Ask Pastor John Episode: 1789 Transcript: www.desiringgo...
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@deusx.machinaanime.30722 жыл бұрын
How will I find my Ministry calling? 1) Acts 20:28 - …which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers… 2) Ephesians 4:11-12 - Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teacher, to equip his people for works of service… 3) Matthew 9: 37-38 - …send out the workers into the harvest field. 4) Romans 10:13 - …And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?... 5) Luke 12:41 - …Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them good food allowance at the proper time… 6) Colossians 4:17 - …that you received in the Lord. Thank you Lord for this teaching.
@veteranredbeard62222 жыл бұрын
I found my calling through prayer and revelation. this is why I I'm going to school for a degree and have a KZbin channel/ministry.
@tootinkoala3 ай бұрын
7:15 is funny because I've been wrestling with these thoughts for the past 2 years. A part of me believed it was because I wanted to go down this route, but actually like John says, it's an unshakable desire. And if he's correct in saying God has put that on my spirit, then I'm glad and more at ease with it!
@rommelg.10322 жыл бұрын
Great answer Ptr. John!
@sskuk10952 жыл бұрын
Perfect timing! I've been thinking about this more and more recenty and all of the mentioned points apply to me in one way or another. I'm just not entirely sure what the next step should be. Maybe I have to show patience until I get thrown into my place. Thank you very much!
@des7112 жыл бұрын
Whatever you do, do unto the Lord. We get stronger everyday we trust in Him. Keep on being with God and He will lead you. It is in His Word. Proverbs 3:5-6 I am trusting Him. And having patience. I am also ministering currently everyday everywhere I am and getting stronger in Him. No other option for me. God could use us to reach anyone and everyone all around us at anytime.
@BrotherAsheeshlalNewMessages2 жыл бұрын
God bless you so much
@OnielMendezIrizarry Жыл бұрын
great topic
@SamuelDanielJali6 ай бұрын
my comment is that I will happily when you believe me and come yourself to see the I have called miracle family church here in mozambique
@TheCreepypro2 жыл бұрын
thank you Lord for throwing us where you want us to be
@MrPatdeeee2 жыл бұрын
"How Will I Find My Ministry Calling?" Hmmm kind Sir...strange question...but very common and typical... In a simple answer: Don't look for it. For IF Jesus chooses you to be his Ministry; you WILL know it! NO exceptions. And IF that does not happen; you are NOT chosen. Sad, but true Brethren. For I believe: any one that tries to get into the ministry on their own; is probably NOT chosen by Jesus (who IS God). UNLESS...they are urged OFTEN to go into the Heavenly driven ministry. Which is rare. IE: I would say that over 75% pastors, at any time; have never been chosen to preach by Jesus. And there is a strong case in the bible that shows this in "real time"...2 disciples doubted Jesus: Phillip and Thomas, And Peter denied Him; 3 times before the rooster crowed. While Judas betrayed Jesus. Leaving only 8 disciples so far. But over time what happened to those that did NOT write book(s)! Huh? If that was not bad enough; AFTER Judas died and Jesus chose Paul to be the greatest messenger of His Gospel; the disciples argued with Paul on more than once thesis. Even though Paul knew MORE about Jesus' Gospel than any preacher 'til this day. Except possibly John's Gospel. But I doubt it. Thus, this means that MOST preachers in the "Ministry" ever since; is nothing but ego-lad, selfish beings; who wanted to be in the Ministry. Even though Jesus never came close to choose them. Sad, indeed. And this leads directly to "Apostasy"; where EVERY church will be totally Apostate; by the time the Great Tribulation begins. When He destroys ever church, mosque, temple, etc in this world. As He warned to the "7 churches" in Revelation; where every one has been destroyed. Sad, but OH so True. May Jesus have mercy on them that were members!... ...In any case kind Sir, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!
@HearGodsWord2 жыл бұрын
What a negative picture your opinion paint.
@daisyleigh7772 жыл бұрын
@@HearGodsWord The wisest man that has ever lived said: Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Even he recognized that "Truth" is not always "pretty" and/or "pleasant". Apparently you, and most other people, have not understood that either.
@HearGodsWord2 жыл бұрын
@@daisyleigh777 maybe you haven't haven't understood my comment.
@The_Ladder_Perspective2 жыл бұрын
Ya very tone deft
@The_Ladder_Perspective2 жыл бұрын
No love found in these two peoples comments
@blueknight28422 жыл бұрын
Seems like you're trying, but completely missing it. God helps those who want to help themselves. Waiting for a "special sign" will see people on the sidelines. Inferring Paul new more than the apostles is Ludacris. You realize Paul's ministry started after Jesus died right? Praise Jesus for his intervention with Paul. Simple logic should tell you that physically being taught by our Lord, is clearly better than "waiting" for Jesus to communicate from heaven the things the Apostles learned "directly" I'll pray for you and hopefully others will to. God bless.
@wardashimon-australia332 жыл бұрын
The Gospel: Plain and Simple “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” - 2 Corithians 11:3 Ask someone today if they are saved and you will most likely hear responses like these: “I have accepted Jesus into my heart.” Or “I have made him Lord of my life.” “I’ve been baptized.” “I said a prayer.” Sounds all good and churchy don’t it; but it is difficult to de-termine whether or not a person actually knows the gospel that saves them. These useless phrases don’t describe a thing about what the gospel is and has left a devastating effect of people not knowing what it is that they are saved from nor how they are saved; which leaves a more serious effect of people questioning their salvation. Let’s not muddy the simplicity of salvation that is in Christ with vague church sounding phrases that do not communicate anything. But rather present God’s word with clarity and assuredness. So here is the gospel: plain and simple. Sin was passed upon all men by one man Adam, and death is a consequence of this sin (Rom 5:12). Mankind has an eternal destiny of condemnation and wrath - Hell - because of this sin (Rom 6:23). No matter what good works one might do we are still found sinners in the sight of our Creator God. And all unrighteousness and those who follow get indignation and wrath. We cannot be found righteous for by God’s law we are found sinners (Rom 3:19-20). If we have broken even one law we are found guilty. It is for this reason of not being able to create our own righteousness and being born in a sinful flesh that we need a savior (Titus 3:5). Christ is that Savior, God manifested in the flesh, sinless, died in our place on a cross 2000 years ago. Taking upon him the wrath and judgement that was intended for us sinners. And it is through his bloodshed, burial, and resurrection on our behalf that we are able to have peace with God and forgiveness of our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4, Col 3:14). This good news is unto all but only those that believe in it are made righteous in Christ (Romans 3:22). It is then after we have heard this good news of Christ’s righteousness available to us freely, that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and we are now part of Christ’s body the church (Eph 1:13) There is nothing that we need to do, no good works that are required, and no bad works that can separate us from our new position in Christ (Romans 8:35-39). Faith and belief in this information from God’s word is the gospel. The gospel is not accepting Jesus into your heart. The gospel is not making him lord of your life, it is not saying a prayer and it is not being baptized with water. So next time someone asks you if you are saved. Give them the clear assured answer “Yes And let me tell you why Find more free resources at