I Accused My Fiance Of Stealing And It Backfired r/Relationships

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@crawdaddy2004 Ай бұрын
Last story: Wait, the lake house is/was OP’s but was never invited? Daaaaaamn.
@sleepyearth Ай бұрын
i bet her father kept it all from her until it came up in therapy
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
Really hope an update comes out in like a year, where the OP kicked them out and the dad is just suffering being a divorced man without a home. And I can blame the Step-mom for keeping OP from the Lake House, that was a completely jerk move.
@pikachu7572 Ай бұрын
​@@SkyEcho751Nah stepmom knew what she was doing the whole time because the dad was going out of his way to bond with her kids while she ignored her stepdaughter. Everyone, except the kids, in the story are super calculating because they don't even love each other but they are going out of their way to make op feel like an unwanted child
@MizMorgue1 Ай бұрын
😂😂😂I LOVE that everything basically belongs to OP! It's positively beautiful!Dumb-dumb bio Dad knew all of this, and STILL treated her like crap and SM was completely in the dark?!! Hilarious! Those AHs deserve all the ugly things to come. I really hope OP sticks with therapy, and her relationship with the step sibs continues to grow.
@lifewithlee6298 Ай бұрын
Now the step moms 😂😢 crying 😭 and blaming op ! Like maybe ask nicely dummy
@ForAtanDaOss Ай бұрын
Story 2: “It's not the child's responsibility to teach the parent who they are, it's the parent's responsibility to learn who their child is" - Tig Notaros stepdad
@carlrood4457 Ай бұрын
OP needs a lawyer and accountant ASAP. She's now liable for taxes on at least two properties and any revenue from the accounts.
@nightmarefanatic1819 Ай бұрын
I hope OP can start renting them out. She's gonna need the money
@mbyerly9680 Ай бұрын
A forensic accountant. I imagine lots of her money has been spent or squirreled away.
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Story 2: “I’m not aloud to go to my friend’s house anymore since my dad says their parents are a bad influence” for checks notes being better parents to OP then he was. Got it
@ultraviolet2447 Ай бұрын
What is story 2? Bio dad somehow keeps getting worse and worse. I REALLY hope op looks into her father because he’s for sure been stealing from her and she kicks him and his wife out. Step siblings can stay though because they seem cool.
@vanzy01 Ай бұрын
@abvhrulz Ай бұрын
I am genuinely flabbergasted by that story. How can a parent be that out to lunch? Like, you don’t even know your 17 year old went to an entire other country? Insane.
@Kimberly_Sparkles Ай бұрын
If it's in a trust, there's an administrator. That can really protect the child.
@satansecretary665 Ай бұрын
@@abvhrulz its like he was done with her, once her mother died its like he got rid of her too. out with the old, in with the new
@Scarlett.Granger Ай бұрын
It's crazy, she's basically just like a stray cat to him, that you sometimes feed but it's not really part of your family. It's insane that she has to pay everything for herself. Also I can't imagine how actively ignorant you need to be to not know that your kid plays three sports and goes to Mexico. I feel like that's something you'll find out without even trying just from what's mentioned, preparations, etc. All in all crazy
@Taecoconut Ай бұрын
Story 2: OP needs a lawyer and accountant STAT - and i want an update 😭it seems like step mum purposely pushed OP out. What claim does she have on the lake house and now she’s crying over it when it was OPs mums to being with 🙄
@jbgra2566 Ай бұрын
If there's a story that needs an update, it is definitely the second one
@MorganVsTheInternet Ай бұрын
2- Holy hell, the twist that EVERYTHING was OP’s, was huge! SM should've made sure she knew what was his and what was his ex-wife’s before marrying him!!
@crawdaddy2004 Ай бұрын
I love the phrase, “very specific to my general likes and interests.”
@andrelini Ай бұрын
ikr like... i'd hope he knows her after so many years of being together
@elisabethb.131 Ай бұрын
It's the "specific" and "general" together in one sentence that does it. Since those words are pretty much each others opposites.
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
What would be worse, is if He took careful months of planning, and OP accused him of copying her best friend. Like maybe he did, but if it was designed for her, and she undermined his effort, it would be a seriously low blow.
@Nohideaa Ай бұрын
It gives me tautology vibes, like there’s something off. It just feels like a weird sentence, lol.
@ZomBeeQueeen Ай бұрын
Right? 😂
@colleens1107 Ай бұрын
@paden1865able Ай бұрын
Sounds like he succeeded for awhile, more's the pity.
@Songbirdstress Ай бұрын
Calling bullshit, Fiancé is jealous but went to Best Friend, lifted what she said verbatim? Then gets angry because OP noticed. Not adding up.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
Got angry because OP said he stole it from her friend so it was as if her friend proposed to her and not him. That’s when he got upset because she essentially said she was saying yes to her girlfriend and not him.
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
Counterpoint, he might have gone to the Best Friend, asked for some ideas, and she told him the general idea for the engagement. He took from that, unaware it was a plan the Best friend made to actually Propose to OP, rather then info they talked about over the years. So he might have thought the Best Friend was just being helpful and providing some stuff she'd learned from OP, then OP dropped this bomb right after the proposal. He might not have intended lifting the plan verbatim, and instead was told "Oh she mentioned this" and "I recall she always wanted X". Then he gets accused of copying the Friend's plan verbatim, and everything goes down the drain.
@HighPhoenix1754 Ай бұрын
​@@SkyEcho751yeah. This. And the update about him being an Incel? Love the redirect. Still does not change the fact that what she said was really shitty. She's still the asshole.
@lina9535 Ай бұрын
Correct me if I remember this wrong, but didn't the bff say something to the effect of "this is how I would propose to YOU"?
@davidlionheart2438 Ай бұрын
Translation: "The Fiance HAS to be wrong because....penis". Typical misandry.
@ondank Ай бұрын
Story 1 : Whenever someone gets eviscerated but then magically has an update that makes the bad thing they did irrelevant and the other person fully bad you know it's nonsense.
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Reminds me of a story where OP cheated on her boyfriend while not sleeping with the other guy did other things that definitely count as cheating and told her boyfriend he “don’t worry about him he’s just a friend” the boyfriend was not cool with it they break up she goes on vacation with the other guy and the ex texted her to say “knew it” she gets dragged in the Reddit comments even worse then this op and her most of her other friends were pissed at her but in her update she basically just called the ex trash and unmotivated to their mutual friends essentially icing him out of the friend group and then talks about her relationship with the AP like anyone would be happy for them it was just so convenient that her ex was apparently a lazy loser who just wanted to smoke weed all day and was holding her back 🙄
@ondank Ай бұрын
@@loganjoh1 I think I remember that one. Even in the update she basically admitted to monkey branching but it just happened to be fine when she did it.
@JohnWilliams-wl9px Ай бұрын
Remember when story about spaghetti with pasta. She like her pasta washed off. The boyfriend feed her plan spaghetti showing her there was no difference. Only for the Update to state the boyfriend was a predator. Tell me your butthurt without telling me lol
@dre1978 Ай бұрын
It is 100% a parents responsibility to keep up with their kids lives. If you are such a neglectful and absent parent that you had no clue your child went to a whole other country that is on you, not your kid, not their friends parents, not the school, YOU. And that step mom isn't much better. "she just wanted a dad for her kids" she is a-okay with OP being neglected because it benefits her and her kids. If I had a partner that had kids and I noticed they're ignoring them for mine I'd have a sit down with them or start going to their kids events myself. Both parents suck and I'm glad OP's step siblings have their back. I went and checked the comments. The account the SM was talking about is an account ONLY OP has pulled money from. She just knew it was there and that it has a decent amount in it; she assumed it was the dad's and there's no prenuptial so she thought she was gonna get half of everything including the houses and account
@damnmolony Ай бұрын
Story 1 - Am I the only one who thinks OP just using a "he was an incel" card for escaping the situation? noting explained in this update at all.
@veezopolis Ай бұрын
It's very sus
@MargaritaOnTheRox Ай бұрын
It didn't even sound incel to me. It sounded like he was concerned about her feelings for him, so he went to Reddit for advice. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Nope even Reddit caught that which is honestly surprising. He probably dumped her and she decided to make him look like a bad guy after she got her feelings hurt by Reddit calling her in her BS
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
​​@@loganjoh1yeah, you know when Reddit calls BS on someone being an incel. You know they're definitely not because they throw that word around on that app more than any other word by far. I remember getting called an incel for saying a grown adult man doesn't have to ask his girlfriends permission to get his haircut 😂
@jademarine6847 Ай бұрын
Nope, not the only one. Feels too much like a get out of jail free card after being bashed soo hard
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
S2: So it’s all OP’s money and properties and the part time parent decided to treat her like crap? Bold strat.
@league-of-shadows Ай бұрын
I hope she tosses them out but it’s a shame it will hurt the step kids.
@satansecretary665 Ай бұрын
@@league-of-shadows i think at this point the stepkids understand. i would if i found out my stepsister was being ignored this much and we were living in their home this whole time
@Scarlett.Granger Ай бұрын
"part time parent" is even overstating it. He treated her less than one treats stray cats, that you like feed sometimes, pet sometimes, see around sometimes. I feel like it takes a lot of effort to be this ignorant of your own childs life and whereabouts.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
I love that the step siblings are rallying around OP. The step mother saying she didn’t sign up for this drama is ridiculous! Them divorcing when the step kids stopped seeing OPs dad as dad goes back to how getting married to have a parent for your kid is so gross.
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Story 2: OP holds all the power now I hope she takes full advantage
@missmeeks34 Ай бұрын
S2. "Stepmom just wanted a dad for her kids" She's just as guilty as OP's dad. She would have noticed if he wasn't doing anything for her kids, but she didn't notice that he stopped parenting the one he had. 😒
@HydraKitt Ай бұрын
That update was the biggest fiction on Reddit this week haha.
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
Yeah I've seen Reddit comment sections fall for some hilariously bad posts that even the dumbest person should be able to tell is fake and even they instantly called that update out on being BS and nothing but damage control
@invisigoth510 Ай бұрын
Last story: wow. Dad is an AH, stepmom is in shock that there are no marital assets as it sounds like dad has been paying for everything from OP’s inheritance & neglected to inform his wife that the money they’ve been living on & the homes they’ve been living in are all OP’s No wonder he doesn’t want OP to leave. B
@michamocha Ай бұрын
I mean, even if he was an incel, that doesn't really explain why he thought she was a lesbian he could change, especially when the best friend is married. Op just opened more questions with that update lmao.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
Yep, and didn’t answer the question as to why her best friend who is a woman had an elaborate plan to propose to her. Was there a “if we’re not married by (age) let’s just marry each other” pact. Were they just goofing around.
@troubleinthevalley5884 Ай бұрын
I mean I feel like it does perfectly explain why he thought that lol. Being an incel and thinking you can convince a lesbian into sleeping with you seems to go hand-in-hand from what I've read / seen.
@fallingawayfromthenorm Ай бұрын
I mean there’s some straight men who look at lesbians as a challenge to convince them they like men. Often fueled by the stuff on adult sites that’s 100% scripted where such an event happens and then the woman recants her lesbian orientation and becomes obsessed with d. And some people still marry to have beards (not sure what the lesbian equivalent is). While not as common in the US as it once was when homosexuality was illegal and often a death sentence by vigilantes in the local community (not to say hate crimes and anti-queer murders don’t happen today), there’s been more than a few stories in here of people’s parents from the 80’s-2010’s cheating on their spouse with someone of the same gender. It could explain how he, if OP is being truthful about his Reddit account, could still assume she was into her best friend and vice versa.
@jakeand9020 Ай бұрын
​​@@troubleinthevalley5884 That thought process is far from being exclusive to incel culture. For the most part they just jump on any excuse for why girls don't want them so long as it has nothing to do with their personalities unless that personality flaw is they are "too nice." Generally they see a girl being a lesbian as their excuse covering for some unknown superficial reason, thus if given the chance they could change them, because they don't believe the girl in question is actually a lesbian.
@MrJpaynebb Ай бұрын
​@@troubleinthevalley5884 it just seems to wrap up to well. So she's asexual which is a good explanation of why the now ex thought she and her BFF had feelings for each other or at least OP for her. So his comments aren't totally out of left field but turns out conveniently that he's also an incel so his suspicions can just be tossed aside and everything is all good now for OP.
@catsncrows Ай бұрын
S2 1 The step siblings all going yeah this is a mess 2 The financial situation lol what in the absolute hell?! My mother in a wild weird power stomp tried to ban me from seeing friends. Op's father really didn't want her to have any outside support because greedy? Gross.
@reginarainer9740 Ай бұрын
The second story is appalling. That man checked himself out of OP’s life so much that he turned himself into a ghost. I doubt that if it was not for that picture and being embarrassed in front of friends and family he would have even noticed when OP finally completely removed themselves from his life. What is nice, and I will admit, unexpected is the way that OP’s step siblings are backing them up and being so supportive of them. Editted- got to the update. This man is a PoS who sees OP only as an ATM to support his ‘real’ family. Aka keep his wife happy by being the ‘dad’ to the step kids. It’s no wonder the step siblings are supporting OP, they probably see this better than anybody on reddit.
@MizMorgue1 Ай бұрын
Wow! S2.NTA! Dad basically told OP is were their responsibility to remind Dad that he was a Dad! Wtf kind of BS is that?!! Then he deflects, yells at OP, and won't allow her to see the ppl she calls "her real family"? What. An. AH! When OP goes NC, I hope she doesn't waste her time telling him.
@ultraviolet2447 Ай бұрын
Literally like, oh I’m asexual…. like that doesn’t answer the question of if you like your best friend. But it’s fine because he’s an incel actually so he’s actually worse don’t look into my bad behavior because he’s actually the bad guy, not me. - op Like….. suuuuuuure.
@vanzy01 Ай бұрын
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
Don't forget how this Best friend is suddenly married to a guy for 3 years, despite never even mentioning her friend is supposedly straight and already married after she was accused of having a Lesbian affair. Like that's the kind of stuff you put in the post to 'prove' you weren't having an affair. Something like "I have no idea why he'd think that, given she's been married for three years and never even claimed to be into girls, she's much more like a sister to me". Totally didn't make that stuff up, suuuuuure...
@anotherone1532 Ай бұрын
Story 2 did anyone else realize op’s dad doesn’t realize how old op is? ETA: I retract my previous statement Dad is a POS
@kierstenk7678 Ай бұрын
I need an update for story 2 as soon as it is available please. The drama with that one was off the charts
@Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets Ай бұрын
S1: theory. He didn't have a reddit account. He broke up with her. She just made up the "incel" crap to save face and make herself look like the good guy. Nothing adds up otherwise. "Incel" is the one of the most overused terms to try and turn people against someone, and it isn't even used in the proper way.
@YuriKaroki19 Ай бұрын
I believe that more then OP's BS update
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Yeah OP was throwing around a lot of words that read like she wanted sympathy like her being ace yet not actually answering the question if she was into women or not, calling her ex an incel probably because she was banking on Reddit’s hatred for them to cover up how obviously fake her side of the story is. As the first comment said “ convenient” that he turns out to be an”incel” after she gets dragged for her first post.
@wimsylogic65 Ай бұрын
​@@loganjoh1 Also like how is he an incel, Until they broke up he had a girlfriend/fiancee.
@slothisasin8240 Ай бұрын
​@@wimsylogic65 These days "incel" isn't always meant literal, it CAN mean someone with the same mindset that the typical incel has despite relationship status. Unfortunately there are men who still view women in a dehumanizing way even though they spend large amounts of time with a woman. Just like some women view a men in a dehumanizing way despite being together with a man. A normal person would adjust their world view just by seeing how women's/men's lives can be difficult up close, but some people are unable to.
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Ай бұрын
I hate going into stories thinking the poster is lying or just writing a fake post. But even I can't believe the update. It's just way to conveniently against the ex fiance all the while ignoring anything wrong on OP's end. But your point about incel commonly being used wrong is also correct.
@tashantimothy6180 Ай бұрын
Story 2 mad confusing so there wasn’t a stepfather at all? Lmaoo I love how the step mother thought she was finna get the lake house in the divorce guess again sweetie
@katherinehutton9870 Ай бұрын
When i got married my ex husband hated my best friend. I should have picked up on that as a clue. At that time we lived in completely different states but he still didn't like her. He knew how important she was to me because we were more sisters than friends. I have known her since 9th grade and when I was 20 she sat on a cot with me in my mother's hospital room while my mother was dying. Then move in with me so I wouldn't be alone while still paying for her own apartment. So he knew he had no chance of getting me to drop her as a friend. We often joked we should just marry each other because we hated dating. Throughout our marriage he didn't like anybody I made friends with and he tried to isolate me. It was the beginning. Now at 52 devoriced after 30 years and our children are grown we are debating moving in together and embracing the cat lady life.
@mohsinAli-hq1nd Ай бұрын
Awwe I hope you have a wonderful life ahead❤
@vanessaTheGrittyArtist Ай бұрын
That cat lady life sounds amazing.
@katherinehutton9870 Ай бұрын
@@mohsinAli-hq1nd I have 5 beautiful sons and she got 2 beautiful daughters. No regrets. Thank you for wishing a beautiful life. I hope you have a happy one too.
@slimecorn Ай бұрын
Holy shit story 2 just kept getting worse… I NEED an update
@league-of-shadows Ай бұрын
OP1 is full of shit.
@KadeStringer2.0 Ай бұрын
Actually you are
@hiroshi7025 Ай бұрын
@@KadeStringer2.0 Cry about it bro
@KadeStringer2.0 Ай бұрын
@@hiroshi7025why don’t you cry about it
@hiroshi7025 Ай бұрын
@@KadeStringer2.0 Waah wahh mirror waah
@JaneDoe1812 Ай бұрын
She was joking with him. He's too damn sensitive.
@ewaterman3569 Ай бұрын
Love how OP1 tries to completely dismiss the point of her having a crush on her friend because she’s asexual. Like honestly, if you’re ace then gender shouldn’t matter to you so that’s actually a greater indicator that she could have feelings and is just hiding it. Regardless if he’s bf was an incel or not, she’s clearly not all there if she can basically imply she wanted her friend to be the one proposing to her. That’s all I can take away from her comment to her ex fiancé. Glad these two separated, my word.
@DindellaTheDefender Ай бұрын
As an ace person, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two separate things. You can be sexually attracted to no one but romantically prefer men or women, or even be aromantic. It can also be obscenely difficult to navigate feelings when you're lacking something. It's like having no depth perception or being colorblind in a world built for people who don't have those.
@DindellaTheDefender Ай бұрын
That being said, I'm glad they're separated. She wasn't accounting for his feelings. Edit: removed emoji typo
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@ewaterman3569 well she was straight up lying in the second one simply because Reddit doesn’t share the username of the person sharing the post.
@barbaraestrada6032 Ай бұрын
How on Earth could a parent be so oblivious to the actual day to day LIFE of his child? He deserves to feel ashamed! And screw the step mom! She got the father for her kids after seeing him ignore his own kid???
@pamelajohnson6425 Ай бұрын
The only reason he didn't ship OP off to live with some distant relative after her mom's death is because she was his ATM. Everything is hers, and the only way he had access was to keep her around, claiming to use it for her benefit. She really should kick him and step mom out yesterday, and have a detailed audit done for every expense since her mom's passing. If she wants to be petty, backdate all of stepmom's trips to HER lake house and charge her rental fees. Disgusting "parents", she's better off without them in her life.
@candypettynettie487 Ай бұрын
S1- If he thought she was having a lesbian affair and just wanted to please her religious family WTF DID HE PROPOSE?!!!!!!! WTF IS WTF WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!!!
@kaykay8855 Ай бұрын
‘I can change her’
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
I'm guessing it was a suspicion he had in the back of his mind, he buried it because it didn't seem like that. Then she said that comment right afterwards, and the gears started turning, and he had a kneejerk reaction to the whole thing.
@carolsimpson4422 Ай бұрын
I think he never believed that. He just wanted an excuse to be controlling, and make her prove her worthiness over and over, for the rest of her life. And he wants to isolate her from the people who care about her
@veezopolis Ай бұрын
She made it up.He was not homophobic to her.She made this entire thing up
@AndreNDP Ай бұрын
I'm calling lying. OP is pretty obviously attracted to both genders, which is fine, but she's kept a woman who's obviously into her around for a long time and he knew it, tried to keep boundaries, and it failed.
@bigcaper862 Ай бұрын
We so need to see the fiances side...i bet its a very different story
@mikimishisa Ай бұрын
Eh my ex husband was always jealous of my BFF my boyfriend gets along with her really well and they make fun of me together now. 😂
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
​@@mikimishisanah That update she made was such BS that she pulled out of her ass because she got dragged for being a douche in the first post 😂 like come on a 13-year-old could tell she was lying through her teeth in the update, even reddit whose favorite pastime is calling people incels and professionally hating on douchebag men called her out and said her lying in the update was hilariously bad which means there's a good chance she was lying in the first post to make herself seem not as bad as well but that one's up for debate. However, her update complete and utter BS
@nelly2958 Ай бұрын
S1, I don’t know if she’s an ah or just dumb, the post and update are kinda confusing. I could understand wanting to have an original/ updated proposal plan, but why add the “my best friend basically proposed” part.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@nelly2958 well the update is a straight up lie. She says he shared the post and exposed his username. When you share a post anywhere it doesn’t share your username, only the post that you sent. Reddit was turning against her because she told her best friend to tell her future partner that proposal plan and then went “you stole it”. So she did the one thing that would get Reddit on her side, make him an incel who is against homos and thinks he can “fix” her with a good f-cking. Don’t know about the first post but the update is definitely a lie.
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
The update's confusing because it's BS. She got dragged in the comments and got upset about it so she literally just threw a bunch of buzzwords and stereotypical bad boyfriend tropes together. Hoping to get sympathy and in fact she ended up getting dragged even worse because even Reddit who loves to call people incels and bash on on men when there being anything short of perfect in a relationship and even they said no fam. This woman's lying through her teeth
@karlat7880 Ай бұрын
Story 1: Why would you even say that!?!? Yes YTA
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
S2: it’s so weird when the reason for getting married is wanting another parent for the kid. It feels kinda gross, cuz why isn’t love for each other a priority?
@carlrood4457 Ай бұрын
So what did the dad get out of this marriage? A son which he could only have if he spent time with his wife's daughter too? There doesn't seem to be any affection between them.
@crystallight939 Ай бұрын
My bestie and me joke about marrying each other all the time, my partner has never accused me of being romantic with her 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
@god-rj5wf Ай бұрын
right?? like it's totally normal, OPs boyfriend had signs of being a weirdo from the start lmao
@Russman67 Ай бұрын
The math honestly is not mathing. The proposal. Followed by the best friend who wanted to propose to OP. Then After getting trounced in the comments, the story pivots to you the boyfriend being a secret incel and that explain why they aren't together anymore. Not the potential "I've been sleeping with my best friend and we're in a relationship in order to cover up my secret relationship."
@megadude967 Ай бұрын
Story 1 : This feels like that one story where the OP said his GF's friend was hotter then her and in the update went "Uh, acrually you're all wrong, she apoligised and got back with me and everyone said I was right"
@kaimarquez4375 Ай бұрын
2nd story OP posted another update 5 days ago. Basically they've moved out for college and stated seeing their real family again since bio dad can't say shit about it. Also they've talked to a lawyer and is now charging bio dad and step mom for rent, including back rent since turning 18. They also apparently own the the cars and boat since bio dad is financially inept and used her house as collateral for them. I wish OP all the best and hope she's eventually able to rid herself of bio dad and step mom, while keeping her properties and finances safe from them.
@grimlingLennie Ай бұрын
Thank goodness! Thanks for the update, I wish the best for op and hope the step siblings make it out ok too.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
S1: to the boyfriends credit, it doesn’t feel platonic to have your girlfriends bff have a detailed plan on how to propose. I need info on that lol
@X2XImTheNewCancerX2X Ай бұрын
I mean, OP was definitely wrong for how she reacted to the proposal, but as an ace who has been on the receiving end of more than my fair share of "you haven't met the right person" "have a few more drinks and then I'll ask again" "what, like a sponge?" from self-identified "allies" I can definitely buy that the ex also had some aphobic, incel-y issues he wasn't talking about. Sometimes... both sides... can suck. It's almost like AITA has a dedicated acronym for such occasions.
@JaneDoe1812 Ай бұрын
She was kidding. KIDDING. Not serious in the slightest.
@YuriKaroki19 Ай бұрын
if you believe what s1 OP said in her update then I got a talking Donkey to sell you
@JaneDoe1812 Ай бұрын
@@YuriKaroki19 You didn't even come up with that on your own.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@X2XImTheNewCancerX2X nope, she was lying. Reddit isn’t TikTok. The platform does not share your username when you share a post. It also doesn’t have your username displayed anywhere that would be visible if you screenshotted it and then sent it. So no, he wasn’t an incel. OP just saw the crowd turning against her so she chose the one story that would get them back on her side. She’s a member of the LGBT+ community and here’s this a-hole who thinks he can fix her with the right amount of f-cking so of course “she” had to call off the engagement and end the relationship. Most likely the real update was she’s not ace and never was and used that to get away with not sleeping with her ex while screwing her girlfriend who was also cheating on her husband.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@JaneDoe1812 doesn’t matter. The update was a straight up lie. You don’t figure out someone’s username just by them sharing a post. It isn’t TikTok.
@Jasonfallen71 Ай бұрын
Wow, been listening on 1.5x speed and just now started a new show with playback at regular speed. I’m like “Markee Has Had A Stroke” it was so slow Lol
@god-rj5wf Ай бұрын
story 1; i feel like it's far too normalized for people to be so possessive that any intimate relationship outside of whomever they're dating is met with immediate skepticism. they were friends since they were kids, and how one would get married/engaged is a common topic for a lot of childhood conversations. I've done it myself with my friends, sister, and cousins! we can argue back and forth all day about whether or not her comment was appropriate, (although she didn't seem too legitimately upset and was just razzing him a little) it's understandable why even if she wanted him to take a few ideas, it being word for word could be a bit disappointing. like yeah, it's a proposal she wanted, but at the same time having someone use their own heart and mind to do something so huge for you would be more special. idk why people are so skeptical about the update too. "the guy who accused you of being in love with your best friend turned out to secretly think you're a lesbian who he could turn straight?? LOLOLOL AS IF!!! 🤪🤪🤪" like the signs were there lmao i swear, people are just looking for an excuse to make OP out to be the worst person alive.
@nondisclosure3920 Ай бұрын
Except for the part where sharing the post revealed his Reddit username, it doesn't
@jqdsilva Ай бұрын
Last story update: after finding out op owns both properties and is actually in friendly terms with the step-siblings, I think it would be a good idea for her to invite only them to live with op. Let the ex step mom and sperm donor sort themselves out.
@autumn557 Ай бұрын
Now that last story had me lmao The stepmom was pushing out OP and never once realized OP owned everything. Now she has nothing to show for her divorce but two kids and problems garbage child support.
@nataliebateman1151 Ай бұрын
Someone save Markee! He's been locked away again T^T
@teddychu1177 Ай бұрын
Nah.. he's siphoning off Conner's electricity, he's fine
@Burglar-King Ай бұрын
The father realised OP was 18 and knew he had to do damage control fast. At the least, they now need to pay rent on the property to oversee expenditures, including maintaining the house. Call the friends parents and ask them to help you sort out the mess with a financial advisor / lawyer. Things now need to be completely legal.
@myrabeth77 Ай бұрын
Story 2: Step mother shows all the signs of a gold digger. Married a well-off seeming guy very quickly after meeting, loves shopping, claimed she "just wanted a father for her kids" as cover, ignored the step kid for years, focused all her attention on family bonds between her kids and rich dude, quick to talk about divorce at the first sign of trouble that couldn't be ignored, and assumed she'd get half the assets... Only to find out the assets belonged to the ignored kid, and the ruse had only lasted that long because her hubby was a bad father and fellow scam artist.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry, the lake house that the step mother loves so much and OP never gets to have solo time actually belongs to OP?!
@oliviaksiag6163 Ай бұрын
Petty boss move: invite the step siblings to the lake house regularly, but never let crazy step mommy to the house. I'd also kick the not dad out of the house, dude's just been bumming off of OP and clawing for control he doesn't have.
@jbgra2566 Ай бұрын
That first story reminded me of the one with the pasta "with a hint of tomato" 😂😂😂
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
16:38 except the therapy is to make OPs dad feel better, which just won’t happen. He won’t take accountability, he won’t allow OP to see the people who have been supportive. The way he won’t admit that he knew about his step siblings because he cares is frustrating AF!
@janenorwood1614 25 күн бұрын
I agree with the fiancee... it's not typical for girls to think about 'how they'd proposed to their bff'. He dodged a bullet
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
21:40 is she f**king for real?! The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bit-
@paden1865able Ай бұрын
I love that line, may I have permission to snitch it?
@loganjoh1 Ай бұрын
Story 1: yeah Op is definitely an unreliable narrator just conveniently left out so much information even in the update after she gets dragged for her crappy behavior in the first post
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@loganjoh1 not to mention the fact Reddit doesn’t share your username when you share a post so she lied about that. Even just a “I wanted to know why he reacted that way so I took his phone and went through it and stumbled upon his Reddit account” would’ve been 1000x more believable.
@eph2vv89only1way Ай бұрын
The dad saying that he didn't know op still participated in activities still would be no excuse even if it was true (which I doubt it is - he's lying). A good parent would be well aware of their child's activities.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
14:00 they’re a bad influence?! The only people there for OP?! This is disgusting! He keeps getting mad because there’s really no way he can argue with what OP is saying. Keeping her away from her friends is for his ego. Instead of trying to fix things, he’s really making things worse.
@hiroshi7025 Ай бұрын
Story 1 reminds me of that tweet saying "God forbid you ever criticize a woman without her bringing out some sexual identity or mental disorder." We need to bring a new clause for that one because the "He's an undercover inceI" was not on my bingo sheet. 🗿
@jimbobjones9330 Ай бұрын
That woman pulled out all of the "Reddit Bingo card" to try and get people on her side. I'm surprised she didn't add "And... and... one time we were on the bus, and he took a guy's Nintendo Switch to give to his nephew, and the guy was disabled, and another time we were getting kinky on the couch, and it turns out he had me dress up in his niece's clothes, and ANOTHER time, I found out that he tried turning one of the rooms in our apartment into an art room for his "friend"!!! Literally the lamest attempt to use every reddit-friendly term to try and get people to agree with her.
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
Yeah there's one way to get redditers on your side immediately and that's to tell people the person you're having issues with isn't incel and they will block to your side and even they stopped and went I don't know. I'm 100% sure she's lying through her teeth because it was all too convenient 😂
@carlrood4457 Ай бұрын
Whole thing is messed up. Why would he propose and use the friend's plan if he believed what he claimed. However, who comes up with a proposal plan for a platonic friend? Why didn't OP find that weird? ESH
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@carlrood4457 probably a “I don’t want to be one of those a-holes who assume a close friend= screwing each other” and buried the thoughts. Then she said she was saying yes to her BFF proposing to her and not him and the shock turned to anger and an “so it’s true” revelation. Then instead of answering questions she lies about them getting his username through him sharing her post, which is impossible because Reddit doesn’t do that, and never explained why her friend was talking about proposing to her.
@larenzostokes985 9 күн бұрын
Story 2. OP is an adult. Whether she lives with her dad or not he can’t keep her from going there.
@boogitywoogity248 9 күн бұрын
Isn’t it funny how any time a woman is a villain, the update is suddenly about how their boyfriend was a closet (something worse) lmao. Surely it’s so coincidental, I’m glad at least Reddit called her out on it, they usually don’t.
@freetoni8572 Ай бұрын
She never said she was upset and continued to say that she was joking
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
Story ones update is hilarious 😂 It was basically. Oh no! I thought I was in the right. But The entirety of my comment section with hundreds of comments told me I was absolutely stupid. Let me make a BS update real quick using all of the buzzwords and generic bad boyfriend things I can come up with off the top of my head to make myself look like the victim 😂
@Floratic Ай бұрын
Story 1: First time hearing that update. 😂 Story 2: That update was crazy. 👀
@Obiwantuan Ай бұрын
Story 1: OP, nice job never answering any of the commentors questions about your behavior around your BFF.
@tinycrimester Ай бұрын
i YELLED when the video ended without a second update.
@DaniS398 Ай бұрын
Lol people holding OP accountable for something she said to BF when they were children. Seriously 🙄. The fiancé is a psycho.
@Scarlett.Granger Ай бұрын
What is wrong with the dad in story 2? Literally people are nicer to stray cats they sometimes see around the area. How the f can he act like this? Also this level of ignorance of your own childs life has to be a lot of effort. You usually know these things just by virtue of living together. All around crazy story.
@colleens1107 Ай бұрын
Story two: WHY DONT YOU CONSIDER ME YOUR DAD? Because blah blah blah. Well now I’m going to take EVEN more stuff from you that you love and completely ignore the fact that I’m actually the one who fucked up. That poor kid
@seraphimazriel Ай бұрын
Second story got an update! Short version: OP got a lawyer and an accountant to go over money/assets. Apparently she owns 4 properties, one is being rented out. [linked to one of her accounts, did not specify about property taxes and such] it seems all of her money was protected bio father did not access her accounts. he & his wife are now paying rent and constantly arguing while OP is heading to college. stepsiblings are still siding with her.
@saged1513 Ай бұрын
Disregarding the rest of the drama, I honestly I don't know why people are thinking friends talking about hypothetically proposing to a friend is weird. That sounds super normal to me for close friends, just a way to talk about how well they know each other.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
S1: is the best friend in love with OP? Cuz who makes plans on how to “hypothetically” to propose to a _platonic_ friend? And what was the friend supposed to do by “holding onto that idea”? Was it not to be given to a future fiance? That part is so confusing.
@taylorslade961 Ай бұрын
Story 2: Everything turned out better than expected? OP is apparently set up pretty well and biofather's house of cards is falling down around him. This is good
@astorpowell-pedersen8068 Ай бұрын
First story: I feel like im in the fucking twilight zone 😂 everones reactions to thos post seemed wild, when the tone of the post made it very clear OP was teasing her fiancee, and gave no indication that she was mad at him for using the proposal idea. Also the fact that everyone just decided she was making the update up??? why???
@god-rj5wf Ай бұрын
reddit pretty regularly thinks that nobody is allowed to have a close relationship outside of dating or else you secretly wanna screw your friend, I've seen it a million times lmao- though I must admit, this is the first time I've seen it happen with two people of the same gender! so.. go inclusion???
@nondisclosure3920 Ай бұрын
​@@god-rj5wffunny, cos I've seen post's about the exact opposite
@Theaissu Ай бұрын
Very sus of op to just say they’re ace and not talk about their romantic orientation. Also, sharing the post won’t show your username. Even showing the post from your device doesn’t reveal your username so the update is fake.
@troubleinthevalley5884 Ай бұрын
Oh wow, so it turns out the property stepmom loves so much in the house you guys live in is actually yours. Also, this is just as much her fault for not pushing her husband to be a better father to his biological child instead of ruining his relationship to just exclusively be a dad to her kids. If she wanted that lake house so bad she should have been a better stepmother
@stellamccoy5259 Ай бұрын
S1. ETA. OP should have kept her thoughts to herself, and his reaction was just ridiculous. I don't think either of them are ready for marriage.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
@@stellamccoy5259 seeing as she straight up lies in the second post, Reddit doesn’t share the username of the person sharing the post, on top of that she refused to elaborate on why her female best friend had a fully thought out plan on how to propose to her, I think his reaction was fully justified. Most likely she’s exactly what he thought, a closeted lesbian hiding behind the ace mask so that she doesn’t have to have sex with him any more than need be.
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
Yeah, she lied to her teeth on the update which makes me feel like she left out a lot of information on the first one and probably exaggerated his reaction as well. Since she's a proven liar, there's no real reason to assume she was being honest in the first part of her post
@shellieburgoyne9555 Ай бұрын
Story #2: my(54f) parents divorced when I was just (13yrs) and my dad adopted HER 3 kids AND had my half brother. I pretty much didn’t have a dad…..he didn’t show up for my diving (swim) meets….so I thought. I saw the back of him on the poolside in a picture my mom took of me across the poolside. I remained a VERY angry teenager into young adulthood. All I ever wanted was to feel that my dad loved me. In my late twenties, I decided to tell him how I always feel/felt. We were doing well, until my forties, then everything headed south again. I know that I have many illnesses/diseases/disorders, plus all of the surgeries I have had…..I got the $hi++y gene lottery. I was adopted and I would love to scream at my bio mom for giving said genes to me. Anyhow, Oop is NOT the ahole. Too bad your dad missed out on so much of your life. Plz send us another update, if there is one
@KE-hr4sb Ай бұрын
S1: "If she proposed to me" and "I told her to hold on to that for later" is raising all sorts of red flags. "When asked if I'm going to run off with my best friend, I doubt it. We're like sisters. She's married to a lovely man. We're just close, I guess. But turns out he's an incel so it's OK!" Yeah, you're still not convincing me. No wonder your bf had his concerns, this post is dripping with "no...but if she asked me, then totally yes." S2: "Dad won't let me move out because turns out the house is mine." Cool, kick him out. He can't keep you from seeing your friend's parents "in his house" if the house is yours. Loving that OP owns EVERYTHING. Dad should have been saving money this whole time (and wifey too).
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 Ай бұрын
Yeah, she already looked bad in the first post and somehow her damage control even using reddit's favorite buzzword incel (trust me, if you're a guy you can say you disagree on a pizza topping and at least one comment will be calling you it in cell) and even then Reddit still called BS on it because it was so terribly fake
@nondisclosure3920 Ай бұрын
Unpresent dad story, how the f did he not no his daughter left the country, she's in Mexico and he's like "derp". Edit, I hope there's an update on this one after the finances bombshell!
@OtisFlint Ай бұрын
"I identify as asexual and my partner is straight"...yeah, that's going to work 🤣
@sandracox4341 Ай бұрын
So story 1: why were bff and op talking about bff proposing to op? What did op mean by "hold on to that for later?" And after hearing more of the story, "op claims she wanted bff to give her future person ideas on how to propose, and that's what op's boyfriend did so now why is op being so weird about it" Gut feeling op wants to tank the relationship.
@huskytail Ай бұрын
Story 1: anyone noticed how OP didn't address, let alone take accountability for HER actions? Incredible. And what does she call "incel"? Riiight.. I think she got called out by Reddit and from there to call her fiancee an incel. He might have been, who knows, though it doesn't change HER sketchy reaction one bit, but I'd wager he wrote he's worried about the issue and not much more.
@JohnWilliams-wl9px Ай бұрын
Actually we know she’s lying because Reddit doesn’t share your username like that at all.
@blandoatmeal1273 21 күн бұрын
Story 1 Is it just me that finds it crazy how many stories there are like this one where someone proposes while they are apparently on their final straw with their partner? I can't even focus on the AITA question because I just can't imagine why anyone would propose in that scenario...
@mrjohnthedestroyer Ай бұрын
Story 1. Sounds like OP was giving mixed messages about best friend. Spent more time with bestie than partner AND had low sex drive with him leading him to believe that he was a place holder. Also making a bad joke about how she was supposed to get proposed to then being a dick about it. YTA on every way. "All in all, things worked out for the best", unless you were him.
@kuramasfoxyrose Ай бұрын
Story 2: Adult adoption is a thing and you don't need biological parents permission for it.
@vidhead85 Ай бұрын
OP, the Iranian yogurt isn't the issue here. You revealed your best friend was the love of your life when you said it was her proposal How dare he take into account the kind of proposal you want? How convenient OP made up the incel stuff to throw us off her love for her bestie. May she never have any relationships if she can't face it. She's hanging around being a nice girl
@helianabanes4875 Ай бұрын
Story 1: OP was teasing her fiance, not being serious, it was meant to be lighthearted. How did EVERYONE miss that. Reddit is wild when it comes to reading comprehension. She wasn't upset about the proposal, she was upset about his outburst! Maybe it wasn't smart, but his reaction was REALLY out of control. Fiance sounds like a controlling lunatic.
@dwwednesday Ай бұрын
S1: For the specific comment about the proposal. OP is NTA. She said the idea many years before she met her fiancé and when she was a teenager. Surely shes grown and has different taste even slightly as she got older?
@Doormatjones Ай бұрын
Story 1. That's a lot of copium. I... don't think I've ever met an "incel" that would date an "asexual". They're too into all that traditional stuff. She sounds like a master manipulator though. I do agree it's best they go their separate ways as they both dodged red flags here if her story is accurate.
@taylorslade961 Ай бұрын
Story 1: This is so messy
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Ай бұрын
Damn, story 1 went for a spin pretty quick. At first it sounded like OP was getting upset that her husband used the proposal plan her friend came up with for OP. Which while not original, OP literally said it was perfect for her. He probably should've put his own spin on it or something, but oh well. And OP literally told the friend to hang onto the idea like the friend said. So I'm not sure what OP expected. But for it to turn into him accusing OP of having an affair with her friend and using him as her beard (apologies if I've gotten my terms mixed up). Wow. And while the accusation against OP seems out of nowhere, looking at all the details together, including that the friwnd had a proposal plan for OP in the first place, I don't blame him for being insecure. Even if there are no actual feelings there. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a future update of "aita for getting with the woman I told my ex fiance not to worry about?" as it wouldn't be the first post like that. But finding out about the fiances own reddit account definitely changes things again. Albeit , it's quite a convenient development along with OP only mentioning now what her sexuality is, so now she doesn't need to apologize for anything on her end. So many issues here.
@MsMookalate Ай бұрын
It doesn’t sound like she was upset about the joke. It’s the fact he said she’s cheating. Wtf?! The friend is just a good friend and if that’s their temperament. The update proved my point. I didn’t see it as anything from my perspective because it seemed clear cut.
@GLoLChibs Ай бұрын
S1- YTA. OP isn't mature enough for a relationship let alone being engaged. Who tf tells their friend to "like you were proposing to me". Some women these days are so entitled over the proposal. It should be about both people in the couple, not just her. Guessing OP brings her bestie up more than she admits and puts bestie first often.
@vanzy01 Ай бұрын
@JaneDoe1812 Ай бұрын
OP was joking around with him. Did people miss that part where she was kidding?
@tangoblast7614 Ай бұрын
​@@JaneDoe1812yeah I'm confused. Everyone was responding like she went off on him was super upset or something
@JaneDoe1812 Ай бұрын
@@tangoblast7614 People and Markee forgot the word joke means not serious. I swear people are acting like this cuz they're jaded.
@MargaritaOnTheRox Ай бұрын
​@@JaneDoe1812 obviously it was a pretty poor joke, since no one was laughing. You can't just say/do bad things and expect, "it's just a joke" to cover it.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
2:54 wait….boyfriend blowing up aside, did the boyfriend not do what he was supposed to do? Did the OP say “he stole her idea” jokingly?
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