How can I get my knee straight after ACL surgery?

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Dr. David Geier

Dr. David Geier

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Recovery from ACL reconstruction surgery is a long, difficult process. You have to get your knee motion and leg strength back before starting sports activities. In this Ask Dr. Geier video, I discuss one of the early challenges with rehab from an ACL surgery - getting your knee straight and your knee motion back to normal.
When it comes to an ACL injury, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. But if you take a moment to tell me about your situation, I can give you the #1 thing you need to do next to overcome your ACL injury, designed specifically for YOU (absolutely free). Click the link above!
Click the link above for more information about ACL injuries and other resources on sports and exercise injuries.
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Donna asks:
Hello and good morning! I had ACL reconstruction and a repair on my meniscus in May, and I can’t straighten my knee. It’s constantly swollen. I just want to know will it eventually straighten ever with time and therapy, and am I going to walk like this for the rest of my life (limping with one leg bent)?
One of the toughest aspects of the first few weeks after ACL reconstruction surgery is getting full knee extension. Essentially orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists want you to get your knee fully straight quickly after surgery. Often we will put you in a hinged knee brace to keep your knee straight much of the day.
In my experience, if patients work hard on pushing their knee flat to the table several times a day and do the knee extension exercises recommended by the physical therapist, they can get full extension back within a few weeks. I’ve always found that if people can get their knee straight within four weeks from surgery, they can keep it and walk normally. If they struggle to get it by four weeks, it can be hard to get it on their own. Those patients are a challenge, and sometimes surgery to clean out scar tissue can be necessary.
In this video, I explain some of the obstacles to getting your knee straight and what we can do to try to help patients improve knee range of motion.

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@DrDavidGeier 6 жыл бұрын
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@francisrommelzapatos 6 жыл бұрын
Dr david, hi! Ive been watching your videos and it means a lot to people who suffered from knee injury or knee surgery. I, myself had my acl reconstructed for a month already and i have problems with limping. I still cant fully extend my knee and it is still swollen. Ive seen a lot of videos here in youtube on how to help thy self at home when it comes to achieving full knee extension. The 2nd problem aside from it is swollen, sometimes the pain is unbearable.
@lavinpillai1042 6 жыл бұрын
francis rommel zapatos i have the same problem now in 1month after the same surgery...
@aartiduggalkapoor 6 жыл бұрын
Sir I had my acl n meniscus reconstruction 2 weeks back. My knee turn 90° when sitting but cnt fold it at ol when leg s straight on bed. Is it ok. As I m walking with brace and keep my leg straight on bed too but bending is tough. Plz answer
@lavinpillai1042 6 жыл бұрын
aarti kapoor it will be hard for the u will get in week 6 now...first i was same like u....keep claim n do exercise much as u can but dont overdoing....if can off ur barce now...its will be hard to walk for the first but later u will be fine....
@kingwolf4444 5 жыл бұрын
Please help idk of you will read this or not but if you do please help I just had my second acl surgery done on the same knee this time they used my petella tendon rather than my hamstring like last thing it’s been almost six and I just can’t get it straight no matter what I do I’ve even had it drained 3 times and I lay on my stomach and let me legs hang off the table to stretch it out but nothing works please help
@niteshsen5709 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Friend, My name is Nitesh, i had my acl and meniscus surgery in 23 Oct. 17, after one month i started physio therapy for full range and motion, it was not easy for me but with self motivation with in 25 days i got full range and motion of my knee and even by the end of Jan 18 i started walking normally. but yes now i am still working for strong my quads and hemstring. Purpose of adding my comment is to tell u guys plz plz plz don't be lose hard..stay motivated..God really testing u bcoz only strong people can overcome from such tough situation thats why he selected us..At the i wil say yes no problem is big then ur courage..Be Positive+ ...All The very Best..Have a faith in u and God...let me know if any help or suggetion i can do for u Friends..Tk..😊
@punim.p9132 5 жыл бұрын
Kindl tel me the exercises you did to get ram back
@skumarvobulapuram7220 5 жыл бұрын
Please guide us brother... What exercises you did... I too started physiotherapy after one month of my surgery... But no gain in range of motion... I'm loosing hope... Please help me
@rabindraaa 4 жыл бұрын
Sir pls guide me
@stevenhanna6481 Жыл бұрын
Hey bro I just did my surgery for acl and meniscus as well and I’m in month after surgery I can extended my knee almost all the way but I can’t close it as I could’ve before the surgery I just want to know that if I continue to exercise it will I walk again
@matthewmauck9023 5 жыл бұрын
Everyone asking for a exercise LISTEN CLOSE! U can do this on a bed. Roll up a towel and place it under ur Achilles. This should elevate ur foot a couple inches off the bed. This gives you a space between the bottom of ur knee and ur bed. Shouldnt be more then an inch of empty space. Then take a thick towel/blanket and put it on top of ur knee for cushion. Finally have someone take a weight(I use a 35 pound weight) and place it directly on top of ur knee cap SLOWLY. It should feel uncomfortable because ur knee is stretching further then u feel comfortable with. My doctor gave me this exercise and it’s amazing almost instant results. Please like so others can see
@deepzerocool 7 жыл бұрын
It is tough but you got to do extension and bending as much as you can. It helps a lot with reducing swollen apparently. I had to say our body is quite magical, the more you move the faster the recovery process.
@lokeshsathish6952 2 ай бұрын
i started walking 3 days after surgery!
@logangraffagnini4810 6 жыл бұрын
Day 5 post op and these comments are scaring the hell out of me going to start trying to extend every day
@wertastic 6 жыл бұрын
Logan Graffagnini How are you now? Are you able to extend, or even stand or walk on it? I’m on day 5 currently and I’m scared I’m not gonna be able to straighten my leg soon enough
@danniolsen4965 4 жыл бұрын
@@wertastic since Logan never replied you, I'll ask you. Did you manage, and did you gain hyperextension? (If you normally had that)
@wertastic 4 жыл бұрын
Danni Olsen my legs about the same as my good one, although I can’t hyperextend as much as my good leg, but can still hyperextend a little
@danniolsen4965 4 жыл бұрын
@@wertastic thanks, I'll keep at it
@ambers8775 3 жыл бұрын
I’m week 3 and not straight and didn’t know this please do it
@robode1945 5 жыл бұрын
I was born ( toe walked my entire life) never able to extend my leg more than maybe 45 degrees, at 28 im aggressively utilising stretching and exersize to attempt to straighten my legs for first timd in life. In last six months, I can now straighten my legs about 30% of straight, and can lift it a whole foot off ground for first time ever. I walked on my toes my entire life due to bent legs i never grew out of, but I'm determined to fix this, if i can't afford surgery i might build wooden devices to hold my legs straight in my sleep and incrementally change device to push it further. My legs are straighter enough to finally plant back of foot on floor for first time lately, but still a long way to go. Regardless your advice on raising feet has restored maybe 15% of my range while i sleep, the other 15% I got threw extreme ankle, and leg exersize/stretching. My and mobility is srill horrible, leg tendons are still tight and ankle/knee/hip range still worse than anyone else can imagine but it's improving slowly. Maybe one day ill have normal range
@aadair7855 3 жыл бұрын
Keep going!!, i find if you take good painkillers you can achieve much more
@PinpointAim 2 жыл бұрын
You got this!
@chandrababu4076 5 жыл бұрын
I had a garde 3 multiple ligaments injury in Jan 2018. Pettalar, Lcl, Acl, with Meniscus tear. Initially my Dr. Advised me to do Pettalar and Lcl in a 1st stage basis. After 6 months we will do the rest of the ligaments. So I undergone my Acl along with meniscus tear. 1st week of November. With in a few days I am did not feel any pain. Exactly 10 days after my surgery I started walking without crunches. Now my knee bending is more than 110 after that I couldn't do full knee bending because it's getting stiff need few more Physiotherapy sessions. One thing, I want to share you guys be strong and keep encouraging yourself. No pain no gain. I wish you all the best for yours speedy recovery.
@anilkumar-jd6rm 5 жыл бұрын
hi cn u plz tell me ways to recover fast
@aforrestfire 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 2 weeks exactly post op from meniscus repair and they partially took some out from the outer portion. I also had acl reconstruction from my quad. I fell off a bird scooter down a hill by Venice beach and got surgery 3 months later. I did a lot of excersises and managed to get myself to walk (slightly limping unable to fully extend at all) 1 1/2 months after I injured myself. I slowed down on the excersises 2 weeks before surgery (unfortunately) but I made sure to get as flexible as I could. The first week was hell keeping my leg elevated at the heel and I couldn’t sleep and hated every day and night of it. Icing and letting gravity do it’s work on your knee has been helping with always keeping the brace on. I hate sleeping on my back but I’m able to stretch/bend my knee back at 70 degrees so far 2 weeks exactly after post op. I hope things keep going smooth after seeing others farther along having such a difficult time. Pain is weakness leaving the body I guess 🥲😢 I do as much I can manage at home so I usually can do one or two workouts a day, do pt 3x a week and usually need a day or two of resting when my quad refuses to do a leg lift alone. Keep pushing people.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Raising the heel on an elevated surface to allow low load gravity knee extension, does this have to be done whilst your brace is on or off? I am due surgery next week? Is the pain unbearable?
@aforrestfire 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 you gotta keep that brace on 24/7 unless showering or pt and the same thing with keeping your leg elevated under the ankle with a small towel so you have complete extension at 0 . I would say the first two weeks 100% follow through. If your able to keep your leg 100% straight and elevated without it after wards for a short amount of time I don’t think it’s too much of a big deal to give yourself a hour or two break from it a day. If you can only handle elevating 10 minutes at a times that fine as well as long you keep it a priority to do throughout the day. I would say the pain is unexpected, but you’ll be fine after the first week. It seemed aweful to have someone cut up my knee but now I’m 7 weeks and my knee feels almost “normal” and I finally took the brace off last week and started walking. Keep taking your pain meds even if it’s 4 hours at a time don’t wait too long. Make sure you get up as much as your can to get your blood flowing, I was doing pt day 2 after surgery. Crutch around as much as possible and by week
@lablvr6000 6 жыл бұрын
I had ACL replacement surgery along with meniscus repair on my knee early Dec 2017. I wore that straight brace for 5 weeks because I took it off when I was not supposed to . Anyway I went to PT religiously 2-3 times a week and always made sure to do the recommended stretches at home. I ice my knee 2 times a day. Did not take many anti inflammatory drugs even though I had swelling. looking back now PT is the BEST thing to do to get your knee straight again. Mine is coming along well as far as getting straight. I don't do to much PT anymore, just work on bending it myself. I want to try Pilates reformer a little soon to stretch the muscles but Doc says hold off for now to get swelling down first. I will soon be in month 5 in May & I still have swelling. I have gone back to work (40 hours a week ) working on my feet for 8 hours a day in month 4. I'm sure it did not help my condition, so when I went back to see the surgeon after 3 weeks of work he put me on IB 800's. they are helping me. I take everything slowly and still ice my knee every night when I get home. At this point my main concern is will I be able to bend my knee all the way back at some point because I still cannot do this. I would love to hear some feedback on this...thnx
@mohamedrashid5517 3 жыл бұрын
That's good progress but why do you still have swelling at 5 months? Maybe you didn't take your nsaids enough.... Tell us your progress since then 🙂
@WillieJu 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr Geier. I had trauma and tore my patellar tendon as well as my MCL ligament in my left knee. Had surgery to repair the damage tendon and ligaments. Dr had me in a leg brace with no more than 30 degrees flexion for 6+ weeks after surgery. Started physio shortly after the operation, still with the brace on. After the Dr removed the brace, the physio therapist focused on getting the range of motion of my knee back. Mostly flexion which was rather painful and slow. Its now been about 6 months, and I can basically walk normal and even go up and down stairs (although not very fast). I have been doing the exercises they gave me even bought a stationary bicycle which helped a LOT with getting the knee to bend completely (around 110+ degrees) but no matter how much of the exercises I do, getting full active extension is a no go - it can go straight all the way when I walk, but when I do leg lifts the muscles simply wont pull it into full extension or even hyper extension. Will this ever get better or do I need to go back to the surgeon?
@munchkincurlz917 4 жыл бұрын
I thought that I should put on here one success story. At least partially for some hope. I scrolled through all of these comments and didn’t really hear any success stories. I’m 4 weeks post op of a medial meniscus repair and acl reconstruction. Like many other commenters I couldn’t straighten my knee. The swelling went down since week two but it stills swells up and has a little swelling around the knee area. I’m walking with knee a little bent and one crutch with an obvious limp. I told my PT that it feels awkward walking and my knee isnt full straight. During PT they put pressure on it trying to flatten it out and my quads at first didn’t fire at all. Now they are a little and my knee cap twitches a little. It feels like a Charlie horse in my knee cap a little. Well just now I became tired of searching and wanted some results. I did the pillow method which does ache after a little and then switched to my quad sets (pressing knee into the table and activating quads for 3 secs). I did this for 30 minutes straight while watching TV. I also took a pillow, folded it in half and placed it under my knee. I did my quad sets and Slowly lifted my leg a little bit with assistance since it is a bit uncomfortable. Then I went back to my quad sets with no pillow a slight bend and then back at if or another 10 minutes. My muscles fired right up. Now I can actually control my kneecap movement. I can even move it in beat to music lol. I’m so excited I thought I would share. This goes to show that you must put in the work and do your exercises. Not just 1 or two times per day but as often as possible. Watching TV? Do a round of your exercises? Too lazy? Do the easy ones like your quad sets. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I make sure that I do them whenever I can now and I can tell the difference. More definition in my knee. Swelling reduction and a big difference in muscle strength. My knee is almost feeling “normal. Put in the work guys. Even when you don’t want to. There will be some pain but just convince yourself to push a little bit past it. Relieve the pain then push a little more. Do your exercises enough and it will make a difference. Be conscious of how your leg is laying when you’re resting too. I tend to let my leg lay to the side instead of straight up. This allows my leg to bend a little and sets me back with extension I realized. So try to be conscious and keep your leg straight or propped up under feet only and consciously push it into the table couch or whatever often while you sit and rest. Same goes for flexion. I just got to 90 degrees at 4 weeks. Simply from not pushing during my heel slides (I hate these) and my knee gets stiff very quickly setting me back. Try to flex your knee as much as possible. Take it out of the brace while sitting and flex it. Go a little past the pain each time and you will notice change. It can be done! Be diligent and move it as often as you used to. I was so scared it would be stuck this way I got to work and in less than an hour got results. I just have to keep up with it. Keep the hope! Now for walking with it straight too! 🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💪🏾
@munchkincurlz917 4 жыл бұрын
Ps. I can also sleep on my stomach and on my side now. Ice your knee constantly elevate it and all!
@fantasypolice 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's late but this helped tremendously. Thank you for the encouragement because I'm at 4 weeks too and haven't done much. If I could pay to sticky this comment to the top, I would. Greatly appreciated. 🙏
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Is there anyway you can show me what you mean by some of these exercises. I don’t understand how to do these exercises that you are describing, I need to see a video demonstration. Can anyone help me with this? I am due surgery next week!
@Proctra 5 жыл бұрын
when I do hamstring stretches and try to massage around your quad I feel like its a lot easier to get my knee more extended. This is about week 3 now too.
@yungstarrq4507 4 жыл бұрын
how's your leg now?
@fpvwithme 4 жыл бұрын
If I woulda had half this information I might be able to straighten my leg. Had acl rec and 2 meniscus rep. Now 8+weeks out and have little hope for full extension.
@siasingh8894 3 жыл бұрын
@danyalvarez7984 2 жыл бұрын
How’s your extension going?
@sameerk3175 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Mark?? Did your problem got fixed??
@fpvwithme 2 жыл бұрын
@@danyalvarez7984 almost full extension. Like 92% it's close enough.
@fpvwithme 2 жыл бұрын
@@sameerk3175 yes and no. I have extremely close to full extension. Like 95%.
@susheel4692 2 жыл бұрын
5-6 days after surgery, I was able to get it straight with more than 70degrees ROM but eventually after some days I stopped wearing knee brace at night and my leg was not coming way through straight, then physiotherapist advised to sleep on my stomach and now it's recovering back again 😁, need to be very careful in initial days. Happy Recovering
@Navidon4Caana 5 жыл бұрын
The brace locked at 0 degree after surgery really helps to regain full extension, also as mentioned it is best to put a wedge under the heel rather than to put a pillow under the knee. ROM for me is a issue as the knee becomes very stiff and it makes it hard to bend beyond 90 degree after surgery
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Any update?
@lfulton367 2 жыл бұрын
Mine was locked and I started PT only days after surgery. My physical therapist said I was doing everything right and he didn't understand why I wasn't getting full extension. Suggested talking to the dr. about knee replacement. It was a sever accident and I thought from the beginning that would be the result.
@Shh_._. Жыл бұрын
@@lfulton367so did you have to do a knee replacement??
@Linus-mp4vn 5 жыл бұрын
I’m 16 days post op, I can almost straighten out my knee fully but the swelling and sharp pain when pushing it down is holding me back a little, I have pretty much no pain except when doing my exercises. Although I have a hard time controlling my muscles around the knee. Anyone going through a ACL/ACL and meniscus recovery right now?
@vishaldhar420 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, I am , on my 12 th day post op
@anjukarikan7293 2 жыл бұрын
I had arthroscopy done 2 weeks ago and managing without support but still trying to walk normal..I was very active before surgery and have been putting this surgery off for almost 34 years. The problem was I had difficulty up and down stairs. My advice is dont do knee surgery until u really need to. Do appropriate exercises instead. If climbing up and down stairs was the problem like it was for me, then just avoid stairs and use the lift instead. Knee surgery is not easy to recover from and doesn't happen very quickly. The surgeon has advised me to now do a replacement. I cant even think of it. Sounds depressing.
@lfc-1892 5 жыл бұрын
I had HTO, ACL reconstruction using hamestering graft, tendonitis and miniscus repair 3 weeks ago and I did all physiotherapy exercises and brace as well as pillow under my ankle my knee straight as well as no pain stoped taking all pain killers after 2 weeks... Always listen to the surgeon and Physio... Love the LFC scarf ynwa
@nishitdronographer718 Жыл бұрын
Why HTO?
@lfc-1892 Жыл бұрын
@Nishit Dronographer high tibial osteotomy was because my bones arching next to the knee but now i will be taking the metals out as they are creating pain
@glennwilliams921 6 жыл бұрын
I'm 4 weeks post op ACL graft and mensicus repair - and still struggling with full extension. I'm somewhere around 110 degrees bending, but it feels like it's going to pop when I try to go full extension and push my knee down to the floor. Wish I would have worked harder on week one and two...even though it was really painful.
@DrDavidGeier 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience, Glenn!
@chrischavez5358 6 жыл бұрын
I am also 4 week post op acl and meniscus repair I am barley walking and don't have much bend in my knee it hurts so bad and it does feel like it's going to pop
@chrischavez5358 6 жыл бұрын
Glenn Williams any tips or advice to gain flexion or what you do that helps gain flexion or stops swelling?
@glennwilliams921 6 жыл бұрын
Chris Chavez keep bending it! I got 115 today. I told my PT the same thing about popping and she said to force it, but don’t twist. I’m right there with you my friend!
@chrischavez5358 6 жыл бұрын
Glenn Williams the thing is I'm barley bending it 4 weeks in the doc said i should of been bending and walking that i babied it way to much and it hurts so bad do I keep on bending haven't started therapy yet hopefully soon I will i am 19 and tore it playing basketball last year in June it's only my secound day out of walking and trying to bend
@benjamin5026 3 жыл бұрын
Really great video. I actually fit this description to a T. Had a cadaver ACL as a replacement to my Torn one. After surgery was not able to engage quad muscle to flex, couldn't get my leg to go straight enough to set in its locked position. only still can get it to very close to straight but not locked straight if that makes sense... Im coming up on a year recovery at the mid of next month. I was a hugely active skateboarder, basketball, just active person. Now im healed and doing well but i can't even lightly run or do nimble moves, jukes, abrupt fast and hard movements. Everyone who knew me always joked about calling me a little ninja or a frog because i liked to jump alot. Now a days im having to focus on getting back even a bit of that athleticism. Im still optimistic even with the challenges. I dont mean to come off too negative about my recovery. Guess i just had a high standard for what i accepted as physical activity in my life, and never have had a injury of this level other then broken wrists but i guess i just thought i was going to bounce back after a long slow recovery but i guess some people heal different from these surgeries/injuries. My quad situation is unique because i actually tore my acl months and months before my surgery but just a partial, i started getting looked at by doctors then and took a couple referrals to get to the sports med doc. had first imaging and had signs of a partial tear but the imaging wasn't a MRI so it wasn't 100% clear. My then doc didn't decide on fully committing to surgery then. Fast forward a couple months of wearing a knee brace all the time. It got injured further on accident just by doing light activities with family and friends, like shooting the basketball, i worked construction as my full time job, and i went to the skatepark to film my friends at the time, doing my best to not skate myself. Well from the first image to when i finally got my MRI later, My left Acl fully tore, just like a strand was connecting in the image to keep it from having full black separating the top and bottom of the tendon. So then from then it took a couple more months for the surgery to occur in early December 2019. So in all that time, nearly half a year 6 months, i was not using my left quad properly because i was compensating for the injury and favored my right leg, didn't lock my left leg by fully straightening it that entire time, etc. so all of that caused more and more atrophy of the left quad muscle before surgery even occurs.... So then add the atrophy that you already have to naturally fight after the surgery, during the recovery.... Yeah Its been a big challenge to get my leg to fully straighten and lock in its power position to fully flex my quad.... Its been a huge battle in my life. Gonna keep pushing. Gotta stay positive even when things are tough. Life is good even with these circumstances. I've been getting to make up for a ton of lost family time lately so thats great.
@abeeshjs7052 3 жыл бұрын
Hey don’t worry in your case it’s cadaver graft so it will take time upto one year to make up it as a jst do physiotherapy protocol.All the best👍
@benjamin5026 3 жыл бұрын
@@abeeshjs7052 Thank you. I've done multiple full rounds of physical therapy. I've just learned im going to have to under go another procedure because they have confirmed now that i was one of the unlucky few who lost the ability to fully lock and straighten my leg and allowing my quad to atrophy, Before this accident i was known as the short white kid who could jump really high lol. I could ollie over a full sized trash can standing up on my skateboard or a tennis court net... So to now only be able to walk is tough. But im gonna keep pushing forward and trying to find a way to always improve. I just go on walks in the woods with my 2 dogs now or rock hunting, until this ever gets fixed and i can be athletic again. Regardless i will find a way to be okay because im good at finding things to keep me entertained and not bored. Its just a hassle dealing with surgeries.
@sasidharen4635 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks doctor I was having the pillow Inder by knee ,. Thank god I came here I’m during the first week
@abdulasrarr 4 жыл бұрын
You will never walk alone😊😊
@JohnnyandPaul 6 жыл бұрын
I went over a year after my surgery and still never got full extension. Two weeks ago i had to undergo the second surgery, only for them to find a cyst in my knee that was preventing me from getting it straight and causing me pain. Now, two weeks after, i still cant straighten my leg AGAIN. This has been the most aggravating problem, and i havent ran in over a year. All i want is full extension
@143LoveConquersAll 6 жыл бұрын
Ooooh! Not good Tyler :( Don't give up though, keep going. You can/will do it. Do everything you need to do!
@ankitjain1945 5 жыл бұрын
I am facing same problem, its 4 month after aurgery
@hustle_cqb8211 5 жыл бұрын
Same here man and I’m 19
@vishaldhar420 5 жыл бұрын
Work harder
@LI-sn8xt Жыл бұрын
I’m 7 months and still struggling
@dinhkhangtran3931 11 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your information. I had ACL knee surgery 15 days ago. Even though I have no pain at the moment and can bend to a 90-degree angle, it is difficult for my leg to straighten, and my gait is very unbalanced. This will be the next challenge for me. Thank you again for this useful knowledge.
@savagegamer28 10 ай бұрын
how you feel now
@rakistangpinoy4745 6 жыл бұрын
i wished my surgeon had told me about getting my knee extension asap after surgery. I have to learn it my self. thank me i did not put pillows under my knee but under my feet when I sleep. i'm 4 weeks post op and i still can't get my knee straight. Is this the reason why I walk on a limp Doc David? Thanks for sharing your videos. they are so helpful!
@carolinerose240 6 жыл бұрын
I’m having the same problem.. I’m 4 weeks post op and i cannot get full extension.. My physical therapist did not stress that getting full extension is very important writhing the first few days/ week.. I was wondering if you have gotten full extension yet?
@143LoveConquersAll 6 жыл бұрын
Same here :( It's over 3 months for me and nobody told me to try for full extension straight after I left hospital (or in hospital). Plus I thought it would rupture it again! :/ Why didn't anybody fully qualified in this area tell us that?! :( Good luck to you all. I'm waa saying prayers! ;)
@sonyab2u974 5 жыл бұрын
@@carolinerose240 Be careful because some PTs will try holding you back so that you keep going to them as long as they can because they get more money and its very expensive! Work harder at home but follow your surgeon's protocol and dont advance until you are cleared by the surgeon.....good luck!
@evynesita 4 жыл бұрын
Loubelloo omg me too! I’m into 2 months post op ACL replacement and meniscus repair , my knee still not able to bend pass 93• my therapist told me to keep trying my exercises at home . I honestly feel that we don’t get enough taking care off by the scores or therapist the way it should be 😔
@twostrokebrothers8247 2 жыл бұрын
Hello . 8 days before my ACL surgery done by very experienced and expert Doctor in India Jaipur named Dr Vikram Sharma . Before surgery i always kept one thing in mind is that I always keep on moving my leg completely bending and open even while sleep also I always open my leg . So I got one advantage of that is after surgery I'm able to open my leg completely . Friends always remember keep one thing in mind always move your leg completely.
@143LoveConquersAll 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Geier! :) I'm over 3 months post op and I'm bending and straightening my knee - but not fully yet. But I am not going to give up! My advice through frozen shoulders and acl/meniscus surgery is to keep taking those painkillers and keep stretching everything as much as possible and get as much GOOD pt as possible via somebody who knows what they're doing. I also find that a heavy heat pack (I made one myself and heat it in the microwave) putting that on my knee when stretching it out (and holding the leg there) and doing my stretches in a warm bath really helps also. I try to do bath stretches every day! :)
@DrDavidGeier 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience!
@mannysinghsingercomposer3 4 жыл бұрын
Loubelloo he is 3rd class doctor He must learn how to motivate patients...
@kabiervasudeva5883 3 жыл бұрын
How are you now ?
@mohammedusman3581 Жыл бұрын
How do you feel now?
@savagegamer28 10 ай бұрын
can you straightening your knee at this time???
@user-mb4ui8di8y 5 ай бұрын
I’m 6 months out from surgery my knee is still lacking negative 13 degrees straighting
@jasmineclarke9374 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve just had ACL reconstruction surgery about 4 weeks ago and am still working to get full extension on my leg. I was wondering if there are any exercises you can suggest to help this? Thank you :)
@sameerk3175 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Jasmine?? Is your problem fixed??? Because i went through ACL surgery few months ago and still cant extent my leg fully
@momoftrips1 2 жыл бұрын
Same with me. I’m 4 weeks post op and my knee still not straight.
@tommymarino9177 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 5 weeks out and still struggling to get full extension
@lightskinr6 2 жыл бұрын
@@sameerk3175 I’m sure u know, that isn’t good. Have u gotten it straight yet?
@maddyeatworld 2 жыл бұрын
im only 2 weeks post op but im really worried bc i still cant straighten it. did you end up getting it to fully extend?
@Cavalas88 4 жыл бұрын
3 days post op. The worst pain is finally gone, so I'm working on getting my knee straight while laying down and other rehab as well.
@geniusqanii4797 3 жыл бұрын
How is itt now
@Cavalas88 3 жыл бұрын
@@geniusqanii4797 It's okay but not perfect yet. I have full mobility in the knee but it still feels a little stiff. I'm almost 8 moths post op and my doctor warned it takes at least 1 year to heal fully. I'm working with a physiotherapist to improve my knee.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
What surgery did you exactly have, just acl reconstruction or mcl and other ligaments too? Also what grade was your acl tear? Can you advise me on the pain the first day and day 2 and day 3? I have a surgery for my acl next week.
@Cavalas88 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 I had a full acl reconstruction. My tear was grade 2 and very close to a full tear. 1 day after the surgery was the worst when the strong painkillers they gave at tve hospital stopped working. Day 2 and 3 post op was quite painful aswell. After that most of the pain went away and I stopped using painkillers.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cavalas88 so u didn’t have any other ligaments taken care of (mcl or meniscus etc)? Mine is a grade 3 tear acl, and this is my first surgery ever and I am nervous about this pain everyone keeps talking of. Can u describe it to me? What graft did they use for you? I am going in next Thursday for surgery. I appreciate your reply and help.
@caylee246 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 3 days post op and can fully straighten my knee while laying down but not while standing up yet and flexion is only at 75°
@JoseWOliva 3 жыл бұрын
Are you doing any specific exercises I have acl surgery like in a month
@caylee246 3 жыл бұрын
@@JoseWOliva I had full extension and flexion back 3 weeks post op. Just keep up with your exercises the physical therapist gives you. I did heel slides from day one, it hurts like a bitch but it helped so much with flexion. Get an ice machine if you don't have one. They are a godsend.
@JoseWOliva 3 жыл бұрын
@@caylee246 Thank you for getting back to me I really appreciate it
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
How was the pain? Was it unbearable as people say? Also what exercises did u do to get your knee full extension so quickly? I am due surgery next week, any advice would be so greatly appreciated.
@caylee246 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 I'm not going to lie it was pretty unbearable for the first couple days and being upright for any length of time for the first week and half to two weeks. It was manageable with painkillers though and lots of ice.
@jmbarmax 3 жыл бұрын
Ive got my full extension 3 days after the surgery. And I can bend it 60°with a little help 5 days after. I think I'm doing great and I start physiotherapy in 2 days. I'm exited I'm doing good very fast.
@harmansg5661 3 жыл бұрын
Hey how are you doing now?
@jmbarmax 3 жыл бұрын
@@harmansg5661 hey, im doing better, 28 days after I can walk on my own, no perfect but still... I can flex the knee 120° . A little better every day...
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
What surgery did you exactly have, just acl reconstruction or mcl and other ligaments too? Also what grade was your acl tear? Can you advise me on the pain the first day and day 2 and day 3? I have a surgery for my acl next week.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
What did you do to get this extension back almost immediately? What graft did they use? Any help would be greatly appreciated bro. I’m from London, where abouts are u based?
@jmbarmax 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 I had a full ACL reconstruction. They gave some pain killers so I don't feel that bad, I also know some time the give you a nerve blocker so you don't feel pain that much (that wasn't my case), so you can ask to your doctor. But if it's painfull, take it like a man.
@alexandrialogan6799 6 жыл бұрын
I’m 4 weeks post-op and I remember that 1 week post op I was at 0 degrees on extension. Now I can’t really straighten it all the way. It’s like a few degrees off. I can bend it to about 104 degrees but straightening is difficult. I recommend the pillow thing. It helps.
@Bainssarah 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Alex. What pillow thing do you mean?
@alexandrialogan6799 5 жыл бұрын
sarah bains sorry i should have specified. I put a pillow under my heel instead of my knee when I sleep. It’s a little uncomfortable but it works wonders
@samridhikhanna6653 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Alex I am going through the same now lol. How are you doing nowadays?
@sebinvarghese8670 6 жыл бұрын
Dr please show me some exercises to make my knee complete straight.. 15 days after surgery
@kaustaubh1234 6 жыл бұрын
Knee should be straight right after surgery.I have gone through ACLR surgery and knee was straight right after surgery.
@MrJJuK 5 жыл бұрын
I'm at 13 weeks after my surgery and I'm just short of getting my leg fully straight. I keep resting my leg on my chair while I'm in bed to let it go straight with gravity like you said and my physios suggested. But after that it goes back which is really annoying
@jerryboucher8557 5 жыл бұрын
When you stretch in the morning put extra effort into stretching and imagine you are straightening the leg out. It works or it did on me after repeating a few times.
@chubbsy10 Жыл бұрын
I am going through the same issue. I just can’t get my knee straight. I’m 11 weeks post op
@cade9491 5 жыл бұрын
I had acl surgery two weeks ago, i pretty much immediately got full extension, however, my knee cant fully bend, like heels touch the hamstrings bend, but i am happy with it. Looking forward to my physical therapy 💪🏾
@carinyo123 4 жыл бұрын
Abdullaziz Mohamed, hi are you able to get full hypertension like your other knee? What about bending the knee? I had my PCL fixation. Please let me know...
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
How was u able to do this straight away?
@cade9491 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 I guess i was lucky but my doctor pretty much flexed my knee which was painfull like after one day post op so i was kinda used to the pain and i immediately got to my extending and flexing my knee exercises right after that. i am good now it isnt that bad just do your exercises, my knee is pretty much normal now and i play football regularly with no problems, good luck.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
@@cade9491 appreciate it akhee. Can you elaborate on the pain? What is it exactly like? Is it non-stop? I’m having my surgery in a couple of days.
@vantannalarocque3736 5 жыл бұрын
Hi there I was doing good post op with my acl and meniscus repair. But there was a point where I felt like I hyperextended my knee and then my ROM decreased. This was about 4-5 months post op. Now I can’t fully extend my knee and I’m in pain when I try to force it straight and weight bare.
@shilpiverma1831 5 жыл бұрын
My knee is not getting straight after 6 months of acl surgery what can I do
@WorldIsNotCruel 3 жыл бұрын
do u leg straight now?
@Henry-sh2lp Жыл бұрын
Im in Week 5 post acl and meniscus surgery and can’t get my knee straight. It hurts so bad on the back of my knee. Also can’t bend more than 120-130 degree. Anyone got the same problem or is this normal?
@DrDavidGeier Жыл бұрын
If you are able, join Dr. Geier here on Friday’s Ask Dr. Geier Live! show at Noon ET on June 16. He would be happy to discuss this. Also, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@sayyedmazharabbas2761 6 жыл бұрын
I feel damn hard to bend my knee fully because at a point my knee bend only 30 to 40° degrees and then when I bend more then it's starts paining and my knee muscle gets very stiff plzz help me
@nijojomon7147 6 жыл бұрын
Hai docter, I had ACL and meniscus surgery on 27 th September 2017. Till now I can't able to straighten my leg and bend. Now weight bearing excercise started and reached to 6 kgs but I can't bend. I want know that why can't I straighten my leg. What's happening inside knee and what create hindrence for straightening and flexion. I am so much depressed . Please provide me an answer. if there any problem...
@jaydeepagarwal5667 3 жыл бұрын
Same problem
@philcutler160 6 жыл бұрын
Had ACL and Meniscus surgery on August 15, 2018 with hamstring tendon graft And it took me about 6 weeks to get very close to full extension. Did a good amount of straight leg lifts. I always make sure I use heating pad before stretches and lifts so there is good circulation. The bending is my biggest problem. I’m worried that no matter how much I try to bend my leg, that it won’t get better.
@Brian-w1ld-b0ys 5 ай бұрын
I had ACL surgery on my knee last December. However it is still not straight even after 3 months of PHYSIO. Will I ever be able to run and play sports again or is the rest of my life going to be stuck like this? As only a 15 year old who is seriously into sports this is something I really want to know because I still have a long life a head of me and I want to do what I love doing…sports, dirt biking, cycling…etc. Thanks
@DrDavidGeier 5 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, April 26, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@shannonstinky12 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dr my name is Gillian I had acl 7 months after my operation still walking with a limp and alot of pain knee bent
@insidecentre12 5 ай бұрын
I had ACL reconstruction surgery about 3/4 weeks ago for 2 weeks I was not able to move my leg because of the pain plus I was really scared now as I'm trying to bend it, it seems to be really stiff and hard to bend any recommendations to help me I have phyo in 3 weeks
@DrDavidGeier 5 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, April 26, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@jaylifts2221 2 жыл бұрын
my knee isn’t completely straight, tore my acl, mcl, & most my meniscus. Not sure what to do
@Henry-sh2lp Жыл бұрын
did you get it straight now?
@ganeshd.londhe2999 Жыл бұрын
I had an ACL reconstruction and meniscectomy of LM 6 days ago on the 22nd of May 2023. My knee is still swollen and I am not able to fully extend my knee. It hurts a lot when I wear a long knee brace as it forces me to straighten the knee. I can flex my knee up to 60° but when I try to lift my leg both the tendons attached to the patella up and down hurts and I don't know why.
@simaalise7104 6 жыл бұрын
Hey all, i m 24 and got my knee injury where my ACL was torn and both of my meniscus were damaged. i had to transplant my tendon above my knee to get a more stable knee and repair my ACL. My meniscus were also stitched in surgery. My surgery was about a month ago ( feb 26 ) and i have slightly been moving better, but cant reach full extension yet, missing about 7 degrees. My bend is only permitted to 90 degree, which i can manage. Any tips for me to get it fully straight ? My kneecap is stiff and knee is still swollen.
@lifeofmariah9257 6 жыл бұрын
i had acl and meniscus surgery in february, the first 4 weeks my knee was very swollen, but it’s only becuz we are workin it out and stuff, eventually your leg will get straight just make sure you do all your at home workouts
@rakistangpinoy4745 6 жыл бұрын
im 4 weeks post op. still some swelling on my knee but i keep icing it at least 3 times a day to reduce the swelling. i can bend my knee a bit and i can walk using a brace (no crutches) but I limp on my operated knee. we have to keep doing knee extension and flexion exercises to get it straight and be able to bend. i do mine 3 times a day. im also using the stationary bike since week 3 it helps with the bending. are you?
@ambers8775 3 жыл бұрын
I’m on week 3 wtf this is scary it’s not straight nobody told me that . Now I’m far behind smh
@rishavdhariwal4782 3 жыл бұрын
What happened with the leg extension i am in the 4th week and saw this video and now am scared cause i my leg has not straightened
@Henry-sh2lp Жыл бұрын
@@rishavdhariwal4782 when did you get it straight? I’m week 5 and can’t get it straight it hurts so bad in the back of my knee
@rishavdhariwal4782 Жыл бұрын
@@Henry-sh2lp yeah it was very difficult but was able to get it straight
@mirzatipusultanbaig2499 6 жыл бұрын
@cindyfinch6096 3 жыл бұрын
I had ACL repair on June 23rd today is August 5th I still do not have full extension on my knee it swells a lot and I walk with a limp still in therapy do exercises at home but it will not straighten tried 93% bend and a 82% straighten what more can I do
@lizM1120 2 ай бұрын
Hello had bear implants surgery just 7weeks ago for acl and meniscus repair and instill can’t get a full 90 degree flexión or a 0 degree I’m not sure if is due to scar tissue and or adhesion how ever I’ve been going to pt and still nothing I’ve tried and tried what can I do to fix this problem I don’t want to have a knee manipulation pls help me
@DrDavidGeier 2 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, July 26, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@jaberjitu9074 4 жыл бұрын
HI, My name is jaber. i am 30 years old from Bangladesh . I had ACL tear & Bucket handle meniscus tear 2 years ago & i had a surgery last year. But now i can,t bend fully my knee & when i going to do this a bone sound comes from my knee. I can,t get energy or power on my leg. what should i do ? anyone help me out.
@jtsmith10 Жыл бұрын
Almost 2 years out of ACL/mcl/pcl surgery and my knee is still weak, quad and leg muscles aren't all the way back yet and ROM is still about 5% off.. pretty sad honestly considering I'm an athlete and I really worked hard and in pain to get it to where I am.. just sad I'll prolly still need another surgery I can't afford
@bojancvetkovski8584 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the info doc. go Liverpool !!!
@sridharapr16 5 жыл бұрын
Hi David. I m trying hard to get extension but paining more .. how reduce pain
@vishaldhar420 5 жыл бұрын
Ice your knee, it will help
@ASHWINPUTHRAN0 4 жыл бұрын
Hello doctor, I am ashwin and I had ACL surgery recently, it's three month now but my knee is getting straight. Pls help me i cant do my daily works.
@tylerhennis4701 2 жыл бұрын
I am a PTA in an outpatient setting I have a patient who is lacking 20-30 degrees knee extension. She is about 8 weeks post op, not given a knee ext brace from surgeon. She also has not much sensation in her knee (doesn’t really know if it’s planted on the ground with weight bearing). I feel the MD is very unconcerned at this point. Working hard in PT with quad activation and ROM but Wtf else do I do?
@johnwalmsley8886 5 жыл бұрын
I had ACL surgery 6 weeks ago. They used a portion of my hamstring and a donor graph. I have not worn an acl brace yet. I have been doing physio all along. Some other guys in physio have been wearing braces since the intial splint was removed. I have not. Now my doctor is recommending I get fitted for a brace and to wear it for approximately 1 year. Im 51 years old and am not overly active. Light worksouts twice a week. My question is do I need this since its been 6 weeks without one? As I progress into harder workouts I am conerned about damaging it again? Getting mixed opinions from everyone.
@bree12345 2 жыл бұрын
Just had Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction with a hamstring tendon graft this morning (about 11 hours ago). My pain is about a 1/10 with the femoral nerve block. My doctor chose to forgo the brace as my ROM was great prior to the surgery (but consider that I had about 7 months of PT prior to the surgery). Unfortunately, I was still experiencing bouts of instability and I ended up switching orthpedic doctors; my new doctor felt that because I was still having instability even with attempting conservative care, that I needed it operated on. I believe I am at full extension lying down. From what I can feel, it feels like it. Hamstrings feel a little irritated. My first post op PT appointment is Monday (today is Thursday).
@GRPPLRJORDAN 6 жыл бұрын
I had acl surgery 3 months ago and still cant get knee straight or bend it back all the way back
@GRPPLRJORDAN 6 жыл бұрын
Will it get back
@aaronhimor6577 6 жыл бұрын
i got my full flexion at 3 months but still struggle on full extension. how's your recovery now?
@cloud.0sharon-teinasagent326 6 жыл бұрын
I'm like 3months in and still can't straighten it fully, but it is better than b4 the op, it's still swollen, l've bn putting a 10kg dumbell on my knee over the bed covers, with a rolled towel under my foot when go to bed, l feel the stretch behind my knee & that makes me feel good that l can feel that, but heck, its really painful, l haven't bn able to sleep with that much pain bt l leave it on for an hour or so, tk it off and go to sleep, l want to get to sleep with it on but haven't bn able to do that yet daam it, l think its getting str8er, but it still ain't fully, my physio sed its gd but still little ways to go, fingers crossed but l'm gona keep putting the 10kg weight on my lower, thigh every nyt for a month & keep flexing my thigh muscle, fingers crossed
@beyou9493 3 жыл бұрын
My knee is straight, but I can’t bend it all the way.
@anilkumar-jd6rm 5 жыл бұрын
suffered from proximal tibia bycondylar fracture,not able to straighten my leg and have only 90degree flexion post operate 13weeks .please suggest me ways to recover fast and tell me other possible complications there ,my doctor only do x rays to see only fractured bone to perform surgery,is there any chances of ligaments or other soft tissue injuries that restricts my range of motion.please help me
@robinrosemi4843 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I had a ACL surgery 8 weeks ago still I have a swelling is it normal. If it how long will take back to normal.
@riswanriswan2628 4 жыл бұрын
Good morning sir I had done an acl surgery before 6 months but I didn’t get my full knee extension. And my doctor says that I don’t want to consult a physiotherapist. What I have to do . Please reply
@razitv1054 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I had my ACL Surgery done 5 days ago and since then swelling is less but i cant really walk. I am using a walking stand and wearing a knee brace. I wonder when can i walk without any support or crutches/ stand as i have to get back to work in couple of weeks from now.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Any update? How long did it take?
@razitv1054 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 after acl surgery it took me around one month with regular visits to the physiotherapist.
@LI-sn8xt 9 ай бұрын
I’m 16 months post surgery and still struggling to get my leg fully straight. I still have swelling on my knee and wondering if my leg will ever be straight again
@DrDavidGeier 9 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, December 15, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@angelastojanovic1650 3 күн бұрын
Did u get better
@LI-sn8xt Күн бұрын
@@angelastojanovic1650 I’d say I’m better now but my knee is not the same as it was. I still have a little bit of swelling which I think is permanent now. It is nearly as strong as my other knee which is good but definitely doesn’t feel the same though. I don’t think about it at all now and I just get on with it.
@butteredmybuns135 2 жыл бұрын
I got reconstruction done 4 days ago and keeping my leg entirely straight is so extremely painful 😣 but I’m trying to push through the pain
@thomaskj7853 2 жыл бұрын
Hey , it's my 22nd day,do I have any limp while walking.pls reply
@mariouribe3107 6 жыл бұрын
I developed a blood clot in my leg (DVT) 2 weeks after ACL cadaver, then 2 days later I was admitted in the hospital with blood clot in my lung (PE). After 5 days in hospital my Dr didn’t want me to do anything but get bed rest for a month because of the blood clots. My leg was bent at the knee, and it is a challenge to straighten it out. Dr said I shouldn’t feel any pain but my knee is killing me. I just started physical therapy, and I am pushing myself, but at 8 weeks after surgery, I am still on crutches, in pain, and cannot take more than 3 steps without limping and hopping struggling to walk. It has been a set back, I really want to get out and go fishing, walk in park with my kids. I hope to get my leg straighten out soon
@143LoveConquersAll 6 жыл бұрын
You poor thing! :( Don't give up Mario, it will probably take you a bit longer because of what happened to you post surgery, but you WILL get there. Take the painkillers continuously (with food!) is my suggestion and do whatever you can to assist walking and moving/ straightening it including weights on the knee (go slowly) and walking with crutches. Practice every single day multiple times a day! Best of luck from me to you :)
@143LoveConquersAll 6 жыл бұрын
Oh and with the brace on it too to encourage the knee to stay straight (when you're sitting/lying down). But also remember to keep doing those knee bends as well Because you definitely want to encourage range in both directions! The pain will lessen in time, mine did ;)
@mariouribe3107 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I just received a brace that I have to wear 8 hours a day. It’s to straighten my leg, I’m to use it everyday for 3 months. Still have lots of pain, sometimes unbearable to the point I can’t put any weight on foot or even take a step without pain shooting through knee. No more crutches, I use a cane when needed. Slowly but surely, thank you again
@Flippare 3 жыл бұрын
How is your knee now?
@Flippare 3 жыл бұрын
@@mariouribe3107 .
@viewersholic9327 5 жыл бұрын
Week 3 post op ACL, and minus 2 degree to get full extension on my right knee. Its so hard and painful to force it. is it dengerous if i force it and push it everyday to make it 0 degree with all the pain i felt?
@rdprductions 4 жыл бұрын
viewers holic how r u now?
@MahaavBaMa 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Doctor.I am Baskaran.i got ACL surgery on August 10 of 2017 .But when I fold knee I getting noise and pain. I am volleyball player. Can you tell me When I start my sports. Please advise me doctor.
@sushantkuinkel8741 5 жыл бұрын
I had acl surgery and medial menious tear surgery its been 20 days and my physio told that i should bend the knee around 140 degree but i am only able to bend it to 90 .Is there any easy way to bend my knee to 140 degree?
@kayleesage3727 5 жыл бұрын
Sushant Kuinkel I had surgery on my acl and meniscus. I’m about 4 weeks in and can only bend 95 and supposed to be at 110 in 2 weeks. So 140 sounds like a lot to be doing in 3 weeks.🤷🏽‍♀️
@sarthakdongre595 4 жыл бұрын
i had my acl sugery around 40 days back and can't fully extend my knee and flexion is stuck at 95° though i am trying hard to get it back...
@evynesita 4 жыл бұрын
Sarthak Dongre hows your knee now ? I had surgery 2 months ago ACL replacement and meniscus repair but I can extend my leg more than bending it 😞 it’s getting on my nerves I try so hard to bend it but it won’t allow me 😫
@sarthakdongre595 4 жыл бұрын
@@evynesita Hi it's been 4 months and i am recovering slowly...bending is around 125° and extension is achieved but there is still a lot of stiffness...
@sarthakdongre595 4 жыл бұрын
@@evynesita you should start squatting for gaining flexion but ask your PT before doing it...
@theswizzyyy 4 жыл бұрын
Been a 1.5 years and still don’t have it straight, I wake up and my knee stiff.have to heat and do A hyper stretch with weights to get it straight again but I can never keep it like that for long....don’t know what to do at this point
@shoaibghodiwala3498 4 жыл бұрын
Hi ..I had gct surgery in my knee and it's been 10 months ..m still limping and my leg is not straight..will I walk straight and wat sud I do to walk straight.pliz help
@patelpinkesh8759 4 жыл бұрын
Hello sir, I gone through acl reconstruction before 5 month. I can't fully extend my leg. It extends after exercise but after sometime it came into bend position. What I have to do now?
@fahadalhasawi1887 4 жыл бұрын
I have the same problem, any advices?
@brriders4111 4 жыл бұрын
Same problem but keep doing ice pack
@albertoberti7824 4 жыл бұрын
just the same like you man im in 5 month and after exercises its strait but if i sit in chair for 5 min it will not go strait again i have to push hard
@brriders4111 4 жыл бұрын
@@albertoberti7824 bro just keep on doing excersise ... Every 2 hour
@brriders4111 4 жыл бұрын
@@albertoberti7824 my advise is to show your physician
@zeddo4470 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't get my full extension after 3 months should i worry about it or no?
@prof.dr.rajaniyer140 2 жыл бұрын
What about Thinning of affected Thigh?
@DrDavidGeier 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s talk about this on Friday, Feb. 25, at Noon ET, on my Ask Dr.Geier Live! show. Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on my website - - in which I discuss every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people.
@rtyuu999 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a week post surgery. I have extension pretty close to full. But i can't do any knee flexion to save my life. Its been stuck in the same position since day 1. I cant flex it back far at all. Is this common? Or could it be from the massive swelling I'm still going through?
@soumyadipsamanta33 Жыл бұрын
I am 11 days post ACL operation with hamstring tendon as the graft.Right after the operation doc advised me to get a elevation of 2-2.5 inches under my foot so making my knee extended is not a problem for me now. But i cant bend my knee much i can do it to little bit less than 90 degree now and the swelling is still there. For how many days I can expect the swelling to be there?
@DrDavidGeier Жыл бұрын
If you are able, join Dr. Geier here on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! show at Noon ET on August 25. He would be happy to discuss this. Also, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@MandiiNicole 2 жыл бұрын
Can I naturally breakup scarred tissue without having to undergo surgery again? It’s been 4 months since I’ve had a cal reconstructive surgery and now I’m having to walk with a slight bend in my knee with a limp.
@DrDavidGeier 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s talk about this on Friday, April 1, at Noon ET, on my Ask Dr. Geier Live! show. Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on my website - - in which I discuss every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people.
@vaishakhv59 6 жыл бұрын
Its my 3rd day post ACL reconstruction and i am not able to achieve complete extension, and Tomorrow(4th day) is my first day of PT , can this extension lag fixed in two weeks?
@WhitneyMarieAnn 5 жыл бұрын
I started extending every day. I'm 6 days post I'm and I can lay my leg flat. I also prop it up with pillows just under the foot; this is pretty painful and I can only hand it for about 10 minutes at a time. My biggest concern is that the lower part of my knee and tibia are still very numb from the nerve block, and I cannot use my quads at all, as hard as I try... My physical therapist is giving me excercises, but it's not coming back for now. Is this normal? (I had ACL reconstruction, as well as the two other ligaments).
@chazzycat00 3 жыл бұрын
How are you now?
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Any update
@the.guzzler 5 жыл бұрын
I'm about 8 day post surgery. I can straighten my leg laying down, when standing is the challenge. Activating quads is getting easier. I was off cruches 3 days post surgery. Saw my surgeon 5 days post surgery and told me to aim to straighten the leg and learn to walk normal from that. I can bend just past 90 and he wasn't too concerned about the bend at this stage
@duanehankins7077 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr David, I'm 57 years old and have a classic sport injury. My acl was torn full thickness and meniscus torn also. Im active in my life I ocean fish and I do a 70x30 garden every year and much more. I am also 328 lbs. I have been doing pre surgery exercise to strengthen my leg to help it heal faster if I get the surgery. do you think that surgery would be a option for me? I don't drink or smoke and blood work great and normal blood pressure. Thanks for you time. Oh, last question, with my kind of injury, as far as walking and getting around, I know not to walk on uneven ground, but does it hurt the knee more by being on you feet for prolong periods of time? And what are the does and don'ts of this type of injury? Thanks for your time.
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Did u end up getting the surgery? If so, how is it now?
@elz571 4 жыл бұрын
I had my surgery on the 7th and I still can’t straighten it it feels like there is a block ?!
@albertoberti7824 4 жыл бұрын
me too 😠 i dony know what to do really
@marianastojcevski2239 3 жыл бұрын
@TripieBluee 6 жыл бұрын
This is the very same question i asked in another video. I had acl surgery 6 days ago and my leg is bent still is annoying cause i have to limp when i walk. Also thanks for letting me know not to use pillows below the knee i been sleeping like that since surgery thats problably why is not getting straight. Tonight i will defenitly stop that. I will also ask therapist 2 days from now what exercises i can do to help it get straight.
@DrDavidGeier 6 жыл бұрын
+Omar Arancivia Bolanos I hope it gets better!
@nicholasmoody87 6 жыл бұрын
Omar Arancivia Bolanos, I had surgery December 15th, 2017. I made the mistake of putting pillows undernieth my knee, and I am still battling trying to get my knee to fully extend. Really sucks and in alot of discomfort
@anytubevideos2050 4 жыл бұрын
I have numbness in my leg is that ok sir
@miacook6070 Жыл бұрын
It’s been almost a year of physical therapy and I’ve had two surgeries on my knee meniscus and acl then another surgery to clean out the extra tissue. I am still struggling with extension. Any advice? They said this happens in like 1 and a thousand people
@DrDavidGeier Жыл бұрын
If you are able, join Dr. Geier here on Friday’s Ask Dr. Geier Live! show, Jan. 13, at Noon ET. He would be happy to discuss this. Also, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@miacook6070 Жыл бұрын
@@DrDavidGeier Thank you! I have my break at quarter past noon so I will do my best to join as soon as I am able!
@jmx318 5 жыл бұрын
I am nearly 4 months post surgery and quite worried after watching this video as I am walking with a limp still lacking about 3 dagees. Have been cleared to jog
@berkaybuker9110 5 жыл бұрын
Man please help are you still same? I'm in first month my flexion is good but exantion is a problem. My knee is not so bad but still not gonna be straight. I am limping and thats made me upset :(
@jmx318 5 жыл бұрын
Berkay Büker I’m 6 months now and still never got it
@berkaybuker9110 5 жыл бұрын
@@jmx318 sounds bad😌 I am better now. Extansion exercise is help me a lot. Did you say this to your doctor? This is not normal dude.
@jmx318 5 жыл бұрын
Berkay Büker it’s only about 3 dageers, don’t notice it to much. Maybe look into it in the future
@annmillikin6169 5 жыл бұрын
Looks promising yet I see lots of questions in the comments going unanswered. Way to leave folks handing. Dr G! A big THUMBS DOWN
@kilroy63 5 жыл бұрын
@monipatel7354 6 жыл бұрын
Doc I have surgery for acl on 13 feb now while sitting I can get my knee full extension but while walk it is not fully straight .i am using one crutcher while walking .my worry about can I normal walk even knee is still not straight and when to leave crutcher?
@haribhusanchakraborty1506 5 жыл бұрын
Sir I have surgery acl 28sept.i have some problem please sir call me 7001217638
@Funnny_station 5 жыл бұрын
I have undergone an Acl reconstruction 5 weeks ago. I can straight my leg comfortably bit can't bend it above 80 degrees. Moreover, i feel pain in my knee cap when i do the exercises especially bending ones... Plz DR. suggest me what to do...
@skumarvobulapuram7220 5 жыл бұрын
How is your leg now?? Same problem for me also... it's 7 weeks now and I'm Unable to bend above 90degress... Please help me
@acunchevy54 4 жыл бұрын
Hi. How did it go? I am at 5 weeks and still cant straighten it completely. I am at 90 degrees of flexion. Please help.
@ravindermaan4675 6 жыл бұрын
I am a kabbadi player from india and i can not running after acl surgery 8 months
@haribhusanchakraborty1506 5 жыл бұрын
I am from India, where u surgery ?my mobile no 7001217638
@kapil.sirohi3808 6 жыл бұрын
I am 4 weeks post op acl surgery i can bend my knee upto 120 degree but i have problem with full extension i can extend my knee but their is a pain behind my knee when i try to extend.. Can u answer why i have pain when i go for full extension
@patriciakeller668 6 жыл бұрын
kapil .sirohi. I am just under two weeks post ACL Surgery. I can bend to about 85° and straighten to about 10° I can not get full bend or full extention either. I have the same pain. In the same areas as you.
@kapil.sirohi3808 6 жыл бұрын
@@patriciakeller668 hii Now its been 3 months to mh acl surgery i have gainedy full extension but not sure if i have gained hyper extension i have gained full range of motion.. i will say just stick to your physio therapy and all will be good as the time passes but i still have swelling above my knee . I am going for a check up to my doctor for that..
@patriciakeller668 6 жыл бұрын
Kapil. Sirohi. That is good to hear. To be honest after seeing this video and reading comments I was really worried. As a mother I really can't afford to not heal proper. Thank you for the update. It helped ease my mind.
@kapil.sirohi3808 6 жыл бұрын
@@patriciakeller668 dont be worried every thing will be fine btw how did you torn your acl..
@patriciakeller668 6 жыл бұрын
I tore my ACL in a bicycle accident.
@rajeshsaha 7 жыл бұрын
At Fast i want To Say That i am From India So I don't No English properly. I Broke My Femur Bone & Its A Very Bad Open injury i Put Plet In My Femur & I want Bone Grafting. But After surgery i Have a Infection On Broken place. My Operation date Is June 20 Now i am 4 Month Over But my Knee is Not bending, My Knee now 70°. Sir How I Bend My Knee Now? Please Answer Mee. I Comments Your other Video But that has No reply.
@DrDavidGeier 7 жыл бұрын
+Rs Video Place Sometimes physical therapy can help a patient regain knee motion. Sometimes surgery is needed to regain full motion. Good luck!
@rajeshsaha 7 жыл бұрын
Dr. David Geier What physiotherapy I Do? Please Make a Video Sir
@haribhusanchakraborty1506 5 жыл бұрын
I am from Murshidabad please call me 7001217638
@lfulton367 2 жыл бұрын
It's been 1 year and 4 moths and I still I can not bend full or straighten. I also had tears in both meniscus and crushed muscle due to the accident. I did 9 months of physical therapy and had a manual manipulation, as well as scar tissue removal. My surgeon told my that my body makes scar tissue very fast and did what he could to prevent additional scar tissue. I had the manual manipulation at about 10 months after my accident. BTW, my four wheeler ran over my leg and pushed down into a hole filled with very large rock to fill the hole and that's when everything happened. I've always been a very active person and have really pushed during recovery but now 1 1/4 years later, I'm still in pain, I don't see the surgeon any more and I do not have PT. I do the exercises and anything I can think of to try to get my leg straight. Nothing has worked. Is there anything you could suggest? Would a knee replacement be called for?
@DrDavidGeier 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry, but I can’t legally answer medical questions and offer medical advice online. I have created thousands of articles and videos that discuss almost any musculoskeletal injury that should help you.
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
Hi sir, I had acetabulum fracture and undergone surgery. It's been 10months still not able to walk properly. Please help me out.
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
@Dave m why don't to an detail exercise for acetabulum fracture, because no video are there on KZbin. It would be great if you do. Thank you
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your reply man, I hope I directed to the worng conversation. I was walking properly, but the way walking change after few miles that's what I mean to say
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
I get some pain on the affected leg so when I get a pain I shift all my weight to the unaffected leg I think. Here the unaffected leg gets more pain after that.
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
Are y serious bro?? He can heal people with magic??
@gnanasekar9718 4 жыл бұрын
okay bro thanks for your help
@vhionranyyak 5 жыл бұрын
So I don't know if I have a unique problem. When I wake up in the morning my knee is bent and as I do some straightening exercises throughout the day it gets better. Basically I start at 0 every morning and it's kinda frustrating cause the I feel the day's worth goes waste. I got my surgery a week ago using the hamstring autograft.
@abdirizakali1585 4 жыл бұрын
Vinayak Kumar how r u doing now bro i have done mine 2days ago Any advices??
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
Any update bro?
@vhionranyyak 2 жыл бұрын
I'm doing much better now,I worked hard on post operative physical therapy. No matter how much exercise you do it won't be enough. So I would suggest lift weights when you are able to and work a lot on mobility. I'd say strength wise I'm back to where I was, but my agility and 'sporty' movements aren't back to 100%. Partly also because training was limited due to being indoors
@TopBoi93 2 жыл бұрын
@@vhionranyyak I appreciate the update bro. Was your surgery just acl or did u have other ligaments taken care of as well?
@vhionranyyak 2 жыл бұрын
@@TopBoi93 tore my ACL and sprained my lateral ligaments. But doc said lateral ligaments don't require surgery, so got surgery for ACL reconstruction.
When can I run after ACL surgery?
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