How Jesus Came to View Himself as the Davidic Messiah

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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I am convinced that the historical figure of Jesus began to pore over key prophetic passages in the Hebrew Bible, especially in the Isaiah and the Pslams, where he became convinced that both his identity and his destiny was laid out. After the death of his cousin John the Baptist, he took up the mantel and began to proclaim the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of God.
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@LyleFrancisDelp Жыл бұрын
Always look forward to new James Tabor videos.
@OffRampTourist Жыл бұрын
Loving the frequent recent videos.
@IamValentina66 Жыл бұрын
I want to believe. I tried my whole life to believe. After the 7 works of mercy, it seems to be ugly and lies, kind of like our government.
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
OLD Testament prophesies for MESSIAH, YESHUA HA MASSIACH (Jesus Christ) The Jewish Prophets Made some interesting Prophesies about their Messiah , YESHUA HA MASSIACH : 👍 PROPHESIES OF ISAIAH: (Isaiah 7:14 ): “Therefore the Lord YHWH himself will give you a sign: The vir gin (Maiden) will be with child and will give birth to a SON, and will call him 👉Immanuel” (Meaning: God/El is with us) 👍(ISAIAH 9:6-7). “For a CHILD will be born to us, a SON will be given to us; And the government will sit on His shoulders ; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, 👉Mighty God, 👉Eternal Father, 👉Prince of Peace. “ (👆🏼WHO is this CHILD born that will be called PRINCE OF PEACE ? MIGHTY GOD? ETERNAL FATHER? ) 👍 ISAIAH 53: an important verse that describes the Life, 👉Crucifixion and 👉Resurrection of the Messiah, YESHUA ! 👍 (DANIEL 7:13-14) : “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a SON OF MAN (MESSIAH), coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the 👉Ancient of Days (YHWH) and was led into his presence. 14 He was given 👉authority, glory and sovereign 👉power; 👉all nations (gentiles) and peoples of every language 👉worshiped him. His dominion is an 👉everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will 👉never be destroyed.” 👍 (Micah 5:2 ): “But you, 👉Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of👉 Old, from Ancient (his origins are from YHWH!) 👍 (Zechariah 9:9): “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation….. 👉riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Jesus rode on a donkey, but the rabbis mocked him for it…. They wanted King Solomon to arrive on a Noble steed!) 👍 (King David, Psalm 22:16-18 ). Prophesy regarding his Crucifixion: “Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have 👉pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. They 👉divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.” (This is what happened during the crucifixion of Christ) 👍 (Hosea 6:1-2): Prophesy about His Crucifixion and RESURRECTION: “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds 👉After 2 days he will revive us; on the 👉3rd day he will RESTORE us, (RESURRECTION OF YESHUA!). that we may live in His presence.” 👍 Prophesy of Abraham and Isaac: YHWH commanded Abraham to take his Only Begotten and Legitimate Son, Isaac, up onto a Hill and offer him as a sacrifice to Atone for Abrahams sins. Isaac was to carry his own sacrificial wood (like Jesus carried his own cross). However, YHWH stopped a Abraham from doing this and replaced Isaac with a Ram. 👉YESHUA was the prophesy of the Promised Begotten Son, the first born, who would one day be sacrificed to Atone for the sins of All Humanity (Isaiah 53). He was born in the year of the Ram…. 👉Messiah YESHUA is given AUTHORITY, POWER and GLORY by YHWH, His Father 👉Do All nations (including gentiles) and people of every language WORSHIP HIM? Yes. Most nations around the world worship Jesus Christ 👉His KINGDOM will be Eternal! So not of those Life. But the Afterlife . DEAR JE WS, WHAT IF….. He really IS your MESSIAH???
@Nonexistent10 Жыл бұрын
Jesus ALWAYS knew who he IS and what His purpose IS.
@johnmichaelson9173 Жыл бұрын
You think? Personally I think he got absolutely everything wrong & died on the cross saying as much.
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
​@@johnmichaelson9173 Not True. Aghhhhh.... It's so frustrating. This Mr Tabor is a KA-BAAL-AH Je'w. Ofcourse he HATES Jesus Christ and has set about to Discredit him with his misinformation and his biased agenda. I need to sit down and write a proper reply to all this bad teaching he is doing. Jesus' Death and Resurrection was Prophesied since the beginning of Time.... Jesus knew what his mission was on earth. Jesus never came to marry and have children Jesus came to die so as to reverse the Curse of Death that Adam had brought into the world, from his first Sin / rebellion against God (YAH). There are many Prophesies in the OT that state this. The ka-Baal worship Baal, not YAH! Mr Tabor is one of these ka-Baal that had their own Messiah put to Death. (Of course, he RESURRECTED, he didn't stay dead) Please see a channel called One for Israel. Those Je'ws have humbled themselves enough to REALISE that the ka-Baal has been hoodwinking them all these many centuries......
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
​@@johnmichaelson9173Psalm 22 Why did jesus call out on the cross? Why did Jesus, whilst dying on the cross, Call out "My ELI, My ELI, why have you forsaken me ?" This was Jesus' Way of Referencing Psalm 22 of King David, which begins with that verse . (The verses were not yet numbered as we have today) Jesus was again attempting to show the Torah scholars who He was... The Promised Messiah that king David and the prophets prophesied about. Isaiah 53 also tells us how the Messiah would be suffering and how he would bear the Sins of Mankind on his shoulders. So, if you are bearing the sins of all of mankind and feeling their pain and existential Angst in that moment, you too Will feel that your Father YAH has abandoned you. Before Jesus gave up his last Breath, he muttered ,"It is Done". His mission on the earth had been completed. Jesus Christ came to Die as the Pre-Fallen, uncorrupted Adam. So that he may Reverse the curse of Death that a Fallen, corrupted Adam had brought into the world. Through Jesus, we gain Eternal Life. We no longer need the Tree of Life. When our bodies die, we await for the final judgment day, when the righteous will be Resurrected in Body and Spirit. Hallelujah! Praise YAH!!
@dadedowuh Жыл бұрын
I think a tough nut to penitrate, for some, is the idea of thanking one's oppressors and acknowledging they have equal rights and value. We simply choose. :) 💜
@enoynaert Жыл бұрын
If John was executed in 35 or 36 CE, does this mean that the traditional dating of the crucifixion is inaccurate? The traditional date is in 30 or 33. It is my understanding that the date is based on what the gospels say about the last week of Jesus's life. Only the years 30 and 33 would be possible dates that match the gospels. But it is clear that the gospel authors were making things up to create theological points, or simply because they were filling in the gaps with speculation. The same gospels say that Jesus was informed of the death of John which forces the date of his crucifixion to be significantly later.
@Monkofmagnesia Жыл бұрын
Luke's Gospel states Jesus was about 30 when His public ministry began. John's Gospel mentions three different Passovers, so we know Jesus' public ministry lasted about three yeaars. We know Pilate was recalled in the year 36, so the crucifixion has to be beofroe the year 36. A problem is that the Western Calendar is off by about four years. Year 1 should not be year 1. From what I have read, it does seem that Jesus was cruified on April 3, 33 AD.
@mouthpiece200 Жыл бұрын
@@Monkofmagnesia It may all be fabrication. There is no proof he was crucified at all. The times they chose may have been for theological reasons.
@mouthpiece200 Жыл бұрын
@Leo Yohansen Why would another jubilee have restored the kingdom?
@gilroyopinion 2 ай бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 There is no 'proof' of anything written about when it comes to ancient history. Most people who were significant - even kings and generals and the like- did not receive any mention until well after their deaths. Comparing Jesus to other figures he's actually mentioned relatively soon (first in Paul in the 50s) - which is especially unusual for a Jewish day-laborer, somebody who was considered a nobody by many. Ask yourself how many people that were crucified were actually reported by the Roman authorities...they didn't care who Jesus was...just that he was potentially dangerous, and he was far from the only messianic figure to but put to death this way. The titulus Pilate wrote "Jesus the Nazarene, king of the Jews" clues us in on the charge of sedition. It's not difficult at all to see why Jesus would have received such a penalty. And, as the gospels relate, it was done to mock the Sanhedrin who demanded Pilate change it to reflect what most Jews thought. Pilate despised the Jews and their religious sensibilities, however (as both Philo and Josephus relate) so why would he bother to humor them further? The way historians decide what is most likely to have happened is by subjecting the source material to rigorous criteria. They'll look for how a passage, especially the way it's worded stacks up with independent sources, as well as the rest of the author's writings. For instance, we know Tacitus wrote about the crucifixion of Jesus in 117 (Josephus writing in 93 is more controversial, but I think his passages preserve an authentic core) and Tacitus was known to be one of the most rigorous historians in Rome's history, less likely to write about something that was mere conjecture, especially by Christians, a movement he had no fondness for. Also, the writings that Jesus may not have been crucified only come much later, and seemed to have influenced Mohammed. One of the big criteria, besides multiple attestation is what's called the criterion of embarrassment...If Jesus was considered the messiah, the crucifixion would have been a huge stumbling block for the Jews, as Paul puts it. You don't make up a messiah only to have him die so disgracefully. It would have been entirely unexpected, even for his close followers to die that way, especially since it recalls the line in the Old Testament that says those who die "hanging from trees" are considered accursed by God, so Paul had to justify what everyone knew had happened...why would anyone believe Jesus to be the messiah if he had died, especially this way, before fulfilling any of the messianic prophesies? Paul's approach was to say Jesus personally appeared to him, confirming who Jesus was, and that he would return to fulfill the messianic criteria.... but first he first had to die to atone for the sins of all mankind (which not all Christians believed by the way. Luke is the one gospel author who does not hold this view). In other words, Paul had to change the narrative, and he did so by taking various old testament passages out of their original context and said; 'look, this is clearly about Jesus'! Anyways, all the ad hoc rationales for Jesus' death are indirect evidence of the crucifixion.
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
Why not chicken AND egg? Timelines are strings you play till you get your song just right for who you become
@roderickshaka3626 Жыл бұрын
beautifully narrated ⭐
@elmonixon4392 Жыл бұрын
Dr Tabor could you please provide one shred of credible evidence from the biblical record to support your assertion that "Jesus was a political revolutionary.?"
@chronometer9931 Жыл бұрын
Do you have any idea how absurd that question is? By definition the Messiah had to be a political revolutionary. Go learn the basics yourself before you make such blindly crude demands on others...
@jenniferhanisch1672 Жыл бұрын
To God bless your work is the highest compliment I know❤
@samersalka8852 Жыл бұрын
Dr.Tabor, Great presentation Could the kingdom of God be the eternal life after a day of judgement instead of a Davídic Jewish kingdom that wins over politically and militarily Could Jesus have seen himself as a spiritual Messiah rather than a kingly Messiah?
@gilroyopinion 2 ай бұрын
I'm not sure I can answer for him (and I don't think he answers questions in the comments), but it seems that Tabor is only claiming Paul, Mark an the other gospel writers (none of whom knew Jesus personally) believed him to be a spiritual Messiah. Jesus on the other hand, we can't be so sure about. My sense is that he didn't expect to die...there are a couple lines in Luke that suggest he told his disciples to take to arms..and possibly the people of Jerusalem themselves. But such a revolt (and Jesus probably understood this) would require God's intervention to succeed. Certainly the Essenes thought so, though they speak about a final battle between the "sons of light" and the "sons of darkness" in which the former win. Every attempt at instigating such a battle only ended with the Jews getting crushed by the militarily superior Roman forces. It happened in 4BC when they tried to overtake Sepphoris, only to see 2000 Jews getting crucified, and multiple times afterwards ending with the bar Kochba revolt in the 130s, which Hadrian crushed -this was the final nail in the coffin of the Jewish nation (until 1948 of course) and the last wave of the diaspora, which is how many Jews ended up in Europe. But Jesus as a "spiritual messiah" seems like an ad hoc rationale for why he wasn't successful as a standard messiah.
@thefnaffan2 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@sburns2421 Жыл бұрын
If Pilate did not care about the Jews to the point of killing hundreds and intentionally offending them with pagan statues in the does that jive with the argument people make that Jesus was taken off the cross before Passover began to avoid inflaming the Jews?
@methylmike Жыл бұрын
Good doctor! I love these. Ty
@marshalldarcy7423 Жыл бұрын
Conjecture, Conjecture, and Conjecture. Missing the central element of Christianity to present a Conjecture based on the mind of a military person. One has to look beyond the material to find the truth in Christianity. "His developing sense" as talking about a person who lived almost 2000 years ago is just not real and Tabor is omitting the central message of Christianity namely "the kingdom of God is within".
@iankennedy2592 Жыл бұрын
Wasn’t Jesus’ claim to the Davidic line through Joseph? Who was *not* his real father?
@christophermanley3602 Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure the gospels actually trace both Jesus’ patrilineal and matrilineal genealogy, and both lines include David. But I may be wrong.
@TheWayOfRespectAndKindness Жыл бұрын
Jesus did not believe in “kingdom”. He simply taught the wisdom of God.
@LokkesBoerlin Жыл бұрын
What is this an extract from? Would love to hear the full thing
@kenkaplan3654 Жыл бұрын
There is absolutely no evidence Jesus was of the line of David unless one believes Mathew and Luke's nativity mythology and there was quite contention that he was. Further I doubt Jesus proclaimed he was the Messiah and the "Messianic secret" imo is made up. The Gospel of Thomas declares the opposite. "(Thomas 13) Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I resemble." Simon Peter said to him, "A just angel is what you resemble." Matthew said to him, "An intelligent philosopher is what you resemble." Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth utterly will not let me say what you resemble." Jesus said, "I am not your (sing.) teacher, for you have drunk and become intoxicated from the bubbling wellspring that I have personally measured out. II have real trouble when a scholar takes these texts literally as historical.
@jerryhogeweide5288 Жыл бұрын
There’s more to it than Jesus simply reading himself into the script. What was his rationale for thinking himself so special? Unless you believe the virgin birth story or ability to perform miracles, he had absolutely nothing else except words. But if Isa told the truth and he was filled with a spiritual presence then his perceived authority would come directly from spiritual experiences. And him describing those experiences would be central to his message. If he’s a literal 2nd Adam then the description in Jeremiah 31 of the man surrounded by a woman is also describing what Jesus encountered. This living experience is beyond your understanding but not unique to Jesus. David himself was so affected he stripped down naked and danced when touched. It drove the prophets into isolation while arming them to the teeth with inflammatory words they could not contain. Jesus knew it too and was willing to die. He was reading Daniel and Mark proves it as I already pointed out to deaf ears but you aren’t seeing what really convinced himself of his own part. It wasn’t simply Daniel. There’s been tons of false christs since and probably the vast majority because they got a taste of the same spirit Jesus was obsessed with.
@termination9353 Жыл бұрын
-The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
@Robert_L_Peters Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@3r2w1c Жыл бұрын
Makes sense to me!
@peahummer2360 Жыл бұрын
Who is the one from tribe of Judah of Genesis 49:8-12 who prevailed above the thousands of Judah and "came forth to the LORD, to be ruler in Israel whose going forth has been from the days of eternity and has now given THEM UP 1990 years? Micah 5:2-3. Who is the one from Judah who will put his hand on the neck of his enemies and Jacob's children shall bow down before him. Who is this son that escaped the prey and "art GONE UP", wherein the King ship and priest hood shall not depart Judah until Shiloh return and unto him shall the gathering of the people be? Time Counselor
@theunapologeticjew Жыл бұрын
Excellent as always Dr. Tabor. The problem is that most Christians seem to think Jesus beamed down as messiah already knowing he would be crucified, yet the truth is that his was an evolution just like everyone’s life. The Mount of Olives (see Zephaniah) was his make or break moment and since the mountain was not hewn in two and the river run backwards, he lamented on the cross over his defeat with “my god why hast though forsaken me?”. He, like so many, was tortured to death by the Roman’s. May their souls be bound up in the Book of Life
@peahummer2360 Жыл бұрын
Who is the one from tribe of Judah of Genesis 49:8-12 who prevailed above the thousands of Judah and "came forth to the LORD, to be ruler in Israel whose going forth has been from the days of eternity? Micah 5:2-3 Time Counselor
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
Can you please show us EVIDENCE to back up your False Claims that Jesus didn't know WHAT His Mission was on earth ? Because the prophesies of Messiah, his birth, death and Resurrection are all over the Hebrew Bible OLD Testament prophesies for MESSIAH, YESHUA HA MASSIACH (Jesus Christ) The Jewish Prophets Made some interesting Prophesies about their Messiah , YESHUA HA MASSIACH : 👍 PROPHESIES OF ISAIAH: (Isaiah 7:14 ): “Therefore the Lord YHWH himself will give you a sign: The vir gin (Maiden) will be with child and will give birth to a SON, and will call him 👉Immanuel” (Meaning: God/El is with us) 👍(ISAIAH 9:6-7). “For a CHILD will be born to us, a SON will be given to us; And the government will sit on His shoulders ; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, 👉Mighty God, 👉Eternal Father, 👉Prince of Peace. “ (👆🏼WHO is this CHILD born that will be called PRINCE OF PEACE ? MIGHTY GOD? ETERNAL FATHER? ) 👍 ISAIAH 53: an important verse that describes the Life, 👉Crucifixion and 👉Resurrection of the Messiah, YESHUA ! 👍 (DANIEL 7:13-14) : “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a SON OF MAN (MESSIAH), coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the 👉Ancient of Days (YHWH) and was led into his presence. 14 He was given 👉authority, glory and sovereign 👉power; 👉all nations (gentiles) and peoples of every language 👉worshiped him. His dominion is an 👉everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will 👉never be destroyed.” 👍 (Micah 5:2 ): “But you, 👉Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of👉 Old, from Ancient (his origins are from YHWH!) 👍 (Zechariah 9:9): “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation….. 👉riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Jesus rode on a donkey, but the rabbis mocked him for it…. They wanted King Solomon to arrive on a Noble steed!) 👍 (King David, Psalm 22:16-18 ). Prophesy regarding his Crucifixion: “Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have 👉pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. They 👉divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.” (This is what happened during the crucifixion of Christ) 👍 (Hosea 6:1-2): Prophesy about His Crucifixion and RESURRECTION: “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds 👉After 2 days he will revive us; on the 👉3rd day he will RESTORE us, (RESURRECTION OF YESHUA!). that we may live in His presence.” 👍 Prophesy of Abraham and Isaac: YHWH commanded Abraham to take his Only Begotten and Legitimate Son, Isaac, up onto a Hill and offer him as a sacrifice to Atone for Abrahams sins. Isaac was to carry his own sacrificial wood (like Jesus carried his own cross). However, YHWH stopped a Abraham from doing this and replaced Isaac with a Ram. 👉YESHUA was the prophesy of the Promised Begotten Son, the first born, who would one day be sacrificed to Atone for the sins of All Humanity (Isaiah 53). He was born in the year of the Ram…. 👉Messiah YESHUA is given AUTHORITY, POWER and GLORY by YHWH, His Father 👉Do All nations (including gentiles) and people of every language WORSHIP HIM? Yes. Most nations around the world worship Jesus Christ 👉His KINGDOM will be Eternal! So not of those Life. But the Afterlife . DEAR JE WS, WHAT IF….. He really IS your MESSIAH???
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
Jesus Calling out "My ELI, My ELI, why have you forsaken me ?" - was Jesus' Way of Referencing Psalm 22 of King David, which begins with that verse . (The verses were not yet numbered as we have today) Jesus was again attempting to show the Torah scholars who He was... The Promised Messiah that king David and the prophets prophesied about. Isaiah 53 also tells us how the Messiah would be suffering and how he would bear the Sins of Mankind on his shoulders. So, if you are bearing the sins of all of mankind and feeling their pain and existential Angst in that moment, you too Will feel that your Father YAH has abandoned you. Before Jesus gave up his last Breath, he muttered ,"It is Done". His mission on the earth had been completed. Jesus Christ came to Die as the Pre-Fallen, uncorrupted Adam. So that he may Reverse the curse of Death that a Fallen, corrupted Adam had brought into the world. Through Jesus, we gain Eternal Life. We no longer need the Tree of Life. When our bodies die, we await for the final judgment day, when the righteous will be Resurrected in Body and Spirit. Hallelujah! Praise YAH!!
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
Trinity verses in the Bible: 1. YHWH the FATHER is described as the "Ancient of Days" (so He is REPRESENTED as an ANCIENT old man in old church art). 👉"“I kept looking Until thrones were set up, And the ,👉Ancient of Days took 👉His seat; His vesture (👉clothing) was like white snow And the 👉hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, Its wheels were a burning fire.". (Daniel 7:9) (Prophet Daniel had a Vision whereby GOD THE FATHER (YHWH) was described as an ANCIENT OF DAYS who wore White clothing, had white hair on his head, and who SAT on his Throne in Heaven.... Sounds like an old-looking man to Me!!?) 👉Genesis 1: We are made in the IMAGE of YHWH: "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." 2. Jesus Christ Messiah is respresented as BOTH Son of Man AND Son of God (YHWH) “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a 👉Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the 👉Ancient of Days (YHWH) And was presented before Him.". (Daniel 7:13) Prophet Isaiah lived many centuries BEFORE Messiah and described him as: “For a 👉child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will sit on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, 👉Mighty God, 👉 Eternal Father, 👉Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). 3. The Holy Spirit is represented by a DOVE: 👉“After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the 👉Spirit of God descending as a 👉dove and lighting on Him.”. (Matthew 3:16) 👉“And the Holy👉 Spirit descended upon Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a 👉dove, and a voice (YHWH'S Voice) came out of heaven, “You are My beloved 👉 Son, in You I am well-pleased.” (Luke 3:22) 4. Concept of Trinity in the Gospel: 👉JESUS said to his disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the👉 name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . . .” (Matthew 28:19)
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
The Davidic Messiah had already been taken up as Enoch had, not to return till the end of days . Well, day 7 anyway. Chosen people have a limited shelf life.
@DrugsForRobots Жыл бұрын
Yes, Day 7. We are in/on Day 6 still. The Bible's construction tells us God has told us the end from the beginning. In Revelation, at the end, God declared, "It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." God declaring it all finished is Day 7 in the first Genesis story. Christ and Heaven coming on Earth is cotemporanenous with the day of judgement at the end of the that 1st Genesis story. And so Man is made on the 6th Day, and the Son of Man ("for whom the Sabbath was made") comes on Day 7.
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
@@DrugsForRobots Nope. Karma already did her day 6 female messiah bit, and admitted her way was not as good as Lucifer's. So all the kids called for God's return to fix their messes with His grace and coming Messiah sacrifice. You are in the midpoint of the timeline of God's family's most perfect creation yet. From here, there will be no more major versions and the tasks for day 8+ are cleaning up the lab, which no longer needs so many flawed souls crowded on one planet to muck up each other's identity crises. Sorry, you're going to have to live with the babble of an evolving English lingua franca for eternity, unless you choose one of the Gods of also-ran languages as your chief god or goddess. One of the first new laws to be enacted by the Galactic Federation is to make it a cardinal sin to use telepathy without asking to speak in your own voice and using your own name first, like any civilized soul - especially if you're talking down to a less conscious species. Till we perfect karmic translation AI, which is already making great progress as autocarrot. How do you think we got so many souls to rat on themselves and their accomplices typing unconsciously while looking at other eye candy? 😉
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
@@DrugsForRobots That was not God's declaration, but God-11's prophecy. if it had been finished, there would have been no religious or culture wars between conscious souls
@willempasterkamp862 Жыл бұрын
@ready1fire1aim1 Жыл бұрын
Compare John 1: 1-5 and Genesis 1: 1-5: John 1 Names of God Bible The Word Becomes Human 1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was already with God in the beginning. 3 Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him. 4 He was the source of life, and that life was the light for humanity. 5 The light shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it. Genesis 1 Names of God Bible The Creation 1 In the beginning Elohim created heaven and earth. 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The Ruach Elohim was hovering over the water. 3 Then Elohim said, “Let there be light!” So there was light. 4 Elohim saw the light was good. So Elohim separated the light from the darkness. 5 Elohim named the light day, and the darkness he named night. There was evening, then morning-the first day.
@ready1fire1aim1 Жыл бұрын
[Elohim (God) from Genesis 1 vs Yahweh Elohim (LORD of God) from Genesis 2] Compare these two verses: 2 Samuel 24:1 Names of God Bible David’s Sin-He Takes a Census 24 Yahweh became angry with Israel again, so he provoked David to turn against Israel. He said, “Go, count Israel and Judah.” and 1 Chronicles 21:1 Names of God Bible David Counts the People 21 Satan attempted to attack Israel by provoking David to count the Israelites. 🤔 It's important to note that different scholars and theologians have different interpretations of the relationship between Elohim (Genesis 1) and Yahweh (Genesis 2) in the Hebrew Bible, and there is no consensus on whether they are different deities or different names for the same deity. However, here are five hypothetical reasons some scholars might consider: 1. Different Title/Name: The title and name Elohim and Yahweh are distinct, and they are used in different contexts throughout the Hebrew Bible. Some scholars argue that this suggests that they represent different conceptions of the divine, and that they might have originally been separate deities that were later merged. 2. Different Characteristics: Elohim is often portrayed as a more distant, transcendent deity, while Yahweh is portrayed as a more personal, immanent deity. Some scholars argue that these different characteristics suggest that they are different deities. 3. Different Origins: Some scholars argue that the name Yahweh is associated with the southern kingdom of Judah, while the name Elohim is associated with the northern kingdom of Israel. This difference in origin could suggest that they were originally separate deities worshipped by different communities. 4. Different Roles: Elohim is often associated with creation and judgment, while Yahweh is often associated with salvation and redemption. Some scholars argue that these different roles suggest that they are different deities with distinct spheres of influence. 5. Different Historical Contexts: The use of the name Elohim is more prevalent in the early books of the Hebrew Bible, while the name Yahweh becomes more prominent in later books. Some scholars argue that this suggests that the conception of the divine changed over time, and that Elohim and Yahweh might represent different deities worshipped at different points in history.
@howaboutataste Жыл бұрын
Yes, the author of John had read Genesis.
@howaboutataste Жыл бұрын
​​@@ready1fire1aim1 As to whether God or Satan provoked David to take a census, this is cleared up simply by the fact that ha satan takes orders from God. This should not be in the least surprising. Jesus had authority over demons. That means God has authority over demons and over Satan. If God can give Satan orders than everything Satan does is under the authority of God, or His complicity at the least. In the Old Testament, God is "the author of both good and evil". The New Testament has a radical departure from this, into dualism. Resembling Zoroastrianism of Persia in this regard.
@xifangyangren9997 Жыл бұрын
When Pilate called Jesus the King of the Jews, I bet Jesus was like, Duh!
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
i bet Pilate never talked to Jesus, it's a mythical story.
@xifangyangren9997 10 ай бұрын
@@Marabarra94 if you mean Pilate took one look at him and said “Crucify him,” I would have no problem with that. But if you mean Jesus never existed, I would have to respectfully disagree.
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
@@xifangyangren9997 i think he probably lived, i don't think there is much truth in the gospels. mythical stories created for a purpose based on the old testament, the letters of Paul and Pagan myths. there could be truth in there but there is just no way of knowing....
@xifangyangren9997 10 ай бұрын
Still, it would be supremely arrogant for anyone to say that all the billions of Muslims, Christians, and the millions of Jews who believe in and serve the Creator are completely delusional.
@tryme3969 Жыл бұрын
Did Jews and Arabs witness Jesus in the 1st century?
@rhodiusscrolls3080 Жыл бұрын
He never did and said that His Kingdom was not of this world. The title on the cross annoyed both Jews and Romans...the throne of His father David was nowhere occupied by Him and Jews to this day do not as a race or a religion recognise Him as Messiah, The Talmud pours calumny after calumny on Jesus and He had no time for crowds after the five thousand were fed for them trying to make Him king.
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
Too bad they didn't have DNA test kits, geneological databases, and past life regression back then, eh? Could have saved tons of pain and sufferring
@evropej Жыл бұрын
The way you know that you are the messiah is two fold, the prophecies are revealed to you by the spirit of yhwh God, all those who have lived and have died who were righteous! When this happens, it is definite beyond belief! You have no choice but to know it’s the truth. The messiah is here for the wicked, the righteous don’t need correction.
@johnmichaelson9173 Жыл бұрын
He got all the prophecies wrong & the kingdom of God didn't happened.
@evropej Жыл бұрын
@@johnmichaelson9173 the kingdom of God, came up on Jerusalem, and destroyed all the people of the temple. The kingdom of God is not what you think. It is a judgment of God. The kingdom of God will also come on whole world soon enough. You will all understand who is king at the end of the day the brutal way.
@johnmichaelson9173 Жыл бұрын
@@evropej No that was Rome stop piggybacking on the secular World. Your God did nothing.
@Monkofmagnesia Жыл бұрын
0:08 - Mark never described Herodias as, "beautiful. "In fact, there is no reason to suppose that the author of Mark knew what she looked like.
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
Excellent point. See how easy error can creep into our religion? One seemingly inconsequential observation stacked upon another and pretty soon that snowball grows. It takes discipline to not allow our little observations like that enter into our study of God's word. It's not as easy as it seems but it pays off big time. Thank you for pointing that out.
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
​@@GizmoFromPizmogod's word? you mean the words of the people who wrote the bible...
@GizmoFromPizmo 10 ай бұрын
@@Marabarra94 - From ancient times, the word of the LORD has been called God's word. These challenges are coming from people who don't know much about the bible.
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
@@GizmoFromPizmo sure but we know better now don't we?
@GizmoFromPizmo 10 ай бұрын
@@Marabarra94 - I know the bible pretty well. And I know how to go off into error. The OP makes an EXCELLENT point that it doesn't say that she was "beautiful" but we might assume that and teach that. On its own, that makes no difference at all but when you start allowing that kind of sloppy reading to continue, you wind up with a mess at the end. Discipleship requires the kind of discipline that the OP explains. We don't red ANYTHING into the scriptures or else we risk shipwreck. I appreciate that great observation.
@petermullenberg1878 Жыл бұрын
how can you actually claim that Jesus was from the line of David? like the gospel writers didn't have reason's to make that up. incredible gullible...
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
interesting but these are all assumptions. a nice novel story.
@atifbangash Жыл бұрын
:) So Cool
@MitzvosGolem1 Жыл бұрын
The concept of "a moschiach (Messiah)" comes from Judaism Hebrew Scripture sources. As per Judaism: Anyone who considers himself "the Messiah" is disqualified from being the Messiah as per Torah Tanakh Talmud Hebrew Scripture.. The "Messiah" must come from King David's paternal biological father and fulfil Isaiah 2 and 11 Ezekiel 37 first time he comes no second coming of Messiah in Hebrew Scripture.. The Messiah is not to be a man god idol Trinity pagan human sacrifice for sin to die on a Roman stick on Passover.. Verify
@michellesmith5436 Жыл бұрын
Isaiah 53
@MitzvosGolem1 Жыл бұрын
@@michellesmith5436 Kindly read all Isaiah in context in original Hebrew Scripture sources not European Christian mistranslation s. Isaiah 48 example is Israel (Jews). In Isaiah 53 it is the Nations speaking how they wrongly persecuted Israel .. This has been explained for centuries to Missionaries who try to use only 53 but ignore the entire Tanakh Hebrew Scripture... Rabbi Tovia Singer channel has more on this from original Hebrew Scripture only..
@michellesmith5436 Жыл бұрын
@@MitzvosGolem1 That's right you believe Isaiah 53 is about the suffering servant Israel. I probably won't be learning original Hebrew anytime soon. I guess we'll all learn the truth eventually.
@MitzvosGolem1 Жыл бұрын
@@michellesmith5436 Here's what we believe.. God doesn't make mistake and changed mind about eternal covenant made on Sinai and instead sends a man god idol Trinity pagan human sacrifice for sin on a Roman stick on Passover to replace Torah laws with a Greek new testament 1500 years later... Tenak talk channel has good info as does Rabbi Tovia Singer channel. Many people are learning these facts from original Hebrew Scripture. Noachide movement growing exponentially. Peace out . Ps Righteous gentiles blessed have a equal place in world to come as in Isaiah 2 and 11 Ezekiel 37 first time messiah arrives no second coming of Messiah in Judaism. No wars no sickness no hatred for all people. No doomsday no burning in eternal hell nonsense in Hebrew Scripture Tanakh.
@morticiag Жыл бұрын
OLD Testament prophesies for MESSIAH, YESHUA HA MASSIACH (Jesus Christ) The Jewish Prophets Made some interesting Prophesies about their Messiah , YESHUA HA MASSIACH : 👍 PROPHESIES OF ISAIAH: (Isaiah 7:14 ): “Therefore the Lord YHWH himself will give you a sign: The vir gin (Maiden) will be with child and will give birth to a SON, and will call him 👉Immanuel” (Meaning: God/El is with us) 👍(ISAIAH 9:6-7). “For a CHILD will be born to us, a SON will be given to us; And the government will sit on His shoulders ; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, 👉Mighty God, 👉Eternal Father, 👉Prince of Peace. “ (👆🏼WHO is this CHILD born that will be called PRINCE OF PEACE ? MIGHTY GOD? ETERNAL FATHER? ) 👍 ISAIAH 53: an important verse that describes the Life, 👉Crucifixion and 👉Resurrection of the Messiah, YESHUA ! 👍 (DANIEL 7:13-14) : “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a SON OF MAN (MESSIAH), coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the 👉Ancient of Days (YHWH) and was led into his presence. 14 He was given 👉authority, glory and sovereign 👉power; 👉all nations (gentiles) and peoples of every language 👉worshiped him. His dominion is an 👉everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will 👉never be destroyed.” 👍 (Micah 5:2 ): “But you, 👉Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of👉 Old, from Ancient (his origins are from YHWH!) 👍 (Zechariah 9:9): “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation….. 👉riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Jesus rode on a donkey, but the rabbis mocked him for it…. They wanted King Solomon to arrive on a Noble steed!) 👍 (King David, Psalm 22:16-18 ). Prophesy regarding his Crucifixion: “Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have 👉pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. They 👉divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.” (This is what happened during the crucifixion of Christ) 👍 (Hosea 6:1-2): Prophesy about His Crucifixion and RESURRECTION: “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds 👉After 2 days he will revive us; on the 👉3rd day he will RESTORE us, (RESURRECTION OF YESHUA!). that we may live in His presence.” 👍 Prophesy of Abraham and Isaac: YHWH commanded Abraham to take his Only Begotten and Legitimate Son, Isaac, up onto a Hill and offer him as a sacrifice to Atone for Abrahams sins. Isaac was to carry his own sacrificial wood (like Jesus carried his own cross). However, YHWH stopped a Abraham from doing this and replaced Isaac with a Ram. 👉YESHUA was the prophesy of the Promised Begotten Son, the first born, who would one day be sacrificed to Atone for the sins of All Humanity (Isaiah 53). He was born in the year of the Ram…. 👉Messiah YESHUA is given AUTHORITY, POWER and GLORY by YHWH, His Father 👉Do All nations (including gentiles) and people of every language WORSHIP HIM? Yes. Most nations around the world worship Jesus Christ 👉His KINGDOM will be Eternal! So not of those Life. But the Afterlife . DEAR JE WS, WHAT IF….. He really IS your MESSIAH???
@Marabarra94 10 ай бұрын
the gospel writers worked really hard to fulfill these prophesies. to make it seem he was the messiah. mythical made up stories.
@morticiag 10 ай бұрын
@@Marabarra94 They didn't need to work hard to fulfill these Prophesies. Jesus Christ was a Real person, witnessed by hundreds of people, many of whom were per'secuted quite badly by the Romans and Je'ws. Many of whom were killled by these people. Why do you Think the Je'wish nation LOST ISRAEL shortly AFTER having rejected and per'secuted their own MESSIAH?? Why would YHWH have been so MAD at them, that He got them kicked out of Israel and doomed to wonder around the globe (like they wondered around the desert during Moses' time) for almost 2000 years?? Even Now, their gaining of Israel has been bittersweet because they did Not take the Honest route to acquire Israel back! Now, they will NOT have PEACE. Are you an Atheist?? Isn't your BELIEFS in Magical, Self-Com'busting Fairy Stardust MUCH MORE of a Fairytale than any Talk about a Grand Designer creating You?? If you can BELIEVE in the GREATEST COSMIC MIRACLE of All Time, the Big Bang THEORY, then Surely, it's Not a stretch of your imagination to Believe in a Creator God, a Vir'gin birth or the Resurrection from the Dead?
@user-bw1kz8eg3l Жыл бұрын
Dear Prof Tabor I recommend that in the beginning of your lecture you summarize what you want to say, which only you can do. The audience is going to remember that summary afterwards even if they might forget the rest.
@johnmichaelson9173 Жыл бұрын
He's posting excerpts from his book.
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
A lot of this conjecture comes from unbelief in the veracity of the New Testament. It is assumed that Jesus had no direct contact with the Father or that angels did not visit Him - as it is written. "Did Jesus know who He was?" That's a stupid question (Yes, there are such things as stupid questions.) His mother was visited by an angel. His father was visited by an angel. His Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Zecharias were visited by an angel. But Jesus Himself was left to feel around in the dark to grasp His identity. That's just dumb. I have found that if I have a question about Jesus, the kingdom of God, or the New Testament itself that it pays to actually READ the dang thing. But then again, I'm not a paid "scholar" earning a living off the back of unbelief in the Lord Jesus.
@andrieslouw3811 Жыл бұрын
John 10
@residuejunkie4321 Жыл бұрын
*Until someone has learned a lot about the supernatural changes that the Antichrist has made in our bibles in the last few years, they will never be able to understand bible prophecy correctly because many end time prophecies we thought we understood have already happened that we had previously misinterpreted.* *I started noticing changes in my bible that I had been reading and memorizing scripture out of since 1961 in 2014 which was a couple years before I got my first computer. Since 2016 I've seen thousands of videos by other brothers and sisters who had searched for and found proof of what the KJV said before which also matched what I remember.* *In Amos **8:11** God said that He was going to send a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing His words. In Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 God told Daniel to "seal" his book until the last days. And in Revelation 22:10 He told John **_not_** to seal his book because the time is at hand. "Seal" is defined as "protect from Satan" in Strongs. In Daniel 7:25 God said that the Antichrist would "think to change **_times and laws"_** (which turned out to mean history and scripture along with laws of physics) and that God would give him the power to do so for a while. This is what the "lying signs and wonders" of 2nd Thessalonians 2 was talking about. As hard as it is for most Christians to believe, the proven fact is, all bibles have been **_supernaturally_** changed right in our homes and there are now **_thousands_** of scripture changes in every bible on earth!!!* *God commanded us to "prove all things" and I have provided **_lots_** of undeniable proof for true followers of Jesus Christ in my playlist by typing in (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE)* 👈👀 *I haven't read any bible for years but instead have continued studying scripture by simply learning what all has been changed. Satan is imperfect and he misses stuff like bible quotes in other old books, videos of sermons, song lyrics, movie lines etcetera, and the videos showing what's changed always have these proofs of what was, that we refer to as "residue." (thus my name)* *This is unquestionably the most important and exciting thing that's happened since the day of Pentecost! The strengthening of faith that we who have been given eyes to see this by the Holy Spirit have received is unimaginable!!! Unfortunately though maybe only 1% are seeing it, **_so far._* *God bless you all! I pray that this will be as great a blessing to you and everyone else that reads this as it's been to me.* ❤✝️ *P.S. If you ask for them at the address on my ABOUT page I'll send you links for films that YT would never think to allow you to see like 14 that prove the v is the ''mark''. We can also discuss things without all their censoring BS.*
@cabot100 Жыл бұрын
You do not know it was the antichrist that made changes to the Bible. Mankind has altered the message of the Bible. For all we know it is God who through what some refer to as the mandella effect is working at changing the message of the Bible to the original intent.
@prins424 Жыл бұрын
What is the point of making up these stories? It creates an impression that we know anyting about the life of Jesus. At least inform listeners that this is speculative and imaginary.
@dissidentfairy4264 Жыл бұрын
Personally, I think the chicken came first, just like I believe that Jesus was born with the innate knowledge of who and what his mission was. Thank you for another thought provoking lecture, Dr. Tabor.
@jeanine219 Жыл бұрын
And you believe in fairies..... yup.
@gileadtenn Жыл бұрын
​@jeanine219 you have to have "eyes to see and ears to hear." One could assume you have neither. Just a hunch
@simonjohnwright5129 Жыл бұрын
God created the animals so the chicken indeed came before the egg. Yet the seed was created before any tree sprouted forth. Therefore thy seed precedes that of your offspring.
@jeanine219 Жыл бұрын
@Mike JJJ 🤣😂
@dissidentfairy4264 Жыл бұрын
@Mike JJJ Absolutely!
@michaelsmith9453 Жыл бұрын
Apparently Yeshua not only understood his identity at twelve years of old, but also his mission!
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
RIGHT??? What's with the wondering how Jesus came to know what He Himself was all about? Just read the text. Jesus's mother had been given the rundown by an angel even before Jesus was born. Joseph was told to name Him Jesus (Yeshua) "for He shall save His people from their sins." Everybody knew what was going on but somehow, this great scholar wants to make a buck from a fairy tale about how Jesus found himself. You don't make much money but you certainly save a lot of time simply reading the bible. The only way crap like this gets any traction at all is by unbelief in the source material.
@jeanine219 Жыл бұрын
@@GizmoFromPizmo You are delusional bro. I suppose you also believe in a magical silent invisible sky dada who upon your death, will give you a magic carpet ride to a pleasure paradise for infinity? You are nothing but a coward, terrified and in denial of your mortality. No respect.👻👿👽🧚🏾‍♂️🎅🏼
@jeanine219 Жыл бұрын
King of the Jews who would lead them in an insurrection against Roman captivity?
@howaboutataste Жыл бұрын
​@@GizmoFromPizmo so even though Mary treasured "the rundown" in her heart, she went to collect Jesus from his public exposure because she thought he had lost his marbles? Or have you not read the Bible?
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
@@howaboutataste - Do you know for certain that your reason for her coming to speak with Him is the reason you give? I don't read anywhere in the text that she was on a rescue mission. All it says is that His mother and brethren wanted to speak with Him (and He kind of ignored them). "Who is my mother and who are my brethren?" There is nothing there telling us that they came to "collect" Him or that they had thought He'd "lost His marbles". All that slant is James Tabor's junk theology - putting a spin on the text to sell more books. And even if they were coming to "collect" Him, could it have been a rescue mission - to save him from the savages who wanted to kill Him? There is no "lost His marbles" anywhere in the text. Are you sure that YOU have read the bible? Tabor is a charlatan's charlatan. He doesn't know half the New Testament and the half he does know, he doesn't believe.
@craiglittle7367 Жыл бұрын
Jesus knew he was the messiah from an early age. Luke 1:32
@turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Жыл бұрын
❗Luke 12 5But I will show you the one to fear: Fear him who has authority to throw people into hell after death. Yes, I say to you, this is the one to fear!(Jesus speaking concerning the Father) Stop misleading the sheep❗Repent❗
@LyleFrancisDelp Жыл бұрын
The trouble is….Luke wasn’t actually written by Luke. And whoever wrote it was drawing multiple previous works, that were also not written by whom they were named. In fact, very little of the NT was written by those of whom they are named. The entire NT is a lie. Wake up and smell the coffee.
@LyleFrancisDelp Жыл бұрын
Also, even if we assume Luke actually wrote this book…he never knew Jesus. Never. How could he possibly know what Jesus actually said?
@LyleFrancisDelp Жыл бұрын
Dr. Tabor is not misleading the sheep. He is doing his part to set them free.
@IamValentina66 Жыл бұрын
Sheep are incredibly stupid animals. Really. Goats on the other hand, have sense. I’m a goat for sure.
@LyleFrancisDelp Жыл бұрын
@@IamValentina66 Me too.
@carminefragione4710 Жыл бұрын
The Truth is just the opposite, showing how these people are idiots. Jesus played out the role , called from Central Casting. He did not make of anything of himself, but asked "Who do the People say that I am"? 'The decision as to how to title Jesus came from the Gentiles as predicted in Isaiah Seven to Ninth Chapters. Jesus born of the Spirit as a Child, played the part according to the Scriptures , not that the Jews would judge or title him, but the audience were the Nations. So the Jews were like a Troupe of Shakespearean Actors in their Guild, with Angels in the wings as Prompters in case the Jews forget their lines and the audience were the Gentiles of Galilee , in the Pax Romana of Nations, who had the power to title a KING over them, and they gave their PRAISE to the Lord. and so God raised Jesus from the dead, the Father elevated the Child above God's own Head, to the Highest and consigned to the Son the title of LORD GOD, in the act of Mercy and Compassion God intended to bestow upon Many Nations. Jesus did not make himself to be anything. The Times, and the Dramatic Theater of Realism, by a Divine Playwright, made Jesus what He is, as determined by the praise freely given by the Nations. So then a "Spooky Entanglement" of Quantum Physics as explained by Albert Einstein proved that the AUDIENCE or WITNESSES to the Quantum Stream of Particles, determined by a mere presence of OBSERVATION, this Mystery of God determines what the realism of the observed nature will look like. When an observer watches the Double Slit Experiment in Quantum Mechanics, the realism of the Quantum Entanglement is proven caused by the mere presence of an observer. When it comes to the final interpretations of GOD, it is the PEOPLE who weigh with their thumb on the scale, to Judge the outcome, showing what kind of a Divine Relationship we really have with God. Without us, as Witnesses , there is no such thing as the Universe. It is all Vanity, it is all Meaningless, a mere chasing after the wind, what is the TRUTH is a MOSAIC COVENANT between GOD and Man. If we who have found Favor with God , say Jesus is the Lord, then it is so. What we have to say to God, has authority with God, because we are the Children of God, and God is our Father. Jesus is Lord. WE SAY SO, AND GOD WINKS THE EYE AT US. BECAUSE GOD LOVES US, GOD PUT HIMSELF INTO US, WE ARE ONE.
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