Does Radioisotope Dating Prove that the Earth is Old? - Dr. Andrew Snelling

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Is Genesis History?

Is Genesis History?

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This video segment is from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 1 : Rocks & Fossils," the follow-up to our feature-length film where we explore the impact of the global Flood on the Earth. Check it out on our website:
Geologist Andrew Snelling explains the principles of radioisotope dating, as well as the assumptions necessary for these methods. He explores why he thinks radioisotope decay was accelerated during the Flood and includes evidence from radiohalos and helium diffusion rates.
Dr. Snelling completed a BS in applied geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with first-class honors in 1975. His PhD in geology was awarded in 1982 by The University of Sydney for his research thesis titled “A Geochemical Study of the Koongarra Uranium Deposit, Northern Territory, Australia.” Dr. Snelling worked for six years in the exploration and mining industries in Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory, variously as a field, mine, and research geologist. For over ten years, Dr. Snelling was a research consultant to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization for an international collaborative research project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy which involved university and government research scientists from the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Austria and Belgium. He is currently Director of Research for Answers in Genesis.
For more information about Dr. Snelling, please visit:
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@skellingtonmeteoryballoon 3 жыл бұрын
Many of us would appreciate a 100% accurate dating technique. But there are also some who built their comfort zone around guessing and theories.
@harrysphincter6496 3 жыл бұрын
That's why we in the 21st century use real science
@georgecolbert3247 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Robert Gentry is the one that found the Polonium halos in granite. You need to give him the credit. His works proved that the Granites of the Earth were formed instantly..
@mjolnir9855 3 жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1 Hey, that’s science. Whenever Science changes stances on anything, it is said that science is an evolving method of knowledge that dismisses old theories if better one’s are presented. Likewise, creation scientists dismiss their earlier interpretations as they glean more evidence. Don’t be a hypocrite - if we are allowed to update our interpretations in science, then that holds for everyone practicing science. Period. If creationists are liars, so is every scientist who ever turns out to be incorrect about anything, using your own logic.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1 Let's examine the evolutionist magic wand, time. Decay constant and half-life values e.g. Carbon 14 with a half-life of 5730 ± 30 years . For the decay constant and half-life to be realistic, one must have an observed data for a period ≥ half-life. But in laboratory, observational period is
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1Have you tried using least squares method? How one calculated the predictor values? To minimize the squares of the errors over a certain domain, one must have the observed values up to a certain value, e.g. t = half-life. Now consider the solution to the ODE, dN(t)/dt=-kt, N(t)=No*exp(-kt), t(half-life) = -(1/k)ln(0.5), how one obtained the decay constant(k) corresponding to a half-life of 5730 years? If you are into science, just reason out nicely, you cannot prove a point by using words such "nonsense", etc.. reason with science and mathematics also.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
​@@velkyn1 You said "It's been long shown by both science and mathematics", then show now and let's investigate. Since half-life is in the core of radiometric dating, how does one obtain a continuous function defined over an interval(t = 0, t=half-life(4.5E+9 yrs for Uranium238)) when the observed data is within much less than 100 yrs? The decay constant(k) used in the function t = -(1/k)ln(N(t)/No) calculated over a short period of lab observation is the same over 4.5E+9 years?, this is assuming that you have a perfect fit data set with residual=0. You have not provided a single scientific or mathematical defense, you can google, copy and paste and we can scrutinize line by line especially the mathematical aspect of radiometric dating.
@ITPalGame 3 жыл бұрын
"my science epeen is bigger than yours" It is an observed, tested truth that multiple layers of sediment flowing in water can be laid down simultaneously and organic matter is also deposited not necessarily by a bottom to top order, but by specific gravity, density, and other physics. It is very easy to see how gargantuan flows carved out hundreds, thousands of miles over the Earth, in a matter of days, weeks, and months. The scriptures tell us of these physical movements, and Genesis is not the only place it is spoken of.
@James-oj6ck 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I've looking for this type of argument. Simply brilliant.
@Torby4096 Жыл бұрын
Something we are not aware of? What a concept!
@nosegrindv4951 3 жыл бұрын
i like to think about two things: 1. Natural resources like metals were vastly more concentrated and accessible pre flood. 2. It could be that pre-flood, a large part of our periodic table might not have been subject to decay. This means that pre flood, Amazing alloys and chemistry involving now exotic elements could have been common pre flood. Imagine what civilization could acheive if we could use much more of the periodic table!
@Sarcasticass 3 жыл бұрын
Although millions of bison were slaughtered on the Great Plains in the 1800s none of them will become fossils. For a fossil to form the organism must be isolated from oxygen, bacteria and scavengers in order to prevent the deterioration of the remains. This could be done by volcanic ash, landslides or most likely by deposits during a flood. Considering the abundance of fossils found in rocks and their worldwide distribution it would be asking too much of “chance” to have this observation occurre without a flood.
@theTavis01 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but the largest deposition of land animal fossils from the Cretaceous was buried in an arid environment by sand storms. That's literally the exact opposite of a multi-continent flood.
@Sarcasticass 3 жыл бұрын
@Richard Fox we have known for years now that there is at least as much water trapped in the earth’s crust as there is on the surface, more than enough to flood the earth.
@tonyputman3398 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this information available!!!
@roberthowell8267 3 жыл бұрын
Does it matter how old the earth is? The mistake people make is arguing about the very first chapter of a very very large book, there have been many prophecies that more that legitimize the Bible. The easiest way to understand time is to be aware that God is not locked into our timescale
@PorscheSC 3 жыл бұрын
Robert I couldn't agree more. However, if one who has a different view of geology and believes in NO GOD and through this sees the light of Jesus, you and I can walk the streets of Heaven with him/her rejoicing at what our Savior did for us.
@roberthowell8267 3 жыл бұрын
@@PorscheSC indeed, and don't get me wrong. I very much appreciate the work done on this channel and the like, but I think we walk right into a trap when we start constructing stories such as the young earth based on the fact that genesis 1 uses the word "day". It was rather embarrassing when the jerk bill nye immediately started stumbling Ken Ham on the Ark walkthrough when he assumed theories about the ice age without even understanding the eminent body of scientific research that has been done. I say all that to say this: perhaps by just thinking maybe the word "day" has a deeper meaning we could unify the two and maybe not look like a bunch of fools
@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 3 жыл бұрын
@@roberthowell8267, the word day does not have a different meaning, it’s a literal 24 hour day because the scriptures say “And the evening and the morning was the fourth day” or “And the evening and the morning was the 5th day”, etc., Genesis 1:14, 23, etc. The length of the day was established in Genesis, and the Hebrew descendants of Jacob who are the Israelites of the Bible still keep the biblical calendar given by God, and a day is from evening to morning. If you don’t believe God’s Word in the Bible, then you don’t believe in the God of the Bible. Those scriptures were given to the men who wrote them by the Holy Spirit of God, which is why they are consistent from Genesis to Revelation, in spite of being recorded over 1600 years by 40+ different men, who most never met each other, proving the scriptures were authored by the one true living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You don’t get to cherry pick the Bible and create a different God for yourself just because you don’t want to be ridiculed for believing in Jesus Christ and believing that every word in the Bible is the true word of God. You live in a world ruled by Satan and his demon fallen angels who have created a world where those who believe the Bible is true, and believe in the God of the Bible, are persecuted for their faith, and even killed for it, because it’s a trap that preys on the prideful nature of mankind, and many people will walk away from believing in Jesus Christ just because they can’t tolerate being called stupid for believing in Jesus and believing the Bible is true, and they did exactly what Satan wanted them to do, because he wants as many of our souls in Hell with him for eternity as possible. That’s why the Bible says the ones who ENDURE UNTIL THE END WILL BE SAVED, because this type of persecution and ridicule for our faith in Christ and faith in God’s Word in the Bible is what divides the tares, who are false converts, and the wheat, who are true born again believers in Christ. The false converts will not be able to remain faithful to Christ when they are persecuted, and they will abandon their faith just so the world will accept them. But true born again believers in Christ, who believe every word of the Bible is God’s truth, HAVE SET THEMSELVES APART FROM THE WORLD AS JESUS TELLS US TO DO IN THE SCRIPTURES, and we will remain loyal to our faith in Christ and our faith in the truth of the scriptures, because we are BORN AGAIN OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, and we cannot deny our Lord Jesus Christ nor His written Word, because it’s His Holy Spirit that has sealed us until the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30. We would die before we would ever betray our faith in our Savior and God’s Word. Do you not understand that Jesus Christ is THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH, and for you to reject any of the Bible as being untrue, YOU ARE CALLING JESUS CHRIST A LIAR? Do you comprehend what it means to call Almighty God a liar? He tells us plainly how He went about creation, and He did it in 6 days and rested the 7th, and if you don’t believe Him then you are not of His Holy Spirit, because everyone who is born again of God’s Holy Spirit BELIEVES EVERY WORD GOD HAS GIVEN US IN THE BIBLE IS 100% TRUE. And if you’re not born again of the Holy Spirit of Christ, YOU’RE NONE OF HIS, Romans 8:9. You don’t get to pick and choose what you think is true in the Bible and what you think God lied about, BECAUSE GOD CANNOT LIE, HE IS HOLY AND PERFECT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HE HAS NO SIN!! You either BELIEVE HIM or you DENY HIM. That’s the only 2 choices. But if you are born again of God’s Holy Spirit, His Spirit has already witnessed to your spirit THAT EVERY WORD WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURES IS GIVEN BY GOD AND IT’S 100% TRUE. If you love Jesus Christ, you would not care what this world thinks about you, because this world is headed for destruction and the Bible says the majority of mankind is headed for eternity in Hell. “NARROW IS THE WAY, AND STRAIT IS THE GATE TO ETERNAL LIFE, AND FEW THERE BE WHO FIND IT”, Matthew 7:13-14. I could care less what this world thinks about me, or says about me, because this is Satan’s world and this is not my home. I am a born again child of the Most High YHVH, and my citizenship was transferred to Heaven the moment I was born again. Jesus Christ plainly tells us that if we are His, born again of His Holy Spirit, this world will not accept us and will hate us, because the world hated Him first, and this world only loves its own. So you call God a liar just because you don’t want to be made fun of? What this world thinks of you is more important to you than Jesus Christ who shed His precious blood for your sins on the cross? God calls the scriptures His truth, and in 2 Thessalonians 2 it says GOD WILL SEND A STRONG DELUSION so people will believe the lie and be damned for eternity because they did not love His truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. “Sanctify them with Thy truth, THY WORD IS TRUTH”, John 17:17.
@boxelder9167 3 жыл бұрын
@@roberthowell8267 - The problem lies in the Creation being good yet having death before sin. Science has a long history of being wrong about something and needing to be corrected. That’s the problem of having faith in science because what science do you have faith in; the science of 1720, the science of 1820, the science of 1920, the science of 2020, the science of 2120, the science of 3020? What year is the right year to say that we finally got it all figured out?
@russianbot8423 3 жыл бұрын
no it doesn't matter if the earth is old or young it's only the whole basis for athiests challenging Gods creation. If you throw out the beginning because " it's probably not important" then you have a precedent for disgaurding whatever is inconvenient or just doesnt line up with your preconceptions. Truth is important. Compromising the truth is for the lazy.
@mercedesreyna9975 3 жыл бұрын
I wish these guys would have been my geology professors in college!!!!!!
@lastyhopper2792 3 жыл бұрын
lmao, and I wish he's not my geology professors, different folks different need I suppose
@davidgardner863 2 жыл бұрын
, He’s not teaching geology, he’s teaching creationism.
@marcusmuse4787 7 ай бұрын
don't atheist do the same? they are both biased. a global flood would definitely suggest the bible is correct and would change the current paradigm and for some people that would be very uncomfortable you might have to change your whole worldview. What if there is a God?? @@davidgardner863 what you would teach? are you an atheist? you would teach atheism. I believe in an old earth so if young earth is incorrect that doesn't bother me. Neither does evolution i'm not a confirmed theist evolutionist but if i were then evolution is not an obstacle either.
@dwindew 3 жыл бұрын
Well, to correctly answer the question, one would need to know 1. How old are the radio isotopes ? and 2. How long have they been dating ?
@billperez1141 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting the full versions of these interviews from the 1 hour 44 min. video you posted 7-8 months ago. (My family in Jesus Christ do not takes these educational videos for granted. With everything that is going on these days there could come a time where these videos are deleted). I've seen videos that I've watched these last 2-3 yrs. now come up with the words "VIDEO DELETED". I pray and hope to meet all of you w/our LORD very soon. HE is still working, searching for "lost sheep" this very day. Share The True Gospel to any who will listen, while we wait for our Lord and Savior.
@crazyfunfam 3 жыл бұрын
I love the videos so much! Thank you guy’s!!
@rolandgerard6064 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it is. Praise YAH in the name of Yeshua.
@steveOCalley 8 ай бұрын
Easy question. If all the volcanoes are less than 5000 years old, how did they cool off so quickly? How long does it take for lava to cool off to ambient temperature, not just solidify?
@maryland8532 3 жыл бұрын
Our school science text books are WRONG! In this age where paper text books cost money compared to digital text books, there is no reason for misinformation being printed.
@KiwiBoer 3 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 what is your degrees and who taugth you your truth?
@georgemay8170 2 жыл бұрын
Again, the assumptions about present rates have erroneously been used to measure the past.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
@sammyvh11 3 жыл бұрын
Check out Dr James Tours videos if your into this.
@nathanupchurch6594 3 жыл бұрын
We can measure rate of plate movement, the moon's distance from the earth moving away from us, and parallax for measuring stars near us and super 1A supernova's to measure the star's distance much farther away. What about calibration of carbon dating with old plants? I have been watching these videos and the movie. Also, these focus so much on the flood on earth but with millions of planets and exoplanets how does the flood explain geological processes on those planets?
@marcusmuse4787 7 ай бұрын
in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth it doesn't say when the 6,000 years is just the biblical timeline of events not the point of all creation. A thousand years is like a day to God or a billion it doesn't matter when you have all the conceivable time in eternity.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
In addition, Let's examine the decay constant and half-life values e.g. Carbon 14 with a half-life of 5730 ± 30 years . For the decay constant and half-life to be realistic, one must have an observed data for a period ≥ half-life. But in laboratory, observational period is
@nunyabisnass1141 3 жыл бұрын
No. The theory of biological evolution was developed years before the discovery of radioactive decay. Prior to that it was accepted that the earth must be at least a few million years old, and this was knowing the current geological processes at that time were largely unknown, with the prevailing theory being catastrophes. Rodiometric dating is not and never was part of the evolutionary model. Its only a tool for dating samples of strata that fossils were found in, and thats the realm of geology, not evolution specifically.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@nunyabisnass1141 Thanks for your thoughtful and respectful comment, this leads to a meaningful discussion without name calling. I see your point but evolution needs millions or billions or years to take place as evolutionist claims.
@nunyabisnass1141 3 жыл бұрын
@@jbangz2023 not so much that it needs deep time, but more that is just how and where examples as fossils found were and still are often of unknown chronological origin until they can be placed in some context based on the strata they were found in. So the dates always follow the discovery unless the location had already been dated. If we are treating deep time as a prerquisite for evolution to function, its only because of a consistent chain of duly noted precedents. I mean, even if we were to quibble over the units of time (7 literal days or millions and billions of years), that wouldnt change in the least how and where fossils are found in the geologic column. Deep time just makes much more sense for a variety of reasons and other evidence even if were were to discount radiometric dating altogether.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@nunyabisnass1141 Looks like we have two separate topics to discuss 1. Biological or we can include cosmological evolution and 2. Radiometric dating. But I think we focus on #2 first as this is relevant to the video.
@nunyabisnass1141 3 жыл бұрын
@@jbangz2023 its also the easier topic compared to the others and typically what ppl think of when hearing of the word evolution. The only reaaon why there is a list of evolution by types such as chemical and cosmological, is to link them together through the connotation of the word itself, where as any system that changes over time is evolving, be it a river system, aging, crystal formation with a solution, or decay.
@gazza2390 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant
@statutesofthelord 3 жыл бұрын
This video has been uploaded before.
@lauraayars5234 2 жыл бұрын
it seems like it would hard to extrapolate backwards when you don't know all the variable that could cause effects. For example, if there had been a long period of freezing, does that effect it?
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
There were long periods of freezing. These are known and evidenced.
@h.gonyaulax2190 Жыл бұрын
Unlike chemical reactions, radioactive decay is more a physical phenomenon. It is completely independent of temperature and therefore a constant process.
@vampiredevampiro4032 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Snelling nailed it all the way ! . Yet , he forgot to mention another important factor , the always weakening changing in Earth magnetic fields . Probably for lack of time or concentration . And yes , he'd be marginalized and even ridiculized for speaking the truth in times of absolute ignorance and brainwashing .
@mrvax2 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Some of this subject I read about in the 1980's and some is new to me.
@lauraayars5234 2 жыл бұрын
question I have is how do we know what the numbers were for the parent atom, if no one was there to test the parent atom at the point of formation? How do you know what you are aiming for?
@WaltANelsonPHD 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video!
@harrysphincter6496 3 жыл бұрын
Uranium 238 would beg to differ
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
Hoping any expert see this comment: For a given amount of 238 Uranium isotope, given the decay rate = R0 @ time = 0, then at time=half-life(4.5x10^10yrs) the decay rate = R0/2, can anyone prove this experimentally?
@markbrennan6684 3 жыл бұрын
Ultrasymplistic answer. U238 half life is 1.4 x 10ˆ17 sec. As an example 1 mole or 238g of U238 contains 6.02 x 10ˆ23 atoms and with this half life, decays emitting 3 x 10ˆ6 alpha particles per second. That’s still lots of radiation so just take a sample and measure it. It’s more complicated than that but there really is no getting around it. Radioactive decay is based on the most fundamental laws of particle physics.
@jbangz2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@markbrennan6684 You have not answered the question which asked if you can prove experimentally that at time = half-life, the decay rate will be half of the decay rate at t=0. For a given interval (0, half-life), nobody can answer this question actually, since one can have one data point for 238U at time=0 only, the second data point at time=half-life of 4.5x10^9 yrs, one must be alive to observe the decay rate being halved.
@h.gonyaulax2190 Жыл бұрын
@@jbangz2023 You do know the decay law for radioactivity, you applied it correctly yourself in a previous comment. It has been tested on different radiation sources, their half-lives ranged from seconds to hours to years. Always the measurements confirmed the calculated values, therefore it represents a law of nature. Unlike chemical reactions, radioactive decay does not depend on temperature or other parameters. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait 5730 years with the control measurement at 14C. What is important is a professional handling of the samples and a sophisticated measuring equipment. And since one examines mostly old samples (several hundred or even thousand years), also clearly measurable differences show up to the comparison material. This principle applies to any radioactive material.
@lisamarieashby2523 3 жыл бұрын
This explanation, to me, is the first time I have ever heard a scientific explanation that the time dating system that "science" relies on, is seriously flawed. Which is something I have been waiting to hear for quite a while. The assumption that all of earth AND human development started slow and small and then has taken all these millions of years to evolve, is so incorrect. These processes are cyclical, not linear. Cataclysmic events are the largest shifts in nature, and what an environment was before the event, is so quickly changed by the event. Then the new environment interactions are quite different than they were before.
@Dinoguy555 8 ай бұрын
4:58: "Now you're talking about something we can't see." You know what I can't see? God.
@lastyhopper2792 3 жыл бұрын
Somebody need to do a reaction video on any of this channel's product and point out some mistakes. I'd like to do so, but I'm not an expert meself.
@User0809205 3 жыл бұрын
I'm beginning to think that the gaps in science are to creationists what creationists think Darwin is to scientists. Just the ever-loving cat's freaking pajamas. I hope I don't run into a lot of these whistleblower-style episodes. These make me think they're not even trying to learn, which is very irritating. The volcanoes in the San Francisco volcanic field, the SP crater included, are difficult to date due to low potassium contents, and the frequent presence of excess argon in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts.(1) As a result, the age estimates for the SP crater haven't been impressive, starting at about 70,000 years, and now estimates of 55,000 and between 4,500-6,000 years are duking it out. These volcanoes' age estimates are sporadic because of environmental variables, not because the fundamental dating methods don't work. There are other, stable volcanoes where ambitious investigative creationists can test their unstable testing methods hypotheses. Dr. Snelling treats that discovery like we were told the SP crater was millions of years old, and we're finding out now that it's only thousands of years old. What's funny is that, according to the study, this is only a problem with young volcanoes (1-200 ka), so it wouldn't even apply to the millions of years paradigm. Dr. Snelling is treating this instance like the environment is normal and the methods are bad. Dr. Snelling's assertion that his team's findings on radioisotope dating changes the whole thinking on geological dating doesn't hold any water when they illustrate those inaccuracies at a site that's known to produce inaccurate results. See the problem there? I want to get something straight. This smoking gun information that blows the lid off the faulty dating methods that have been used by geologists since the early 20th century has been in the open literature without any impact at all due to simple, stubborn dedication to "millions of years?" And we base this off of a blind loyalty to Charles Darwin, who got this concept from Charles Lyell, who said that's how old rocks are? That's it? I don't think that explanation would fly even in creationist circles. That whole polonium halo thing Dr. Snelling went through isn't new. By 1979, polonium halo dating had been found to be an even less reliable dating method than Helium-3 dating.(2) It also doesn't hold water because it's based on unreliable assumptions and data.(3)(4) Do you want to make an impact? Publish. Something. Scientists are standing by. Don't refuse to publish your research and then complain that no one will listen. There's a whole process designed just for things like this. People also really need to stop using that eyewitness, judge/jury metaphor for trying to understand really old things. Especially in a scientific context. And really especially in a geological context. I don't know what part of that metaphor they're so attracted to, but the only way that magical, time-traveling eyewitness would be of any help would be if they could teach geologists how to perform the experiments that prove whatever it is Dr. Snelling is asserting. The reason, as Dr. Snelling well knows, is that when you try to plug an eyewitness testimony into the scientific method, it chews on it for a second and then barfs it right back up on you and messes up your shirt. And then you remember that this isn't the first time you've tried to plug eyewitness testimony into the scientific method this week and that you don't have a spare shirt at work. Then what'll you do? You'll go to the bathroom and wash off all the regurgitated eyewitness testimony, and dry it as best you can so you can get back before anyone notices you've been in the bathroom for too long. But you didn't get it all the way dry (and people can still smell the dried testimony anyway), so for the rest of the day, everyone at the office will know you tried to plug eyewitness testimony into the scientific method. That's why that metaphor doesn't work. Plus, you're standing on a pile of eyewitnesses, man. Come on. References: - (1) - (2) - (3) - (4)
@User0809205 2 жыл бұрын
@@YouToobeism (1) Exactly, and (2) exactly. Married with your (1) I think is testing under circumstances that are inappropriate for field research, but that look convincing to laymen. These can be very frustrating videos to watch because Dr. Snelling knows good and well what established science says on his topic, so he carefully conveys as much legitimate science as possible until it bumps into his narrative, and that's when he diverts to his version of science. They do the same thing with the Grand Canyon, where they describe all kinds of geological processes relatively accurately, but then they jump to the Great Flood having come in and carving out our Grand Canyon without doing anything of the kind anywhere else in the world. There's always a 1-step jump from legitimate science to a Bible verse that completes the thought. As you alluded, they're also relying really heavily on the fact that it's very difficult for people to imagine processes that can occur over 6,000 years vs those that can occur over 14 billion years. I find it's extremely challenging to imagine geological time in a realistic way. And since 6,000 years is such a long time in human years, it becomes reasonable to think that these kinds of geological processes could have occurred over thousands and thousands of years. It's a horrible thing they're trying to do to the applicable fields of science. It helps to think that not many people see these videos, and they certainly don't convert anyone. It's just a bunch of otherwise credentialed people poisoning the well.
@User0809205 2 жыл бұрын
@@YouToobeism said "And they have the hubris to complain about "scientism" being nothing more than a faith in scientific "theory"." Yep. To equate a scientist's view of the scientific method with an evangelical Christian's view of the Bible is an attempt to convince viewers that not only are scientists guided by faith, but that believers are guided by data. Both points are demonstrably false. Del's favorite way of handling this is to refer to everyone's view equally as a "paradigm." "So we have this paradigm of water slowly carving out the Grand Canyon over millions of years, but as Dr. Snelling just showed us, it doesn't hold up with the study of geology. When you consider, alternatively, the paradigm that the Grand Canyon formed in a catastrophic and sudden event, you see that the words of Genesis explain the reality we see today clearly." They're basically a case study in how the Bible describes false prophets. You can trace scientists' work back through their research documentation and the criticism they've received from their peers to show that they're following the process properly (or not, which at that point it's corrected or discarded). Tracing back Del and Dr. Snelling's messages reveals a hidden truth they're trying to deceive you into believing. I haven't gone through the process yet of documenting support for this, but I have a theory that Drs. Andrew Snelling and Kurt Wise are among the best examples we have of false prophets walking the earth today. They're both heavily credentialed in both science and theology, and they have carefully crafted messages that support both sides in their own rights, but connect the two sides inappropriately. Isadore Aerys's statement is very well made. The harmonization that these guys are doing is also the heavy lifting that allows the laymen to sit comfortably with the confidence that even the science leads experts to God and the Bible. Perhaps the greatest irony in this is that not only are they using the vocabulary of the knowledge they're trying to undermine, but their application of all of this information will inevitably destroy the concept they're trying so hard to preserve. Bishop John Shelby Spong speaks to this idea extensively, but he maintains that a literal and inerrant Bible will become less and less relevant to the people over time until it is discarded altogether. This is because to him the truth of God becomes too obscured by the errancy of the words used to describe him in the Bible. Spong describes the Bible as an expression of the God experience by people in the 1st century. For anyone to describe their experience with God today would be to describe the same thing in a different way. He describes belief as something that must bend over time and our changing understanding of the world or else it will surely break and no longer function. Whether he's right or not, it seems obvious that it's getting harder and requiring more work than ever to harmonize scripture with observed science.
@User0809205 2 жыл бұрын
@@YouToobeism said " It seems that the YEC gurus are working overtime to avoid this exhaustion of inerrancy, not by shifting to a better understanding and preachment of the moral lessons of the Bible, but by trying to cloak the inerrant, literal faith in scientism to make it more marketable to those of us living in the 21st century, offering a thinly-veiled mask of currency to a literal interpretation of Sunday school stories." I think you nailed it
@DSparksable 3 жыл бұрын
13:19 So Insightful!
@JosipM333 3 жыл бұрын
@mistyderickson1552 3 жыл бұрын
How are all the rocks not the same age? If the planet was made in 7 days according to The Bible or like the big Bang theory then wasnt it all made at the same time? Then why wouldn't the rocks whether they be underground or not all be the same age the planet is one age
@willywonkalucretia 3 жыл бұрын
True , however 6 days not 7
@deniseadkins2901 3 жыл бұрын
God created the world perfectly but then Adam and Eve sinned. The world fell along with man and changed the creation. That's why we have sicknesses and death today.
@lastyhopper2792 3 жыл бұрын
@@deniseadkins2901 can't you even read the op's comment?
@deniseadkins2901 3 жыл бұрын
@@lastyhopper2792 The op's comment?
@alexandergoldthorpe1841 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just starting to feel the penny drop... If you wanted to hide God what would make a good cover story especially hidden in a hint of Truth.
@mike81psy 3 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 "Fossils of The Cliffs of Dover... known for is the evidence of fossil which is found in the place... The chalk is mainly made of skeletal remains of planktonic algae"(1) "the White Cliffs of Dover... made from chalk, a soft white, very finely grained pure limestone, and are commonly 300-400m deep... formed from the skeletal remains of minute planktonic green algae"(2) "Geologist Dr Steve Austin, of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California, has studied water chemistry and flow rates in a large cave-containing area in central Kentucky. He concluded that a cave 59 metres long and one metre square in the famous Mammoth Cave Upland region of Kentucky could form in one year!5 If even remotely similar rates of formation occurred elsewhere, huge caverns obviously could form in a very short time. Dr Austin proposes that the high rate of solution of limestone in that area should cause concern to geologists who believe that slow, uniform processes have brought about formation of such caves. In two million years - the assumed duration of the Pleistocene Epoch and the inferred age of many caves - a layer of limestone more than 100 metres thick ‘could be completely dissolved off of Kentucky (assuming present rates and conditions).6 So how could limestone caves form, using a catastrophic model of earth’s history which includes acceptance of a world-wide Flood? Model for Caves Origin The problem is of course that we are attempting to understand the origin of limestone caves for which the evidence of the events forming them has been largely removed. But this problem confronts all scientists endeavouring to explain the formation of limestone caves. Nonetheless, there would be general agreement over the processes of formation, but not the rate of formation. Dr Austin’s studies, plus our own, convince us that the following model for limestone cave formation is entirely feasible within the short time framework of a recent worldwide catastrophic Flood, based on the available verifiable evidence. First, the limestone layers have to be laid down. Dr Austin believes most major limestone strata accumulated during the Flood.(7) The primary reason for this belief is that most of the major limestone strata either contain large numbers of catastrophically buried fossils (often corals and shellfish) or are in a sequence of other strata that contain large numbers of catastrophically buried fossils. As a layer of lime sediment was deposited, it would have been buried rapidly under huge amounts of other sediments. The weight on top of the lime sediments would compact them, and tend to expel the water they contained. Fluid pressure in the sediments would have been great, but lack of a direct escape exit would retard water loss and tend to prevent sediments from completely drying out and thus slow down the process of turning to stone. The major water loss would probably be through joints (internal cracks) formed while the sediments were hardening."(3) Washington Post: "Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died... Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within... hours... according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists. “You’re going back to the day that the dinosaurs died,” said Timothy Bralower, a Pennsylvania State University paleoceanographer... About 3 in 4 species perished in what is called the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, also known as the K-Pg event or K-T extinction... T. rex and the triceratops were joined by hordes of other living things. Freshwater and marine creatures were victims, as were plants and microorganisms... The Hell Creek fossils represent “the first mass death assemblage of large organisms anyone has found” that sits at the K-Pg boundary, study author Robert DePalma said in a statement. DePalma, a doctoral student at the University of Kansas, began excavating the site at North Dakota’s Hell Creek formation in 2013. Since then, DePalma and other paleontologists have found heaps of fossilized sturgeon and paddlefish... They found dead mammals, insects, trees and a triceratops. They found foot-long fossil feathers, dinosaur tracks and prehistoric mammal burrows. They found fossilized tree gunk called amber... In the geologic layer just above the fossil deposit, ferns dominate, the signs of a recovering ecosystem. “It’s spellbinding,” he said... The fish, pressed in the mud like flowers in a diary, are remarkably well-preserved. “It’s the equivalent of finding people in life positions buried by ash after Pompeii,” Bralower said. At the time of the dinosaurs, the Hell Creek site was a river valley. The river fed into an inland sea that connected the Arctic Ocean to a prehistoric Gulf of Mexico.", see "The recent revival of catastrophism seems to have been associated with a number of brilliant papers by Stephen Jay Gould, a geologist and historian of science with impeccable credentials. Gould first stressed the necessity to distinguish between uniformity of natural laws and uniformity of process rates. Uniformitarianism is a dual concept. Substantive uniformitarianism (a testable theory of geologic change postulating uniformity of rates of material conditions) is false and stifling to hypothesis formation. Methodological uniformitarianism (a procedural principle asserting spatial and temporal invariance of natural laws) belongs to the definition of science and is not unique to geology.3 It is interesting to note that writers on Biblical catastrophism have always stressed that they are only rejecting the concept of uniform rates, not that of uniformity in natural laws. Gould was merely repeating what catastrophists had long emphasized. More recently, Gould has recognized this fact, while also calling attention to the devious methods by which Lyell and others in the 19th century had persuaded their contemporaries to reject Biblical catastrophism in favor of uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell was a lawyer by profession, and his book is one of the most brilliant briefs ever published by an advocate ... Lyell relied upon true bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish ... In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell. The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see", see (1) (2) (3)
@mike81psy 3 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 "Genetic Entropy presents compelling scientific evidence that the genomes of all living creatures are slowly degenerating - due to the accumulation of slightly harmful mutations. This is happening in spite of natural selection. The author of this book, Dr. John Sanford, is a Cornell University geneticist... The evidences that he presents are diverse and compelling. He... examining how random mutation and natural selection actually operate, and shows that simple logic demands that genomes must degenerate. He then makes a historical examination of the relevant field (population genetics), and shows that the best scientists in that field have consistently acknowledged many of the fundamental problems he has uncovered (but they have failed to communicate these problems to the broader scientific community). He then shows, in collaboration with a team of other scientists, that state-of-the-art numerical simulation experiments consistently confirm the problem of genetic degeneration... in collaboration with other scientists, he shows that real biological populations clearly manifest genetic degeneration. Dr. Sanford's findings have enormous implications. His work largely invalidates classic neo-Darwinian theory. The mutation/selection process by itself is not capable of creating the new biological information that is required for creating new life forms. Dr. Sanford shows that not only is mutation/selection incapable of creating our genomes - it can't even preserve our genomes. As biochemist Dr. Michael Behe of Lehigh University writes in his review of Genetic Entropy, "...not only does Darwinism not have answers for how information got into the genome, it doesn't even have answers for how it could remain there." Dr. Sanford has coined the term "genetic entropy" to describe this fatal flaw of neo-Darwinian theory. This fundamental problem has been something of a trade-secret within the field of population genetics, with the rest of the world largely being kept in the dark"(1) "As early as 1971... Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, then Professor of Physics at The University of Texas at El Paso... noted that between 1835 and 1965 geophysicists had made some 26 measurements of the magnetic dipole moment of the earth’s magnetic field... these data points fitted a decay curve which Barnes calculated had a ‘halflife’... of only 1,400 years. On this basis he concluded that the earth’s magnetic field was less than 10,000 years Old.."(2) "The "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy"... 1978... signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including... John Warwick Montgomery... Holy Scripture, being God's own Word, written by men prepared and superintended by His Spirit, is of infallible divine authority in all matters upon which it touches: it is to be believed, as God's instruction, in all that it affirms: obeyed, as God's command, in all that it requires; embraced, as God's pledge, in all that it promises. The Holy Spirit, Scripture's divine Author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning. Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching"(3) "In his fascinating new book, In the Beginning Was Information, Dr. Werner Gitt helps the reader see how the very presence of information reveals a Designer: Do we take for granted the presence of information that organizes every part of the human body, from hair color to the way internal organs work... in our ordered universe... Gitt explains the necessity of information - and... the need for an Organizer and Originator of that information. The huge amount of information present in just a small amount of DNA alone refutes the possibility of a non-intelligent beginning for life. It all points to a Being who not only organizes biological data, but also cares for the creation."(4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
@alexandergoldthorpe1841 3 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 thank you for your time today Hans I appreciate your points and yes I believe I am and once we get confermation on the Dominion escapade toward the end off this week we will All be blown side ways with the deep across party corruption and the dispicable behaviour of most main stream media there's so much evidence that we have all been hung out to dry and lied to the proverbial mushroom applies agenda 2021/ agenda 2030, CFR, NWO, UN look at who is in charge, imf follow for your self vacation history Judy. Mickewits Bill Gates, why is India gunning for b & m Gates foundation. interference FOLLOW THE MONEY. ANTIFA follow the money BLM follow the money Dominion follow the money George Sorros??? I would love to be wrong as the hurt and disbelief will be over whelming to many but when the truth comes out and it will... For THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT UNSEEN........ GOD WINS and that I know is the truth of it. God bless you.
@alexandergoldthorpe1841 3 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 okay Hans, these are my thoughts on the matter if you don't agree with the mirriad of information I'm presuming you've spent hours and hours of researching why I'm wrong in your opinion so explain to me what you have found that contradicts my belief system. God bless you. ACTING on ones emotion is Is not what I have done my understanding of the situation is based on the accumulation of researching and analysing data and fact finding not ( fact checkers) run by Google and f/b connected with cia Clowns In Action I'm quite sure that with the belief you express that more research will soften your understanding of the. Processes that are taking place on our planet. I wish you well with your researching its a dirty mine field. The Swamp is very very deep please do get back to me with your opposing facts on why I'm wrong and emotional in your opinion be happy stay safe.
@alexandergoldthorpe1841 3 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 seems like your right again, good on you. God bless
@richarde.plante3292 8 ай бұрын
So what he's saying, known science about the earth is wrong. He's saying that when faced with a problem or phenomenon of how to understand this planet and it's inhabitants the science was set up by powers to confuse. The actual way it all came about is a supreme entity, or power, "some kind of God or God's" like the Greek version, different God's for different things. All working together to pull this Miracle out of nowhere. And these "God's" hid the inhabitants ability to figure it out by creating science. Keeping them confused forever. Neat tricks !!
@prmath 3 жыл бұрын
Only an educated guess……..🤷🏼‍♂️ My FIRST question when I enter Heavens gate? How old is the Earth?
Pretty sure that if the rate of nuclear change that would indicate a change in the weak force. I don't think this man knows what he's talking about.
@m7m746 3 жыл бұрын
He’s an expert and you are????
@lastyhopper2792 3 жыл бұрын
​@@Nehner don't you find it weird that there are two geologists living, working and publishing in Australia under the name of Dr Andrew A Snelling. Both have impressive (and identical) scientific qualifications - a BSc (Hons), in Geology (University of NSW) and a PhD, for research in uranium mineralisation (University of Sydney). The two Drs A A Snelling BSc (Hons), PhD (with the same address as the Creation Science Foundation) publish articles in separate journals and never cite each other's papers. Their views on earth history are diametrically opposed and quite incompatible. One Dr Snelling is a young-earth creationist missionary who follows the CSF's Statement of Faith to the letter. The other Dr Snelling writes scientific articles on rocks at least hundreds or thousand of millions of years old and openly contradicting the Statement of Faith. Idk any detail 'bout this, I just like to cast you some doubts and questioning.
@JohannaOberlechner Ай бұрын
There is a commitment to deception
@ajdogcurr1 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question! The earth is a young earth 7 to 6 thousand years I agree with, However since God is infinite everlasting the alpha and the omega. How old is God? Or does time even matter to God?
@monash7308 3 жыл бұрын
The bible is clear, time does not effect God. God created time.
@billtalker3843 3 жыл бұрын
@@norbertjendruschj9121 A simple-minded answer from, what I assume to be, a person who believes he’s a monkey. I’m not surprised.
@billtalker3843 3 жыл бұрын
God is outside of space and time. He is eternal. His residence is in Heaven, where there isn’t a “timeline,” but an everlasting Present. There isn’t a yesterday or a tomorrow in Heaven, but only a now. The understanding of time, history and future, comes from God’s created universe where we dwell. Time is characteristic of our universe that He created.
@billtalker3843 3 жыл бұрын
@@norbertjendruschj9121 So now you are the interpreter of Christian morality? 🤔 According to your pseudo-scientists, we are in the same “tribe” as chimpanzees and gorillas, which would make you and I a monkey. I’m only taking your logic where it leads. It was only meant as an insult as far as it’s offensive to me when you conspiracy theorist say we evolved from apes.
@billtalker3843 3 жыл бұрын
@@norbertjendruschj9121 An ever present existence and an eternal God is hard to wrap a human mind around, but so is a universe coming to existence without a catalyst. I don’t admit to understand everything there is to know, but I understand space and time.
@waynegilchrist1596 3 жыл бұрын
I love these very informative videos and I am absolutely fascinated by the catastrophic events of Noah's flood. Your argument for the, "young earth" is very convincing but with one exception that I would like an explanation for. I'm not being critical or antagonistic but I would like a genuine understanding of what I bring into question. You leave little doubt, if any, that the many great chasms and canyons and the layers of strata, the heaps of dinosaur fossils, and the world wide evidence that all these could easily have occurred well within the time frame of the duration of Noah's great flood and sequence of the receding waters. My looming question is this; I have been led to understand that Satan, or Lucifer, was at some point in the preAdamite history, the ruler of this earth. He reigned in righteousness until iniquity rose up in his heart and he led a rebellion against God. This great war in the Heavens caused a third of the Angels to fall with Satan. In my understanding of the doctrine of sin, sin causes cataclysmic repercussions that domino through the millennia like the Apostle Paul stated that because of Adam's high treason against God, even the Creation groans as a woman in child birth; till Christ returns and sets things right again culminating in the New Heavens and the New earth eventually. In addressing Lucifer, God's Word says he was called, "Son of the Morning" and he was in the Garden of God. This is where I have some questions. The six days of creation from no earth at all to God resting on the seventh day, would totally discredit or even disallow for these events where Lucifer reined, rebelled, and was cast out of Heaven. I have always believed that the chaos of Genesis 1:2, where darkness was on the face of the deep and an earth without form was the result of some unHoly event in the dateless past. Two things stated in Genesis tend to make me have reservations for the young earth theory. (1) "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth"! Here I question how God, who is Onimpotent, Omnesient, and Omnipresent, in His perfectness create anything 'void and without form'? I'm not a scholar like you all are but the interpretation of the Bibles I have been privy to says, "the world became void and without form" and wasn't created that way. In addition the word, "was," is an unfortunate mistranslation here and should have read, "became." A study and teaching from over 40 years ago said that that particular word is used 68 times in the entire bible and the 67 other times it's translation is "become, became, becometh"! (2) Further along in Genesis, the Lord instructs for man and beast to, "go forth and 'replenish' the earth." The obvious point here is that there's a big difference in 'plenishing' as in an initial act, and to 'replenish' meaning it had been 'plenished' before. I have absolutely total respect for your very insightful research and theory. I'm convinced of your explanation of how the flood of Noah could have easily have made all the geologic phenomenon we see today. But I have to consider that the, "Gap Theory" still has merit as to the original Creation and the events of Genesis where the original text (as I have been led to believe) indicates that in the, "six days" God 'refurbished' the earth. Sorry for the long winded comment. Hope to hear from you. Thanks again.
@eddieyoung2104 Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the idea of a previous creation or pre-Adamite history, has probably come from the fallen angel/satan idea, which itself needn't be true. Rev 12, a main passage used to support it, is questionable for this purpose because at the beginning of the book it is stated: ch1:1, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass'. The details in the book are 'shortly to come to pass', that is, they are to happen future to John's day, not 4,000 years before, as the pre-Adam Satan theory requires. The one who was in the garden of God, is shown to be the king of Tyre (Eze 28:12,13). Also, the Assyrian king or empire described as a cedar tree (Eze 31:3-9). Lucifer only appears in Isa 14 where it refers to the king of Assyria/Babylon and his pride (v4,12). The name of Lucifer, which means 'light bearer', and the description 'son of the morning' is a reference to the Sun, the morning star. It is an apt description of that powerful king, because he worshipped the sun, and in his pride, he tried to exalt himself to a position of that magnitude: Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: As none of these passages prove a fallen angel before or around the time of creation, then there is no need to believe that such a being existed at that time or even exists at all. This also removes any necessity to believe in a previous creation. We can then look at Gen 1:28 and see that the word 'replenish' can just mean 'fill' as it is rendered in v22. There is no reason suggested by the context to assume it should be 'replenish'. The only reason I can see is that the translators had biased views, probably believing in a previous creation. A translator coming to the chapter without pre-conceived ideas would just use the word 'fill', and then we could all make our own minds up as to whether that means fill for the first time or fill for the second time. The Hebrew word 'mala' is most often rendered 'fill, or 'fulfill'. 'Replenish' only comes 7 times in 250. Incidentally, the removal of this Satan wouldn't alter the problem of sin in the world, as man is quite capable of all sin without needing a supernatural evil being to be involved. As you said, the 6 days of creation from no earth at all, to God resting on the 7th day, would totally discredit or even disallow for these events where Lucifer reigned, rebelled, and was cast out of heaven. I think this is the correct analysis. You made another point about why God would create something without form and void. Gen 1:1 says: v1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. We could take this as a summing up of the verses which follow. I.e., God created the heaven and the earth, and this is the order in which he did it. v2 And the earth was without form, and void. This was the starting point, we could say it was like a blank canvas. From this starting point he was going to make it into something with form and he was going to fill the void. I counted 77 occurrences of the word which is here translated 'was'. I don't know what was being taught 40 years ago, but only 2 occurrences of this word are translated 'become'. This is in the KJV. The others are: is, had, was, be, to be, let there be, shall be, shall not be, should be, were, shall come to pass, will be, had been, has been, has not been, came, be thou, brought to pass, came to pass, be to us, kept, fell, I am, lasted, it was so, may use, caused, that is done, did, quit, happened to us, required, had communication, that pertained, done, followed, there are, you are, was altogether, accomplished, should have been, is committed, be not, brake, fainted. This is a little exhaustive, but it shows that become is not necessarily the one to choose. If we go by the one used the most it would be 'shall be' which comes 12 times, as opposed to 1 to 5 times for all the rest. The earth shall be without form and void? This wouldn't fit well. Of course, the word used is all to do with the context and sense of the verse. 'I am' is in the list, and it is where God says, 'I am that I am'. This word is all about existence, so that some say it means 'I will be what I will be, or it could be I was what I was. If God always exists, then it's all three. I was, I am, I will be. In the case of the earth, it existed at the beginning as a formless, void thing which God developed into what it is now, so 'was' fits well enough Even if 'became' is the correct translation, we could still understand that to mean that God had to firstly create the state of it being void and formless. He had to create the blank canvass before he began painting. Gen 1:2 says there was a deep, and waters as part of this void, formless state, and those things had to be created. They had to 'become' what they were, in order to supply a starting point.
@richarde.plante3292 8 ай бұрын
Perfect, you will never change their minds. When they can't logically explain something, the all turn to religion.
@richarde.plante3292 8 ай бұрын
Perfect, you will never change their minds. When they can't logically explain something, the all turn to religion.
@richarde.plante3292 8 ай бұрын
Perfect, you will never change their minds. When they can't logically explain something, the all turn to religion.
@jebjeb9558 6 ай бұрын
Stop reading the book of Enoch
@galenhaugh3158 6 ай бұрын
Yes, it does. Sorry, creationists.
@derekhaywood1844 3 жыл бұрын
The earth is ( young ) not old. You can read for yourself and see the earth is only 6,000 year’s old. From Adam until Jesus after he left this earth. It’s be 2,000 year’s since Christ has been gone.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
@derekhaywood1844 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozowen Yeah right !!! Are you bored ?? I think so , this is a young earth buddy. God is real & the Bible is true. Anybody with brain 🧠 can read the Bible and add the generations up until today and see this is a young earth. Don’t play in the Big Leagues when you belong in the Little League World Series… Satan is a liar and the father of lie you troll. I guarantee you I will put you or any other troll to shame with the truth. If you are bored go get a ( KJV / Bible ) and start reading it. Throw your crappy ( Educational System ) of Satan in the trash as this world is not millions , billions, of year’s old you fake.
@derekhaywood1844 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozowen That means you are ( incorrect ) with yourself. Get some knowledge and go study.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
@@derekhaywood1844 I have. The geneologies in the Bible are wrong. The Earth is verifiably billuons of years old.. Time to learn.
@derekhaywood1844 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozowen Stop 🛑 trolling !!!
@HuFlungDung2 3 жыл бұрын
We quibble over the meaning of the word "day". It could have meant any number of things. I don't get too hung up on a literal 144 hour creation, not that it matters a whole lot to me. God created the sun and the moon to serve as time keeping signals, and they weren't placed until the 3rd day, so that makes the first 2 days of unknowable duration, because there is no evening and morning without a sun. So "There was an evening and a morning" is OBVIOUSLY demarking one EVENT CYCLE. We know that 'length of day' is not an immutable principle of physics, it just is what it is. We don't even know if day duration before the flood was the same length as it is now. We really don't KNOW what caused the crackup of the earth back then. To me, a good wallop from a good sized asteroid would have been a good initiation event that cracked the crust of the earth open and started the whole flood scenario.
@HuFlungDung2 2 жыл бұрын
@@YouToobeism Like it or not, you and I are quibbling here, so yes, "we quibble". There is no accurate dating of anything on Earth to millions of years ago. Every dating system is a manmade notion based on heaps of assumptions that rely on circular reasoning. What makes you think God needs 'light to see what he is doing'? If He did, then He wouldn't be God, because light would be a more fundamental force than He. As for asteroid impacts, we have no idea how large of an asteroid could hit the planet, nor when that would occur. My supposition is just as valid as any, including yours.
@peterskye7825 3 жыл бұрын
What a disingenuous presentation. This was obvious from the time that he said that the age of the Earth was not dated from Earth rocks. Zircon from the Jack Hills in Australia has been reliably dated to 4.3 billion years. This show is very disingenuous on many fronts.
@theTavis01 3 жыл бұрын
It is *_INCREDIBLY DISHONEST_* for this man to suggest that every layer of rock strata was laid down in one flood event. For shame!
@mike81psy 3 жыл бұрын
Bill Tavis From Washington Post: "Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died... Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within... hours... according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists. “You’re going back to the day that the dinosaurs died,” said Timothy Bralower, a Pennsylvania State University paleoceanographer... About 3 in 4 species perished in what is called the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, also known as the K-Pg event or K-T extinction... T. rex and the triceratops were joined by hordes of other living things. Freshwater and marine creatures were victims, as were plants and microorganisms... The Hell Creek fossils represent “the first mass death assemblage of large organisms anyone has found” that sits at the K-Pg boundary, study author Robert DePalma said in a statement. DePalma, a doctoral student at the University of Kansas, began excavating the site at North Dakota’s Hell Creek formation in 2013. Since then, DePalma and other paleontologists have found heaps of fossilized sturgeon and paddlefish... They found dead mammals, insects, trees and a triceratops. They found foot-long fossil feathers, dinosaur tracks and prehistoric mammal burrows. They found fossilized tree gunk called amber... In the geologic layer just above the fossil deposit, ferns dominate, the signs of a recovering ecosystem. “It’s spellbinding,” he said... The fish, pressed in the mud like flowers in a diary, are remarkably well-preserved. “It’s the equivalent of finding people in life positions buried by ash after Pompeii,” Bralower said. At the time of the dinosaurs, the Hell Creek site was a river valley. The river fed into an inland sea that connected the Arctic Ocean to a prehistoric Gulf of Mexico.", see "The recent revival of catastrophism seems to have been associated with a number of brilliant papers by Stephen Jay Gould, a geologist and historian of science with impeccable credentials. Gould first stressed the necessity to distinguish between uniformity of natural laws and uniformity of process rates. Uniformitarianism is a dual concept. Substantive uniformitarianism (a testable theory of geologic change postulating uniformity of rates of material conditions) is false and stifling to hypothesis formation. Methodological uniformitarianism (a procedural principle asserting spatial and temporal invariance of natural laws) belongs to the definition of science and is not unique to geology.3 It is interesting to note that writers on Biblical catastrophism have always stressed that they are only rejecting the concept of uniform rates, not that of uniformity in natural laws. Gould was merely repeating what catastrophists had long emphasized. More recently, Gould has recognized this fact, while also calling attention to the devious methods by which Lyell and others in the 19th century had persuaded their contemporaries to reject Biblical catastrophism in favor of uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell was a lawyer by profession, and his book is one of the most brilliant briefs ever published by an advocate ... Lyell relied upon true bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish ... In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell. The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see", see "Genetic Entropy presents compelling scientific evidence that the genomes of all living creatures are slowly degenerating - due to the accumulation of slightly harmful mutations. This is happening in spite of natural selection. The author of this book, Dr. John Sanford, is a Cornell University geneticist... The evidences that he presents are diverse and compelling. He... examining how random mutation and natural selection actually operate, and shows that simple logic demands that genomes must degenerate. He then makes a historical examination of the relevant field (population genetics), and shows that the best scientists in that field have consistently acknowledged many of the fundamental problems he has uncovered (but they have failed to communicate these problems to the broader scientific community). He then shows, in collaboration with a team of other scientists, that state-of-the-art numerical simulation experiments consistently confirm the problem of genetic degeneration... in collaboration with other scientists, he shows that real biological populations clearly manifest genetic degeneration. Dr. Sanford's findings have enormous implications. His work largely invalidates classic neo-Darwinian theory. The mutation/selection process by itself is not capable of creating the new biological information that is required for creating new life forms. Dr. Sanford shows that not only is mutation/selection incapable of creating our genomes - it can't even preserve our genomes. As biochemist Dr. Michael Behe of Lehigh University writes in his review of Genetic Entropy, "...not only does Darwinism not have answers for how information got into the genome, it doesn't even have answers for how it could remain there." Dr. Sanford has coined the term "genetic entropy" to describe this fatal flaw of neo-Darwinian theory. This fundamental problem has been something of a trade-secret within the field of population genetics, with the rest of the world largely being kept in the dark"(1) "As early as 1971... Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, then Professor of Physics at The University of Texas at El Paso... noted that between 1835 and 1965 geophysicists had made some 26 measurements of the magnetic dipole moment of the earth’s magnetic field... these data points fitted a decay curve which Barnes calculated had a ‘halflife’... of only 1,400 years. On this basis he concluded that the earth’s magnetic field was less than 10,000 years Old.."(2) "The "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy"... 1978... signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including... John Warwick Montgomery... Holy Scripture, being God's own Word, written by men prepared and superintended by His Spirit, is of infallible divine authority in all matters upon which it touches: it is to be believed, as God's instruction, in all that it affirms: obeyed, as God's command, in all that it requires; embraced, as God's pledge, in all that it promises. The Holy Spirit, Scripture's divine Author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning. Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching"(3) "In his fascinating new book, In the Beginning Was Information, Dr. Werner Gitt helps the reader see how the very presence of information reveals a Designer: Do we take for granted the presence of information that organizes every part of the human body, from hair color to the way internal organs work... in our ordered universe... Gitt explains the necessity of information - and... the need for an Organizer and Originator of that information. The huge amount of information present in just a small amount of DNA alone refutes the possibility of a non-intelligent beginning for life. It all points to a Being who not only organizes biological data, but also cares for the creation."(4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
@Jayf1981 3 жыл бұрын
wake up! you're being lied to by the Dragon!
@Jayf1981 3 жыл бұрын
@TKO67 3 жыл бұрын
why is it dishonest ?
@theTavis01 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jayf1981 The dragon is Satan, who deceived the whole world into thinking that evolution and God are not compatible. I stand by my statement. It is completely absurd and dishonest for a professional geologist to pretend like every layer of rock strata in the world was laid down in one single flood event. It takes a wild leap of totally dishonest imagination to go from "rock age estimates might not be very accurate" to "all rocks are the same very young age." Also I *_KNOW_* that a geologist knows that metamorphic rock *_MUST_* be much older than sandstone, and that's a *_FACT._* Don't even get me started on dinosaur fossils which this liar also avoids....
@BobHarvey. 3 жыл бұрын
How is the 7,000 year old, petrified homo sapien discovered in Scandinavia possible if Earth is only 4000 years old?
@electricboogie709 3 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 saying it’s myth doesn’t do anything.
@BobHarvey. 3 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 are you really that dumb or are you just a moron?
@TKO67 3 жыл бұрын
who said the earth is only 4000 years old?
@my2cents49 3 жыл бұрын
@@TKO67 even biblical scholars don't claim the earth is only 4,000 hears old. The commenter is probably just confused.
@TgWags69 3 жыл бұрын
@Bob Harvey Because the dating methods are inaccurate. This was the whole point of the video
@tomchapman9119 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote my comment before I heard his twisting of Darwin’s position - Darwin said evolution showed the earth was very old. Why doesn’t this fake publish his papers in peer reviewed scientific journals not just AIG sponsored comics !
@joshuanofuckingway 3 жыл бұрын
There must be some truth in the stories told in the Torah and the new testament but Genesis came from a much older writing, it's in the sumerian book of creation and from what I have heard it is the same story told word for word , written right to left in a very similar language using a very similar alphabet that would have been spoken the same as the language the Torah is ..Abraham was a Sumerian IMO , Im sure most people didn't like what I wrote but that doesn't mean I'm wrong ,. I myself am not into organised religions because your religious beliefs are determined by where and when you were born above anything else, if you were born in western africa 6000 years ago you believed In a bull god , or if you were born In central america 800 bc you believed in the plumbed serpent creator god....I think organised religions are a tool to control the masses. The names and stories are recycled changed to suit what the people of the time want them to say , we are spiritual beings occupying physical bodies that die , but we are reborn again and again and that's what I believe we do, I think when you meet someone that you have deja vu's with were probably people you had met before but that's not a common occurrence , as we are different people everytime around so ..... I hope I didn't offend anyones spiritual beliefs , that's not what I wanted or intended to do and if I did I am sorry for that .......
@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 3 жыл бұрын
First of all, Jesus Christ is our Creator, God, and Savior, and He is not part of ANY religion. In fact, the whole reason the religious leaders plotted to kill Jesus is because He claimed to be the Almighty I Am That I Am of Exodus 3:14, which is how the English Bible translates the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHVH, Yod Hay Vav Hay, “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”, which is the eternal name of the true living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who gave Moses the law on Mt Sinai. Jesus also exposed the hypocrisy of religion and the religious leaders’ false claims of self-righteousness. Jesus Christ is against ALL RELIGION. The term “Christian” refers to our FAITH in our Creator and ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, our Heavenly Father YHVH who manifest Himself in our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus accurately told the religious leaders of Judaism that He is the visible manifestation of the invisible YHVH whom they worship, Colossians 1:15, 1 Timothy 3:16, John 8:58. And Jesus said they worship Him IN VAIN because they followed for doctrine the commandments of men, and ignored the commandments of God in order to keep their religious traditions, Mark 7:7-13. All religion is man trying to make himself righteous and earn approval with some deity, but they can never know for sure how many good deeds are enough to earn them eternal life. My God, THE ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, YHVH manifest visibly in the flesh body of Jesus Christ, came down to mankind and HE DID THE WORK BY WHICH WE’RE SAVED AND DECLARED RIGHTEOUS BY OUR FAITH IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS, AND HIS RESURRECTION THE 3RD DAY. So, for you to think Genesis is a copy of the Sumerian tablets, or any other for that matter, is utterly ridiculous. Jesus Christ, BEING THE CREATOR WHO EXISTED BEFORE HE CREATED ALL THINGS, BOTH VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE, is the original, and everything that exists outside of the Holy Spirit given scriptures from Genesis to Revelation IS A COPY OF WHAT JESUS CHRIST HAS DECLARED IN HIS WRITTEN WORD. It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from, all of creation testifies to the existence of our intelligent Creator, because you don’t get intelligent life and the order seen throughout the design of creation from some theory bases on everything coming into existence from random and purposeless “evolving”. In fact, the delicate ecosystems of the Earth DEMANDED everything within them must have come into existence at the same time since one symbiotic life form requires the existence of another for the ecosystem to even exist at all as we see it today. Jesus Christ says you are WITHOUT EXCUSE in Romans 1 for denying the existence of your Creator, because you see the evidence of His existence EVERY TIME YOU LOOK AT HIS CREATION ALL AROUND YOU. The story of the gospel of Christ, the gospel of our salvation, is written in the stars, from the virgin birth of Christ, represented by Virgo, to the coming of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ, represented by Leo. The 2nd oldest language in the world, Chinese, accurately gives the creation account in Genesis and the fall of mankind in the formation of some of its words. Isn’t it logical that the TRUE CREATION ACCOUNT is the one which confirms what we see when we study our world? The Sumerian account and all the rest of the counterfeit accounts of creation, the fall of mankind, and the global flood, are inconsistent, but what Jesus Christ has revealed to us in the scriptures is consistent, and is confirmed by the fossil records, archaeological discoveries, and what man has discovered in studying our world. In the first book of the Bible that was written, the book of Job, God asks Job if he can loosen the binds of Pleiades and Orion, something we only discovered is true in recent years, that Orion and Pleiades are indeed bound. All human writing disappears from the earth at the same time the Bible says the global flood of Noah occurred, and you can visit the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the remnants of the Tower of Babel, and all the other archaeological discoveries that prove Jesus Christ is who He says He is, the only true living God and the Creator of all things. The writings of the scriptures in the Bible that the 40+ men who said they wrote what the Holy Spirit of YHVH told them to write, who most never met, and whose writings span about 1600 years, are consistent from Genesis to Revelation. And Jesus Christ says He PROVES He is the ONLY TRUE GOD because only He, from ancient times, has told us in the scriptures, in Bible prophecy, the future events which have not yet happened. The Bible is 1/3 prophecy, Jesus telling us what will happen in the future, but He tells us hundreds to thousands of years before it happens. Over 2,000 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled EXACTLY AS WRITTEN, CENTURIES TO MILLENIA BEFORE THOSE EVENTS HAPPENED, by a statistical accuracy of 1 x 10 to the 147th power. Only the true Creator and God, who is outside of time as we know it, can tell us the future, and be 100% accurate, 100% of the time. Everything happening in the world today was foretold in the scriptures thousands of years ago. You don’t die and keep being reborn. It is appointed man ONCE TO DIE, AND THEN THE JUDGEMENT. You underestimate the spiritual entities which are the demonic forces of Satan who influence mankind, who have created counterfeits of the true Word of YHVH in scriptures, and who project thoughts, memories, and emotions into the minds of mankind, to cause you to deny your Creator, Jesus Christ, and believe the lies of pagan religions, like reincarnation, because they’ve hated us from the moment Jesus Christ created us in His image, and they want nothing more than for you to reject the provision YHVH has made through Jesus Christ to remove our sins and reconcile us to Himself, so you will spend eternity in the only place you can go when you die in your sins, which is eternal damnation in Hell with Satan and his demons. Of course there’s serpent gods and bull gods in ancient relics around the world, because Lucifer, who is Satan, who is the serpent and the bull god of pagan religions, is the one who created the false gods in his own image. He was a cherubim before he fell because he tried to ascend to be like the Most High YHVH, and a cherubim has 4 faces, one being an ox/bull like face. YHVH told Satan the plan of redemption in Genesis 3:14, and Satan has gone about creating counterfeits in the form of pagan religions all over the world. But those who truly desire to know our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ, will seek Him and find Him, because He makes Himself known to all who desire to know Him with all their heart. Most don’t desire to know Jesus, because once they know they have a Creator, they must acknowledge their sins and that they have broken His commandments, and they must decide whether to receive Jesus as their God and Savior, or choose to continue being their own god and reap the just rewards for their sins in Hell when they stand before Jesus Christ on Judgement Day. Jesus offers us the free gift of salvation and eternal life if we acknowledge our sins and we acknowledge Him as our Holy and sinless Creator. He gives all who trust in His shed blood on the cross when He died willingly to pay the death penalty our sins had earned us, and we believe in our heart that Jesus was raised from the dead the 3rd day, His sinless righteousness imputed to us by faith, so we can be cleansed of all our sins and enter into His Holy presence for eternity. But, we must believe He is who He says He is in the scriptures, and we must believe all His Word in the scriptures is true. Jesus Christ is an “All or nothing” God. You either believe ALL HE HAS REVEALED TO US IN THE BIBLE, or you believe none of it. You can’t cherry pick which scriptures you want to believe and then disregard the rest. In other words, you can’t create for yourself a different Jesus Christ than the true Christ of the Holy written Word of YHVH in the scriptures. Your false Christ can’t save you. Jesus Christ is a God of love, but He’s also a Holy and righteous God who judges sin. Jesus Christ has extended the offer of mercy, grace, forgiveness, and salvation, to all who believe in what He did for us on the cross and His resurrection, but it’s up to us whether we receive Him as our Savior and put our faith in Him for salvation. Jesus Christ is not a God who conforms to this sinful world, He is a God who TRANSFORMS the heart of everyone who receives Him as their Savior. There’s no way to receive the living God and be born again of His Holy Spirit, and not be transformed, because the Holy Spirit is going to clean up His temple, which is the body of everyone who believes in the precious blood of Christ for their redemption from sin. Jesus Christ is the only way to be reconciled to our Heavenly Father YHVH, because Jesus Christ is YHVH manifest in the flesh, the invisible Jehovah who WAS IN CHRIST reconciling the world to Himself, 2 Corinthians 5:19. Apart from Christ, there is no salvation. You need the truth of your Creator, Jesus Christ, who was in the world, AND THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew Him not, John 1:12. You want to trust in the shed blood of Christ on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for your sins, and trust in His resurrection the 3rd day to save you from Jesus judging your sins. You want to be transformed by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior, and you want to set your sights on the heavenly kingdom of Christ, not the kingdoms of this dying world. Jesus Christ says “I Am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME”.
@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 3 жыл бұрын
Another thing that should cause everyone to realize that Jesus Christ is the only true living God and Creator is the fact that Jesus Christ is the only God this world hates, mocks, and blasphemes, because mankind is in a state of rebellion against our Creator due to us being fallen in sin. You don’t see rioters marching and chanting “F - you Allah”, or “F - you Buddha”, no, but they are marching and chanting “F - you Jesus” and Jesus Christ is the only one who loves us so much He died for our sins on the cross, to give eternal life to all who will receive Christ as their Savior. Also, it’s only followers of Jesus Christ who are persecuted and killed, because this world doesn’t care if you believe in a false god, but it hates everyone who believes in and loves the only true living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our Lord Jesus Christ, because the world hated Him first. But Jesus told us in the Bible that it would be this way, that we would be hated for His name’s sake, but we love Him and will not deny Him. Religion has besmirched the Holy name of Jesus Christ by treating Him like He’s some genie in a bottle who wants to make you rich, and that’s not biblical truth at all. True born again believers in Christ don’t seek rewards on earth, because this world is going to be destroyed by fire. We store our treasures in Heaven, our eternal home. Satan is the evil entity that rules this world and it’s his antichrist spirit that influences man’s hatred of Christ. It seems to me the sheer fact that Jesus Christ is the only God this world doesn’t want you to believe in would show people that Jesus Christ is the only true living God, but Satan has blinded them to the truth of Christ. No matter how much the world denies Jesus, they can’t change the fact that He is our Creator, and they will stand before Him in judgement of their sins. It’s much better to receive the salvation Jesus is offering before it’s too late.
@joshuanofuckingway 3 жыл бұрын
@Stefanie Daniella “all known ancient civilizations dug up were simply vagrant wayward peoples didn’t last long after they descended from Noah’s offspring “ this statement is an opinion that lack facts , the Sumerians have a kings list that go back over 100000 years these people’s that occupied the Middle East from the Mediterranean to Iran called Sumerians , Acadians , and The Babylonians ..those are not all of the empires that were ruled but these people all believed in the same set of Annunaki Gods , they left lots and lots of records they created so many of the standards we use in the world today 60seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour 24 hours ina day7 days in a week , observing time calendar , math, astronomy, , crops and farming , in there writings there are descriptions of the creation of man , there’s a history of us that stretches back that line up with carbon dating , these beings that created up were flesh n blood beings that walked on the same ground( location specific) that is walked upon now and thru genetic manipulation we were created , these beings were space faring using advanced technologies that we don’t have today , there are hundreds of thousands of cuneiform tablets that corroborate what I’m saying , Abraham came from Ur , Ur was an important Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia, located at the site of modern Tell el-Muqayyar in south Iraq , and he is the beginning of Judaism / Christianity and Islam , and everything I was talking about comes from 250000 years ago until when Abraham was born , the genesis story originated thousands and thousands of years before Abraham was born, it’s found in its entirety in the Sumerian book of creation and that came way before the Torah was written down , it’s a linear thing .... that isn’t meant to insult anyone or shine any kind of negative light on anyone , it’s not a faith thing to me , all religious writings or cannons have historical value to them IMO . It’s the history of us ( Homo sapiens ) is what I’m looking for , we as a species have been on this planet about 250000 - 500000 years . I don’t think we evolved from a lower primate to what we are today , our origins probably came from another earth type planet , what ever we were was changed here on earth , I say this because there are records that describe how he created us.....and gave us the the breath of life ... we are spiritual being that occupy a physical body , on this planet this time around , I don’t believe there is a heaven or hell , I believe we are born and live our lives to experience life and all that we encounter everyday , we grow old and die and then repeat the process , here and elsewhere ... I do believe in something greater than me, we live in a cosmos that is bigger than we can even understand , with more starts in the sky than there are grains of sand around the world ..... and then comes the amount of habitable planets , I’d believe there are trillions of them ..... or more so similar life must be in many places. The history of us is a larger story than we were taught in school , we are not the most technologically advanced or the smartest to have resided here , we have civilization ending cataclysms about every 12000-15000 years .... as our time comes to an end and the planet is cleansed the people who make it thru the next reset will repopulate the planet, with a little help I’m sure from our interstellar creators .... or maybe every 12000 years the board is reset with a slightly different version of us, if that’s the case I hope the next version will have a lot more compassion for 1 another than we do and less violent towards everything ....I lost my point a while back so
@TKO67 3 жыл бұрын
not really. Many Ethiopians Jews were just repatriated to Jerusalem. They lived in Africa and Prayed to a Creator God.
@my2cents49 3 жыл бұрын
Well according to Genesis, humanity is much older than Genesis itself. Adam and Eve are said to be existing before written language and such. Genesis in general is all about humanity back when things were a lot more unified, when some things were still just common knowledge and a shared history. It doesn't claim that there were no other cultures with similar stories. Actually if there WEREN'T similar, even older stories that sound like Genesis it would be odd and would make Genesis less credible. If something is true, especially something this big like the flood, you'd expect multiple witnesses to mention it from their own points of view. Which is exactly what we see when you strip the embellishments away from different cultural myths around the world. They have different details and the character names change, but at the basics they all have a common thread. Every continent on earth has a Flood story, even in South America.
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