Wearing A White Dress To My Birthday Party Got Me UNINVITED From My SIL's Wedding r/Relationships

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@jameslyons6655 Жыл бұрын
Op should have said “I’m sorry for the confusion but that was my birthday party, it wasn’t your wedding. That’s not for two weeks from now. Sorry you got mixed up. Hope everything is clear now.”
@tigerdeadlytiger Жыл бұрын
I think after she said she wasn't coming to the wedding, she should have sent SIL a picture of her dress: a sloppy hoody and sweat pants, no makeup. (Dress as attire not the article of clothing)
@beverlyarcher546 11 ай бұрын
Spoiled SIL is just jealous of OP my gosh like you said it was her birthday party not a stupid wedding
@TiffWaffles 7 ай бұрын
I would have put it in a more passive aggressive way: 'Since when is MY birthday YOUR wedding?'
@MarionHogan-m5i 6 ай бұрын
@zahraa4149 2 ай бұрын
​@@TiffWaffles the comment above is passive aggressive. Yours is just aggressive lol
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
Story one. The bride is nuts. I’d skip the wedding, forward the texts to the immediate in-laws and let them know you just don’t want be involved in this mess, and let the bride meltdown
@BigSith2011 Жыл бұрын
Nah, OP should just let them, and the rest of the family find out themselves. I had a stepmom just like her, and the sister in story 2, one by one she pushed everyone away from my dad. I was amongst the first to be alienated by her, and when I tried to warn everybody else, even with proof, it fell on deaf ears.
@Sloth_644 Жыл бұрын
Everyone should have shown up in funeral attire.
@Zurround Жыл бұрын
I am JEALOUS. SO DAMNED JEALOUS. The jealousy is eating me up. But I am NOT jealous of any of the characters in this story. I am JEALOUS of whatever DIVORCE LAWYER is no more than a few months away from getting a huge PAY CHECK from this couple.
@alexisgrunden1556 Жыл бұрын
Her hubby's sister is a glorious spite-gem, tho~! 🤣🤣🤣💎👑
@paulinadeboer3604 Жыл бұрын
Well someone asked if her birthdaywas after labourday. White after labourday is a thing?
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. Wait SIL is upset because op wore a white dress at op’s birthday party? Are we sure that the SIL isn’t the attention wh*re?
@HoneyBakedHamlet Жыл бұрын
Umm.. they got pissed off. That you wore a white dress.. on YOUR BIRTHDAY. AND NOT THEIR WEDDING DAY. ffs controlling much? Hell, as long as nips and cheeks are appropriately covered, you should be able to wear whatever you want! .. unless you're going somewhere that has a dress code. Edit: Insane in the membraine, indeed.
@nerdygeekgamer5528 Жыл бұрын
I don't know what HIPPY DIPPY TRIPPY stuff they're taking but BIL and future SIL you can't tell the BIRTHDAY GIRL she's not allowed to WEAR WHITE at her own 40th BIRTHDAY PARTY
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
Right!!! Sil seems like a narcissist not op. Can no one wear white before or after the wedding? Like what was sil on about
@ElleD308 Жыл бұрын
Don't you know that brides are so important that they own the entire month and no one should be engaged, wear white, or travel to their honeymoon destination before or after the wedding?!
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
I swear bridzillas are starting to make me think their demons in disguises.
@patty-pat-pat Жыл бұрын
OP must be a STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS woman for SIL to feel threatned by her. Also, if someone wears white to your wedding, the MOH traditionally is allowed to pour red wine on her dress. The more you know...
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
SIL's accusation of "always wearing inappropriate clothes" screams insecurity over OP being a babe.
@patty-pat-pat Жыл бұрын
@catherinecox573 yes, I bet she's a knockout!
@Onnlen Жыл бұрын
It may not even be beauty. She’s probably jealous of their happiness and stability.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
@@catherinecox573 It's all the more stark when the SIL is 28 and OP is 40. Obviously, there are some great looking 40 year old women, but it's usually a lot easier for someone in their 20s. I suspect that age/experience factors into the insecurity. She's probably feels left out of most conversations.
@destinymiranda9321 Жыл бұрын
I thought the SAME fucking thing! Like the comment of Op wearing inappropriate clothes just screams that Op is drop damn gorgeous and fit compared to the SIL. Like Op is about ten years older, and I bet without a doubt that she looks younger than SIL. The inappropriate clothes SIL mention are probably just short dresses, crop tops, tanks, or hell just leggings that still show all of the confidence Ops got in those thighs and ass. SIL is just pissed that OP looks good for her age. Even if in truth SIL looks pretty too, she can't see that so has to attack anyone who is prettier than her. NTA. Nothing to do with you Op, you're just fucking hot.
@imcurlyblue 8 ай бұрын
First Reddit story is probably my favorite one to date. That was insane. Everything about it. The white mini dresses and 50 toasters was absolutely savage.
@nyxspiritsong5557 Жыл бұрын
This is a hilarious dumpster fire! I can't believe some people are this crazy and aren't self aware enough to realize theyre the problem
@ondank Жыл бұрын
Story 2 : OPs parents should be glad they were born in the modern era. Considering how bad their pattern recognition skills are, they would have absolutely kept eating poison berries till they died if they had been born as hunter gatherers.
@trillionbones89 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean I've been sick everytime I've eaten those berries?
@TriciaT2407 Жыл бұрын
Trust me...they know DAMN WELL what OP was showing them was true. They just didn't want to admit that they were wrong and they were the enablers of her sister's shitty behavior.
@nixxyhasthoughts Жыл бұрын
@@TriciaT2407as well as screwed over their bio daughter who is reasonable to never speak to them again. The audacity of the dad to turn up at the wedding and talk shit!!!
@cloveless18 Жыл бұрын
See, that's called natural selection. We def need to bring that back.😂
@keepdancingmaria Жыл бұрын
This was GREAT, @ondank.
@RSARYR Жыл бұрын
The sister in the second story unintentionally screwed herself over when she was committed to the psych ward. You can't just sign yourself out of the psych ward like you do in a regular hospital. OP without her parents and her psycho sister in her life.
@stephjovis3469 Жыл бұрын
And they probably found that there's definitely something wrong with her
@tamsel814 Жыл бұрын
​@@stephjovis3469according to op she willingly ate prawns and 'fell' of a roof. So yeah, defenitly somethings wrong.
@stephjovis3469 Жыл бұрын
@@tamsel814 yeah she's not an a hole she just desperately needs help so her checking herself into a psych ward for attention might be the best thing she's ever done for herself (if its true)
@nerdygeekgamer5528 Жыл бұрын
If I was OP I would have said uh she's not my sister she's my COUSIN we maybe related but were not real life full blooded sister's we don't share the same mom and dad so there for we are COUSINS she's only my sister because you DECIDED to ADOPT her I swear OP'S cousin doesn't want her to have any attention from her own parents so she pulls these crazy stunts to make sure OP doesn't get any attention at ALL and to be quite FRANK I think OP has had it and is DONE with her COUSIN and her parents
@ElleD308 Жыл бұрын
She should give that list she made to the psychiatrist that is treating the sister so she's locked in there for year's 😂🤣
@devchekhov7512 Жыл бұрын
Last story: she must really hate herself (as well as OP) to eat shellfish TWICE in her life intentionally.
@tamsel814 Жыл бұрын
And 'fall' of a roof
@trillionbones89 Жыл бұрын
Vegan shrimp. Prank this Bitch.
@kellyalves756 Жыл бұрын
@maryfrancesobrien2420 6 ай бұрын
Folks who derive pleasure from medical attention are often diagnosed with Munchausen's(?) Syndrome.
@KeitieKalopsia 5 ай бұрын
@@kellyalves756 Is it still technically Munchausen if she’s legitimately injured, even if she does it to herself?
@user-fg4tn8ot6b Жыл бұрын
Story two: Why does this sound like Munchausen's syndrome? People may want to listen to that girl's ex-boyfriend. He may be on to something when he mentioned that she's a danger to herself. *And sounds like she may have been planning something worse. This is not normal. Even the way everyone in OP's family telling OP to postpone her celebrations to dote on the sister is NOT normal!* 😨😨😨 After update: The sister's circle of loved ones, except OP, are a f@cked up group. OP is better off without them. *Sucks to be the sister since she kind of screwed herself this time by making her emergency a psychiatric one.* 😬
@tiffanysandmeier4753 Жыл бұрын
Maybe she finally made the right choice. She seriously needs help the way she has been hurting herself for attention. That is not normal.
@tiffanysandmeier4753 Жыл бұрын
She didn't really screw herself, but she would finally get the help she needed. Apparently, her parents don't realize that she has had mental health problems for at least 15 years and has needed help.
@untitled-gv3qp Жыл бұрын
​@@tiffanysandmeier4753The parents definitely made things worse by encouraging it every time. It's like they don't care about either of their kids since they're knowingly letting the sister ruin the OPs life by causing herself bodily harm. Do they want her to keep trying to hurt herself? Will they just be cool the next time she tries to jump off a building because the OPs birthday is coming up? What if she ends up paralyzing herself?
@tiffanysandmeier4753 Жыл бұрын
@untitled-gv3qp I agree. They didn't notice the pattern of her behavior or that it was destructive rather than accidents. The sister probably liked the attention she got when her parents died. She became jealous when the attention wasn't on her, and the way she found to get that attention again was harmful. She should have been in therapy after her parents had died.
@WyntheRogue Жыл бұрын
​@tiffanysandmeier4753 Agreed, it sounds like she has either Munchausens or heavy duty Historionic Personality Disorder. I can't really say as I'm no doctor but I'm glad OP has a solid Chosen Family as her bio Family are trashy enablers and maybe,the cousin can get the help needed to treat this very dangerous behavior.
@GBunnyG Жыл бұрын
"A derogatory term. A term that's derogatory." I feel like you're having more fun with your narrations lately, and I'm here for it.
@livingnightmare969 Жыл бұрын
A "friend" who was really just an attention seeker sprained her hand punching a table. We thought she did it out of anger at what was going on with our other friend. We realized later on that whenever anyone else was being focused on, she would do anything to get all eyes on her. These people have their screws lose.
@sammieh9695 Жыл бұрын
I catered weddings in high school, we had a bride freak out once because the catering staff was wearing white... the uniforms SHE chose were black slacks and white button ups. She had 2 options, black and white and black on black
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
I would’ve call it wedding planning fog, but that decision was on her and she could be upset without the bitchiness.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Жыл бұрын
Story two: Wait... did someone write my life down? Literally every time she isn't the centre of attention, my sister got "sick" with something, and having finally been forced to admit that she was faking and exaggerating all that illness for attention, now she just gets herself admitted to the psych ward. And somehow that ALWAYS happens right around my birthday. Like, she's literally been admitted to the psych ward every single year for the last decade for my birthday. It's not even funny anymore. Meanwhile, my mother has accused me of faking every single injury and illness since I was a child, despite being proven wrong. Every. Single. Time. I'm talking broken bones, severe chest infections, strep throats left untreated for weeks, a dental abscess blamed on attention seeking, asthma attacks that ended up needing ER treatment because she ignored them. Sent to school with gastroenteritis. Sent to school with rubella and other infectious diseases. Swimming class with chickenpox. Told to lie about how long ago injuries happened when I *did* finally get taken to the doctor. And so on, and so forth. I'm literally bedbound at this point because of neurological issues that prevent me from being able to sit upright, let alone stand or walk. Plus, I'm in constant pain because of separate health issues, despite having over a dozen surgeries (including one coming up for a kidney stone that has been wedged in my ureter for months now and caused my kidney and ureter to swell to a massive size because the urine can't get past it and which I didn't even realise was there because I just assumed it was part of my typical pain - when kidney stones are one of THE most painful conditions out there, on a par with childbirth). But I'm *still* the one who exaggerates and makes shit up for attention, to her, despite needing to be ventilated and on oxygen when I sleep because my brain literally forgets to breathe for me at night. Meanwhile, my precious golden-child sister gets away with everything... OP is NTA. OP's sister and family, however, are all AHs.
@stephaniehowells6364 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through/are still going through that😥❤
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Жыл бұрын
@@stephaniehowells6364 Thank you. I'm pretty low contact with them at this point, but yeah. It still stings. Thankfully, I've been "adopted" into my BFF's family. I would be in such a worse place without them, and I love them to bits.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Жыл бұрын
@@LostSoulchild89 Thank you so much, and hugs back. I'm exceptionally grateful that my best friend's family have "adopted" me, as it were, because, without them, I'd be in such a worse place. I'm very aware of how lucky I am to have them in my life.
@missflowerpower8724 Жыл бұрын
Hugs an love for you. ❤️
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Жыл бұрын
@@missflowerpower8724 Thank you. Back atcha. 🤗
@ondank Жыл бұрын
Goddess In Law absolutely proved that she doesn't just wear the trousers in her house, but in EVERY house.
@CasualVFlowerEnjoyer Жыл бұрын
Lol well said!
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
Revenge Barbie SIL, and Goddess in law are new terms that should be coined in most stories 💅
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
Nta. 40 is a milestone. Sil is insane. Wearing a white dress 2 weeks before a wedding to your own birthday has nothing to do with them
@mb8787 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking it's pretty telling how FSIL are herself... SHE would be the one to wear white to something like someone else's rehearsal dinner, just to steal the thunder, IMO. Glad SIL beat her at that game. The 50 toasters were hilarious...(!) 👏😂
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
@mb8787 wait 50 toasters? I missed that lol.
@bricksloth6920 Жыл бұрын
Sister in law believes nobody gets to use the color white during her wedding year. Sister in law is a bridezilla and she can get bent
@stephjovis3469 Жыл бұрын
That one needs to be a lifetime movie 😂
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
She's taking bridezilla to another level. She took it batshit crazy 😂
@taylorslade961 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP needs to intercept that psychologist and inform them of EVERYTHING so the sister gets the help she actually needs.
@theajaxs720 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I hope the "bint who cried wolf" gets that final hospital visit she deserves. May all of her silverware be smothered with shrimp.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
The OP should have sent the sister to meet Jesus long ago.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
Ya like this girl absolutely deserves this. It's one thing to have a disability that makes it difficult, it's other when you intentionally use it to torture someone for your own gain.
@tiffanysandmeier4753 Жыл бұрын
A psychic ward is exactly where the sister should have been. She injured herself over and over for attention. Even if she faked some of it, she needed help.
@MemristerBoogieDown Жыл бұрын
@@tiffanysandmeier4753…LOL! I know what you meant but I’m having a lot of fun imagining a psychic ward…
@Hiimreggie Жыл бұрын
@juanhaines7295 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 Nta she does need Psychological help sense she poisoning herself just to have all the attention.
@NoniTinystorm Жыл бұрын
Kinda glad in Story 2 that the cousin admitted herself to the psychiatric hospital and was placed on a hold. Intentional self harm at the level she was engaged in is highly concerning. Plus she wouldn't have gotten a 21 day hold without grounds. Sad OPs parents obviously don't have her brilliance, and that they treated OP poorly, but hopefully the psychiatrists will back up what OP tried to explain with tests and data, and OPs cousin can start getting the care she actually needs.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I laugh so freaking hard because it's finally karma catching up when doing this in a different kind of hospital lol.
@NoniTinystorm Жыл бұрын
@@pippo17173 she finally went to the correct hospital 😂 if only she'd done that sooner....
@llamabrat07 Жыл бұрын
Her hold is likely now much longer as she has proved herself to not only be a danger to herself, but to other by attacking the staff member when they wouldn’t let her just sign herself out. I think OP should share the side by side comparison of sister’s “accidents” and OP’s important life events. This kind of proof could be helpful to the Dr treating the sister. Hopefully the sister will now receive the help she so desperately needs. OP should also get therapy as well to help deal with the trauma she’s experienced growing up with such a destructive sister & enabling parents.
@PinkMarshmallows Жыл бұрын
Story 1: 🤣 NTA. Those in laws are really THAT butthurt? I'd be petty and just send a laughing emoji to that long text message. Edit: 🤣 That other SIL is the real MVP!
@oreolover9321 Жыл бұрын
Lmao!!! Fr! I would have done the same thing and took a pic of a white dress. Send it to her ass
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Someone show me where it's written the the bride owns the color white days before her wedding. This is nuts. Cashews! And OP's BIL is a "real gem". Tell them you have to make ice.
@adrestiaceaser3011 Жыл бұрын
I hate how common the situation in story 2 is, where the adopted or step child gets 90 to 100 percent of the parents attention and the biological child gets table scraps. And then they wonder why that child doesn't talk to them anymore and why the favorite child that they spoiled is a shitty person.
@tiffanysandmeier4753 Жыл бұрын
There is also the opposite situation where the step or adopted child is neglected. There is a reason Cinderella is such a common story across cultures. The evil stepmother trope. Family is hard, and treating everyone equally is difficult because no two people are the same, so we do our best to balance. I had a step grandmother. She was an amazing caring person, much better than my actual grandmother. To me, she was the example of what a grandmother should be. I miss her.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse Жыл бұрын
Sounds like SIL has been jealous of OP for awhile and was looking for an excuse to uninvite her without looking like the bad guy to the family
@mb8787 Жыл бұрын
Oh, no, it seems rather that the aim was to have OP there, just grovelling at FSIL's feet, so FSIL could feel superior...
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I really don't think a child can be more golden than the sister here. It's like none of the parents have picked up on the pattern. OP has something come up that's positive, sister is sick and or injured quickly. She intentionally ate shellfish, which she's allergic to, to make sure that she was the center of attention. You know telling the sister to die already is a little harsh, but I really hope that she put some bass in her voice when she said it. Somebody needed to.
@jessilynallendilla5014 Жыл бұрын
once is a tragedy twice is a coincidence 11 times is a pattern they refuse to acknowledge
@ruthhenderson5413 Жыл бұрын
Put some bass in her voice? You sound like a misogynist Russian throwback.
@JasperCatProductions Жыл бұрын
The first story is ridiculous, your bad for wearing a white dress to your birthday? This woman is jealous of you it’s pathetic. Tell your hubs to go alone and that you won’t be engaging with them again. Husband needs to control his family.
@babybookworm003 Жыл бұрын
Theory bil is the golden child who is engaged to be married to another golden child
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
​@babybookworm003 the update confirms it but thankfully it didn't spread to the rest of family as everyone are not buying BIL and SIL.
@jun3buggie Жыл бұрын
maybe it’s just me, but in recent videos, your personality is shining through a lot more and i like it!
@dethkruzer Жыл бұрын
Man, that final update to story 1 was pretty spicy. I dont necessarily agree with the stunt SIL2 pulled, but i have to say that SIL1 kinda invited that trainwreck of stupidity unto herself with her bridezilla-ing.
@jay2thaudy Жыл бұрын
I love that Markee loves the messiest stories as much as I i do 🤣😅
@malinandersson8587 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes, when he starts losing it, you know it's going to be good.
@sandeesandwich2180 Жыл бұрын
The toasters!!! Revenge Level: Platinum.
@thebhome Жыл бұрын
Markee had me dying with his commentary. I personally love the screaming, far away from the mic, moments.
@yellit1975 Жыл бұрын
“Premium Columbian powder” almost spat out my coffee 😂😂😂
@nomireelnom4265 Жыл бұрын
7:35 "Dogs don't change their spots." That's a new iteration of the saying for me
@justmepercy720 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. Why didn’t you start a competition? An entry fee for a guess about what she’d pull to disrupt the celebration and a prize for whoever got closest?
@buckeyenative1365 Жыл бұрын
When I glanced at the title, I automatically thought it would be one of those "birthday but really a wedding party" stories. Not wearing white to your OWN party because of a relative's wedding happening in the future. 😳🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣 I laughed at the comment that no one can wear white because someone somewhere is getting married. Truth!
@charondusk5608 Жыл бұрын
OP in story 2 needs to consider one VERY important thing - Imagine how her former female roommate (Because let's be honest, she was no sister) and her abusers will be if OP ever has kids. Imagine how they'd treat those kids, ESPECIALLY the ex-sister. She might be just dragging the attention off OP now, but something tells me she'd go after those children in a WORSE way....
@sharyebethancourt3660 Жыл бұрын
S2: what’s killing me is that OP is doing this “wedding” for her parents and family. And if OP did something for herself and her partner on _their_ anniversary, they’d still be bitter. This sister is not well and the family has been enabling it for as long as she’s been OPs sister.
@madcatlady Жыл бұрын
I have heard of women who even wear their actual Wedding dress for their major Birthdays because it still fits
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
That's actually cool honestly
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
That’s pretty cool! And reusable!
@cpaul9269 Жыл бұрын
Conner, S1 is seriously the funniest story I have ever heard on YT. OMG - there is nothing else you can do but laugh when confronted with that kind of delusion and entitlement, IMO. Otherwise, you start thinking too seriously and then end up trying to care for/fix them - and you can't - way over our pay grades - all of us. We end up just enabling them further and doing more harm ion the long run. That was, like the 2nd story - way into inpatient care territory, if even possible at all. Still, the 50 toasters is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Brilliant.
@babybookworm003 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 major evidence that bil is the golden child here
@staceylee4081 Жыл бұрын
If FSIL continued to hound me about my outfit after it was established that I was no longer going to the wedding, I would have said "fine, this is what I'm going to wear" and sent her a picture of an empty hanger.
@tomhaskett5161 Жыл бұрын
Or a picture of some bondage gear.....
@WyntheRogue Жыл бұрын
I'd say if she did go,be petty and pull a Marylin Monroe who wore a potato sack and still looked amazing.
@adrestiaceaser3011 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP's sister has cried wolf so many times that the wolves could start mauling her and she'd still most likely be attention seeking because some event that wasn't about her was happening that day.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Жыл бұрын
S1: that SIL is completely unhinged. I’m shocked at the audacity and entitlement. From getting mad at the dress OP wore to her own 40th, to demanding to see the dress, to thinking OP stole her honeymoon. She’s really living like she’s a main character. Revenge Barbie SIL is my hero.
@slantos2668 Жыл бұрын
I think sister in 2nd story has jealousy that OPs parents are alive and wants to take that away from her and keep those parents for herself. It's understandable in a child who was orphaned, but sick and twisted that she wasn't given psychological help to overcome it, still as an adult plays into it, and is enabled by the OPs parents who continue to play into it. OPs parents have done no favours to either of their daughters!
@AFAskygoddess 5 ай бұрын
Going no contact with parents who neglected and emotionally abused you is exceptionally hard to do but immensely rewarding once you've done it. I speak from personal experience. I've never once regretted my decision.
@kumikor3392 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 is dealing with an unlikeable delusional person. Story 2 is dealing with a spoiled narcissist
@justmepercy720 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. I think I would have gone to the local op shop and bought a stack of ugly second-hand clothes. Had my picture taken in each of them, sent them to the psycho and told her, “You choose”. Or kids’ “princess costumes”. The possibilities are endless. And, of course, not go anywhere near the wedding.
@susankaempfer8427 Жыл бұрын
OMG the toasters! THE TOASTERS 😂😂😂😂😂
@amyyaku5022 Жыл бұрын
S1: Nta. Sil sounds so crazy and self centered that she'd attack OP for wearing anything to her wedding. But hey, I love the other Sil for ruining that girl's wedding 😂 S2: NTA, but I have a theory with Nancy. It's disgusting what she's done, but it may not be completely her fault. She could have munchausen syndrome and unfortunately a person with this condition will hurt themselves for attention. The parents should've looked into getting her a psychological/behavioral diagnosis rather than treat it as a normal thing and vilify OP for not drinking the koolaid.
@tishym.3820 Жыл бұрын
I'm loving the emotion you've added to the last story❤
@kanelovec4315 Жыл бұрын
S2. The sister is disgusting. They should have sent her to therapy when she was younger. She is attention seeking and it all starts from where she was spoiled after her bio parents died. Op is probably isn't the only one. She probably periodically gets sick/hurt/need help near the parents/friends to constantly keep her attention spot light. If this has happen for years they should have her medically screened for at minimal genetic disorders foe her so call health problems and mental help to see if she have problems.
@shantellspeaker6293 Жыл бұрын
How much do you want to bet that she act this crazy so she could get the trip for her honeymoon
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
That so unlike a weird stretch and the most stupidest plan I have ever heard of since humans were created. Put me down for $20
@catsncrows Жыл бұрын
FSIL screwed herself good😂 She lost the chance to control and humiliate op and now she has to explain why husband's brother's wife isn't at the wedding. She's unraveling😂 "a derogatory term, a term that's derogatory" omg😂 I would have texted her a picture in bunny or kitty footie pajamas, you know the zip up the front kind "I'll be home eating ice cream and watching Netflix! Have fun on your blessed day!" S2 op you never had a family. You have parents who are emotionally dependent on their daughter and they like her just the way she is. She's going to be a dumpster fire because she's not going to be able to life
@jackierenee1691 Жыл бұрын
That marriage (between BIL and young SIL) won't last and that brother will look like a fool to the rest of the family. MIL will come around reluctantly, after being exposed as an idiot in some way. Petty SIL is epic holy crap. There's no way that many people would have gone along with everything if young SIL wasn't somehow being a B to everyone else. There's no way.
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
Oh petty sister is the hero every woman needs in her life. All white short dresses in everyone giving toasters that is absolutely beautiful Epic. 😂😂😂😂
@untitled-gv3qp Жыл бұрын
Those two found their perfect match because they sure deserve each other. I hope they have a long type of marriage that they both deserve.
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
@@untitled-gv3qp oh yeah. Living miserably Ever After
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
Garenteed one will cheat and it will be a nuclear bomb.
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
@@untitled-gv3qpI hope so too, but I’ll call it within a year or two that one of them will cheat, again. Can’t tell which one tho, both of them are gross.
@kirasant Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Yeah, I'm amused that sister managed to whoops herself into a situation where she might actually get treatment for what's clearly extremely serious mental problems. The woman has been risking her life on the regular any time she fears her sister will get attention. That's awful. And she legitimately needs that psyche hold.
@red0421 6 ай бұрын
Took a few tries but she finally admitted herself to the right hospital 😆
@sgtwhisker26 Жыл бұрын
Good God, the sister in the first story got a cuckoo clock in her head
@TheBerkeleyBeauty 6 ай бұрын
She’s upset that you looked better at YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY, than she’s gonna look at her wedding, and doesn’t wanna run the risk of you upstaging her. 😂🙄 Girl BYE!! 👋🏽
@patriciaorellana6469 Жыл бұрын
@GoldenXBoots Жыл бұрын
"attention whawhawha" may be my favourite term ever 😂
@mesquitemagic Жыл бұрын
You should have sent her a picture of you in a black dress and veil. LOL
@radfordra Жыл бұрын
The sister in law is the level pf petty i aspire to be
@audreynothepburn7663 Жыл бұрын
I was confused on which SIL, but realized it was Goddess Barbie in law😂
@radfordra Жыл бұрын
@@audreynothepburn7663 dumbass fucked around and found out. Glad she got what she deserved
@bluecarnallove7851 Жыл бұрын
I hope being under psychiatric care actually gives Nancy the help she clearly needs. I want OP to come back in a few years to tell use that Nancy confessed to her manipulative behavior and her parents are trying to get back into OP's life, but she refuses to humor them. Maybe even use a badass rejection like the mom in the Coconut story or the many other stories of kids telling their parents they only have a certain number of children and they're not one of them to drive the point home that Mom and Dad not only dropped the ball but also lost it by letting it roll so far away, there's no hope of ever finding it again.
@willasyn3136 Жыл бұрын
@MaryOnA898 Жыл бұрын
Sil saw how good OP looked in white and got jealous 😅
@amemooress6291 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - It's kinda funny that, though unintentional, OP is the only one helping the sister get the mental help she obviosuly needs. Cuz the parents sure as hell arent.
@DeeL-u1c Жыл бұрын
I love Markee's laugh.
@jeanthree Жыл бұрын
1st story your future sIL is a psychopath your BIL who marries this woman his life is in danger
@hvymax Жыл бұрын
OP should continue to leave Parents and Sister out of her life.
@ellenpeffer4803 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Op should have sent a picture of herself in pj's and bed hair and say that's how she'll dress for the wedding im NOT attending.
@BelleEFlopp-nk5xe Жыл бұрын
My SiL wore white to my wedding. 😂 I knew she would too! She did ask first…literally, right before I was putting my dress on, she had our MIL come ask me if it was okay because there was also light blue flowers on the dress. SIL had already sent me a picture of the dress weeks before and I said “is that white?” She never responded so I assumed she knew where that was going. 😒 So now, wedding day, all of us 13 hours away, MIL is sweetly, pitifully asking me if SIL can wear it. I allowed it. This is just how she flipping is! And honestly, her personality matches her appearance…uglier than a soggy couch cookie… no one would even mistake her as the bride. I was more afraid she was going to need another ER trip for something and make her husband (our officiant and husbands brother) take her and we’d be fugged, so the white dress was a simple move in my mind. 😂
@Germania72 Жыл бұрын
The first story had that messy backstory. I love that. 🤣🤣🤣
@Longingtobesomeone Жыл бұрын
Your giggle is so lovely, it's amazing to listen to. Instantly makes me smile. 😊
@ladyofthelake93 2 ай бұрын
I completely lost it at the 50 toasters. That's better than the short dresses or wearing white. 50 toasters you have to haul home and return.
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
Story two. I’m glad she’s in the psych hold and that OP told her doctor. The doctors have obviously put two and two together. And throwing these jealous tantrums in the future won’t be as effective as they have been as doctors dismiss her
@YuToobVideos Жыл бұрын
Let me preface my comment by saying that I may be an undiagnosed sociopath or emotionally bankrupt, but I can, will, or have cut out family, friends, or SO's out of my life with little hesitation or regret. I literally never think of them again.
@denelva Жыл бұрын
First of all: I LOVE the way you laugh at insanities now, Markee :D It makes me smile too and your snarks are awesome! Also: Bridezillas on reddit seem to have gone from "it's my daaaay" to "it's my weeek/month/year", demanding bridesmaids, family and friends to treat them like the entire year is a 364 long day before wedding day with dresscodes, HAIRSTYLE codes and calling dibs on anything from reception venues and first dance song to honeymoon destinations and *checks notes of insanity* which COLORS people are allowed to wear on THEIR OWN celebrations on *checks notes again* days that AREN'T CRAZY PERSON'S WEDDING. And the origin of the white bridal dress tradition isn't even 200 years old and didn't become a common tradition until 1930's! I swear, if Queen Victoria had known what her breaking from royal wedding colors tradition in 1840 would come to over 180 years later, she'd been turning in her grave. In my country, most brides wore BLACK wedding dresses in the 1800's, often garnished with colorful ribbons and laces, that could easily be removed. The dress was then used on other special occasions and garnished or ungarnished according to what was appropriate. Also: the underskirts and undershirts worn by the bridal couple, were put away after the wedding to be used as cerecloth at the wearer's funeral. (Thanks for coming to my history lesson, please feel free to spread it to every bridezilla you're unfurtunate to come across.)
@laurenceedward5910 Ай бұрын
"where is the dress!? Where is she?" This was a fun video to listen to.
@hodgeelmwood8677 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: If I was OP, these would be my wedding guest outfit choices to pick from: (1) A tux; (2) A nun's habit; (3) A Lolita dress. Tough choice! Bride is nuts. She calls OP an attention whore but SHE'S the one mad because someone had a party and wore a white dress before her wedding. Oh, the horror! Glad they skipped the wedding.
@holyek7892 Жыл бұрын
Beat video ever! I love crazy deranged stories surrounding weddings. I wish OP sister finds peace of mind and joins her bio father and mother ASAP.
@vidhead85 4 ай бұрын
So no one can ever wear white until your wedding is done? Or ever? I'll just tell her "I'll wear black to your next one"
@Gumbier_Than Жыл бұрын
The stories causing Markee to giggle makes my heart smile. 😊
@katieb.1184 Жыл бұрын
7:07 that laugh brought me so much joy.
@Damaaskrose Жыл бұрын
SIL and BIL don't spoil a pair. 50 Toasters... so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@RaspberryHugs 11 ай бұрын
Story 2: Clearly sister dearest didn't realise how serious getting sanctioned is. She clearly believes it was like a regular hospital stay where you can discharge yourself. NOPE! people in that position are seen as too mentally and psychologically unstable to make that call meaning she's only leaving when the doctors collectively decide she can leave.
@radiantphoenix_5147 2 ай бұрын
That first story needs a fucking chart.
@mythogenesis4788 Жыл бұрын
S2: Sounds like Munchausens syndrome which SHOULD be taken seriously and not dismissed. How so? By NOT feeding into the underlying psychological issues feeding into the behaviors that are likely to escalate if rewarded. That is why it is so important for her to be in an involuntary psych hold with no outside visitation. Her family are actively harming her. Soon, she’s bound to escalate in a way that may actually harm her.
@alicianieto2822 Ай бұрын
This happens when you look for a bride in the kindergarden class
@HoodieHorizon Жыл бұрын
the entire family of story 1 is just one massive soap opera
@boogitywoogity248 Жыл бұрын
Listening to you break over the first story was hilarious. You know you’re having a good laugh when you get the near voice crack levels of excitement.
@TiffWaffles 7 ай бұрын
I would post that spreadsheet and other receipts of the 'sister's' dramatics in the second post along with a long lengthy expose on how the sister actively tried to destroy my celebrations. Then I'd say the words 'Nancy is and never was my sister', and my parents chose her over their biological daughter.
@boneymeroney2674 6 ай бұрын
😂 the toasters! Hopefully, there were no return receipts.
@littlegreycat Жыл бұрын
9:05 what a doozy! Great story. Edit to add: revenge toasters lol. The best.
@nilianstroy Ай бұрын
well with 50 toasters SIL can start a business selling toasters.
@spykewyn8395 5 ай бұрын
"BIL's ex doesn't talk to any of the family." Gee, I can't imagine why! Fifty fucking toasters 🤣
@belindab4652 Жыл бұрын
I lost my shit when you lost your shit in story 1, you can hear the banjos playing in the background 🤣
@lorifiedler13 2 ай бұрын
With OP out of the picture, sis will sabotage the parents' events. They want to go on a holiday without her? Expect drama. Heck, she might be bad enough to act out if they plan a dinner date.
@whitney10784 3 ай бұрын
Dude your giggle is so dang adorable 😂
@davidkermes376 11 ай бұрын
#1: send goofy a series of outfits/ pictures - a set of grey sweatpants & sweatshirts; a camouflage hunting outfit; cheerleaders outfit; saucy french maid's dress; a black wetsuit; coveralls with no shirt; c'mon folks, keep it going!
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