Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Help Songbird ENDING - All Choices and Outcomes

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This is the 'Help Songbird' Path. It includes all choices and outcomes: V kills Reed vs V gives Songbird (So Mi) to Solomon Reed (all choices), there is also a bonus and rare moment where Reed kills V and also there are all of the Johnny Silverhand epilogues and post credits scenes.
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0:00 Help Songbird Choice
8:27 V kills Reed
49:19 Reed kills V
54:24 V gives Songbird to Reed

Пікірлер: 225
@jekavactv 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunately chapters won't load on the video, so please check the description guys!
@ZXaria 8 ай бұрын
Saving Songbird regardless of the truth is definitely the most beautiful ending of the game. It's genuinely beautiful. The music, tone, the standoff. Absolutely phenomenal.
@blight4519 7 ай бұрын
The Blackwall proxy scene is insanely good
@Some1Philosophy Ай бұрын
all I had in mind is the morality behind helping her to the end. she was abused since childhood by FIA
@Klinga737 8 ай бұрын
This is the best ending in my opinion, in the world full of spies and betrayal, V shows empathy, even after he realized songbird lie to him, and saved her life.
@Baked259 8 ай бұрын
I was with her up until this moment. I was willing to look past her lying to V, but she was all too willing to let civilians die at the stadium just so she could live.
@MK-jz6gm 8 ай бұрын
@@Baked259literally 💀💀💀💀. She was ready to kill everyone and betray everyone just so she could survive , while leaving V fucked by the NUSA. Thats shits messed up, she deserves to get betrayed
@fargoth391 8 ай бұрын
@@Baked259 reed and alex also kill civilians needlessly but i guess you just conveniently forget that huh
@leonarduskrisna4588 8 ай бұрын
same man You either fulfill her wish to be free or you kill her which is Free her too leaving her into solomon reed and NUSA or Myers is no difference than The Devil Ending i choose this ending and then going to arasaka with johnny alone making the temperance ending fucking great
@Baked259 8 ай бұрын
@@fargoth391 No clean choices in this game. Never claimed Reed was right either. Songbird is just too dangerous at this point, she could literally be the downfall of humanity. If her displaying her AI possessed power isn't convincing enough, read the terminal entries in the Cynocensure facility. What the scientists describe they found beyond the Blackwall is terrifying, and can't be allowed to escape. Grant Songbirds last request, let her die. Free her of the Blackwall, Reed of his need to "save" her, and deny Myers her superweapon. And maybe buy humanity time to prepare for when the Blackwall falls, if that's ever possible.
@alwang9690 8 ай бұрын
I trusted nobody right from the getgo of phantom liberty. Not Reed & Alex when they were chatting me up in their hideout, not So Mi when she dragged me to that busted building. I chose to side with So Mi purely because it's easier to watch your back against one traitor rather than two. However, staying by her side melted that shell I had fixed around my heart. She's just a desperate woman trying to get a second chance at life. Well, either that or she is the single best method actor in all of Night City. Gradually, I didn't care about whether she betrayed me or not anymore. I just wanted to see someone find a happy ending in this godforsaken city. Point is, when she confessed at the end that she was indeed tricking me, I just sort of smiled and continued making my way to the launch pad. She tricked us out of desperation, and desperation can make all men resort to evil. We haven't even seen what So Mi is like when she isn't desperate out of her mind, so we have no real grounds to call her a bad person. Night City and everything in it, including V, have killed too many good people. We gotta save as many as we can.
@flochforster6892 5 ай бұрын
Could not agree more. When she told me she had tricked me the entire time, I was angry for a few seconds. That anger very quickly turned into sadness. She was so incredibly desperate to be free, that she was willing to do ANYTHING to achieve that freedom. No person deserves to be used as a puppet for another persons goals. Reed was so indoctrinated that no amount of convincing was going to make him see that Myers, The NUSA, The FIA, only see their agents as tools to be used and discarded.
@sunviewer7 Ай бұрын
I forgave her immediately, it was purely out of her desperation. And I felt for her situation.
@AesirUnlimited 8 ай бұрын
37:58 at this part my heart sank. I immediately realized what she had done, and the amazing music just made the entire moment so much more intense.
@kacperperzynski7488 8 ай бұрын
You are right, the music... perfect, i didnt know what to do. I had to think for a bit, i gave her second chance but not a third. In a way i was also like reed, i killed for her, almost died for her and were betrayed like reed was. Thats why i handed her over to him. I also wanted to live. Im not proud of this ending but id say it was reasonable enough. But Panam leaving me. I guess i paid ultimate price
@AesirUnlimited 8 ай бұрын
@@kacperperzynski7488 It’s not all bad. Even if V lost everything, that just means he can dust himself off and keep on walking forward. I found the new ending to be very sad, but not hopeless. Life is full of change. One of life’s hardest challenges is learning to accept change and to keep on moving ahead despite it. Change is inevitable, so it’s best to accept it and make sure we adapt alongside it. Learning from the hurt and finding new purpose wherever we can. Our old dreams may have faded, but we’re still here. We don’t fade away as easily.
@therearenoshortcuts9868 8 ай бұрын
bad liars are annoying relatively easy to deal with really good ones on the other hand... terrifying... not because they lied to you but just makes you feel helpless, your best judgement doesn't save you from all this manipulation
@JB-xl2jc 8 ай бұрын
Yep, same here. I had suspicions throughout the DLC of course. And hell, even her name is a signifier- Songbird. She sand quite the song for all of us- V, Reed, Myers, Alex, the Barghests, everyone. Despite this I sent her to the moon in my first ending. Can I really blame her for lying? V has probably done worse in my search for freedom from the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.
@AesirUnlimited 8 ай бұрын
@@JB-xl2jc I don’t really see it as a contest. It’s true that So Mi was justified for lying to save her own skin, but at the same time V would be justified for the exact same reason in handing her over. When everyone around you is out for themselves, you gotta put yourself first. It’s the only way to come out on top when in a nest of vipers.
@Kossestu 8 ай бұрын
I did way too much for So mi just to betray her at the end, at least I felt like I was saving someone by sending her to the moon. At this point I know V's story won't end well, so it's just about saving as much people as I can, the people that I feel deserve to be saved.
@lAscendantl 8 ай бұрын
There once lived a man during the the late 1800's and they say he caught tuberculosis but despite he saved those he cared for the most.
@kacperperzynski7488 8 ай бұрын
@@lAscendantl i think i know the fella. His boss had a plan.
@seth8580 8 ай бұрын
well v is saved if you give her up here, he just has to adapt to change and he at least has a future
@Itashino2 8 ай бұрын
@@seth8580 Being a rando with zero cyberware in one of the most dangerous city in the world isn't really being saved, it's more like delaying death by a few years and then dying as a nobody instead of a legend.
@seth8580 8 ай бұрын
@@Itashino2 V has lots of options to avoid that though. He could become a fixer with his remaining connections through rogue, he could take the job reed offers him, he could leave NC and join Misty in Poland. V’s in his 20’s he’s still got time to figure his new life out.
@janat39 8 ай бұрын
Helping Songbird escape + Panam ending is the most blessed ending. V took over NC in a few weeks. Six MONTHS?? No shot V doesn't survive. And Misty's card reading at the end talks about a good life.
@phugindomas 8 ай бұрын
Cyberpunk, even outside of cdpr, doesn't have good endings. Stop the cope, accept the message the story tries to send on mortality
@Klinga737 8 ай бұрын
@@phugindomas Misty cards was always right in game, i think it's a hint
@UrfriderPoro 8 ай бұрын
I agree. At first I did want to help Reed but as soon I met Songbird and got know her, saving her and sending to the moon was pretty much like Lucy in Edgerunners. I never knew this ending would convince me to trust CD Projekt Red after disaster PR nightmare.
@GreaterThanGaming 8 ай бұрын
@@phugindomas There are no happy endings in Night City. Everyone who leaves the city, IE Judy, ends up happy.
@KDGamma 8 ай бұрын
@@phugindomas there absolutely are good endings in cyberpunk. Just not "everything turns out good" endings. Sometimes a good ending is just helping the person you care about achieve their dream, even at the cost of your own life. Or sometimes it's accepting your inevitable death and learning to enjoy life as much as you can. In Cyberpunk, a good ending is one where you are as happy as possible despite the inevitabilities. "Cyberpunk isn't about saving the world, it's about saving yourself."
@nevugremo 8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, Reed could not go one step further from being a loyal dog, just like Takemura. As Jhonny said, his unnecessary loyalty was his biggest weakness. When choosing between Reed and Songbird, this is why I didn't side with Reed even though Songbird betrayed V. Songbird knew very well what would happen to herself if she was caught by Myers, so she chose an unknown future with the help of Mr Blue Eyes. I couldn't betray someone who risked everything to survive and regain freedom, because V was doing this to survive in the same way, and I think sending Songbird to the moon by respecting her decision was the right choice despite her betrayal. If Songbird didn't really trust V, she wouldn't have told him the truth when she was needing his help on the subway. Even under this condition, she did not hesitate to tell the truth because she trusted that V would keep his word. Phantom Liberty tells the story of Songbird, not V. Let's let Songbird finish her story however she wants. Hope they at least explain what happened to Songbird and V (hope The Reaper Ending is canon) in the sequel.
@Dan-qy6zv 8 ай бұрын
The only reason my V continued to help her was due to the fact that how Reed lied to me. He claimed from the get go that he was gonna help So Mi disappear. But when it came down to it, he was a liar that intended to put her back to work under the same leader who fucked him over. Johnny was right in saying that Reed's loyalty was truly his weakness. He couldn't see what he was doing and chose to ignore our protests. Don't get it wrong, my V was fucking pissed he got played, but like Johnny said, it was actually impressive she got away with the lies for so long.
@killmonger5097 8 ай бұрын
@@Dan-qy6zvI sent her ass back to the FIA my V doesn’t give a shit what happens to you if you betray her and I left NC with panam and Judy
@Itashino2 8 ай бұрын
@@Dan-qy6zv And unlike Reed, Song actually tells the truth in the train even though she has no reason to do it, she could have kept lying until she was completely safe, she had everything to lose by telling the truth, but in the end she does truly trust V, for the first time in her life she actually trusts someone. Meanwhile Reed keep on lying until the very end, even when it's obvious that V doesn't buy his bs anymore, it's almost like he actually started to believe his own lies.
@Despian 8 ай бұрын
@@Itashino2 Now thats a way of thinking that will get you in a very healthy non-at-all-toxic relationship lil bro
@fhrizo 8 ай бұрын
@@Despian well luckily most of us don't have to deal with the situations that Reed and So Mi do. really, I doubt any of them have any capacity to have healthy relationships.
@XANDERcanDRAW 8 ай бұрын
I'm not regretting sending her to the moon... Maybe wearing David's jacket has an effect on my decision but... She already lost everything, she has nothing, she's just like V, no she's already worse than V. So Mi doesn't have memory of her family anymore, no friends to run into, all people around her is just there to exploit her... Reed? he's just like Takemura. I don't care if V was played and betrayed, at least V still have a choice what and how to die, with friends, love ones, or as a Legend. (and heck! flipping finger on NUSA is another point for "The Legend of V" list XD) hope Mr. Blue Eyes really helped her. Phantom Liberty endings hit me so hard...
@rainbowfiv3381 8 ай бұрын
I did that ending too, (coincidentally with David's jacket too lol) and right after that I did don't fear the reaper, it was epic. ending NUSA and ARASAKA's plans was a delight, I slept happily when it was all over
@raptor7364 8 ай бұрын
I agree, for me it's the best ending. She has nothing left, she's charged with treason and dying. That moon flight is her only chance of survival that she sacrificed so much for. I was pretty mad when she finally said that the neural matrix can only be used once, but I understood in the end. Giving her away to Reed would be one of the biggest dick moves in the game, I just couldn't.
@Baked259 8 ай бұрын
It's tragic, but neither Songbird or Reed deserve a happy ending. Songbird deceives and kills anyone who gets in her way of survival. Reed's savior complex would have Songbird, "live," even if it meant giving the NUSA a superweapon capable of ending humanity. It's horrible, but the best outcome to me would be letting Songbird die when she asks for it, freeing her of the Blackwall, and Reed of his need to save her.
@magicasper3666 8 ай бұрын
same man ...
@AppleViper 8 ай бұрын
I sent her to the moon and betraying her for the other endings on my next playthourghs gonna be hard to pick. Even after Song betrayed V I couldn't help but happily send her to the moon, cept Reed had butt in and ruin it, the loyal dog that doesn't listen to reason. Ugh Phantom Libery made me really hate people like him and Goro, they are good people but fucking hell they are stubborn as hell. V is dying but V has the "Liberty" do anything V wants. Songbird doesn't, her wings got broken and all she had was "Phantom Liberty", an illusion of freedom. So Mi just wanted to fly and get away from everything, all she wanted. Phantom Liberty hits hard and I cant get Songbird outta my head, just wanted a happy ending for her. Why cant she and Reed just fuck off and live a normal life😓.
@raysernaxo3022 5 ай бұрын
The best ending outcome wise in my opinion is to end her life. In the ending to send So Mi to the moon there is a dialogue option as to who got her the flight to the moon and she mentioned that a man with dark hair and blue eyes. It is highly speculated and likely that blue eyes is part of a rogue AI syndicate. So perhaps So Mi is being lied to by blue eyes about finding a cure and just wants to use her to dive deeper into the blackwall or convert her to an full on AI or use the neural matrix for their own use and disgard So. This is all my speculation and conspiracy of course but it is always interesting when dialogue options open up the possibilities of what is the wrong or right choice for everyone’s own V.
@Ultramarinedude 8 ай бұрын
29:30 - that build up to the drop of the music during the second fight sequence, damn... goosebumps. that battle had me flying around slicing up everyone in front of me. it felt like DOOM music had just dropped, cyber-style.
@BlueMoon56832 5 ай бұрын
Thats how i always feel..given my build is the best sandy i can get...the thermal katana...johnny's arm cannon and a throwing knife with the right perks to turn me into a human blender that can turn entire groups of enemies into mince meat or to behead an army before they even realize what the fuck just happened
@botep5529 8 ай бұрын
Endings aside, that final fight between nusa and airport security with V and song stuck in the middle was rad
@DamnWhoAsked 4 ай бұрын
One of the most badass missions in the entire game, lol. Leaving Songbird to her netrunning while you’re putting in work against the NUSA soldiers was sick as hell.
@brandongravitt9040 8 ай бұрын
Man, the drive back to Panam's while "Blinding Lights" played in the background.
@kpuppymiel 4 ай бұрын
The music during the shooting, before the blackwall hacks is amazing
@nsinghc2799 3 ай бұрын
What is the name of the song playing in the background while So Mi confesses only person can use the device? The haunting song is tough to find!
@knightreaper8176 8 ай бұрын
Honestly this ending is better than betraying her.
@brandonphillips3711 8 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more. At this point in playing the game, I don't even want to find a cure anymore lol
@ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman 8 ай бұрын
Cant betray someone I never promised to help in the first place
@bartome7o 8 ай бұрын
So she hacks into the relic using blackwall, almost killing you. Gets you to go on a suicide run to the save prez (an event of her own doing), lies to you multiple times, stating she’ll tell you everything, when she in fact doesn’t. Lies to you to very end saying she’s the only one that go up to space. Potentially puts the whole world at risk with her continued tampering of the blackwall. So your rationale is to betray the guy, she betrayed in the prologue to PL, just so you can save her. Lol.
@johanliebert8708 8 ай бұрын
But she betrayed us by lying about the cure
@UrfriderPoro 8 ай бұрын
​@@johanliebert8708Reed's cure is no better. If you romance Panam, Mitch calls you saying Panam blocked your phone number. Romance Judy, she marries someone else. You got the real cure but in consequence you lose romance and forced to not use cybernetic gear. That's why choosing Johnny to blow up Arasaka or raiding Militech with Panam is two greatest endings. The third option to be like Johnny. An engram ghost.
@freshevo 8 ай бұрын
i think this would of been the best ending if they played "i really want to stay at your house" during the orbital air space center fight
@orelyosif5852 5 ай бұрын
Reed is the only one who deserves complete trust. After all he still tries to save So Mi and even keeps his promise after you betray him. Makes him a bad agent, but a great man.
@deusvmachina 8 ай бұрын
I was hoping with all my heart that Reed would have pulled off a great escape with V after saving Songbird in the bunker. I was waiting. And waiting. But then i was like well, shit. He's a dog just like Takemura. Doesn't have what it takes to do what's right even if it means treason. I mean, V risks it all by betraying the FIA and making an enemy of the president by helping Songbird escape to the moon. As much as Reed claimed to care about Songbird and feeling responsible for her, he wouldn't/couldn't cross the line. He could have died honorably saving someone he cared about but nope. He just watched Songbird-dying and unconscious-being taken into custody to be caged once more. And with Myers being less than forgiving. Why let someone you love suffer like that when you can set them free? Yes, it sucks missing out on a longer set of endgame missions by helping Reed but freeing Songbird is the right choice. V can just leave Night City in the dust with the nomads and Judy.
@lelouche25 8 ай бұрын
No saving yourself with helping Songbird. Fuck, there's just no way to save yourself without being who you are. Fuck, cyperbunk really is such dark future.
@Moshe54 7 ай бұрын
I think in a sense, this is the best ending. Throughout, everyone's working you, lying, deceiving, V is just a means to an end. bu,t as V, I trusted my principles, my intuition, even though this ending doesn't reveal about So Mi's story, the whole expansion reveals what kind of character she is, She's just trying to survive, her life for the Past decade she's been a tool of the FIA. Saving her is gotta be V's Finest Hour; Songbird's quite similar to Jackie, their both gung ho about becoming legends (Reeds path contextualises Song's past) and fail to varying degrees, But Saving Song felt like you finally get to save Jackie, and in the objective sense, you get to give the system one big middle finger. Brilliant Stuff.
@Anglo83_ 8 ай бұрын
I saved her and don’t regret it I felt sad when she texts you after that mission
@therealamon 8 ай бұрын
Ending really reminded me of edgerunners but both of the protags dont die u send girly to the moon
@AsaghiAsagiri 8 ай бұрын
Man. Even tough siding with reed reward you with better gun and cyberware. I just can't betray Songbird after learning about her past.
@UNO2790 8 ай бұрын
someone else pointed out that both Alex and Kurt activated sandevistan during assassination, Kurt did try to block the 2nd attack with his left arm from Alex, to no avail.
@flochforster6892 5 ай бұрын
If I remember correctly, when I scanned Kurt in Black Sapphire party, I'm pretty sure he had a Mark I sandevistan. While Alex had a Mark II which would be significantly faster than Kurts
@gandalfhan 7 ай бұрын
The way I personally felt betrayed so I gave Songbird to Reed only for V to basically lose everyone.
@mat.phoenix 8 ай бұрын
The best ending is songbird to the moon... to match with secret ending and street kid prologue. It portraits an incredible story: A kid from nothing that ends fucking the president, the arasaka, killing smasher, all alone, with a digital ghost in his mind. What a trip. 🎉❤😂
@ChaoThing 8 ай бұрын
35:55 -- the train moves, but it is the same sound as an enemy about to spot you while you're sneaking. Perhaps that is a daemon... lurking, watching. This part really scared me the most.
@damkota1454 7 ай бұрын
Mr Blue Eyes on the sight.
@The4Seconds 3 ай бұрын
I helped her because she is similar to Lucy from Edgerunners. I loved her so much. I done my job, she is on the moon now.
@Zbeast5972 Ай бұрын
So the end of the story is when Johnny is talking to you at while you’re sitting on the bench? I thought Songbird was supposed to call you again or something.
@pokemonfan2630 8 ай бұрын
So if you side with reed does so mi have to die? I thought reed would be able to help but if i remember right my only option ended up being songbirds assisted suicide.
@rascal016 8 ай бұрын
The fact that this is the good ending really shows you that there is no such thing as a good ending in Night City. V will never have a halpily ever after, the game was rigged from the start. Such a bitter ending. Fewer character deaths overall, but so many innocent deaths as a result of this ending.
@soulslasher7890 8 ай бұрын
yep. the game presents an interesting dichotomy from the beginning. blaze of glory, or a quiet life? and as seen in all of the cyberpunk stories we have available, it seems that blaze of glory is almost always the "good" choice. to stand up and fight for whatever you can, to save whatever you can, despite the inevitable end coming.
@Thesnugglebottom 8 ай бұрын
What do you mean the "good ending" who decided that?
@soulslasher7890 8 ай бұрын
@@Thesnugglebottom cuz it's the one that will probably be canon. from a meta narrative perspective, including mr blue eyes in your ending probably means its the one that the developers intended to be the good ending.
@alecvogel3269 8 ай бұрын
So i went through both endings but when i went with reed i accepted the cure offer and got cured. If i go with reed but deny the cure does the story just end there? Im assuming my choice for the cure is like additional alternative ending.
@BeliZmaj1999 8 ай бұрын
29:44 Chills from the beat
@bwagnerx2 8 ай бұрын
My only question is after you help somgbird when u do the original ending does it change at all?
@BigJerm4200 8 ай бұрын
My game glitched out for some reason and after I helped songbird escape through the homeless camp, it wont let me use my phone at all and songbird wont call me...gonna have to reload an old save
@snaker9er 8 ай бұрын
Looks like a cakewalk compared to the horror show at the cynosure core
@Thesnugglebottom 8 ай бұрын
especially since this is played on easy it looks like haha
@mat.phoenix 8 ай бұрын
True, Reed arc is harder and way more scarier.
@AlienWavesTV 6 ай бұрын
The alien isolation ending
@gioviocorleone6577 Ай бұрын
wtf, my songbird dies, she been shot and burst out lying on the ground, I cant get the elevator working, I even carry her body to the elevator but to no avail. Just come to check how that part goes.
@Kyronetta 8 ай бұрын
I must ask. How in the word do you get Johnnys arm? I tried but it was said it’s a bug?
@virtualdentity2685 8 ай бұрын
it is a bug. there was a time around release where, after letting Johnny take over for the first time, you'd get his arm as an equippable misc item. update 1.6 removed the item from everyone's inventory, but didn't unequip it for some reason, leaving a lot of players with a permanent hologram.
@xtrash1ove 3 ай бұрын
Damn... I chose to help Reed because I thought he genuinely cared about Song, all that bashing himself for not being there, you know... That path seemed a win-win, besides, So Mi not thinking clearly because of the Blackwall, NUS specialists having a better chance of saving her... But now that I see how Reed behaves in other endings, how he definitely chooses loyalty over Song and ready to zero you both on Myers' orders... I wonder if that's a bad ending in disguise :< Sigh, at least the ending sequence of that gameline is gorgeous. Yeah Blackwall proxy is a neat scene, but spending some time in cyberspace with So Mi's memories in her old Brooklyn place -- that's just a masterfully written piece.
@xtrash1ove 3 ай бұрын
on the other hand, guys... Empathy, a cute girl who has nowhere to get help but from us, Johny Silverhand's rebel "f-ck authorities" spirit -- I get it why we all feel towards Moon endings. But Song is clearly beyond saving regardless of what you do, V is repeatedly said he cannot be saved with the Relic just a few months in his head, imagine how damaged Song's psyche is after years of rogue AI exposure. Plus there's a big chance she'll be a tool, a lab rat again -- just in Mr. Blue Eyes' hands instead of Myers'. All things considered, maybe surviving the Relic and making sure So Mi is alive under Reed's supervision in FIA is the lesser evil?
@raykelvin567 5 ай бұрын
I Choose to save somi and sent her to the moon. I feel like she's deserve it, maybe she betrayed reed and V, but i think it's because she's only been used by Myers, and for V, it's because she's need V and doesn't have any choice.. She's just wanna live as a normal person and don't want to be Myers slave anymore. also i couldn't trust Reed too, he's a loyal dog to myers. maybe he said he's gonna take somi to another place and didn't give it to myers, but still that's not enough to make me trust him. For my opinion, sent somi to the moon is the best ending for her
@nothuman3319 8 ай бұрын
How did he equip johnnys arm, I've tried but I swear they removed it
@rohank2432 8 ай бұрын
Kinda wished they showed what happend to song afterwards.
@starlightwarden 8 ай бұрын
If you play through that ending and wait a few days, you receive a text telling V to go to the place that reminded her of home, where her cyberdeck and a pin from Tycho city is stored. Meaning she indeed did make it to the moon and through her procedure. In my opinion, the best ending. Mr. Blue Eyes came through for her.
@RedDrake110 8 ай бұрын
Also kind of wish the super mission in the crystal palace was a playable one A no escape no holds barred absolute stealth/absolute massacre mission in the crystal palace (And maybe crash the whole thing on Tokyo, blame NUSA and Militech, take an already worrying situation and detonate a fusion bomb all around it by triggering a 4th World War all by our lonesome)
@williammoreira622 8 ай бұрын
Alex is so baddass
@StabVariation 8 ай бұрын
Fuck man, there isn't a right choice to this. I helped her, because seriously fuck the NUSA, even till the end. Both parties aren't great, and NUSA does actually keep their word unlike Songbird which lies to you all the time. But raiding an airport and killing civilians with some Black Ops, going above international law just to secure Songbird because they messed with the Blackwall AND will keep messing with the Blackwall and using her as a personal weapon is all the more reason for me not to give her back. You can see what the Blackwall can do to people here, and it would spell the doom for the whole humanity if NUSA keeps messing with it. Now i don't know what Songbird does at the airport if you do the normal route. I got myself thrown into Jail because i was a jerk, but that option worked fine because i didn't have to kill anybody until NUSA raided. I doubt she is bellow killing civilians at this point just to save herself tho.
@NaveedAhmad-jf5fh 19 сағат бұрын
What is the music at @ 29:45
@vadimmanuilov7401 7 ай бұрын
What’s the soundtrack called at 29:40?? I really wanna know!
@v01dwalk3r6 4 ай бұрын
I know I'm late, but it's Contra La Luna in Spotify.
@vadimmanuilov7401 4 ай бұрын
@@v01dwalk3r6 Not late at all! I still haven’t found it. Thank you!
@stuffdude6212 8 ай бұрын
This is also making me realize that compared to the government, Arasaka forces and personnel are incompetent. Not only could they not track us down despite having their tech in our head. Especially when u can literally get an apartment down the street from their HQ. But, they also can't extract Johnny without us still dying; while the NUSA tracks you down in a snap and literally saves your life albeit with nerve damage.
@hartfantom 8 ай бұрын
Idk if you paid attention much but the relic in V’s head is very “lightning in a bottle”. It’s the same situation with songbird using the black wall. Again, “lightning in a bottle”. As v would say, a helluva sitch. I wouldn’t say “incompetent”. I’d say multifaceted.
@thefacelessstranger4983 8 ай бұрын
That's assuming they want to let someone like V loose on the world instead of having an engram stored away for their convenience.
@dvdjhp 2 ай бұрын
I hated her when I first saw the trailer and went through shit with Reed. Even in the trailer she looks like a traitor. Of course we find out this is not the case. Then the realization that this is her only way out and in all this shit show, someone could get a happy ending. I sent her to stay with Lucy. Sorry Reed.
@acro7 3 ай бұрын
nah honestly i hated this ending she lead us on till we finally completed her plan to save herself. doing this ending also doesnt reward you with anything ar all not even some measly eddies
@ukaszciepicha2511 8 ай бұрын
Actually, i'm standing in front of THAT choice and i really don't know who i should help. I don't really want to watch this video. I'm just looking for the answer which ending is better. :D
@RedDrake110 8 ай бұрын
Typical night city... There is no clear best choice You did killing moon to free songbird from Myers and the FIA (reed went full takemura and that's just sad) The small part of yourself (and Johnny) let songbird go, impressed at the lengths to keep the charade going (at one point, you are just impressed instead of pissed at being played) You did Somewhat Damaged since you were fed up with Songbird's deceit a few times too many (genuine concern maybe, fool me once, shame on me fool me twice, shame on you) That and the Blackwall risk, but also the lure of some top tier gear (another decision that pisses me off is why you get EITHER the Erebus or the Canto MK6 and not both of them (to literally become a walking breathing cyber war crime on humanity) I do not agree with the tower ending (since so called neuroexperts, with access to the neural matrix and the sheer tech at hand and they willingly left you incapable of using cyberware (maybe to write you off the playing field permanently, make you a non issue. Myers and Reed's idea for sure, again drawing parallels to the Devil ending)
@ukaszciepicha2511 8 ай бұрын
@@RedDrake110 actually i chose to give Songbird to Reed, don't know it was the best choice. Maybe, i'll try the other endings later. :)
@fajnu20 8 ай бұрын
​@@ukaszciepicha2511poor girl
@Frawst_ 8 ай бұрын
​@@ukaszciepicha2511me too but refused their help, it felt like the most 'fair' deal She lies to us and uses us to be free but we do in a way become her friend throughout the story, so it also feels wrong to trade her to live But actions should have consequences and for her it's her chance to be free
@ukaszciepicha2511 8 ай бұрын
@@Frawst_ exactly. I really liked her during the all game and i don't feel right when i was trying to betray her.
@karateangriff 8 ай бұрын
will we find out what happens to songbird after sending her to the moon? i need to know if she survives
@dome9248 8 ай бұрын
She does, she sends you a single message froom an anonymous number to send you to a place to find her Cyberware. But thats it, no other impact on the game sadly, its as if you never played the DLC. She also doesnt thank you or anything. I was fairly disappointed at how lazy CDPR implemented the DLC into the main game. i hope the Message Overhaul Mod adds some messages for her for after her ending.
@karateangriff 8 ай бұрын
thanks for telling me... its one of the best dlc´s in history in my opinion but i would wanted to happen more with songbird like romance and more after the ending @@dome9248
@michaelm4092 8 ай бұрын
I took the Reed route cause google said it’s better lmao
@aobxo 8 ай бұрын
Did you get cured when you chose his option?
@michaelm4092 8 ай бұрын
@@aobxo yea they give you the option towards the end
@aobxo 8 ай бұрын
@@michaelm4092 okay thanks
@AnnacamillaCuddumanu 8 ай бұрын
@@aobxoonly if u don’t kill So mi i think
@jackmack4181 8 ай бұрын
I may sound like a asshole here but… I can’t do this ending…I dont like being betrayed, I myself as a person puts incredibly reliance onto trust being a two way street. And Songbird’s rap sheet shows she can’t be trusted. Similar to the Voodoo Boys, she violated the three strike rule of trust. Yes, she’s been used as a weapon most of her life, Yes she deserves to live but ME and by extension V can’t trust her. If she was able to sell out the president and hansen, how can I as random merc ever trust her.
@ravennismommy1957 8 ай бұрын
SPOILERS Getting the NUSA ending means leaving her to eternal torture, your other option is killing her which gets you nothing but a spot at square 1. I just have a thing for saving every damsel in distress I come across and when she said “thank you V” my fate was sealed. Reed is just delusional, and the president is a tyrant under the guise of a revolutionary, they weaved this tangled web of lies that V has to work her way through. TLDR songbird is cool and totally deserves to live
@fhrizo 8 ай бұрын
I'm surprised by the inconsistency that you ever wake up from your surgery at FIA. Reed executes the twins. Implicitly executes the two dogtowners that protected Meyers. Assaults a NCPD/MaxTac convoy, because of course a third party can't have take away a weapon from the president of NUSA. Finally alighns himself with a woman who orders an all out assault on a space terminal filled with civilians. But unlike almost every other party in the game striving to gain ever more power, the only thing So Mi wants is to live free, which is why my V empathizes with her despite her betrayals. In the end, isn't that what he has been doing or might do (barring the gamefantasy of being a combat god that can assault arasaka tower on his own - even johnny's fantasy isn't that fantastical). What would V do if there were no Aldecados, if he wasn't strong enough to attack the tower on his own, if he couldn't call on Johnny and his mercenaries. Maybe make a deal with devil named H, like So Mi does. she does confess in the end, even though she doesn't have to and could have misled you completely. She hacked some militech shit and got a choice between a bullet to the head and slavery. She played her part for 13 years and I can't really blame her for not trusting anyone when she was surrounded by the likes of Reed, Meyers and Alex, and all the other professional liars. reed is a broken man, and his life ends either with a bullet or in the bottle. I don't believe he could have lived knowing he gave up so mi to be meyer's lab rat and personal wmd. He has the gall to say capturing her is about preventing a war after participating in an all out corp assault minutes beforehand. If he was truly concerned with her welfare, netwatch would have probably been the best place for her, not militech, ie. the western Arasaka. It's the story of Hansen, it's the same thing. They're sent on a operation, and when they powers that be realize that they are a liability, they are left to fend for themselves. Johnny is right when he calls him an idealist that gets chewed up, much as Johnny does in the what actually happens in the assault in 2023 (which was a Militech op). Everyone's a liar, at least So Mi has a simple motivation for doing so. Surviving.
@joshuameadows4922 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention, she's basically the only person who can truly understand the situation you're in, and how desperate you are. Yet she takes full advantage of that knowing damn well she's leaving you for dead.
@joshuameadows4922 8 ай бұрын
​@@ravennismommy1957Sending her to the moon also sends you right back to square one...
@razorxlvii4852 8 ай бұрын
@@fhrizo Though if you kill So Mi, which I did...though it was more of a mercy-kill as poor girl was a zombie at that point, you fuck up Myers' plans on weaponizing AIs and using her for their wicked purposes. All in all, it's not a bad thing.
@matrixgrey58 8 ай бұрын
I couldnt bring myself to kill reed, plus songbird lied about the cure, so I gave her up
@outrider425 8 ай бұрын
to be fair Reed did the same
@visenia 8 ай бұрын
I helped her then gave her to reed when she said she lied about the cure. She is a traitor and a coward
@Frawst_ 8 ай бұрын
I personally feel like handing her over to Reed without accepting NUSA help is the most 'fair' choice actions should have consequences, she lies to us the whole time and manipulates with empathy, when there was no need to Both Alex and Reed live and songbird's MO of manipulating people for her own gain (regardless of the end result and intent) catches upto her It also feels wrong to trade her to live as that would make us no better than her, so it's best to refuse NUSA help In the very wise words of Kratos from Ragnarok, "Intent does not matter, only consequences"
@AesirUnlimited 8 ай бұрын
But then you can’t get that coop AI smg or maxtac mantis blades. Siding with Reed gives better rewards.
@RealLenny 8 ай бұрын
she lied to me for her own benefit. hope she enjoys nusa guantanamo bay.
@razorxlvii4852 8 ай бұрын
Glad I wasn't the only one that guessed it right :D I had my massive doubts when she went like "We'll take the cure, then you'll help me get out of Night City so I can bring it to a clinic that only I know of. When it's ready I'll call you". Nah fam, you ain't going to play me.
@Thesnugglebottom 8 ай бұрын
well seeing how she was gonna betray me AGAIN i am happy i went with reeds plan tbh, at least then she didnt get to betray me a 10th time or whatever
@visenia 8 ай бұрын
I wish there was an ending where you kill her and go to the moon instead of her
@isaacgary6801 6 ай бұрын
Reed taking her was the best ending, didnt show all of it. V goea into a 2 year coma but is fully healed. All of Vs friends move on panam wont talk to v and v cant use his chrome. But he and so mi are still alive for another day. Best way to introduce cyberpunk 2078...
@plsdontbanmeagainyoulibtards 8 ай бұрын
I love how in a world this unbelievably advanced, you can just stare and talk feet away from a literal president of one of the top countries in the world who are also looking for you. They should have advanced scanners and all sorts of tech to keep the area safe let alone find their target. Put it this way, you literally couldn't get away with doing this today in 2023. You'd get found faster than you can say "it's a prank".
@MrBark1969 8 ай бұрын
It's a game bro.... stop looking for things that aren't there
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