us create relationships with the characters we're watching. I think that's why she brought that up. She has a history of being concerned for how the industry treats women.
@addisonratcatcher3287 9 жыл бұрын
I usually ALWAYS agree with you Grace. You're the best movie reviewer there is that's as personable and readily available as you are. But I am sitting here scratching my head trying to fathom how on earth you got to disliking this film so much. I simply can't seem to make any sense of your points here. You seem to have found something wrong with EVERYTHING in this movie. Even the things you said were good like the set design. I don't think there's EVER been a movie that I've found so many things wing with (and I dare say, neither have you as far as us viewers have seen). So I can't help but feel that this movie displeased or upset you in an incredibly personal way. Anyway, I saw the movie today and I loved it. Can't wait to see your next bit of movie news Grace. I thoroughly enjoy your channel and find your perspective super knowlegsble and subjective :) I'm sure we'll agree on mostly everything else in the future as we have I the past
@bruh_hahaha 9 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% on all levels. I too was REALLY looking forward to this movie. What a let down!
@ericvancleave5268 9 жыл бұрын
I actually enjoyed the movie from the start. The opening shot of the book, and the way that they transitioned from scene to scene (in the beginning) with the Iris technique was excellent. As you said "People Are Complex" and I believe the Edith character could be both the 21st Century Woman and naive simultaneously. Stories are derived from the simplest of concepts. This story is a simple one, that works. I do agree that they should have showed more of Thomas Sharpe being controlled by his sister. I would have liked to have seen her being cruel and manipulative to him by using his incestuous attraction to her. I would have liked to see him play almost a Jekyll & Hyde type character. What I mean by that is that when he is in front of people he has the charm, grace and confidence. Then when he is alone with Lucille he is submissive and almost afraid of being in trouble with her. I think that would be a good way to show him as a sympathetic character who witnessed his sister do these horrible things, but she is all that he has. I believe when we see him as a ghost at the end that we kind of have a sympathetic nod to him. I feel if they fleshed out some of the subplots (Sharpe sibling relationship, show flashbacks of the murders of the previous wives and their terror in their end moments) this movie would be a full blown classic. That is my opinion of course
@meridiannemesis 8 жыл бұрын
Actually, Thomas didn't kill anyone, it was Lucille, but it's true he didn't stop his sister. Lucille even commeneted on it, how Thomas never got his hands dirty when he had to "kill" Alan. And the baby wasn't killed, it died! I found Jessica's acting the chilling goodness that gave the movie it's spice. I also find it confusing that American viewers say there is not enough gore or sex for the R rating, when you give everything a more severe rating than us in Europe. For some reason Americans can't seem to enjoy this movie for the classical goodness it feels for us.
@utubism 9 жыл бұрын
About the newspaper drawing, I think they look younger than their ages because the newspaper tried to depict them as innocent children incapable of such crime.
@Rachael1918 9 жыл бұрын
+utubism exactly. There's a line about in the film too, something about people eliminating the children as suspects because they couldn't bring themselves to believe that children would be capable of such a thing.
@lesliebernier9534 9 жыл бұрын
The dead baby is Thomas and Lucy's love child. Del toro has no control over how this get's marketed, which I believe is why he has stated in over and over that it is not a ghost story but a golthic love story. It is very clear that Lucy wears the "Pants" in this relationship . That for as long as it has been the two of them, they made choices together. Which is why Lucy is so bothered by Thomas not consulting her on Edith. Plus as she watchs her brother start making choices and choosing Edith, she realize that her place may not be as secure as she thought. At this time in history Thomas was the head of the house and if he fell in love with Edith, Lucy could easily be married off to the first guy and there go her little ounce of power she had uptained through this weird symbiotic realtionship the two siblings have. Or worse she'd become the dependant realtion, were she'd have to be Edith's companion, the tutor to Thomas and Edith's children, and most likely kicked out with no where to go and no one to turn to.( I can't se Lucy taking orders from Edith, which would lead to Thomas having to turn his sister out or placement in an assylum.) If you look at the beginning Lucy is in thin gowns that make her pale, While Edith was in big, bold costumes, but when they got to the manor however Lucy's costumes take on the colour of the house, then slowly get more fuller. Where as Edith's costume proceide to render her smaller and paler the longer the "butterfly" is in the "moth's" house. And Lucy is so much a part of that house that there were details in the dress that mimick the details in the house.
@tubrodiaz 9 жыл бұрын
The movie is AMAZING. I have to disagree with almost everything you said this time Grace. And it seems I am not the only one based on the comments. Had to wait until I watched to see this video, but I am really glad I did that. You speak so poorly about the movie that it may had me thinking twice about watching it. The truth is I will definitely watch it again as soon as I can. I think it is a wonderful movie, and brilliantly crafted too.
@WilliamJakespeareProps 9 жыл бұрын
that key thing really bother me too.
@onionrovirosa 9 жыл бұрын
Could you list some classics that you dislike. I find it soon hard to believe how much "praise' you give to Hammer films and Hitchcock. Yet dislike this movie for the same reasons those other films are great. I kind of think you only praising them because they are already under the consensus of "Classic" and not because you really love them. In fact i don't think you like Devil's backbone or Pan's Labyrinth neither, you just call them great because others tell you they are. You have great potential and i am not trying to call you a phony. But if you can detach yourself from modern cynicism you could become a great critic.
@Damon242 9 жыл бұрын
Game of Thrones kind of ruined the twist. It's just not that shocking or unexpected anymore
@mariaashot5648 9 жыл бұрын
+Damon242 If they were going to go that-a-way (and it's been done), they should have thrown in some more bagatelles as a bonus. For example: some advanced witchery, or Sister Lucille getting actual instructions from the 'living' house, or a golem, or a mutant relative in the attic who is 400 years old...
@chillpill8194 8 жыл бұрын
I'd say it's much more in line with Les Enfants Terribles, especially with the huge derelict house and the jealous sister, and the poison.
@ironwoman2012 9 жыл бұрын
Only a flash of Tom Hiddleston butt? 😢
@IstahilIB 9 жыл бұрын
I have the same disappointment...
@LadyPhantomBella13 9 жыл бұрын
+ironwoman2012 It's better then nothing haha
@AttonBrown 9 жыл бұрын
+LadyPhantomBella13 * than
@ironwoman2012 9 жыл бұрын
+SassaFrass Mitchell +SassaFrass Mitchell can't you take a joke? I already saw the movie, I support the actors that I like and Tom Hiddleston is one of them, and I also found the gif of that scene thank you very much. 😤
@AceKeybladeMasterxxx 9 жыл бұрын
I felt like the plot kept dropping hints that Lucille and Thomas were supernatural themselves and that the actions they took was for a dark, supernatural purpose and I was disappointed that the murders were merely for financial gain. I did enjoy Tom Hiddleston's acting and character reactions but I was surprised that he actually died, I was expecting him to pull out the knife and be okay (if he ended up being something supernatural) so I didn't really get a shock factor the moment he was stabbed. I completely agree with you on the lack of logic from Charlie Hunnam's character with announcing his leave, turning his back on the serial killers and expecting to leave the mansion unhindered. I must admit that I did enjoy the film personally, but was mainly disappointed in the lack of a supernatural climax to the mystery.
@kristenzachry4620 9 жыл бұрын
The father did come back as a ghost. I can't remember when, but I do remember the caved in nose on one of the appearances of the ghosts.
@simbasible 9 жыл бұрын
Why is sex relevant for the movie? Why are ghosts bad? Ghosts are for once authentic here and they matter for the story/ This is a beautiful movie and okay let's say that it just has good production design like you said, which is not the case but let's pretend, then why do you like Marvel movies? They don't have even good technical aspects.
@philipptanzer1572 9 жыл бұрын
Hey Grace I just watched Chrimson Peak and I really enjoyed it. I wonder if it is easier to enjoy this movie as a european movie goer. I do agree with the PG 13 rating, that would have worked as well, and it would be nice to introduce a younger audience to good "horror" movies rather than the actionpacked horror movies that you sometimes find. The story was simple, yes, but effective and most classical stories from Poe to Shakespeare are rather simple. I find it rather funny that you want more sex or nudity in the movie. Again, something quite american. In middle europe nudity is not a big deal, we see naked people all the time. Today you see (half)nudity and big boobs in supertight outfits in every movie and 50% of the jokes in a lot of american comedies are about sex (the other 50% are about drugs). Its nice to see a movie that respects the fact that in victorian days nudity (even in the bedroom) wasn't the norm.
@jcvanpatten4762 8 жыл бұрын
How can you like BvS and hate this one?
@TheArtkaw 8 жыл бұрын
wow, really?
@imadokieve13 9 жыл бұрын
This movie was suppose to be a goth romance. I watched it and I loved it! Don't really care what anybody else thinks. I think it was great that the mother was not specific on her warning. I think if she was it would've been so obvious and boring. It was gruesome, romantic, and some scenes that occurred were unpredictable.
@johnpotter4250 9 жыл бұрын
This is such a good review. I've no idea how you managed to remember all the facts I only subliminally noted but everything wrong with this you nail. Really left me doubting Guillermo who has been one of my cinematic last hopes along with George Miller. I did check out lots of other episodes. Superb.
@jeffroland6490 9 жыл бұрын
The Tom Hiddleston character never physically killed anyone in the past. The most you can say is that he was an accomplice/co-conspirator. It's mentioned a few times by the sister that it was his turn to finally commit murder when it came to the doctor.
@chillpill8194 8 жыл бұрын
Lol as I was watching this I literally thought to myself, "There's no way I'd live in that house, not even for Tom Hiddleston."
@MyssBlewm 9 жыл бұрын
Hey Grace! I had to wait until I saw the film to see your spoiler review! I actually quite loved the film though I can understand some of your points, especially the uneven writing and Tom Hiddleston's character. I felt some of the pacing is a bit choppy and Hiddleston's character changing his mind was a bit unbelievable. But I can say that I can kind of buy that Hiddleston's character is fighting between the new strong attraction he feels for Mia Wasikowska's character yet struggling with the way he feels towards Jessica Chastain's character and the fact that he's always just did as she told him being brainwashed by her and all. I just felt that the love story between Hiddleston and Wasikowska wasn't dived into deeply enough. I heard that there was some rewriting while the film was being shot so I think that played heavily into the story problems. I heard the original ending had Wasikowska's father help her kill Chastain's character (or something along those lines) but that was scrapped. I have to say though that I absolutely loved the reveal of the ghosts in this film. It seems very common in Guillermo del Toro films to have this theme that we see what we would consider "monsters" scaring us in the beginning of the film, but later on we find out that the humans that our lead has been interacting with are the real monsters. A familiar story but a very important one in my opinion. It was a strong plot point in both The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth. And if you think about it, Hellboy is a monster but he's a good guy. I thought the acting from the leads was amazing, and I think that's why I'm not as bothered by the story. I also felt the tone of the film was quite effective. And I can't speak enough about how much I loved the way the film looked. I don't agree with you on the R rating of this film. I think the R rating was needed. Pan's Labyrinth was rated R. The violence in that film was very unexpected and rather gory and didn't occur much as well, but again, I think it plays well into the idea we have about horror films. Many people tend to want or expect a lot of gore in films. They think that because the film is rated R it MUST go heavy on the violence or it's a waste. For me though, it's much more effective to have the violence come unexpectedly and very gruesome because the horror of such a violent act stays with you longer. If you have a gruesome act of violence go on too long in a film it becomes cartoonish or your attention wanes, just like when one grows tired of Michael Bay's endless action shots of everything exploding. I also feel that Guillermo del Toro was making a love letter to gothic romances and if he didn't want to sacrifice his art for it, he shouldn't. I know, Grace. These films need to make money as well! I know! But Guillermo del Toro is a director whose works I feel transcends most typical films and I respect what he does too much to see him make too many sacrifices or compromises on his passion projects all in the name of capitalism. I agree that most times you need to make those sacrifices with the studios to make a financially successful film, but sometimes an artist needs to have their vision be as they see it. I had a lot of fun watching your reviews for Crimson Peak and I'm sad that you didn't enjoy the film like I did, but I think it's really cool that we can have discussions what we all thought of this film. And hell no not even Loki can get me to stay in a broke ass down scary house like that! No way! LOL
@FuSiOnVoX 9 жыл бұрын
It was very much a classical story that isn't too interesting while watching, but it certainly grows on you. As a horror fan, I absolutely love movies like this and the Babadook for having the sophistication to make the monsters the people instead of some supernatural force. Great performances and absolutely stunning to look at make this a movie people need to see. Grace I'm in high school right now and I can assure you this is a lot like classic literature (which made me love it more). I said this on your non spoiler review, but I'll say it again: it's nice to see Universal distribute something this year that isn't artistically bankrupt
@adhst 8 жыл бұрын
This movie was brilliant and beautiful. I loved it. Guillermo del Toro is the king of the genre. For once it looks like the majority of us agree. Its not "tweens" movie... Nothing is there for shock factor alone. And the whole point of this story is the human element: choices and their consequences, grief and loss, love and redemption. Im afraid you didn't get it. Too bad for its a beautiful movie.
@ADThomas88 9 жыл бұрын
I always watch your non-spoiler videos to see if I should wait until after I see the movie to watch the spoiler one. After the glowing review earlier, I decided I'd rather watch this than go to the theater haha
@BeyondTheTrailer 9 жыл бұрын
+Adam Thomas Hehe - I hope you enjoy this mini Crimson Peak movie then! :)
@jfree3628 9 жыл бұрын
+Adam Thomas lol same here got my popcorn ready
@linemoren 9 жыл бұрын
+Adam Thomas Me too! Well I did try to see it (got about a half hour in) but then I decided to come home and watch this review instead! :P
@christinita1000 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm only 19 years old and I have watch crimson peak lol no lie
@RamseyEassa 9 жыл бұрын
Del Torro went on twitter to say that Crimson Peak was a love story at it's core... so why was the R rating so necessary to tell a love story? This smells like Shyamalan's The Village but like... potentially worse
@rafafafa23 9 жыл бұрын
I didn't had problem in realize that the hole in the roof, and other decay elements of the house, were a metaphoric license to illustrate the relationship of the brothers and their heritage. I find it kinda oniric. Besides, it was freezing at the theater, so I had a real movie experience.
@jedimarhwini948 9 жыл бұрын
You're coming at the movie as a ghost story viewer, comparing it to a form that it is not trying to follow, so OF COURSE it's not going to succeed. As a gothic romance it does follow the correct beats. You're comparing apples and oranges. Remember, you specifically said del Toro didn't do the marketing so you cannot blame his movie for not being what the trailers implied.
@jedimarhwini948 9 жыл бұрын
Plus, I'm pretty sure the baby died from extreme birth defects from incest than than being murdered.
@everydaykidinus 9 жыл бұрын
I actually loved this movie. Everything was heightened in a perfect way that was fun, and clearly intentionally campy while creating, for me, a genuine sense of suspense and tension.
@Damon242 9 жыл бұрын
I couldn't get over how it was snowing in the house when she first arrived, despite not snowing outside
@chrischico 9 жыл бұрын
It were leaves
@pen0neth 9 жыл бұрын
On another note... If Mia's character would have been a brunette the visual contrast between her and Jessica would have been gone. They were literally supposed to be "light" and "dark", the innocent and childlike Edith contrasting the corrupted brokenness and evil of Lucille. Just like Tom and Charlie were blond and brown-haired respectively to accentuate their characteristics. I agree with a few of the things you said (yes, the story is simplistic, but not everything needs to have shocking twists in order to be enjoyable) but some of the points you've made sort of show that you don't seem to understand what Guillermo del Toro tried to do. And I think Jessica was riveting whenever she appeared on screen. Her character was by far the most unhinged and tragic and the way she portrayed Lucille was very fitting. PS: And you really think this Film is worse than Pacific Rim??? Really???? I enjoyed Pacific Rim but that's one of those films that really doesn't put a big focus on story and logic, which is why I know a lot of people who say this is one of del Toro's more "stupid" films.
@TheBreadcrab 7 жыл бұрын
I just saw it today, and I totally agree with you, Grace. A lot of the performances were bad (especially Chastain), the 'R-rated' parts came off as shock value, the characters made dumb choices, and the script in general was underdeveloped. The only things I genuinely liked were the sets and costumes.
@Story2ScreenMovieReviewPodcast 9 жыл бұрын
Big question Grace, have you received your press access yet for Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
@jkmm4813 9 жыл бұрын
I agree that the story line and characters had more potential which went unrealized, but it's not THAT bad. It's an OK movie, with very beautiful visuals. Lucille could have been much more interesting character, if the script included her INNER torment at the hands of her parents. Not just flatly stating how awful they were, hence she became a psychopathic killer. Her part was written very flat. No other word comes to my mind. BTW, they never state they killed the baby. It's implied that it had some birth defects due to the parents being related.
@josephhillyard3040 6 жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion Grace and I enjoyed this film. I see this as a heavily flawed film that suffers from an uneven screenplay, but was redeemed by great production design,solid performances (particularly from Jessica Chastain) and a few good scares.
@BronzeBullBalls 9 жыл бұрын
The problem with the film is that it was marketed (through trailers and such) as a horror / haunted house type of thing. I myself went in there thinking that I was going to be getting just that... had the trailer not focused so much on the ghosts and creepy stuff, I might of had my mind in the right gear to accept the movie for what it was in the end. Supernatural scarcity aside, I agree with Grace: the plot was so predictable. You knew what was going to happen down the road within about 20 minutes.
@RobbertNyhan 9 жыл бұрын
what made the snow look so weird?
@Rainbowfl0wer 9 жыл бұрын
girlfriend you are way overthinking this review, it a MOVIE a work of FICTION it's not supposed to be scientifically accurate or make sense in today's world. I too was a little disappointed by the movie, especially the literal quotes from Jane Eyre, lacks imagination and the jump scares are obvious, but still, you are over analyzing every little detail!
@JuicingCouture 8 жыл бұрын
That's kind of her job as someone critiquing a movie.
@Klaital1 8 жыл бұрын
Tom Hiddleston's character wasn't a monster at all, he hadn't killed anyone, the sister was the monster. Thomas was just rather weak-willed and ordered around by the sister which was shown many times in the movie. Also another point, Edith didn't know what the house was like until they arrived there,at which point she was already married to Thomas and really didn't have anywhere else to go to, and she even did want to leave but Lucille just told her she isn't going anywhere and since they were like four hours walk from the town there wasn't any way she could get away on her own. she even tried to leave at that one point and there was this huge snow storm going and she wouldn't have got far.
@bones22j 9 жыл бұрын
Your reviews are usually on point, so I think I'm gonna wait until it's released on DVD or blue ray.
@BenStows 9 жыл бұрын
Me too:( I thought it would be a campy trip to the theatre over Halloween, but I don't want to waste my money on drivel :/
@Gabychan13 9 жыл бұрын
this movie's an adaptation of the Grimm Fairy Tale called BlueBeard.
@dubbingsync 9 жыл бұрын
It could have been done better if it was that story they adapted.
@Gabychan13 9 жыл бұрын
Of course it could have,but if it wasn't it alot of the elements reminded me too much of that story especially with what was hidden in the basement if you want a great adaptation of Blue Beard the best one is the Grimms Fairy Tale Classics episode here on KZbin they have it in English,but it's split into two parts.
@michaelvein6 9 жыл бұрын
I love your energy in your videos. You have a great taste in movie genres. I subscribed to your channel because I have watched some of your reviews and I enjoyed them.
@Rize_Inn 9 жыл бұрын
Although I think you were a little hard on the movie I can't really disagree with your points. The disrepair of the house made me think that it would turn out that they were all already dead. I wish it had turned out that way because the movie overall would have made more sense. It was amazing to look at I just wish the story was easier to buy into.
@AnnekeOosterink 8 жыл бұрын
I kinda agree with some points you made, I still enjoyed the movie. Still, what irks me A LOT is that people complain that the movie and the trailer didn't match up. Well, yeah. Directors often have little to do with the trailer. That's the studio (who didn't wanna pay). Then people talk about how it's not scary for lack of jump scares ( I actually saw that argument). Seriously? Jump scares aren't f*cking scary! They make you jump. Scary is terrifying, or creeping horror etc. Ugh. So that said, it did follow the genre it was in. Ghosts that were vague is part of that genre. And be honest, when are ghosts ever clear, direct and specific? I did see the references to Jane Eyre and Rebecca (which is actually a rewrite of Jane Eyre) but I saw more The Fall of the House of Usher. Creepy, weird, incest-y family, crazy sister, possibly murder and a scary, maybe kinda sentient house/family line that (literally) falls. For the genre it's in and the references I saw I got a more gothic horror story vibe which is less horror and more creepy/vaguely threatening with ladies in attics and maybe ghosts and sinister murder plots.
@AnnekeOosterink 8 жыл бұрын
As for the literal quote from Jane Eyre, I picked that up, and was surprised Edith didn't. She writes books and stories, so how come she is not familiar with a book like Jane Eyre which was/is super popular.
@NottheperfumeCachet 9 жыл бұрын
you said you would reveal what was so funny about the painting, what was it?
@deadosventas5886 9 жыл бұрын
I can't understand how people can dislike this movie, i found it really creative, fascinating, misterious, artistic. I don't know, i loved it, just like all the works from Guille
@deadosventas5886 9 жыл бұрын
+De a dos Ventas I mean, the sounds, the music, the scenes, the lightning EVERYTHING, that magic ambient. I'm in love with the movie.
@LightCyrus 9 жыл бұрын
There's a slight humming in some of your recent videos. I'm wondering if something isn't shielded completely or if your cellphone is next to to mic.
@jazmynebrown8846 9 жыл бұрын
honestly I loved this movie....
@MichaelReeseTerrific 9 жыл бұрын
Ahhhh Man & i was so looking foward to this movie ... Well thanks for the heads up Grace at least you saved me $10
@DCUOMultiverse 9 жыл бұрын
Was on the fence about seeing this...... but you just saved me $12. ;)Thanks. Much appreciated. Was curious to see it for Tom Heddleston (no I am not gay..... but I loved him as Loki and was curious to see more of his work). Guess I will try to find some of his past work instead. ;)
@Bibimykitty 9 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna be the klugsheisser today :D There's an actual soil named "Terra Rossa" (italian for red dirt), it's red just like in the movie and it looks like blood when it rains. Really creepy shit. I've never seen it in the snow though because it's usually found in subtropical lands. Sucks for the people who live there because it makes everything red and dirty, in my opinion. :I But it's fertile as f
@clarkkent6035 9 жыл бұрын
I'd live in Crimson Peek with Antje Traue.
@powderbluee1882 9 жыл бұрын
There where some scenes in the movie where the actors would talk but there lips didn't move. That was really frustrating because it happened 2 or 3 times. Other than that I also had high hopes for this movie but I found my self discovering what would happened next before it did.
@jackfrost5017 9 жыл бұрын
If you read the character biographies where their history is laid out, you'll know the baby was Lucille's when she became pregnant by her brother Thomas. It was born deformed through incest and she murdered it herself when she could no longer stand its screaming. Also, if you read Thomas's biography, it states he was never the one to murder his wives; that was always Lucille, who was far more abused by their parents as a child and suffered intense mental strain from a young age. You really shouldn't review a film if you haven't read all the source material, especially if you're going to misrepresent a lead character so badly.
@michaelforthriller 7 жыл бұрын
I'm glad reviews were bad for this movie because i ended up being surprised by how good it was. Not Incredible but VERY very well made.
@rosemsmunoz 9 жыл бұрын
Aside from my previous comment I wanted to add in response to Grace Randolph's critique of the house, that clay farming or mining is in fact an industry and that an essential part of gothic romance is the once beautiful broken down, drafty "castle." As for the characters played by Hunnam and Hiddleston, usually there is a niave love struck young man and a dark tortured and often irredeemable man (like Lord Byron).
@mariaashot5648 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the service to civilization, Grace Randolph. (That is meant without a drop of sarcasm.) As someone who enjoys art films but who has less time now than a decade ago for cinematic escapism (even at home), I really want to know ahead of time if a picture is worth the effort. And let's face it, movies are a lot more expensive now, what with the parking and so forth. So if I have to decide between taking in Paddington or Inside Out (both extremely well made and in many ways unusual recent features), with the added plus of it allowing for some Quality Time with a family member, and dragging myself out to see an 'important' film by an 'important' director, I want to know up front what to expect. Guess what: I hate gore! The best bloody film I ever saw was "Gladiator," where Ridley Scott's brilliant editing choices made everything watchable. Gratuitous cruelty and improbable assaults are ho-hum from where I sit. Worst of all is incoherence, a lack of internal logic keeping a narrative tightly-woven and consistent. Rule No. 1 of Screenwriting: there should not be a single line spoken that is not contributing to the principal plot. Knowing the protagonist prefers Mary Shelley, or that a candle can be used to rate a waltz, is a lot less important than knowing what happened to Father Sharpe and why these phantoms have bones, since ghosts are disembodied spirit. And no, of course no one can survive even one Northern European winter with holes in the roof. The family is destitute? Sell some of the artwork! That's what actual British aristocrats actually do, not to mention borrow against the land or find tenants. Less is often more, in any genre. The director and script team would have done better to take a much harsher look at some of their own sadistic fantasies. Quite presumptuous of them to think others would find them as compelling.
@Jiay7 9 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% about the house! It's such a mess and super cold, there is NO WAY anyone would live there and not die from the cold. I was so disappointed with the ghosts. No romance either. This movie had no idea which direction it wanted to go.
@dubbingsync 9 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I just wanted more scenes with Burn Gorman in this movie. Although it seems as though Del Toro is trying to be the next Burton by having a small collection of actors that pop up in multiple movies. Doug Jones of course is the main example but now we've got Charlie Hunnam and Burn Gorman from Pacific Rim in this. And I have to agree, I feel this is Del Toro's weakest film I've seen so far.
@Emma-yg2uf 9 жыл бұрын
i think Edith trusted Thomas again way too quick. I wouldnt wait for a guy who has blood on his hands with a deranged sister somewhere in the house.
@anastasiaarsentyeva2954 9 жыл бұрын
1 minute into your video, your points about the storyline and the lighting... I don't understand how anyone can see the stylistic features of the film as 'bad.' THEY ARE PART OF THE GENRE! I get that all of this is your opinion, but the more I watch this, the more I understand that your understanding of the emotional, sexual, and psychological aspect of the conceptual development of the film, is not impressive. Again, I don't mean to insult you in any way, however your points are stated in a concrete fashion, which, in my opinion, should not be due to your (possible) lack of knowledge about the gothic romance genre.
@jameslambert6122 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, James, here, writing from old England. Firstly, I would just like to say how much I enjoy the more cerebral nature of your reviewing style. I am currently writing a history dissertation and it is really rather nice to have a break, watch a bit of BTT and still keep my brain 'switched on', (hope that makes sense!). Very disappointing on the Del Toro front. Like you, I also like his earlier stuff and I thought that 'CP' would be particularly well-suited to him as a kind of marriage between lavish production and a multi-layered story-telling approach. Such a downer then, to learn how bad the script' etc is. I wonder if Guillermo is maybe out of practice when it comes to subtlety? Shame because I like a lot of his films from both ends of the spectrum. Keep up the good work Grace. Best Wishes.
@rosemsmunoz 9 жыл бұрын
How sad, the story I had imagined was much more interesting than the one you described. What a shame, I really had high hopes for this film, that finally someone would make a sophisticated horror film.
@rosemsmunoz 9 жыл бұрын
+sven I totally agree, and I'm still going to go see it because I love guillermo del torro, I'm just a little disappointed that the plot seems so simplistic.
@maccagrabme 9 жыл бұрын
+Rose Mary Sandoval Lomazzo Way overhyped, that's all I'm going to say.
@Vickynger 8 жыл бұрын
you really thought jessica chestain was bad in this? i was positively terrified by her character. i liked how cecile was actually bat-shit crazy but tried to control herself. you still knew the crazy could break out any moment, though. i thought it was brilliant.
@qqrk1372 8 жыл бұрын
How did Chastain's ghost CHANGE HER CLOTHES at the end??? LOL
@APStudiosThe 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think that Edith's fathers death was that bad. I don't think PG-13 would help this. I enjoyed the movie tho. Jessica brought me to the movie.
@OreoLuv1998 9 жыл бұрын
Have you read the new character biographies of Thomas and Lucille? They're really complex characters. I'm disappointed to hear that the movie was so poor. I haven't seen it, I was waiting for it to go onto dvd. I was really excited for it. I'm still in love with the characters. Watching your video inspires me to write a fanfiction about it I think. Please let me know if the biographies change your opinion.
@LadyScaper 9 жыл бұрын
Very detailed and thoughtful review. About the house and it's state of disrepair, the condition of the house could be a reflection of the people who live in it. Also, an abusive or controlling person could totally block repairs on a roof if they are that screwed up, as I have actually seen real life examples of that. You'd be surprised what dysfunctional people would be willing to live with if it means maintaining at least the illusion of control in their head. While I liked the movie, I would not live in that house for anyone. But again, I have seen people willingly live in messed up conditions for the sake of "love". There are a lot of dysfunctional people out there.
@brandyloutherback9288 6 жыл бұрын
My main problem was the character of Edith, Lucille, and Thomas Sharpe! Edith was just a blank slate the whole way through, Lucille was good in the beginning, but goes completely Bellatrix yelling randomly in some scenes but really quite in other scenes! Turn of The Century Costumes was stunning as well as Lucille's 1870's-1880's bustle gowns, and the house was gorgeously atmospheric! It's a shame this isn't as good as the sum of its parts!
@missxmarvel 9 жыл бұрын
This movie would have been better If the bad guys actually won. And If there was a evil Ghost that lurked around every corner.
@SarcasmServedDaily 9 жыл бұрын
I would live at Crimson Peak by myself...Tom H would just be a bonus ! XD
@wranglers575 9 жыл бұрын
Although I liked the film more than you did Grace I have to say I do agree with many of your points. As good as the visuals were, I just wish the same attention to detail had been paid to the script. For me the weakest part of the film wee the ghosts themselves that really didn't add anything to the film. The Mother's ghostly warning of crimson peak was just there for plot convenience and really had no impact on the actual story. The subsequent ghosts just seem thrown in and again only seemed to exist for plot convenience. Same goes for the Lucille's ring, i thought it was going to end up being some interesting part of the plot but it just ended up being a big, obvious ring... I also thought that Tom Hiddleston was the best thing in this film and he just didn't have enough to do. No wonder the house is falling apart as his chewing on the scenery in almost every scene he's in. It made it all the more disappointing to see his character die they way he did. I think after all the build up of people chastising him for being soft and incapable of doing the dirty work it would have been poetic justice if he'd killed Lucille and not the other way around. Finally I think what really killed this film off at the box office was the 'R' rating, which like you said was unnecessary. It could have been edited down to a PG-13 (or a 12A here in the UK) without hurtin the film and opening it up to an audience that probably would have been more receptive. Afterall del Toro said that he was channeling his inner 14 year old bookish girl. I can understand some people loved it I just don't understand how, it's such a missed opportunity.
@PlasticBlueCowboy 9 жыл бұрын
Fair review though didn't agree on some points. I loved everything about the production design including the lighting. I thought Jessica was fantastic and I think you're the only one I've heard who thought she was the worst of the lot rather than the best. She was so icy cold, you could just see anger and hatred smoldering under that face. I think my major complaint with the movie was no real motivation for mining clay. I really expected some sinister reason he was obsessed with mining for this and there was none. They were just deranged monsters who happened to like mining red clay. Aside from that, yes the movie had its flaws some which you pointed out but none big enough to stop me from enjoying the movie and just watching it for what it was. I think if I had gone in still believing it was like the trailers and a scary ghost movie, I'd have been really disappointed as well. However, I saw you're review and many other non spoiler reviews that didn't like the movie because it was not what it claimed to be or was expected. My expectations for the movie going in were terribly low as someone who had been looking forward to the movie for months only to find out it sucked. Accepting that I was going in to see a boring period romance with some gothic atmosphere and a few ghosts hanging around, really put me in my place where I was actually surprised how good the movie actually was.
@luxneji 9 жыл бұрын
and the acting was also good, the script is bad but the acting is solid, i do think some think were supposed to be comical at some points
@madelineareford8438 9 жыл бұрын
I don't always agree with you, but I respect the hell out of you, Grace. Thank you for sitting through this movie so we don't have to. Lol
@pinkdolly 7 жыл бұрын
This movie is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I wish I could cut and paste the look of Crimson Peak into a better story and script. Also, I do not like to watch Mia Whateverhernameis act. She does fine I guess, but she makes these totally cliched gestures that just bother me, haha
@lemuelrosario4740 8 жыл бұрын
Here's the thing. If you're not a fan of old school horror films..the likes of Vincent Price, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, then you will not like this movie. If you are....then you're in for a treat.
@catervin9307 3 жыл бұрын
The house started to degrade in parallel with the sharps plans falling apart. I feel you didn't like it because you completely missed the genius metaphors throughout.
@jaybonn5973 3 жыл бұрын
Visual storytelling does not drive plot
@anothergirrlbah 9 жыл бұрын
I guess I have a question more than a comment on your review. ( I really loved the review tho.) I loved this movie, because De Toro's whole thesis on the movie seemed to be: "Ghosts are real." Through that lens, I really think that every part of the movie romantically expresses the reality that AT LEAST metaphorical ghosts are real (in that era, and now, making Gothic Romance relevant NOW) My question is: What makes Tom Hiddleston so tied to the death of his mother, and the house, and the crime that he commits in cahoots with his sister? If his sister killed his mother, why is he "haunted" by the past? The past seems to be that HIS SISTER is the one who has the darkness in her, and the will to cover the darkness with the blood of other women. AM I MISSING A DETAIL OF THE MOVIE HERE? I like never comment on youtube videos so i dont even know if anyone will reply to this, but honestly I'm open to some answers, even good theories to Tom's character
@anothergirrlbah 9 жыл бұрын
+Beyond The Trailer I feel like you wouldn't have time to answer this question, but if you see this comment, please let me know if you have an answer:)
@MyssBlewm 9 жыл бұрын
Not Grace but one can make the argument that he knew exactly what his sister was doing and didn't stop her. His hands are physically clean from killing the women but he is just as guilty due to the fact that he was a major part of the plans to lure the women to marry him when he knew that his sister was going to kill them.
@irishizan 9 жыл бұрын
+Rachel Hurley read the novelization of film if you can find it. fills in lots of details. parents abusive,especially father. lucille covered for Thomas & tried to protect him only to get beaten twice as much. They only had each other to rely on & made pact to stick together early on. Though lucille is the murderer & manipulator.
@irishizan 9 жыл бұрын
+Rachel Hurley also, thomas falls in love with Edith because she is smart & different & interested in his dream. He believes the funding will come through from committee for him to restore mines. She is the light of his future, a way out of the dark past.
@Javachacin 9 жыл бұрын
Totally agreed Grace, very disappointing. A couple of other notes - when Hiddleston set up 'crimson peak', ie the red clay getting into the snow and creating this red hill, i was very much looking forward to seeing that striking visual - maybe as a backdrop in the finale, etc. But all we get a patch of red in front of one of the drill machines in the finale. I wanted to see that blood red hill. Lost opportunity. Also, I think Woman in Black did a better job with atmosphere and creating tension and suspense in a dark old house. I understand this isn't suppose to be a horror movie, but movies like Rebecca (or Gaslight, another brilliant classic) definitely do suspense. and they do it REALLY well. And finally, it looks like they try to set up that maybe Wasikowska had a sort of 6th sense and could see things others couldn't. That scene with the photographs seems to cue that, and Chastain mentions how much Wasikowska knows about her mother. But that whole aspect of her character is not explored at all. And Wasikoska seems so unsurprised by those photographs i was wondering what the hell her deal was - is this character so comfortable with the macabre she's trying to brave through this house and marriage in spite of it? or is Wasikowska just not giving much of anything in her performance. Unfortunately i think it was the latter.
@Jaum_N 9 жыл бұрын
Nice spoiler and now I can watch the movie xP
@makcemos 8 жыл бұрын
+Beyond The Trailer Your comments are on point , some of the audience were laughing loud! Some of the scenes were quite comical.....
@lisazoria2709 9 жыл бұрын
Just saw the movie, and I totally agree with most of your points! I wouldn't have wasted my money if it weren't for Tom Hiddleston!
@sparklydiamondring 9 жыл бұрын
"Women are feminists until a really hot guy shows up." omg LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL i died XDXD
@FoxfireGreen 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a big fan of del Torro ever since I saw Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone and was super excited when I saw the first trailer for this movie. When it was released I sadly didn't have a chance to see it in cinemas and only watched it recently, so now I see just how poorly miss-marketed this film was and I understand why people have a beef with this one. I'm not a big fan of horror, so not having a bunch of ghostly jump-scares doesn't really bother me. I absolutely love the spooky mansion, its design is gorgeous and is definitely the best part of the movie for me. As for the story... yeah I've seen better romances out there and the characters are a bit on a meh side of the spectrum. Sadly it's style over substance in this one, but I still found plenty to enjoy here, mostly because of the beautiful visuals.
@MrGnoblar 9 жыл бұрын
I farm red clay!
@jordanp5650 9 жыл бұрын
I usually love Del Toro movies, but there was so many loose ends and things that just didn't quite make sense, that the whole movie was off beat. The set design was absolutely stunning. One of the best I have seen in a while. and I would happily live in Crimson Peak, if it was in the modern day and I was very rich. I was so beautiful, yet so disgusting.
@patd707 9 жыл бұрын
when I first saw the trailer I knew it as being over hyped. I have no interest in it now so I love watching Graces spoiler reviews
@HumbertoRamosCosta 8 жыл бұрын
Astonishing visuals, weak movie. To me, would be a far better movie without the ghosts... The main character is a intelligent woman, would be great if she discover everything from herself.
@AnnekeOosterink 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, someone else I saw mentioned they thought the ghosts were superfluous too. They were bothered by the information dump. Orgy of evidence they called it. It would have been far more powerful if Edith discovered the clues slowly and over time.
@Barzins1 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know anything about movies. I just thought I didn't like it until I heard your review. Now I understand why I didn't like it.
@ct3gct3g 9 жыл бұрын
Absolutely hated the story telling. Their dialogue in the first few scenes sounded so forced, it was painful to watch. It reminded me too much of my poorly written essays, where nothing ever ties together because I procrastinated on it.The movie was just too chaotic with so many loose ends, and everything seemed forced. Love Del Toro and his visuals, but I'm surprised that this movie actually got approved with it's high production costs.
@superp25 8 жыл бұрын
Big del Toro fan here. You nailed it with the thought that this was not for a sophisticated crowd or tweens. All style and no substance. There was nothing original, scary, or surprising about this film AT ALL. I am agape at the fact that the same director that made Pan's Labyrinth made this garbage film. And it was boring as hell too. You would have to be young or "simple" to think that this was a good film. Nice detailed review. This movie was stupid.
@DORMY7teacup 8 жыл бұрын
I finally got to see this movie, and I'd just like to say that this movie is somewhat based off of the fairy tail Bluebeard by Charles Perrault, and as an adaptation and modernization of the fairy tale, I found it rather enjoyable.
@aftax22 9 жыл бұрын
I haven't seen the movie but the review is compelling itself
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