"I F*cking HATE Detransitioners!!" Trans Guy Reacts To Radically Woke TikToks

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The Offensive Tranny

The Offensive Tranny

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@MrDevilFlash Жыл бұрын
The best way to see how "tolerant" a community is is to look at how they treat their members who disagree with them.
@SkunkApeMeg Жыл бұрын
@Brandz420 Жыл бұрын
@ogk38473 Жыл бұрын
Mhm. Cult-like. The real fascists.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@nineteenfortyeight6762 Жыл бұрын
Religion of peace
@GeoffInfield Жыл бұрын
I thought they SUPPORTED people being happy in their own body? This sounds more like joining a cult, deciding it's not for them and being attacked for it 😢
@christinevenner183 Жыл бұрын
@Mungoteazer11581 Жыл бұрын
Yes with these people it always seems like they think women or men who are happy with what they are, are wrong.
@amandawilkinsontarot7096 Жыл бұрын
It absolutely is a cult
@steamdespair9189 Жыл бұрын
It's totally like a cult. This is the new version of the Heavens Gate cult who convinced the male members to be castrated.
@LysisZero Жыл бұрын
Your talking about pride. That is a cult. Real trans people hate attention. Real trans people just try to pass and blend in. Real trans tries to avoid surgeries unless absolutely necessary and Real trans has Real medical issues such as a deleted 15q11.2 chromosome, auto immune disorders, chimairism, and have a very strong idea of spirituality. The ones ppl see on media are the clowns. The imposters. The ones who don't know the difference between identity and sexuality/ fetish/ taboo
@DaisyMaeAllDay Жыл бұрын
I'm a detrans woman, and all I had to do was schedule a TELEHEALTH appointment and got the hormones. No therapy, no questioning from the doctor prescribing the testosterone. Thanks planned parenthood.
@zoep.2891 7 ай бұрын
Wow! You got testosterone without being evaluated? That's totally unethical and dangerous.
@grilledcheez08 6 ай бұрын
Same happened with my sis. One appointment at PP immediately after she turned 18, and BOOM immediate testosterone. No coordinating with her therapists, her psychiatrists, nothing. Not even to coordinate if it was safe for her to be on adderall/other meds and T at the same time. Absolutely irresponsible.
@willrose592 4 ай бұрын
@@grilledcheez08 Because PP is literally goal-oriented regarding one outcome: population reduction. Initially, it was started by Sanger to keep the black demographic from outnumbering the white demographic. She was a massive, self-avowed racist / segregationist that stated "blacks breed more than wild dogs." Ever since civil rights came into play, they began to target the poor populations...that's why PP clinics are overwhelmingly in the poorer sections of cities / towns and not anywhere near as active in middle-upper class areas. You should read "The Wanting Seed" by Anthony Burgess. He wrote the book "A Clockwork Orange" as well. TWS is about a future society based in England in which the gov't is in total control, and the goal is to maintain human population below a certain number. In order to do so, they push homosexuality onto the citizenry using mass propaganda campaigns combined with laws that make it illegal to have heterosexual intercourse, or procreate without gov't authorization. IF you are authorized, they take an egg and fertilize it in a lab - it's all test tube babies. That was written in the 60s I believe...it's 2024, and what's occurring now within western society is eerily similar to many of the aspects / ideas mentioned in the book. The trans movement isn't anywhere near as altruistic as most on the Left believe it to be - it's not about what's best for the mental / emotional health of this demographic...it's social conditioning to limit breeding and depopulate. Think about it - if kids / teens / young adults in the prime years for child-bearing become sterile, they cannot reproduce. This is also why they began pushing the idea of sex solely for pleasure, using the feminist movement in the 60s / 70s and the "free love" without consequences or responsibilities ideology that sprang forth from the Hippie Movement. That's when the Birth Control pill became big news. Then, they started pushing for abortion as a reproductive right, though it was initially pushed for legalization in order to be an "emergency procedure" only used to save the mother's life in dire circumstances. Then, it was co-opted and pushed to be a liberating right of the feminist movement - again, the idea of sex for pleasure and without repercussions. Except, STDs became a major issue during the "free love" movement...so, they began to push the idea that it didn't matter if you got something like the clap - you could simply get a penicillin shot and it went away!
@willrose592 4 ай бұрын
@dcheez08 When we begin to look at things in a chronological order, and pay attention to the propaganda used to push these ideas, it becomes very easy to see how these ideas / ideologies were co-opted or possibly intentionally implemented from the start for one purpose - population control. Hell, even the idea of over-population is a myth. If you don't believe that, google the fact that we could fit the entire population of earth in New York City. Sounds crazy, right? But it's not - it's a fact. We're not over-populated - we have plenty of room for tons more humans on earth. The idea of over-population is a control mechanism used by the global elite in order to take total control of earth, its resources and all whom inhabit it. The Georgia Guidestones openly admitted to this..."keep earth's population in balance with nature, not to exceed 500 million." Well, that means we'd have to figure out a way to remove approximately 93.5% of humanity from current existence, then implement protocols to keep the population down to ~6.5% of the current global population (~7.88 billion). Does this sound crazy and conspiratorial? Yep - but the biggest mistake the average person makes when considering how the global elitists think / operate and their ideologies is this - they don't think, act, feel, believe or care the way average humans do. For all intents and purposes, they're psychopathic. Zero regard for others...hell, they view themselves as vastly superior to the average human. To them, wiping out the majority of humanity would be no different than plugging in a bug zapper on their porch to rid themselves of the pesky insects that feed off their blood supply. That's why they make no qualms over starting another war, or keeping us in perpetual wars, or the drone bombings of innocent men, women and children. They have no conscience. The trans movement is merely their latest tool being employed and utilized in order to proceed marching towards their end-goal - complete dominance and control of the world and everything / everyone in / on it. That's what I've come to realize after spending 10 years working closely to the rich & powerful in the entertainment industry (I retired / gratefully took my exit from that cesspool in 2021 and never looked back) - and those people aren't even the real money / power in the world...they're just tools of propaganda used to push the agendas of the actual power players. If Hollywood / LA is as debauched, seedy and corrupt as the collective citizenry now has an idea of it to be, just imagine how much worse it is in the actual circles of power / privilege?
@dumbbumsc5329 4 ай бұрын
Friend of mine was on T but they became hella violent and would cause me actual physical harm. Don’t believe they ever had an appointment. In fact I remember being told about doctors saying it’s not a great idea and could cause his already bad anger issues WAY worse…shocker
@unclehobby6296 7 ай бұрын
"If someone wants to help you, they tell you the truth. If someone wants to manipulate you, they tell you what you wanna hear" Not sure where i heard that, but it applies perfectly to this issue
@emmapeel8163 Жыл бұрын
you know it's a CULT when the people that leave are SHUNNED & ridiculed.
@bradycall1889 Жыл бұрын
And also a lot of them wear a bunch of blue hair and septum piercings lol. Not that all people who look like that are bad people, I've known cool people who appear and dress like that, but a huge percentage of times they're mentally ill crazy people and nerds. 😂😂😂😂😂
@DontUNVME Жыл бұрын
It's not a cult
@AmySmith-qt6qg Жыл бұрын
@@DontUNVMEtransgenderism itself isn’t, however the gender ideology movement is.
@AmySmith-qt6qg Жыл бұрын
Literally. I faced this type of ‘punishment’ when I, a gay woman, decided to distance myself from the LGBT community. Honestly the way people treated me you’d think I had burned the only cure for cancer or something.
@DontUNVME Жыл бұрын
@@AmySmith-qt6qg first of all we are grouped into this lgbtq+ by people that are straight. Trans people are trans people. Some of them are crazy and some are not. It's literally like lumping a race all together or a sex all together. We are individuals. Hell I'm a black, gay, female that hates for black people to use the n word and don't think I'm part of the alphabet mafia. Me I'm just a person and don't deal with a lot of foolishness
@Olivia-bl8ez Жыл бұрын
In California, you can go to jail for 6 months for tattooing a minor, even with parent consent. Yet making them sterile and giving them osteoporosis for life is fine.
@ediesaffron3593 Жыл бұрын
Yep and how ironic is it that in California they’ll literally take children away from parents if they don’t affirm their gender transition, yet they’ll throw someone in jail for tattooing a minor even with parental consent 🤦🏼‍♀️ Please someone make it make sense!! I recently listened to a mother from California who spoke out about having her daughter taken away by the state because she didn’t agree with her transitioning. The mom thought her daughter needed mental health support for the depression she was experiencing instead of transition. The daughter was ripped away from her mother because of this & was put on hormones. Within a few month her depression worsened and she unfortunately ended her life by stepping in front of an oncoming train. So incredibly sad 😢 We live in upside down clown world these days.
@Violetbunnyfish Жыл бұрын
A kid under 18 can't even get their ears pierced without parental consent. This country has gone crazy.
@visaman Жыл бұрын
Children can't get bottom surgery before 18.
@karinelaxa959 Жыл бұрын
​@@visamanin many countries they can. Susie Green, former executive officer of Mermaids, brought her 16 yo to Thailand to get him castrated. She & her son have been heroes in the Trans movement. Incest is illegal, but it's still practiced, people commit crimes and doctors do unethical procedures.
@Jane-yg3vz Жыл бұрын
If a woman wants to be sterilized in her 20s after having all the kids she wants, she'll be turned. They're told they're too young to make the decision and they may change their mind in the future.
@MileinaJuarez 11 ай бұрын
I was put on puberty blockers as a very young teenager. I am a victim of SA, that happened just months before I got the blockers. Now I understand that I didn’t feel like a girl, that I hated myself because of what happened to me. I was on them for two years. I was told it is reversible and so have my parents. However after my first son came way too early and lost and my second son too ( both were born late second trimester, my second son was born around 22 weeks , stillborn) because my cervix opened too early, e learned that my cervix never properly developed because I missed a crucial stage of puberty. The stage when for a biological woman the uterus and cervix is becoming a full adult and strong enough to hold a fetus. Btw, as a surgical NP, let me say, 90% of breast augmentation surgeries in western countries in minors are for breast deformation, like tubular breasts, wich can only ever be treated surgically, no matter the age and don’t improve with waiting in 9 out of ten cases. These deformities cause severe depression and are harder to surgically correct later. These surgeries are usually done very conservative and not to make a big chest but a normal one. A full A cup or small B is the average. The goal is to give the patients a normal bust.
@dahliaherrod4301 5 ай бұрын
I didn't know that about tubular breasts. Are there any medical issues that can occur as a result of having tubular breasts?
@MileinaJuarez 5 ай бұрын
@@dahliaherrod4301 inability to breastfeed is usually a problem and that can’t be changed, sadly.
@dahliaherrod4301 5 ай бұрын
@@MileinaJuarez Oh man! That sucks. Thank you for sharing that. My condolences for the loss of your children as well.
@watovit 5 ай бұрын
Bless you ❤
@sceptic-nine 9 ай бұрын
Your reasonable voice is so nice. You're not a diva or mean, just critical. I enjoy your content very much.
@jakeygaming2027 Жыл бұрын
If “transphobia” is a thing and some people are gonna disrespect detransitioners, then “detransphobia” should also be a thing!
@naraku971 Жыл бұрын
@kaifuyu1 Жыл бұрын
@jakeygaming2027 Жыл бұрын
@@kaifuyu1 amen lord 🙏
@SirKaeyaStoleThisAccount Жыл бұрын
Right?! If the “tolerant” left is so against hatred in discrimination, why are they only protecting trans people but harassing detrans people?
@athenachiarello3090 Жыл бұрын
@christinevenner183 Жыл бұрын
Transitioning should be the LAST option, and it should NEVER be offered to minors. It's the only "treatment" that a patient can choose themselves. As an adult, if I can't sleep and I go to the doctor and ask for sleeping pills, I wouldn't get them. The doctor would try and get to the root of WHY I can't sleep, and that's just for a few pills that wouldn't permanently alter my body in any way. This whole issue is so crazy.
@NiaLaLa_V Жыл бұрын
If you go to a doctor and try to ask for pills or diagnose yourself you might end up in rehab for drug abuse.
@jacobsmith4457 Жыл бұрын
this should be the argument every time trans kids get brought up, its one I've been making for a while now.
@lloydgush Жыл бұрын
Surgery and heavy intervention should always be the last option in general.
@sparrow4572 Жыл бұрын
Yeah and here I am, a minor, who’s been forced on heavy sedatives since the age of 13. Put in long term psych care, I can not consent to this.
@flanflan88 Жыл бұрын
​@@NiaLaLa_VYou'll definitely get flagged for "drug seeking behavior" and those flags stay with you forever. It's insane!
@jacobrainstruck9050 Жыл бұрын
I'm a detransitioner I'm 21 now. My school was the one who pressured me in to my transition. I got estrogen when I was 14. I now have breasts and a high voice but I'm born Male. People are so confused they think I'm a trans man but I just want to be the man I was born as. I detransitioned when I was 18 once I knew it was the influence of my school and friends.
@suidelikeson21 8 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through this trauma. The school should have had your best interests at heart and communicated with your parents to advise therapy for you, to get to the root of the problem. I wish you all the best for your future, and I hope you can heal from these people failing you ❤
@zoep.2891 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for what you went through. I think most people - teachers, doctors, etc. - have good intensions and want to support people who are transsexual, but rushing the process and not being open to the possibility, that someone who comes across as gender disphoric or trans, might actually not be trans, but suffering from mental health issues is dangerous.
@Heavyisthecrown 6 ай бұрын
Omg 😢 wow that’s horrific… keep telling your story. It’s so important people listen to this. Especially since you were a child 😢
@visenia 5 ай бұрын
lmao skill issue, nobody pressured you. Also ur lying, estrogen dont change your voice womp womp
@jirihrnak 5 ай бұрын
What a beautiful Boy you are
@noriakikakyoin8478 11 ай бұрын
Okay, I'm barely in the first three minutes of the video, but THIS. THIS. I started the process at seventeen, simply because I had always WANTED to be a boy. Doesn't mean I was, but that's not what everyone around me was telling me. So I went to a doctor. Did they check me for gender dysphoria? No. I asked them: "How do I know if I'm really a boy or I just wish to be one?" The answer always was a disconcerted: "Don't you know that you're a boy? What are you fussing about, then?" I asked what the medical consequences would be. They told me there would be none. NONE. It took the fifth one, the psychiatrist who had to give me the first dose of testosterone, to tell me: "You are aware these will not only change your body but your mind too, right?" It took seven months for SOMEONE to tell me ONE of the things I would be sacrificing for the rest of my life, and that thing was basically me, me as an individual with the mental processes I'd had up until then. This incident and the following horror of what had led me there opened my eyes.
@rumble1925 5 ай бұрын
This is horrific. But for us on the outside of this, saying anything will get you labeled as a monster...
@TinyStar-oz3bo 29 күн бұрын
I am sorry but how do you know whether you're a boy? It's not that hard to tell. It's so sad because it's very common for teens to feel like they don't fit in their own body. Almost all of them adjust after their body stops changing.
@spidgeb3292 Жыл бұрын
The statistic you never hear: anywhere from 66-95% (depending on the study you read) of dysphoric children grow out of it IF they are allowed to go through normal puberty.
@CordeliaWagner Жыл бұрын
Letting puberty happen is free. Transitioning means a lot of money for Hospirals, Therapists and Big Pharma.
@mouseketeery Жыл бұрын
Exactly! As their hormones reach a new equilibrium, so does their sense of self.
@VentrexTheXVth Жыл бұрын
But the doctors will just threaten suicide and not even bother to look at that stat
@daddyyahweh9328 Жыл бұрын
Fr as I girl I sometimes hated it and wanted to be a boy only because I thought it would be easier. Once my puberty chilled tf out, I embraced my feminity and am quite comfortable with myself, it's scary to think what would have happened if I didn't have parents who supported and reassured me what I was feeling was natural, but that I would grow out of it.
@TheEnigmaticmuse Жыл бұрын
​@@rambunctiousvegetablehow did your parents feel about your trans identity?
@edmit2001 Жыл бұрын
I was once groomed by my trans friends and their older trans community when I was 10-12. I took hormone really heavy from an illegal clinic in my country and then I realized that I never wanted to be a women, I am just a gay guy who into another guy but because I was so young, I don't know what is different in between gay and trans. Now I am a 45 gay man with a voice of young boy because of the hormone I took. Still regret until this day.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@rebeccahicks2392 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that happened to you, and for the effects it left on you.
@kimberlyelliott7933 Жыл бұрын
@cheeling794 11 ай бұрын
please keep sharing your experience!! it's so important to know the reality of this
@Roosters-rants1977 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry. This movement really is homophobic and harmful to gays. Yet they accuse anyone who opposes transphobic.
@planetoii Жыл бұрын
Detransitioner here. That last video seriously pissed me off. Speaking your own single story is “demonizing” for everyone. I detransitioned before surgery. I can’t speak to the pitch of my voice (which I know sounds weird, but I have childhood trauma issues that mess with voice pitch already, long story) but the worst part for me has been ghosting and shunning. I only transitioned less than three years ago, but lost a trans friend I made in 2009. They said they didn’t know what to think. There’s also a shame in coming out to everyone, changing your name and asking them to call you that, and then it’s like “….Nevermind. Just call me my original name.” And what do you say? “I changed my mind. I made a mistake. I have mental health issues.” I mean, what are you supposed to say?! Even if I wasn’t, in my head I felt ridiculed.
@planetoii Жыл бұрын
@@Dobbyfan1 thank you very much
@itskitty808 10 ай бұрын
There is a goth KZbinr that shares her experience as a detransitioner on the reg. My heart goes out to her and all other detransitioners.
@ninjaartist1235 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the first tiktok, I thought the trans community said that “it was reversible.” So they admitted they lied.
@LinhieHuynhie Жыл бұрын
When you let people talk long enough, they'll begin telling on themselves.
@ninjaartist1235 Жыл бұрын
@@LinhieHuynhie amen!
@shrimplythebest Жыл бұрын
That video made me so mad, it’s just so incredibly insensitive to people who have de-transitioned. Basically making fun of people who have had that described experience and making it seem like those experiences were made up/lied about and shouldn’t be taken seriously
@Mandavirgin Жыл бұрын
Personally I have heard even adults even online state the doctors didn’t do multiple visits. And even so a lot of people don’t realize stuff until way later. I take SSRIS. I thought only men had issues with a sex drive but I had one too. Same with birth control too. I read the symptoms and yet I had so many issues to the point I’m against birth control for the hormones messing up women and how SSRIs you might have to research, they are still beneficial though
@visaman Жыл бұрын
Puberty blockers are reversible if used for less than a year.
@Phillygirl183 Жыл бұрын
"They" don't want destransitioners OR biological women to speak. ANYONE who speaks out AGAINST the political agenda! Great video Marcus!
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@shaundraevans7559 Жыл бұрын
Notice how they don't go after cismen that much unless it's the (should a trans person tell their partner of their trsns status OR whine about cismen not wanting them). They get angry at ciswomen and detransitioners because ciswmomen are a marginalized class and their quest for inclusion effects ciswomen greatly. They can't stand where they are viewed as the bad guy they have to keep the narrative that they and only they are THE marginalized group of people and everyone else is below them in the oppression totem pole. The don't like detransitioners because they seem them as diametrical opposites and can not stand that detransitioners present a logical and fair argument against unethical usage of gender affirming care both in pediatrics and in adults Also to note Im using the term "ciswomen and cismen" in this not because I agree with the terms but rather to use their logic against them.
@Phillygirl183 Жыл бұрын
@@zoa1-99....... Praise God!!!
@kimberlyelliott7933 Жыл бұрын
@ItsJustMe-nq1dg 11 ай бұрын
It is beyond an agenda. It is a full blown cult.
@melissamoonchild9216 10 ай бұрын
"its not productive to hate" wise words my guy
@danoyse8233 Жыл бұрын
Transitioning is not like going to the shop and trying on a pair of shoes. It’s a huge deal. How can children be allowed to transition, and change their mind. I have decades of experience as a RN, and I’ve seen people who transitioned and drank themselves to d..th. Because they made the wrong decision.Parents need to really look at themselves and be parents of their children, not their mates.
@MZB80 4 ай бұрын
I believe those parents will never be able to admit they were wrong. Because if they were wrong, they allowed for the most unimaginably horrific violence to be visited upon their child, or even pushed for it themselves. And that's the sort of thing that would utterly destroy a good person... or a mediocre person who thought there were doing good at that moment.
@gigahorse1475 Жыл бұрын
I’m autistic and my autistic friend and I believe things would have turned out so differently if these chronically-online kids discovered autism before they discovered trans. Instead, it happened the other way around. These undiagnosed autistic (mostly girls) started out thinking “I’m different because I am in the wrong body” rather than realizing they are just neurodivergent. I’m glad people are starting to realize the root of the issue (or at least one of them). I had gender issues as a kid because I didn’t fit in, sensory issues with long hair and dresses, problems accepting that there is more than one right way to be a woman.
@cz1754 Жыл бұрын
I’m not autistic but I’m an 18 year old girl who really relates to this. I had a hard time as a teen due to being a tomboy and feeling at odds with traditional femininity, plus my fears of being seen as a “sexual object” to men as my body grew. It also took me time to realise how there are many ways to be a woman, so it makes me happy to hear stories from other women with similar experiences, even if they’re not entirely alike
@CJ-cz3hv Жыл бұрын
​@@cadenadelreino1442yes and no, autistic girls are the most influenced by this
@ogk38473 Жыл бұрын
As another autistic, there’s a rise of kids thinking they’re autistic or “neurodivergent”. And self diagnosing or even faking.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@slimebunny5700 Жыл бұрын
There was actually a study that proved most trans individuals have autism so it could very easily be the case.
@ziigiiziig Жыл бұрын
They really treat themselves like a gang where if you want to leave, you have to be dehumanized and treated like garbage as a result. They love and accept you until you realize it's not for you. Then suddenly you're the enemy and deserve nothing but the worst.
@bluespectrum1348 Жыл бұрын
That's the sign of a cult.
@sorbabaric1 Жыл бұрын
Why do you think they adopted the word “ally”. To have allies means they have enemies.
@RR-on4sk Жыл бұрын
They hate some that are trans too. You are not allowed to have differing opinions. Ever. See how they treated Buck angel.
@sevenheavens-gj9qq 11 ай бұрын
@@RR-on4skBlaire White too.
@MZB80 4 ай бұрын
Shunning of apostates. Classic cult behaviour.
@Entheogenics Жыл бұрын
Before being medicated for my bipolar I got 47 tattoos. Now I look and wonder why I thought it would make me happier. I couldn’t imagine losing my ability to enjoy sex because I was unmedicated.
@gigicolada 9 ай бұрын
Marcus, I just really love how your mind works. I’m a hetero woman, but the topic of transition interests me as someone who has always supported the LGBT community. I started to feel like maybe I wasn’t as much of an ally as I always thought because I have had feelings of “this doesn’t seem right” when it comes to the issue of affirming children, or even adults who need more help and don’t know why they are so unhappy. I suffer from mental illness and know what it is like to be seeking answers from professionals and going nowhere or going backwards. Thank you for these videos and being so logical on a sort of emotional, heated topic.
@MZB80 4 ай бұрын
Women have a very finely tuned sense of 'this isn't right' - for millennia it could mean the difference between life & death. If your gut & intuition are raising flags, it's best to listen & take a moment for introspection. Chances are, your lizard brain is just trying to keep you alive.
@MamaLinz123 3 ай бұрын
I so relate to your comment!
@svetlanaandrasova6086 3 ай бұрын
I relate
@jude-zd9ms Жыл бұрын
People like you and Blair actually restore my faith in true trans people.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Urrgh! Jesus is clear! I'm Glad I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@danielroberts19873 11 ай бұрын
There's no such thing as true trans. People have sex dysphoria. Transition is a ghastly experiment on vulnerable people
@corinnabambina 8 ай бұрын
Don't forget "Tranpa" @Buckangel
@shyfoxfeatherhere6446 8 ай бұрын
​@@corinnabambinaI didn't know people called him that! I love that!
@Leamichellefan2244 8 ай бұрын
I feel the same way I really do. I mean when I see people like this and Blair white I’m reminded OK not all trans. People are nuts but unfortunately the nuts far out way the same people.
@bilsdweeb Жыл бұрын
as a detransitioner i really appreciate you making this video, its nice to know that people are willing to defend the detrans community from the rabid side of the lgbtq community.
@megatronmacek 9 ай бұрын
I will defend detrans people with everything in me. I know a woman who was pressured into transitioning in college to male. The process of her getting on hormones and then bottom surgery was less than 6 months. She realized after surgery she was truly a woman. Unfortunately she ended up with a massive septic infection with gangrene and was left with nothing but skin grafts between her legs. She has a permanent ostomy and implanted catheter, everything is gone. She was so traumatized she got bad into drugs. Last time I talked to her was about a year ago right before she checked into a long-term psych treatment facility. The worst part is that the doctors who did it to her are still practicing so she doesn't even get the satisfaction of knowing that they can't hurt other people like her. It's messed up.
@montee3766 7 ай бұрын
As a man of god I have nothing less than respect and approval of detransitioners who left the abusive community that calls itself 'tolerant'.
@Purplelemon5033 5 ай бұрын
This is probably really ignorant of me so please correct me if I’m completely wrong. But I wonder if in some cases if it’s similar to really not liking your looks and trying to change them imagining your going to look a certain way and feel a certain way at the end of it but very disappointed with the results. For instance when I was young and really wanted the Jennifer Anniston haircut and imagined I’d look like that but was very disappointed that my hair looked like rod Stewarts sinstead. I know a haircut doesn’t matter and is superficial. But I just wonder if some people with gender dysphoria are expecting to look a certain way and feel a certain way and the expectation doesn’t meet reality and they end up feeling worse than before. Same as with extreme weight loss or facial surgery too because they think there nose is to big etc and like In Jennifer greys case she had a nose job because she thought it was large but in fact really suited her face she ended up regretting it and struggled to get roles after
@claraf.6833 5 ай бұрын
I actually worked with a detrans woman! She only had body dysmorphia when it came to her breasts and got falsely diagnosed with gender dysmorphia and put through medical and legal transition. She believed this doctor and thought that once she was through with top and bottom surgery, she would be happy. She did feel great after top surgery, euphoric even, but the bottom surgery wrecked her. She wanted to change back immediately, now she is left with facial hair she will always have to shave, a deep voice she cannot get rid of and unable to ever have biological children. This is why I think the process of getting properly diagnosed with GD is so important. This "self-determination law" they want to pass in my country (you can transition and legally identify as anything without the extra hoops) will only help a few but cause immense damage to lots of people. Remember that you are valid. The trans community often is only tolerant among themselves, they wrongfully see you as a "traitor" which is incorrect and appalling.
@AA-ed6ek 5 ай бұрын
Why does every damn thing have to be a community for you people?
@themount0987 10 ай бұрын
im a bio gay male and have 3 trans friends, 2 went through horrible dysphoria and 1 has been very confused for almost 10 years now. your videos make it very clear the difference between trans and people who think they are trans, or are pressured. keep making these enlightening vids.
@melolore1280 5 ай бұрын
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK! A voice of reason. These children can’t drive, buy alcohol or cigarettes nor vote but they can consent to something that will forever ruin he rest of their lives. 😢
@MoonshineH 5 ай бұрын
Are you generally against medical treatments for children?
@dennisepeart5002 Жыл бұрын
I find that transitioning minors horrendous. I'm a large breasted woman and begged my doctor to put me forward for a reduction to help take pressure off my failing spine. They refused until after I'd had kids or reached a non childbearing age but these kids are getting life altering surgery and medications. Smh
@mindrolling24 5 ай бұрын
I’ve heard a couple of instances where women having breast reduction surgery were asked by more than one doctor/surgeon ‘What does your husband think about this’. Like that’s got anything to do with anything! Makes me so mad.
@dahliaherrod4301 5 ай бұрын
I would shop around for a doctor who will do it. There's literally no reason why a reduction should be tied to childbearing.
@brockreynolds870 5 ай бұрын
Good Lord... my best friend's SIL just had breast reduction, it helped her a great deal, they took 5 pounds off of each knocker. That's like carrying two bacgs of flour on your chest. That's gotta be painful for your back!
@stephaniehalo7005 4 ай бұрын
Same! I know many women who after 2 kids asked to get their tubes tied right after the delivery of baby #2 and were told they were too young! They had 2 kids already and were over 21...but told No....yet children under 18 can get masectomies and hormone therapy?? WTF?
@dumbbumsc5329 4 ай бұрын
@@stephaniehalo7005it’s crazy ass backwards
@Mimarre Жыл бұрын
The thing also is that “they were honest about the side effects” HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE AT THIS POINT? We only get a full understanding of side effects after years of popular use. I started taking birth control with the suggestion of my dermatologist when I was 14- only to find out after I had been taking it for several years that when you take it as a minor it may increase risk for depression. Doctors do not inform fully all the time.
@6thgraderfriends Жыл бұрын
Anytime I go to the doctor or the dentist or anything I always have to ask what they're doing and what diagnosis they're giving/gave me because they don't usually tell me. I got laser eye surgery not too long ago and they didn't even tell me what my original bad vision was until I asked after the procedure, so I'm not surprised now that all these detransitioners are coming out and being like, "I wasn't told anything."
@lostineggsaisle Жыл бұрын
They don't even tell them the known side effects such as osteoporosis, sterilization, complications from surgical procedures, and a lifetime of taking medications that can cause cancer, depression, and other issues.
@SV-je8mg 11 ай бұрын
I was put on the Yasmin pill by my doctor, who claimed it was the best. Two years later, it was pulled off the market here in Canada due to dangerous blood clots. This was about the same time that it was exposed that doctors were receiving free lavish vacations from the pharmacutical company that produced it in exchange for prescribing it. I got a different doctor.
@1tommyday 10 ай бұрын
Puberty is a difficult phase to experience. Add in possible autism, peer influence, social media influence etc and that puberty experience gets 100x harder and misrepresented. When i went through puberty I kept shaving off my pubic hair, I didnt want it there. Then when Iwas 14 i under ate and lost 30 pounds because I was uncomfortable with my changing body. Its understandable why I did these things. Now its next level. The young girl who loves boys sports gets put on hormones. And the list goes on. Its a huge trend. A dangerous trend. Its a trend that the medical industry jumped on and is making a TON of money!!!! Off of vulnerable peer influenced kids. And the kids caught up in it cannot see it for what it is. A craze, a hysteria of the younger generation. It's super cool to be trans. It is and will continue to cause mass destruction to youths.
@TraevounGreen Ай бұрын
Isnt it weird how they claim that hrt is "medically diagnosed " yet when someone detransitions they act like it was "their decision " ??
@notreallydavid Жыл бұрын
It's not the rise in gender transition that raises questions - it's the _explosion_ in numbers and initial referrals, notably among young women and people diagnosed with other difficulties largely unrelated to gender - and all in the affluent world too. It's a reasonable conclusion that there's a lot of non-biologically prompted transition going on.
@cz1754 Жыл бұрын
Very true. You can find stats of how many young girls suddenly started identifying as trans around 2020 (notably during the pandemic when all this stuff was booming on tik tok). Some people say it’s because there is more awareness and acceptance today, but it doesn’t add up. That would be part of it, but it doesn’t explain why there is an explosion in numbers around gen Z females during that small time period. If it was just about acceptance, we’d likely have seen similar rises in older demographics as well Edit: a lot of non-dysphoric “trans” people I know online and irl either have autism or depression, are lesbians, or have experiences with sexual assault and objectification. I think you’re spot-on when you say there are many people transitioning for reasons other than dysphoria
@viviennedunbar3374 Жыл бұрын
It tracks with the introduction of Smart Phones in 2007 and the development of Social Media and platforms such as Tumblr. Young girls are extremely susceptible to social pressure and social contagion because it is part of our biological makeup to want to create community, connect and have empathy. Apps are designed to stimulate dopamine production to induce addiction and it’s easy for young teens looking for friends and to be included to spend inordinate amounts of time online. Therefore immature non-adult young people (teens) can accept lots of ideas in a faceless community of thousands of girls who give each other huge social clout for promoting certain ideas and ideology.
@notreallydavid Жыл бұрын
@@viviennedunbar3374 Agree!
@SirKaeyaStoleThisAccount Жыл бұрын
Yes, the explosion is what makes me concerned! Gender non conforming children, especially girls, are being duped into thinking they’re in the wrong body, or feel like they want to be like their peers who are also falling for the whole trans ideology. In reality the girls are just on the spectrum or are same sex attracted. It’s unfortunate that they’re stuck with permanent changes to their body and can’t be themselves.
@FormattedWill Жыл бұрын
as someone else pointed out to me on a different video, it's weird that it's harder for a man with low testosterone to get hormones than it is for a teenage girl to get the same testosterone
@Questinia1 Жыл бұрын
Waiting for the malpractice lawsuits to roll in. Many of the practitioners work for facilities and facilities think of business. Business cannot rule healthcare. This includes doctors who think of business before "doing no harm". What a travesty.
@laurabambam5342 Жыл бұрын
The Tavistock in the UK currently have over 1,000 people with lawsuits against them.
@lostineggsaisle Жыл бұрын
There is one girl in the US suiting her doctor at the moment. I'm sure there's more, but I just heard about her.
@Brandz420 Жыл бұрын
In the next 10 years we are going to see a lot of these lawsuits. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if what they’re doing to kids now is gonna make it harder for adults who need to transition to transition.
@saphiregood2550 Жыл бұрын
The first line of the damn oath Doctors take is "FIRST DO NO HARM" and yet, they arent worried about their oath. It meant nothing to them, if they are so willing to forget the most important part of their oath.
@jcimsn8464 Жыл бұрын
WPATH SOC 8 and AMA APA have written regs so that there is consensus and LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY
@RubysPetsandSuch 3 ай бұрын
I dunno how can one be old enough to change their sex but not held accountable in the court of law as an adult if they break the law? They can't even go to the bar or buy cigarettes. Don't they deserve a chance to be a child instead of having to hard define who they are?
@jessicakeniston7203 Жыл бұрын
Marcus, awesome content as always. My (step)son is Danish and just came over to visit this week. And since all of my kids (his siblings) are teenagers now my husband and i are allowing them to go for a visit to see him in Denmark around Christmas time!
@GhiaceCube Жыл бұрын
I was almost groomed into transitioning. My friend wasn't so lucky. She now identifies as "nonbinary transmasc" and has me on a blacklist. She forbid every single friend we had in common from talking to me. She called me transphobic because I don't understand what gender is. I'm autistic (diagnosed) and I struggle understanding concepts based on social... stuff. I hope someday she realizes that she got groomed. 😢
@GhiaceCube Жыл бұрын
@@rambunctiousvegetable We'd be told that the things we like/liked aswell as our behaviour was a sign of being trans, aswell as talking about how much better it was to be trans. Like, you relate to a character that doesn't match your gender? You hate wearing dresses? Oh we do those things too and we're trans so... maybe you're trans? It would often be about being relateable to us, telling us to cut ties with friend or relatives who disagreed with us (which is what she did with me at the end of our relationship) and about how they hated non trans and/or hetero people. By the way sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or such. I hope it helps to clarify.
@fidgetthecrazy Жыл бұрын
@@GhiaceCube from an outside perspective, that’s usually how it goes. I’ve seen them joke “we’ll make you ‘cisn’t’ too!” They _know_ that it’s contagious. And when someone realizes that they’ve been groomed, they either pretend you don’t exist, or attack your entire existence.
@itskitty808 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that. Honestly, your "friend" really wasn't your friend if she left you for realizing you two were being groomed.
@silververnallbells191 10 ай бұрын
@@itskitty808 She was a friend she just got brainwashed. It happens. People of all ages are susceptible or things like Scientology wouldn't exist.
@100organicfreshmemes5 9 ай бұрын
@@GhiaceCube Your experience only confirms my suspicion that in a lot of cases, people conflate simply not being a typically masculine man or feminine woman with being trans. It's so ironic they talk about abolishing gender roles and all that, but then if you don't fit into what's usually expected of men or women they shove you into a box and say you should take horomones and get surgery.
@Gioeli76 Жыл бұрын
I've actually just started detransitioning from trans-female back to male. I had been on hormones for 8 years and I'm just done. I started as an adult and wow! I could tell you just how fucked these people are. I went to a therapist and instead of trying actually figure out if I really am transgender or not, she told me, and I shit you not "When someone comes to me thinking they are trans, I believe they have already done enough soul searching to know who they truly are, and help them be that." So, day one, she tells me where I can go to get hormones , no psychological analysis or screenings or anything. She said I didn't even need to be seeing a therapist either. So I go down the following week to thus gender clinic in pittsburgh.....the most fucked up doctors office I have EVER been to. The place where the reject nurses and assistants go when they aren't good enough for a decent doctors office, but are now hired because of diversity and "they are victims of capitalism." Got porn documentaries showing in the waiting room. Day 1 going there, I leave with a prescription for estrogen and testosterone blockers. Then I start going to a trans "support" group at a place called PERSAD, and they were just the most negative, judgemental, unstable, arrogant people I have ever known. Fun times.
@ApacheMagic Жыл бұрын
Glad you hung onto your true sense of self through that. Good luck.
@danielroberts19873 11 ай бұрын
Glad you made it out too
@jayterra2060 11 ай бұрын
Omg I’m so sorry. Thanks for sharing, it’s so important to listen to voices like yours. Sending love and healing ❤️‍🩹
@humourdelight4205 10 ай бұрын
😮😢 I am so sorry I hope that you have been able to find peace with yourself after going through such an ordeal ❤
@MikasTinyLife 9 ай бұрын
That must've been rough!! I'm so sorry to hear all of this, you're very brave for sharing ❤ I wish you all the best
@shripleypibbles Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad to see how much you care about this issue. I hate it when people dismiss detransitioners as if the aren’t as important as everyone else.
@DaliJewel Жыл бұрын
You’re the most rational person I’ve heard on this subject. You’re coming from a place of experience, knowledge and also compassion. You’re clearly intelligent and emotionally stable, no crazy eyes lol, and a very confident, clear speaker which makes your message even more powerful. Your voice needs to be heard by all.
@bradparnell614 Жыл бұрын
If you are a trans person that cannot respect the experiences of detransitioners you cannot expect anyone to have any respect for your experience. They have no compassion for others, it's so terribly sad. Thank you for your perspective on this. It means so much more coming from a person comfortable with their transition than coming from someone not trans.
@ninjaartist1235 Жыл бұрын
In conclusion: it was never about “living your truth,” it was all about a narrative!
@kimberlyelliott7933 Жыл бұрын
@flanflan88 Жыл бұрын
It's only your "truth" if it aligns with their favorable "truth". And so the word "truth" has lost all meaning to them.
@kellysouter4381 Жыл бұрын
It was about sterilising as many people as possible. It's about depopulation. The wef only wants half a billion humans so seven and a half billion of us must go.
@lynnval33 Жыл бұрын
And money
@helenwalker5432 8 ай бұрын
The more I watch your videos, the more I'm impressed by you. The technical side & research is high quality. But more than that, is your authenticity, kindness & honesty. Thankyou sweetheart. Xxh in 🇬🇧
@AnaCarolina23y 2 ай бұрын
i love to hear your discourses, they're logic and intelligent. your arguments are spot on! thank you for what you're doing
@peps1943 Жыл бұрын
3,000 kids "got titties" 🤢 and 200 kids transitioned 🤢 Yes. Both of those things are bad. What point was he even trying to make??
@kierancaldwell3442 Ай бұрын
Some call it a "whataboutism". Basically trying to defend something by saying "what about *X other thing*"
@cr4zysh4dez Жыл бұрын
Hi Marcus and all other viewers. I am a 26 year old detransitioned female. I have been following your channel for a few months now. This was your best video yet! I have been diagnosed with a lot as an adult. I don’t feel comfortable sharing everything on KZbin. Suffice to say multiple serious mental illness and other neurodivergence. I first thought I was non-binary around 16. Then self identified as a trans guy at 17. I went off to college 300 miles away with growing undiagnosed & untreated mental health symptoms. I was validated as a trans male student at this university. I never received any support from school, community, OR “friends” during my suicidal episodes, brief physically abusive relationship, multiple sexual traumas and bad substance trips….but they all used my preferred name and pronouns on the medical withdrawal paperwork when the pressure in my head became too much to handle at medical school. Flash forward a few years, a few hospital stays, a few different meds, and many many prayers… When I detransitioned, the LAST people I told about my decision were my “trans” friends. I was terrified of the possible judgement, rejection, humiliation. To their credit, I’m still pays with most of them, but we’re not as tight as we used to be. I am in a “heteronormative” relationship now, and our lives just aren’t as similar anymore. I could go on but am trying not to overshare. …..but all my more “conservative”Ioved one’s all told me they were so proud of my bravery and said they had always loved me and were happy that my mental anguish was finally reducing. I was met with grace and acceptance by the so called “transphobic” family members and friends. I was met with polite emotional disconnect and cold shoulder from most of the queer community. You know, a lot of conservative Christian and other god fearing folk get a lot of flack for being hypocritical, and not Christ like at all in their forgiveness, hospitality, etc. But the empathetic warmth and strong community that surrounded me during this time in my life was indeed as powerful and light as the stuff I learned in Sunday school. I’m no longer that religious, but it makes you think. Thanks for reading if anyone made it this far. I hope somewhere out there, some young person, or parent, or anyone will hear my story and feel less alone ❤
@TheEnigmaticmuse Жыл бұрын
Two of my children don't speak to me because of my refusal to accept gender ideology. I still love them but if the basis of our relationship is that I either agree to go along or not and not have a relationship, I will decline. I don't know if I could have a relationship with them after what they did to our family, but I do love them and pray for them. I'm so glad to hear your family had open arms and loving grace that you needed. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.
@juleslee8059 9 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank you for pointing out that most “transphobic” conservatives, don’t actually hate the person, but the attitude that a lot of transgender people have. As a mental health nurse, i’ve met a lot of youths like you, and i still stand strong that minors should not be allowed to consent to permanent transition because often times, in my experience, they got older and better mentally, and decided they are what their biological gender is. The confusion about their gender came alongside their confusion about their overall identity, or severe trauma, and working through other aspects of what makes their identity, without even affirming their “chosen” gender, (and or their trauma) helped them.
@mht5875 8 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head, thank you!
@ScissorWhit 5 ай бұрын
@@TheEnigmaticmuse well that’s just sad honestly. Especially the “don’t know if I can forgive them after What they did to the family” part. I think I can agree and sympathize with all but that part. It’s not what they’re intentionally doing to anyone, they are confused and brainwashed by this evil world. and you should forgive them when the time comes.
@TheEnigmaticmuse 5 ай бұрын
@@ScissorWhit I have forgiven them. I do know they have been brainwashed. It's all too easy for that to happen in this world.
@katherinecarpenter4677 4 ай бұрын
I think that so msny young people and teens especially could so benefit from people like you! Things have gotten so crazy and out of hand that its turned into a trend more than what it actually is and not only is that sad its damn dangerous! Thank you for your post and i have the upmost respect for what you're doing and hope it spreads far! I saw it through that butterfield guy and glad i did!
@serralynnsmick4903 11 ай бұрын
I just came across your account through Arielle Scarcella. Loving your content. Thank you so much for speaking up about these very important issues. Wishing you all the best!
@morganelizabeth176 Жыл бұрын
Omg the scars under the nips... it’s horrifying. I have scars from childhood falls and things but you can tell those are medically created. They look like the women who have to deal with scars under where their breast used to be due to cancer.. and now kids have to deal with that for the rest of their lives.. makes me extremely sad
@elenawilliams32 Жыл бұрын
As a woman who has had genetic breast cancer 3 times (I'm 100% cancer free now) and has those hideous scars... It blows my mind, but then I'm not trans. I still struggle with the visual aesthetics of my body even though it had to be done to save my life and I'm an adult. I can't imagine how someone who has had a mastectomy as a minor as part of their trans affirming change and then realises they're not trans deals with this at all. I have huge issues around minors having access to this 'health care'.
@inferiorinferno8859 Жыл бұрын
My mom had to have them entirely removed, nipple and all. She definitely struggles with minor insecurities about not having any nipples anymore. I've also seen some of the non-binary crowd who removed their nipples to appear more gender neutral. None of these idiots understand how misogynistic they are by turning these scars into a 'trans aesthetic'. It's an insecurity for so many older women, and it can literally affect their marriage like my old landlady whose gold digger husband was a serial cheater because she grew uncomfortable having sex after her breasts were removed. She was a bitch and chose to stay every time, but whenever I think about that one particular cheating scandal where he'd fucked one of the other tenants who was barely in her twenties and was already in a relationship herself, I pity her. I always wonder if these assholes never talk to older women and realize how disrespectful some of their videos are towards them in particular.
@dexter_- Жыл бұрын
​@@trekadouble757I second this
@leenotliar 11 ай бұрын
that wasn’t nice to say, most trans men have these whether they detransition or not.
@adelepattonxxx Жыл бұрын
This is such a powerful video; it's actually heartbreaking. The hypocritocy in the "trans" community is upsetting and unhinged. What happened to the genuine "woke" community, who actually wanted to protect minority groups and stand up for vulnerable people?? It's gone wrong. I have always been an advocate for mental health issues and kindness and compassion for all people. Looking at what is happening in the world now is just incredibly sad. Get informed, get educated. Speak up, if you think something isn't right, without fear of being "cancelled" or labelled "transphobic" use common sense and rational thinking. Actually care and look out for other people. Hate comes from insecurity and low self-esteem. Health comes from self awareness, refection and personal inventory.
@linusgustafsson2629 Жыл бұрын
There never was an actual woke community wanting to protect others. There was a woke community who wanted to exclude people and only have their own likeminded people in the club, as well as enjoying harassing others who aren't in the club.
@JinxMarie1985 10 ай бұрын
Anger is an umbrella term.. Basically its hurt. Some sort of pain that you are sick of. Anger means a lot of things.
@adelepattonxxx 10 ай бұрын
@@JinxMarie1985 Anger is a healthy emotion when it is dealt with in a healthy way.
@chrisandrew7577 7 ай бұрын
I wish i knew your name. I respect you so much! I dont support trans ideology... im a Christian, but i have trans friends and i respect people as a whole. Youre channel is so open and clear and mindful, i wish everyone on both sides of the issue would watch your videos to see the logical side of things actually going on as you present them. Thanks for the video!
@MrArrmageddon 11 ай бұрын
This is one of the most important videos for anyone trying to learn more about this subject. Thank you.
@jaymcc845 Жыл бұрын
I have to ask how some trans people have gone from being worried and upset about coming out , to losing all empathy for people that have decided in hindsight realised it wasn't for them and then bully people, I'd have thought that by having a life journey as such they'd be some of the most caring empathetic people around. I'm glad there are people like yourself giving Trans people a decent name, keep up the great work bro
@VentrexTheXVth Жыл бұрын
Because the transition was for attention to them. With the detransitioners it seems to be jealousy. Trans is becoming more widely accepted so it doesn't get as much attention these days. Now the detrans come in and soak up all the sympathy the trans people have been pushing away. So the people who transitioned for internet points are jealous because now they gotta go through this shite again if the want THE internet points.
@DoctorPhileasFragg Жыл бұрын
It's because those kinds of "trans" people are also secretly regretters, and they need everyone else to be as miserable as they are.
@mysticwolfsatomi Жыл бұрын
Truthfully, i dont think its about being trans anymore, its just about not being "cis"
@SirKaeyaStoleThisAccount Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Those TRAs keep pushing their ideology that “being cis is bad, you’re an oppressor”. There’s nothing wrong with not being trans. And you shouldn’t feel pressured to be part of “them”. PS the word cis has been weapon used into a slur by TRAs so better not use it but it’s your choice
@FormattedWill Жыл бұрын
that's what it was always about since the founding of the lgbtqia+ alliance. first it was about not being straight, which fair enough. then it added the t and became about not being "cis" (hate that slur) or normal.
@melissamoonchild9216 10 ай бұрын
mhmm totally agree. the worst thing you can be to gen z is a bland white cis normie. 😅
@esasuleiman6835 10 ай бұрын
@montee3766 7 ай бұрын
The reason why people freak out about 'cis' being an insult is because its majorly used in context where it's used as an insult like 'cis don't know anything because they're bigots'.
@lorrainechamberlain7818 9 ай бұрын
You are such a lovely human being. Keep doing this! The world needs to hear your message of reason & Reality.
@crysjones1714 3 ай бұрын
I had a therapist that was big on affirmation care that would only encourage me to explore a trans identity (I was questioning if what I was experiencing was gender dysphoria or something else). She’d never let me explore the “something else” because I was “denying my identity.” I only saw her for a few months and she let me know she’d send a referral for me to get hormones whenever I felt I was ready for them after the first few sessions. With her encouragement, I decided to come out to one particular friend group that I knew would be supportive and explore that part of myself socially. I let them know that I wasn’t sure, but just exploring. I came to realize that my identity issues stemmed from not accepting myself as a lesbian, because growing up that was a derogatory thing to be. Anytime I tried to discuss this as my PERSONAL experience to this friend group, they would start using the same logic as the therapist. That all medical transitioning is reversible, that liking things outside of your birth sex gender norm made you nonbinary and trans. They acted like I was denying myself when I felt more connected to me than ever. I’m grateful that I was able to figure out that part of myself, but it scares me to know that there are people on hrt that genuinely believe that everything is reversible and that there are therapists that are so willing to speed up the process without digging a little deeper. I never fully “un-came out” to them, because I could never really get there without them thinking I was just in denial so instead I’ve distanced myself and am living happily as a butch woman.
@indiosveritas Жыл бұрын
" TransDoctors" need to have their license revoked immediately. Parents who demand their children "change their sex" must be investigated for child abuse .
@sassyghost_8 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! Not to mention we know about Munchausen Syndrome by proxy and yet NO ONE is testing or investigating the parents when they bring in an overall healthy child but insisting on wild symptoms and never letting the child speak. This will leave, likely, two generations of very scarred and emotionally traumatized people. All so doctors and ideologues could get more money and ass pats. Disgusting.
@bradycall1889 Жыл бұрын
Some of these doctors should spend the rest of their lives in prison. I know that makes me sound far-right, but I don't care at all.
@sundaymourning5329 Жыл бұрын
@bradycall1889 it doesn't make you sound far-right, it makes you sound as though you care about children.
@Ifailedeverything Жыл бұрын
Look at what is happening in California and Washington and Oregon though. They’ve all passed laws that allows the state to take your child if you don’t affirm their chosen gender.
@confuzzledlyabi Жыл бұрын
The world's upside down, it's considered abuse if you prevent your minor from transitioning.
@pumpkinpatch5 Жыл бұрын
As a straight Millennial watching younger people turn the world into a self-obsessed circus, I can honestly say that you are the first trans person I've come to know who talks sense in a calm and collected manner. Bravo! Bra-vo! I don't know where the absolute brainless notions come from in people, but it's refreshing to listen to a voice of sense and sound reason.
@licensetochill4992 10 ай бұрын
Sadly the more eccentric or aggressive the individual is, the more attention they end up garnering since it differs from the societal 'norms'. Gay hating people take these instances as representative of gay and trans folk in general, whilst these same individuals take the loudest, most weirdest straight people as rep for all straight people. Sometimes I wish we could just send all the alt-straights and alt-lgbt+ to an island somewhere, they should get along well with each other since they both lack logic and consistence in arguments usually. Let us others just drink coffee (or tea) in peace together.
@shereeroth191 10 ай бұрын
Nothing but love! I am so happy to have found you. a voice that speaks so wisely! Thank you!
@frenchfry14595 11 ай бұрын
I think the message you are spreading is one of safety for children too young to know what they want or to consent to these procedures. Thank you for speaking your mind on this subject. Very beneficial.
@jessicacampobello6416 Жыл бұрын
The second lady you talked about kept saying how dangerous is was for detransitioners to speak out...how dangerous is it to tell people NOT to speak out? Does she not listen to herself?
@virginiaintn4412 Жыл бұрын
I think she was a doctor. She was scary, tbh.
@agdoren 11 ай бұрын
"Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtue." An unwillingness to deal with an uncomfortable truth will always lead to failure.
@OtaTheEquine Жыл бұрын
I’m a young teenage girl, who, just like anyone going through puberty, is uncomfortable with my own body. Yet in the world of today, if you question why you feel this way, the answer online is most commonly trans. I mean, no wonder there’s a new rise of people thinking they have gender dysphoria. Honestly, I have no doubt in my mind that I would have started taking testosterone and then gone on to detransition if I hadn’t found true trans influencers like Blaire, Buck, and Marcus. Thank you ❤
@glykera Жыл бұрын
Stay strong ❤ I, like so many teenage girls, felt very uncomfortable in my body, and with female stereotypes that I believed I needed to adhere to. I grew up, I travelled, I moved to a different place, and I became comfortable with my body and with who I am. I'm now an old lady to you (in my 30s, 😅), comfortable in my body even though it's not perfect, comfortable with myself who is still not overly feminine, married to a wonderful man who loves me exactly as I am and with two beautiful children who are my world. I never thought this could be possible for me as a deeply unhappy teenager, and I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself that things get better and they will be fine. So from someone who has been through it: it will get better. Your brain will mature, your environment will change, and you will find your happiness. ❤
@myhax3351 6 ай бұрын
Same here!!!!! Stay so so strong!! I thought I wanted to be a guy but it turned out what I was experiencing was body dysmorphia, which is NOT the same!!! Much love
@toscatattertail9813 5 ай бұрын
Puberty sucks, I know from 13 to 16 I felt neither girly nor masculine, I wore the clothing I was expected to wear, Dresses for school and pants/jeans at other times. I think at some point everyone feels some gender dysphoria in puberty because that in and of itself is a physical/emotional transition. The best is to wear what makes you feel comfortable in your skin but wait until 18-20 before deciding on any surgeries that can't be reversed.
@ScissorWhit 5 ай бұрын
@@toscatattertail981321+ just to be safe 😭 sure, legal adult or whatever but I hate seeing so many peoples lives wrecked over a mass hysteria phase
@mattjack3983 5 ай бұрын
​@@toscatattertail9813I have no idea what you're talking about. I never felt any "gender dysphoria" at all going thru puberty. I never felt uncomfortable with my body, or had a difficult time at all with puberty. I played sports and lifted weights, and ate alot, and was very happy to be growing into a tall and strong man's body. I know that some kids might experience the dysphoria and be uncomfortable with it, but assuming that everyone feels some level of gender dysphoria is definitely not true or accurate.
@_Roasted_Marshmallow Жыл бұрын
Dude, I really love your videos! You look at everything with logic and you actually respect people! You are the trans people that I stand up for! I will call you whatever you want me to, not because you make me, but because it’s a respect thing! Much love bro! Keep the great content coming!!
@cristinacruz6493 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving the trans community a kind, reasonable and understanding voice. Nothing is more destructive to trans community than the intolerance and cultish hatred that some of its members unleash on others.
@akisesky Жыл бұрын
As a social detransitioner who almost got hormonal treatment and top surgery this really gets me like ☠️
@SharkFreak79 Жыл бұрын
I mentioned detransitioners to a trans acquaintance, and they flippantly said "well gender is a journey"..... wanted to slap them, and i basically had to change the subject.
@SkunkApeMeg Жыл бұрын
I had an ex-acquaintance tell me that there are almost no real detrans people- that most detrans stories are “right wing propaganda”. He also REFUSED to READ the stories about detransitioners that I sent him
@Brandz420 Жыл бұрын
I hate the gender ideology shit. It makes people throw statements out like that and think they’re factually correct.
@SharkFreak79 Жыл бұрын
@@Brandz420 I also think it diminishes empathy for suffering, just so uncaring & cold. As if lifelong medicalization & ongoing health complications are a natural process that is unavoidable, rather than a consequence of people pushing a cult/ religion.
@viscountrainbows2857 Жыл бұрын
Well if gender is a journey, then what makes a detrans journey any less valid, in their eyes? It's callous to disregard a real person's experience just because it doesn't match yours. They want to see it as some kind of "betrayal", when in reality it's them simply taking back whatever autonomy they can, while any is left.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@Utoobeh4tesfreespeech 5 ай бұрын
Your heart is so big Marcus. You're amazing. Kids not being harmed (in other ways) is my passion too, and the anger towards stupidity and injustice is so relatable.
@1999nathanule 11 ай бұрын
G’day, I’ve just come across your videos for the first time and it’s like a breath of fresh air,thank you it’s nice to hear the truth instead of all the other mumbo-jumbo that they come out with, which make no sense, and are just a pack of lies . leave the children alone there not old enough to consent, and for a parent to give consent to have their child sterilised and butchered, that is absolutely horrific
@scouticuss2121 Жыл бұрын
When children's right to consent and boundaries are being blurred, as they are by this ideology, I'm VERY concerned as to what other issues of consent may be next.
@a.ros12 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I think this is ultimately about the predators running Western societies having full access to children after decimating parental consent controls and using this trans issue as a reason to get rid of minor related restrictions.
@NiaLaLa_V Жыл бұрын
@@a.ros12 Yep, I see what you both see. We have to stop them, at any cost.
@AmazinGraceXOXO1 Жыл бұрын
That's exactly where it's going. Mark my words.
@joannediaz8978 Жыл бұрын
Bingo!! I've been saying this. Just wait and see. I hope to God I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
@oldmemememe Жыл бұрын
children consenting to transitioning is essentially them consenting to getting things done to their bodies. so... the line is getting really blurry and the creeps are definitely gonna take advantage of this.
@joshuapierce3085 Жыл бұрын
I watch lots of Reddit stories here on KZbin and one that really stuck out to me was one that where the Original Poster's (OP) sibling was trans male to female. That wasn't a problem for anyone around them. The problem was that the sibling wanted to take OP's name as their own trans-name. When OP talked to her friends about this to see if her concern over her sibling doing this was valid and they all agreed they were weirded out by the sibling wanting to do this. The night before OP went to confront her sibling, they were both at a party with a mutual friend and the friend told the sibling that it was their right to take whatever name they wanted and anyone that disagreed was transphobic. The sibling's therapist was also saying the same thing so when OP finally went to confront her sibling, the sibling was not open to hearing anything except "I fully support you in taking my name". They eventually managed to convince the sibling to see a new therapist and that therapist managed to talk the sibling down and to choose a new name and they found that the sibling had always been jealous of OP and felt that OP was their parents' favorite. The comment I made on that story was that no one in the family was wrong. The people who wrong were the "therapist" and the "friend" who were being trans-activists and were treating the sibling not as a person but as an identity and they were the real danger in the whole situation by pushing the sibling to do something that would destroy their entire support system in the name of protecting an "identity" that was seemingly stemming more from feeling inadequate and low self-esteem rather than from actually feeling out of place in their own body.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@ApacheMagic Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@Ifailedeverything Жыл бұрын
There’s a Lot of rage bait posted on Reddit.
@zoep.2891 7 ай бұрын
@zoa1-99.......: You are posting the exact same comment again and again. Are you okay?
@heathercarpenter5497 Жыл бұрын
Just found you. Thank you thank you thank you! Thank you for trying to advocate for these lost souls ❤️ new subscriber.
@athenachiarello3090 Жыл бұрын
you are awesome marcus!!! so brave for using your voice there are not many like you willing to speak out. i found you thru blaire white and im so glad that you are able to keep making youtube videos. you've got a sub for life in me ✊🏼
@RosesandNiGHTS Жыл бұрын
Trans activists will find any and all reasons to call someone else trans But as soon as the person detransitions, they have the nerve to say "You were never trans!"
@FormattedWill Жыл бұрын
of course the detransitioner was "never trans" that's where the problem is, because the doctors simply "affirmed" and provided medicine to the wrong person and they would've know it was the wrong person if they did their job correctly. Instead they did the equivalent of giving chemo meds to someone without cancer simply because the person said they think they have cancer.
@RosesandNiGHTS Жыл бұрын
@@FormattedWill Exactly. Misleading a vulnerable person to then have them believe they are trans, then get SRS and eventually regret their decision is beyond words terrible. And they then have the nerve to shun them, as if they wouldn't be hyping them up for being trans in the first place.
@silververnallbells191 10 ай бұрын
@@FormattedWill A lot of de-transitioners still have gender dysphoria and therefore are trans it's just that transitioning wasn't for them.
@halroxdynasty8683 10 ай бұрын
They're also always "transing" people of the past now, who can't speak up for themselves...like now Joan of Arc is trans 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ no SHE was NOT.
@shemhazaithewhisperer2061 10 ай бұрын
@@halroxdynasty8683 One of my favorites is Mags Visaggio claiming Kurt Cobain was trans, pretty much asking for cuarenta-uno cracks.
@charlottheharlot Жыл бұрын
Marcus seems to have a lot of compassion and moral values. I like that.
@stoup7280 Жыл бұрын
nah he's a grifter trying to make money on bigots backs and apparently it works
@themerrymogwai8655 11 ай бұрын
You are amazing! You're so well spoken and you make so much sense. Thank you for being informative and for speaking the truth.
@dukedumby Жыл бұрын
Hey bro I've been a fan since you were in the hundreds of fans and now you're on the path to that million. I love your channel and the crazy stuff parents are doing to their kids. Is worse than wjays even on social media. Keep up dude.
@kattywhite4765 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos been watching you since last year. As a trans guy I agree with you, when I first started HRT they did not tell me the side effects properly now I'm dealing with problems with my uterus atrophying and I definitely agree with the laws about minors should not having consent to HRT.
@christinevenner183 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to ask you a question if I may. If you don't want to answer, that's cool. When they give you testosterone, do they give something to completely suppress estrogen at the same time? I was wondering if thsts why so many trans men suffer with what you described. The only reason I'm asking this is because men still have some estrogen. I'm just wondering if just a small amount of estrogen would have made a difference to the problem you described. I'm sorry if this is none of my business. Thank you x
@kattywhite4765 Жыл бұрын
@@christinevenner183 Thanks for asking this. unfortunately when I first starting taking testosterone and booked my first appointment with planned parenthood, they gave me no information on how it will affect my estrogen or female reproductive areas, I had to do my own research. to answer your question, the testosterone that I use for my injections overpower the estrogen, yet there is still estrogen in my system it is just not nearly enough to help my female reproductive organs. I hate how doctors don't want to tell you all the negatives so that you still take the "medicine".
@ankavoskuilen1725 Жыл бұрын
Be careful with your uterus. It is not a good thing when it is atrophying and that is an understatement!
@kellysouter4381 Жыл бұрын
I guess you're having early menopause then? Sage tea can help with hot flushes.
@christinevenner183 Жыл бұрын
@@kattywhite4765 Thank you so much for answering. I didnt know if it was just the lvls of testosterone that caused the issues or if another drug was used along side it. Doctors really need to be held accountable. If I have to have any kind of strong medicine my doctor will cover the worst side effects, and more often than not the pharmacist that is dispensing the medication will make sure its not going to clash with any other meds I'm on. They've even phoned me after a few days to follow up on side effects of new meds. But your doctor didn't bother to even mention the side effects to you. Thats terrible.
@GeoffInfield Жыл бұрын
That I'm watching someone call me transphobic while watching a reaction video by a transgender man says it all - we aren't transphobic, we just want everyone happy and on that I agree with YOU 🤗 #IStandWithRealTransexuals
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@aesthetix3398 Жыл бұрын
@@zoa1-99.......bro what
@aesthetix3398 Жыл бұрын
you’re not 'transphobic' you just have a different opinion from that person.. why can’t people understand that
@sydneyrosser8714 Жыл бұрын
@@zoa1-99.......shut your trap stop commenting this on everything
@ravenID429 Жыл бұрын
@@zoa1-99.......Stop spamming
@HyazintheLindemann-lu3vm Жыл бұрын
In my country transition became illegal. So we're here and what do I do with my actual diagnosis of gender dysphoria I have no idea. Funnily, my partner finally embraced after a year together that she is a woman and detransitioned socially (had no work done), went to therapy and just work on all the trauma and abuse she saw as a kid. So happy that she didn't get any "treatment". So Marcus you have saved at least one person.
@kellywaller8829 Жыл бұрын
Your parents must be so proud of having such a compassionate son. THank you for being a voice of reason in this unreasonable age.
@beebromley Жыл бұрын
Trans-people and trans-supporters : "We demand you accept us and allow us to do what we want and have the same rights" Non trans person : "I accept you but I have concerns about some things" De-transitioner : "I suffered and here is my story" Trans-people and trans-supporters : "How dare you!? Hate speech! You're haters! Transphobia!!!!" "You're not allowed a voice, only we are!" Obviously it's not all trans-people, thank goodness for *channels like this* This is a good lad, a voice of reason
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Glad I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@Keurgui1 Жыл бұрын
@@zoa1-99.......I mean you traded one ideology for another so good for you I guess?
@rhosllwyd2863 Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Hi, i am older straight lady. I value your presentations because you are who you are. When i was growing up aware and in the presence of gay and trans people, i knew life could be challenging in many ways but to me and my family, just people doing their thing in their own way. It must be so confusing for youngters now.xx you have clarity.
@marcusdib Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! The world is crazy right now no doubt!
@Grooveriff 8 ай бұрын
I really like that you're 1) vulnerable 2) authentic. 3) you bring actual substance rather than sociological fluff. You should actually get into law, because you totally have the intellect to work your way around the issues and apply logic to theories... Great channel! Obviously, you're pretty brilliant, which is a breath of fresh air.
@katiewowow Жыл бұрын
You speak so eloquently and intelligently. No wonder you get so much hate. They’re jealous of your ability to form complete thoughts and sentences with grace and compassion despite the utter disgusting nonsense these people are spouting. Love your channel and you so much ❤
@tiny_biscuit Жыл бұрын
Its shocking they let kids or even there guardians do something so irreversible to minors ! i was delcined sterilisation after 4 kids bwcause i was 28 and "too young"
@CordeliaWagner Жыл бұрын
Sterilisation means Body Autonomy for a woman. A lot of people don't like it. And there is not much money to make, the surgery costs not more than 1000$. I had my sterilisation at 21, paid 800€. In Germany we have public healthcare but sterilisation is seen as "not medically necessary" and therefore a private thing. Transitioning a child costs 200.000€ from first doctor appointment over puberty blockers to hormones and IS paid by health insurance. And the trans community screams that it's "so hard and so many appointments with psychologists and all these nasty questions". There is a lot of money to make and a certain group pushes for it. Sadly the same group that somehow doesn't like biological women very much. In Germany we have a small mostly unknown organisation called Selbstbestimmt Steril who helps women to find a Pro Autonomy doctor who performs sterilisation from age 18 and even helps with the payment if necessary. The Trans Organisation that pushes for children transitioning is way bigger and gets millions of Euros from donations. Tjeir homepage says that puberty blickers are reversible...
@Melnokina.-. Жыл бұрын
God jesus stop spreading your legs
@angelintodemonseed Жыл бұрын
I apologize ahead of time for the paragraph. I’ve been dysphoric as long as I can remember. It took me several years to finally seek help for it through a therapist (I was already seeing her due to having unrelated severe depression for several years). I was worried about her reaction not because I live in a red state, but because of the culture those on the left have created about transgenderism and dysphoria. On cue, she starts in about some doctor she knew that could prescribe me T pills and start me on a journey to transitioning. I told her if I’d wanted surgery, I’d have sought out a surgeon-I want help with the dysphoria itself. She stared at me with this confused sort of annoyance and flat-out said, “I don’t know how to help you if you don’t want to transition.” I stopped seeing her. How can I trust someone to treat mental illnesses if she couldn’t see dysphoria as one? I know plenty of people who transitioned and are happy, but I always personally felt the surgery was little more than superficial.
@TheDragiix3 6 ай бұрын
Are you okay?
@forsociopoliticalstuff2629 5 ай бұрын
I hope you make it through your struggles and find happiness in whatever you end up doing.
@gracecodd4378 5 ай бұрын
It can be so so so hard to find a good doctor or therapist. After asking for help for YEARS, I'm still not getting the help I need. And people say that there is so much help out there 🙄 I'm really sorry you're going through this and hope that you get the help you need soon
@aphrodieMonkey 4 ай бұрын
THIS RIGHT HERE! You were clairvoyant enough to identify your root issue of despair, without jumping to gender-affirming conclusions, you sought therapeutic treatment from the professionals that are supposed to help, as you should. Then they shoved a quick-fix remedy in your face, trading their ethical oath to wellbeing for an expensive & cancerous ideology perpetuated by the lunatic left, that, spoiler alert everyone! is the newest big pharma grift, they get blessed with loads of money; grants, endorsements, yadda yadda dollar sign.. woke seal of approval. why do you think they're more than eager to get you started asap? Good chance many don't give a shit for the wokethink, but they'll eat it right up for the sake of money! Then eat you up. One can only hope more legislation by the sound of mind further chokes this fucked up ideology before things get worse. I hope you get well, and never fall into this disgusting pit of exploitation and greed. Your body loves you, and always will. It's just waiting for you to love it back. Love your life. It only comes once, in one body. Best of luck.
@maillemacanaugh1841 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the use of the word “force”. We see the same dynamic play out when we talk about statutory r a p e. Seduction is used, pressure is used. There are power dynamics involved
@andysixxstalkerangeloftrag5833 11 ай бұрын
It's sad that a woman has to fight for her right to be sterilized "because she might want kids later" but CHILDREN is suggested and offered pills and surgeries to change themselves entirely forever.
@dani.dee4213 Жыл бұрын
"she got woke eyes, can you tell" LMAO this is why we love you.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Jesus is clear! I'm Detransitioned now after 4 years, because I was being deceived by a Fallen Angel, known in Sumerian texts as Ishtar. Thanks to God and Jesus for bringin me outta of that. The Rainbow is being misused! One of my latest v ideos explains more.
@ravenID429 Жыл бұрын
So many of them have the crazy eyes lol, like they think making weird faces makes them more serious
@Buchwaldjc Жыл бұрын
When I was 14 years old, I made the decision to start smoking. All of my peers and even many of the adults around me condoned it. I was absolutely one-hundred-percent sure at the time that I was old enough to make the decision and then I would never regret it. 35 years later, and I'm still a slave to nicotine.
@nthgth Жыл бұрын
Point is clear. I'd wonder about the many adults who approved though. I like booze but I'd do my best to discourage someone that age from drinking.
@Buchwaldjc Жыл бұрын
@@nthgth this was the 90s. My friends parents used to buy cigarettes for us.
@nthgth Жыл бұрын
@@Buchwaldjc still though. People knew the harm and the whole addiction thing.
@Buchwaldjc Жыл бұрын
@@nthgth Exactly... and even knowing the harm, at that age I STILL didn't have the mental capacity to make the right decision. Which drives my point home even more
@stellasternchen Жыл бұрын
@@Buchwaldjc Don't stop trying though.
@the_once-and-future_king. 7 ай бұрын
How arrogant can a person be that they attack someone who realised they'd made a mistake by undergoing hormones and/or surgery?
@lefouenfeu Жыл бұрын
Thank you for what you do, Marcus ❤️❤️ De-transitioners deserve a platform and support. I can't imagine being a part of a so-called "safe space" community and then being hated so deeply by those same people for a personal decision that doesn't affect them in the slightest. You were correct in stating they are the ones harming the positivity of the movement.
@Eirinen_E34 Жыл бұрын
Detransitioners need all of our support.
@jcimsn8464 Жыл бұрын
Yes, love and support
@Eirinen_E34 Жыл бұрын
@@jcimsn8464 Yes, love and support ❤️
@TheberryY 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, they need it.
@Eirinen_E34 11 ай бұрын
@@TheberryY 🤍
@samanthawhang7498 Жыл бұрын
If you are suffering from severe mental health issues and you are only given ONE treatment option, then no, you really didn’t give informed consent, because informed consent means you were presented with ALL treatment options. People aren’t even given no treatment as an option, because these doctors are telling parents that their kids are going to self delete without medicalization.
@kaltheartist 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely love watching your videos. You talk so much sense and always seem to have people's best interests at heart. I'm happy that you have found peace in your transition and hope that other transexual people follow your lead. ❤👊
@missylee3022 4 ай бұрын
It's also not consent if there is a powerful imbalance...like an adult medical professional vs a child.
@Nonayabizness360 Жыл бұрын
I can totally relate to this being one of the first people who went through gastric bypass surgery. They were pushing it hard through the media and actually had television shows showing people coming out with their “ complete transformation “ and how beautiful they were and they never mentioned how mentally traumatizing it all would be. Also many of my friends have died or committed suicide because we don’t change on the inside and even thirty years later weight loss patients have died from complications in their sleep! Everything effects your body differently including medications and everyday surgeries normal people have, they can’t be performed normally on my body because it’s different from everyone else’s! I understand exactly how these people feel and I am sending you all love and gigantic hugs. We are all beautiful inside and No Surgery can change the way you feel inside of your mind about yourself, don’t believe them! A surgery will not solve all of your problems and never let them push you into changing your body forever because it won’t solve all of your problems.
@jadefire2817 Жыл бұрын
"You're literally a bad person. " *YES!!!* I am so grateful and appreciative of your voice and passion .
@sidhedanu 5 ай бұрын
I love how well you have articulated this issue. Thank you ❤
@thetwelfth9987 5 ай бұрын
“Some truths, only time can reveal. Tis the nature of wisdom.”
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De-Transitioner: Here’s What Her Doctors Didn’t Tell Her
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Polish Member Of European Parlimet - Minutes Of Bitter Truth
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"Would You Ever Date A Trans Person?" Trans Guy Reacts To Heated LGBTQ Debate
"Trans Women's V*gin*s Are Superior" Trans Guy Reacts To DELUSIONAL  LGBTQ TikToks
Detransition: I Want My Sex Back (Directed by Artyom Vorobey)
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SuperYouman Stories: From Fear to Freedom
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