Why Istaroth Abandoned The Heavenly Principles | Genshin Impact Lore & Theory

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My Name For Now

My Name For Now

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@DragonMJE 4 ай бұрын
"Contra Mundum"... I am glad I pay attention to Achievement names.
@ziebus904 4 ай бұрын
Bro got random piece of meat and made the best meal imaginable from it Also now to think about it....what if Dainsleaf in chapter story teaser is not speaking as dain but as istaroth or at least partly. Also the line "that throne in the sky is not meant for you" gets another meaning to itself
@phoenix221186 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the star rail harmony and order problem
@thependragone 4 ай бұрын
My own understanding of this world quest was that Phobos (aka Sybilla of previous civilization cycle combined with the Remurians minds) became the "Loom of Fate" for Remus's Operation of Symphony to defy fate. With that he became the God king apeing heavenly order. I was wondering if Abyss twin's Loom of Fate operation also has something to do with the survivor from the current cycle of civilization (after its destruction) to create the new world & civilization without interference of fate & with the memories of current one. I mean we as a player have been collecting memorable items from archon quests to remember the past events. And Fatui have been shown burning the Irminsul in previous teaser while talking about new & old worlds. Kinda makes sense to me why we are just a witness but also a descender. And then we have a travelling companion from teyvat who has amnesia but knows quite a lot about teyvat, looks like a floating fairy, wears a Tiara/crown & talks like a spoiled rich kid.
@ziebus904 4 ай бұрын
@@thependragone "he will become...the loom of fate" clothar 2023.....time to cook
@Ikaaa1333 4 ай бұрын
Speaking about achievement names, there's one that really bugged when I got it in patch 3.4 because it made no sense at that time. It's called "La luna rossa" which litteraly means the red moon in Italian and reads "Across this vast chessboard, whar horrors have been enacted under the light of the blood-red moon?"... And you obtain it by activating the 7 pieces on Deshret's chessboard..?
@ShirouE 4 ай бұрын
And just like that, Nabu Malikata's Warning for Amun to "seek not the Master of the Four Shades" suddenly has an entirely different meaning... Lol.
@Sacration 4 ай бұрын
Oh true
@Enochnes 4 ай бұрын
She doesn't refer to master of the 4 shining shades as a ruler of us she just said master of the 4 shining shades
@ShirouE 4 ай бұрын
@@Enochnes "Heed my warnings: seek not the Master of the Four Shades, and inquire not of the mysteries of the sky and the abyss." "Otherwise, as shown by the nail of retribution, certain calamity and sorrow shall follow." This is Nabu Malikata asking Amun not to go after the Master of the Four Shades (Phanes) since he became an enemy of the Divine (the Shades themselves are now against him). This is of course assuming the story of Remuria layers perfectly on top of Celestia.
@ForbiddenKnowledgeGI 4 ай бұрын
I always suspect thay Nabu Malicata told this not because PO is evil, but because the truth is dangerous.
@kotarouinugami1745 4 ай бұрын
@@ForbiddenKnowledgeGI Well, there seem to be basically two options: either PO is corrupted by the Forbidden Knowledge and sealed away (because coming in contact with him means risking Forbidden Knowledge) or somebody else is now in charge of Heavenly Principles, and doesn't want PO to be found. Or both.
@jennycatmystique7139 4 ай бұрын
phanes and nibelung working together also works out alongside the theory that humans came here from another destroyed world as refugees. the refugee theory is one that ive liked for a while, as i thought it gave a very interesting, dramatic irony to our original understanding of phanes defeating nibelung and taking control; they were desperate for a new place to live, so they reinacted the same destruction they fled from. BUT now adding in the twist that maybe nibelung AGREED to help build them a new home they could not just survive, but thrive in, and then both were betrayed.... that is SPICY spicy.
@rdpsysium7340 4 ай бұрын
Oh, I like this theory a lot
@SumiSakurasawa-uv1yt 4 ай бұрын
What is so nice about this theory is that once you accept the possibility of Nibelung and Phanes being on good terms, it suddenly answers a lot of the underlying questions in Genshin. Here are a few examples (out of many): 1. In the Legend of the Shattered Halberd, the protagonist, Mir, confronts a Celestial Warrior who tells him that before launching a war against the Asura, the God-King selected powerful warriors and made them ascend to become his Celestial Army. Remus, who was a God-King, shared his Divine Authority with 4 humans (the Four Harmosts) and made them ascend (yes, the game uses these words specifically). 2. We now finally have a reasonable explanation for as to what the Serpent in the Battlepass is supposed to represent. Phobos was corrupted by the sins of the Remurians. And if the Heavenly Principles is directly related to the Moon (which makes sense), then the Pearl in the Battlepass is supposed to represent the Heavenly Principles being corrupted by the sins of humanity, visualized by a black serpent since snakes are a common symbol of sin. 3. We now also have a real and reasonable explanation for what the Shattered Halberd is. Since Cassiodor shattered Boethius's soul into several fragments (which is similar to what happens to the protagonist of the Legend of Saha) then the Shattered Halberd is either Phanes being Shattered by Asmoday, or Asmoday being Shattered by Istaroth.
@1NotKitKat 4 ай бұрын
Nice explanation bro
@iosis9324 3 ай бұрын
What does the Nibelung have to do with all this?
@ghoulknight1526 4 ай бұрын
I think I might even slighlty agree on the Phanes and Nibelung being friends part and that's because we know of an all powerful tree that can re-write history and memories of beings who belong to Teyvat. What if the Heavenly Principles in order to keep the world under its control re-wrote history to make the dragons and the outlanders enemies? That wouldn't contradict Apep's story and veiw, but would also make your theory almost 100% logical. After all, I don't think it's beyond Celestia to do such a thing.
@PersonWhoseNicknamedL 4 ай бұрын
You made me go from planning how to destroy the Primordial One (with Neuvillete's help) to actually saying 'hold on' in less than an hour. Congrats
@Sacration 4 ай бұрын
Lmaoo same
@jabarilewis5665 4 ай бұрын
The primordial a progenitor god from beyond the stars shall never be defeated. Yes I am indeed a dawit fan
@PersonWhoseNicknamedL 4 ай бұрын
@@jabarilewis5665 A what? (genuine curiosity, no harm meant)
@davestew5135 4 ай бұрын
​​@@PersonWhoseNicknamedLanother lore channel that is a total corporate shill for the primordial one 😤😤😤
@jabarilewis5665 4 ай бұрын
@@davestew5135 Pretty much but it is enertaining though. All hail the primodial one a progenitor god hailing from beyond the stars. When it came down it looked at the dragons and said this is it and with its divine might it created 4 shining shades of itself and beat the dragons so bad they had to use crack to try to fight back. So yeah this but only a taste of what is in the dawit channel. I ask of you to give it a try and it is understandable if you do not want to.
@xpearlx 4 ай бұрын
You solved Genshin, this theory is amazing! My jaw dropped at the Scylla / Sinner comparison, pure genius! I'm so happy you make Genshin videos
@ianholbrook6298 4 ай бұрын
You cooked, my good sir! Also, this has now potentially answered something that’s puzzled me since we got Neuvillette’s Vision story. What do the HP get from Vision wielders? Because if the gnostic influences on Genshin, I’ve been assuming Vision wielders have a divine authority within themselves similar to how the gnostics believed certain humans (called “hylic”) possessed a divine spark. But I couldn’t figure out how they would have obtained it. What if when Nibelung was defeated, Phanes shattered themself and scattered their divinity amongst the humans? Perhaps that’s where the original gods came from, before Visions were created. If they awakened that divinity without the Vision to intercept their ascension, they became gods of Dust, Storms, Vortex, etc. Perhaps Phanes is actually integral to the HP functioning, so collecting Vision wielders allows them to regain Phanes awhile also keeping them under tighter control.
@Rozherhn 4 ай бұрын
or simply no shadow betrayed or left the celestial principles, and what is carried is really a plan of thousands of years given to a vision made by istaroth herself that would lead mankind to overcome the abyss. among them that these will achieve divinity through enlightenment, hence the visions as a means that these who have reached a certain degree of divinity through the samsara they live (rebirths in different lives) have managed to become primordial gods or Genshin (as Venti calls them in the epilogue of mondstads). he also seeks that the archons who gave him the authority to rule teyvat, the humans and other beings (dragons, adeptus and all those non-humans with intelligence) unite to protect teyvat when the seal they put will stop working or when the chosen one arrives, the knight in shining armor who can change the destiny of teyvat, which is to fall into the abyss, because if the war of vengeance that was not only a fight against the dragons but against the abyss itself was not won by celestia, she only delayed it enough to have one more chance.and all this was achieved thanks to the sacrifice of the gods of celestia and especially fanes who used all his power to seal the abyss, but paid a very high price losing all his power, I remember and even almost disappearing, as did rukkadevata several centuries later. but this led to the scattering of all the authorities that fanes had over teyvat giving birth to the gods we know.
@xpearlx 4 ай бұрын
Dawit is gonna throw hands lol
@thebettafish3239 4 ай бұрын
yea but not that much cuz in this version his beloved phanes, THE PRIMORDIAL ONE, OUR PROGENITOR GOD HAILING FROM BEYOND THE STARS is like, a good guy, and i think dawit would gladly agree with that
@MacKenzieAkari 4 ай бұрын
@burstlogic3457 3 ай бұрын
The amount of culture in this comment thread brings me joy. people who know the glory of the PRIMORDIAL ONE
@3u760 4 ай бұрын
Hm, so much things in my mind but I wanted to say that, while playing the Remuria Quest, I always thought about Venti from Kaeya's hangout all the way. Which Venti actually encourages the people of Mondstat to sing their own songs (and that would not be harmonious at all). Also the part about his poem for Kaeya, which Kaeya continued by involving the boat that sail towards the dawn. Adding to that, Pierro said that Tsaritsa would grants all the wish of all humans. Also traveler thinking about switching the prophecy in Fontaine. They think the one about people circled around Furina would be the one at the end. Also, this is very reminiscent to Nagadus Emerald Gemstone, Dendro Archon's dream about all kind of people were holding hands together in a circle.
@1NotKitKat 4 ай бұрын
Man... He cooked 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@SOLEILarts 4 ай бұрын
I want to add a fun theory about dainsleif , so today I was watching Code Geass an anime in which one of the main characters, Suzaku Kururugi , becomes a high ranking knight of Brittania ( the main ruling faction of Code Geass). I looked more into his character cause he felt familiar, then I found out he and Dain (and Sasuke from Naruto) share the same english va. I initially thought it was just a coincidence but their character, design, and personality similarities make me think its not. In the series Suzaku acts as an antagonist to the mc when it comes to his "dream"(mainly when it comes to the means of fulfilling it) My theory is that Dain is at least partially based on Suzaku .I highly recommend you look into it (unless you have already) because I think their stories could actually line up really well. Plus there is a ton of crazy elements of the show that makes the connection even stronger for me .Like a huge hivemind made up of the entirety of humanity refered to as "god". And the main character Lelouch who does everything for his sister Nanally whether its through good or evil means ( which could be an inspiration for the evil twin potentially). And there's a weapon in the show that is supposed to be used to defeat "god" called the SWORD OF AKASHA)
@Keplerite 4 ай бұрын
Babe, wake up, new My Name For Now video dropped 🎉
@garrettdoonan7310 4 ай бұрын
So if we go along with the idea that Istaroth = Cassiodor, then is it possible that at the end of the story, in order to defeat the Heavenly Priniciples, she'll(+Dainslief) need to enter it as a kind of hive mind and disrupt it's "will" for it to be defeated? The reason I'm asking this is because we now have two separate examples of this happening already. First, with Jebrael and the golden slumber. He enters the dream hive mind and disrupts the goal of the dream in order to save Jeht and the Traveller. Second, with Cassiodor and the symphony. He gets enveloped into the collective will along with Boethius and is able to help the Traveller by slowing and disabling the golem's body.
@Zeke1460 4 ай бұрын
I commented the bit about the past hiveminds and all the people who tried to become descenders through unified consciousness on your last vid. Glad you included that in this! I think a ton of people have missed the repeated hivemind-descender attempts throughout Teyvat’s history. Or they didn’t realize how they connected to each other.
@infrnlmssh9719 4 ай бұрын
Only 30 secs in and I'm upset the thumbnail is not Cyno saying "Hea-bee-nly Principles" I'll keep watchin, tho.
@Zeke1460 4 ай бұрын
Another interesting tidbit: The Fragments of Paradise Lost artifact set may support this theory. I forget which artifact specifically says it, but one of them says that celestia seeks to chain the thousand winds. Which likely means that the heavenly principles have imprisoned Istaroth as well. So they succeeded where Phobos failed. Also the chains that bind Scylla were MADE OF THE BLOOD OF EURGETIA. Eurgetia was another of the harmosts. So it’s possible that if the sinner is indeed Nibelung, the chains and energy that bind him are the remains of one of the 4 shades, which is why he can’t escape.
@ShirouE 4 ай бұрын
I am not sure what exactly you are talking about but if you are referring to this line:- "You seek but to chain the winds. Upon the tombstone of divinity shall humanity become the god of gods." That's not Celestia trying to chain a thousand winds. The quote refers to Deshret's dream being unattainable yet beautiful at the same time.
@Artwolf007 4 ай бұрын
I guess the corruption of the sustainer does mirror the gnostic hymn battle pass story of how the first heir was corrupted by the pearl and became dark queen
@rdpsysium7340 4 ай бұрын
I LOVED Remuria. All the musical motifs were incredibly beautiful, and while I'm not connecting the dots myself, I *knew* all the lore channels would be thriving. I've often thought that the Celestia of Genshin's loading screen was pretty but very empty. Knowing Genshin's penchant for musical themes, I now wonder if the columns are like pipes from an organ or tubular bells that can be struck. Or even harp strings. Especially since the theme has a harp playing. Is Celestia a ship in a harbor like the Fortuna?
@3u760 4 ай бұрын
This video is very well put! This fills some of the gaps in my theories now. Basically, I already thought that the whole dragons and PO/Heavenly Principle situation is that they're all the same guy. And you affirmed it by comparing Scylla with Nibelung and the whole Remuria situation (which I haven't thought about it properly). I always wanted to abandon the whole Dragon vs PO altogether. Because even if they were enemies (or not), both are 'from' the light realm and want to dictate Earth (the surface of void realm). An oversimplification but that's how I always see it. And this could even extend to how fate works, and Focalors' demonstration how to 'deceive' fate. - So you say that Istaroth may had her own faction with Eclipse Dynasty. Which actually, I had the same opinion along those lines (it was an old theory but now I see it in a different context). Because, I might misunderstand something but how I got Istaroth really involved with Khaenri'ah/Alberich is because I thought Chlothar summoned her by taking the water for the medicine at 2 pm. Well, the idea is based on the Thick Notebook (item you got after finishing Time and Wind WQ) when Henry feeling weird at 2 am. When I look it back, it's not a really concrete correlation (just because it's 2 am doesn't mean the other time is 2 pm) BUT, I might take that nonetheless. Because this is when I got Very further into the lore of Genshin. (Like, you might really want to dig into it) Example: 2 pm, 2 in the afternoon. Think of Death Afternoon, which irl made of Absinthe and Champagne. in Genshin, Kaeya said that it was made of sparkling wine (which would be Champagne) and Dandelion Wine (which technically would be Absinthe). And we got Sinthe in Genshin too (which is, a diluted primordial water) and all of that are French. And, Chlothar/Caribert names are derived from Frankish empire. Also, this is just whatever but Arle's eyes (which had Crimson Moon dynasty blood apparently) look crossed. Which, I always thought about Chicken-Mushroom Skewer's display of the mushroom. Putting aside Paimon's foreshadowing about that food, Kaeya's specialty literally add another cross on the mushroom which makes it look like a 8 star symbol. People joke about the Khaenriahn's eyes but I can't believe no one see this one? (Also the fact that Paimon ate the skewer, does that mean crimson moon eaten by Paimo- 🤔) I said Clothar summoned Istaroth, but the one that came (or Clothar lured into) is The Sinner. I may had an opinion on how that works but that's for another time. - I might agree about Cassiodor being Istaroth (for that case) but if you meant Istaroth's power would be (only?) the blue one, I might disagree. I think color really indicate a certain kind of power (being that 7 elements or others) but they're just elements. And, Dainsleif's power for that matter. But, I would agree that it's Istaroth's power on him but I had my own way of thinking on how that works. - I've been meaning to say that the "The lizard's bones dissolved into mud, from which swans emerged." makes me think it's related to Alchemy. Because, I can't ignore how Oceanids have bony structures on their bodies. Like, swan -> bone -> calcium -> calcite -> chalk -> kreideprinz albedo (white) (?) So I think, Oceanids are almost Albedo (?) and so the other dead dragon/beast? (Orobashi -> Crystal Marrow) (Durin -> Primo Albedo) I mean, he was eaten but I wonder if Primo Albedo just needed the last thing to be 'born'? (Elynas -> Melusines) Okay, so based on Venti, the purest soil can gave birth to human life. Does the purest soil mean it's the fertile earth? Well, if this makes dragons able to elevate the earth to make themselves pure (What I mean, life might come from dragon, a pure elemental being) then what makes a god that able to /properly/ make humans? 🤔 I might be unclear there, basically: Dragon was the peak (in the old world) but humans are more peak (being able to defeat the old ones). This all about evolution. Dragon being 'impure' that they birthed human is the consequence of evolution (multiple elements = white light = pure?). To be honest I would not credit 1st Hydro Dragon/Dragons to be the one that made life, it's technically the earth (and leylines). Which, everything that came from the earth, are basically the same thing. Winner or loser is just about power/authority. If the light realm is the realm of elements, then them being sentient it's not because of element itself (Remember, the elements can't be sentient). If they're native on Teyvat, where do their sentience came from? - A bit revamp about Istaroth. I wonder if her name is really based on Ishtar, would they name-drop it? I could accept that she's a local god in Teyvat universe (or planet). Like, that's a mesopotamian name, Sumeru could take the opportunity. (+ People speculated about The Sinner being Deshret). Also, the kingdom of darkness = Egypt. But I still think that 'time' is a crucial thing. The cyclical nature of Heaven and Earth, and the last riddle about Istaroth that is also about the cyclical nature of time itself. Speaking of cyclical, I always get the idea that somehow Nibelung was the 'winner' to the even older world? Does anyone questioning this too or I'm alone in this? - Personally, to think that 'light realm' is alien altogether from the planet (and I think the planet is abyss itself to its deepest depth) might soothe the idea a bit for me. This makes me think that Teyvat really is round and a normal planet ._. Well, there's Irminsul/Axis Mundi in between, which I think it's still works (and the multiple spaces/worlds situation they had going on). The elephant in the room is that Descenders (even the Heavenly Principles) sounds local to me (made from Teyvat), which make Rene's speculation makes sense. But, at the end of the day, all of this is still tied within Hoyo - *verse* , and there's an instance where Fischl met Otto (the Hi3 and Genshin collab, I didn't play Honkai games so sorry if there's a misconception 🙏) and Aloy. So light realm being alien makes sense to me.
@BoodyCheek 4 ай бұрын
So then with everything this theory potentially disclosed, and with Asmoday being a traitor, could that fall in line with her being corrupted by something/someone? Because not only was there the story with Kiana and the herrscher of void in Honkai 3rd, but there's also the color to her design, which when inverted, is the exact same color of the purifying energy of the Celestial Nails. If considering how the game likes to invert things, an example being the triquetra symbol in paimons case, this could point to something greater, but what could it mean? If corrupted by an outside influence, could it be the second who came? The abyss? Or even the honkai?
@kevinbaumhoer7359 3 ай бұрын
What if Asmodai is Kiana in a world there the honkai won Already thousands of Years . Due to the fact what Trevyat was at one point in Time so far Technological Advanced what the honkai invaded . We see this in Nagoya there Otto watches oberserves Trevyat . The Developers confirmed it what otto saw was Dvalin and Trevyat
@Zeke1460 4 ай бұрын
Also I love all the FGO Ishtar footage lmao
@thecrystalliaguild 4 ай бұрын
THIS IS INSANE omg the idea that Nibelung and the Primordial One were actually good and worked together but the Heavenly Principles became evil and stopped them I love your videos OH MY GOD AND ISTAROTH MADE THE ECLIPSE DYNASTY TO PROTEST AND WORK AGAINST THE PRINCIPLES?
@Elessiar11 4 ай бұрын
I found it familiar yet forgot how it was forshadowing 💀Genshin being Genshin as always. Great theory bro!
@bluecat3338 4 ай бұрын
31:20 on whatever the endgame of Genshin is going to end up as, it kinda feels to me like they’re building up towards a breaking of the cycle. They keep going on about it and it’s been mentioned a couple of times that the current cycle is going to be the last one. In fact, tho this is just me spitballing for shits and giggles, it could tie back into the early focus on erosion. Erosion is a product of entropy which can be fought against but fighting against it is never going to be something that just happens as part of the natural order. It must actively happen. And on that scale, perhaps the only one who could manage it is someone whose will rivals an entire world? Idk, interesting thought tho.
@doodlingcat4800 3 ай бұрын
Wait do we now know when the cataclysm happened, that being the 18th of December because we know neuvillette birthday It would be incredibly funny to me if one of the biggest events in recent teyvat history's date is revealed by a birthday
@bluecat3338 4 ай бұрын
4:56 hang on. Anybody else remember that limited event in Enkanomiya about the dragons shaped like people? Based on what little I remember off the top of my head I don’t think they could be Fontainians, but that’s definitely interesting.
@StellaLuxNebula 4 ай бұрын
@Sacration 4 ай бұрын
Video is so good I forgot it was 30 min long ahah I truelly believe that this quest was an allegory of what happened with the Primordial One. Although I dont thing it came from the Abyss. If your theory is correct wouldn't that Makes The Unknown god the Crimson Moon ? Or one of its puppet (the red color and glitch effect on arm) ? Also I wonder if u did see the similarities between HSR and Genshin with Remuria. The similarities are showing more and more. And I dont think it is a coincidence. The wings of Genshin in star rail... Stelle (star, light) and Caelus (Sky) resembling Aether (Upper Sky) and Lumine (star, light) ?? Acheron bartending webevent, her drink litteraly having Raiden twins story on it ? Tho the story is from a distant and already dead planet named Tayviet (likely alternate universe Teyvat)... The star beast of star rail aka the primordial waters drinking whales of genshin? Remuria literally looking EXACTLY like Penacony ? (And im not even joking. Its medieval Penacony one for one) Boethus style reminiscent of Dr Ratio style ? Ancient greece i know but event the colors etc... Harmony ? Symphony ? Alternate world (phobos) and the dreamscape ? All of that cant be a coincidence dont u think ? I also want to point out that Natlan artefact being named Unfinished reverie ? Looking at the definition of the word it matches totally the story of Penacony ... Idk maybe im reaching but the connections are too many now. It cant be a coincidence.
@Dan-ft8ey 4 ай бұрын
4:04 in version 4.4's event, Furina said "If I remember correctly, he's already several thousands of years old". Could this be a detail that the writers mistakenly put in? It could also be that Furina is for some reason mistaken about Neuvilette's age which is a strange detail to include without further elaboration.
@flop_for_life 4 ай бұрын
@Nightmare-xr3en Ай бұрын
Ooh my god your pronouciation of Immernachtreich is so much better than Fischls. She says Immernacktreich which basically translates to always naked kindom
@bluecat3338 4 ай бұрын
3:55 I’ve thought for a long time that Neuvilette was a “young” (relatively speaking, of course) dragon but my entire argument for that has been “idk, man, he’s just got those vibes”. This is a much better one 😂
@KallaTheYapper347 4 ай бұрын
Instead of the Primodial One being a bee, i think that the Primordial one is a parallel version to a character in HSR. I just finished fighting Sunday, and there's a line he said that made me think of how it parallels to genshin impact. "MY SOLE OBJECTIVE IS TO CREATE A PARADISE FREE FROM AEONS, WHERE ORDER ENSURES THE DIGNITY AND HAPPINESS OF ALL HUMANITY. A PARADISE EXCLUSIVE TO US HUMAN BEINGS." Does this not sound like something that the Primordial one did themselves when fighting the sovereigns to create humanity and the barrier around teyvat? I now genuinely believe that the Primordial one is an alternative universe version of Sunday who realized his plan of order via utilizing the music of the harmony. Mind you i haven't finished watching ur video yet for clarification.
@WhiteGold-tg1qj 4 ай бұрын
The Primordial One isn't the Bee. If we go by the story of Remus, the Bee Queen is the Heavenly Principles (the equivalent of Phobos).
@Sacration 4 ай бұрын
Oh for the second part of your comment u might be right indeed. HSR connection to Genshin are showing more and more. The star beast aka the whale ? Remuria literally looking EXACTLY like Penacony ? Boethus style reminiscent of Dr Ratio style ? Harmony ? Symphony ? Alternate world (phobos) and the dreamscape ? All of that cant be a coincidence dont u think ? Natlan artefact being named Unfinished reverie ? Looking at the definition of the word it matches totally the story of Penacony
@MiniFatRat 4 ай бұрын
lol I was thinking about Sunday and PO similarities too
@amieldelacruz7010 4 ай бұрын
If a lot of the event in genshin impact depicts the PO then the friendship between the Archons and their respective Dragons is already a clue, that the PO and Nibulung where probably friends.
@user-eu7tn3ng1u 4 ай бұрын
i have chills watching this video!!! everything fits together so perfectly and makes so much sense. you have got to be the best genshin lore channel on youtube
@VeraldoAncodini 4 ай бұрын
This was a 3 Michelin star meal.
@idmss2663 4 ай бұрын
This is so peak, not me having tears running down my face after the video ends
@elienasoleil 2 ай бұрын
it still hunts me to this day why khaenriah dynasties used names related to moons supposedly the envoys of heaven? celestia? it is also weird that native khaenriahns have pupils shaped as stars and the moon sisters adored the morningstars makes me think if the phrase says disaster that toppled heaven and descended the earth was as in literal and world literally turned upside down
@AloyImpact 4 ай бұрын
I feel like at the end we’re going to make a devastating decision…that’s going to hurt more than we probably realize…
@bluestrider2562 4 ай бұрын
That's pretty great imagery! Even if its not a one to one comparison, I think there will be some parallels, like you said. I watched an Ashikai video, where she's in the same thought process as you where she believes the Genesis Pearl everyone is looking for is Nibelung's pearl. Which when you combine that with your theory that the Sinner is Nibelung restrained like Sibylla was, and you get that the Genesis Pearl is not just Nibelung's pearl but his confinement. So if you find the Pearl, you can either use Nibelung's power or set him free. Kind of ties in a lot of loose threads.
@yamakaze951 4 ай бұрын
Wait, if Scylla represents Nibelung, and Scylla was bound in magic chains, wouldn't that make Nibelung the Sinner, whose sin was the inability to stop the chaos in Celestia?
@wordsmith6154 4 ай бұрын
I'd like to add another character to the mix as something hit me when you mentioned Ishtar and Aphrodite. Now, I'm more up on my Greek mythology than my Babylonian mythology, so I know a couple dozen more things about Aphrodite than I do Ishtar. All this to say that my initial focus is on her. Aphrodite is a goddess of love and beauty, sometimes even credited with giving birth to Eros, the god of love. Why do I bring this up? When you brought up Aphrodite, my first thought actually went to the Tsaritsa. We know hardly anything about the Tsaritsa, but what many of us speculate is that she is or was once a goddess of love. This is backed up by how about half of the characters with Cryo visions have experienced either love or heartbreak to get their vision and a line about how the Tsaritsa was once a happy archon full of love but something happened to turn her heart to ice. Tsaritsa has a connection with love, which has a connection with Aphrodite, who is also known as Venus and who also has a connection go Ishtar. Now, am I suggesting that the Tsaritsa is Istaroth or the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles (Asmoday)? No. Not in the slightest. However, it might be once we get to Snezhnaya that'll actually get more on either Asmoday or Istaroth and might even meet them when we get to this point. Why? Because MY theory is that the Tsaritsa is a pawn to one or the other of them. She's carrying out their bidding, even if she doesn't know it. It's also possible that they've sent down a divine nail to impale the grounds of her kingdom OR they did something that froze her heart. Beings that she's using Pierro as her mouthpiece, I only imagine that she's likely in emotional distress. This could either be because either the gods killed or stole someone or something she cared about. It's even possible that this could be a Persephone and Demeter situation with no one going to get Persephone yet, making it impossible for spring could come back. However, the real question is this: If the gods of Celestia are corrupted thanks to a coup and it's between the factions of Asmoday and Istaroth, then what side is the Tsaritsa really on and who is she really a pawn for? Those are just my thoughts. There's also one other thing I'd like to point out. Depending on what book you read, Asmodeus (or Asmoday) is known as the demon king of lust. The lore of the demons sometimes change from telling to telling, but this is normally consistent throughout the lore. This is similar to how Ishtar and Aphrodite/Venus are also seen as goddesses of lust and romantic attraction. I just thought that the connection is interesting. Take it as you will.
@marsiologist 4 ай бұрын
@NatureWatcher343 4 ай бұрын
To further add to what you said about Ishtar, she is also called the “Queen of Heaven” (where Heaven refers to the Sky) which is in line with Aphrodite Urania being the daughter of Ouranos, the Greek Personification of the Sky and the King of Heaven.
@Shinoot 11 күн бұрын
Haven't put nearly enough thought here but doesn't this whole story also parallel king deshret's story a lot as well? It's like the same thing keeps happening over and over in a loop (which also fits what catterpillar said about the samsara)
@diazpramudita5165 4 ай бұрын
Oh man, this is gold 😂. Some question, what do you think the reason for Heavenly Principle's silence ever since the cataclysm if we take the idea of Heavenly Principle being "Antagonist" here like in your video? If Primordial One and the Sovereign are indeed in peaceful term, What do you think of Before Sun and Moon's content? Especially the war with Sovereign part? Why did the Scribe of Istaroth convey a message that pictures a war between them? Or has the book been tampered with by Sustainer? What do you think of the possibility where Crimson Moon being the culprit behind Sustainer's current position or her disobedience in your video? Like Kiana in APHO is on the moon and the moon during that period is red, now I'm really curious what the fck actually happen with the moon & Kiana over there 😂.
@yairiscapellan4874 4 ай бұрын
This is the 5th time I've seen this video and I still have to say that... everything makes so much sense that it seems like you stole the script from the Hoyoverso offices.
@Infelious 4 ай бұрын
As always you have brilliant energy with these. You make long videos feel short.
@starryplatinum 4 ай бұрын
ok but i have one question, ya like jazz? 🐝 (also, i knew siraj's hivemind in alhaitham's quest had something to do with the remuria quest allegorically speaking because the followers of phobos + bee symbolism reminded me SO MUCH of the siraj hivemind, really amazing video!)
@burningpapersun1 4 ай бұрын
Kingdom of Heaven director's cut is a work of art.
@rcruzcarvalho 4 ай бұрын
Moreover, I thought it was very suspicious for Hoyoverse to make a whole patch version dedicated to Fischel, 2 years ago. Nice video!
@reimog3072 4 ай бұрын
I was craving a theory video today, thank you!
@sheevismycity4789 4 ай бұрын
Ok but.. Who the hell is the second throne then? And they ended up together to fight the third? And who was that?! So many questions still!
@emd4682 4 ай бұрын
I liked your theory and this is not necesarrily about it but I think there was a problem when you said at 4:06 that Neuvi was born 500 years ago because if the water dragon couldnt be born as long as Egeria was alive and according to Furina, Neuvillette is several thousand years old then Neuvi couldnt be the sovereign dragon of hydro, but since he is the dragon then there must be a lot more to how Egeria came to be and how her existence prevented neuvillettes one, or maybe furina was fed the wrong information... Maybe when the vishap went to Remuria and no one was watching over Egeria, her fleeing from prision allowed to Neuvillette to be born? like she must had to be kept there to prevent his reincarnaton so her llife or death hardly mattered after the fact? One she left the new dragon would be born and there was nothing they could do
@alexbookbinder3634 4 ай бұрын
I thought Neuvillette was much older than 500, maybe 1k-2k, based on dialogue from lantern rite.
@DragonMJE 4 ай бұрын
That dialogue was spoken by Furina who doesn't know much about Neuvillette to begin with. Had it been Focalors who said that, we would have had a different conversation. On subjects like these, Cassiodor and Scylla are far more likely to be accurate. Furthermore, their analysis makes sense, because Neuvillette being born following Egeria's Death is logically consistent.
@chester9787 4 ай бұрын
​​​@@DragonMJE 3:57 You: "Cassiador said that the new hydro dragon could not be born as long as egeria lived" Meanwile Cassiador (right on screen): "no new hydro dragon could be born so long as egeria *hibernated* *in* *the* *deep* *seas* " Chinese version (machine translation): while the master of the water *still* *lives* *in* *the* *deep* *sea* , no new water dragon will be born. he speaks about her death in context of passage of time that needed for Neuvillette to reborn. The way he says his next phrase confirms it: " ...it has been a log time since EVEN (this 'even' came directly from chinese) the former MMW passed... so much time has passed..." Cassiador meant that since egeria *EVEN* DIED hydro dragon would DEFINITELY have been reborn by this moment This dragon-rebirth-thing isn't only about whether she dead or alive, it's about her location too: is she in the deep sea or on land? When did egeria came out of the sea? It happened when she became hydro archon and received gnosis, right after the fall of remuria. With its fall the archon war ended in Fontaine. The last possible date for it to end is 2000 years ago (let's assume that Fontaine was the last nation where the war ended) => Furina and original commentator are right: Neuvillette's possible age could be more than 1k and even up to 2k years. And you don't even have to involve the characters' relationships and guess who might know what
@WhiteGold-tg1qj 4 ай бұрын
@@chester9787 Your analysis of the machine-translated Chinese version of the text is terrible for several reasons. However, even if we are to grant your argument that Neuvillette's birth was prevented through Egeria's slumber in the Primordial Sea (which is already a huge issue because Egeria did not sleep there of her own volition + that would assume two hearts of the Sea can exist at once)... But for the sake of simplicity let us grant your argument. Even then, you would still be wrong because Neuvillette's physical body didn't materialize until her death since he has no recollection of Egeria whatsoever and no memory of meeting her. There are still a lot more issues with this, but I will save them for later in case you decide to keep arguing about that position.
@DragonMJE 4 ай бұрын
Time to grab some popcorn.
@Sakuyamon 4 ай бұрын
You got something wrong. Neu was born during Egerias time. If I remember correctly, he talk about meeting or seeing her. He talk about personal experiences from a few thousand years ago.
@Skylight-nn9cl 4 ай бұрын
Man, Hoyo is really wild... Do they really expect the majority of the playbase to piece all of this together from the main story and tons of world quests? There are so many details you'd need to remember or write down. When I played the Remuria WQ, all I noticed was the part about the PO and the 4 shades, but the rest I just couldn't. And I admit that at times I even thought that maybe Remus was the true PO. Man, what a mess.
@Shichiri_21 Ай бұрын
Also, Genshin has not revealed the underground network that saved him from Harbringers.
@Xelluse 4 ай бұрын
Btw, this also explains Abyss Sibling's words to Traveller.
@bollus1561 4 ай бұрын
So this is why dainsleif have anti Barbatos agenda 😂😂😂
@iwantazhdaha 4 ай бұрын
You are a genius. I love every minute of this video.
@OlllllullllllO 4 ай бұрын
I have a question: before trying to go out of taywat at start of the game, what where the siblings doing it taywat? Why no one is asking this question? Why they know nothing about taywat if they literally just visited it?
@TheBilayer 4 ай бұрын
Amazing 👏 I recently read on chinese Xian. Oh boy, the connection with albedo is so strong.
@geovanagama1 4 ай бұрын
A topic that has nothing to do with this video (gonna watch later). Edit: never mind 😅, it mentioned Natlan. About Natlan: what if the people there can't leave that place (based on the little information we have from the new event) , because if they leave, they will be cursed, then becoming like Bennett. And i find the similarity with the curse that happened in penrihenri, where his friend turned in to a monster after leaving Khannria. Of course, the curses and the reason may be different, but the fact that if they leave their home nation activate the curse. 🤔🤔
@OlllllullllllO 4 ай бұрын
I am waiting your video for 4.7 stream!!
@Star_2108 4 ай бұрын
Bro is on to something huge
@koma_place 3 ай бұрын
The guy is just screaming theories at me x) I already have my mind blown, chill out pls😂😂
@nour2736 4 ай бұрын
What if celestia control more than one world
@adamek8316 4 ай бұрын
Finally a video about remuria
@andriip1667 4 ай бұрын
Man, why this is makes so much sense? Dude solved genshin again
@nara-yana 4 ай бұрын
Imma eating a Snickers® to try and follow all of this -madness- noice theory, good sir!
@ysfr 4 ай бұрын
bro your cooking is the tastiest
@geovanagama1 4 ай бұрын
8:48 again, first in sumero archon quest, than in Nahida first story quest, rhis is the third time.
@aidanf8705 4 ай бұрын
Istaeoth being Paimon makes more sense. I mean come on, being transformed Into a small talking creature(cat, or Paimon) to help the traveler defeat the corrupt shade…
@Shichiri_21 Ай бұрын
Dude, isnt Ishtar's existence erased? What if everyone just forgot about her and labeled Kaenri'ah as a godless nation cuz their god ceased to exist.
@sarahobay311 4 ай бұрын
first hehe i love your videos, man
@munchielitten5961 3 ай бұрын
Fischal is lumines real sibling pog
@hlonghi 4 ай бұрын
oh cool another My name for Now lore video! "Sy-Bee-lla" sigh... time for another bottle of Rye.
@Emilyhale777 4 ай бұрын
Wow, man!!!!! This is awesome!!!!!!! I think this in some way even influenced my understanding about our world as well. When people want other peoples deaths-God simply grand it to them, but here on earth we call it the devil 😅 So many synhronisities….
@ghelcarreon 4 ай бұрын
i like this theory. you cooked well
@thebettafish3239 4 ай бұрын
damm you really cooked this time
@3u760 4 ай бұрын
Hm, this is gonna get debunked in instant but just in case, . . I had an old crack theory that I made after The Final Feast was released, Which was, Cryo Archon = Hydro Archon. Now- I know, that it's a 🤷‍♀ but, I should be right in some sense about cryo-hydro being related. Because the game says so (Nuvilet's voiceline, Wanderer's voiceline, Bake Danuki event) I don't take that theory seriously but, If, I remotely consider the possibility, that, maybe, ...it could be related with whatever the hell happened to the 1st Hydro Dragon? Anything else? Hm.... the fact that Pierro joined Tsaritsa? And, I did looking forward to what happened with Alberich especially in Fontaine with Chlothar and Caribert since 4.0. - I thought the oceans and the seas accepting the rebels in BSaM fits the scenario in Fontaine, where the 'Hydro Dragon Sovereign' Neuvillette reclaim his authority from the Hydro Archon and judge the gods. Which, what Tsaritsa also does, but she actually commit to it. And, this is kinda weird to think that Remus = PO in this case but what if, just what if... Remus = Irmin? Or, someone else would be more fit for this? (I don't think Scylla would fit. Well, for Pierro, maybe)
@dark_dagger 4 ай бұрын
everytime i watch ur vids you remind me of Pastors
@Faresito09 4 ай бұрын
Watching the video rn but ive got a curiosity that i unfortunately probably skipped the answer to before being intersted in the remuria Quest: what Is scylla lol, hes the fell dragon prince but what does that title mean? Is he Just a powerful dragon that teamed with remus?
@PersonWhoseNicknamedL 4 ай бұрын
By what I remember reading it means that he is a very powerful dragon/vishap (idk exactly which of those) but not as powerful as the Hydro Sovereign. Its like a title in terms of hierarchy
@Sacration 4 ай бұрын
Scylla IS the name of the Fell dragon prince of the High seas. A very powerful and larger Vishap. A dragon of sort. He was appointed to watch over Egerias prison in the Primordial Sea. And at the end became Remus friend and ally
@NanaNanaque 4 ай бұрын
I love this
@alexanderericson8628 4 ай бұрын
Hmm but why would the gods care so much for humanity there has to be a reason for this. They have sacrificed so much for humanity to survive but it's never really explained why and there has to be a reason. I don't think the gods are innocent in Genshin at all and I am not sure there is a "good" and "evil" side either. I am fairly certain that Genshin is heavily inspired by Elden Ring as such there will be different endings possible. Not that we can choose different endings all thou that would have been really freakin cool. The story about the dragons mirror Elden Ring to well and the Erd Tree also mirror what Irminsul is.
@mitab1 4 ай бұрын
If all gods are fragments of the primordial one then it would make sense, after all phanes loved humanity and all gods are cursed with loving humanity, it's interesting that a seelie a creature created to guide humans, considers having libe for humanity to be a "curse"
@islam1337simo 4 ай бұрын
Updoot me!
@akramgenshingaming 4 ай бұрын
Your Arabic accent !
@Criblo456 4 ай бұрын
What is his accent?
@aapee565 4 ай бұрын
I figured that Remus and the four Harmosts were an allegory to Phanes and the Shades, but I didn't connect Scylla and Nibelung. I thought the sinner was probably Nibelung, and when you put the image of the crystal next to the chained Scylla I just felt so fucking dumb.
@DrakeWurrum 4 ай бұрын
You bring up how the hive mind method seems to be the only way to rival the will of a Descender. This was *ALSO* hinted at when we went to oppose Raiden Shogun's Vision Hunt Decree... Which we could only do when the will of the people of Inazuma backed us up. I still think Visions are a part of a hive mind system.
@iseecole 4 ай бұрын
According to Ei, the traveler could have save everyone if they were present at the Cataclysm 500 years ago, meaning the Vision boost was his doing.
@kotarouinugami1745 4 ай бұрын
@@iseecole It appears that the Traveller makes a perfect spearhead for any kind of collective effort. He can take the power of multiple adepti, and even the power of a hundred visions, and use this power without significant risk for themselves. So he might have been a spearhead for 6 archons present. Or he might have the trickery and wisdom to get to the bottom of the issue before it was too late.
@novalynn3562 3 ай бұрын
​@@kotarouinugami1745or maybe a sword? Like that of Narzissenkreux? 👀
@Zeke1460 4 ай бұрын
If the heavenly principles (the hivemind) really DID betray the Primordial one and posess/consume the Sustainer, then it’s possible they’re the ones who actually banished the seelies and fought against the second who came, rather than the primordial one. The primordial one may be a victim of their own creation, similar to Remus. And it’s even possible that the old primordial one is actually DEAD and we the traveler are meant to replace them and destroy the heavenly principles. They also had control over irminsul. So they could change all people’s memory of the events to suit their preferences. Which would make the dragons hate the “Usurper” rather than the heavenly principles themselves, who were the true culprit behind the events that took place back during the first era. And Vision Wielders (allogenes) may be people that the primordial one and the dragons are empowering in an attempt to create people who are immune or at least somewhat resistant to the heavenly principles’ control over their fates. Which is why the heavenly principles is locking up or even killing allogenes who “ascend to celestia.” They’re killing the allogenes who are the most likely to become threats to the heavenly principles. And Celestia killing Vanessa would explain why Venti hates Celestia.
@Cindie4321 4 ай бұрын
sir you are insane and i love every minute
@Shush7717 4 ай бұрын
I always thought that perhaps the primordial one and nibelung formed some sort of contract in the past which was forgotten over time and turned into a war after revisiting scenes from zhongli's story quest with azdaha.
@aczi2524 4 ай бұрын
nibelong working with phanes sounds ridiculous at first but it acually makes so much sanse with this explanacion
@quannump 4 ай бұрын
Why would Nib help Phanes? I think the answer lies in the the trope "tianxia" which is common in xianxia style stories. An example of Tianxia is in the film Hero (2002). A nameless warrior travels through several color-coded lands ultimately to assassinate the king. The character Broken Sword has a lot in common with Nibelung, assuming Nib did help Phanes. The audience is told Broken Sword failed to assassinate the king previously, but actually we learn that the king convinces him of Tianxia.
@needlenoggins 4 ай бұрын
you got me vibrating on my sofa !!!! i've brainstormed about this so much but you put it so well and clearly that i'm like !!!! i always find it fascinating when people are able to put their thoughts in a cohesive story that makes sense, could never be me. the ending part about istaroth fouding the eclipse dynasty is pretty cool when you consider that the sustainer of heavenly principles has a lot of the crimson moon's motifs and the crimson moon very much acts like what you'd expect the heavenly principles to act (even as far as crimson moon semblance, if i'm not mistaken on the source, implying the crimson moon sought revenge). if istaroth managed to dethrone the crimson moon then it would also explain the cataclysm and why the crimson moon was behind it (very much like it accompanies every fall of civilizations across teyvat, like remuria). i need to add onto dainsleif being istaroth's sword as sal vidagnyr's story kind of supports this theory!!! i can't fully make something of it and it involved a bit of speculation but i swear there's a connection between sal vindagnyr and khaenri'ah/dainsleif. in sal vindagnyr there's a princess who is also a prophetess and who is heavily tied with the irminsul tree, which very much like sybilla resembles a seelie or divine envoy. she meets an outlander, imunlaukr, who she grows close to (yet again, the pattern of seelie meeting outlander and it leading to destruction). after the celestial nail fell, he departed to find a way to save the nation yet when he returned empty-handed, he found that the nation's inhabitants all died in his absence. so he left searching for a land to fight, somehow leaving in mondstadt a legacy of a clan with his name known for raising warriors. dragonspine's murals actually include a symbol very similar to istaroth's sun and moon dial over the mountain after celestia left and an envoy blessed the people with something (i have a theory it relates to alchemy but i'm not going to go over that). what's curious is, besides khaenri'ah and sal vidagnyr sharing the same language, the scribe's box messages also include a mention to khaenri'ah in its early days as a nation without gods and the implication that the last survivor (maybe the priest himself) left the land in search of imunlaukr (which could have very much gone to khaenri'ah). the way you said dain was istaroth's sword really clicked something in my brain. the name imunlaukr means “sword” (like dain's), being a direct reference to the god ullr - step-son of thor and the son of lady sif. sif was famous for her beauty and unique golden hair, said to be inherited by her children. and of course, who else is a sword, happens to be blonde and has connections to khaenri'ah? our boy dainsleif!! dainsleif which translates to dáinn’s heirloom, dain meaning 'dead’ and being a character in norse mythology. most of the tales relating to him depict him as a dwarf or king of elves. which automatically leads to nibelung alert. the name nibelung, as probably everyone and their mothers knows already, usually refers to either a group of humans or a group of dwarves and in genshin is likely derived from the opera der ring des nibelungen 'the ring of the nibelung', in which the dwarf (or nibelung) alberich creates a ring capable of controlling the world, using gold he stole from the rhinemaidens (or rheintöchter “rhine-daughters”)... yes, like rhinedottir, our local genius alchemist. the conflict that arises over the ownership of this ring eventually leads to the destruction of the gods and their home. continuing with dainsleif though, in myhtology, the sword is involved in a so-called eternal battle between kings, initiated by one man falling in love with and running off with another’s daughter. dainsleif was forged by the dwarves whose god/king was alberich, and the sword was cursed with insatiable bloodlust and would not be able to be sheathed until it had killed. any wound caused by the sword would never be able to heal either. furthermore, dainsleif is also called “bough keeper”, a bough being a branch of a tree... maybe like the irminsul? in 'before sun and moon' there's this one parable ("the parable of the tree") that has always caught my attention because i always felt like the king's gardener and the tree spirit being in love always felt similar to the ancient seelie ancestor's story, the tree representing the seelie/seelie ancestor. but the king, an incarnation of the primordial one, wished to repair something in his pavilion, and so needed to cut down the tree with the most spiritual energy within it. the gardener could not defy the sovereign of sovereigns, and so he could only bring his plea to the king's priest, who was the incarnation of istaroth. the priest advised the gardener to cut down the tree spirit's branches and plant it onto the ground. and paralleling the sakura tree story, the priest says it will take 500 years to go but that the gardenere's one thought shall echo through eternity. "for it is the god of moments who is able to take "seeds" from this "moment" into the past and the future". dain's design also has blue lines akin to those in irminsul trees and blue lines also appear in his and pierro’s masks (all from eclipse dynasty). the introduction to his character is written by a supposed prophet and mentions the desire to see the skies burning - like one of the messages in the scribe’s box - as well as desire for atonement of bygone mistakes and mentions of alchemy. i have no idea if imunlaukr is dainsleif, a mirror of his story or even unrelated but i am so invested in the story of sal vindagnyr's and how it might intertwine with celestia and khaenri'ah. and i think what you presented in the video could also make a lot of sense when having this part of the story into accoun too. maybe? ahah anyways sorry for the rant. i loved the video :D
@ReverseElectro 4 ай бұрын
27:27 I knew I read this somewhere before but I couldn't remember from where it was... Wow, just wow... This is so cool!
@Anilyan13 4 ай бұрын
Mihoyo should give you a reward for connecting all the dots
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