FFXIV Job Changes Incoming! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]

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Cole Evyx

Cole Evyx

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Viper is having it's rotation slowed down WAIT WHY DO THAT? PLEASE NO! The brand new melee DPS job is so fun and I love it so much but they want to slow it down! There are also other job changes like astrologian, monk and red mage and samurai but the VIPER change to make it slower!? Please no! It's so fun!
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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV #dawntrail
0:00 FFXIV Dawntrail Job Adjustments
0:13 Job Adjustments in 7.1
1:13 Monk Job Changes
1:49 Astrologian Job Changes
2:23 Viper Adjustments
3:27 Black Mage Adjustmnets
3:54 Tank Adjustments
4:26 Red mage and Samurai Changes
4:47 Pictomancer Job Changes in 7.01
Final Fantasy XIV

Пікірлер: 168
@ColeEvyx 3 күн бұрын
@goodsherbear 3 күн бұрын
Yoshi P said "No fun allowed."
@HikariVictor 3 күн бұрын
It's not homogenous enough... sorry it needs to DIE!
@jaquanepatterson2537 3 күн бұрын
It's only been a damn week! Square Enix/Yoshi needs to freaking put there foot down on the damn vocal minority and stop having these kneejerk reactions of trying to appease everybody that they end up disappointing everyone instead!
@zugetzuzu 3 күн бұрын
@@goodsherbear he started whispering it back in Stormblood with the removal of Energy drain (which was later returned because of backlash). Now in Endwalker (Paladin rework, Kaiten removal, Astro changes, Summoner rework) and Dawntrail (Removal of the double dot from Sage, making viper easier, removing a fun small opti from picto) he is screaming it at the top of his lungs.
@spetsu1 2 күн бұрын
People have been complaining about positionals since stormblood, maybe even earlier, but I wasn't playing before stormblood. I don't understand why you would play a melee DPS if you think positionals are hard flank, pick a side, rear, hit them from the back, it's not hard. Meanwhile, healers are complaining that their job isn't hard enough... And me, a Black mage is complaining that their making viper easier while they're topping the dps charts. You should reward more difficult jobs with higher dps.
@Paiinkillerr 3 күн бұрын
I seriously hate the player base of this game. We finally get a melee that’s fun and interesting to play, and they cry and complain about it. Then those same people bitch and moan that the game is too easy.
@Thundah 2 күн бұрын
Toxic positivity ruins everything just as much as toxic negativity. This community is a joke, and so is this expac.
@robin6709 3 күн бұрын
positionals are not even hard
@mirai3266 3 күн бұрын
Sometimes I wonder if playing on controller makes positionals easy and they're actually insanely hard on M+KB or something. I'm a Healer main but Monk was always my DPS main for when I get bored of healing, and I've never, ever, had any problems with positionals, not even back when it had 6 of them.
@venny1689 3 күн бұрын
@@mirai3266 it is mostly a keyboard issue. because on controller you press buttons with the right side while you move with the left side. On keyboard, I'd say most people move with WASD, but if you're pressing buttons to cast stuff (say 1-5 buttons for example) the same finger you're using to move is busy somewhere else, so doing movemenet for back to back positionals while double weaving can be challenging depending on your keybinds.
@lightinvader892 3 күн бұрын
@robin6709 yeah, positionals on controller is easy, for vipers basic combo I just remember the start color and alternate the side I'm on after each and my uncoiled fang moves are left on d pad and down on d pad to represent the position I need to be in.
@NeocrimsonX 3 күн бұрын
​@@mirai3266 positional are fun on controller I can't speak for m&kb
@mirai3266 3 күн бұрын
@@venny1689 Makes sense. Truly a shame because they really are super fun on controller.
@wolfblade6569 3 күн бұрын
I don’t want them to remove the speed of Viper I love how fast I go on Viper.
@wolfblade6569 3 күн бұрын
I love the feel swoosh and the zoomies from the job.
@Kylar195 3 күн бұрын
I‘m just lvl 97 with Viper and I think sometimes he is still too SLOW even with just a 2,09 CD. Therefore he could be a little bit faster for me. 😅
@Zakharon 3 күн бұрын
No one said anything about removing speed, huh?
@iResonate 2 күн бұрын
​@Kylar195 lmao same. I'm even considering loading mine up with skill speed materia 🤭
@DeadSpaceWing 2 күн бұрын
Now hear me out guys... Crit+SkSpeed meld for faster crits?
@asteroidxarmageddon2354 3 күн бұрын
I see no issues with Viper. Were people complaining about greased lightning Monk or Ninja? Isn’t Viper just as fast as those jobs with the Swiftscaled buff active? What's funny is that I found it enjoyable to go to Bozja decked out in full Southern Front Gear with all of those attached haste buffs while in the zone.
@aaronvillanueva3592 3 күн бұрын
Admittedly all of the things wrong with the game came from those same people who bitch about everything
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
So far they've ruined a shit ton of classes. Look at DRK, who was ruined in ShB because people hated that the job was weaving alot and EZ Mode WAR Mains wanted to play the edgeboy for the MSQ.
@biocajun86 2 күн бұрын
Yup. I love how while in his interview with the leaders of the “Healer Strike”, Xenos turned this point around ok them
@fashasupersaiyangod5703 3 күн бұрын
The class is already easy to play. But it is engaging. Everytime they strike gold with a class, they end up messing it up. What a shame. If you struggle to play viper, one the class just released. Two, maybe there's a bigger issue at play.
@Darkwarp1994 3 күн бұрын
Like when they gave samurai a busted damage skill on endwalker launch then they gutted it badly afterwards which I believe that was a waste of time on a game that's mainly pve mmo game
@goodsherbear 3 күн бұрын
Astro having lightspeed finally be charges and lower draw cool down is good! However, the main problems with the class (massive button bloat, cards being weak) probably won't be addressed til 8.0. I'll wait to pick it back up until then.
@bookbagfox 3 күн бұрын
Really not a fan of them talking about reducing the positionals on viper. The changes to other jobs seem fine though.
@rafaelschmidt7852 3 күн бұрын
I loved viper INCLUDING the positionals, feels like after destroying astro they are already after my new favorite job.
@shirox11 3 күн бұрын
Why nerf viper? Because of a thread on the JP forums.
@zugetzuzu 3 күн бұрын
Good ol Yoshi-p listening disproportionately to the Japanese forums and the bottom of the barrel players... It's so exhausting and it's going to be 2 full years of what we have right now I'm just going to leave for WoW when it releases and perhaps return in 8.0 (Yes, this means giving up my Large house and Medium FC house)
@MrCarlWax 3 күн бұрын
​@@apples95 On devs listening to the right people and making good and fast changes from feedback? Absolutely they are. M+ is also amazing and if you're a healer main you'd do yourself a favor playing wow rn
@MellowFungus 3 күн бұрын
​@@MrCarlWax "Listening to the right people" You mean dumb normies that want the game to be piss easy...you mean them?
@MellowFungus 3 күн бұрын
@@apples95 Lol, this expansion has a mixed reception. During a time when Squares financials are in the red (Heavy losses). If they keep up the lazy design then alot of the people working on FF14 won't be "developers" on the game for much longer lol. What a stupid thing to put on a comment, appeal to authority fallacy? What? The developers are incapable of making bad decisions?
@MellowFungus 3 күн бұрын
@@apples95 There is no bigger picture, stop sniffing your own fumes. Also it doesn't take a week to complete the MSQ, which isn't impressing people. Nice job NOT refuting anything I said, keep going on with the toxic positivity that the FF14 community is famous for.
@lightinvader892 3 күн бұрын
Nooo don't slow viper down! I love my 1.98 Basic recast time and my 1.53 awakening combo sppeds.
@helmsruss 3 күн бұрын
I don't think the Viper adjustment will happen. less than a week and major adjustment based on minimal in game data is pointless
@cht5001 3 күн бұрын
Minimal game data? lol ok
@audiocattt 2 күн бұрын
The biggest job adjustments of an expansion always happen in x.05 (other than on expac release) Don’t be surprised if big changes happen, because big changes have happened before plenty of times
@davidrivera433 2 күн бұрын
I love that they increased the difficulty and even ppl that are more casual have expressed that they like the difficulty.
@mismismism 3 күн бұрын
I agree. Personally I don't dislike positionals but I get why many do, but VPR does not need to be slowed down. I'm also glad PCT seems to be avoiding the "streamlining" because that is my favorite job currently. I love the new duties, we asked for harder, more engaging content and that's what we got. We actually have dungeons that aren't going to be braindead the second the next patch comes out, we have trash mobs that make you actually heal, we have bosses that actually use mechanics frequently and don't hold everything so long that once the item level increases we skip the best parts of the fights when we also have the mechanics memorized. No one should be asking for any jobs to be slowed down at this point. If you can't keep up on VPR, play DRG, SAM or RPR. If that's still too hard SMN exists for people that want a super easy low maintenance job.
@apples95 2 күн бұрын
Can’t wait for millions of players to take their time and enjoy the game they love
@kyledabearsfan 3 күн бұрын
idk why they would take away positonals, Viper isnt hard, why make it even more dumbed down? I love removing barriers to entry but positionals are not that, thats an example of lowering the ceiling to please the people on the base level and I really hate it. The class is completely fine without executing your positionals, why change it for people who cant read?
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
Tbh, what barriers to entry even, Viper can only be unlocked by being at level 80, people who can't competently play a job and have a grasp on the general gameplay loop at this point are more toxic than the worst wow elitists.
@kyledabearsfan 2 күн бұрын
@@shizachan8421 I agree, that's why I take every job through potd til I get a grasp on a core rotation helps me a lot
@jaquanepatterson2537 3 күн бұрын
Who the fuck is actually complaining about viper? It's not hard just busy, can't we have just one job that isn't dumbed down?
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
The only thing I will way is that the double weave portion can be clunky on bad ping, but thats an animation lock issue, not a gameplay issue. Just reduce the animation lock.
@dragonriderabens9761 3 күн бұрын
I've been loving Viper, but I don't get why people say it feels fast or busy I feel like Reaper's opener feels faster and busier. I think there are a few Viper abilities that would serve better as OGCDs rather than GCDs. I want it to be even faster and busier but I've also only hit level 91 RN, so I could be missing something
@crymsyndicate 3 күн бұрын
oh it will get faster and busier once you get more levels on it. and if you "Gotta go Fast" all I will say is "Shake & Bake" and I love that about this job. PLS SE dont touch it
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
@@crymsyndicate Honestly, Viper feels like an improved version of Reaper, it has the fun parts of reaper but also a more engaging filler rotation, which is Reapers biggest weakspot.
@peger 3 күн бұрын
players "omg why all jobs in FF are so braindead" same players "omg pls nef viper" xD
@DrakeWurrum 3 күн бұрын
It just sounds like they intend to make adjustments to the positionals.
@shinywhimsicott3047 3 күн бұрын
As far as the enmity thing goes I have notice I can rip aggro with MCH and come close with WHM.
@hunterpalmer3183 2 күн бұрын
I've leveled viper up to 100 and i will say, viper is the most protagonist job I've played.
@sawtoothgrind1981 3 күн бұрын
Is there any way to contact and say you dont want viper to change to much? I like the business,
@BlackXSunlight 3 күн бұрын
Was just talking about this on another vid about the update. I'm playing on console, and my only issue with VPR has nothing to do with positionals. Handling the positionals after Dreadwinder/Pit of Dread is no different than handling Soul Slice/Scythe after Blood Stalk as a RPR. What I do have a problem with is how Steel Fang/Maw and Dread Fang/Maw, then Hunter's Coil and Serpent's Coil, turn into First/Second/Third/Fourth Generation. I really wish I could just map those separately, because I don't like how for my burst window combo to make sense for my muscle memory, I have to completely rearrange my buttons on my cross hotbars-while still making those buttons make sense.
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
Its weird because SE did introduce the option to chose if a button transforms or is mapped seperately this expansion but they barely ever use it.
@BlackXSunlight Күн бұрын
@@shizachan8421 Oh yeah what happened to that? I peaked around the menus when DT dropped and couldn't find the option to toggle this.
@shizachan8421 Күн бұрын
@@BlackXSunlight Its utilized for very few abilities. Mostly those that are unlocked by cooldowns.
@dragons_in_space7211 2 күн бұрын
They’re probably targeting the Dreadwinder positionals because it requires a double weave while also having a shorter cooldown than true north. In contrast Reaper’s Gluttony has a longer cooldown and doesn’t require ogcd weaving.
@spetsu1 2 күн бұрын
Directionals are fine, it adds complexity to the job and justifies the high damage melee dps does. As for the speed of viper, I think that should stay the same its fun for most people.
@recaplrg3552 3 күн бұрын
I don't like how the viper plays, but its not the speed, its the continously pressing the same button over and over cause the shit changes. I wish to have a real combo instead of this new system
@cutsceneenjoyerzz 2 күн бұрын
Hey man, can you give us an update on how your doing? I know it's been rough recently.
@DeadSpaceWing 2 күн бұрын
If there's a mechanic where I gotta be in a certain spot in order to do a cat's whisker more of damage, you're never getting me to do it.
@MikkiZHskDK 2 күн бұрын
Positionals is annoying outside dungeons because the boss mostly move with you , that feels bad
@itzyblitzy7013 3 күн бұрын
I feel you on the VPR changes. I don't play VPR but, I was leveling BLM to be my main before DT. Here's hoping they reconsider for us.
@NabaniSaa 2 күн бұрын
I honestly hope that Holy in White is also adjusted for PCT, the fact that it's a net loss in single target so much so that you can go a full fight w/o needing to casting it outside of forced required movement is kind of upsetting, it ain't Scathe, I actually want to cast it loooool!
@mikereyes2269 3 күн бұрын
I’m scared they’ll ruin it, job is an absolute blast to play. Like who the fuck complained about positionals? Maybe their data shows people missing the positionals a lot but like job came out like literally last week. Let people adjust to the job instead of a knee jerk reaction and already trying to dumb it down. They should take a look at DRK, though. It’s absolutely dreadful to play outside of burst windows, MP regen is so freakishly slow now with blood weapon having only 3 stacks. We want to press our cool buttons more often SE waiting for 60 and 120 seconds to press our cool buttons is not good design when 90% of the gameplay is 1-2-3 with the ocasional gauge spender to avoid overcapping.
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
Also new expansion, so people will naturally worry more about the boss mechanics than the positionals.
@DeadSpaceWing 2 күн бұрын
Like, literally I've never thought about positionals during any point playing Viper. Literally just hit buttons don't stand in mechanics, go go go.
@DoortoTwilight777 2 күн бұрын
They also mentioned adjusting range of certain abilities. I'm praying to whoever will listen that it's an increase range on oGCDs like GNB has. Losing an ogcd cause you had to break away to dodge sucks lol
@mirai3266 3 күн бұрын
Weren't they talking about the negative feedback on dumbing down jobs and how they want to return some of that complexity to the game in 8.0 not too long ago? Man, wtf even is SE's feedback management.
@jslaughter95 3 күн бұрын
yes, Yoshi P even ADMITTED that they went too hard on job simplification, and now he's just losing any fucking balls he has catering to people bitching from EARLY ACCESS GAMEPLAY???? And literally the positionals are the only thing that actually makes Viper have complexity, it's hella fun to play don't get me wrong, but it's really not all that complicated to learn, but it was fine because it's fun... now between this and the lack luster story i'm just severely disappointed
@Asle_Kaspersen 3 күн бұрын
@@jslaughter95 People are so stupid, you think the story is bad because we are on a reset, you don't know anything and none of the new character. Remember every popular character has not always been as popular since launch, well everyone except Ysthola
@CL-jq1xs 2 күн бұрын
​@@Asle_Kaspersen is that why people think the story is bad? The reset? How did you come to that conclusion?
@25xxfrostxx 3 күн бұрын
Not once in that paragraph did it say anything about slowing viper down.
@ColeEvyx 3 күн бұрын
"we've received feedback pertaining to the busyness of their skill rotation"
@25xxfrostxx 3 күн бұрын
@@ColeEvyx The details they gave on that related to positionals. It's the main problem I have with viper. Having to do mechanics and multitask along with remembering if the next one will be flank or rear and having to take my eyes off of what I'm doing to look at button color.
@ColeEvyx 3 күн бұрын
@@25xxfrostxx Yeh I don't like directionals myself either so I'm happy with that -- but the speed thing is what worries me because they folow up the directionals by saying "and changes to the effects of several actions" and that gives me huge anxiety reading that. It's not just a few actions they used the word several... that makes me feel so uncomfortable. I love my tempo melee
@TheOneGreat 3 күн бұрын
@@25xxfrostxx No job in XIV is allowed to be different or somewhat tricky to master. No idea why we even have jobs or that one role that requires positionals when we only cater to people who didn't like the job to begin with. Shame.
@venny1689 3 күн бұрын
@@ColeEvyx The way this is worded doesn't sound like a slowing down. If I were to guess, and this was actually my complain with viper so far too, is that they will remove the positionals from the double weave combo, because you have to double weave WHILE moving to adjust for the next positional, since they go back to back, which is pretty hard to do depending on your keybinds on keyboard (this might be easier to pull off with controllers) because your fingers are probably busy with the weave skills depending on your keybinds. Doing positionals back to back while double weaving is pretty hard to pull off, especially with high ping. If this is what they remove, while I understand people being upset, I'd welcome it.
@lThellRockl 3 күн бұрын
pve Viper is really good. probably 2nd best dps class to play compare to Samurai.
@michaelJPJ22 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been playing viper loads since it came out and I don’t think the positionals are even hard to do, I also play on mouse and keyboard.
@phantomvox951 2 күн бұрын
I thought Viper was another reaper like job until I tried it. Its an engaging job for sure Im enjoying it more than Reaper.
@TP-ch8pq 2 күн бұрын
Enjoying fast pace Viper too, love a man who can jab jab jab...not a fan of position either, he should be able to jab jab whichever position he chooses...
@Kylesico912x 3 күн бұрын
I'd hate slowing down Viper. I really wish the Dev's would realize that not every job is for everyone. I personally love the job and have even considering speeding the job up with attack speed to make the double weaves feel nicer. If they really don't like the speed, I wish they would just pick up Dragoon or Ninja. Something slower.
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
They will never do that, they want the most brain dead, desinterested players be able to pick up the hot new job of the expansion. Remember how they nerfed DRK to the ground and dumbed every aspect of it down to a cheap WAR clone for ShB?
@kipoqueenbeast1184 2 күн бұрын
God damn it viper feels great for fuck sake leave it alone
@user-lw6mv8xp9l Күн бұрын
SE is getting people trained to do Savage Content lol I do admit the dungeons have gotten way harder than previous but that makes them more interesting. I want harder dungeons to challenge us.
@Aschera 2 күн бұрын
i'd be fine if they remove the positionals on hunter's/swiftskin's coil... at some point it feels like a bit much with everything going on. i've more or less stopped trying to do it perfectly just for an extra 50 potency if i've used up true north. other than that my only problem with viper is my own damn fault, i have a hard time keeping my eyes off the hotbar. 😮‍💨
@boonetolbert9539 3 күн бұрын
As viper I've been ripping aggro from tanks mid pull but I also main tank so here is your free arms length and mit 😂 but I can see the issue going wall to wall you only have 1 aoe before to stop to tank and spank. Been having trouble out dpsing pictos in dungeon pulls which I view as a challenge. Glad pictos have a strong burst. Viper reminds me of shb summoner with the double weaves and have loved it. I can see people with ping issues having major issues with the class. The game should have a built in "No clippy" so ping isn't an issue and we can keep the speed, but I digress. Just my 2 cents. Happy Dawntrail everyone.
@ChandaniAranka 3 күн бұрын
I wonder if they will revert some of the BLM changes to stop making it feel so darn clunky compared to the smooth it was in Endwalker. I've been BLM main since 1.0 and this iteration is my least favourite. I pretty much hate it
@FlameHazeVT 2 күн бұрын
I feel Viper is fine the way it is when the GCDs are fast it only has one OGCD in. When the GCD is long it has 2. During the burst it gets a speedy but honestly if feels so good. The positionals? It's only 4 so come on, why ease it? On the normal 123 it alternates between rear and flank and the Twinblade combo you can choose with which you start... The only change I would like is a bit longer range for the Reawaken combo because you will miss a targets due to movement to evade AoEs
@umbralflow6883 Күн бұрын
I doubt they will " slow down" vrp. Its just a small positional change if that is even real plan. They are not even gutting anything. The only real change I would like to see is buffing Noxious Gnash from 20s to 30s. I feel it falls off to fast, giving it more range isnt a bad thing. Ppl really up in arms for something thats not going to really do much to the job. If these ppl had there way you be looking at a dead game as they seem to want thing be on the elites view point. That "get good" mind set will kill a job. As player will drop the job in favor of the easier one. Im ok with viper and have clear ex with it so these changes are not for me but Job health is a thing. Im sure they took feedback, looked at viper and went "yeah I could see why some player would have an issue with this small part of viper". Ppl out here worried for nothing.
@TheSixers88 3 күн бұрын
Speed isnt the issue but the button bloat on controller is kind of lame. I hope they tie in more of the combos as a single button because it makes no sense why thr openers have it but the charge ones dont 😅
@Jay-mx5ky 2 күн бұрын
You have button bloat with VPR of all classes?
@digitalmc 3 күн бұрын
Positionals aren’t hard they are just annoying. It adds complexity but since there is no real relevance to that mechanic outside of boss fights it is just an annoyance. If all combat in the game required you to hit the enemies in different locations to deal more damage or have the player face away from an explosion to take less damage etc, it would feel more natural to have positionals on bosses. If there was more micro stun type of animations for melee attacks that allowed the player to quickly get behind a target to hit them in the back, that would be cool but enemies out in the field just auto face you. It feels like you are not supposed to prioritize that mechanic at all because you are not given the tools to execute it when leveling and questing. TLDR Its a core mechanic for some melee abilities in boss fights but not in questing/leveling/pvp, the majority of content people spend time doing. So it feels like an extra annoying thing we have to do because we never have to think about it out side of boss fights.
@carwilliams6265 2 күн бұрын
I get that people like fast jobs but how a lot of arguments feel is "If my job is too fast for you then maybe go play something easier and leave this one to the big boys."
@Bravadorado Күн бұрын
Viper is already easy. The only thing that makes it interesting is that it's fast. That's the issue. If you want Viper but slower, that job exists and is called Reaper.
@gilga3554 3 күн бұрын
Viper is fine as is. *Shrugs* Haven't played all the jobs or roles in general yet since DT hit but so far I've not noticed much of anything that needs tweaking.
@mattstansbeary3068 3 күн бұрын
They are not slowing it down they are giving you more time to keep up.
@supersorrow6945 3 күн бұрын
Noooooo I like being open AF
@Avrah 3 күн бұрын
lol is that real that the healer strike person complained about content being too hard? that has to be fake right?? right?
@benoitrousseau4137 3 күн бұрын
It's fake. Gemina has not posted anything on the official forums since the 26th and her character is still level 90. Sadly I wouldn't put it past GCBTW to have harrassed her to the point she has to take a break or quit the game.
@Avrah 3 күн бұрын
@@benoitrousseau4137 okay i figured.
@cutejustice 3 күн бұрын
She did not. Cole said someone wrote that on the healer strike which is probably true. There are people telling the healers that the healing class *should* be easy. So if anything, they (healers) would be the ones to understand why vipers would be upset right now.
@dreadqueenquinn 2 күн бұрын
Been playing viper a lot, literally zero complaints. I can see why some people might get confused or overwhelmed but then it’s not the job for them. The viper needs to remain as it is, the positional requirements aren’t even hard to do, they are literally color coded.
@mateusgus 3 күн бұрын
too op
@JayDayX116 2 күн бұрын
I just want plunge back
@silkytv 3 күн бұрын
I'm not gonna hold my breath but I think what he meant was, the job is already busy, to be able to focus on directionals needs to be changed to compensate. I just don't know what exactly they'd do to slow the job down at this point. I think the amount of directionals are fine, but they're not exactly intuitive. The dreadwinder combo demands you use two different directionals back to back and it just feels gross.
@misterbxiv 3 күн бұрын
Reaper does that already though and it’s fine
@bookbagfox 3 күн бұрын
Is it? You just stand behind the enemy, use the rear one, then move slightly left or right and use the flank one. Alternatively do it the other way around if preferred.
@venny1689 3 күн бұрын
@@bookbagfox the problem is doing that while double weaving, specifically on keyboard.
@The-die-youve-created 2 күн бұрын
Welp, back to dragoon.
@carolinemccall2608 2 күн бұрын
I hope they leave Viper alone. Melee DPS fan here as well. It is great as is. Positions can go or stay, but this job had me rethinking into going into the harder content. Praying for Yoshi P to keep this job fast and fun.
@nikkbertschman2200 2 күн бұрын
There is no need to make Viper slower. There are sooo many slow jobs for people who enjoy them. Leave me my easy to play speedy job.
@chappa7755 2 күн бұрын
man..ppl are complaining too much. Viper rotation is busy?? Wtf i wish they make it faster tbh, and for the love of god...easing of directional req?? viper only have 2, it's not even like drg back then (before DT) if ppl don't like positionals, I think they should just go play other job other than melee. People complaining that the jobs don't have identity, but then also complaining about positionals, which is unique to melee dps.
@billyrev 3 сағат бұрын
It has 4main positionals 2 sets for normal combos(which i consider just 2 poisitionals) and 2 for hunter's coil
@Bigalinbklyn83 3 күн бұрын
Vipers positional requirement is not hard. Now they are gonna make the job less fun
@user-rg7xj9nm2e 3 күн бұрын
Please don’t touch my viper, it’s perfect the way it is (don’t mind losing positionals though)
@SageTigerStar 3 күн бұрын
from a general perspective, that's basically all they'd be changing. Having to do positionals during certain skill weaving is rough on some. Seems controllers have less issue with it but M+Kb struggle a bit due to finger-gymnastics needed to move while hitting your combo buttons. Any talk of speed being nerfed is just hearsay/assumptions, and assuming they're gonna slow it down just because they said it's "busy" right now doesn't make sense when the "busy" part of it can be attributed to the back to back positionals.
@annikapride1598 3 күн бұрын
I dislike position classes as the reason I never bothered with Monk. So I hope they do remove them.
@terrik7411 3 күн бұрын
Monk positional are actually not that bad now. Only your final attack in each of your 3 attack combo has a positional. And with the new way it works basically you only move behind the boss for one attack every 11 main attack button presses, the rest you spend flanking.
@Darkwarp1994 3 күн бұрын
I'm sorry why nerf the viper on its speed its not busted in a pve situation
@urbansamurai261 Күн бұрын
Whos actually complaining European servers have loved this job 😢
@Armadan7 Күн бұрын
Can't believe so few ninjas are talking. Must be busy playing VPR, but honestly NiN feels REAL clunky now. The removal of huton makes the new huton feel totally pointless. And what is even the point of armor crush anymore??? Bunshin opener relies on Aeolian being your return-from-ninjutsu finisher and now what we need to delay the opener for crush? Then there's the new death frog only available after Mug, so you're now going to be trained to mug on dungeon pack pulls and not have it back up for the bosses.... Then there's the fact that mesui buffs the new bhava so you need to use two instances of shadow to get it max pot. What a damn mess.
@BLKM4NTI5 2 күн бұрын
I think the solution is simple: we launch a counter-bitching initiative and out-bitch those who are complaining about Viper. We need to become the vocal majority, because people who are satisfied with things tend to be much more passive than the goblins who spend their lives on the forums, who are dictating the direction that our game goes.
@JonnaLee_ 3 күн бұрын
reaaaal im loving viper as well, and yeah fuck positionals. The changes are prob only numbers and positionals anyway so im not worried about any major changes till 8.0 comes around
@TheOneGreat 3 күн бұрын
There are more jobs without positionals than with 'em. You can pick one of these then.
@JonnaLee_ 3 күн бұрын
@@TheOneGreat 😲
@Bigalinbklyn83 3 күн бұрын
Get good!!! Scrub!
@JonnaLee_ 3 күн бұрын
@@Bigalinbklyn83 🥺
@cutejustice 3 күн бұрын
Vipers may as well join the healers on striking 🤭 But yeah, I don’t think they’re slowing down vipers. It might just remove some positional requirements. A lot of people are speculating its dreadwinder. Imho, they should decrease the recast of dreadwinder’s coils to match fangs because the slowness of them does feel a little gross. Also, they need to make uncoiled fury a OGCD skill. It’s kinda weird that it acts/feels as a better Writhing Snap. My opinion might change once I get to 100 tho. Edit: ok, at 94 I can see that Uncoiled Fury procs which makes it far better! Forget what I said about making it OGCD.
@shizachan8421 2 күн бұрын
The dreadwinder is slower exactly because it has a double weave requirement and uncoiled fury is supposed to be your superior ranged skill of which you ideally want to have ready when you need to disengage, the downside is it not being spammable and costing a ressource.
@6YoungAngel9 3 күн бұрын
where is the Whale Who iS The Whale I Cant Find HIM! 🤣🐋
@kozebear8337 Күн бұрын
The devs are wrong for slowing down Viper BIG MiSTAKE!!!
@biocajun86 2 күн бұрын
VIPER GO VROOOM! I love it! But we really need to quit pandering to the loudest, whiney, complaining voices in the room. And the same people who complained about healers being too easy are now complaining about the game being too hard??…. We need to stop giving these people the attention they are obviously just desperate for
@AtmaOnTheIntertubes 2 күн бұрын
Positionals have no place in the modern AOE bullet-hell design for MMOs. On any class. Not a single one of them. Eliminate all positionals on all classes, remove the true north ability from the game. Positionals are a 20 year old relic from a simpler time in MMO gameplay and have no place anymore.
@atharozexistlien9617 3 күн бұрын
Viper banned
@Zerkkun 2 күн бұрын
I know its gonna sound harsh but this snowflakes that complain about viper they must be below casuall lvl, Viper is one of the easiest if not the easiest melee job in the game, literally tell u what to press after u use 1 skill like what do they want 1 button for a full combo?! Go healer...oh w8 healers are on a strike because healer has 1 button for dmg make up your mind or stop playing the game
@skipropecleopatra 2 күн бұрын
This is asmongolds fault
@meyatetana2973 3 күн бұрын
At lvl 82 viper feels a bit under performing with damage but probably due to me not doing combos right? Just so many fucking buttons few for flank a few more for Rear, then some wierd twin thing... They need to simplify this shit before LOL I expect this amount of button pushing out of max level not at the start :P Again I probably don't understand it still, but honestly my highest dmg so far has only been 15k that's so pathetic
@venny1689 3 күн бұрын
Viper starts feeling complete at 90 because you get the Reawaken combo while also getting it charged immediately in your opener. Honestly Reawaken should've just been available at 80, the way they give you skills for this class is a bit puzzling. The class is virtually identical at lvl 50 and 60. It's the problem of the late expansion classes being designed with too much backloading of their kit for the current expansion level.
@meyatetana2973 3 күн бұрын
Umm Every DD class had a shit load of positionals and Monk came in after ARR ended, Ninja, Drg, and Bard had positionals up the ass then they were changed. Monk needs to change too.
@misterbxiv 3 күн бұрын
Fucking casuals ruining everything. Maybe they should make ultimates easier too
@snowbird2893 3 күн бұрын
You sound like a beta.
@celphalonred1999 3 күн бұрын
Agreed on the second one. Too many avoid it as it is.
@Ron_Junkman 2 күн бұрын
I don't think they are say that they will slow down Viper just that it's skill rotation will be changed. Right now it's main combo string can be alternated as you go to get different effects, like Swiftscale (that in turn makes you faster as it lowers recast time) How I'm seeing this is that you will now have two sets of basic combos, one for setting Swiftscale and the other for the damage buff. add to the fact they might take away positions and it will just dumb down the class to the point no one will want to touch it.
@ivyscyther 3 күн бұрын
Viper feels a bit too fast for me of lot off GCD
@noahwagoner7650 2 күн бұрын
the casual clickers win again xD it was fun while it lasted.
@1011skarn 2 күн бұрын
AST problem is the cards. The cards. They suck. 1 dmg card. I dont need a regen, i have regens. I dont need a shield, i have mit. I need DMG cards. and a system that MAKES SENSE.
@xaahd 2 күн бұрын
Because people want this game to be so easy their grandma's can play it. Almost there.
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