Drunk Flirty Player Ruins DnD Night | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@400KrispyKremes Жыл бұрын
Drunk people ruin a lot of stuff. The trick to getting a drunk person out of your house is to tell them you're all going out to get food, and then put them in the backseat, and if they wake up then get food, but if they don't then drop them off at their house. When they wake up they will see the note you left them informing them that they're out of the D&D game.
@kapitan19969838 Жыл бұрын
That's deceptive
@400KrispyKremes Жыл бұрын
@@kapitan19969838 *Effective
@Alaspooryorick98 Жыл бұрын
​@Broskisnowskibeing drunk doesn't make you your true self lol. Your inhibitions are a very real and essential part of your values and self.
@oxylepy2 11 ай бұрын
Turn the super ego down and see where things go. Wake up the next day and start regretting what the id got up to
@WaveShock007 Жыл бұрын
Extremely fitting that Aqua is the Drunk Girl
@MajorMasonGaming Жыл бұрын
The unless blue thing is the drunk
@ganmerlad Жыл бұрын
According to the story, Monk set out to get drunk as their very first drink was a mix of white claw and hard alcohol. OP or boyfriend should have said there and then nobody was to get drunk or they were ending the game because they can't afford any trouble (with the neighbors, between friends, whatever), especially if they know Monk overdoes it. Once Monk was clearly drunk the OP says "we just could not get her to stop"...yes you could, you could in your home at least. There were three choices at that point: take all of the alcohol away, stop the game and make her leave, continue the game and leave the alcohol out and watch her get drunker and messier. They made the last decision which was the worst decision. So the OP (and the rest of the group who wanted to keep playing and ignore her) is also responsible for the situation. By that point the Monk was no longer a "responsible adult making their own decisions", she was wasted, addlebrained, and craving more alcohol and more drunkness. As soon as it was clear Monk was that far gone, they should have paused the game, told Monk she was going home, and one of them take her home or call a cab/uber. While I feel sorry the game was ruined, OP should acknowledge their part in letting it get that bad. As an aside, if Monk had never acted like that before as a years-long friend, OP should probably be concerned that something might going badly in Monk's life instead of just being indignant and dumping them.
@damienhailey118 Жыл бұрын
Problem is, a lot of victims in these Horror Stories are either "non-confrontational", or of the idea that actively putting the Horror's actions in check would somehow be ruder than the Horror is already being.
@nigeltucker4202 7 ай бұрын
I agree in thinking the monk showed up with the plan to be drunk as fast as possible. When the story started and the monk sat down, poured a white claw and added a couple shots, that was the red flag. At that point, someone should have attempted to put a halt to it. I would have said something like, "Hey! Easy now. We're going to be here for a few hours, how about easing into the drink instead of jumping in the deep end?" Since they were all friends and could be a little jokey about it rather than alter the game mood everyone was in. Now I'm not innocent of not drinking or sometimes drinking to much. I've brought a bottle of whisky to a game before but I had small drinks throughout the night and left sober enough to drive home. I've gotten drunk on a online game, when i was the DM. Thankfully my players saw it happening and it was late into the session and asked if we could end there for the night. I apologized the next game session and started the new session redoing the last hour of our previous game.
@towelgirl21 9 ай бұрын
Booting Monk with no 2nd chance was fine. If someone 1. ruined my game night, 2. put their creepy hands on me and my friends, and 3. wouldn't leave my house when told, they've got to go.
@Daman3tm Жыл бұрын
That drunk story hit way too close to home for me. My group is adamant to only play while being intoxicated on a certain green herb, it can be horribly annoying getting them to pay attention to the game and further the plot.
@schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын
I know what you mean. Everyone's breath smells much better after some mint.
@TigerW0lf Жыл бұрын
If they can only enjoy the game while they're high/drunk, they're probably not a group worth playing with
@dwaynejackson551 Жыл бұрын
​@@schwarzerritter5724Downside is that mint starts to stink after a while meaning you need more to cover the smell.
@MWH12085 Жыл бұрын
I knew a guy who was DM for his group. They smoked while playing but the game NEVER got derailed
@caioaugusto3138 Жыл бұрын
As a based journalist says in my country: "Every weed smoker also smokes manure"
@MWH12085 Жыл бұрын
I know what its like to have a drunk guest basically refusing to leave. Its annoying
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
With my old group, there was minimal drinking. Literally just a beer or two to basically help us relax a little more. We were too focused on playing the game over getting drunk. Then again, most of us were in our late 20s and early 30s so we all had plenty of drinking experience and knew our limits. Honestly it is best to not allow alcohol during a game, unless everyone knows eachother and have played enough together to trust one another to know their limits
@Zeturic 11 ай бұрын
With regards to the "if my character dies, the world ends", the DM should simply allow them to break the curse in some completely trivial way so that it's resolved by the halfway point of the first session.
@Wrathura Жыл бұрын
"DM... too new to realize..." "...our one year mark..." So, no. They are not "too new". That assumes they are like 1 month or less into DMing.
@Jermbot15 Жыл бұрын
Protecting "Rose" doesn't need to take precedence. In fact letting "Rose" die sounds like it scores you a free BBEG. Turn it into a running joke, quip about it while "Rose" is having a solo scene. Make it painfully clear that you find the potential "Rose monster" far FAR more interesting than the edgelord "Rose" character. Or, I guess, have a mature and responsible out of game conversation.
@newbienoah9461 Жыл бұрын
The fact that some people in this comment section are getting butthurt over her getting kicked over getting "a little drunk" clearly didn't pay attention to how she was harassing Bard or how disruptive she was being overall I bet those people defending her probably never been around a drunk person in their lives.
@CallMeKes Жыл бұрын
I LOVE Alice's sweet little broken meow.
@violinfanatickamraz1403 Жыл бұрын
I love all his cats!
@homebrewisthebestbrew5270 Жыл бұрын
My groups have had an ironclad rule for over 40 years: no hard liquor at the table. PERIOD. One or two beers or wine glasses was as much as we'd tolerate. And it works. (Of course, YYMV; I'm not that doctrinaire.)
@leegish6984 Жыл бұрын
I think the Rose character would be a good npc for the next campaign and could potentially lead to an emotionally charged late game loss to cathartic boss fight
@Elyseon Жыл бұрын
I hate drunks. Can't stand them. Had to deal with an alcoholic narcissistic relative for years who was absolutely insufferable. As for the second story, the DM was an enabler and needed to cut that shit out.
@7thsealord888 10 ай бұрын
Story #1 - This is why my friends and I all have a "Strictly No Grog Or Drugs" policy for our games. (Junk food, no problem whatsoever., bring it on!) In this case, the only move was to cut off the booze and close the game for the night. Never mind appearing rude, because the basic courtesy ship had already sailed. Pushing on in hopes that things would miraculously improve was not going to happen. Story #2 - TALK to Main Character again, only *WITHOUT* any niceness. IF that Player truly is a nice guy IRL (and I question this), then he can only be clueless about his ingame behavior and that needs to stop.
@sagekoh3158 Жыл бұрын
Im dead certain that there was inklings of monks drunken behavior. You dont go lengthy perioids of time without seeing the drunken bafoon your friend could be. And story 2's dm is enabling. Its as easy as "no one seems to pay attention to that" and boom! Suddenly the reality of not being main character sets in. Then you let them change to a team player or oust the man child he becomes
@thephantomspectator407 Жыл бұрын
"Monk" AND "Sam" need permanent kicks from ANY D&D table and irl hot sauce high colonics!
@ellagrant6190 Жыл бұрын
The idea of the character being cursed and causing a world ending power to come out, that might be fun if within the first few missions they fail and the big bad is summoned. The players mission would turn to trying to survive or minimize the damage. They would be right there as the apocalypse happens.
@CandyChaos7 Жыл бұрын
As a player with *Main Character Syndrome* ? I find this story quite a lesson learned.
@seebassteterismaster7879 Жыл бұрын
The best way to not be given such a title such as Main Character Syndrome or MCS is to let others be in the spotlight. If you feel like you wanted to contribute and add to their story with your interactions, DONT. This is how you can be more appealing to other players. Let them do their things for a while. After letting them do their own stuff, THEN add your interactions with other players if you feel like this will improve party relations. In the world of tabletop games, LESS is MORE. If you have a player with MCS, imagine them monologuing their entire turn on what they can do. This will piss off people. If you make your turns and roleplay short and sweet and less interrupting, you will become a great player! This is not directed towards you CandyCao, its just a lesson for whomever would read this reply.
@alarkhar Жыл бұрын
The dude in the last story wouldn't last long in my group - not if I am the DM. Why? Because in my thirtysomething years as a TTRPG player/GM I have met more than my fair share of spotlight hoggers, main characters, powerplayers, soloists, the works. Sometimes more than one at the same time. And I'm on my last nerve.
@Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын
They openly invited this activity. It's exactly why I don't allow alcohol at any of my games
@soldierbreed Жыл бұрын
To be completely fair i would have had to roll up one passive AF character to be okay with not getting my full payment.😂
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
Hey Doge, sounds like your healing journey is going well. Yay! It's an Alice Thursday.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
1st one; odd op jumped to calling Monk an alcoholic with one drink. Monk went there to get drunk, but alcoholism is a serious problem that is not the same as "got drunk at a party once." The Monk might just not drink a lot, so they do not know their limits. I get op being mad about dealing with a drunk person when they are not; never fun, but op is compounding every single offense each time it comes up. It is all one offense, so listing them individually is a bit ungracious; ie, you totaled my car covers the ac not working, the cracked radiator, the oil leak, the broken windows, the body work, and the headlights not working. Listing out individual grievances makes it sound like you are either arguing against someone or indulging in your feelings, which comes off odd if Monk had not done this before and they had a good relationship before. Once a drunk person starts acting the fool, you kind of just have to wait for them to sober up; op is taking a lot of the breaches in boundaries very personal when it is clearly due to the state of intoxication. That seems odd; not that I think the drunken flirting is warranted, but I would not take a drunk person serious as they will not be remembering this conversation in the morning. I would have a conversation about bringing booze to a game night, but I would not be upset about a friend coming over and getting drunk their first hangout after being in quarantine for a year... but not my circus, not my monkeys. Seems like op is building a case to boot Monk; me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
@stevenschnepp576 Жыл бұрын
She mentioned this wasn't the only time Monk had gotten drunk around them. I imagine she knows this person a bit better than you do. Being intoxicated is not an excuse for bad behavior. That you think it is suggests you should find a responsible adult to supervise you when you indulge your -addiction- vice.
@JKevinCarrier Жыл бұрын
Drunkeness is not a "Get out of jail free" card. Gross behavior doesn't suddenly become ok just because "they won't remember it in the morning". Getting drunk is a choice, and when you make that choice, whatever happens next is on you. Perhaps getting booted from the group will be the wake-up call that Monk needs to understand that actions have consequences.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@stevenschnepp576 op does mention it is the first time monk did this sort of thing. Again, she might only drink at friend's parties and a year of covid made her lose her tolerance. This is forgivable if the relationship is otherwise good, which op suggests that is the case hence why this was a shocking turn of events. Yes, adults are responsible for themselves, but once you are in a compromising situation it is generally on your friends to help. Ie, if she fell from the balcony and broke her leg it is a jerk move for the host to complain she is bleeding on their carpet; the host is technically justified but still a jerk to care more about their carpet than the welfare of a supposed friend and guest. That is why I do think they should have a talk about boundaries later, so it does not happen again. If the relationship is not important or they think the monk is going to reoffend, not inviting them over is appropriate, but this comes off as a one off thing the way op resents it.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@JKevinCarrier I am not suggesting it is an excuse for her actions, but nothing she did was "unforgivable." She got drunk, derailed a game, became annoying, and awkwardly flirted with some people on the first party she went to after not seeing anyone after being released from quarentine lockup. This will be a funny story they tell in a few years. Consequences should be in line with the offense; I am not in favor of the death penalty for j-walking. As I said, this does not seem like the sort of thing to end a friendship over, but that us up to the individual to determine what value a relationship has. I am all for having a healthy conversation about boundaries after this, but being annoying because she got too drunk is a solvable situation; just say "you cannot bring booze or be drunk at my place again." They appear to have a good relationship otherwise, hence why this was surprising.
@kakonoteouji4876 Жыл бұрын
To be fair though the players are the main character but doesn't mean can't be kod or even Tkod.
@jorfonfuller5181 Жыл бұрын
I can admit I played a campaign and booze was involved. My actions cause the death of our cleric played by my brother. Since then I only drink coffee and water when playing dnd.
@ArkbladeIX 10 ай бұрын
No juice? :(
@PaladinGear15 Жыл бұрын
I've played with someone like in the 2nd story. It was a star wars game, literally every vaguely important NPC we came across knew and respected this guy, and if the NPC was a woman, he'd just randomly pepper in the fact that they've banged in the past. For some reason the DM just always allowed it, but he was the enabling type anyway.
@robertocova73 Жыл бұрын
I think Monk has a drinking problems and she needs an intervention and a serious talk. There are levels of drunkenness, but for that Monk, she reaches the level that is too dangerous not only for everyone, but also for herself.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
Getting drunk once does not equal a problem; op said she never did this before and she might have gotten drunk because she does not drink a lot and does not know her limits. It is causing problems in their friend group, but I do think this is the sort of thing that can be smoothed over with an apology. This is their first get together since covid restrictions were lifted, so I would think this is not likely to happen again, especially if they have a healthy discussion on boundaries.
@DellikkilleD Жыл бұрын
lmfao, you have got to be kidding mate. drunk flirty chick is hardly dangerous for anyone.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@DellikkilleD I notice a lot of people have extreme reactions whenever alcohol is brought up, and it gets oddly judgy. One dude suggested all her friends should shun her forever because she got drunk at a party once and acted the fool. A bit too puritanical for my tastes.
@kainslegacy78618 Жыл бұрын
I got the impression that it wasn't the first time she brought her own strong alcohol at this kind of social event, if OP and the rest of the group's reaction is anything to go by. You don't stop yourself from calling your friend an alcoholic when it's the first time they bring an extra spicy drink. The first time it's funny shenanigan, when it's a pattern, it's a point of concern at best. Though it's obvious that the devolution of her resulting behaviour was a first.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@kainslegacy78618 except op directly says that this is the first time monk did this. The op calls monk an alcoholic for making one mixed drink; she was not drunk yet nor was there indication that she would get out of hand. The story supports op's conclusion if they had had problems with Monk before, but that is not said anywhere in the story and there is conflicting statements where "she had never done x" were used, hence why they are caught flat footed several times. I will point out too that op states this is their first party after being quarantined. This is a special occasion in my mind, so I would not draw any judgemgement for an over all base line character of monk's day to day than having them go to a Bachelorette party is for how they spend an average Friday night.
@stevenschnepp576 Жыл бұрын
"The world ends if Rose dies" is a nonissue. How often do you see PCs die in D&D?
@antoinelambert938 Жыл бұрын
For story 2 I'd twist the mc syndrom with things like The 2 brothers are linked so killing ones kills the other (another player is hero of profecy) The continent ending threat... well a lot of good guys including an actual paladin seam to want to bring it about and look at that rose died turns out the tarrasque has the mind of a great wyrm gold dragon and is a lvl20 paladin out to defeat the forces of evil.
@amitamaru Жыл бұрын
If I were the DM, I would try to have it if Sam's second character died, the conjured demon would not appear for 100 years. That would give the party time to find a counter measure to stop the destruction of the world.
@TheJohno95 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The reason I don't allow any booze or weed at the table. Story 2: It sounds like Player 1 may have more experience than the others. Including the DM. And kind of steamrolls over the DM. Being a new DM can be tough when you have experienced (or people that claim to be) players in the group. You may feel like you're doing something wrong or that they're just looking down on you for being new. So, New DM tends to let the player kind of get away with things because they think they know what they're doing. Which might not be the case. A really experienced player will cut a new DM a break or maybe just talk shop after a game about what they're doing right and what they could do better. If they're out of control, they're probably just bulling their way through by pretending to know more than they do. It could also be that the DM just finds that character's story more interesting. Which sucks for everyone else, admittedly. But....the DM might be more entertained by a huge storyline than by some folks wanting to decorate for a holiday. Not saying both ways of playing aren't fun, but it's pretty easy as a DM to swing toward the player or players that interest you. I've been having this issue myself. One of my players fully commits to the storyline I'm running. Or at the very least looks for and follows story hooks. The other tends to just hang out in their base of operations. Waits for things to come to him. Spends all of his resources finding esoteric abilities that don't really fit the character. Trying to buy real estate. Etc. Now, I know I should try to spend more time on the person that just wants to do their character stuff. But the other person makes it easy for me to advance the storyline, so it's easy when they keep splitting up to just spend way more time on the person driving the main plot along. The other one just never tries to stay with the other player. And I can tell he gets kind of flummoxed when the other player keeps getting more and more story hooks. But he still makes no effort to keep up. Usually playing Candy Crush or texting. Which might be because he feels he's getting nowhere. But it's also the reason I tend to pay more attention to the player who is paying attention. Long story short, it's not right to focus on a "main character." But it sometimes happens. I mean, you can try to engage your players that aren't involving themselves. But you can only do so much. Not an easy situation.
@patjacksonpodium Жыл бұрын
Man, a fun game could be made here out of "Spot the people in rhe comments who very likely are the drunk assh0le at D&D." That first story is bringing em out in droves. I've rarely seen so much defence of drunken behavior...
@Fluffykeith Жыл бұрын
Sounds like the monk in the first story took lockdown really hard and developed a drinking problem and needs help.
@sharde26 Жыл бұрын
Kitty gets a thumbs up :)
@boxturtlebruce6110 11 ай бұрын
Getting drunk while playing dnd can be fun if the whole party is in on it played that way a unch of times the games would always develop into a fantasy version of aqua teen hunger force and it was a lot of fun
@stankdelicious6479 Жыл бұрын
D&D is not your story…It’s our story.
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
O.P.'s initial reaction to nuke the game was an overreaction. They player needed to go, not the game.
@stevenschnepp576 Жыл бұрын
The game continued without the Monk.
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenschnepp576 I know that, which is why I said the player needed to go.
@newbienoah9461 Жыл бұрын
​​@@marybdrake1472So didn't *You* overreact?
@ShatteredAutomaton Жыл бұрын
Don't you mean "further a-doge?"
@avengemybreath3084 Жыл бұрын
Alcoholism exists
@tegy140 Жыл бұрын
So personally I think your friends have been friends for a really long time and you've never seen your friend get drunk and start acting weird before you should be more concerned than just kicking them out of your game, and then secretly playing it without them, there should have been a talk about this, you guys. Should've learned to give her some water or something. I just see a lot of maybe you didn't actually like this person in the first place, like if you know someone for years, you're going to see different sides of them and stuff like that is going to happen plus it seems like nobody else really had too much of a problem with it, but you kept acting them in texting them and bringing up that. Hey, this person is a drunk, aren't they ruining everything?
@HihiouZabimaru182 Жыл бұрын
@hevygear2427 Жыл бұрын
The ohio way of getting people to leave is to say an exaggerate "welp" while slapping your hands onto your knees while getting up
@sailorsloth8183 Жыл бұрын
But then you get stuck in the Midwest Goodbye ritual for 2+ hours
@jebbush6657 Жыл бұрын
​@@sailorsloth8183well sure the welp slap is the initiation of the ritual though
@Victoriap1cu Жыл бұрын
I don't understand KZbin metrics. It currently says there's a comment, but I can't see any. I just assume they make the numbers up at this point.
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
It was my comment
@HiddenWindshield Жыл бұрын
Tom Scott has a video entitled "Why Computers Can't Count Sometimes" that explains it pretty well.
@htennek1 Жыл бұрын
Yeah.. blame it on the person and not the fact that everybody was drinking..... Typical behavior from drunks ive seen. they could have just gotten together and played but chose to bring alcohol into the mix... that shit never make a situation better.
@WinteryNeighborhoodWinterspell Жыл бұрын
I made a reddit, and I'm excited to post my horror story on your page doge! I hope you see it!
@demonslayer3329 Жыл бұрын
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
Excited to be first!
@MadmanHelldiver Жыл бұрын
I've got a hot take, I don't think drunk people should be held to the same standard as a sober person. Way too harsh on someone who can't control themselves, that first story had Monk become a whole other person, silly sloppy and weird, but the OP didn't seem to have an once of sympathy. Makes them sound like a bunch of squares, not Bard though, that forward advance was probably unwarranted.
@stevenschnepp576 Жыл бұрын
Pretty stupid take. The sober person made the choice to get sloppy drunk, knowing the game required a good bit of strategy and math. She also, while drunk, made very unwelcome passes at everyone, going into sexual assault on the one player. If you think that's just everyone being "squares" for not being into it, you need to take some time to reevaluate yourself.
@patjacksonpodium Жыл бұрын
That's certainly a hot take, alright...🤡
@l0stndamned Жыл бұрын
People are sober when the make the decision to start drinking so being drunk is not a "get out of trouble free" card. Drunks aren't entitled to any more sympathy than sober people.
@jebbush6657 Жыл бұрын
You sound like you're the embarrassing alcoholic in your friend group lol
@qu1253 Жыл бұрын
So by this logic, the drunk driver that hit me head on a few weeks ago and nearly killed me can't be held responsible for his actions. Awful take.
@gr_pillar Жыл бұрын
In the first story the monk was clearly hotter than OP, so OP got jealous and exaggerated. I think so because of totally pointless explanation that they had to take turns on toilet. Of course you had to, which home (especially a flat)has individual separate bathroom for each person, including guests?
@starbird3939 Жыл бұрын
We found the drunk monk, guys
@gr_pillar Жыл бұрын
@starbird3939 The number of women i had in my life may indicate that I'm a monk, but even so, I'm not the monk from the story.
@stevenschnepp576 Жыл бұрын
​@@gr_pillar You didn't need to tell us there are no women in your life. We could tell.
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