Flood Containment Breach - Delta Halo - Lore and Theory

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@Zenlore6499 4 жыл бұрын
“You’ve demonstrated complete disregard for even the most basic protocols” can apply to bad coworkers as well as Regret.
@anasamla Жыл бұрын
This was a "personal" reponce to the regrets species as they're the ones who lead to the Breach. They are the meddlers.
@OHaaaiden Жыл бұрын
Penitent Tangent is that coworker that tells people what they should be doing per the accepted practices yet makes up his own rules and doesn’t hold himself to the same standard of accountability.
@Zenlore6499 Жыл бұрын
@@OHaaaiden Bro, within the time I made that comment and now, what you just said has happened TWICE including RIGHT NOW. They drove me nuts then and I’m going nuts now!
@OHaaaiden Жыл бұрын
@@Zenlore6499 F in the chat my dude.
@CovfefeDotard 4 жыл бұрын
They really need to do a trilogy of ancient humanity’s war against the flood and the floods origins
@shamrockshnake1366 4 жыл бұрын
You mean the forerunner trilogy?
@Critic225 4 жыл бұрын
@@shamrockshnake1366 I imagine yes, but in a game. Maybe a shooter or RPG?
@narrowstone5363 4 жыл бұрын
@@Critic225 just a shooter. An RPG would require alot of world building, ruining the whole mystery aspect of ancient humanity and the forerunners
@MrFerjurowns 4 жыл бұрын
HBO is doing a Halo series. Hopefully they touch on that topic.
@tristanbackup2536 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrFerjurowns They won't. That show is already breaking canon because they want to go woke, take the series serious.
@mohamedshihadeh4817 4 жыл бұрын
Legit, just before this video watched some Binging with Babish and the intro really got me
@JaelaOrdo 4 жыл бұрын
Got me too he sounded just like him
@gilmoran777 4 жыл бұрын
It got me too😂😂😭😭😭
@SweetStaticBun 3 жыл бұрын
Same dude same
@voldo18 3 жыл бұрын
Finally a man of culture!
@TheStrayHALOMAN 4 жыл бұрын
The Cold Storage AI just needs to Chill Out.
@tatotaytoman5934 3 жыл бұрын
why he so big tho
@TheStrayHALOMAN 3 жыл бұрын
@@tatotaytoman5934 I guess since there is no way out it doesn't have a reason to move about.
@tatotaytoman5934 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheStrayHALOMAN I guess he is smarter than penitent tangent because he has big brain
@southernstylegaming8580 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, his actions were appropriate. 2401 was Derelict in his duties.
@TheStrayHALOMAN 2 жыл бұрын
@@southernstylegaming8580 I was making a joke about how the map is a remake of the Halo CE map Chill Out.
@Awkward_Fox 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, that's interesting The fact that the flood escaped like that is interesting, and my theory on why there was a blackout is that some species of meddlers wound up providing the biomass for a gravemind while not allowing the flood to escape the ring! And caused the blackout so that the flood couldn't lure people in Also, have you done that video on prosthesis? I'd really enjoy that!
@punctuationman334 4 жыл бұрын
Considering what time period was presented by installation 00 could it be covenant scouts that found the halo? They tried to breach the Halo and came in contact with the flood, ending with them not being able to report back to high charity and the flood outbreak beginning. We know the covenant have been around for thousands of years.
@higrunt9844 3 жыл бұрын
@@punctuationman334 exactly 3000
@spartanandrews2929 4 жыл бұрын
Installation00 is a B.W.B. alt confirmed.
@deepimpactMatt 3 жыл бұрын
Sacred Icon and Quarantine Zone are my favourite Halo 2 missions. The atmosphere is amazing.
@ThePalaeontologist 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video. Wondering which species was sneaking around the installation? Could it have been the last visit to the galaxy by survivor Forerunners responding to request from Penitent Tangent? Like one little squad returning but never leaving because of the Flood? Maybe not. Besides that being fairly unlikely anyway, as much as I like the idea, I think the Flood getting enough intelligent biomass to produce a Gravemind, might have required something a little more substantial numerically speaking? When I said a squad of Forerunners returning, I did envisage literally like a special forces squad of just four individuals or so. Even if these were sent, which would be a bit far-fetched at that point, considering it seems virtually all if not entirely all the last Warrior-servants besides the Didact himself, perished at the end of the Forerunner-Flood War. 4 Forerunners would be very juicy prospects for the feral Flood to get their outgrowths on, but you'd think they'd need a bit more biomass than that within the containment area. If the Flood burst out and surprised a small party/squad of investigating Forerunners, maybe they'd have enough biomass from non-intelligent animals and plants inside the containment area after ''acquiring'' the Forerunner squad? It is still a bit of a stretch. Like, a lone squad of Forerunners zipping back into the Milky Way from out of exile, just to check up on that particular installation. It does sound for all the world as though a different, less advanced spacefaring species as yet unexplained, discovered the installation, but were overwhelmed by the feral Flood outbreak which then allowed them to gain a Gravemind with their collective biomass? Obviously they'd need starships to get to the installation, so it does beg the question, what the hell happened and why also didn't the Flood try and get their starship? Maybe they did. There are a lot of story line possibilities from this mystery. I'd like to imagine that a space-faring civilisation possibility even weaker than the UNSC would become millennia later, happened on the installation, and sent an expeditionary force onto the HALO. Exactly how many individual beings they'd send, and how long they'd stay, before being wiped out in the containment zone by the Flood, is unclear. You'd think the Forerunner sentinels might have something to say about a force of aliens landing without permission on the installation, and the sheer number of them would surely defeat a more primitive incursion of generic aliens coming in to have a nosy at what they can take or reverse engineer? Maybe they sent 1 ship and crew went down, sort of like (under very different circumstances) how the survivors of the UNSC _Pillar of Autumn_ went around Installation 04. Maybe that is why the Flood couldn't use their starship because it never came down (not having enemies like the Covenant to deal with, in that time) but dropped a scouting party off while passing? Maybe the civilisation that sent them itself got wiped out by civil war or fighting someone else in between times and so never followed up what happened to the group sent to the installation? Or perhaps it was just a rogue group of bandits using their own dropships to land on the installation after finding it themselves, and meeting their fate with the Flood (also explaining why whichever species they belonged to, wouldn't follow up what happened to them because, they were pirates/bandits/insurrectionists from that species?) Perhaps they were the unknown species equivalent of human insurrectionists pre-Human Covenant War, so were neither looked for or missed? It would sort of make sense for this sort of thing to happen. Just look at Ancient Egyptian pyramids, and how tomb robbers and randomers went in and stole things from them for literally centuries and even millennia for some of the older ones (and yes, that does include stealing the building stones themselves) In England, Stonehenge stood largely intact for millennia (though, deteriorating, in some disrepair) until the Medieval Period when local farmers used some of the (smaller) stones for their own buildings. It wasn't that those Medieval farmers had anything particularly against Stonehenge or what it represented (indeed, they wouldn't have even known what it exactly was, as Stonehenge itself had been abandoned as a place of Bronze Age ritual worship long before Medieval times, with the site being actively developed and used along with the rest of the ritual landscape, though abandoned for various reasons all the same) It still held significance and was clearly something special, but nobody knew what. Peoples, cultures and customs evolve, or are displaced. The people that built the first version of Stonehenge (it was a wooden henge at that time, not to be confused with Woodhenge specifically, though) were subtly different to those that developed the site for generations. Medieval people picking at the apparent ruins, to use in their own walls and enclosures, so far removed in time from those that made them in the first place, with no means to properly understand them or their provenance and importance to Archaeology (with no such subject even existing back then as we know it; though a hint of Antiquarianism had begun to form a couple of centuries later by the end of the Renaissance), is somewhat forgivable. It is a shame that happened, but that is how these things go. Chinese herbal remedies have been grinding up precious dinosaur bones and teeth (calling them _dragons_ bones and teeth) for about, say, the last 5,000 plus years at least; cue apoplectic rage from a Palaeontogist -.- real talk though it's tragic and still goes on (because Chinese ''traditional remedies'' purport and pretend to be "superior" to Western i.e. European and American Medicine due to such ignorance and superstition) Countless dinosaur fossils would have been (and still are being) sacrilegiously destroyed in this manner. Apparently it improves virility and acts as an aphrodisiac (ahem bullshit) Mammoth carcasses nearly perfectly preserved by the metres thick permafrost in Siberia, were commonly burnt on log fires when found by locals, whom superstitiously claimed that ''Mammut'' (''Earth Moles'' - that is one big and weird looking subterranean animal with suspiciously big weight bearing legs, right? -.-) were "bad omens" and "evil spirits". So they destroyed them on sight - whenever the Summer weather and/or increased precipitation would reveal new ones being eroded out of the simultaneously thawing permafrost along their riverbanks (usually, though riverbanks weren't always the location for these things being unearthed) Things improved as the world has developed more in many countries, though who knows how many priceless frozen Mammoth carcasses were destroyed over the centuries for such superstitions. Which leads me onto the third concept for the mystery species that may or may not have visited the HALO installation; could they have innocently enough, been astroarchaeologists and astrobiologists of their species, looking into the installation they happened on? Maybe it was just a chance find, just their group. And then they all went missing and were never seen again? Could make for some cool stories about the time after the HALOs fired and the time post-Forerunner Flood War. So the three main concepts: military expedition gone wrong; pirate/bandit incursion gone wrong; astroarchaeology mission gone wrong. I also like the idea of the Forerunner Sentinels clocking the unknown species as a threat and eventually keeping any others out, aggressively. Would make sense if a group of them were wiped out before the Sentinel's optics during containment. P.S - I also think that Penitent Tangent may have started to go insane, in a more advanced version of what happened to Guilty Spark? Could be something like that. I don't think it was negligence so much as it was...being left in isolation for thousands of years and not being as well-suited to coping with it as Guilty Spark was? (whom also went a bit doolally after a while anyway; though he spent thousands of years coping and spending time doing stuff to not be so bored) It would be like getting stuck in an individual Minecraft world for 100,000 years. Can't blame them for going a bit crazy. I don't think the Forerunners appreciated the implications of what such a timespan meant for them (though even if they did, at that point in the Forerunner-Flood War, they couldn't really do much about it anyway - that said, why they couldn't have paired up monitors or something to give them at least one friend I don't know)
@silentinitiate 4 жыл бұрын
You know, when I'm looking through the comments, I don't expect people, to right down a whole goddamn, essay down lol But You Did Give Alot Of Info So Props on that.
@ThePalaeontologist 4 жыл бұрын
@@silentinitiate Thanks? Though in fairness I don't expect someone to _have_ to read it. Up to you. It's collapsible with a ''read more'' thing anyway. Doesn't take up the page unless someone wants to read more :) Nice reply though, cheers.
@silentinitiate 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThePalaeontologist No, Problem Mate!
@lilsammich8252 4 жыл бұрын
Well, if the flood got ahold of a few Forerunners they would have all the knowledge a gravemind would need. The rings were filled with organic life. just a matter of time then.
@ThePalaeontologist 4 жыл бұрын
​@@lilsammich8252 Oh I'm certainly aware of how bright and insanely intelligent the Forerunners are compared to most other species in HALO, though I was kinda just imagining lone squad. I did consider that a possibility that _even just one_ Forerunner could give them enough for a Gravemind. By the way, it's why I considered the notion in the first place (because it immediately occurred to me that to get a Gravemind within a relatively small containment zone, would require the Flood consuming something at least reasonably clever enough to grant them the ability to get the knowledge they needed for that advancement) It's why I didn't immediately drop the idea as far-fetched. However, it's more about the likelihood of any Forerunners responding to it. Clearly, even though there must be a remnant population out there somewhere, they mainly keep to themselves if not entirely keep to themselves in exile. It was kind of just me speculating on what could have been if they did come back once or twice to keep an eye on things. That said, leaving the Monitors to go insane wouldn't make much sense. Either the bulk of the remnant Forerunners simply don't care or they simply _cannot_ (for whichever self-imposed or outwardly caused reasons) go back. Seems a bit brutal to just _abandon_ those sentient monitors lying around for millennia losing their marbles. I tend to prefer the idea of some unknown lesser species happening on them (though had these developed relatively recently, because the firing of the HALOs would narrow the options, temporally; obviously if the visitors were not Forerunners, whoever they were had to evolve as a spacefaring civilisation _after_ the HALO firings) Just to reiterate: I am clearly aware of how much knowledge the Flood could gain if they got hold of Forerunners. I know. It's what they used against the Forerunners so brutally in the Forerunner-Flood War; their own intelligence levels. But yeah, if even average joe Warrior-servants can mentally control hundreds of thousands or even millions of sentinels with their ancillas and by their own will, then that'd be enough brainpower to build a new Gravemind. However, maybe 4 Forerunners (in my scenario) would have known _exactly_ what was messing with the installation and wouldn't therefore have been surprised by them (this channel Installation00 points out that it would have been a deadly surprise if the unknown visitors happened on the Flood, though I'm sure if _Forerunners_ went there, they'd know what they were up against?) Seeing as the Flood took *trillions* of Forerunner lives during their war, it does seem inevitable that they'd win conventionally (if not for the HALOs firing) It did cross my mind, what you say. But still. I'm more inclined to think it wasn't the Forerunners - even though I want it to be them most of all. I love the Forerunners not gonna lie lol they didn't do too bad vs the Flood when you think about it (300 years ain't too shabby; everyone else in HALO would have folded way faster) p.s - I guess you didn't read my comment in full, because I did literally state that the Flood would be able to consume animals and plants. I am aware that the rings are full of life? Kind of the point of terraforming and part of the glory of the Forerunners; megastructures in space, teaming with life. Take one glance at a HALO and you know it's got a biological ecosystem. It's got greenery...I know.
@higrunt9844 3 жыл бұрын
Penitent tangent: " OH NO! Annnnnnnnnyways. C
@NazmusLabs 4 жыл бұрын
My biggest question is why was the maintenance requests ignored
@UNSCPILOT 3 жыл бұрын
Penitent tangent may have failed / already been corrupted by that point by some other source, thus unable or unwilling to aid in containment
@dysae4484 4 жыл бұрын
You gave me a little thought when you mentioned that the infectious diseases pale in comparison to the flood. Is there any information anywhere about people with cancer being infected by the flood?
@NobleS1236 4 жыл бұрын
In Halo they found the cure for cancer. Most people don't even know what it is.
@alfo149 4 жыл бұрын
Seeings how cancer is little more than a nuisance in the Halo Universe (as seen in the story "Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian" within the book Halo Evolution). It'd be a rare sight to see a human with cancer in the Halo Universe at all let alone one infected by the flood.
@leponpon6935 4 жыл бұрын
"Another episode of Binging with Babish" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@kauske 4 жыл бұрын
You can't just pull mass out of nowhere, if the fld can magically generate free mass, then they wouldn't even need to consume biomass to grow. Even if they absorbed the fluid in the tank to grow, they can't get any bigger than the contents of the tank already are.
@badbeardbill9956 2 жыл бұрын
If they expanded in volume and the fluid is incompressible then the pressure would increase drastically potentially leading to mechanical failure
@kauske 2 жыл бұрын
@@badbeardbill9956 Read my comment again, numnuts. You can't get any bigger than the volume of what's contained in that space, where does the material come from? You can't' generate matter from nothing.
@lostnumbr Жыл бұрын
It would appear to me that millennia of isolation causes the monitors ai to malfunction. 343 got so bored he would eject entire sections of the ring into space just to watch what happens. I wonder if 2401 released a flood spore intentionally.
@lucas.ruault 4 жыл бұрын
Having a Binging with Babish channel crossover would be the most strange and amazing mix
@bmxdude1337 4 жыл бұрын
The Flood, I love The Flood.
@EpicSOB_ 4 жыл бұрын
In 2037 Elon Musk's car fell into slip like a comet. A few years later it emerged near the halo at which point I gradually fell from orbit. Boom! Breach explained!
@androssthered1157 3 жыл бұрын
I love binging with Installation 00.
@renedog23 4 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or have we all just been watching Binging with Babish under lockdown too
@_M27_ 4 жыл бұрын
Didn't you make a vid about this like a month ago?
@CAARaeed 4 жыл бұрын
Lol your Babish impression/American accent is really good
@robert1529 4 жыл бұрын
my brains hurting
@edwardcornell1263 2 ай бұрын
Just blame it on the covernant. Librarian said she indexed them as well?
@chickenmonger123 4 жыл бұрын
Hold up. 3:18. If you put GLaDOS in charge of cold storage you’ve already found your problem. A rampant AI if I’ve ever heard of one. Although, that looks like Wrigley. Which explains the negligence.
@nonkynonk 4 жыл бұрын
@StrideInLife 2 жыл бұрын
Flood started with GLADOS?
@SK-pw9id 4 жыл бұрын
Could the "unauthorized parties" have been the precursors?
@asiridesigns5344 Жыл бұрын
@sorrenblitz805 Жыл бұрын
See I don't think so. These things happened before 343 made the Endless. I think more likely they're the alien conglomerate from the Marathon series. They're said to be an intergalactic empire.
@ianhoyt3426 2 жыл бұрын
Could it have been the endless who first found and accessed the facility?
@Jermrants 2 жыл бұрын
Possibly a theory I’ve heard too we got no evidence tho
@Yeanah_Nahyea 4 жыл бұрын
So I was right? You are suffering from Rampancy? Hahaha
@Neutrino45 2 жыл бұрын
Bungie with banished 😂😂 correct version
@falloutgod1073 2 жыл бұрын
Poor containment site
@lilsammich8252 4 жыл бұрын
Hello my freaky darlings!
@KillerChickn 4 жыл бұрын
Ancient AI leaving little bugs in the ring systems, eh? Bias?
@Nick-td9vg 4 жыл бұрын
Lmao 😂 nice BWB joke
@VallornDeathblade 4 жыл бұрын
Binging with Babish's sequel. Gorging with Gravemind.
@JHS270694 4 жыл бұрын
Babish is awesome.
@sergeantmarcusstackerM1903 4 жыл бұрын
Installation 00 you sure have an impressive impression!
@Onxide 4 жыл бұрын
@LexieAssassin 4 жыл бұрын
@VallornDeathblade 4 жыл бұрын
@Stratonetic 4 жыл бұрын
Installation 05: "CONTAINMENT FAILURE" 2401: "That is absolutely acceptable."
@trashyhobo4957 4 жыл бұрын
"Acceptable. Acceptable. Absolutely acceptable"
@spartanalex9006 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone else read that in Lemongrab's voice.
@myles3856 3 жыл бұрын
@@spartanalex9006 read it in Guilty sparks voice
@myles3856 3 жыл бұрын
@sho-sasteiner590 2 жыл бұрын
MTF Agressor-9 has been called back to site-05 . Site Director Tangent hasn't activated breach alarm. Multiple pure and infector class Entities have breached containment. SCP -003 Gravemind has breached containment.
@RiversInTheSky. 4 жыл бұрын
Regarding your “two cents” of the pure forms escaping their pods, you likely mean Volume not Mass. Unless the Flood can somehow crate matter out of nothing, they likely displaced the fluid and built a pressure gradient by expanding their volume. Thanks for the video,l and your contribution to the Halo community!
@dynestis2875 4 жыл бұрын
@Mr. Legend well, no. Not tomato potato.
@Spartan-343 4 жыл бұрын
Well I think according to Mythos or Warfleet the Flood actually can create matter out of nothing once it reaches a certain point in its evolution. And I don't mean the point when it reaches planet-sized Keyminds stage. Having said that, I don't think it could do it at the point where it was still contained.
@ethanwagner6418 3 жыл бұрын
Nah man, those pure forms definitely pull matter from somewhere, otherwise a tank form mutated from a stalker should bounce around like Styrofoam.
@calebcarroll4638 6 ай бұрын
The Flood probably can. They are a mutated form of the gods of halo.. they could probably do that.
@thelegendarysupersquid7556 4 жыл бұрын
Librarian: "You have been chosen to safeguard one of the most important installations in the galaxy." Tangent: "Sorry, what? I wasn't listening."
@Tarnthewarrior 3 жыл бұрын
Forerunners: YOU HAD ONE JOB!!!
@BigT.Larrity 3 жыл бұрын
Starting to think Tangents last name was Grif
@yawningpheonix 2 жыл бұрын
The Delta Halo incident, particularly the Quarantine Zone, has a lot of continuity problems. 1. The Arbiter's phantom was able to fly right up to an unshielded ledge, and immediately encountered the Flood despite being outside the quarantine shield and before you deactivate it. Why has the infection only stopped here and not taken the ring already? 2. The Flood within the shield already have a battalion's worth of human/Covenant weaponry across the entire quarantine zone, apparently before you even drop the shield. I understand that Keyes and Johnson had a head start, but where did the Flood get wraiths if the Arbiter was the first one in? 3. The Flood have already amassed numerous fighting bodies, which only seem to be human and Covenant, and this is what the Sentinels have been struggling to contain for the last 100,000 years?
@NumericChaff 4 жыл бұрын
For the record 0°K is absolute 0, the coldest temperature possible.
@Huojunta 4 жыл бұрын
The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid-class containment breaches, full site lockdown initiated.
@Daltem 4 жыл бұрын
Ahh shit
@Blox117 4 жыл бұрын
how did Euclid get onto a halo?
@valentinagalex5379 4 жыл бұрын
Good job sir
@MarioTheLiopleurodon 4 жыл бұрын
Would the flood be considered Euclid or Keter? SCP containment levels focus less on danger and more on difficulty of keeping the anomaly contained. For example, the SPNKr rocket launcher can kill you right? It can blow up warthogs, tanks with enough rounds, people easily, etc. Put a SPNKr in a box, what happens? Nothing. It is a dangerous weapon, yes, but if you lock it up, it won't escape containment or do anything. It will just sit there, wherever you put it. It would be SCP-Safe. Now take a human or a covenant species member. Put them in a room/cell. What do they do? Move around, maybe search for an escape, maybe sit down and rest, lots of things. Grunts, Jackals, Drones, Elites, Brutes, Prophets, Lekgolo/Mgalekgolo, and humans are all living beings, most (except individual lekgolo worms) are sentient. So lock us up, we might do something you don't expect, like break into song for instance. That is what SCP-Euclid means. Keter would be like Doom Guy, Master CHief, Kratos, Wolverine and Darth Vader fused into one being with the additional abilities of the reapers from Mass effect, Brethren moons from dead space and a CCS-Battlecruiser (including slipspace flight). It would actively break containment and be incredibly difficult to get back into captivity. This is a rough example of SCP-Keter. So now begs the question, what would the flood be? Being animate and living at all makes me NOT want to put them in the safe category, since they can do some unpredictable things. They could be euclid and lead to keter maybe? Lets say we have colonized the entire milky way galaxy like in Mass Effect, and that we have as good or better slipspace than the forerunners. If Earth was infected and had no ships to go offworld, it would still be extremely hard to contain.
@Daltem 4 жыл бұрын
@@MarioTheLiopleurodon I'd say it's at least Euclid, as it would require containment similar to that of 610
@MythicFool 4 жыл бұрын
I just finished a week of binging Babish, and with you starting that way, I thought I had a random tab open to said Babish. You glorious bastard.
@mikedicewrites 4 жыл бұрын
2020: (screams and runs away) 2048: *Why are you running?*
@lilsammich8252 4 жыл бұрын
what happens between now and 2048 to make us not worry about the Flood?
@mariusionita266 4 жыл бұрын
The presence of a Gravemind on Installation 05 demonstrates the ring was inhabited by sentient beings at the moment of the containment breach. Who and what were these beings? Oh the narrative possibilities here are dizzying...
@rushpatriot2866 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe similar biological life forms to installation00 which had Trex-like beings living plants and other critters. This information comes from the halo novel "Halo Hunters In The Dark" You can listen to this book for free on KZbin or buy it on Audible. 😁
@ol6halodude577 3 жыл бұрын
By the time of the 1st log made-of that 1st breach, if I understood you correctly after my initial review, the shielded Lifeworkers and the Isodidact were finished their re-seeding work and had already vacated the galaxy decades before this breach. Also if I understood correctly, the breach occurred from inside out. The flood forms had to have remained viable for 278 + years COUNTING, the century or so the re-seeding required. That can only mean that sentient flood-food had been stored INSIDE the facility WITH the viable forms - to keep the study forms viable- for indefinite periods. If that is true then the Forerunners PLANNED... for them to stay viable until Reclaimers (or Meddlers), arrived. Why? So the Reclaimers could resume the Life Shaper’s work on The Flood?!?!! Okay I am sleeping with lights on from now on....🥺
@zachariousoftroy 4 жыл бұрын
What if the forerunners were keeping a full-on gravemind at Delta Halo?? It would be insane to do something like that, sure. A risk beyond measure. But then, so is keeping any flood specimen. Not to mention the 10 proto-graveminds on Installation 07. Imagine what a twist it would be to find out that the gravemind we encountered in halo 2 and 3 was there because the forerunners preserved it. That could also shed some light on how the containment breach happened, and how Penitent Tangent became so lax in its duties. I could see a gravemind, with all its intelligence and wit, easily figuring out how to break out of containment. Or, it could have simply infected Tangent with the logic plague. If it was given a way to communicate, on purpose or on accident, and infect the monitor, that would go a long way in explaining why it just kind of ignored maintenance requests, and went MIA. We see it in the grasp of the gravemind in Halo 2, so we know that happened at some point. But perhaps it happened before the outbreak even started? Imagine the gravemind infecting it, then convincing it to let the individual flood forms break free, and ignore all communications when they came. Or heck, it might have just trapped Tangent in the room with it and not even let it know that communications were coming in. That would help explain the whole sequence of events that have been so mysterious up until this point, and I think it would be an awesome twist to find out that the forerunners' belief in the Mantle was so strict that they even preserved a gravemind!
@zhangeldy4097 8 ай бұрын
Wouldn't be too out there, Forerunners were arrogant like that.
@siphonicstorm7191 4 жыл бұрын
I still have this theory 2401 Penadent Tangent was infected with the logic plague during his time on the ring. The Food are very clever. So I'm sure they found a way. Or the builders could have this to happen on purpose as an Experiment, like Vault-Tec did with the Vaults in Fallout.
@SK-pw9id 4 жыл бұрын
I seriously doubt that the forerunners would experiment with something as powerful as a halo ring's monitor. I think that the logic plague idea is much more likely.
@sergeantmarcusstackerM1903 4 жыл бұрын
@siphonicstorm7191 4 жыл бұрын
The Master Builder did stuff like that. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was his idea.
@lilsammich8252 4 жыл бұрын
They did eliminate entire star systems without blinking.
@SK-pw9id 4 жыл бұрын
@@lilsammich8252 true
@halofox4770 4 жыл бұрын
I have a theory: Bungie and 343i are secret ONI time travelers and make these games to warn of the future...…. OOOOOOOOoooooOOoOOOO
@Ruiluth 4 жыл бұрын
I hope Halo 5 isn't the future
@theyrbaning4751 4 жыл бұрын
No, we died due ti corona
@UNSCPILOT 3 жыл бұрын
ONI? Do something moral? That just makes me more concerned
@halofox4770 3 жыл бұрын
@w4r936 4 жыл бұрын
The sentinels didn't have enough toilet paper, obviously.
@mattmc9812 4 жыл бұрын
@lilsammich8252 4 жыл бұрын
It because they contraced the flood. Toilet paper facilities were on the outer rim. Why do you think the humans invaded that sector first?
@aqgarts3024 4 жыл бұрын
Cause the come from Australia. Obviously.
@Arandompotato1 4 жыл бұрын
Unknown alien "wonder what this button does" Flood sound track intensifies
@trav2190 3 жыл бұрын
Lol yeah
@FBI-ju5no 3 жыл бұрын
Just an interesting thought: The forerunners had access to a crystal that could not only effect slipspace, and space in general, but also time, which modern humanity found in Reach. Mayhap the crystal isn't of forerunner design, but rather, Precursor in origin? And if so, is it possible that, using such "technology", the reemergence of the Flood was inevitable? That the "interlopers" who, somehow, broke through a forerunner teleport field set to recursive mode, were only able to do so, because the Precursors set it up that way?
@icekick1173 4 жыл бұрын
That binging with babish was fairly spot on 😂
@shayminthedoctor9663 4 жыл бұрын
I was half expecting him when reading "complaint sent to Installation 00" for him to say "complaint sent to yours truly"
@itsroman6373 4 жыл бұрын
Wash your hands guys you dont want the logic plague
@alexanderlehigh 2 жыл бұрын
Seems like we just need to master slipspace now before 2048, get a team to Delta Halo, and prevent the breach before the Gravemind forms.
@Demonic_Tang Жыл бұрын
That opening actually caught me off guard, I thought my video suddenly switched to Babbish because I wasn't looking. The voice was really convincing
@yawningpheonix 2 жыл бұрын
I think the recent access to the teleporters by "unauthorized parties" is merely to explain what a bunch of red and blue soldiers are doing in this room, with no way in or out, just standing around talking.
@southernstylegaming8580 2 жыл бұрын
But what about the guy with the EVA armor shooting the guy in grey and yellow?
@slicer940 4 жыл бұрын
The year 2334 is actually really close to where humanity in the halo universe started to colonize other planets and Slipspace drives were still new by that time. Is it possible that a miscalculation caused a colony ship to jump to Delta Halo and the sentinels let it land just like the Pillar of Autumn did? It would also explain how Cold Storage was accessed. In Ghosts of Oynx we know sentinels generally don’t know much about reclaimers and with lack of intelligence they probably let these humans into the facility thinking they could help somehow. It would also explain why there’s so many human combat forms during those flood missions. In Amber Clad didn’t have thousands of marines on board and the ship wasn’t infected until after the events of Quarantine Zone. But we know these colony ships can transport something like 10,000 people on them. Most of which would have likely been marines or something. Please help me out. I think I’m on to something.
@jaysonramos2671 4 жыл бұрын
With some help and research of the weapons this could be a pretty valid theory
@Jedi_Spartan 4 жыл бұрын
"I am 2401 Penitent Tangent, the Monitor of s****ness" 13:35 And Brexit also happened in the Halo universe...
@cigarr0000 4 жыл бұрын
I thought the gravemind is in delta halo's og control room and the control room the arbiter got sent to by the gravemind is a backup installation along the ring, either that or the gravemind is so massive it almost got through the library and collecting the index for itself and controlling a halo, further preventing other beings stopping the Flood from assimilating the universe.
@rodrigomelendez1545 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, I also thought that was the case. In the anniversary cutscene, you can see it is the control room
@higrunt9844 3 жыл бұрын
@@rodrigomelendez1545 maybe it was a decoy one.
@CylixTheGamer 4 жыл бұрын
I want a follow up vid. This topic caught my interest. The intriguing part is the unknown parties, possibly unknown technological advanced species or something else entirely that caused the containment breach
@alcatraz23atomicrenegade82 Жыл бұрын
Maybe 2401 was captured by the Meddlars and they had a huge presence in the Quarantine Zone, so thats why the Cold Storage AI's messages never went through to him and how the Gravemind got enough bimass to develop.
@Lavthefox Жыл бұрын
When there was a mention of Covid... All I could picture was a bunch of flood forms wearing face masks....
@theAverageJoe25 4 жыл бұрын
What I’m still questioning is why in the hell did the forerunners decide to save some flood in the first place. The whole purpose of the Halo array is to kill the flood, so why the hell would they save some, also if they could keep creatures alive and safe from the halo rings why didn’t the forerunners put some of their own people in these safe places
@alfo149 4 жыл бұрын
Because some flood will survive (just like hand sanitizer/soaps only kill 99.99% of germs) outside of the halo array. Just like we have diseases in quarantine today in the real world to learn about them and how to fight them/keep up with their mutations. More than likely a few Forerunners survived on Shield Worlds or other installations. I personally wouldn't keep other human families in with the animals of a Zoo or Life Preserves (Covenant Species/Humans) but instead keep them in a Hotel or Apartment (Forerunners).
@ravager2-636 4 жыл бұрын
JBear Antonicic: The Halo were used to kill the Flood food (sapient life), it only kills things with a certain amount of biomass.. small flood forms/spores would survive, so the Objective of the halo was to starve the flood & force them to starve them to death or dormancy.. The flood were possibly kept to keep researching them, to find a weakness or a way to eradicate them or maybe even control over them.. Forerunner after all..
@howlingwolflord7408 4 жыл бұрын
Most Forerunners had been killed by the time the Halo rings were fired, and the few that did survive, have exiled themselves in another galaxy.
@ramonamalta416 4 жыл бұрын
The flood originated from outside the galaxy so they taught more were out there so they wanted to find a more effective way to kill the flood that wouldn't genocide the entire galaxy
@mark_thurwanger 2 жыл бұрын
@@alfo149 I know this is an old comment and I know this is completely unrelated to the video, but the only reason hand sanitizers say 99.9% is to avoid being sued. It technically does remove 100% of bacteria.
@I_am_a_cat_ 3 жыл бұрын
I like how their systems report a containment breach at 24 hours, and then the next reminder is set like 280 years in the future. Lol. Not that the first alert would go away or anything. You'd just think it'd try to make a little more noise for something that could end all life
@m7th1c24 4 жыл бұрын
bro love your vids and cant waut to see more of most detailed and project 117....
@garciamedina1 4 жыл бұрын
It's a shame there's no mention of any futuristic food in halo for Babish to recreate. I'd love to see a collab.
@joshminardi1247 Жыл бұрын
There's Moa burgers haha. Probably some other ones if I really dug. That's just what comes to mind.
@darryldouglasmarbaniang7162 Жыл бұрын
I wonder what had happened to 2401 Penitent Tangent which ultimately cause him to malfunction so catastrophically? Logic Plague?
@sorrenblitz805 Жыл бұрын
The Forerunners got their personality cores from Aperture Science.
@nathand.9969 3 жыл бұрын
Anybody else think an installation 00 and Binging with Babish is a colab over we need?
@Vash_Carrison 4 жыл бұрын
That's what I love about the Halo Mythology; so many mysteries yet to be solved and speculated on. You can see how there is a ton of material to keep interesting stories going. It is and has evolved over time.
@pancake_crab4457 4 жыл бұрын
Gotta ask, is it ever explained why the Halo array was so poorly staffed? Only one major AI per ring with no backup, no second opinion, no middle level AIs with system and weapon access, nor anything but the Sentinels and these basic 'observer' AIs that don't seem capable of doing anything but filing reports. In Halo wars 2 the Dr ejects a part of the ring surface to destroy a legion of Banished. Where are the security AI that can do that without needing a Monitor's oversight in the event of a Flood infection? For a weapon system so crucial and powerful the Forerunners surely would have installed multiple backups to ensure nothing would go wrong. Not to mention that besides the rings' main weapons there are no real larger weapons ever seen or mentioned. There are the Sentinels, but they are fairly underpowered, unintelligent, and task specific. Where are the anti-ship weapons to pr a ring if needed? Or at least some nuclear weapons to sterilize infected areas? Actually, why have flood stored on the rings at all? I get that the rings are meant to destroy flood and their food, but a nuke can take out an infection in its early stages. And putting the flood on your superweapon is just giving them easy access to it, where conceavibly they could infect it and eventually destroy the main weapon system of a Halo Ring. Just, give your superweapon more oversight than just one person, and put your samples of a galaxy destroying infection some else. Like, isolated stations that will explode or immediately fall into a star if anything goes wrong. And never expect anything to work forever. 90-something thousand years is a lot, and beats my last phone, but when Flood containment fails it will spread very quickly.
@TayBridgeDisaster 4 жыл бұрын
Last time I was this early the primordial was still in the timelock!
@The_Best_NPC 2 жыл бұрын
Master-chief about to tiny whisk the flood until it roughly doubles in size.
@karpdestroyer006 7 ай бұрын
2401 penitent tangent sucked at containment mystery solved
@tomtheconqerur 4 жыл бұрын
The forerunners should have used discord, the monitors would have communicated far better that way.
@LethalChicken77 4 жыл бұрын
I'm betting there is another species at play in the halo universe. Obviously there's humanity and the covenant species, but then what was with that mysterious ship that crashed on installation 04? It didn't look like either human or covenant. And then there are the beings that breached containment on installation 05, which definitely wasn't too recent given the fact that it had both enough time and enough biomass to form a gravemind
@michiganjack1337 4 жыл бұрын
Well done Babish. 🤣
@NazmusLabs 4 жыл бұрын
I have been waiting too long for this
@Sigma-gb9yd 3 жыл бұрын
I love that the Phantom we see in H2:A's version of Sacred Icon's cutscene is flying in backwards
@thesilentscreamer1595 4 жыл бұрын
Love your videos as always, Installation 00! May I suggest you do Breakdown Videos of Forerunner Vessels, such as: SoJourner-class DreadNought, The DIDACT's Flagship - The Mantle's Approach and Fortress-class Vessels (from the books)? Thank you very much.
@rodrigomelendez1545 4 жыл бұрын
I always thought the gravemind resided in the halo's control room, someone told me that's why the halo had to be activated in that weird place at the end of halo 2
@wraith2304 4 жыл бұрын
Is there anything in the covenant lore, that possibly shed light on this? I mean they have been roaming around space a little longer than humans.
@Nathan-vt1jz 17 күн бұрын
Keeping flood specimens for study on so many installations was always a really dumb idea. They should have had a single dedicated facility for studying the flood. Put it in a decaying orbit around a black hole with no propulsion system or components to build one, with a redundant self destruct mechanism if an outbreak occurs. The only thing that could get out are messages on the lab reports on its study of the flood.
@ghostarmy7270 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Instillation 00 how is the research coming on atriox and his enrollment in the covenant and banish
@kingturt2112 4 ай бұрын
2401 Penitent Tangent is basically a really bad manager who was just chosen to be in a managing position because of his high status and he fails at doing anything correctly while his subordinates are actually competent and actually try to do their jobs
@yosefmikael2555 4 жыл бұрын
Yo, keep up the good work my guy. Quality content as always
@SteepPoppy0 4 жыл бұрын
Just putting this here cuz it bugs me, and sorry if you got 10-30 comments that point it out. 08:24 and you say mass, however mass show the density of an object, Volume on the other hand shows arial size and it can be increased without adding material to the object So this is a long explenation to say, you ment volume. Good vid
@tonythegreat4275 4 жыл бұрын
Dislike for him saying " BCE " it's BC.
@dustinyancey2194 4 жыл бұрын
In our world... B.C. is used as Before Christ. In halo it stands for Before the common Era... He is right in his usage for these videos...
@tonythegreat4275 4 жыл бұрын
@@dustinyancey2194 nah in our world BCE is real, they changed it cuz they some God haten fools can't accept they own God, will all see if this God is real when lights out, I bet you they real, it's a agenda
@MohamedYoussef.7 2 жыл бұрын
Okay but what did the flood infect and who were the parties to access the installation systems? Like they would have to be considerable parties in order to even form a gravemind.
@JarrisGames 4 жыл бұрын
I would love a further dive into this, so interesting
@InveterateMendaciousness 4 жыл бұрын
1:41 y'all ever notice the phantom is flying backward. the animation team fucked up and actually made the scene wrong, so they had to play it in reverse and hope no one would notice the error.
@Biosynthnut 3 жыл бұрын
After all this.. Why was the Flood kept contained on the Halo's in the first place? After the firing of the Halos.
@KaliNCC-h1l 4 жыл бұрын
Love your content please keep it up and find peace in the domain.
@camerongooch9606 4 жыл бұрын
The gravemind is the final form of pickle rick . Change my fucking mind.
@GhostRat__ 9 ай бұрын
This is the weirdest pasta tutorial I’ve ever watched
@supershadow102007 3 жыл бұрын
i like how i decided to watch this on the day it was posted lol
@Tactical_Jetske 2 жыл бұрын
The flood are coming in 20 years!?!
@quaiddairloom9221 Жыл бұрын
Welcome back to binging with babish.🤣
@higrunt9844 3 жыл бұрын
The two 'b's of halo blame bias.
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