I'm REFUSING To Take In My Sister And Her Kids As I Dislike Her ENTITLED Husband r/AITA

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@wildfyah 3 жыл бұрын
"you have 2 options, let us move in or give us your money." OP orly? Option 3. *Shuts door*
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
And good on them for doing so! Definitely NTA.
@mindyschocolate 3 жыл бұрын
Here’s another option: sis gets a job.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
@@mindyschocolate That’s a great option as well.
@itsjustmaddisen 2 жыл бұрын
@stephanien6237 2 жыл бұрын
@khaavren3 3 жыл бұрын
First story, burying the lede: the stepmom wont let her own daughter move in because she's no contact with her "awesome" son in law, but wants her stepdaughter to take in this prize. entitled hypocrisy seems to run in the step family.
@francit4856 Жыл бұрын
Post indicates Stepmom lives with someone else so doesn't have that option.
@Russman67 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: "My husband thinks...' Jury is out on this. Not the asshole. Do not let them move in or give them money. BIL is trying to manipulate OP through the sister.
@hunnykun101 3 жыл бұрын
Makes me think the husband is a complete coward to, using his wife to be the messenger and using their situation to pull the strings...husband of the year right here.
@t.matthies3049 3 жыл бұрын
In OP's shoes, I would let the sister know that I love her, but her husband's behaviour is manipulative and borderline abusive, so I will no longer be in contact with him, however I would be happy to see her without him. That sets a boundary, and lets the sister know OP will be there if she chooses to leave him.
@arthurvasey 3 жыл бұрын
“You have two options - one that you don’t want to implement or one that you don’t want to implement! That’s no options! That’s like saying in a restaurant that you can have the liver or you can have the boiled fish, when you actually want the chicken korma!
@AllenTax 3 жыл бұрын
@@hunnykun101 Eye and that she needs to divorce,leave him,FOREVER.
@davidball8875 3 жыл бұрын
You’ll never be rid of them, if you give in, sounds like your sister is in a bad situation.
@CatsOverBrats 3 жыл бұрын
"She said her husband said..." Three times within a minute. All about what he says and what he wants. Yeah, already there you get a good idea of what type of person he is.
@voxkine9385 3 жыл бұрын
As a dog owner, I’d be mortified if my dog snacked from a stranger’s hands like that. Not only is it a liability, but it’s just TERRIBLE training. I don’t get upset if my dog starts begging for food politely, but she’d get a good “dad voice” yell if she lunged like that, followed by profuse apologies.
@StandYourGroundHomestead 3 жыл бұрын
I'm with you, that's super dangerous not only for the other person involved but for the dog as well. Who knows how certain people could react out of fear or anger at the dog lunging. Also, if the guy was standing in the same spot as they approached then it was on the dog walkers to guide the dog away if it couldn't conduct itself appropriately or be reprimanded appropriately.
@cgi2002 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I'd have called the police. That dog attacked OP, it is a dangerous animal that they failed to control. The excuse of "it was hungry" doesn't fly either. You control your animals, they take someone else food, that's called stealing. They take that food by snatching it out of their hands, that's called "attacking".
@gaylenewood7707 3 жыл бұрын
Well plus what if the food was toxic like onions you dont want to take a chance on your dog getting sick or worse..
@gaylenewood7707 3 жыл бұрын
@@cgi2002 Well if the dog is hungry my first thing to ask do they feed the dog and if not I be turning the owners in for starving the poor thing..
@cgi2002 3 жыл бұрын
@@gaylenewood7707 that would be something I'd likely think of later. At the time I'd mostly be pissed I just had a large dog that I didn't know, jump on me and bite near my hand (German shepherds have big teeth and I likely my fingers). Oh and I am a dog lover, I've had dogs since I was a baby. Including german shepherds, and othe larger breeds and even some that are seen as "dangerous" breeds (there are no dangerous breeds, there are dangerous individuals due to poor training, mistreatment and other factors).
@listenquitely2888 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: Wow, as a woman who had 5 kids, he is not the A hole. Husband only went for 2 days. She will manage. She is just being needy. It's not as if we goes out all the time.
@jennstewart3003 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Why is no solution her getting a job? If they have that bad of a situation, they may qualify for daycare assistance or they can work opposite shifts like my parents did (dad worked days, mom worked nights).
@jacquiethebibliophil 3 жыл бұрын
Well OP didn't say it but others did in the post.
@jennix8666 3 жыл бұрын
True but then the husband would have to cook dinner for the kids and judging by the way he's acting, telling OP through his wife that she only has 2 options, he probably thinks Cooking and caring for the kids is "women's work"
@wmdkitty 3 жыл бұрын
Because then she can't whine and play the victim.
@jennix8666 3 жыл бұрын
@Gabby Lee True but sounds like, to me, they are to proud to accept government assistance and rather keep it private and mooch off the OP.
@Cheepchipsable 3 жыл бұрын
We don't know where they live, and even with assistance that can still put you below the poverty line.
@xXxMrSoulxXx 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: Okay, why do people not get that some of us just don't like dogs? It happened to me multiple times as people go " Oh, you can pet it. It's friendly." . I don't wanna pet it! Not everyone on the street is an NPC, just waiting for the chance to get to pet your good boy.
@technicaldifficulties368 3 жыл бұрын
I swear not every dog owner is like this. Some people have a fear of dogs, or allergies, or just dont want a strange animal in their space.
@BMakabre 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: I hate when people can't control their dogs. When I was in primary school age I was playing at a local playground (swings, climbing frame with slide) when a group of youths, their father with a big dog arrived. The dog was not on a leash and was rather aggressive which chased after me - I couldn't leave so I had to climb to the top of the climbing frame as this dog was trying to jump at me (I was terrified - this dog was almost as big as me). The father and youths didn't care about what their dog was doing, they thought it was funny that their large dog was trying to go for a primary school child who was clinging to dear life on the top of the climbing frame. They eventually left - or so I thought - so I climbed down to go home. As soon as I walked a short distance the dog barking and growling aggressively ran towards me (no sign of the owners) so I had to run back to the climbing frame and climb to safety. I was trapped for quite a while until the dog left on its own - I waited for several minutes in tears too afraid to climb down. A family arrived, a mother with a couple of kids who were older than me, they were concerned about me and when I explained the situation, they offered to walk me back home and explain to my mother what happened - help which I was extremely grateful for which was a good thing as on the way out the dog ran towards me again. The mother and one of the kids chased the dog away, while the other one made sure I was safe. I got home safely thanks to the kindness of that mother and her two children - I never saw them again, or found out their names but whoever they are I thank them. My mother was grateful to the mother and her two children who helped me, however my father's reaction to that event was to make out it was my fault the dog chased me because I showed fear "If you ignore a dog and don't react, they wont attack you" (advice that NEVER WORKS - but can't tell him that because 'he is never wrong'). I have a fear of unleashed dogs all my life (and a number of accidents caused by uncontrolled dogs when I used to cycle) - lets just say I've never had incidents of cats randomly attacking me.
@KateKanenator 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: NTA. Time for MY waffle! My mom is extremely allergic to dogs. Like has to hike back to the car and change her clothes and can't let me in the house if I've been playing with a dog allergic. There's a park that has a leash requirement where she likes to go hiking, so whenever an unleashed dog comes at her, I or my dad have to intercept it (and change our pants on the back porch when we get home). Some dog owners just can't seem to grasp that their "good doggos" can literally kill someone while just being friendly.
@MsUnamusedNerd 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA, it doesn’t matter if they are your very close friend, a relative you are related by blood, or some Rando. Your property was stolen and you had every right to report them if they didn’t give it back. Degree of relation means absolutely nothing when it comes to committing a crime against you.
@kaykay8855 3 жыл бұрын
Why do people think being related gives them an excuse to be total a*ssholes.
@catandrobbyflores 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaykay8855 because "family is everything" bullsh!t
@lancerevell5979 3 жыл бұрын
It wasn't clear, I hope OP got his ring back. I would still press charges of theft. She committed a crime, and needs punished.
@catandrobbyflores 3 жыл бұрын
@@lancerevell5979 he said he did
@groofromtheup5719 3 жыл бұрын
MIL was given a huge chance to give it back. her refusal boarders on insanity. calling the cops is better than what I would do; muscle my way in, take the ring and completely shut her out for good.
3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: younger sister is def being manipulated, but is not by the older sister. NTA. Do y'all know how to deal with manipulative sociopaths? go NC; older sister is doing younger a favor by putting some distance here. Edit: I'm starting to suspect hubby is the one who blew the inheritance money, not her.
@andredunbar3773 3 жыл бұрын
I have similar suspicions about the bil. Grooming might have played a role in the younger sister's relationship. Remember that the younger sister is 26 with a 5 year son? How old is the bil? These are relevant details to what sort of relationship the sister is in.
@yourmom69179 2 жыл бұрын
I've always like the saying, "There are no bad dogs. Only bad owners."
@Darwinsmom 3 жыл бұрын
My heart was in my throat as you related poor Poppy's experience! Had you picked her up, the shepherd could have leaped at you to get to her, resulting in injuries to you and Poppy. Where I used to live we had a neighbour who had a tiny teacup Yorkie she walked religiously three times a day. There was an AH in our neighbourhood who simply refused to leash his very large dog. I watched one day as the lady scooped up her tiny dog when she saw the man approaching, and his dog charged at the woman and tried to rip the Yorkie from her arms. When the dog knocked the lady off her feet, she landed hard on her hand and wrist, and ended up breaking both bones in her forearm as well as her wrist and two bones in her hand. I tried to get the big dog off her and kicked it in the rib cage to distract it. The eejit who owned the big dog kept trying to call the dog to him but the dog seemed intent on getting the Yorkie. Someone saw what was happening and called 911, thank God, and the police were quite close so they arrived quickly. I have never been afraid of a dog in my life, and have pulled dogs apart when they were fighting (stupid move, trust me). Giving my statement to the police and ultimately going to court to testify was traumatic, but nothing compared to seeing this massive dog trying to rip a teeny tiny dog out of his owners arms! Mark, that eejit with the shepherd could have seriously harmed poor Poppy, or you. Please be on the lookout for that moron in future! Glad Poppy wasn't hurt too badly.
@Gwyllgi 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I used to have a neighbor who never leashed his pitbull/lab mix and the bastard would run and leap over the low concrete wall at us when I'd walk my dog. One day I'd had enough and put my foot out so the dogs snout ran straight into the sole of my boot. Never did it again (with us).
@Darwinsmom 3 жыл бұрын
@@Gwyllgi I sympathize with you having a douchebag neighbour like that. I subscribe to a few channels of pit bull owners who are trying so hard to change the narrative of the breed and mixed breed dogs. People like your neighbour are doing such a disservice to the breed and those who know them as amazing pets, and are responsible owners. My blood pressure spiked at your experience!
@slytherinlibrarian3501 3 жыл бұрын
We've got a slew of people in my neighborhood who refuse to leash their small, ankle biting dogs. I had FOUR run-ins between March and April. In my case, I've noticed that these people all live on the ground floor and seem to think that it's OK to put their dog out the door to do it's business without a lead. This leads to dogs charging OUT OF NOWHERE at my two roughly 40-lb lab mixes and trouble ensuing. The worst part is if these random interlopers get hurt, the finger of shame will be pointed at my dogs because they're bigger, never mind that I have them both on a lead (one even has to be on a shorter one because he's reactive AF and I feel better knowing that he can't get as far when excited) and the small furry demon accosted us. Back when I had only one dog, she was consistently attacked by dogs smaller than her because they were off lead. At least with one I could just pick her up and leave, but with two it's a bigger danger for me in regaining situational control.
@Darwinsmom 3 жыл бұрын
@@slytherinlibrarian3501 It feels so wrong to "like" your comment, because it is just such an awful reality. Unfortunately, pet ownership is like parenthood - not everyone who owns pets or has children is fit to do either. I'm glad your dogs have you to look out for them.
@roahir 2 жыл бұрын
I used to live close to someone with an out of control Dalmation, I love dogs, but that owner made me greatly distrust Dalmations even to this day several years later just because it jumped me when I was going home from school. I don't even distrust Rotweillers even after being nearly bitten by one once (partly my fault, partly the fault of the dog) and the owners was very sorry and even cried. The dog did have some sort of mental issue and the owners were amazing with years of experience. But Dalmations... I just can't.
@TheNormExperience 3 жыл бұрын
“That it’s really bad business profiting off people’s sickness.” Yeah cuz DOCTOR’s don’t do that. /s
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I would've said! Talk about some major hypocrisy!
@oliviabean8264 3 жыл бұрын
Insurance companies profit in the US through lobbying the government to allow them to set the conditions in ways that are so atrocious it screws millions of people out of a basic human right that's recognized in fricken Cuba... as well as Every Other first world country on the planet... for example guess what counts as a pre-existing condition! Aspergers! A brain dissorder that is basically just dealt with through appropriate socialization when your a kid and that has no further health ramifications beyond it possibly being a bit harder for you to remember to drink as much water as you should! So unless she actively fucks with her patients in an attempt to squeeze more money out of them she's at least making money off alleviating there suffering... but for all we know what OP's husband does is doing that as well. I have some words for the execs that profit off of lobbying to make sure millions don't get access to healthcare... but I have nothing bad to say about the employees they hire.
@kaitan4160 3 жыл бұрын
@@oliviabean8264 ahh yes those Prices ..... Even Cuba recognizes that Human Right ... You do know that the Cost of Healthcare i nthe US is so high for other Reasons? I mean take Diabetes Medicine? What does it cost in the US and what does it cost elsewhere? MRI? 3,5 Million for the Machine. In the Us and in Europe the price is roughly the same. Operation Costs of 100 Thousand a Year is also roughly the same. Yet i as European pay 300-900 Dollars for an MRI (complete cost, no insurance involved) and with an High deductable Health Care Plan i nthe US you pay? 1000-4000 Dollar depending on the State. And that is with the 50% the Insurance takes. But why are these costs so high? Well in Europe buying the Machine and keepign it running can be deducted from Tax differently. Can even be subsidies by the Government. Is that the Fault of Insurance Lobbyists? No, why shoudl they stop that? Just because runnign the machine gets cheaper doesnt mean they have to become cheaper. Then there is ofc the Reason why Doctors need that High Wage in the first Place. Student Loan Debt. Ever looked into that? Paying minimum Fee (during residency or other "start out" Jobs) because they cant afford more (in many cases). That means they started with a 250k debt and after 2 3 Years thats ... 300k Dept. Because paying the minimum still means raising debt. Thats the same Reason Lawyers are so expensive. Its the same with them. Look at Cuba or Europe. Cheaper Doctors because why? Well example germany. A max of 10k Student Loan. 10 Years to pay that off. So 1k a Year and your done because ther is no "iinterest Rate". Does a German Doctor need to earn 500k Dollar a Year? Nope. Does an US Doctor need to earn 500k a Year? Yes because that Debt has risen since graduation even though paying. And since you fight for these Doctors Morals. Let me ask you? Why dont they take an pay cut afterwards to make it more affordable? Debt is gone ... so 300k a Year should be more than enough? Because who in their right mind takes a Pay cut? Insurance Companys arent the Reason why Healthcare is so exensive in the US. Its the need for high Wages through Student Loans. Its the cost of Medicaments. Its the Fact that new Machinery costs Millions and the Hospital/Clinic pays 100% of that and still needs to make Profit that Year. Or simpler said. Higher Staff cost + higher maintenance cost + higher investment cost = Higher Medical cost for the "Customer". The Insurance Companys are a "small light" compared to that.Especially sicne their Pricing doesnt affect the "providers" pricing as much as you would think.
@bunnyslippers191 3 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile doctor is getting that 500K a year because it's *paid for by those very same insurance companies!!* Talk about being a hypocrite! She's taking money from those insurance companies, so she has no room to brag! The doctors set their fees and the insurance companies pay them.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA She stole from OP. He gave her a chance and she didn't take it. OP: They said I shouldn't have called the cops without knowing it was my ring Also OP: It was my ring.
@RedReaper666OG 3 жыл бұрын
My dog is super nervous too (red heeler/dachshund). If a random dog charges at him, he starts yelling like he was shot and tries to run (tries because leash). If other owners would just keep their pup leashed, it'd make life easier for the nervous pups
@chanterelle483 3 жыл бұрын
Aw, your dog sounds super cute!
@ljh5141 3 жыл бұрын
100% agree on controlling your pets! If you really love your pets, keep them close and control them. Respect other people and mostly, love your dogs enough to not compromise their future.
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! You never know what your dog may or may not do off leash, so why risk it?
@ljh5141 3 жыл бұрын
@@Puppeteer007 Exactly!🐕🐾💕
@somedragonbastard 2 жыл бұрын
@@Puppeteer007 it's like having an "outdoor" cat. You're just putting the animal and others in danger, not to mention the potential environmental impact
@amalielk 3 жыл бұрын
Mark, the other dog might not have attacked Poppy with violent aggression, but the dog completely disregarded Poppy's "I'm scared go away" signals, which IS an attack and incredibly uncomfortable for Poppy. One day, that dog is going to excitedly run up to a dog who will bite when the dog doesn't respect and listens to the "go away" signals.
@Bulvej13 3 жыл бұрын
That story about your dog was infuriating, if you can't take good care of your pet, you shouldn't have a pet, and taking good care also means controlling them when they're behaving badly, and most definitely not allow them to basically maul others pets
@tiffanym2544 3 жыл бұрын
Maul is a bit dramatic lmao... Sounds like it just wanted to play
@OZARKMOON1960 3 жыл бұрын
#1 - the BIL and his family can take care of OP's sister's family. She is not obligate to share every damn things she owns -- no matter how it was acquired -- with this man and his family. Just because he can't hold a job, or they couldn't budget with the inheritance funds, it's not OP's problem or responsibility. Screw that.
@stephanien6237 2 жыл бұрын
Sister and kids need to get away from the controlling, Manipulative man that is husband/BIL. It is telling that BIL is already no contact with his own family… too bad sister made children with him. He sounds like he could be abusive to them.
@emmeliestrand1668 3 жыл бұрын
That story about Poppy was so relatable. My dog was about the same size as Poppy and was terrified of bigger dogs. People just don't get it. They always acted like I was lying when I said she was scared like what? Why would I lie about that! 🤨
@donniejefferson9554 3 жыл бұрын
Same with my little guy except he tends to get aggressive with big dogs. I don't know why but he just gets pissed whenever he sees a big dog. I'm careful with him but then some idiot who won't use a leash wanders by to ruin my day. Last thing I want is my guy biting something because someone is two stupid to take care of their dog
@ResidentMilf 3 жыл бұрын
There are people who actually think dogs aren't sentient. Those people should not be allowed to have dogs.
@emmeliestrand1668 3 жыл бұрын
@@ResidentMilf Yea I knew a girl once that thought all dogs was the same and was soooooo shocked when my dog didnt like that same as her grandmothers. I had to explain to an almost adult women that dogs are individual
@HidForHG 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmeliestrand1668 I remember seeing something a while back where some woamn though all cats were female and dogs, guess? Are male... some people can't even get up the bare minimum standard to be called human. Smfh.
@sammyk.6457 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry about what happened to Poppy. This one time when I was walking my dog Boomhauer (yes from king of the hill) a dog tried attacking me, it was a yorkie so it wouldn’t have done any damage to me as I could just push it away but my boy, a boxer, didn’t like the idea of any dog charging at his big sister. He got into a defensive stance. I had to pick him up because I know that if anything happened he would look like the one who attacked first. I hate people that don’t pay attention to their dogs.
@justinisorange 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my god your dog was named boomhauer thank you for honoring one of the greatest fictional characters of all time
@bethotoole6569 3 жыл бұрын
Wait,, that was fiction?
@justinisorange 3 жыл бұрын
@@bethotoole6569 nonono, boomhauer is a character from a fictional cartoon called king of the hill. They actually mentioned it in the original comment too. It's fine, it's an old cartoon that I'm obsessed with
@bethotoole6569 3 жыл бұрын
@@justinisorange That was sort of a joke,,, meaning I thought it wasn’t fiction.
@justinisorange 3 жыл бұрын
@@bethotoole6569 oh my bad
@annaorbanes5070 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Poppy! That was horrible. That other dog owner was very irresponsible. Poppy could have been seriously injured. I have a small blind mini dog I adopted from a rescue group. I would be smoking mad if another dog was allowed to drag Buddy around on his back by his leash. Horrible.
@maggpiprime954 3 жыл бұрын
Wtf??? A german shepherd 2ft from OP's face is TERRIFYING! What if the dog missed the pizza and chomped OP's face? They deserved every. last. swear!
@zapacunotres59 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: NTA, it was 2 days. At first I'm like "yeah", but he was only a few hours away and it was 2 days. Also, those sentences don't contradict each other!
@damien678 3 жыл бұрын
STORY 5, TFW A PHOBIA OF DOGS IS ACTUALLY REALLY COMMON and a lot of us with it can even get panicked af from little dogs being yippy, i would have legit cried and lost it on them
@damien678 3 жыл бұрын
AND that phobia was from me being bit on the face as a kid when i was 7. like jfc. that would have set me tf off bc mark is RIGHT, that could have bit OP bc the dog was going for FOOD
@rylashadow18 3 жыл бұрын
Alright it's official we need to sign up for Poppy protection squad. She's too precious and deserves all the treats with belly rubs.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in! Except that I live in the states and Mark is in England.
@irenetorkel2186 3 жыл бұрын
Have to encourage him to get a post box so we have a place to send things.
@misscat6055 3 жыл бұрын
Cool where do I sign up lol
@gaylenewood7707 3 жыл бұрын
Poppy waffles plush..
@bunnyslippers191 3 жыл бұрын
If I didn't live pretty much in the middle of the US I would sign up for Poppy Protection Partners. We could walk down the street with Mark and Poppy in the middle of us safe from all those dogs off leash who have never been taught recall.
@misscheeky8010 3 жыл бұрын
With that story about Poppy; that guys dog was trying to establish dominance over Poppy. That dog will keep trying to do so, so you’d better have caution whenever you see it
@tiffanym2544 3 жыл бұрын
Imo it sounded like play.
@bunnybleh3175 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think so, it sounded more like play. My dog play running around and nipping at each other.
@nancyjay790 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter once visited some friends whose dog started trying to dominate my daughter's dog (the couple had a terrier mix, my daughter's is a Bichon), and they refused to see how their dog was upsetting the Bichon. My daughter's dog started to growl, and they got angry with her. Kind of ended the visit.
@ljneko2886 3 жыл бұрын
Things like story 5 and your personal story make me so paranoid whenever i take my cats for a walk... I'm leash-training them and every time i see a medium to large dog on a walk I either stop til I know it's safe or just bring the cat back home right away because people in my neighbourhood very often walk their dogs with no leash, and you can't exactly trust their word on how well-behaved they are, especially around cats.. Thankfully the few dogs that we've come across have just ignored us and were leashed!
@tayflowers13 Жыл бұрын
It's very possible, my mom lost a cat this way 😢
@smallcat718 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I hate it when people do not leash there dogs, I understand your dog likes other dogs but my dog is nervous and can not handle their energy. If your dog does not have good recall then do NOT let them of the leash!
@mkuti-childress3625 3 жыл бұрын
I walk my cat every day, and he’s great with most dogs-but last year an off-leash dog charged us-right on my lawn. Luckily, the front door was cracked open, so my cat could escape. The owners were both there, still in the street, and they acted shocked. Seriously? We’ve become buddies with a lot of dogs in the neighborhood, but I really appreciate owners who not only leash their dogs, but also walk their dogs away from us when they know the dogs aren’t good with cats. Besides, if my _cat_ can wear a leash, so can your dog!
@basespeedpaintyt6348 3 жыл бұрын
The only time I let him off leash is during the night when I walk him at 12 at night so ppl won't get hurt and it's in a open lot and he always runs home after using the bathroom
@mkuti-childress3625 3 жыл бұрын
@@basespeedpaintyt6348 Where I live, that’s still illegal. I see it as a safety issue for anyone or anything else out there, but also a safety issue for the dog. Cars are still out in the middle of the night, and sometimes bad people are, too. Plus where I live, coyotes are often out at night.
@basespeedpaintyt6348 3 жыл бұрын
@@mkuti-childress3625 in this part of Florida it's usually pretty dead at night
@GabrielleHayes1921 3 жыл бұрын
Mark could you turn them into the RSPCA? That dog deserves to be trained and the owner needs a serious wake-up call
@cjandauntieyaya1446 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: OP is NTA and his friends aren't really his friends because they didn't apologize and try to control their dog.
@bunnybleh3175 3 жыл бұрын
They wernt his friends :/
@yunuenhagane3495 3 жыл бұрын
The last story if the ass that Mark encountered is lucky you didn't do anything worse because when people see their dogs in danger I've seen people kick dogs to stop biting other dogs
@dovianempire1868 3 жыл бұрын
Yup, I am guilty of that. I had a tiny recuse called Jac and an ass my dad knew who owned an aggressive half coyte she kept in a tiny ass apartment. It lunged at Jac once and I didn't know what else to do. I was just in middle school and the dog scared the shit out of me. So I kicked it, plucked up jac raced into my room, and locked the door. Cried in there until the dog and it's owner were gone. I feel so bad for jac. We shouldn't of had him.
@yunuenhagane3495 3 жыл бұрын
@@dovianempire1868 i know once i saw a clearly untrained aggressive dog attack a very calm in a leash medium size dog but the owner let go of the collar because he didn't have a leash for a clearly aggressive dog and it launched right at the little dog and the owner a young girl that was terrified and tried to pick up her dog but the bigger dog dragged her dog away from her untill the asshole decided his dog was clearly going to kill the other dog if he didn't do anything so he walked didn't even ran to try and pry his dog away when the girl clearly terrified and screaming tried to kick the dog and pick her's up at the same time and the asshole took offence at her kicking his dog
@ipsitamazumdar4849 3 жыл бұрын
In our place, in India, we are allowed to carry large sticks to fend off other dogs (mostly strays, they are a huge problem in all of Asia), if our dogs are below a certain size. It’s not for hitting, though, animals avoid people with sticks or anything that can be thrown. They’re intelligent that way.
@tegantalks9612 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5- NTA! I have a dog and we make sure when she is on a leash we are controlling her the best we can. That means if we walk past people we adjust the leash so she isn’t jumping on someone who doesn’t want to be jumped on. They’re being irresponsible and people can have phobias of dogs.
@lightsidesoul 3 жыл бұрын
I swear, motherhood and pet ownership seem to be asshole catalysts, people thinking that their kids or pets can just do whatever they want, or that having a child or pet entitles them special privileges or something.
@Neighbor-assistantYN 3 жыл бұрын
I was high risk pregnancy and I would have no issues with being alone for 2 days when he is 2 hrs away. Maybe I respect that he needs time away.
@Deviczek 2 жыл бұрын
@Jack Watt And you completely ignore men needs at the same time, his mental health is just as important.
@ettinakitten5047 2 жыл бұрын
Well, you're not every pregnant woman. I certainly wouldn't be OK with that if I'd previously had a preemie born only a couple weeks later than that point.
@Neighbor-assistantYN 2 жыл бұрын
@@ettinakitten5047 I was just stating my opinion. I would have no issues. If I go into labor and he misses the birth, that would be on him. He made that choice knowing it was a possibility
@ResidentMilf 3 жыл бұрын
16:20 German shepherds are also very *smart* dogs, which tells me the owners didn't bother to train them not to snatch food out of people's hands. They're very easy to train, there's no excuse.
@toysruskid5074 3 жыл бұрын
Locally we had a lady extremely hurt because she had a purse dog and walked into the dog park without realizing it was there (she was there for a different part of the park for a wedding) and she freaked out and held the dog up and they tried to jump up and smell the dog. They didn't intend to be harmful, they belonged to different owners and were playing together, but she was small and multiple dogs jumping did a lot of damage.
@OZARKMOON1960 3 жыл бұрын
#2 - did OP ask her 'friend' how much pro-bono work she does? Does she provide emergency appendix or gall bladder removal for indigent patients for the bare minimum charge? Does she volunteer at free clinics? This is just someone profiting off the misery and illness of people calling someone who is trying to prevent fraud 'scummy' which is a pot/kettle situation to the ultimate degree!
@Tammohawk1 3 жыл бұрын
1. NTA Sister forgot option number 3. Do Nothing. And who is being manipulating? Not OP that's for sure. 2. NTA Funny how someone steals from you and you end up being the bad guy. 5. NTA That animal needs to learn some manners. Your dog should never go up to someone and take food out of their hands. Ever. That's aggressive behavior and when you have a large dog, you have to be Alpha or you are going to have big problems.
@GreenSkye42 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5 Omg if my dog acted like that i would be mortified
@canadalovesanime3137 3 жыл бұрын
story 1: Well it's time for step mother to take them ALL in or for sister to get a job. The husband cant even do the minimum as a father, but expects OP to sabotage their own life for HIS children? Step mother is also delusional if she think OP owes anything to them just because "faaamiilyyy". OP put all of them in timeout and get a lawyer, since it may very well turn into a situation of harassment. NTA story 2: Tell the wife; she gets YOUR ring back or you are taking a break. This isn't just a piece of jewelry or about money. This is a family memento. This woman needs to get a job and stop stealing/leeching off others. If she is unable to work, then she needs to apply for a disability pension, AND live with HER means. The "family" are doing her no favours by enabling this attitude. NTA story 3: She doesn't want any one to more happy or stable than her. It sounds like she wants to be able to brag to the world and make everyone around her feel lesser. Ask her how many hours/treatments she has donated free of charge. NTA story 4: Sorry to say this but unless the doctor has cautioned her about this pregnancy, she shouldn't be this vigilant. I have three kids. My first pregnancy I worked two jobs right up until the day before i gave birth. Six hours on my feet in front of a hot oven, and then four hours delivering flyers in western Canadian prairie winter. I was not freaking out about not having someone at my side 24/7. I feel bad for women who have to be on bed rest, and can't even feed or bathe by themselves, I would go nuts. I was very high risk with my second and never panicked about having people to "help me out". Even if my doctor would have told me to take it easy, I would have felt extremely guilty about inconveniencing people by needing help. ESH story 5: Totally NTA!!!!! If it was me I would have been up the nearest wall/tree screaming for help. I can't stand people who can't understand that not every one worships the ground they and their dogs walk on. I don't know how many times I've gotten dirty looks from dogs owners, and after explaining my severe fear of dogs. Only to get eye rolls and be told either; "get over it/grow up", or "my dog is gentle/would never ....". I don't care what kind of training/personality the dog has, it's still a dog.(especially German Sheppards and black labs) I have walked out onto the street with traffic to avoid dogs on the sidewalk.(I stay close to the cars parked, acting like I'm going to enter my vehicle) Again NTA x 1000
@squeakybb 3 жыл бұрын
If that dog had tried that with the wrong person they could've been tased or hurt even worse than that. That is so reckless and neglectful.
@abbyjackson5288 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5- it's so irresponsible and cruel not to train a dog, especially a German shepherd
@TheSheebeen 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: Defo NTA. My whole family are dog lovers but my mother is petrified of large dogs, so would have had a full on panic attack if an Alsatian lunged at her. But it does remind me of a cute version of this story. I was about 10 on holidays in Switzerland with my parents. We had just got some jambon baguettes, and my mum, who eats like a bird, was taking her sambo apart and picking some ham to give to me and to Dad so she could have a smaller portion of ham. The ham that she didn't want was on her lap. We spotted a gorgeouse brindled whippet dog off leash trot past, than suddenly a wet nose appeared at Mum's lap and snarfed some of the jambon. The Swiss owners were MORTIFIED, but we found it charming (not aggressive doggo, just cheeky LOL). We still talk about it 20-odd years after. Also, Mark, please give Poppy all the hugs and tell her I love her, please, please, please.
@georgedonald9826 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: WAIT how is this guy the asshole? She was 25 weeks and this guy was only gone for 48 hours. Is this guy suppose to sit around on call for this baby to pop out? Should he cancel all plans and stay on house arrest for 4-5 months? Help with the sink mom? Sorry my wife is 25 weeks in
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! If it was for a week I'd be more likely to say that this guy’s the asshole but it was for one weekend which is two freakin days and one overnight.
@andrear7550 3 жыл бұрын
I was confused as well, being away for one night is not a big deal. Especially when he is not that far away. He obviously cares for his family and to insinuate otherwise for such a small trip is disingenuous. The commenters are TA. If she was that worried about it, was there no relative she could have let know, so they could checkin with her to make sure she is fine and so was her daughter?
@juresichj Жыл бұрын
This is the story that made me crazy. I had six kids. I got left for a week at a time with no car with several pregnancies during my later months. This poor guy just needed a little break after lockdown, before starting the newborn craziness again.
@JJerseyGirl 3 жыл бұрын
DO NOT LET THEM MOVE IN. It is her husband's responsibility to take care of his SAHW and his children.
@ShatoraDragondore 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 got me so pissed, NTA. This all still "allegedly" since the courts are backed up. My grandfathers nurse stole is 8.5 karat diamond ring worth ball park $35k. The story attached to it makes it a local legend so going to any of the jewelry stores would have tipped us off it was gone. When she went on maternity leave and pawned at the worst no moral pawn shop in town it for just under $500. The pawn owner because it wasn't in the system as stolen at the time of sale, She went right from us to there so it wouldn't be, didn't have to cooperate with the cops. OP is lucky she saw the ring still intact and whole if her MIL is so desperate for cash.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to those pointing out my random title, been a long night lol! Fixing it now :)
@user-ij3il1sj1k 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being an amazing Waffle.
@charmaintrout174 3 жыл бұрын
Not a problem. Your living a busy life and doing your best to entertain and educate us. No one should ever expect perfection. Not even you. Thanks Waffle Master....🧇🧇🧇🇦🇺👍
@tristanyoung7646 3 жыл бұрын
So, my cat is an indoor only cat, but she is leash trained. I try to take her on a walk every day (weather and my shitty health permitting) around my apartment building. Where I live it is common to let your dogs out to potty in the front yard, not fenced in, off leash (do most houses here have a back fenced in yard? Yes, yes they do). To one side my neighbors have a golden retriever who, to his credit, is very cute. His owners do not have super great control of him (they also let him poop in my apartment's parking lot and don't pick it up), and he has charged my cat and I, off leash, so many times that if their car is here then I do not let my cat on the side of the parking lot or apartment complex. Thankfully it looks like they're moving soon
@ctsbathory8867 3 жыл бұрын
I would utterly lose my mind if something attacked at my wee pet! That will cause a nervous pet to be more nervous. Not okay.
@Logitah 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Christ... that dog story made me mad! The thing is, I am a cat owner and every time I take my kitty for a walk, I have to watch out for the neighbourhood dogs. Most of the owners control theirs, but it only takes one unleashed/unruly dog to scare or even kill my cat. Also, my cat is no bigger than a milk carton, but if someone is scared of her, I sure as hell will keep her away from that person! Why should people suffer because I am slightly inconvenienced?
@James-sq4sc 10 ай бұрын
I live in Colorado where people make having a dog their entire personality and I see this happen constantly. If a dog isn’t jumping on you, shoving it’s nose up your butt or forcing itself into your space, it’s getting into stuff. The owners just gawk or act mortified that you don’t find their fur babies utterly precious and beg to pet them. I walk a large circle around most anymore
@theblackantonio 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: The law of AITA states that animal owners are almost always NTA. It takes a lot for an animal owner to be TA in an AITA story!
@belledomnik 3 жыл бұрын
Folks need to hold their dogs. Just earlier, I went to let a dashboard sniff my hand. Her owner said she can be hit or miss. Sometimes a love sometimes an asshole. Lil thing dad wasn’t gonna let her get close. Cause you know control your animal around ppl.
@marlonmontelhiggins8570 3 жыл бұрын
Dashboard? Has auto-correct been giving you trouble?
@mbyerly9680 3 жыл бұрын
If you pick up a small dog to avoid an aggressive dog, you're the victim then. Don't be so f*ing polite. Scream at and kick the aggressive dog. It's better than losing your dog and having the other dog put down. If you can buy pepper spray in the UK, carry it with you. It will stop a dog but not hurt it. Better yet, use it on the AH who isn't controlling their dog.
@KE-hr4sb 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1:NTA. "Her tone completely changed, saying her husband thinks I'm being manipulative by taking time to think...and it's not fair since my sister doesn't work, has 2 kids, and will soon be homeless, while I have a paying job, no kids, and a whole apartment to myself." Response: "You're absolutely right: It's NOT fair that I work a paying position while you don't: If you can't afford your cost of living, then your husband needs to take a higher-paying position, or you need to get a job that actually pays. Also, *thank you* for reminding me exactly why I don't want your husband living with or off of me, so regrettably I'm going to have to decline. I will gladly help you budget, or find financial aid, food banks, etc, but your husband is not welcome in my home with the way he treats me and talks to me. You may be my sister, but you are not my mother's daughter, you are not entitled to her property, and if you want to cry 'not fair,' it's also not fair that you still have a mother and I don't. News flash: Life isn't fair, and I'm not going to set myself on fire to keep your ass of a husband warm." "...Stepmom says she can't believe I cut contact with my sister for asking for help, and that I need to arrange for one of the two options to be considered." Response: "Or, option 3: YOU take them in. She's your daughter and more your responsibility than mine. If you can't put your money where your mouth is, then you can kindly shut it." Story 2: "They're pissed off I called the cops instead of checking to see if it was actually the ring." How, precisely, are you supposed to do that if she won't let you in to see it? NTA, let the cops sort it out. If/when it turns out to be your ring, you'll probably get more flying monkeys at your throat claiming you made MIL look bad/like a thief. No. She did that to herself, and if it does prove to be yours, she'd be cut off financially and banned from my house and kids for life. THIS is the thanks you get for sending her money?
@NightAuracle 3 жыл бұрын
They are currently looking for a horse at a riding park in my state. An off the leash dog went after the horse, so the horse panicked, threw the rider and took off. There is a reason there are leash laws and owners need to be more responsible for their pets actions.
@gailpettypool2014 3 жыл бұрын
Since when did pregnancy become a disability and they can't be left alone for 2 days. I could understand if she was having complications or anything like that but she just wanted him to stay home and stare at her.
@serpentinewolf7085 3 жыл бұрын
I’m assuming it’s the solitude and unnatural behaviors most humans do now. That’s my random guess. She’s in a fragile state, doesn’t have a tribe literally right there, and her mates not there.
@terramarini6880 3 жыл бұрын
Thinking the same thing. If not now, when? Will she feel les stressed at 30 weeks? does he wait till after the baby is born, or will she be too stressed with a newborn and a toddler? Maybe after the newborn turns 1 yrs old or will she be preggers again by then?...when can he take 2 days for himself exactly?
@15oClock 3 жыл бұрын
1. Everything the husband does informs everything else. I predict a visit from CPS. 2. A lack of alimony doesn't justify theft. There's no justifying this to anyone. 3. Hippocratic oath doesn't entail being a hypocrite; she just is one. Try again next time. 4. You always listen to your partner's justified anxiety! OP's gotta prove his claim. 5. Dogs shouldn't even be eating pizza, let alone jumping on people for it! This can be traumatizing.
@ettinakitten5047 2 жыл бұрын
Good point about the pizza! I didn't think of that angle, but yeah, garlic is poisonous to dogs, and it's very likely that pizza had garlic in the seasoning.
@janicewilcox8590 3 жыл бұрын
I don't care who it is. If they are base enough to steal from you you should absolutely call the cops on them. "Oh you shouldn't've called the cops". Well you shouldn't've stolen from me.
@johnf.kennedy7683 2 жыл бұрын
"Do whatever you want." OP fell for the trap. Everyone knows you shouldn't "do whatever you want" when a woman says that.
@arnold-shortsnigga 2 жыл бұрын
The doctor friend is saying the girl's husband is wrong for profiting off of other people's poor health like that isn't exactly what a doctor is for, if people were never sick/injured doctors wouldn't exist
@WickedRev 3 жыл бұрын
People never learn. "Do whatever you want" means do literally anything but that.
@Pingpong-fk7mv 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4 is exactly why I’m never having kids
@JohnSmith-xq1pz 3 жыл бұрын
Title story yeah I'd tell OP to move far far away and never talk with their "family" ever again
@Gadamlu Жыл бұрын
Punting an offending dog is always an option
@annegriswold2116 3 жыл бұрын
In story 1 my question would be if they were given equal inheritance, the only thing OP has in the apartment from her late Mother, how did the sister burn through it so fast. I get she is a stay at home Mom with two little ones, but my question is if something more is going on here like did the BIL take all the money? Is BIL taking the sister for what she's worth and now moving on to OP seeing a opportunity to get her stuff as well using the children as a way to guilt OP. The way the sister is parroting what her husband says makes me wonder what is going on behind closed doors. While its not OPs responsibility to look after her sister and the children, I hope open communication is kept open, just in case something is really going on and sister needs somewhere to go with the children.
@mpmansell 3 жыл бұрын
Story 5: NTA. The cops and animal control should have been called on them. OP's reaction is completely called for. That animal was incredibly dangerous. Shouting in front of such an aggressive animal is a good policy when they are 'attacking'. Anyone getting butt-hurt about his reaction, for 'cranking up too fast' and language should go and 'love themselves'; preferably with something wrapped in rusty barbed wire.
@PanFroggo14 3 жыл бұрын
Last story: NTA. Those owners are the reason I can’t be around dogs in general
@kauritarapata8486 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1- NTA Do not participate in their crazy. They're bad with money. They need to figure that out and will not do so if you bail them out. Husband and sister both want your inheritance IMO. Story 2 - NTA she's a theft. No longer welcome in your home. Story 3 - NTA she's also part of the problem lol Story 4 - YTA you gotta be there to support your wife during pregnancy unless she is OK with you going Story 5 - NTA same thing happened to me with fish and chips on the beach and me and the owner got heated and almost fought, mainly because of his care factor 0 attitude about what happened saying: "that's what you get at the beach". WTF I listen nearly every day Mark. Keep them coming brother. Great channel.👍
@cyberspinosaur1145 3 жыл бұрын
The last story pisses me off. I'm so glad Poppy is OK, there's too many idiots out there who shouldn't have animals I have a German Shepherd and the amount of people who are scared/nervous of them because of previous past experiences is so sad. Usually the genuine ones are good about it, so while wary will ask me to put Zane on a lead, which is absolutely fine with me. But we've also had a lot of abuse from idiots who falsely accused my dog of attacking others. Mate, he has a bite force 238lbs, there wouldn't be a dog left if he did attack, and I certainly wouldn't have him off lead in a public park if he had attacked
@livewellwitheds6885 11 ай бұрын
yes stand your ground! I'm so frustrated with the "but the kids" argument as if OPs life doesn't matter because she is child free
@LoucheWoman 3 жыл бұрын
Your Poppy story: you did the right thing. The dog that needs to be controlled is the one to, well, control. If you'd picked Poppy up, then you'd have had an out-of-control dog trying to jump up at you to get at Poppy. Much better to grab the problem dog (if it's safe to do so, of course).
@miboogaroo 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely wouldn't let the husband come he may start invoking 'squatter' rights etc and then you would have a terrible time trying to get them out
@florinaschilean6143 3 жыл бұрын
story 1: either "options" presented to OP would only enable her sister's bad spending habits.
@jaycol21 3 жыл бұрын
If OP’s husband is this bossy now, imagine what a tool he’s gonna be when he’s living in OP’s house. GUARANTEE, he tries to pull some “man of the house” crap and/or jumps at OP if she says anything even remotely disciplinary to her nephews.
@kierstenfish9324 2 жыл бұрын
let me tell you if I see a dog in a place not allowing dogs with a vest that is whining, nipping, barking, trying to pull and just generally misbehaved, I literally have to walk the other way to abstain from screaming how dangerous and ignorant it is because other people actually need their dogs and that they are ruining it for those who rely on them. I can't. I almost walked out of work once because of it i told my manager if someone else doesn't help this lady I will leave and I walked to the back of the store with heat flashes from being so worked up.
@pattyslater514 3 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry Mark that you and Poppy had to deal with such a twiddle fart of twatwaffle. I Hope Poppy is recovering well from what had to be a horrifically traumatizing event. Poor sweet doggo.
@Reddazes 3 жыл бұрын
I have an extremely nervous dog, who’s reaction to other dogs is normally aggression. I HATE people not controlling their dogs, like they’ll start letting their dog wander towards us and I start moving away and get “oh hehehehehe don’t worry they’re friendly” Yeah, Karen, I’m sure- but my dog isn’t and he WILL bite your dog.
@alyzu4755 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a dog mom and crazy animal lover. My dog does NOT go after people or their food that way, because it's my job to control her. That guy was probably terrified. ☹️ P.S., I hope you & Poppy are OK.
@morrigan908 3 жыл бұрын
The only appropriate response to that is "Control your dog or I'm calling the police and animal control right this moment." And this comes from the owner of a very big dog. He doesn't like kids (was terrorized by kids before I got him) so I'm constantly vigilant when we're out that a kid doesn't come running at his face. If only parents controlled their kids as well as I do my dog.
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Poppy 😔. Wish people learned to control their animals.
@KisameOwnsYouAll 3 жыл бұрын
The dog story is just another reason why I want to start carrying pepper spray. The owner might get pissy but it's his fault it gets sprayed for trying to attack me.
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
Ugh, I love dogs, but I hate when people refuse to control their dogs. I was at dinner one time at a neighbors house and they have 3 German Shorthaired Pointers (1 male, 2 female, none of them fixed, relevant later). I'm trying to eat my dinner when the male starts trying to climb into my lap to steal my food off of my plate and as I'm trying to shove him off me, he starts to hump my leg! The worst part though was when the neighbors started laughing because "he's so silly!" instead of helping me and controlling their dog! So rude and absolutely disgusting. How are you going to invite someone over to your house for dinner and then make your guest fight off your dog to eat? These are big dogs too! Never went back over there. And I wouldn't feel bad about having to grab the other person's dog Mark, the whole incident should've never happened in the first place.
@carg0_b00m 3 жыл бұрын
its just 2 days FFS, NTA.
@StormyPeak 3 жыл бұрын
Don't let the sister move in....even if she agrees hubby can't come... He Will End Up In Your Apartment...just as soon as you walk out the door to go to work. Also do not give them any money. They are two full grown adults who can if they wish figure out a way to take care of their selves and their kids. There are also agencies out there who will help them out.
@Musical_Pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
I had a tiny dog about the size of Poppy, so I naturally adore Poppy and love when you post pictures. When the plague hit I needed to go to the post office so I could get the mail and see about getting a box to send my books back to my school. My dog was trained to stay in the yard unless I called her out of it. She gave me those puppy dog eyes and I called her over to walk with me. For years she was really good about walking right next to me and keeping pace, however she was about 12 years old at this point and eventually just stopped walking and when I bent down to pet her she wasn't there. She started at me from about 10 feet behind me with a look of 'it's too far'. So I did what anyone would do and picked her up and carried her the two blocks to the post office, got the mail, and carried her and the mail back to the house. We did have problems with our next door neighbors dogs though, my parents have (had, they're moving now) a full acre of land. That's a lot of space for a small dog to run around. Since we had lived there longer than she'd been alive she learned pretty quick (a few years) where our yard ended and the next one began. The next door neighbors moved in and put in and electric fence, 2 feet into our property. Their dogs also gave ZERO fucks about the zap they get when they cross it and would run after me on the way to the bus to school in the morning which is not fun because they're big dogs. They also didn't care if about it in the sections where the yards met. So my dog would be milling about the backyard with my little sister playing and their dogs would come charging at them, scaring my sister and snapping at my dog. It made it to the point where my dad went off on the wife of the house because he realized she had been letting them out without collars and not watching them. Eventually my mom threatened a complaint to a government department of some sort because during the summer they had a pool set up and were still letting their dogs into our yard and scaring my sister and biting my dog. The complain would be that they have an unprotected pool while knowing a special needs child lived next door, my little sister is special needs and at the time was wary of pools, but you never know, kids are curious and accident prone, and she couldn't swim. I don't know how things changed because I moved out in November 2020 (officially) and only visit sometimes. Now my parents and sister are moving and since I work at the same place my mom works part time at I asked her how close their new house is to mine; they're going to be living about a 5 minute drive from me, which is about a 25 minute bike ride depending on how I'm feeling that day. Incase anyone was wondering about my dog in this situation, when I went back to college in the fall of 2020 my dog went to live with my brother about 35 minutes away from where I live now. She was 13 and needed extra care my parents couldn't give her like I could (I SPOILED her), however I did find out that my dad would make her eggs and bacon/sausage every morning and sometimes give her a little plain toast (he also loved her but couldn't give the level of pampering a 19yr old with no job at the time could give). She lived with my brother and his wife (whom I call my sister) because my sister is a vet tech and works about 5 minutes from their house. She would come home let the dogs out, feed them, and the other pets. 2 days before Halloween 2020 my brother called me and told me that we had to put her down because she had reached the point of dog senility, it can't be treated with dogs like it can humans. (I would live to add for the sake of lightening up this story that I was dressed as a female Darth Maul and sitting in a bathroom trying not to cry and ruin my make up. A friend walked in and held toilet paper under my eyes so I could cry on the phone with my brother without ruining my make up. She was I believe dressed a Afro-dite, the black goddess of love and beauty (her hair was also in an afro, hence Afro-dite) and a staff member dressed as Medusa walked in saw us and walked out. I can only imagine how weird it looks to walk into the bathroom and see Afro-dite drying Darth Maul's tears while she cries in the phone) The next day my boyfriend picked me up and I stayed at my brother's place and my boyfriend, brother, SIL, and I were with her when she was put to rest. The night before I was sleeping on and air mattress in the living room and my dog came and put her head on the pillow next to me and gave me the "tuck me in bitch" look that she would always give me. I tucked her in and she snuggled close to me. I was also sat on by their golden retriever the next morning, and tasked with preparing my dog for her death appointment. We gave her maybe 4 cheesy hotdogs before we went to the vet and my boyfriend and I took her for a walk where she got to choose where we went. She was also given a treat platter when we got there. (Dogs can have chocolate but it had to be something like X amount of grams per pound of dog) My dog does not like chocolate. She's in a better place now but I still really miss her, I got a cat about 2 weeks before that, but a sasshole (I know what I said) cat isn't the same as a pampered dog. I still pamper my cat and spoil her, but my cat doesn't like snuggles as much as my dog did.
@CrystalRuizEnriquez 3 жыл бұрын
People need to freaking control their dogs. I'll admit, right now i have a fairly uneducated husky puppy that I've had for about a month, but y'all, she isn't educated so i don't let her go, i have 2 other dogs that can walk off leash and are quite trained and they're ok, but it's even more important to control larger dogs that can really hurt someone.
@ShikiSenriismine 3 жыл бұрын
story 4: NTA. It was two to four days last time i checked 25 weeks and 27 weeks are ~2weeks apart. If OP didn't go for ~4 years was the wife doing everything probs not with the 'you never make time for me' comment from her.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@comradecunt3079 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@SWeeks698 3 жыл бұрын
2 bloody days, that women is so rude to her husband.
@ebonysilvrwhite7484 3 жыл бұрын
If the wife can't handle the thought of another early birth, why is she still pregnant in the first place? Why not use birth control?
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
@@ebonysilvrwhite7484 Exactly!
@mef2101 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Sister's failure to make her inheritance last longer is NOT OP's problem. BiL's entitled, aggressive demands make it IMPERITIVE that OP never allow sister and the kids to move in. If stepmom feels so strongly, she can make arrangements to take care of these financial dunderheads.
@samantha1102 3 жыл бұрын
I got bit by a German shepherd. It's my parents neighbors. Dog is still alive. I was in my parents yard. Dog came at me
@gaylenewood7707 3 жыл бұрын
No offense if that dog bit us kids or the grandkids my mother or father or my brothers would've shot it and make the owners bury the dog..
@Neighbor-assistantYN 3 жыл бұрын
First story. What keeps her from letting him in once OP is at work and does something stupid.
@groofromtheup5719 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1; their is no amount of money that she could give her sister that would make her life a good one. That is reality. Live your life with full knowledge of that reality. If you don't want the BIL around, that is your call regardless of what anyone else thinks. Story 2; ask her how happy she will be making 1/4 as much under socialized medicine? Even under socialized medicine, the healthcare system would still need software engineers. Story 3; NTA, but only because she did that "Do whatever you want" crap! Had she not played that card, I would say YTA, but only a moderate one. Story 4; NTA. If you can't control your animal, don't take it out. My dog is bigger than a German Shepard, but I am even bigger and can absolutely control him no matter what he pulls. As it is, he is the gentlest dog I've ever owned, even more so than the 2 beagles I've had.
@Droptheworldghost 3 жыл бұрын
Mark perfect timing for a video greatly appreciated hope you're doing well
@kmbaldwin5325 Жыл бұрын
Insurance companies are exactly why the doctor friend is making $500k/a year. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@stumpy1012 3 жыл бұрын
Last story reminds me of the terrifying time when I took my tiny fuzzball puppy (5 pound shih-tzu Maltese) to a pet store. She was on her leash right next to me, and someone brought in a giant great dane puppy. The puppy just LUNGED at my tiny Gizzy, and the owners just laughed it off. I carried my little dog the rest of the store. She was shaking the entire time, which is REALLY uncommon for her.
@byronwatkins2565 3 жыл бұрын
Does your MIL have two arms and two legs? Why is she incapable of earning a living for herself like every other adult? Having the police show up after stealing what belongs to others is called "justice" in this country.
@melaniecolon6437 3 жыл бұрын
Every dog walk really does come with a story. I remember I was walking my parents’ dog that also does not like other dogs and can get very nervous and dodgy very quickly. This guy has this small dog, unleashed and is coming up to us. I spin on my heels and start walking back from where we came and this guy actually starts following after saying his dog LOVES other dogs and I’m just like “sorry, mine doesn’t”. I figure that’s it, but no. He continues following with his dog saying “oh, we can just see if they’ll get along.” I pick up my dog and start speed walking it telling him my dog REALLY doesn’t like other dogs. I had to cross the street and tell him he might bite before he finally got the hint and called his dog to come back. Scares me to think if the dog had just come running up to us or followed us into the street rather than staying relatively close in front of her owner. I also used to work at an animal hospital years ago and remember this heartbreaking case of a eight month old husky that got hit by a car after running out into the street (no leash) and didn’t make it. I know dogs can be very well trained, but I just wouldn’t trust any dog off leash. Anything can happen.
@OutsideGalaxy 3 жыл бұрын
Look. I love dogs. I have five of them. I train dogs as my hobby. I don't like people's rude out-of-control dogs. You know what, it can happen. A dog might be new to you and has issues that you're not familiar with and can catch you off-guard. But you shouldn't just assume that other people are okay with them? When my puppy was younger, probably between six and eight months was when she was particularly bad For this, she tried to jump onto several strangers. Not in a mean way, in an affectionate way. But she is a pretty muscular little Greyhound and could take somebody down through sheer enthusiasm. And anytime it happened I was absolutely mortified. And I took the appropriate training steps to solve the problem and now it's not an issue anymore. The story you were talking about how the dog flipped your dog over? That was so unbelievably dangerous. Not only did the dog flip her over it sounds like he was getting over aroused. Some dogs have a certain amount of prey drive and another dog screaming and flailing and running can definitely activate that and it can turn dangerous very quickly.
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