A sign of how out of control cancel culture is in America. In the classroom, the start of my lesson was always, "Hey guys, how is everyone today?" I was told a few months ago that the word "guys" is on the list of offensive words and should not be used when talking with students. So I now start class with "Hi everyone! How are you doing?" I recently read an article on how in certain situations the word "please" is considered offensive. It's getting crazy out there.
@umulkarimah1001 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for discussing this Cancel Culture topic..as you said, it's thought-provoking. i'm still busy ruminating the talk hehe..quick summary always double-check, people deserve second chance, dont destroy someone's life through anonimity, always open-minded for different opinions.....and spread positivity with KCB. Have a great week and peace be upon you.....yeehaaww 🤠🌵!
@rkhandle Жыл бұрын
Great episode. It’s a nuanced topic that you could spend weeks talking about. One suggestion for an updated version of this topic would be to bring in examples from Korean or Kpop context. You could bring up examples about the idols getting cancelled for alleged school bullying years ago, or Jay Park being canceled from that MySpace incident, or that PD from the Produce 101 series who got canceled for being a puppet for Mnet, Yoo Seung Joon being canceled for the military scandal thing, the list goes on.
@kenzie0710 Жыл бұрын
모두 줏대있게 자기 삶 살았으면 좋겠다. 생각하고 결정하세요. 따라가지 말고.
@ejk4819 Жыл бұрын
흥미진진한 주제였어요 두 사람이 이런 주제에 대해 이야기할 어떤 계기나 사건이 있었던 건 아닌지 조금 걱정이 되기도 하네요 내 작은 의견은, 나와 너의 경계를 스스로 확실하게 정하길 바라요 내가 속해 있는 '우리'가 무조건 '나'와 같은 의견을 가질 수 없다는 걸 인정하는 게 생각보다 쉽지 않아요 친구, 가족, 지인들이 뭔가에 대해 이야기 할 때 우선은 '그런 것 같아' '네 말이 맞아' 라고 동조하게 되는 것처럼 그 집단의 크기가 클수록 동조하고 따르는 사람이 많다는 거니까 거긴 이미 내 의견 같은 건 없어요 스스로의 의지에 따라 결정하라는 말은 쉽지만 실제로 여러 경우에 내가 속한 집단의 의견을 따라가는 경우가 많을 거예요 그렇지 않으면 따돌림 당하거나 그 집단에서 밀려나는 게 두려울 테니까 스스로 어리석은 대중이 되고 싶거나 자신이 그렇다고 생각하는 사람은 없을 거라고 생각해요 오늘 이 이슈에 대해 함께 이야기하고 생각하고 고민한 사람들은 아마도 자신에 대해 좀 더 객관적으로 바라보고 열린 의견을 가진 사람들일 거라고 믿고 싶어요 나도 그런 사람이길 바라고요 그럼에도 나는 팀코카보의 팬이고 편이기 때문에 누군가 이들의 의견에 공격적이고 부정적인 이야기를 한다면 일단 우리 카우보이들의 의견에 전적으로 동의할 거라고 말할 수 밖에 없네요🙃
@reverie6034 Жыл бұрын
My Korean is terrible but I think I got what you are saying. Very good points about trusting the opinions of others but being careful when you do that and trust the right people. ❤
@janet3146 Жыл бұрын
I lived through a time where people could agree to disagree and having a difference of opinion was totally fine. People didn't lose friendships or families over these things. Now that difference can cause the mentality of ruining not only families and friends, but strangers on the internet. What a strange world we live in.
@yacopob Жыл бұрын
가끔은 이렇게 고민해 볼 수 있는 주제로 이야기하는 것도 좋네요 오늘도 즐거웠어요
@shaniquasparkles Жыл бұрын
I'm a little sad I missed the live premiere of this episode (I watched the Barbie movie lol, had a great time) because it would've been great to read the opinions of the yeehaws on this topic! I had so many thoughts and interjections as I watched it, and it's nice to see you guys cover more "serious" topics like this from time to time. Personally, I think there is actually a need to be more sensitive as times have changed. As we've grown to know more about things like sexuality and mental health, I think there's a need to adjust our language to accommodate people who have previously been hurt or oppressed by the ignorance of society. But I also think we need to be kinder to everyone as we go through this adjustment period. Everyone's still learning and like you guys said, it's not fair to vilify people for one mistake, especially something they did years back when it was a different time. I think the openness to communication is also a huge factor. Like if people get called out for saying something offensive, will they be open to understanding how they might have hurt others, even if it wasn't their intention? And on the other hand, if the person in question does take accountability and apologize, will the public give them the grace they need to reflect and change? And there's also the whole phenomenon of public apologies. Who has the right to say whether an apology is "good enough"? So many thoughts!! Glad you guys aren't shying away from more complicated topics and important conversations!!
@AnaPaula-or9ls Жыл бұрын
Love you Aaron my Love forever and Daddio Beutiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@aaronskwak Жыл бұрын
평소 별로 생각해 보지 않은 주제였지만 두 사람의 의견을 듣고 충분히 공감할 수 있어서 좋았어요
@marsh_mallow11 Жыл бұрын
아론아 사랑해요❤
@phyllo2694 Жыл бұрын
So glad I caught this episode and have noticed especially on X( twitter). That people are not liking post as much. They will view but just on the chance that someone anyone goes thru their account they can be cancelled for what they posted , previously like or who they follow. 💜
@sweetiekancoral Жыл бұрын
The best way I can describe Cancel culture is that It’s like a gun. For example when placed on a table even loaded it won’t harm anyone, unless someone goes over to it picks it up, and takes aim. Depending on who picks up the gun and for what purpose they decide to do so, makes all the difference in the damage that will be done by said weapon. This was a really interesting conversation to have thank you Guys for your honesty. KCBs out here killing it with another banger episode thank you!!! 🩵🩵🤠🤠
@sion511 Жыл бұрын
another thing that crossed my mind while listening to this episode is where there are double standards? sometimes, when our idols do something wrong, some fans defend a little bit too much to the point where it seems as if what the idol's doing is not something to be called out for. other times, when it gets to gender, female idols might face harsher backlash compared to males idols.
@dreamlover0315 Жыл бұрын
@KTxAshy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this episode. ❤ It made me think about a lot of things and do a bit of introspection. In addition to what Aaron was saying about the generational thing, I came across somewhere that the boomers or the 90s babies' parents grew up not able to get what they want easily, so they gave the best childhood to their children. The 90s children who grew up to be 90s parents now are having a hard time adulting, so their children are forced to be adults by themselves. I guess that's where so much sensitivity is coming from. Everyone seems to have so much pent up frustration and anger. The anonymity online also aided people to vent all that out. Maybe without meaning to target someone, but can hurt anyone from anywhere at any given time. I hope we, as a society, remember that "no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" so "always choose kindness." ❤
@clairebear9049 Жыл бұрын
이게 진짜 팟캐스트인 거 같아요! 재밌어요!! 이 주제 관련해서는 한국에서도 요즘 흔하게 있는 일인 거 같아요. 어떤 사람의 개인적인 의견으로 연예인이 "deserves to be cancelled" 이라고 해서 모두에게 강요하고 눈치 주는 거는 진짜 불편하기는 해요…. 근데 또 개인적으로 보기 싫은 연예인들을 제 시간과 돈을 써서 소비하고 싶지 않은 것도 사실이에요 ㅎㅎ... 그들이 개인적인 성장을 하는 것과는 별개로, 정떨어지면 사실 뭐 남으로써 그 사람을 지켜봐 주고 그래야 할 의무는 없으니까요. 두 분의 의견 들어봐서 너무 흥미로웠어요!! 자주 해주세요!!
@Min-dn1dq Жыл бұрын
많은 생각이 들게한 이번주 이야기 잘 봤습니다
@kellequelle Жыл бұрын
This is a topic that I wanted to be covered for quite some time thank you for doing an episode on this!!
@Tomtom12654 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for having this discussion and addressing this important topic. It’s a big problem. Everyone is so sensitive these days and sometimes don’t realize that all because someone says something you don’t like or is offensive to you, their opinion doesn’t directly affect you. Everyone has opinions, it’s nothing special.
@조팝살구 Жыл бұрын
주제 멋있다!!! 코카보팀 덕분에 많이 배웠습니다~~ 감사합니다~~
honestly, throughout this video, i've been thinking about how when i was so deep into stanning VIXX, NU'EST, and SEVENTEEN, there have been times when some negativity where some fans brought up what my idols do like some time ago, once every month or two. and i would feel super upset, and i used to fight those, but now thinking back, there's no end to it. haters gonna hate. what's important is i know these men have growns up and learnt their mistakes, so those people need to grow up and let go too.
@aidachills Жыл бұрын
at this point, I wanna interview a Gen Z person and ask them just one question "WHY ?"
@reverie6034 Жыл бұрын
This was a great thought provoking episode. I like how you brought the American sensibility in. I would like you to tackle more intense subjects like this occasionally. Social media and mob mentality are coming at us from all sides now it seems. What effect will AI have on it? People already use Twitter and Google to make decisions for them. What does it mean to be able to hear and analyze complicated subjects for yourself? Are we losing the ability to do that? I’m enjoying reading the thoughtful comments as well. Thank you.
@love0315 Жыл бұрын
Well said! I guess the way how information travels so fast these days makes people pressured to make a judgment quick enough to keep up and hence end up making an uneducated opinion more often than not. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but forcing your opinion on another is a total no-no and worse rallying others to cancel someone just for having a different opinion. Nothing is complete black and white and everyone is just different and think differently, you just have to accept and move on.
@dumplingskin460 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. The amount of times I've seen people express disgust against a person and when asked why in a Twitter thread, they say the saw somewhere something or other and people accept it as fact due to the severity of the accusation. And then there is the meme of the blue emoticon with the caption "When I purposefully spread misinformation on the internet". Rather than jumping on the bandwagon, people really need to step back and assess the facts before making a judgement on something. Especially when things can be clipped and posted out of context and used maliciously. And it is important to remember that nothing is black and white and there may be more nuance to a situation than what a 120 character tweet may suggest.
@loveucalyptus Жыл бұрын
되게 하와이하와이한 아론님
@hayangdung0809 Жыл бұрын
참 많이 공감되면서 생각할 수 있게 만들어준 에피! 좋아하는거 사랑하는거만 쳐다보고 행복하기도 바쁜데 왜 이분법적으로 딱 나눠서 헤이트에 그렇게 열을 올릴까... 진짜 나의 중심이 가장 중요하다고 생각되네요! 재미도 챙기고 유익하기까지한 코카보~ 30분이 어떻게 지나갔는지도 모를정도로 빠져서 봤어요❤ 이번주도 좋은 콘텐츠 만들어줘서 고마워요~ 늘 응원해요 코카보❤
@ranielee978 Жыл бұрын
오늘 둘이 의상 맞춘건가요~~? 귀여워😂❤
@강물-t7r Жыл бұрын
오늘도 어떤 에피소드일지기대중입니다😆❤️
@feezahhab3120 Жыл бұрын
Finally got around to watch the new episode. I support your opinions on this topic, and thank you for discussing this
@ryumr0315 Жыл бұрын
진지한 주제고 다양한 생각과 의견이 있었을거같은 주제였어~개인적으로는 오늘 영상이 수능영어영역에 나올법한 주제였다는거ㅎㅎ 어렵다 어려워 😂😂
another thing is, people grow up. at some points in our lives, our opinion on something might change. edit: oh, they also discuss this 11:02 like, people change. they learn their mistakes. if they get cancelled for something they didn't get educated about, then i hope at least people will try to accept them when they apologize and change for the better.
@AnaPaula-or9ls Жыл бұрын
@canice0521 Жыл бұрын
Interesting topic & I love how you guys talk about it. Reminds me of unpopular opinion episode. Everyone really needs a second chance I agree. Looking forward to more of these type of discussions. And.. I love how u guys looks like you are ready for your summer vacation too 😆
@ranielee978 Жыл бұрын
오늘도 재밌어 짜릿해❤
@yuhsiusun2183 Жыл бұрын
I really like this episode! It touches upon something that I haven't really thought about. Hope to see you two discussing this kind of social topics more in the future!
Thank you for sharing your feedback! 🤠🤠🤠
@CristalyRama Жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved this episode! You guys explained it perfectly & i agree with everything you said. Thank you for doing this episode. 🙏 I don't know if you will feel comfortable talking about it, but i have a suggestion for a topic... I think a nice continuation to this one could be the general reaction when accusations arise against idols, cause it sure can transforms fast into a nightmarish circus.
@ShesBats Жыл бұрын
This was my favorite episode. I so get it too. I've always said: the reason there is no change is because when the person does or wants to, those they've changed for keep them bad because they won't let them. So even if they change and stay so. It doesn't matter. I just read about an actor who said awful things about women in an interview but topped it off by saying something lewd towards children as well. That is a cancel. But like accidentally singing lyrics, yes, you know it's bad but when you're vibin' you don't realize it came out. I've cancelled a certain fast food chain for giving out free food to anyone who doesn't support LGBTQ+ and this was back in... 2008. I didn't plague my disgust. I'm not a fan of group-thinking, but they haven't changed to this day so I just don't bother with them. I'm not LGBTQ+ but a supporter. I'm too deep. I'm out. Keep it up guys
@vyc106 Жыл бұрын
Yo si estoy de acuerdo con cancelar ciertas actitudes, porque a lo mejor es cierto somos más sensibles pero porque ya no dejamos pasar o ya no soportamos cosas que hacen sentir mal! y también esta bien decir que es un mal comentario o una mala actitud! y más si eres una persona publica te arriesgas en eso, si no quieres que nadie se meta en tu vida, no seas una persona publica o no publiques todo! Pero también estoy de acuerdo que nomas por una opinión no podemos cancelar por completo, pero una persona publica MUCHAS PERSONAS LA SIGUEN, SON EJEMPLOS A SEGUIR no pueden estar diciendo cometarios al azar!
@LolyC15 Жыл бұрын
Interesante tema, gracias por abordarlo chicos. En mi opinión la cultura de la cancelación en algunas ocasiones tiene justificación, pero en lo general apesta.
@patrickt49 Жыл бұрын
People are so damn picky nowadays of what information they take in. It's truly sad and dangerous when people only look for views that support their own without looking at the whole picture. Given the information age we live in, it's more important than ever to think critically and yet they don't teach this enough in schools. As a result, the feeble minded are easily duped.
@0315_siempre Жыл бұрын
조엘형이랑 아론이랑 한가지 주제로 서로 얘기하는거 너무 좋은 컨텐츠인것 같아요 ! 더 다양하게 해도 재밌을것 같아요! (서로의 우정, 연애, 성향, 본인 일에대한 부분도 좋고 응원하는 팬에대해서? 이런 부분도 재밌을거 같아요 !>_
@stardoll1995 Жыл бұрын
In my humble opinion there are opinions and there are OPINIONS, many people will tell others to their face "I don't think your deserve to live cause you're gay and that's just my opinion" is it really JUST AN OPINION THOGUH I don't think I've ever seen someone get cancelled for not like a color or a food or whatever cause those are ACTUAL OPINIONS, also many dangerous ALLEGEDLY criminal people have been "cancelled" with no consequences...
@sdm9019 Жыл бұрын
The balenciaga thing wasnt something that anyone should overlook. There was alot of inappropriate things with children in them. Not just the pictures but the people that had a hand in the projects that had wierd inappropriate stuff with children in them on their instagram.
@KJH_ANDYOU Жыл бұрын
🫠 믓쪄
@sasukeissocoollike Жыл бұрын
I think theres something to be said that cancellation is- a lot of the time- people en masse deciding to longer support someone. In my opinion, no one default deserves your support and you have the right to stop supporting whomever for whatever reason. You can dislike someone because you think the way they speak is annoying, so is a huge deal if you stop supporting someone for being offensive in your opinion? For example, Joel brings up the luxury brand that was cancelled by a person who didn't know what they'd done wrong and some people feel that "isn't fair". Obviously, it's best for people to think for themselves but worse case scenario, this luxury brand goes under and closes due to this incident/boycotting. Is a luxury brand staying open and making money so important that it's a bad thing if they go under? Is this brand owed success? Are people owed success? What is people stopped buying because this company used a lot of red and nobody bought their stuff cause nobody likes red? Would that be any different? I guess my point is that if people decide they don't want to support something, what's the big deal because nothing inherently is owed your support. A comedian making less money because people won't support them due to their offensive jokes has a similar outcome as if nobody comes to their shows because they're unfunny.
@lili-sr5bi9 ай бұрын
this would have been much more informative and persuasive with some examples, otherwise it's just general talk. also especially Korean culture is very cancel-focused and it's a very rich topic.
@purplehouse26 Жыл бұрын
we gonna have to cancel u guys cuz u are just too damn cute LOL
@sunnysouthpaw Жыл бұрын
I may get cancelled for this, but I could go for "a little mile-high flight attention" from Aaron. 😅 Dont block me, please.. what will I watch on sundays?..😢
@dumplingskin460 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes people make a mistake and it doesn't make them a terrible person. Woah🎶 /s That being said, cancel culture has existed before social media. It just has traveled in different mediums and situated in geographical bubbles rather than the bubbles built through social media where people who are like-minded flock together. Social media has made it not only that information travels fast and anyone can disseminate that information (true or false), but we are consuming information at a faster pace such that we quickly move past the hot topic of the hour. The problem with cancel culture when unwarranted is that it can balloon into something uncontrollable, and when you have proven the allegations to be false or misconstrued, everyone would have moved on to the next topic. It's easier to make a mess than cleaning it up. If a person has done something egregious, they should be held accountable, but people are attracted to controversy. Even the littlest things can be dissected and extrapolated, that the dog piling can accumulate to something overwhelming and possibly affect mental health. It would be ideal for people to collectively approach an issue proportional to the severity of the offense, but we can't really control everyone. Things like dating scandals, or making statements, or wearing clothes with offensive imagery or stickers on suitcases due to ignorance. These are things that shouldn't call for a brigade of pitchforks and majorly impact someone's life. However, if someone has knowingly made homophobic, racist, or sexist comments or upheld such views, then it is not unreasonable for people to want these things addressed. Then there is the other end of the spectrum such as doing drugs, which in of itself has varying viewpoints East Asian vs Western. Of course, the ultimate cancellable offense would be doing something so terrible such as murder, or facilitating an environment that would allow yourself and other people in power to film and distribute non-consenting women, among other serious crimes. Oftentimes, we talk about cancel culture from the progressive lens, but conservatives have their own mob mentality as well. We see this recently with mobs attacking (physically, and online) of LGBTQ+ people and companies that showed support like Target. The discussion of cancel culture is always a heated one. Many people like to argue that it doesn't exist because people get away with things like Logan Paul. However, it is undeniable that some movement within the online community to action a boycott of someone or something exists, and however long term or short term, it creates consequences that may affect someone's life, whether they deserved it or not. Yes, community effort to bring attention to something and to right a wrong can be a good thing and uplift others who may feel like they do not have the power to do so alone (such as in the case of Harvey Weinstein), but as users of the internet, we need to also be cautious about the news we read, where it comes from, and how we spread them.
@reverie6034 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Very interesting viewpoint.
@dumplingskin460 Жыл бұрын
@@reverie6034 It really is such a layered topic, especially with the landscape of the internet at play. Not to mention that people tend to operate in a way that allows them to accumulate "internet points", so to speak, if they express an opinion that goes in line with the established loud majority, regardless of whether they looked into it or not. Then there is the other profile of someone who is online anonymously, and feels more open to posting or expressing what they like (which shouldn't inherently be a bad thing, but does become a double-edged sword), and do so without thinking about the consequences of who they will impact. Of course, it feels like a big ask for people to micromanage everything they post, but it is something to think about. We are given a tool that allows us to communicate with a mass audience across the globe without much restrictions that we haven't seen decades before. Things have developed so quickly that we often forget to step back and take in the reality of the situation. Remember the situation with regards to cyber bullying and Sulli of f(x).
@leepao6302 Жыл бұрын
I don’t talk to people these days because everywhere I go; I see snowflakes; what a sad reality