New sub here. A DIY enthusiasm who's a software engineer by trade. I've used my experience applying things I've learned in the software world to my personal projects (home renovation, own two rentals so far). Some of these are but not limited to planning my work in 2 week sprints, using planning tools like Trello, struggle to apply the 80/20 principle but I try, familiar with gantt chart but have not used it as yet etc. As a scale and inspire to do construction full time, I need to adapt to some things I'm guilty of not following. Because I do the actual work sometimes I get fatigue and find myself being not as efficient since there is no one to correct me. But stumble across your video last night... I'll check out lean construction etc.
@TomStephensontraining22 күн бұрын
Great! You seem very good at self reflection which is half the battle. You can’t improve if you don’t recognize what needs improvement. With Lean look at small implementations such as 5’s on one thing and so on