Job Identity Returns in Dawntrail? HUGE CHANGES SOON? [Dawntrail Media Tour]

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Cole Evyx

Cole Evyx

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@ColeEvyx 3 ай бұрын
Trust me I want to see this so badly, but based on the answers I was present to hear myself during the Q*A session I GENUINELY do not believe that things are this clear and simple that we're getting job identity reworks in 7.2. Now I'd LOVE that but I don't believe that's the case. DO I THINK WE COULD GET TWEAKS LIKE WE HAVE A HISTORY OF? YES! 100%! But I think we're getting WAY ahead of ourselves here! WAY ahead of ourselves!
@trawll8659 3 ай бұрын
They might be putting in the works with job quests and stuff to alter the 'identity' of the jobs but not too much gameplay just yet.
@billy65bob 3 ай бұрын
I'm kind of interpreting it as, "we'll start working on it after 7.2!" Either way, I'm predicting that people are getting hyped too early, and will be disappointed.
@kataku8609 3 ай бұрын
"I'll believe it when I see it" is my ride or die.
@kou7191 3 ай бұрын
They'll reduce their 2min cd to 1min (with reduced duration/potencies) and call it a day.
@kataku8609 3 ай бұрын
@@kou7191 They just need to nerf the Tank and DPS self sustain. And make the new dot it's new button and make the duration of both dots to be 15 sec. There a good band-aid for healers.
@TenzaBurabura 3 ай бұрын
... Isn't that just staying home?
@SniperKing-O 3 ай бұрын
Same. I doubt they'll do anything to fix Summoner, too.
@kataku8609 3 ай бұрын
@@TenzaBurabura Maybe, but still more fun than going to a place that is overhyped to just be met with a very disappointing experience! And I have my PC at home, so I can find something better to do.
@walpurgisnight7 3 ай бұрын
I love Scholar, but I don't know if I'm going to ride or die for a class with no actual identity. Tactical utility/tech? Sage. Fairy/nature magic? White Mage. ??? Scholar.
@cutejustice 3 ай бұрын
Others brought up a good point about seraphism. The scholar identity is already based on fairy/fae but they gave us an angelic appearance..? It kinda does feel a bit tacked on last minute ngl. I still hope that maybe we can alter the appearance but I also assumed we were gonna get white carbuncle since we can change pet appearance update and welp….. just welp
@walpurgisnight7 3 ай бұрын
@@cutejustice It was made VERY clear with Shadowbringer's launch that they had no earthly idea what to give Scholar. Stormblood is the last time we had a cohesive theme throughout our entire kit, and it's been downhill since imo.
@TheRozenKnight 3 ай бұрын
I will defend the seraph in itself as it is a healing summon and our scolar limit break invoked that very summon. But i think a more fitting move would have been to utilize other support summons like for example Kirin or considering summoner doesnt do anything with it moonstone carbuncle
@cutejustice 3 ай бұрын
@@TheRozenKnight we should’ve acquired moonstone carbuncle the day we could change pet egis on scholar… the fact that we didn’t is still a weird mystery to me.
@TheRozenKnight 3 ай бұрын
@@cutejustice All the missing egis are a weird that they are not there.
@alexmaganda5827 3 ай бұрын
pretty sure they said 8.0
@yanipheonu 3 ай бұрын
Both 7.2 and 8.0 were announced to have Job Changes
@bread7196 3 ай бұрын
did you even watch the video???
@lifeiaskedfor 3 ай бұрын
so the big issue is, i think people don't understand what "job identity" means, cause if you did people wouldn't be asking for "more complexity" cause complex doesn't mean interesting or fun. That's why pre reworked smn was the least played job in shadowbringers right? Cause it was so complex and interesting, and yet it's job identity wasn't there and so they reworked it to have what summoner is about, summoning and all of a sudden everyone wants to cry about it. Pld was the least played job pre rework, shit was so fucking unfun and miserable to play but it was "complex". Streamlining doesn't hurt anything, at the end of the day it's about the fun of it. the popularity of these classes show that this is just a loud minority, it's the same with the healer strike. Healers died off in Abyssos and were nowhere to be seen, but then the next tier rolled back alot of the damage and magically all the healer mains were back that's crazy! Complexity isn't what these jobs need, what they need is people to stop pretending like that's what they need for "job identity" if you want to play complex jobs then play the complex jobs, mnk, and AST are right there people, and yet it's still the least played jobs in the game. Weird, wonder why that is
@yanipheonu 3 ай бұрын
Complex doesn't mean fun or interesting Simple doesn't mean fun or interesting either. The problem is XIV's balance has now shifted to "too simple" for many people.
@dragonlime622 3 ай бұрын
nah man everyone wants every single encounter and gameplay mechanic to be savage/ultimate tier
@riel0563 3 ай бұрын
The people who complain about SMN is not because the rework actually made it more of a SMN, it's because it lacks any substance at all. So many old SMNs, like myself, were upset about it. Now it's one of the most popular jobs because it's basically the "turn off your brain" job and many people want that. That is fine and a job like that should exist. But if you've played a job like SMN since ARR, got a bunch of gear that could be glamours, spent countless hours farming for relics and suddenly your job gets deleted and reworked to a stale job, of course some people would be upset. The simplicity they put on SMN should've been a NEW job not one with 8 years of history. It also sucks that nothing really took its place. I hope I'll like pictomancer and can go back to a caster since I really like magic classes and it was the only reason I picked up RPR since it had some "magic" in it and I don't like RDM or BLM at all. I always agreed with SMN needing to match its identity and when I saw the showcase from the rework I got super excited from seeing the summons and how it changed. But when I saw the EW media build and played it myself, it was as if my 8 years of collecting went to crap. Complexity can be an issue, a lack of identity too, extreme simplicity can also be a problem, but luckily only a few jobs actually have it, but since people have seen a trend to simplicity, to the point that it could border to oversimplification, we end up seeing a panic from people that want more out of their gameplay. There is beauty in simplicity, if done correctly, and the two jobs that come to mind: SMN and DNC, suffer from a lack of substance for SMN and a RNG dependency on DNC. But this is just my opinion/experience. People will like what they like and I'll continue playing whatever job I feel is fun enough, even if nothing is as fun to me as old SMN for now, I like the game and still enjoy it.
@keetongu445 3 ай бұрын
@@riel0563 Same. I was a SMN main, and I stopped playing it after the rework. It's just so boring now. They made it way too simple
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
People are asking to make jobs FUN. They don't want to mind-numbingly mash 1-2 buttons for 20+ minutes in a dungeon run that feels like a chore. I'm honestly so sick of people who don't heal telling me it's okay for this game to be boring for my role.
@Theheadless1858 3 ай бұрын
Healer strike 😂 y’all are unhinged. Has this begun or…? Because I haven’t noticed any difference.
@halosaft 3 ай бұрын
Supposed to start on the release of DT. Don't think much will happen though, barely anyone even knows about it existing.
@shaunnaruto 3 ай бұрын
For ps4/5 players, it is difficult for us to access hotbar 3 and 4. Our hot bars are already max out currently and if they keep adding new skills and don’t remove some or make it a combo proct skill, it’s gonna affect ps4/5 players. They need to consider console gaming experience and not just focus on those using pc
@obamna225 3 ай бұрын
I'm so confused, If they told you they don't want to make sweeping changes to jobs and content at the same time why would your conclusion be "they don't really plan to make sweeping changes to jobs." wouldn't the natural conclusion be "They have plans to change how simple jobs have gotten, its a concern they share with the community and they're seeing what they can do, but they don't want to overwhelm the player base with big changes to content and jobs simultaneously?"
@yeetusdeleetus4697 3 ай бұрын
Because Yoshi P lies a lot. This is now the 3rd expansion in a row over 6 years where we've been promised the endgame content will become more difficult. Every expansion this has been claimed the game has become easier everywhere outside of Ultimate. And not the good kind of easy where its engaging but not sweaty, just boring "hit your 1 button and you win!" easy
@vdinh143 3 ай бұрын
​@@yeetusdeleetus4697I actually think Savage has stepped up quite a bit. P8 and p12 are definitely no pushovers in terms of mental complexity compared to any of the Eden fights (some of which are more mechanically demanding), or even stormblood which was when I think the game was most fun despite having the easiest bosses.
@HeftyLion 3 ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697 The more you post in these comments the more I think you don't actually play the game lol.
@shirox11 3 ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697savage for the first few weeks is definitely not hot 1 button and win. It has tighter dps checks than ultimate so stop talking out of your ass. Their is also criterion savage which is definitely not easy.
@GarnetDust24 3 ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697p10s broke up so many statics last tier. What are you on about?
@Dae-Dae97 3 ай бұрын
Yoshi p literally said in the liveletter 8.0 was gonna be job focused. Idk how stupid articles like this happen
@mikereyes2269 3 ай бұрын
What they added for jobs in DT feels like they just didn't have enough time to add anything significant to jobs due to the graphics update, so most jobs got a 2 minutes nuke button and some animation upgrades here and there.
@AdachYanas 3 ай бұрын
Spots on, and honestly, it's not that bad, really They do, after all, deliver what they promise
@iantaakalla8180 3 ай бұрын
For what it’s worth, Astrologian has its system back.
@desaranfenrir9295 3 ай бұрын
They are also extremely limited by hotbar space. The days of getting brand new rotations are pretty much over outside of reworks because the risk of button bloat is a thing.
@rathalos143 3 ай бұрын
​​@@desaranfenrir9295 There is a couple things they could try to fix that even if that would make certain Jobs feel like sharing a mechanic: -Skills replacing other skills when fulfilling a condition which I think MNK rework has been an experiment to test that approach. -Skills that work as a stance that replace your entire hotbar.
@mahrze 3 ай бұрын
I'm on the "IBIWISI" camp. Because nothing that I have read/seen from the media tour vids or slides talks "complex" to me. I call DT the "follow-up" expac cuz no job was really changed much. Which is fine, but he said back in the one of the latest fanfest that things would get more complex in terms of rotations. I'm still waiting on that.
@captainziggy82 3 ай бұрын
Results will speak for themselves, and so far they haven’t
@Vegeta-lf6il 3 ай бұрын
I play on PS5 I like more options not less. I been playing since 1.0. Dragoon had a 60 button rotation now if I could handle that back in 2.0 then its not as bad as some think. Our jobs lost there own uniqueness over the years and things are too simplified. Enough is enough bring back the jobs that are fun and unique. I'm a nin main and can handle just fine playing on PS5. Dragoon back in the day was a challange though I'll admit. Tired of hearing some complain this just job to hard to play. Not every job should be for everyone. If you want to play a job then put the time and practice into it. It gets easier as you get used to the job. I work full time 40hrs. Dancer as example I find it hard to play so I kept trying to understand it but its not for me. I'll stick to the jobs I feel comfortable with. I will say some do not speak for me and I do not speak for them. Its my opinion and how I see FFXIV over the years.
@aevum6667 3 ай бұрын
I asked 20 healer mains. Only 1 had even heard of your strike and shes not participating. No the strike didnt work you clickbaiter. Remeber when this person actually used to make good content?
@Kfo221 3 ай бұрын
The community is so split on who sees the game as fun..and the people who see the game as an excel spreadsheet
@TheRozenKnight 3 ай бұрын
That sounds rather fitting.
@Elyakel 3 ай бұрын
Well it's an mmo, playing easy things for hours is boring, especially in an mmo since it takes hours to do everythings A game where you can't progress yourself as a player is boring especially when they try to make " difficult content", i want to feel rewarded for my knowledge and playstyle Right now you only learn encounters themselves, you don't give a shit about the jobs since they're all easy to play, and you can learn how to play a job in 30 minutes if you have already leveled up the jobs yourself without paying So as a " Midcore player" i have nothing to do outside of Ex/savage/Ultimate since i can't even learn a job while doing dungeon/ alliance raids (except BLM since it's the job with the most expression) And honestly, casual don't give a shit about jobs complexity since it will not change anything at all for them, they won't even notice the jobs complexity most of the time so... why listen to casual who just want to yell when the subject don't even concern them?
@MrHoldredge 3 ай бұрын
the game is fun but over the last 5-6 years the game has just has been dumbed down. and there does get to a point where it's so dumbed down it not fun for anyone who cares about the actually gameplay and not just as a discord game you can play dress up in. a game should have challenge and make you use your brain. not just hitting 3 buttons over and over and being told you did a good job. don't get me wrong some things people bitch about is just like ??? like the small amount of stat points you use to put in. that shit doesn't matter. but gutting a class you love to turn it into a 3 button class so more brainless people can play it is shitty and they keep trying to dumb more classes down like that. and thats shitty. all classes feel so much more alike now than even a few years ago. every class should play different or there is no need to have different classes. ff14 is a great game but it's class design is some of the worse out there on a gameplay level. they look cool but that's about it
@ashton3512 3 ай бұрын
For the healer situation I thought the removal of cleric stance was a great idea, but then they removed all the damage buttons and DOT management which killed healing. Then they went even further in endwalker and the tanks now out heal the dungeons/some bosses.
@healgo527 3 ай бұрын
Far as Astro my biggest worry will be it's MP. Since we had a major issue with it when AST drop. So hopefully they improve it since we draw 4 cards now with no RNG
@whitemoonwolf13 3 ай бұрын
RIP infinite mana
@SynodicScribe 3 ай бұрын
After seeing what jobs have become since 2.0, all I have to say is this. At this point, talk is cheap. I don't have faith that they entirely know what they're doing with the jobs in FFXIV, or at the very least, the people they're getting the supposed feedback from is extremely bias and narrow. I look forward to being proven wrong.
@antarath517 3 ай бұрын
The jobs are either increasingly inoffensive piles of goop or black mage at this point. I think the job designers need to construct from the ground up, frankly.
@Sekai420 3 ай бұрын
They only take feedback from the JP forums. They ignore our feedback
@TomTheOwl68 3 ай бұрын
I do not think they are doing anything drastic or huge except holding off on job simplicity so much. I don't even understand how its even a problem. There are more than enough jobs to have complex ones and easier ones without making them all easier, then ALL players are satisfied. They need to learn when to stop tweaking lol
@reitato 3 ай бұрын
Im just worried about the ast mana deficit. I played through 5.0 ast and it was... not good.
@SaisMoon 3 ай бұрын
Understand that, scholar/summoner was my main up to SB. After the changes I had to find a new class. RDM was a okayyyyyyy trade off. However, really looking forward to Pictomancer
@shaece798 3 ай бұрын
i hope GNB's identity isn't just going to be a heavier gamble reliance, we already have to do twice the amount of GCD's & OGCD's just to do the same amount of damage or less than other tanks depending on Crit & DH RNG
@Elyakel 3 ай бұрын
Well it was already his identity day one so... i think you just don't like the GNB himself honestly x')
@notoriousotaran8015 3 ай бұрын
Yeah content has supposed to have been changing and getting more difficult since they initially revealed healers were losing all their DPS buttons back in Shadowbringers media tour. I dont really have a lot of faith in what Yoshi P says. I gotta take everything with a grain of salt because he's still an executive who has to PR talk
@NANA-dd4fl 3 ай бұрын
bruh ive been saying this since housing came out. he is a genius at corpo PR lying with 100% factual statements
@TheFrantic5 3 ай бұрын
Just stand and let rework resolve.
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
So basically DT is a half-measure as a compromise, not particularly enthusiastic to hear. They had over half a decade to make better engaging content when they oversimplified jobs, and they've failed to deliver on that. Do the devs even know what the heck they want AST to be? I don't even know if they'll commit to giving more dps options for healers in the next expansion, or just overhaul everything again. It's almost like they just hate healers and gave up 5 years ago.
@Bigalinbklyn83 3 ай бұрын
You loud minority make me sick maybe there are some who don’t want more complexity. If you don’t like the game stop playing
@NANA-dd4fl 3 ай бұрын
been hearing this 'next expansion' since stormblood lmao. i dont think they will ever change.
@Jambara 3 ай бұрын
maybe it's just me but the job individuality and rotation complexity are fine, I think they do better than other MMOs at making each job feel different. The game isn't missing complexity in job design, it's missing complexity in itemization and character progression, we have had the same 5 stats on gear for almost 7 years and the gear system was EXTREMELY basic to begin with, I've always found it one of the least interesting part of FFXIV, especially compared to their previous MMO FFXI that had 100s of unique stats on gear.
@wildheaven1827 3 ай бұрын
The issue isn't really needing more damage options, though a few would be good. Nothing like a dps rotation though. More like how WHM has assize and blood lily. Or make SCH energy drains actually matter. But the real issue is that there is no unavoidable damage in the game hardly at all. Boss auto attacks do nothing, tankbusters do nothing. If someone does get hit by an aoe twice they're going to die because of vuln stacks which hurts healing too. It's too punishing. Punishing without counterplay so it's just braindead. Give us some long cast esuna that we can use to get rid of vulnerability if we preposition well or use our swiftcast or surecast to help.
@mismismism 3 ай бұрын
I'll be honest, I'll believe it if and when they do it because while I want to believe what they said about just not wanting to change jobs at the same time as other systems, my issue is that a lot of the changes coming go directly against that. If you're planning to bring back identity and fight homogenization and jobs being too easy and boring, you don't make changes that make those issues worse and a lot of the job changes look to do that. I want to have faith in them but if I judge based on the actions taken, it feels like they're just saying that to shut down the discourse about a lot of the jobs getting more restrictive, homogenous and simple in DT when that was the number one complaint on EW. BLM was the big one, since that was the poster child for hope for complexity as it was the job that dodged all the streamlining being the only sustained DPS left and it had room for non-standard rotations and optimization. They chose to kill that and make it restrictive for no reason. It is already the hardest job, why not let players optimize complex rotations to get very high DPS if they want and just make it so it performs high enough playing standard? It was hard enough to play to warrant it having the highest damage ceiling so leaving room for optimization made sense but no. It's like they leave the simple jobs as simple as ever while restricting and cutting most of the jobs that still had some complexity left so that statement sounds like B.S.
@basilnottheherb 3 ай бұрын
"did the strike work?" that new has be discussed....god i want dawntrail at tomorrow at this point ao we can all stop freaking out and just play it.
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
Job identity? 1 healer got ogcd shiels. Another got gcd pure healing. What did the pure healer get? Thats right! The shields!
@saindst 3 ай бұрын
They have no idea with how to make jobs different or be diverse. That is why you can only play a job in ONE way and you are stuck playing it that ONE way for YEARS... Their development team is amateur at best.
@MrRamo14 3 ай бұрын
The article everyone is talking about today cites the same quotes from the article that was posted last week. The quote was: "From 7.2, we will be working towards a more fulfilling playing experience" - "But to start that off, we will be focusing on Battle content. So, once players get used to the changes in those battles, then we will look to the jobs and we will focus on providing more individuality in the job" So the the new designs for BATTLE content won't happen until 7.2, Dawntrail isn't even launching with their new fight design like we thought, so all the leveling dungeons, first two trials, 1st Alliance Raid, and first raid tier will not have any of the battle content design updates. The JOB INDIVUALITY is coming after the battle content, so definitely not in 7.2 and more likely 8.0 since that's what he said before. I wish they were doing job identity AND fight design for the launch of Dawntrail, it kills alot of excitement to hear they know it' stinks now but will make it more fun later in 8.0 or 7.x patches when 7.0 isn't even out. They should have more flexibility to respond quicker to stuff like that.
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
That's more than likely lip service. They haven't really made healers any more engaging than the launch of shb. For all we know, the "identity" patch will only consist of slapping on another dps button press, or another uninspired AST rework. I'm not crossing my fingers on it.
@Zoeila 3 ай бұрын
With all due respect i dont want to press dps i want to press benefic 2 again. I miss fishing for an enhanced benefic 2 proc to prepare for a tank buster. I miss synastry actually being fucking useful. I miss fos getting preys that if i dont adlo it they just fucking die.
@redmiqo 3 ай бұрын
so this is why a bunch of chads were spamming the live letter? im a healer main and yeah there are some things that'd be nice to change but idk how to tell yall this...a strike wont do any good lol. theyre already aware that the healing community is unhappy. you not queuing up as heals in 7.0 is not gonna change that, its just gonna make the expansion a whole lot slower with trusts lol but yeah keep spamming chats i guess
@ouromov2895 3 ай бұрын
Dt = same with a fresh coat of paint. QoL = 7.x please look forward to it. Job identity and complexity? 8.0 maybe
@SnarkyLesbian 3 ай бұрын
But...but dps classes are extremely hard to play? Or does "Simplicity" mean that they are so super rigid?
@ruick78 3 ай бұрын
The # worked XD, now warrior even more busted after words people will still whine it can solo almost anything
@Alexavian 3 ай бұрын
I quit the game because of the homogeneous simplification changes and won't be back until they're reverted. They need to revert the scholar fairy changes that add animation lock to every spell and allow them to act independently and simultaneously again
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
I switched over to SCH when they butchered AST, now SCH has lost that tactical multi-tasking mage fantasy as well.
@brycemoose7026 3 ай бұрын
removing selene was extremly lame imo
@israelquiles9127 3 ай бұрын
Man I used to love this channel until it started turning in a glass half empty feed most of the time.
@dacienvegas2712 3 ай бұрын
Any FF14 player can see this article doesn't make any sense. A rework of all jobs by 7.2?! LMAO. Stop lying to yourselves. This is absolutely impossible. Never gonna happen. They JUST dumbed down Black Mage, destroyed Astro and you are expecting a rework by 7.2?!. This article is lying or is miss translated.
@Rill_1 3 ай бұрын
Even if it only took them two weeks to rework each job, it would still be a year before they can fix every job.
@GarnetDust24 3 ай бұрын
Here’s hoping we’ll see much needed job improvements in 8.0
@ShineEdgateAshton14 3 ай бұрын
No it won't be thankful and grateful hardcore fans are trashs
@ABadZoroark 3 ай бұрын
The issue with dumbing down the classes so much is that realistically if you make a job that caters to everyone, then it caters to no one. I did like that in SB WHM for example at least had Aero 3 to burn for DoT management whenever people were topped off. Or Cleric Stance as an optional button to turn into a dmg dealer. If there are players that still struggle to play a job in its most basic iteration nowadays, they are either new or they just shouldn't play MMORPGs? Wild take, I know. The whole point of Yoshi P simplifying jobs is so that the skill floor is low enough that people can learn how to play better while also not needing to be a sweatlord shut-in. Not so that you can crunch the bare minimum. And you don't even need to play hard jobs, summoner & whm exists, so what even is the problem with asking for more variety? It also kind of seems like some people genuinely don't understand that in this game, everyone does damage - far beyond the point where they lose their sprout status, which is a bit perplexing to me.
@Bigalinbklyn83 3 ай бұрын
If they do this and make the jobs harder watch the player count dip then the whiners and complainers will wonder why no one plays the game. The casual player carries this game not the hardcore crowd
@usoxmob1 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't matter because ERP will still be here. The game being more difficult doesn't affect that. Don't worry. 😂
@arjay69 3 ай бұрын
Need to improve n align game dung mechs first
@sylas3265 3 ай бұрын
All i want is some healing to dps mechanics like assize and stellar explosion. Give me dps or ability complexity around the kit that already exists, I do NOT need new buttons on my hotbars...
@TheRozenKnight 3 ай бұрын
In the japanese community they usually call for more complex healing not for more damage rotations. And from what i heard they are more in touch with that side.
@sylas3265 3 ай бұрын
@@TheRozenKnight I would enjoy that as well. I kinda want more damage options just for the dungeons as we tend to spam dps spell 1 and that's it. I want more complexity in both healing and damage but I just hope they don't add extra buttons without reworking some jobs. I guess as a healer I want more to do than just a couple aoe heals and dps spam 1, or I want the systems to feed into each other. Like sage and whm to an extent have those mechanics. Sage does this the best as it spends resources on healing and shields and when they're cracked they get dps resources and that feels natural. WHM has its lily system and some things like assize and lily bell to give either dps and mp or to take care of aoe heals to give more time for glare spam. If all of the healers had more dps options built in to their main healing kit then there would be some interplay, beyond just their side gigs.
@whitemoonwolf13 3 ай бұрын
they've proven they can have several buttons tied into one, pally being the best example with 3, soon to be 4, buttons tied to confiteor. they could add extra dps rotation on healers 1 dps button.
@MikeThePingu 3 ай бұрын
This is too good to be true. We'll see...
@Sugar-bz5np 3 ай бұрын
I'm not holding out much hope for this
@Flweem 3 ай бұрын
Yooo. Cautiously optimistic for 8.0
@ninjathehuskey4373 3 ай бұрын
Bring kaiten back
@shadieeryaqati4514 3 ай бұрын
'Individuality'. BLM only gets 'Fire but bigger'. Scholar's military tactician aesthetic is getting thrown out in exchange for.... generic angel motif? WHM's 'one with the elementals' was made blandly into 'generic white blast' and 'white sparkly VFX but bigger'.. Red Mage gets.... more generic red stuff with even less focus on the duality between black and white magic.. I'll believe it when I see it. So far we've got nothing of the sort, even in upcoming Dawntrail :/
@ConformistOwl 3 ай бұрын
They definitely would not do major job changes in the middle of an expansion after they just explained they want to work on the content and then the jobs later in 8.0. But if we complain about stuff like getting Solar Bahamut instead of Shiva, Leviathan, and Ramuh enough they might change it for 8.0
@peppermint7152 3 ай бұрын
I'll believe it when I see it. BLM could've been updated with all the new DT abilities without murdering the job's ceiling. There was no reason to do what they did, which indicates pretty clearly that they want the game as simple as possible.
@MisteRRYouTuby 3 ай бұрын
You are lying.
@kennys6288 3 ай бұрын
??????????????? “More people were requesting for Kaiten to be removed than not” NOBODY. ASKED. FOR. IT. TO. BE. REMOVED. Ffs man.
@1Meepman 3 ай бұрын
I keep seeing this excuse but have yet to see actual posts of people asking for its removal.
@Mad258852 3 ай бұрын
I wanted it to be removed. It was shit and unnecessary
@israelquiles9127 3 ай бұрын
Myself and others were. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.
@kennys6288 3 ай бұрын
Never said I didn’t believe it. Just never actually saw it. Apparently a small vocal minority were bitching about crit variance on SAM before they removed it. You know, the problem SE themselves created with bloated potencies and 2min meta. When I say nobody asked for it, I’m saying it was a vocal minority at best. Nobody was expecting it, and the outcry to bring it back was way more than the people bitching for it to be removed. This was just SE being selective to enforce something that they wanted to do anyway because it was an easy way to fix the BS they themselves created on SAM.
@Mad258852 3 ай бұрын
@@kennys6288 Personally I think crit variance is a bad system and most classes should have guaranteed critical direct hit attacks. I know you will most likely disagree with this, but just want you to know there are a lot of people with this opinion as well.
@TheHorseWhoKnows 3 ай бұрын
on dps side the only one i really think needs a complexity buff is summoner, other than that im happy with where most dps sit, maybe machinist but thats about it, im happy I think they need to still keep controller players in mind in the long run but I hope they can do this with a satisfaction for everyone
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
7:30 good to hear that there are possibilites. Right now I am slightly torn between Dawn-Trail-Hype and Why-would-anyone-okay-this-to-release .
@starfishflogging7726 3 ай бұрын
but they could make it more simple.... use one button, it hits, gives you buffs, interrupts, i mean would be lame, but could be done.
@blindender9979 3 ай бұрын
Looking back on 3.0 was the better status and identity of all jobs
@nihalzeor8085 3 ай бұрын
Stormblood was great as well for SCH and AST expecially, DRK (Dark Arts) sucked, release warrior sucked before they reworked Shake it Off, but overall was a great time to be in the game
@HeftyLion 3 ай бұрын
I'm sure I will get down voted for this, but the problem with the 'against job simplifying' crowd is that more buttons doesn't equal more complex/interesting. There is a ton of jobs in the game that sooooo many buttons that all do the same things stretched into 4-5 different cooldowns. And most of the people arguing for more 'complexity' want 'more buttons' and my ninja/astro already has 4 action bars filled with buttons. I got no more keybinds left. Not only that, we got to fight any lag that comes up to try and get like 40 actions into 20 second windows every 2 minutes.
@sylas3265 3 ай бұрын
Oh you get it! I'm a astro main since back with the old cards and the complexity there wasn't a ton of button but that each card had a different purpose. I would appreciate more healing to damage mechanics given to other healers but not just more button spam
@kataku8609 3 ай бұрын
I cannot agree with this more! You can make a job as complicated as you want and only use 3 buttons. SCH is a good example, pre ShB it had a few dots to manage and reaply on top of the healing of the party. I think if this was to return on top of some pet interactivity people would be extatic! You can make the jobs fun, without making them harder!
@yeetusdeleetus4697 3 ай бұрын
I havent seen anyone literally ask for more buttons. In fact almost everyone I've spoken to agrees with me that you DONT need more buttons, you need more interesting buttons. The current PvP kits do a 100000x better job at conveying job fantasy with literally 1/8th the buttons. Give us unique fun and interesting buttons that work with other buttons we have and make the job feel like its living out its fantasy, you only need 8-10 buttons in total to accomplish that, anymore is just bonus.
@4NSW3RM3 3 ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697 You don't see people argue for "more buttons" per se, but plenty argue against reducing the number of buttons due to bloat (See any debate over making 1-2-3 combo buttons work like they do in PvP)
@HeftyLion 3 ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697 Just cause you haven't seen anyone here asking for it doesn't mean it isn't asked for and a lot.
@AlexBearincess 3 ай бұрын
I'm just concerned about healerless runs being possible. They chose to have the "trinity" in the game, SO MAKE IT FREAKING COUNT. No more Ultimate clears with pallies and RDM, no more media tour dungeon clearing without a healer. COME ON! Everyone and their mother are getting enhanced mitigation and healing this expac... if the content doesn't scale in difficulty / bring importance to healing, what's the point?
@MrCarlWax 3 ай бұрын
The TOP clear without healers has nothing to do with healer design. It just shows that with skill, commitment and knowledge, really good players can beat a fight without healers. It's not optimal in any way. It was a cheese fest. If someone can clear Elden Ring naked without increasing hp and only using a torch, does that mean that leveling and using spells and dual-wielding katanas is useless? No. Neither is using healers in TOP.
@randomdude5348 3 ай бұрын
Tankless runs aren’t a thing in high level content. Why should healers, a core mechanic of the game be subjected to the sideline?
@MrCarlWax 3 ай бұрын
@@randomdude5348 Based on the sole reason that not a even an entire party can replicste the mitigation. This is a ridicoulus comparison
@Vulcanfaux 3 ай бұрын
I think the jobs being simple is fine, what it would allow is a way to make them unique in other ways though it would be a challenge to do so with so many different jobs. Or in other words make each one have that something that makes them stand out. Healers are actually an excellent example of it, pure healing, healing with cards, barriers and fairy that heals on its own, and a dps disguised as a healer. Why not lean more into those themes and archetypes?
@Sekai420 3 ай бұрын
Because if they become too unique, the hardcore raiding meta will prioritize certain classes over others and create a wedge between them and casuals. Trust me I want them to lean more into the unique themes but they’re scared of isolating certain jobs. That’s what started all the homogenization in the first place. DRK used to be a lifesteal god, warrior a literal DPS and Paladin a legit defensive lord. They gutted most of all their kits to make sure people don’t get left behind. It’s a case of being scared to balance the jobs with actual pros and cons. They want all pros and no cons so nobody is left out lmao
@shirox11 3 ай бұрын
I highly doubt any big changes to jobs would come in 7.2 that’s a raid patch.
@AZodiacCancer 3 ай бұрын
I remember last time healers whinged Yoshi said y'all need to chill out. The ast rework people wanted because they cried about RNG but now that it's gone people are complaining they want it back. Neither side is sacred and both want to win.
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 ай бұрын
That's the gaming community for ya, you can't satisfy everyone. Destiny 2 is the best example of this. People wanted more challenges so they added champions, they were hated. People complained about supers like Well of Radiance having high survivability (which is a must in endgame) so it was nerfed in Final Shape, people were upset they couldn't survive. All this stuff is like a monkey's paw in my eyes. You get a wish granted but there's always a catch to said wish
@SageTigerStar 3 ай бұрын
I legitimately hate that there's no fair way to do it. Everyone has their own ideas of what defines "Challenging" and "Fun" and want it to be applied to the game. The issue is that YOU AREN'T EVERYONE. What's fun for you, or your minority group of raider or even giga-casual friends, doesn't apply to literally everyone. SqEnix is trying to find that sweet spot, but the moment they do something for either side, they get complaints from the opposite. This is why we can't have nice things. I'm friends with a good chunk of raiders who don't act like the raiders in these vids or comment sections, their actions make them sick for being so gatekeepy, even if they make a few points here and there. the same with Casuals, I know many casual players who put in more effort to try not to screw things up or are scared of doing content because these videos make them think everyone is going to yell at them for not being able to do savage-tier parsing in a damn roulette dungeon, while every video or comment plays ALL casuals off as being entitled pieces of shit screaming about you not paying their sub. ALL of it is blanket bs and people DO need to chill out. It's a damn game.
@ABadZoroark 3 ай бұрын
​@@SageTigerStar​@SageTigerStar Who are you getting these kind of talking points from? 😂 "Not being able to do savage parsing tier damage in a roulette", dude - nobody is asking you or anyone else to have 80th percentile damage in a roulette, they just want you to play the game. Who hurt you?
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
​@@SageTigerStar No one complained about my mediocre dps pre-shb in roulettes, most people were mature enough not to throw a tantrum over a dungeon. I'd honestly say that the community got even less friendlier/more isolated in roulettes post shb.
@SageTigerStar 3 ай бұрын
@@ABadZoroark I said I know people who fear these things, not that I personally have any experience with it. lol. But I do see videos talking about it, and the comments are flooded with people saying the exact same stuff these players say they don't want to deal with, so they don't do roulettes without FC members.
@JRsuper24 3 ай бұрын
Just let sage have the miasma 2. Why does scholar need all the same stuff as sage let them be different jobs. Its mains that want every single tool all the other jobs have that lead to a lack of identity
@eolendes6432 3 ай бұрын
I don't want SGE to lose their Miasma II. I just want more to do than spam broil for 2 years again. Please, I am so tired of this shitty gameplay for my favourite class. We USED to have many more tools. ShB removed so many skills and gave nothing in return.
@brycemoose7026 3 ай бұрын
@@eolendes6432 as a former smn main i feel u😩
@1Meepman 3 ай бұрын
Dude doesn't know Sage stole Scholar's entire kit. 😂
@JRsuper24 3 ай бұрын
@1Meepman I'm aware of what both of there kits are and have been. What I'm saying if you have any level of reading comprehension is that the answer isn't to just give everyone the same tools. It's something sage has that sch doesn't and that's fine
@1Meepman 3 ай бұрын
@@JRsuper24 You literally just said to let Sage steal Scholar's kit. I didn't even say to homogenize. Sage should be its own thing without stepping on the toes of Scholar.
@Chrisderderderder 3 ай бұрын
Fck i love this content creator so much xD lmao
@anthonydelfino6171 3 ай бұрын
the extreme dumbing down of monk is a lot of why I've felt really unsatisfied with jobs in the game.... I doubt we'll ever see the return of all the positional requirements and greased lightning, but once they eliminated those, the job felt braindead easy. It alienated a lot of long-time monk mains while not meaningfully increasing the number of people playing the job
@VizerPS 3 ай бұрын
yoshi p is bad at giving people what they want so i'll please look forward to believing it when i see it
@kiai8905 3 ай бұрын
That’s actually a wild comment
@siinostra 3 ай бұрын
me when i lie
@shaunnaruto 3 ай бұрын
PS4/5 hot bar is max out. They need to remove or make combo skills so we don’t need to use hotbar 3 or 4. It’s really difficult for us to access hotbar 3 and 4 and hope that all the new skills could be consolidated within hotbar 1 and 2.
@IaconDawnshire 3 ай бұрын
STOP. DUMBING. JOBS. DOWN. Make 👏Jobs 👏Complex 👏Again 👏
@bahhumbug224 3 ай бұрын
Good video and good insights!
@allusirwrite7758 3 ай бұрын
I will not be participating in the healer strike either. Think about it. You don't need DPS to clear most content. Sure, it would take a while... but no one would die. Don't have a tank? It's fine. Just pull one group at a time instead of wall to wall pulls. The extra DPS will help burn things down faster. Spicy? Maybe, doable? I've done it before while waiting for backfill. Having the recommended role setup makes things efficient. Nothing wrong with skilled players exploring different ways to enjoy content. Good healers can still have those great moments where they saved everyone from the edge of a wipe... especially with PuG groups.
@lukahcasshe6197 3 ай бұрын
Except 1T3D is a faster group than with a healer at all, I guess.
@vv0sans693 3 ай бұрын
“New expansion is bringing back job identity! … that’ll be $39.99, please.”
@YuriusSan 3 ай бұрын
I've been doing tankless lunar subterranean forever. Tanking on scholar. Dunno what the big deal is about.
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
xD hahahaha nice to hear about "opposite" of no heal run
@Jinxyoutoheaven 3 ай бұрын
Be careful what you wish for kupo
@dragonlime622 3 ай бұрын
just make all the jobs so complex you need to read several books worth of guides to even somewhat play the class at a basic casual level. why not have like 600 different skills for each class? make it so hard that fighting even a single mob makes you sweat and panic trying to remember your basic rotation and if you mess up even for a second its game over.
@OneFiveYankee 3 ай бұрын
Job simplicity is really only an issue for the hardcore crowd. If you look at the most popular jobs they’re all the simplistic jobs.
@PunkFiddler 3 ай бұрын
Sure. when all of a job's abilities can be placed in a single macro and you do high dps by pressing only 1 button.
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
Not every job needs to be played by every player.
@Bigalinbklyn83 3 ай бұрын
@@DevilSeijimaybe stop complaining or quit
@Rill_1 3 ай бұрын
Players will optimize the fun out of a game I'd given the chance. The simple jobs are popular because they are easy, and stress free. Not because they are fun. Why prog with blackmage, when you can do nearly the same DPS by pressing a single button.
@lukahcasshe6197 3 ай бұрын
@@Bigalinbklyn83 Maybe mind your own business.
@meitomiyazaki9848 3 ай бұрын
I think this healer strike thing is a bit overboard for nothing, paladin and warrior especially have always been able to handle themselves for years before this so why now? Just because Xeno tanked the dungeon of the media tour? People could already do that on warrior for years and paladin to a lesser extent. It doesn’t invalidate healers in the slightest because 99.9% of people queuing dungeons are not gonna be in a 4 man premade so a healer will always be required. The scholar changes are so godly that I would want one there anyway.
@Forrest477 3 ай бұрын
It's just sort of rude to fellow players. Square isn't hurt by the "strike", only fellow players will be slightly inconvenienced by mildly longer queues--leading to more people playing healers out of the desire to continue MSQ and these scabs will basically defeat the purpose of the strike
@meitomiyazaki9848 3 ай бұрын
@@Forrest477 the strike in concept is already so ridiculous in my opinion that it defeated its own purpose at its own inception but people are still gonna yap because there has to be negativity always at the start of an expansion like clockwork
@satchking6861 3 ай бұрын
People wanted the sam ability removed? Take it off your freaking hot bar then wth people
@natebroadus8474 3 ай бұрын
The healer strike thing is kind of absurd. I get that healing should be more involved than 2 dps buttons and healing during tank busters. That said, it's crazy to get so riled up over Xeems clearing a Dawntrail dungeon without a healer. We're only talking about maybe the best Warrior tank in the whole damn game. He knows that job in and out. Your average pf tank isn't remotely on that level. If others want to jump off the ship, that's their prerogative. I guess my WHM will just have to pick up the slack.😆
@peppermint7152 3 ай бұрын
Virtually any competent warrior could do that. 3 DPS + 1 Tank is the tome farm meta. And this is in the hands of complete and utter casuals. Xenosys is a very good player, yes, but what he did on the media tour wasn't an accomplishment. It's the status quo.
@lukahcasshe6197 3 ай бұрын
Quit slopping the bald man's knob, you fricking puppet. Just had to get that out, sorry to be crass. But I CONSTANTLY hear this shit, and like... his accolades do not make him immune to criticism. Watch the video, he played like dogwater, ate vuln stacks for breakfast, manually clicked abilities, etc. Blindly saying "BUT XEEMS BEST TANK NO ONE GOOD AS HIM" just proves you didn't watch the video. He can still play badly even if he has played good before. That aside, it wasn't JUST that video- it was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back. Healers have been disenfranchised for years now, for a whole variety of reasons, but seeing that Dawntrail was just going to be more Endwalker was the tipping point. Anyway, enjoy your instant queues. I mean, they were instant before this anyway, but... well, uh. Enjoy... watching Xeno vods while you let the WAR in your DF group solo the dungeon for you? Whatever tickles your pickle, my dude.
@sleepfishl 3 ай бұрын
The biggest problem I see with this "Job identity"-BS is that it only leads to overly complex jobs. At some point you can't play any job without memorizing endless combos or a giant amount of abilities. ...
@tinyblackmage 3 ай бұрын
No. The game has been dumb down so much that almost all jobs plays like shit. Long overdue to overhaul the freakin stale jobs
@TheOneGreat 3 ай бұрын
The heck? Jobs are terrible rn. Especially healers.
@akumafuhen 3 ай бұрын
As a new player having complexity keeps me playing longer as a massive skill ceiling keeps me wanting to get better.
@cutejustice 3 ай бұрын
I believe that’s why they’re creating easy jobs (viper/summoner) to complex jobs (monk/black mage) so people have those options. Healers could definitely get that treatment too considering they’re somewhat homogenized.
@MagiusNecros 3 ай бұрын
Most jobs are stale and only new jobs are fleshed out before they get dumbed down for even newer jobs. If XIV job classes functioned like FF3/5/10-2 or Granblue Relink where they can be complex in their simplicity and still be unique we would be on the right track. Old jobs should not be gutted and pruned to draw attention to newer Job Classes. But when to comes to lack of identity(or rather all jobs play the same just with different visual effects) and a system revolving around homogenized 2 minute bursts it just seems to be symptoms of a larger problem. If every combat class has to constantly be balanced I think there is a problem with the game itself and it's been sorely neglected for a long time. Players just want the game to grow/evolve and it just is frozen in time. --------- I think in 7.2 they supposedly are going to switch up dungeon/trial encounters somehow but they haven't really given us any information on what that means. 8.0 they say they will look at "Job Identity". I somehow doubt that means the battle system will go through much needed changes. It seems like weak promises. And likely 7.2 is probably easily 4-6 months after launch at best and 8-12 months at worst. And players will want to see changes much sooner. And 8.0 is going to be 2.5 to 3 years of waiting after launch. Which I feel is unacceptable.
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