To get the jelly into the regular pies, use the injector needle to make a hole right at the edge on the top, then inject jelly slowly from the opposite side. That allows the air inside the pie to be displaced by the jelly. It would be easier to use a regular 10cc syringe for pies this small. In the USA these are readily available at pharmacies.
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
This injector did come with a smaller nozzle but I couldn't find it.
@aserioussalamander94753 ай бұрын
I love watching Keef's videos. He's like that crazy uncle you had as a kid who used to take you out to pubs and give you sips of beer when no one was looking.
@stephenhope73193 ай бұрын
Silicone molds are great, I use one for banana nut bread, so easy to get the food out of and to clean. You need to use ,not a turkey baster, but a small syringe, easier to handle and less mess. Poke a hole in the pie across from where you want to inject the gelatin so the air is pushed out, less messy that way. This is a bit like Watch with Mother but for the grown-ups (?). Thanks Keef, another great demonstration video.
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
This injector did come with a smaller nozzle but I couldn't find it.
@mr.piechipsandbakedbeans79673 ай бұрын
Ey up Keef, aye, I tell yethere's nowt better than a good dinky pie, lad. First time I had one, I were in this li’l village up in t’Dales, stumblin’ through a market, I were, and then this smell hits me-proper Yorkshire, like. I follow me nose, and there’s this old bakery, been there since t’ dinosaurs, I reckon. They had a basket full o’ these li’l beauties, all golden an’ crisp. Couldn't help meself, so I grabbed a couple. By 'eck, the crust were summat else, and the pork inside-rich, tasty, just like me mam used to make. Now, every time I see one, I’m straight there, like a moth to a flame.
@chellybub3 ай бұрын
I have never had a pork pie with jelly, im going to have to give it a go! These were really cute pies, the silicone mold was a great idea :)
@Sandywarhol6453 ай бұрын
Those look so good! Dinky pie is what I’m calling everyone I love now 😂
@leehotspur96793 ай бұрын
I made my first Porkies Last week I used powdered Bacon stock and Gelatin This gave the the pies a nice flavour
@elainewitwer74883 ай бұрын
My mouth is watering. Those look delish!
@brendarigdonsbrensden.83503 ай бұрын
Now they are just lovely Keef ❤❤️👍🏼
@judybethclark94313 ай бұрын
Going to get my daughter-in-law to make some of those pies! They look so good!
@davehendry80563 ай бұрын
Great video keef I like making pork pies I will try your seasoning I usually buy a ready mixed one to my mixture I add bread crumbs it holds the lot together
@kevinbyrne45383 ай бұрын
I've never eaten a pork pie, so I might use this recipe to make one big pork pie.
@karendaley31843 ай бұрын
@mikewhitcombe1013 ай бұрын
That’s “food safe” Tipp-Ex of course 😂
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
Goes without saying
@elaine581003 ай бұрын
These look so delicious, you do make a good pie Keef. Is Mace something that every Pork Pie should have in them?
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
Not compulsory - nutmeg is also commonly used
@shinyshadow3 ай бұрын
Your' e gonna need a party
@bigjohnlee1693 ай бұрын
Another top vid keef, they look amazing, A pork pie without jelly is like a full english breakfast without black pudding, pointless.
@BrendanKBuckley23 күн бұрын
Hi Keef, wow these look like really tasty hors d'oeuvres. I'll have to have a go at making these for Christmas. You may have to treat yourself to a new meat syringe with a smaller needle. I use one for injecting the gel in my larger pork pies. I think it cost me about $15 on Amazon. Take care and all the best.
@Keefcooks20 күн бұрын
I did have a smaller needle but I can't find it.
@teeringzooi3 ай бұрын
hummm, how can there be 150 grams of meat left when there should have been 212? 24 bite size pies of 12g each are 288g... I guess keefie put a bit more in 😊
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
I don't know - maths and me are not friends.
@Fiona-l8k3 ай бұрын
I've just seen something over on Ellis WR channel, he visited a chippy and bought a John Bull, is it a Blackburn thing ? A Northern thing ? I've never heard of them before, have you ever made one Keef ?
@Keefcooks3 ай бұрын
I'll try to get to Blackburn and check it out at some point.
@Fiona-l8k3 ай бұрын
@@Keefcooks That's great. Thanks Keef. Bury Market is interesting too.