My issue is that I’m sitting in queue for 20 minutes every single solo shuffle - I don’t have time for that at all
@praedonius96934 ай бұрын
Not much that can be done when there's about 300 DPS for every 0.5 healers queuing
@poorpriest45494 ай бұрын
@@praedonius9693 Yeah, healer/tank/dps is an outdated concept
@Kublai20004 ай бұрын
Dueslist as it stands right now is 11%-tile. So only someone mathematically illiterate would think that the “average” joe could get it
@StevenNeidlein4 ай бұрын
I can't wait till solo rbgs in tww
@allucarrd54934 ай бұрын
@@praedonius9693 what do you mean nothing it can be done? Give healers a heal mount .. give heals better rating i really dont care ... plenty it can be done ....
@Ceejae_HGA4 ай бұрын
Really cool to hear your thoughts & commentary on my post Ven!
@Copiumgold4 ай бұрын
It's the time. Tell me your hitting that rating playing 2-3 hours 2-3 days per week. I've been stuck waiting 40 mins for a game and I just get bored and play something else. My game time is precious and I can get more from my time playing other games.
@patgard36684 ай бұрын
try healer
@TaalianLIVE4 ай бұрын
there are also better times to queue. I found that around 11am PST - 4ish pm PST on a Saturday the queues were HOT HOT HOT. I've also found some decent queues at around 8-11pm PST. Just find the windows you are able to play, and see which days and times have the hottest queues for you :) GL
@Xtratwink4 ай бұрын
I pushed to legend in about a month this season never playing more than 3h a day due to kids, once you get above 2.3 the queues slow down to a crawl so I just queue up and clean something or play with the kids while waiting. If you're spending 40 min in queue just sitting there waiting I honestly think you're setting yourself up for failure and boredom, especially since you can start queueing tilted if you start losing.
@Beamin4394 ай бұрын
Ok. I'm hitting that rating playing like 2-3 hours a week
@WrenKainIVАй бұрын
@@Xtratwink "never playing more than 3 hours a day" Boy, that's a lot as an adult and on top of that with kids, too. Try more like 6 hours a week. I can do that, but I am unemployed with no kids.
@aaronmead31834 ай бұрын
I am a father of 2 and turning 40 this year. I would have straight dropped this game, had it not been for solo shuffle. I just don't have time like I did in my 20s.
@lowkn37894 ай бұрын
u have time to sit 30 min+ qs? maybe make some friends????? Its not as scary as it sounds I promise pops
@poorpriest45494 ай бұрын
@@lowkn3789 Making friends in your late 20s is already hard thing, even if you're very social guy, mostly because you already have a lot of friends and you mostly want to spend time with them. Basically the reason I don't play WoW anymore, because my friends switched to other games.
@jeff2303944 ай бұрын
Bro ur a real hero
@cuzen2ownage4 ай бұрын
@@poorpriest4549 thats not true at all you end up being friends with the people you work with
@poorpriest45494 ай бұрын
@@cuzen2ownage You see, there's a thing, I already met friends in WoW when I was young, those are the people I met IRL, we're playing other games now. After a certain amount of friends made - you mostly improve relations because unfortunatly you as a mortal meatbag (no offence, that's literally what a human is) don't have unlimited time to spend with them. You can sometimes meet someone new, but if your others interests does not allign - friendship will not develop. In BfA I met a really cool warrior and pushed to 2.1 as a resto sham. But I also had my old friends and sometimes we were gathering together to play some other games, watch films or discuss something. But the guy wanted to push further asap, at his pace so he just found another healer. And I don't blame him, I would've done the same. If it was so easy to make friends playing MMO - MMO community would've been less lonely nowadays.
@TheGadgetwiz3 ай бұрын
I just came back a few weeks ago, and had no idea that they finally implemented the solo shuffle. Yay! I might not play anything else. :) Thanks a ton for sharing this!
@S_W_u_R_V_e4 ай бұрын
THANK YOU CJAE FOR FRAMESORT MOD! THIS IS SO AWESOME! I use nomod(target)\shift(arena1)\ctrl(arena2)\alt(arena3) mod for all my moves, so every arena i have to remember what slot the healer is in. NO MORE!!! TYTYTYTY! also sick reaction vid Ven =) thanks for re-sharing
@infestedbeats4 ай бұрын
Getting 2100 is a hard grind. You come against really good players today. If more people played wow it would be easier.
@meattwinkie62084 ай бұрын
I agree. 2100 is not a easy rating. Statistically most are below 1800. I play a moderate amount of wow and only have 1 season over 2100 and usually end seasons around 1950-2050. When I go to bgs I smash peps like tin cans so I know the average player can’t easily hit 2100. In fact in my opinion players become competent around 1700 ish.
@prod79064 ай бұрын
@@meattwinkie6208 2100 is very easy. I've been 2700+ every season since mop prideful. I've literally gotten 2700 on my first try.
@jameskim15054 ай бұрын
Old game with $15 subscription 😂
@Ecke4k4 ай бұрын
2100 first season i played, just buy yourself a 12 button mouse and know basics, set up macros, easy 2100+ rating
@prod79064 ай бұрын
@@Ecke4k nice bro. I got 2600 in the first season I played, you're not special congratulations at being below average.
@SonGoku53634 ай бұрын
title of the article : anyone can be duelist that one guy in chat "this article isnt even relevant after duelist"
@gianlucahorrocks57074 ай бұрын
average twitch chatter, what can you expect?
@prod79064 ай бұрын
thats because duelist isn't a good achivement. 2400 isn't even good anymore.
@DethrowDestruction4 ай бұрын
@@prod7906 2400 in todays WoW is still a top *insert low % here*
@2o3ief4 ай бұрын
@@prod7906 Guide: how to microwave a pizza Twitch chatter: this guide sucks it wont even help me sous vide a steak OP: its a guide on how to microwave pizza though You: Pizza sucks compared to steak so the guide sucks... Do you see how worthless that is my guy
@H41030v3rki110ny0u4 ай бұрын
@@prod7906 top 3% is not "good" ??? compared to the average player, in what world is 2100 not good? lol
@TheDhac4 ай бұрын
Solo shuffle is the only reason I still play WoW. Excited for some soloq BGs
@prod79064 ай бұрын
rat alert ❗
@justlikeyourfathersaid4 ай бұрын
@@prod7906 the fuck
@attinger1174 ай бұрын
I pretty much only play BG blitz now. Very excited for rated blitz
@LeeQuesada-CoTGaming4 ай бұрын
3:35 This x1000 I'm nowhere near the best at this game, but I know enough to take a player from just starting out in PVP to where he/she can hit 1800 on their own on new classes after playing with me and listening to everything I have to say about every class in the game and how to counter. Listening when I say they mess up, and doing what they can to correct said issues. Hell one guy I played with wound up surpassing me and got Duelist with his friend who he passed on my lessons to when I took a break. So that is 100% proof of that.
@boganbattalion70884 ай бұрын
The main thing you learn fast when playing healer is that dps have no clue at all where the healer is, they don't know when your cc'd and they just use defensives whenever no matter if cc'd or not, that is the hardest part. Because of this I was forced to learn how to avoid cc or I would have no chance at all
@Anonymoussss02074 ай бұрын
@@boganbattalion7088 sometimes you have to preemptively use defensives depending on how squishy your class is, as a dev if I don't trade an obsidian scale on a major damage cool down, you will have to waste cds early as I will be taking soon much damage. Also renewing blaze needs to be used early and not too late to get proper value.
@chc26504 ай бұрын
Seriously, ill be cc'd for 8 seconds and my teammate doesnt MOVE closer they run away!
@marcdavey10094 ай бұрын
@@chc2650 omg tell me about it lmao
@cypher01244 ай бұрын
i hate solo shuffle. I tried regular 2s 3s for years never got 2100. Once i gave up and realized i was never getting it i had more fun.
@landofsyn29804 ай бұрын
Short answer is No... not if you want to keep your mental state. This is still a video game - and rank pvp in WoW feels like the complete opposite of a game with the amount of work needed.
@magdabrownis2654 ай бұрын
It’s actually pretty easy. I’ve picked up specs after not touching them for years and gotten them to 2100
@landofsyn29804 ай бұрын
@magdabrownis265 good for you. But for the general pop it's not lol. Even if it's just due to the raw amount of time needed to sit in que and wait as anything but a healer. And if your a healer? Get ready to get slammed every game lmfao.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
@@landofsyn2980he’s a hermit don’t believe him. The fact he can play different specs means he’s got the time to gear/learn the game
@PurpleOcarina4 ай бұрын
Its definitely the Que time. I main healer and let me tell you. I spoiled myself rotten by queing as holy priest and then switching to a dps. When i play holy i get into games like clockwork. But when i play as a dps to change it up you are waiting like 30-40 mins in solo que. Yeah you can try to find groups in LFG but that is even harder if you don’t have the experience or need practice. Waiting that long isn’t worth it when games last maybe 3-4 mins a shuffle. The que times are longer than the games themselves. I could literally play and almost finish a league of legends game before i even start an arena match.
@DethrowDestruction4 ай бұрын
3-4min per round with 6 rounds you mean right? so like 20+min shuffle games. Definitely don't disagree with what you said though the que times kill it for me too.
@PurpleOcarina4 ай бұрын
@@DethrowDestruction well considering how i suck a lot of the time i can flop in the opener and thats a couple of seconds lol
@DethrowDestruction4 ай бұрын
@@PurpleOcarina that does happen occasionally true lol
@Raynhardx4 ай бұрын
dps q's are exactly as long as dps are willing to stomach. As a heal main myself, that the threshold is 40 min. is absolutely mind boggling to me. I guess it's like a theme park where you also sit 40 min. in q for a 2 min. ride. 🙈
@dominikmirovsky85064 ай бұрын
Dude its literaly easier to get a degree than do all of this wtf 😂😂😂😂
@joelhodoborgas4 ай бұрын
fr wow is not the only game that exists and i have shit to do irl, i dont care nearly enough to go thru all the hoops
@Altarknight4 ай бұрын
yes that true!
@ScottJenkins-dt2jw4 ай бұрын
2100..... is....very....easy..... get good my man
@StrobeFireStudios4 ай бұрын
But if it were easy, would you even bother? That is a question worth thinking about.
@prod79064 ай бұрын
@@ScottJenkins-dt2jw finally, someone with the courage to say it. 2100 isn't good, 2400 isn't even good. If you want to be 'good' at this game, be 2600, bare minimum
@GpDailyGames4 ай бұрын
Solo shuffle needs a recolor glad mount, I'll keep screaming this from the hill I'd die on!
@vvohvaelez92774 ай бұрын
Agree, this would increase participation tenfold - especially in seasons like this one where the 2100 illusion sucks balls
@leonardosandoval58864 ай бұрын
No, this makes the mount boring
@Beamin4394 ай бұрын
No it doesn't. Glad has already been gutted into a participation trophies. Last thing this game needs is even more participation trophies
@Nefarium1234 ай бұрын
@@Beamin439 participation award? You do realize that glad is top 1% or less. That's a mount that not a lot of people get compared to the whole pvp community
@Beamin4394 ай бұрын
@Nefarium123 where are you getting that number from? Any statistics like that includes people who que like 10 arenas total a season. It doesn't mean what you think it does. Hitting 2400 is not difficult for people who actually play the game. It is a participation trophy.
@StrobeFireStudios4 ай бұрын
Solo Shuffle was the stroke of genius that made me continue playing this game. That, and the easy af gearing system. Never before have I had 11 characters full geared and ready to rock. I love it.
@henrychurch60624 ай бұрын
This is the only Genre where a 20 minute plus wait between matches is considered acceptable, and only then because these low expectations are grandfathered in by players who never experienced anything better. If you play just 5 matches a day, and it's never longer than 20 minutes of waiting, that's 11 hours and 40 minutes a week standing there waiting on WoW's matchmaking system. That's a really hard sell in 2024. If there's two things WoW PVP needs it's decreasing wait times, and giving it as much attention as it's competition does. We're finally getting a new battleground... the last new one was in 2018... that was SIX YEARS ago.
@Xtratwink4 ай бұрын
You make it sound like the game/genre/system is at fault when in reality it's driven entirely by supply and demand. The fact is, if there were twice as many healers as there are now, queues would be way shorter for dps because the amount of healers exponentially increases the amount of games that dps players get to play. But most people who just queue into shuffle as dps and just want to zugzug have no interest in playing a healer themselves. If you think slow queues suck that's fair, but if you're also not willing to try out something new and play a healer then you are part of the problem. Every time you queue up and there's a 25 min wait, that wait is for an ongoing game to finish so that one of the healers will enter your queue. With that said, I completely agree that wow pvp is like a neglected step-child and blizzard could be doing more to increase participation and improve the experience.
@henrychurch60624 ай бұрын
@@Xtratwink Agreed. As the developers it's their job to fix problems, even if the problems are with things like participation they can add incentives in to improve that participation, or change things to make it more welcoming to those players. As an example look at Tanks in arena. There's no excuse for tanks to be so disincentivized to play by making them low DPS livelords that contribute so little. Other games don't have this problem though: As an example Warrior in FF14 is known for good CC (primal rend) and securing kills with movement reduction and repositioning (Blota) while applying debuffs that make enemies take extra damage (onslaught). That's great synergy and they are desired teammates. While in WoW tanks are just... hated. So why am I Talking about tanks? If a Warrior, DK, or DH is told they shouldn't come in as a tank, then all those tank mains are coming in as DPS, further flooding the queues. You can make the same argument for healers: There isn't an incentive to play them other than faster Queues, and apparently that's not a good enough inventive because it's not working.
@Xtratwink4 ай бұрын
@@henrychurch6062 I actually kind of disagree with your first point. I don't think tanks should even be eligible to queue into arena because the role just isn't suited to do well in that setting regardless of balance. Their damage and utility profiles don't work with pvp at all (unless they're broken and need to be fixed, like prot paladin in shadowlands which was a free glad spec but also busted AF in m+) and there is a reason why the only role in RBGs that tanks fill is being the FC and if you get a non-FC map the tank switches to dps. There is no class in wow that plays the same in pve as in pvp, and since a tank main will also mainly be a pve player, they will lack some understanding of how to deal with the vastly different situations that pvp entails. If tank mains rolling dps to flood queues was an issue then queue times would mostly be an issue where they add to or create the bottleneck (especially because a pve tank main who switches to dps will naturally have a lower rating ceiling than a dps main who may also be a pvp only player). Based on information from sites lite check-pvp or drustvar you can clearly see that there's a bajillion more players below 1800cr than above 2k cr, but the queue issues exist at every bracket. I think I've actually consistently had some of my fastest queues between 1400-1800 even on alts with fresh mmr. I've played a fresh char this past month up to 2.6+ and I've gotten way longer queues above 2.2 than below 2k. They added extra drops for healers but I agree that it's barely an incentive at all since honor and conquest have no value before the conquest cap is added *and* after you're fully geared, which ends up being almost the entire season. I think what's missing are broader pvp rewards, like a glad mount recolor for the legend achievement or even role-specific cosmetics.
@WladcaPodziemia4 ай бұрын
That's WoW-Players for you. They dont try any other games, thus have no perspective how things can be better and since they wont require it... why would developers do anything better, if they can get paycheck for the same quality delivered.
@spazraz18634 ай бұрын
@@WladcaPodziemiawhat is a comparable (new-ish) game to WoW with great PvP and PvE?
@125conman4 ай бұрын
Hmm i remember my first duelist title I got in MOP. Don't play retail anymore but man i remember being so proud of that.
@clauslarsen89714 ай бұрын
I love scroll up and down as keybinds. My scrolling is now bound to ctrl scroll up and up
@vallin1232 ай бұрын
A couple of advice from a pro took me from stuck at 2000 rating as a resto druid to hitting 2300. Kite towards your co-player, while you are kiting away from the enemy. So he can help you CC. and know every big dmg cooldowns of your opponents and have big announcements when they use them, and find out what you should trade for them.
@Xtratwink4 ай бұрын
I did my first push this season and I think whether it's hard or easy is just a reflection of how much you're learning and adapting as you climb. There is a big difference between 1700-1800 players and 2100 players, and then there's an even bigger difference between 2100 players and 2400+ players. Most people around 2.1 will have some knowledge about matchups and different classes and are somewhat adaptable, but still don't understand swaps and why/when to swap or tunneling into defensives and when/why not to. Above 2400 you'll be hard pressed to find people who don't understand and utilize these concepts and it can be daunting to move up to a bracket where suddenly everyone seems to play much better. And that's kind of the core of arena that has always existed, you need to be able to learn from the experience you accumulate, adapt to new situations and develop over time as you climb the ladder. Shuffle is worse is that sense for casual players because there's more zugzug than in 2s or 3s and it will be harder to learn established arena strategies (that experienced people can effortlessly carry over from 2s/3s to shuffle). I will say though, it's really refreshing how few lobbies you tank hard due to multiglad/r1 smurfs vs 2s/3s because even if they exist, odds are you will at least win the rounds you play with them as opposed to arena where you just die.
@marcelovassoler33344 ай бұрын
People saying getting DUELIST in solo shuffle is easy, it is not about that, I played the game for almost 15 years and I am getting above DUELIST only now. Why? Simple, the game always was too social, and I did not born speaking english, how the hell I supose to get a stable team to grind and growth together in a game where most of the players did not speak my language, remember the tecnology necessary for the existence of our modern translators was created in 2017. Solo shuffle made posible for people growth by thenselves, and does not matter what the 3's god say, there is no go back.
@Dilllll264 ай бұрын
No, it’s definitely much easier lol
@Josh-qq4dj4 ай бұрын
Well said! only quarrel is that I find big CD's are the buttons you technically press "less often".. I prefer to have things like PvP trinkets or big CD's in a position that's maybe easy to access but wont get fat fingered.. S1 for example is nice and in range of your strafe keys, but requires a fairly precise movement to press, and thus wont be hit by mistake.
@Lovetoskate4 ай бұрын
11:32 preach I ended up swapping to shift and alt spacebar to ground and flying mounts from z and x which are now part of my 4 major defensives which is now z x c v evasion, cloak vial, vannish 😂👌🏻 been a game changer
@Lovetoskate4 ай бұрын
13:43 also let’s face scroll wheel up is for zoomies (sprint) and wheel down for fancy spin (feint) also a huge damage reduc so nice easy spammable bind :p would be my dispels or hots on alts
@alyluvsdinos4 ай бұрын
Pikaboo catching a random stray oof lol
@ttt694206 күн бұрын
Yeah, all you have to do is play the first week so your mmr is set in stone for the rest of the season. Otherwise prepare to get sweaty and play 2,000 games. I was 2400 last time I played a couple expansions ago. Of course it's possible, by anyone. The reality is that the rating system is outdated and has been abused for decades now. If you get your mmr set in the 1700-1900 range by playing in greens and stuff, you know playing the game for fun, you're in for a serious grind later on. Luckily a major part of that grind has been fixed with ungating gear and getting rid of pve stuff, but it's 100% still there in a couple key ways. I have characters in duelist range mmr and the games are actually easier in some ways then characters I have stuck in the rival rat leagues, and a lot of that is specifically because of the solo shuffle format and the issues of the mmr system.
@Shakezoolatron4 ай бұрын
I really enjoy solo shuffle, tbh I was hoping they added it to cata..but some folks seemed pretty upset with that idea on ol' reddit..I dunno. I love having it as an option even if it's a slower queue :\
@vaylox094 ай бұрын
I got 2100 for the first time ever in Solo Sjuffle as. Dh. That's all it took was playing a dh. No macros shift foe targeting omni cc big debuffs and gladiator for addons. There are a lot of bad/tilted players. The hardest thing I fought about climbing was not getting trolled/intes by team mates.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
2100 as a dh ain’t a flex asa casual. 2400 would be ideal
@Beamin4394 ай бұрын
@@smoothkeys2414cringe bro delete this
@frostgodx4 ай бұрын
The part about aug evoker and planning your next cast. Learned the hard way on dev that if you charging an ability and start spamming another one like on every other class that it will stop casting and use the second one instead which fucks your flow up
@FLEXonVaL6424 ай бұрын
Bro completely agree with ven duelist is very easy if u only want the feeling of being duelist just pick an easy spec. For example in my first season in pvp I played dh and made it to 1600 in around 3 days. Then it was a slight struggle to reach 1800 and then breezed my way to 2100 job done
@magdabrownis2654 ай бұрын
This is a true statement. In season 4 I’ve gotten every class to at least 1800 for the transmog. 3 or 4 I got to 2100 and I got two to 2400. I’m a married dad with 2 kids and one of them is a newborn. Solo shuffle is great because if I have a little free time I can just pop in for just one game if I want
@scanGfu4 ай бұрын
I personally think, and I will always stand by this, that the best thing to improve at a game is to just play, play, play, while learning from your mistakes. That's it.
@remi27024 ай бұрын
Give glad solo shuffle mount! Comon lets go
@Beamin4394 ай бұрын
Ya no thanks. Go get 2400 in real 3s for your participation trophy
@Ramborc863 ай бұрын
Didn't read this guide yet but I'm a single dad with 2 kids(no meme) and I've hit at least duelist every season since s3 slands including an elite season. I absolutely agree with this sentiment. Anyone can do it. I only run omnicc, big debuff and gladius.
@kaiser22614 ай бұрын
I queued for 3 hours and got 0 rating because I had 4 leavers in a row. The only games where I definitely play all 6 games are the ones where I got bad lobby RNG and am losing all 6 games. There is no way you get to 2100 without dedicating a LOT of time to it or being 2400+ potential and easily crushing it every time you do get to play.
@dlaz904 ай бұрын
I hit 23xx in solo as a dps but the ques were so bad. As a healer I wanted to pull my hair out it was uphill battle but the ques were nice.
@SilentMeDude4 ай бұрын
This is how you fix solo queue shuffle times… 1) allow more 3v3 dps more often OR incorporate a 2v2 solo queue with no supports allowed. 2) reward healers a healer only currency, where then can spend it at a vendor for gold, rep tokens, mounts, cool transmogs. 3) allow priority passes you can accumulate via automatically OR for you to buy at said healer only vendor, that lets you mail it to your dps classes for “faster queues” like overwatch 1 did for tanks.
@Nissan300zx944 ай бұрын
Last season when I had more time to play I hit 2098 and just kept having bad luck or misplays. It was a fun grind but man it was brutal at times especially 3-3 matches
@clearwaters314 ай бұрын
Got duelist on day 2 of the season on a disc in greens and logged off until next xpac... or not. Not a flex, the mmr is just so bad it gives the rating for free
@davidgarcia-rv3fs4 ай бұрын
I was hard stuck at 1800 for the longest time and I just kept going one day I broke into the 2100s and got the achievement that gave me a sense of confidence and then I decided to keep going the next season I was now easily able to get 2100, now it was time for 2400. sadly I didn't get it but I got very close 2340. thing is if you dont push and believe in yourself your own mind will sabotage you into thinking you are not worthy. just believe in yourself and dont listen to the negative toxic players. there will be some that are nice and will give you good advice etc. those listen to them and take it all in, learn learn learn. the toxic players just block block block. karma will get them.
@agaifi4 ай бұрын
Add a 2v2 solo shuffle without healers. Queues will be very fast, matches will also be fast.
@somebodyelse96964 ай бұрын
that gameplay sucks. ends in 2 seconds basically.
@r5jrh4494 ай бұрын
I left the game like 5 months ago, I got bored of facing bots and carries, this reddit post is kinda good and I do use a MMO Mouse, I use a Naga 2012 and it works great, helped me to improve, Im was a casual player, but facing bots, scripters and carries that killed me, frustrates me, my rl arena partners quit pvping because of the carries, if they don't fix it we are not coming back at all.
@LeeQuesada-CoTGaming4 ай бұрын
Scroll up and down on my mouse wheel is my CC on every class i play, or if I don't have much CC i'll use it for something with a Targeting Reticule like Death and decay DK, or Landslide and Deep Breath on Evoker.
@LeeQuesada-CoTGaming4 ай бұрын
and ai Rebound zoom in and out to the arrow keys.
@Miridafeo4 ай бұрын
I use shift mouse wheel up for silence and shift down for stuns.
@sdrawkcabmodnar3 ай бұрын
The truth is; Any player has always been able to get a high rating. With the right mechanics, good keybindings and macros, and understanding tactics and having a good understanding of your team dynamics, you can push 2k+ with any class or team combo. It's not about win loss, either. It's just about getting enough wins, often enough, consistently enough. Everyone has to lose to learn how to win, most people get so demotivated so quickly or angry when they lose, they refuse to see learning moments where they should be adapting. Every version of WoW, from classic to retail and everything inbetween is constantly changing as people change, we can't stagnate in how we understand our classes or anyone elses understandings of them.
@agentks3094 ай бұрын
I play with clean ui , just need to learn to look with range and not pinpoint view. I found the clutter of all the addons created more confusion. I do enjoy WA but it’s not necessary for 2100. Keybinds are a must, mmo mouse is nice (moba mouse superior) , and not focusing on cd timers. What I mean by that is if it’s a 45 second cd don’t watch it just keep an internal count and spot it around 10 seconds and pre plan your move. Cc is paramount. If heals is on dr then slap that cc on the non kill target to max. With respect to windows of kills. I don’t know I probably could be glad with practice, but the skill curve with all the addons and focus keys just get me sloppy. I’d like to thank D2 for training me to be the fastest clicks.
@undisclosed95314 ай бұрын
only boosters hate solo shuffle
@cypher01244 ай бұрын
nah im an 1800 player who hates solo. didnt Q a single one in season 3 and 4.
@poorpriest45494 ай бұрын
If you work 10 hours/day - you'll come home around 19:00. Average q is about 20 - 30 min, you just don't have time to play. And weekend is often hang out with a friends/wife/kids. I doubt that any teens play this game since everyone I met in last 3 years were 25 +.
@cenciqt60454 ай бұрын
Well why are you hanging out with friends. That’s lame
@poorpriest45494 ай бұрын
@@cenciqt6045 Idk, I kind of like gathering somewhere in the forest around campfire or cooking some kebabs during weekend nights.
@cenciqt60454 ай бұрын
@@poorpriest4549 do that after you have your enchant or dragon
@Xtratwink4 ай бұрын
That's not an arena problem though, that's a game problem. What m+ dungeon are you going to do that takes less than 30 min? What raid are you clearing that takes less than 30 min? Really, what endgame activity can you do with so little time that will feel rewarding and meaningful? It sounds like you're not prioritizing playing, in which case it's unrealistic to expect that you can reach something meaningful.
@Хентаи-м1ы4 ай бұрын
@@Xtratwinkraiding literally is a night out with friends and a major activity you plan for. Waiting 40 minutes for a solo mini game is soul crushing. Just play something else, and guess what? Most people do
@timbo89254 ай бұрын
I know it's meant to motivate people but at the same time I think it hurts the community if high players always downplay moderately high ratings. Got it myself and yes it currently feels easier in comparison but it's still only achieved by the top 11,5% of the shuffle players only including those above 1k rating. That's far from average so people shouldn't feel bad if they can't manage to get duelist but that's exactly what these statements do.
@nemak893 ай бұрын
They should have made solo shuffle into 5 1v1 duel rounds for 6 dps queuers (if the matchmaking finds 6 dps quers before finding 2 healer quers which would be in 99% of cases). Instead of making it 4dps 2 healers every time which basically turns into inderect duels of those 2 healers anyway, but with ridiculous que time for dps players...
@evg3nius4 ай бұрын
Ill save everyone 37 minutes: Have gear, have keybinds, have addons, play healer (self described as most controversial), pay attention to positioning, pay attention to cooldowns, dont waste globals. Copy stats from top players. Learn rotation.
@csquared45384 ай бұрын
I think this article is an example of the dunning-kreuger effect. Maybe not in it's most common usage. The original study showed that people who performed above average also assume their performance is around average. He's played since vanilla and is capable of writing a coherent post about WoW pvp. Those are both outliers that that probably don't fit the average players capability. It's still probably true that most people are capable of getting duelist though, of course. It's just interesting that everyone assumes they are average. That also says nothing of people with well below average capabilities. "Anyone" is probably a stretch.
@not_vern4 ай бұрын
What is disappointing is the answer to this question can be "depends on the season" or "depends on the spec"; not "depends on the player." Would like to see a new rating system in wow. Some seasons feel impossible to push and some are a breeze.
@galgabrielisrael32374 ай бұрын
I am a noob and i got duelist with both surv and dh , so duelists are noobs
@haseo4 ай бұрын
What 2h sword transmog is this?
@truce30384 ай бұрын
the infinite version of the dawn of the infinite 2h sword
@EMdragonKnight4 ай бұрын
I use my mmo mouse 4, 5, 6 buttons for ctrl, shift, alt. I have tiny baby hands and cannot comfortably slap those modifiers so frequently without this crutch.
@meattwinkie62084 ай бұрын
Does anyone even have the statistics of people over 1800? I’m betting the % population is low. Duelist isn’t an average player target. Maybe some find it easy but my guess is most don’t.
@cenciqt60454 ай бұрын
@@meattwinkie6208 starting mmr right now is like 1950 It’s not unrealistic to think that a large portion of the playerbase is over 1800 this season
@knackwurster77934 ай бұрын
As a lefhander Ctrl feels way better then Shift but alt is very nice indeed
@LeeQuesada-CoTGaming4 ай бұрын
Wishing I could play right now.. Ima try, but my GPU is on the way out the door, im awaiting my newly bought build to arrive fully so i can put it together. I got mostly everything, but the MOBO, Case and PSU won't be in till wednesday, and the rest of the components will be here on monday or tuesday. I'ma try to push 2100 on my Dragon, Hunter and DH though before season ends (all 1900+)
@Nikitikitavvi3 ай бұрын
To get to 2100 you need to sweat plenty that's all. It's just a question if you are willing to put the time into that or not.
@Eityhdz4 ай бұрын
Duelist is cool and all but it’s seriously tiring being hard stuck there for 10+ seasons
@chrisstich59714 ай бұрын
Gotta get that 2.4 man
@Davidhenry12104 ай бұрын
Getting stuck just means figuring out what you are and are not doing.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
What class do you play?
@BeastMastery4 ай бұрын
Yes, if ur teammates carry you. #Lottery
@kevincrist304 ай бұрын
I think he's being a little sarcastic saying the your Alpha so you want to DPS thing, what he means, in my opinion, is just that you like doing big numbers and damage and killing people. For me it doesn't necessarily mean I think I'm the best or anything like that, I just prefer hitting hard then something like tanking or supporting or healing.
@Segamain21Ай бұрын
If I’ve gotten to 1950 with out addons, is that good? I’ve never hit 2k, but I’m guessing addons might help with that.
@EMdragonKnight4 ай бұрын
I'd agree there's DPS out there who are like "hur dur I'm a killer, I'm the best, I am alpha". I think it's cause you play with higher class people and don't throw yourself out into the pug world and don't have to deal with the same random slog most of us deal with.
@harrylong27964 ай бұрын
I like healing but the UI changes and addons iw ould need to be competitive make me not want to do it
@jetsiel88854 ай бұрын
Im 1900 as a casual no add ons or anything but I lowkey want to actually get into the game I just don’t know everything yet
@tomselby244 ай бұрын
hpal is a hockey goalie
@Fydron4 ай бұрын
Stopped doing PvP over decade ago in wow as pvp to me was not fun at all mostly because i am mediocre at best on better days After i realized that I just collect mounts and transmogs its way less stressfull and way more fun to me.
@namesurname87254 ай бұрын
not a single youtuber has made a video to present the new map and rate it
@WladcaPodziemia4 ай бұрын
I can wait 20-40 minutes to play "only" rated PvP for meaby 10 if somebody wont quit after losing 3 rounds. Or I can spent that time playing any other game, even PvP one. Que in LoL will be less then 1 minute.
@cypher01244 ай бұрын
Wow arena will always feel awful with low participation. Im always looking up people i lose to and they have 2400 achieved going every season to Battle for azeroth. Theres not enough new blood, casual players.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
Casual player and I feel you bro
@Dreamlink914 ай бұрын
This Is kinda false. I have been only PvPing since Wotlk back in the day and still doing it today, i got 1800 maybe once. Even tho i do quite well in 1v1 i am terrible at teamplay and it stresses me out and i fk up everything. I dont see myself getting above 1400 today with daily job and limited playtime.
@shauncorley43054 ай бұрын
I just started this season a few days ago. I have gone like 9-21 (one game a guy left after 2 rounds) and im 1600 atm.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
Takes reps bro. I came back after 6 years and played as much as I could to land 2400. The game isn’t hard it’s just expanding how you digest the flow of things in the arena
@CaledonianCraft4 ай бұрын
I personally hate Solo Shuffle. I don't think it should be removed because some people like it but for me I just don't want to wait 15 minutes for a game.
@kazi63434 ай бұрын
What I don't like about solo shuffle is how toxic people can be. That's what put me off from playing it anymore.
@HoloBoss4 ай бұрын
fully agree, i had no pvp experience and i made it to 2400 within 3 seasons, its really easy
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
Everyone’s way of digesting information in pvp is different, good for you though.
@Ric9504 ай бұрын
Does anyone know if there’s a website where you can actually see the ranking distribution for this season in form of a chart? Like how much percentage of the player base are at
@TAGGdinc4 ай бұрын
Anyone can roll a 20 any given day however odds are more likely the experts in each area is more likely to roll a 20
@Nhouyengah4 ай бұрын
The principle of elo dictates that this is mathematically impossible. Unless everyone starts at 1800 or 2100, whatever duelist elo is.
@Memoop-iz6vk4 ай бұрын
A fresh char with no cr does start at high elo what are you even talking about
@chc26504 ай бұрын
1800 is starting
@allucarrd54934 ай бұрын
It is sad that majority of these PvP players dont have the guts or will to just stop log in into any pvp activity until the Q times are being addressed !
@marcosmorfin56194 ай бұрын
I dont use weak auras and i average 2500. Idk what they even do or what they even help with tbh. I just play to have fun though
@ziggy29763 ай бұрын
I would enjoy pvp more if solo shuffle ques weren't 25 mins long
@didisaythat42304 ай бұрын
"I dont wanna be forced to use an MMO mouse." Uses every addon known to man.
@TheXero4 ай бұрын
How do you not use dark mode for reddit.
@suhdoekin89984 ай бұрын
Can anyone tell me.. I quit prior to Shadowlands, thinking about pre-ordering TWW, and I hear it allows you access to Dragonflight, and a free 70. I am strictly a PVPER. Would I be able to jump into PVP, and just have fun? Or do I need PVE stuff? I realize I'd have to farm honor/conquest for gear. Also is leveling through PVP still a thing? I really just want to PVP xD Thanks guys!
@KiRa-fy6uq4 ай бұрын
No you don't need to pve
@gryzor4 ай бұрын
No need to PvE.Just know that leveling through PvP alone is (or has been to me when I did it) a lot slower that just "doing" the main campaign (just following the 'important quests') and queuing for Random Dungeons, than just queuing for Random BGs (as the q. times are longer). Depending on the quests, they tend to be "hero who has killed the Lich King and many other incredibly powerful bosses in the past, and even worn legendary weapons, please collect 5 seeds and deliver them here, and then help me make a soup by placing the correct ingredients when I tell you". And a lot of (skippable if you don't care) cinematics in between. So, still a pain, but a shorter pain if you don't care about it. In contrast, if you do level up only through PvP, you already train your brain to PvP from day one (and then you enter a Dungeon or Raid and use Chains of Ice on the first pull :D)
@timbreaux13214 ай бұрын
Solo shuffle rating value is 70% worth 2v2 rating and 3v3. If you’re hitting 2100 in solo shuffle while trying your hardest you are most likely a 1800 rated player in 2v2 and 3v3
@timbreaux13214 ай бұрын
Any 2100 only rated solo shuffle player thinks I’m wrong at me and we can 2v2
@cs4mo4 ай бұрын
Also make a 2v2 solo shuffle. Not everyone like ls 3s with a dps who refuses to cc or a healer who just hides way in the back and doesnt dispell. Every team in on i get 2 of the worst players and its just discouraging.
@Deezy_Dubz4 ай бұрын
All u need to get glad in pvp is people with headsets and a meta comp
@Damingo544 ай бұрын
how you get that transmog?
@drewwil8914 ай бұрын
2100 is ez but getting 2400 and glad mount is fucking impossible for me sadly
@Girrrrrrrr4 ай бұрын
Lol I been doing caps remapped to ctrl for like 10 years its the way it should actually be.
@reecegarysmith76134 ай бұрын
Yeah keeping all the keybinds that do a simillar thing on each class make class hopping easy
@SamuelStephens-ix9th4 ай бұрын
Ceejae is a R-Druid, right? I 0-6'd that fool
@frostgodx4 ай бұрын
Same 😂
@Ceejae_HGA4 ай бұрын
Kudos! I’m sure you won’t be the last to 6-0 me, it happens 😅
@luboss00084 ай бұрын
2000+ rating i sitting minimum 45 min in quelle and that mean what i must play 8 hour a day for 8 solo arenas ? i love wow and pvp is my one thing that i doin but for me its just too much we will see how long will be quelle for solo bgs
@JunkyCube4 ай бұрын
Is anyone else over 2400 with minimal addons? I used to play with none because it was really easy to see when things were happening, but animations have gotten so awful I can't even tell when a rogue uses cloak or evasion. I use big debuffs for this reason alone - Other than that I have a damage meter and thats it.
@rhysjones78564 ай бұрын
I use a left handed razor naga, if they stop making them again I’m unable to play, utilise alt, control, shift too
@frostgodx4 ай бұрын
Use the correct hand to start with and it will never be a problem. I am left handed and use the right for mouse after force switching 4 years ago and it was the best and most infuriating thing I ever did. It took about a month every day straight to feel okay then after 2 months I felt natural and then like a year it was second nature no issues. Best thing I EVER did for gaming in general as the world turns around rightys it just opens up the world to you.
@smoothkeys24144 ай бұрын
I’m lefty as well and never relied on lefty products..not hard like anything jus takes practice
@rhysjones78564 ай бұрын
I’m too lazy to relearn to use my right hand, will feel like a 1200xp player 🤣
@NoOne4k3 ай бұрын
I want to use help/harm macros but my characters dont have enough macro space already
@Thee-_-Outlier3 ай бұрын
Hey man I want to thank you, hearing a blacksmith hammer bang away in the background because you left the game open and audio playing is exactly what I was after. It wasn't at all obnoxious and distracting
@Thee-_-Outlier3 ай бұрын
I use an MMO mouse but I do not like the ergonomics and tbh the razer naga buttons are too small and hard to feel tactilely compared to my old cheap MMO mouse off Amazon. With that said I was considering after watching this to map the two side buttons on my Logitech mouse I use for fps to control and alt for modifiers. This would mean i would be hitting all the same finger patterns on with my kb hand and modifying with the two side mouse buttons. Anyone else try this?