唔係讀得書多或少嘅問題,而係每年都有好多新嘅研究報告。2016年諾貝爾獎得主發現如何啟動「autophagy」。Autophagy可以將人體裏邊老咗嘅細胞,受損左既細胞,以及突變嘅細胞都大量清除。人斷食三日先可以完完全全啟動autophagy,斷食二十小時都會有少少嘅效用。益處包括有:防止以及逆轉二型糖尿病,三型糖尿病(老人癡呆癥),癌症(清除突變細胞),老化(清除老咗嘅細胞)。 Dr Jason Fung 有好多例子可以參考,就連啲六七十歲嘅阿婆都會皮膚收緊,皺紋越來越少。 如果有人想試嘅話就一定要飲大量水,最好加啲鹽。起身覺頭暈其實好多時都唔係血糖低,而係缺乏鈉。人體進入酮症狀態(大約斷食十六小時後)後就會將脂肪變成葡萄糖(糖質新生)。 最後我都要加一句,內容只屬一般資訊,如有任何個人健康問題,請務必諮詢你的醫生。
Thanks Dr. Rex for sharing with us the benefits of proper intermittent fasting, what are the adverse effects of improper fasting on the body, and the things we need to pay attention to when fasting. Dr. Rex explained concisely and clearly that fasting should be due to each human body and needs, and we can choose one that suits us. The best thing is that during the fasting, at the same time, follow his instructions and do some resistance exercises and a balanced and healthy diet in daily life. Hope everyone stays healthy and strong. 💪 What excites me most is to see Ah Bo and Cheese together at the end of the video. 🤗🤗😘😘
@se7enzee444 Жыл бұрын
Should consult your doctor before doing fasting. I highly recommend people read Dr. Jason Fung's books The Obesity Code and The Diabetes Code to learn more about intermittent fasting.
@selina1834 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for telling me. I think it is more important to pay attention to healthy eating habits and do more exercise. 😊
Thanks Dr. Rex for sharing. I always find your explanations simple and easy to understand. You always managed to bring out things that can easily be ignored. Nice to see Ah Bo and Cheese together.
Dr, wud you mind of telling us fasting csn be activated the cell autophacy process , tks
@DrRex-lb7gn Жыл бұрын
Not enough evidence to prove that this effect exists in human to the extent that some people claim it to be beneficial to health The rule of thumb is not to extrapolate: a response occurs in rodents does necessary mean it occurs in human