I EXPOSED My Ex-Husband For STEALING His Son's Birthday Gift r/Relationships

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@ED-fo1pe 2 жыл бұрын
BABIES AREN'T BANDAIDS. People need to stop having kids to "fix" their marriage. 🤬
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr I had a relationship where we were both toxic for each other (I’ll admit I wasn’t the best boyfriend at the time and I don’t have an excuse) and I’m glad neither of us tried to have kids to “fix” the relationship. I feel like we would have still broken up but with the added headache of dealing with the whole setting up a fair custody agreement when we didn’t get along
@ED-fo1pe 2 жыл бұрын
@@Allantitan I’ve been there. It was one of those situations where I became toxic because my of my ex’s abuse. At least you realize now and have hopefully changed things for the better. Also glad that I didn’t try to “fix” things this way.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
@@ED-fo1pe been at least trying it’s kinda why I decided to be single for awhile since it didn’t help I was in my early 20s (think I was like 21-23 when I met her)
@ED-fo1pe 2 жыл бұрын
@@Allantitan Sounds to me like 23 is just a bad age. Lol that's how old I was when I started that 3 yearlong shit show. Kudos to you for working on yourself. Change won't happen immediately, but the fact that you're putting forth effort means something.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
@@ED-fo1pe yeah just glad an innocent child doesn’t have to deal with my bs with my ex
@melhawl3685 2 жыл бұрын
I'm betting the father played a game, lost, and threw a temper tantrum and broke the console.
@wetsocks9952 2 жыл бұрын
Very likely. I was listening to the story and it makes perfect sense. My brothers used to use the same line "I was playing and it broke." It shows a lot about the father being incapable of handling situations where things don't go his way.
@SherriLyle80s 2 жыл бұрын
He stole it and resold it for money/drugs.
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
Its so damn obvious. Like come on man, he said he played it and broke it. What else can you interpret that?
@michaelplunkett8059 2 жыл бұрын
And to get a lecture from ex's chippy wife. He opened son's gift, he broke it, he wanted to her to lie to son, he's now stalling on replacing it. All HIS fault. OP is NTA.
@cpacheco5294 2 жыл бұрын
Well, I have always worked at public schools and the first step is to directly contact the parents.
@DemonicGoddess 2 жыл бұрын
Geez Ops mom breaking down and admiting she cant be a mother and the kids essnetially thinking thier 17 year old sister WAS thier mother is harsh. OP essentially should of been payed child support, like for real. I know she cant but .. just wow.
@tunatofu63 2 жыл бұрын
My mom told me after I told my parents I was pregnant that I was "too stupid" to be a parent. How so? I RAISED ALL OF YOUR KIDS FOR YOU. At least this one is actually MINE." OP has far more sense than her prolific parents.
@nightdweller6446 2 жыл бұрын
The mom tried for a whole 2 weeks to be a parent instead of the 17 year old? What a legend /Sarcasm. what a pair of losers. That aunt is awesome . Glad aunt is responsible and she should absolutely go for child support from the breeders
@franl155 2 жыл бұрын
You expressed my thoughts much better than I could have. How on earth did the mother cope until OP was old enough to take on the job??
@paulinadeboer3604 2 жыл бұрын
Prove how awesome OP is, in caring for her siblings. She can be proud of herself
@nightdweller6446 2 жыл бұрын
@@franl155 by waiting 7 years before having child 2. At 7, OP was able to change diapers and feed her little brother. Her biodonors are absolutely wastes of oxygen. They are lucky she just resents their existence and not her siblings as well. But I strongly suspect she'll be childfree as an adult, after all she's raised " her kids" already.
@teslagirl1 2 жыл бұрын
Ex either broke that console deliberately, or it was never broken and he kept it for himself OR the minute he saw what it was, he sold it. If it was one of the really hot systems, the dad probably KNEW he could get a lot more than the retail price for it by simply placing an ad on Craig's list or putting the item on Ebay. By doing any of these things, dad both gets to either have a gaming system for himself or he gets to have a nice financial windfall for himself AND he gets to screw up his ex wife's present for her son. "Win-win" the big a hole would have said to himself as he picked up the phone to lie to OP. Naturally, he has NO concern for how his son might feel about not having a present...he only wants to avoid his son learning the truth. I wish OP would out this guy on social media...tell the whole story...if dad is still trying to sell it, this might result in a prospective buyer letting OP know what the jerk is up to. Providing proof that will help in small claims court even if he can't be actually prosecuted for theft. It might also help young, gullible 2nd wife gain a closer acquaintance with the facts about his first marriage, as it would expose the jerk as a thief and a liar...which might make her question the tall tales she's been told.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr hell I still have the same ps2 that I got over 5 years ago
@teslagirl1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Allantitan They don't break easy, that's for damn sure. You are lucky. Ps2 has some cool games nobody made for later versions...lot of cool samurai and anime themed games, for sure and plenty of every other genre. The list is long. And your reliable Ps2 will probably outlive a great many of the items in your house...if only my kitchen appliances were made so well.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
@@teslagirl1 ikr if I had a nickel for every appliance I’ve had to replace vs game consoles I’d have 1 nickel. It ain’t much but it’s weird that it happened at least once
@teslagirl1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Allantitan Ours lasted longer than several small appliances and my oven. It was just made better, I guess.
@lifewithlee6298 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was thinking he sold it or just didn’t want op gift to be better than his
@trashcan2748 2 жыл бұрын
As someone with sensory issues, the food story sounds like nightmare fuel. I have thrown up over food textures before (last time it was a gummy, I can’t have those). I’m autistic and since my diet is already pretty limited, I don’t have much variety in it but I try to at least be healthy. I’m afraid of eating at other people’s houses because I can’t handle most food and don’t want to be rude if there’s nothing there I can eat. I would probably have a panic attack if I went to someone’s house and was pressured to eat stuff that I can’t handle. I’m biased towards the wife’s side, the thought of dealing with someone who thinks like the OP does about sensory issues makes me stressed out! As a kid I ate the same sandwich for breakfast for over half a decade. Only stopped because someone in a dissection made a comment that put me off one of the ingredients lol. (Cheesy scrambled eggs and bacon(has to be burnt) or sausage(I can hardly eat sausage now cause of texture🥲) with toast. It is really good and when I get the chance I like making myself one)
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Well at least you try to be healthy . That’s all any of us can do (and yes there’s some foods I don’t care for the texture also recently found out I have from what I’ve been told sounds like an extremely mild case of autism)
@Dewani90 2 жыл бұрын
you may have sensory issues, but wife sounds just picky, Oh, I don't like this, i don't like that, I'm going to be sick... after cleaning the plate?, sure, you do... the husband isn't any better though, everyone knows at least how to fry an egg, this guy orders take-out for everything, and refuses to learn how to cook, it isn't unmanly to NOT starve.
@galacticalove 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dewani90 Have you ever heard of being under pressure just in an attempt to keep others happy? Being a doormat isn't fun when it has physical consequences, so please.. Go sit down somewhere and chill.
@Keeper0fmyHEART 2 жыл бұрын
This, I'm 51 with undiagnosed aspergers, I have food sensory issues big time. Example mushrooms eoor anything looking like or feeling like them. As a child if my mom had mushrooms put on a pizza I would find it by texture alone even a tiny one. As a child I refused to eat whatever it was after that even if it was the first bite I couldn't eat it. As an adult my partner loves mushrooms and will put them in his homemade gravy (spaghetti sauce for non Italians) I will literly pick each mushrooms out and throw them away. He's finally not putting them in anymore. Until recently I thought of myself as just picky, but, it's not. Picky implies a choice, like I prefer this over that. This isn't a "preference" I didn't chose to not like something. There is a physical response in my body to these foods. My stomach rebels and my throat closes, I can't even put one in my mouth. Partner tricked me to taste, I didn't swallow, a fried mushroom years ago. Oh man that was disgusting and I still won't take food from him unless I see what it is. That and me picking out things. I now realize it's texture not taste that I have a problem with. Using the correct word majorly improves others understanding. @Dewani90 let me explain it this way.... Do you wear wool on your bare skin, if not why?
@trashcan2748 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dewani90 If someone isn’t aware that sensory issues are a thing then I can see them bot noticing that, but what she described sounds a lot like what I go through at times. I quite literally get sick from certain things. I have issues with washing dishes because something about the smells makes me wretch. I would normally just say I don’t like green beans and I’m sure people assume I just don’t prefer them, but when I say I don’t like them I mean that they make me sick and as a kid when my parents made me eat them I figured out that the best way to stomach them was cutting them into smaller pieces and holding them as lightly as possible with my teeth before swallowing whole with water, then rinsing my mouth with water before letting my tongue touch where they beans touched my teeth. I honestly think that it’s an issue with wording there, as I now am aware that people can actually just mean that they don’t prefer a food when they “don’t like it” rather than it making them nauseous or gag. If you grow up with that being your definition of disliking a food, it’s hard to express what you mean without going into a lot of (unpleasant) detail. I don’t know if this is convoluted because I’m trash at explaining stuff, but in short someone who has grown up with sensory issues may use “dislike” to describe foods/things they have issues with because there isn’t really any other short/socially acceptable (kind of rude to explain that someone’s food would make me throw up haha) way to explain what they actually mean. It sucks but to be fair most people don’t need to describe that level of not being able to handle things hence there isn’t really any simple way to say it. Though I like your point about the husband, I don’t get why some people think that it’s a flex to not know how to cook. It’s bragging that you cannot feed yourself on your own out of sheer laziness. It’s one thing to be incapable of doing a task due to a disability, but even then I don’t think most people would brag about being unable to do pretty basic stuff.
@Mrwillie95 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone steal from their child deserves all the grief they get for being selfish
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
By grief do you mean the child saying they no longer see that person as their parent?
@SherlocksLeftNipple Жыл бұрын
The smoker story - NTA. The teacher was due for a reality check about what her flagrant disregard for school protocol might result in for the kids she snitched on. Let her feel awful. Let her question how many other kids got in trouble with their abusive parents, because she would rather feel self-satisfied than take the potential that she could get that kid hurt into account. She deserves the lack of closure. She has done nothing to earn OP's forgiveness, or any other kid she got hurt's for that matter.
@frst78 2 жыл бұрын
Also I'm literally stunned at the crazy entitled bride and her poor dad. My own daughter is currently being a bit of a bridezilla but I'd lose my s hit if she acted like that.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
And that’s why I say even some adults need to be put in a time out or something as if they are 5 years old (even better if you can do it in a way to humble them)
@Moonblade64 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly? That story made me so mad. I would have just held that meeting, told her off and cut her out of my life. Jeleousy of step daughter or not that is no way for a daughter to act
@DragonTwin88 2 жыл бұрын
I really feel like after this he needs to go "NC" as in he makes no effort to reach out but accepts contact from the other party. The daughter had to have been poisoned by the Ex, her mother, towards OP. I would look to see if the restraining order can be renewed. If the courts think it doesn't need to be then that is fine. But really OP needs to sell the place he has and move far away. Then when asked why say "He felt bitter towards the place now" and make a vague reference to how the daughter acted. Edited for a spelling error.
@minervakakko1163 2 жыл бұрын
@dianeghazaryan4773 Жыл бұрын
well he does play favorites with the stepdaughter. god knows how many times similar things have happened
@franl155 2 жыл бұрын
I get so tired of hearing about people who want to "fix" their marriage by having a baby, or another baby. How do you keep a sinking ship afloat by adding more weight to it?
@JK-sh8rc 2 жыл бұрын
And OP's mother had 5 CHILDREN & was seriously considering having a 6th before deciding that she's "not cut out to be a mother"????!!!! And the father hasn't even attempted to see his (many) children so clearly they are not a priority for him. It seems self reflection is not in the parents wheelhouse. I truly hope the aunt gets custody of those kids.
@kristinewatson3702 2 жыл бұрын
It's a good lesson for the teacher to realize the results of her choices. If you can find forgiveness then forgive her but you don't owe anyone forgiveness just to make them feel better.
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
"The idea of a locked fridge in my own home pisses me off" and having such a disrespectful, inconsiderate, and selfish husband most likely pisses your wife off yet you don't seem to care about that 😒 As someone with similar (if not the exact same) issues with food, I'd have snapped a long time ago if my spouse pulled this shit with me.
@valzeppelin5153 2 жыл бұрын
Boyfriend probably deliberately cut her hair shorter, so she would break up with him. If he had the ability to cut her hair straight in the first place, he would have. He accepted it too easy, there was something going on there.
@susanlosey9511 2 жыл бұрын
OP doesn’t realize how special your boyfriend is. I would have been so thrilled to have a gift like that. YTA! Major AH.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Anyone can buy jewelry or something else from a store. Only a few can actually make a gift like that
@franl155 2 жыл бұрын
the bf invested time and effort as well as money. He put his heart into his work. You spend money, you earn money; you spend time, it's gone forever; you don't get refunds on wasted hours. If she values his money more than his time and his love, that says a lot about her.
@SwirlyPinwheel Жыл бұрын
I'd probably cry from all the love put into that gift. OP is cold.
@calmingvoice8646 2 жыл бұрын
The wedding story: How can the OP not see that his daughter is shit?
@laurensmith20 2 жыл бұрын
@Taecoconut 2 жыл бұрын
If I were the teenager, I would actually sue mum and dad for financial support. It would make them accountable for the crap they put their kids through.
@TheDarwinProject1 2 жыл бұрын
"My wife is an extremely picky eater...She claims its sensory." Ah! Wife has ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), which is a common eating disorder among neurodivergent like myself & those with GI conditions/food allergies. "Its been a point of contention in our relationship for years...She won't even try new things at restaurants & has embarrassed me many times by not finishing food at my moms house"... so, OP's wife has dealt with long tern, constant ableism from her partner & I'm betting there's gaslighting. "...but it can be a bit much...Her defence [sic] is she tries my moms food even though it sometimes makes her sick but my mom is an amazing cook nothing about her food makes people sick its just my wife's pickiness." Well, didn't take long for OPs gaslighting of their wife to show up. When a disability doesn't make sense, push for them to doubt themselves? Worked for my family during my childhood, I guess. Nice malicious compliance on the wife's part! Ultimately, she should drop OP if after years they still gaslight instead of trying not understand, but maybe OP brings something worth it to the table. Its certainly not his moms cooking, though.
@HoodieHorizon Жыл бұрын
with the guy who ate his wife's food, he made me so upset. I have a lot of sensory issues, especially with food and it's never the flavor that sets me off, chances are OP is like me and that it's the texture that makes her sick which is completely out of control depending on what is being made. I hate how much sensory issues just aren't taken seriously
@historictruecrime5119 Жыл бұрын
Grandma is wrong because OP isn’t helping, OP is doing the raising. When the younger siblings think OP is their parent instead of their actual parents that goes beyond helping and becomes completely wrong
@CaringScared Жыл бұрын
The fact his daughter took the money and wasn’t even going to let him come is so sad. Then she treated him so poorly too.
@dianeghazaryan4773 Жыл бұрын
well he does play favorites with the stepdaughter. god knows how many times similar things have happened
@balorth Жыл бұрын
​@@dianeghazaryan4773 how the hell does he play favorites?
@gottathinkupanewone 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: Let's not kid ourselves: the father opened the package, saw the console, and bloody well sold it. He "has no money," and he figured he could use his wife's gift to their son to get funds. He no doubt planned all along to get her to pretend she hadn't sent a gift, so whatever he did for the kid's birthday would out-shine her. This kind of thing happens a lot more than ordinary people know, simply because ordinary people don't think a parent would steal form their own child. Observation of too many such situations has taught me that they will, and do. Sometimes, that's the way the parent makes extra money. In other cases, it's a lifestyle for them.
@Boe-Temeraire 2 жыл бұрын
Well damn, the dad’s girlfriend dying was a sharp left hand turn in the story that I fully didn’t expect! I feel bad for him loosing his s/o, it’s a hard thing to go through. Hopefully op and her dad can rebuild a strong healthy relationship and he can be in his grandchild’s life.
@lifewithlee6298 2 жыл бұрын
Which story is that ?
@heleneclark563 2 жыл бұрын
For the one who didn’t like the handmade wooden frame: At the risk of having my “sisterhood card” revoked, OP YTA!!! It’s so easy to just pick out a piece of jewelry. Do you know the time it takes to make something from scratch?
@daniellalights159 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: the trash took itself out. Son is old enough to chose who he wants to stay with and I wouldnt blame him chosing to stay with op full time. Also who tf opens there own child's bday gift.
@suehirsch6545 2 жыл бұрын
Re X's new wife/GF berating you on maturity: MATURE ppl DON'T open other people's b-day gifts AND expect them to replace it when they've broken it. Next he whined and cried to his new GF/wife when you told your son the truth and sicked her on you when you're busy and trying to get your health back. You're juggling a lot of plates, and they're insisting that you reach into your pocket for a book of matches and light yourself on fire to keep THEM warm so that they don't have to suffer the repercussions/consequences of their own bad actions. THEY HAVE NO LEG TO STAND ON WHEN THEY LECTURE YOU ABOUT MATURITY. They can bloody well clean up their OWN mess by replacing that console. Take the receipt and sue the hell out of them for the cost. Make sure to save a photo of the receipt and get witness testimony from everyone who knows what you bought, who it was for, and what happened.
@donnayoung2112 2 жыл бұрын
I had a teacher that would make fun of my reading and would hit me upside the head every time I stuttered, then dump out my desk just so she could kick me when I was on the floor,
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Wonder what that teacher would do if you let’s say….”paid” someone who looks intimidating to greet them and pretend to be you and find a way to bring up what they did in passing 😂
@rollothecat2010 2 жыл бұрын
There are people who should never be teachers. The teacher in the smoking story in this video and your teacher are both excellent examples of people who should NEVER be teachers at all. It makes me sad to think of those two AH teachers still teaching for years afterward, emotionally damaging more young people. The problem is that in any case of a teacher's word versus a student's word, the teacher usually is believed and not the student.
@valzeppelin5153 2 жыл бұрын
I 100% understand what you went through. I had a teacher that found out I was mixed (she was blk and thought the races shouldn't mix). She would yell at me and call me a stupid little mixed breed, throw things at me, grab me and jerk me out of chairs. She had me do 5+ book reports a day (I had to do 4 of them at home and pretend I did them in class). I had to do this during recess as a punishment, so no recess for me. I had no access to class parties. I had extra work and homework. She made the other kids call me names and they would get in trouble for interacting with me. She isolated me. I get it. You are not alone.
@katwiltz1134 Жыл бұрын
@@valzeppelin5153 I'm so sorry you went through that. It makes me feel very violent towards your old teacher and want to give you a hug even if it's virtually. I don't know why you went through that and I don't know if you have kids but I do know this your kids will never have to go through that I have a feeling their mom would totally put a stop to that.
@Moonlas4468 Жыл бұрын
Can’t believe someone can be so upset over a hand made, sentimental gift. I love jewellery so much but I’d love personal gifts wow
@deadseven3474 Жыл бұрын
All Ima say is that if my dad had a restraining order against my mom, and I was a mentally functional adult, I would think "Wow, why the fuck would I EVER ask to force my dad to be near this woman". It's absurd that some women think their big day takes precedent over everyone's right to feeling safe.
@andrewi.crocker8675 2 жыл бұрын
Gf that wouldn't let OP hang out with friends alone: Had a feeling from OP's original post that there was some biphobia going on as soon as she mentioned the was bi and gf was lesbian. As a bi male, I long ago made the decision to only date other bi people. Makes things easier. From previous experience, alot of people tend to assume you are actually gay, but in denial (it seems to be the opposite with bi women, as people assume they are actually str8 and just looking for attention)
@vivifoxysdaughterandchild544 2 жыл бұрын
Really hate that assumption, even though I've never experienced it first hand. We're not in denial of our gayness. Being attracted to more than one gender doesn't make us less gay. If you can't comprehend the idea of people being attracted to multiple genders, then you don't get to invalidate my sexuality.
@rhondasisco-cleveland2665 Жыл бұрын
In grandma’s defense, in her day it was a normal thing for the oldest to take on at least one younger sibling.
@juliebaker6969 2 жыл бұрын
Mature adults don't open other people's gifts. Mature adults own up to their mistakes. Mature adults don't beg others to take responsibility for THEIR actions. Mature adults don't ask someone else to help them hide THEIR mistakes. The children of mature adults can trust them implicitly. The MOM WAS acting like a mature adult, the dad and step mom were NOT!
@alexbodi5526 2 жыл бұрын
Why do so many people insist that having another kid will fix their marriage? Not to mention they aren’t even taking care of any of their kids now, so they would just put that pressure on OP.
@KittyCat_Gacha Жыл бұрын
For the story of having a child to fix the marriage - if having 3-4 other babies didn't fix the marriage, the next one won't either :T
@mariacowan4023 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow! The story about the ex's new girlfriend... That is exactly how my ex husband sounds. Right now with her encouragement he has started picking and choosing which rulings in the divorce decree that he follows and when he follows them. He only sends as much child support as he thinks I deserve. Things with him because of the games he plays not just with me but with our daughter have developed to a point where my daughter doesn't even want to have anything to do with him unless he's buying her stuff. She is so mad at him! And he blames me for the deterioration of their relationship has nothing to do with the fact that since 2016 he's been strung out on meth Coke and heroin and when he can't get a hold of those things he takes Xanax. My daughter has asked for supervised visitation with him because she doesn't want to be around him alone due to the things that she witnessed and the mind games he plays. It's amazing how abusive people all sound the same.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse Жыл бұрын
Smoking story: That teacher SHOULD feel like shit for what she did. If OP’s mom was even a little more unhinged she could have cost OP her life. She should feel ashamed and never ever forget this and think it is ok to go around the school safeguards again. Those are there for a reason
@jdd9993 2 жыл бұрын
OP's mother was horribly abusive to her because the teacher was negligent in her duty. The mother & boyfriend should be reported & prosecuted for kidnapping.
@JMac7395 Жыл бұрын
The Wedding Story: OP's daughter is an immature entitled user. I wouldn't be surprised if the mother was behind this entire drama. I think OP was setup to fail from jump. The daughter could've easily had the wedding at another relative's property. I don't care that OP's wife was being the "bigger person". The moment OP's daughter began to verbally disrespect him in person & online should've have been the moment he put his foot down. No offers. No compromises. But OP caved. In return OP received more verbal disrespect to his face, used for a large amount of money & essentially handled like unwanted child. OP is going to have to face the facts that his daughter is just like the mother. They will never have the relationship OP desperately desires.
@___o1799 2 жыл бұрын
As somebody with major sensory issues regarding food (issues so bad that I suffered from an eating disorder), the husband who won't cook for himself is a major AH. Not only is he being incredibly insensitive, but he's also being super childish and entitled.
@mothertrucker936 2 жыл бұрын
S1: op, you need to tell the authorities. This was illegal. This must never be done to any family or anyone ever again. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve done this to others. I’m shocked. Please tell the police. S2: NTA bf has different values. Op values $$$$ bf values time. You’re not good for each other. You need to reevaluate your priorities if you want to stay with him. Last words would be “wish I’d have gotten ...” “wish I had more time to spend with...”
@emilybarclay8831 11 ай бұрын
S1: I bet ex accuses OP of ‘alienating’ his kid from him as if ex didn’t give such little of a shit about his child that he couldn’t keep his hands off the kid’s bday present
@OrealLove Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I remember this post from a year ago. OP made another comment saying that her ex threw the consul away after he “broke” it lol. Sounds like he opened up his present and found out it was a PS5 and sold it. The ex is a POS.
@mynights85 2 жыл бұрын
The hair story. He ignored you as both your boyfriend AND stylist, im glad you broke up with him. The husband with bullied past story. The husband has literally become the bully. Thank you op for defending your son.
@oldgreggsmadmemes4431 2 жыл бұрын
That teacher story pissed me off I would report that teacher so fucking hard
@williethomas6388 2 жыл бұрын
NTA, girlfriend you’re not responsible for your siblings. Your parents are for as long as they’re alive.
@helookalikaman79 2 жыл бұрын
Man and wife argue to PREVENT domestic violence (not surprisingly geared towards the wife) is told to walk away to cool down.... When a guy does, he is "Running from his problems"
@cynicalrabbit915 2 жыл бұрын
Story: Former Victim turning into what he hates. The father who was bullied in school sounds like he was a shy and quiet type, and was bullied for it by more outgoing and popular kids. Jordan is probably the same type personally but sans the bully mentality. His father is worried that Jordan will become a bully or that he already is. I agree his father was too hard on him as 8pm is pretty strict when it's not a school night. At best he just should have just pointed at the clock but said nothing. It makes me wonder just how bad it was for him to react this way? I mean it seems like he's carrying some deep trauma and really needs to get into therapy. Untreated deep seated trauma can really mess with a person's mental health, it can also skew your perception.
@beegee1960 2 жыл бұрын
Thé mother « just do it, was not cut out to be a mom. « But she had no problem with cranking out one baby after another; and she had no problem pushing it off on her teen daughter who had no choice about doing it. I have little sympathy for the mom.
@terrancemuzic5157 11 ай бұрын
1:15:48 they threatened suicide so they wouldn't be caught in their lies. Let em we don't need people like that in the world. SUICIDE IS NEVER A THREAT!!!
@DgShadowChocolate Жыл бұрын
Why is it easier for the Food Husband to believe that his wife is a manipulative, picky eater that insults his mother and embarrasses him…instead of her having food sensory issues? This guy doesn’t actually love or respect his wife, especially with the way he escalates the situation.
@gordonwilloughby8793 2 жыл бұрын
I am amazed that Boyfriend could have messed up a haircut that bad. the way he took the breakup makes me wonder if it was part of his plan. My wife had me trim her hair for her. I had never cut hair before. She showed me the length she wanted it. I was slow but it wasn't mangled when I finished. I just cut her hair in a straight line across the back of her neck and went up at a slight angle on the sides. Maybe not feathered perfectly but it was cut straight and she said it was ok. Have cut her hair more times now and can cut got faster at it. Never had to have anyone fix it.
@CarolineRocks 10 ай бұрын
The dad is a butt. The kid knew that right away! Even if he did honestly break it. The mom could have a warranty! He must of tossed if honest but still petty as heck. He very very likely could have just been vengeful towards the mom or pawned it! What a butthead. I'm glad he went with his stepdad.
@melvinyoung3474 2 жыл бұрын
People need to understand that a bully is a fact of life that cannot be wished away. I'm not not saying it's right, just a nasty fact of life.
@jesseflynn1259 2 жыл бұрын
I bet the wife doesn't even work a job .
@rmhartman 2 жыл бұрын
Ask for the broken console so you can exchange it to the store.
@mothertrucker936 2 жыл бұрын
The wedding: NTA. OP your daughter is a cruel drama Queen. She plays your new family to her advantage when she darn well knows that her mother’s side are practically rifle-yielding-foot-stomping-hillbillies. For a court to issue a restraining order, there needs to be some serious actions against you and your family. It’s NOT a huge leap for a grown woman to understand that you don’t want these morons traipsing through your home and most definitely stealing, destroying and doing whatever these jail baits do. She’s probably in on it and played you for everything she could get. Anyhow you’ve got nothing to reproach yourself. Your daughter will understand when she’s got her own child and these idiots stomp on her boundaries.
@AndreNDP 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I was disgusted at how deferential OP was. Stand up for yourself, man! And if you can't manage that, at least stand up for your wife and stepdaughter. This entitled little bitch is using her father and doesn't give a damn about him. For me, if you picked her over me-you're stuck with that choice. The hell with you.
@doogy44 2 жыл бұрын
It's not about cooking it . The wife is extremely picky , so her food is what she can eat . He can eat anything. Cook for himself or order take out , but leave your wife's food alone. What if you didn't like hot dogs and your wife says , there's some leftover hot dogs for you in the frig ? Enjoy.
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
Family heirlooms are for family. Yes they are family to the OP and siblings but they are NOT family to the maternal side. That'd be like if you went to a cousin and asked to be included on the other side of their family. Just because your family with someone doesn't mean all their family is also your family
@naturalPaths 2 жыл бұрын
OP/NTA … “She … would never involve her kids in her fights, etc.,” ..yet she involves your and your husband’s kids in same fights. Rich.
@chloefeliciaduran7036 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Jesus Christ the ex is the worst 🤬
@littlegreycat 2 жыл бұрын
Their definition of “better person” is to be a door mat.
@fishsticks3729 Жыл бұрын
The random “STOP” was funny
@prin0428 Жыл бұрын
Oh my.... OP is absolutely the AH in the story that the bf and kids made her a picture frame with a very special picture in it. Psssstttt....hey op send that absolutely thoughtful gem my way! I would appreciate a handmade fandango sentimental gift ANYDAY over a story bought gift. Entitled much??!!! I hope the bf see this huge flaming red flag and runs the other way. Boyfriend deserves someone who is not a gold digger and believes she is entitled to expensive gifts all the time. There are so many people out there that would feel the same way about such a thoughtful gift as I would feel. If Boyfriend keeps OP around for her inappropriate behavior and expectations, I sure hope she takes a valuable lesson away from this post and recognizes how important that one gesture was from bf and his kids. She doesn't deserve any of them tho.
@HazelJuanitaMillanHoffman Жыл бұрын
He and the kids made the gift together together for you. Yes you are theA******!
@TheLugiaSong Жыл бұрын
Real sick of people saying they "Can't cook" ...mate. It is not difficult. You can learn how to use the kitchen and make very simple, healthy and cheap food without much effort. It may not be exceptionally exciting, but it is easy. If that isn't enough for you, you can follow recipes for more complex food. These people don't even try.
@InItForTheParking 2 жыл бұрын
The smoking one. She is mistaken about the "safeguards". A school is not going to put any kind of protection plan in place for smoking. In fact, the school is likely going to suspend the student if the teacher knows because she caught her smoking on school grounds. I went to two actual centers when I was younger. My parents didn't have to submit anything to the school because that is private health information. I know this because my issues were mental health related and they didn't want that information out in a small town.
@boooo13 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe they live in a different county where that is a standard thing?
@andyshepherd700 2 жыл бұрын
If she went to a counselor she would still be smoking. Everybody else has to be responsible and perfect but OP. She still smokes because nobody is going to control her, even when she is being stupid AF. Another entitled kid doing her darndest to survive in a world that does not give a crap about her feelings. Yawn.
@morganleanderblake678 Жыл бұрын
Another category on reddit: Dear reddit, my parents work me like a literal slave for free childcare and I want to have anything else in my life ever again, am I the asshole?
@paytynbutler2007 2 жыл бұрын
On the story with the triplets the triplets definitely are not the a-holes this is there moms side not there dads the moms side doesn't want the step sibling to wear the family heirlooms and that is perfectly ok in fact if the step sibling wasn't allowed at the photoshoot or in the pictures at all that would also be ok because rit is the maternal side not paternal and step siblings has no ties to the maternal side. She is 15 not 5 she is acting like a little kid she needs to grow up majorly. I honestly can see why step moms family cut her off she is throwing a fit because her daughter isn't being allowed to wear family heirlooms from her step kids maternal side which is just awful behavior.
@owloftheinkwell9925 2 жыл бұрын
Man, I love your videos, you got such a nice voice to listen to, and you find some of the most interesting stories!
@rollothecat2010 2 жыл бұрын
I really like his channel the best of all the reddit channels.
@owloftheinkwell9925 2 жыл бұрын
@@rollothecat2010 Agreed
@rmhartman 2 жыл бұрын
Um ... *Who* exactly ruined the birthday, mister present thief?
@HazelJuanitaMillanHoffman Жыл бұрын
The man stole his Sons gift from the mother, playered it so badly that he broke it. Then wanted ger to lie to the child and say she forgot to send his gift to him to cover his gift to mistake up. Then have her buy him another one to replace it. Talk about a deadbeat loader
@veezopolis 2 жыл бұрын
No reason a console breaks as often as they do in these stories
@laurensmith20 2 жыл бұрын
I am very very very upset about the one about the guy giving the women a picture instead of expensive jewelry. Ngl I'd love for my partner to do that for me. If he did I'd literally start crying tears of happiness because he doesn't do crafts.
@cynicalrabbit915 2 жыл бұрын
Story: BF studying cosmetology wants paid 1) If BF is still studying Cosmetology HE is NOT a licensed cosmetologist, therefore it is illegal for him to cut hair outside of the school where he would be under supervision and would not have gotten away with going against his practice customer's wishes. 2) He ignored his GF's wishes to give her the haircut he wanted to practice and did a bad job due to inexperience. 3) He needs to learn now that if he screws up that he needs to expect to not be paid [See items 1 and 2.] likely he would have to work at or for a salon owned by someone else and this mess could get him ousted or fired. Explaination: When starting out you need to gain experience and as you gain experience you also gain customers who ask or wait for you. You can go to work for a chain like Supercuts or you can find a salon that will rent you a station and access to the rest of the equipment (Think hair dryers etc). You have to be good and willing to ask for help if you find a customer request is beyond your skills but be prepared to give up your pay to whoever helps you out. If you're not good and are renting a station, the owner will either refuse to rent to you beyond the week you've already paid for, even though you don't "work for them", they still need to protect the reputation of their business. PAID he'll be lucky she doesn't think to tell the Cosmetology School that he's cutting hair on the side without a license.
@richardcrary2848 2 жыл бұрын
Old teacher gets punched outside of school I’d see if mother could be arrested
@oldwoman5942 2 жыл бұрын
10 different meals is actually a lot of variety.
@Avoidnow 2 жыл бұрын
For my dad’s 70th I got him a picture from the first major sporting event he went to with his dad. It cost around €40 but he loves it and I could see he was emotional. If the gift is right then the cost(once you can afford it of course) does not matter. The OP in that story is incredibly shallow.
@bkppppppp 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not teachers business if kids smoke. They can punish them for smoking at school as it’s against school rules but, it’s not really their business right? Like they can check to make sure the kid is alright but not all kids smoke because of mental health. This is coming from someone who never smoked a day in my life.
@GreenKnight1982 2 жыл бұрын
In this day and age it seems like teachers don't believe parents should have any say in children considering what's happening in this country especially with the comments made by the national teachers union Association ( or whatever it's called) President yesterday.
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr the teacher should have at most gone through the proper channels at least so someone can check and make sure the kid is alright and the proper people who know what their doing can figure out what to do from there
@paolagutierrez2568 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t ask a question if you don’t want the answer. That is BS.
@tunatofu63 2 жыл бұрын
There are many narcissistic hair stylists who don't care what YOU want because they are the pros and know better than you. So the customer is right when it is attached to their body. And at my age I know what I like and have tried plenty of styles in my long life so no don't play that crap with me.
@helookalikaman79 2 жыл бұрын
1:22:50 WTF "step-mom" has NO authority to say what the kids can and cannot do ESPECIALLY when it comes to those kids family traditions... Wait when the step moms daughter does something they want to join, guess how fast stepmom says NO... (the "no" wouldn't be about this family tradition saying no to the step sister)
@cynicalrabbit915 2 жыл бұрын
Story: GF being controlling and hypocrite OP's GF is not only controlling her but trying to isolate her. If OP's SO was male most wouldn't be tut tutting about their behavior but telling OP to run far and fast away from the toxic man.
@melvinyoung3474 2 жыл бұрын
Eating her food equals variety.
@lauraprochaska8521 2 жыл бұрын
If she bought him shoes she wanted a bought gift. And secondly he asked for her opinion.
@vetaroberts3333 Жыл бұрын
No she shouldn’t, it’s not her responsibility to take care of her children
@summerdais325 Жыл бұрын
Careful with the heirloom post. If you play a drinking game taking a shot every time you hear the word heirloom, you WILL die of alcohol poisoning.
@SillyTeaSeal 2 жыл бұрын
Im a picky eater and i totally understand the wife. I too do have a very very limited taste and i make tacos for myself often, i also eat my familys food.
@peterasbjrnhansen2834 2 жыл бұрын
Never ever marry and never ever deal with Karens
@kaykoi9121 2 жыл бұрын
i dont know much about sensory issues, but i know pickyness and sensory issues are completly diffrent. yes OP is TA. 1 op wife gets herself sick by eating his mums food. no matter how good it tastes, she gets sick anyways 2 op cant tell anyone who has sensory issues and who hasnt 3 even if she was picky who cares 4 not finnishing food is normal, sometimes you think you can eat more or suddenly arent so hungry anymore. (op wife probably doesnt finnish bc of the sensory issues) 5 wife is probably afraid of eating something new because she doesent know whats in it. so she eats what she knows is safe for her 6 maybe learn how to cook? 7 he agreed to it 8 He probably wouldnt share either
@bethking9830 2 жыл бұрын
If teacher had gone through the right channels, what's to say the parents wouldn't have done the same thing? Look how much bullies get away with or how easily crappy parents slip through the cracks along with their kids? Not excusing the teacher, just bringing up a bigger problem
@terrancemuzic5157 11 ай бұрын
1:14:47 selfless my hairy ass, she abandoned her daughter because she was a reminder of her ex's infidelity this was all for the mothers comfort not the child's
@julias2855 2 жыл бұрын
Scenario when people told me how I should feel or be: Them: Ur still struggling? It seems like ur broken knee should b healed by now. I think ur babying it & so would push through in rehab Me: True. How did u work through it when u broke ur knee or arm? Them: Ummm ….. Me: Yes. If u have not experienced this, ur condescending advice is not necessary. But thank u. Them: I did not mean it that way. Me: Well that’s how it sounds. Please b kind next time & say. I’m sorry it’s so hard. Can I help u through this? I can take u to rehab if u need a ride.
@pagee7452 2 жыл бұрын
No she would never have changed her attitude towards you and your mom so you giving it to her demand what have you been blackmail I'm glad you held you ground and not let her have access to your house she just boiled brat and entitled and he wants to blame everybody on everybody she should have just eloped and save everybody the grief for money so that's on her
@inagrove1299 Жыл бұрын
Dad’s girlfriends smoke sticks to her clothes. That includes all the chemicals in that smoke that are so harmful to an infant
@heatherlee9880 2 жыл бұрын
19? Call the police you’re an adult.
@mikemartinez5436 Жыл бұрын
His dad is blaming you? Who cares… block them both and enjoy her upcoming divorce
@Ren-ri5sd 2 жыл бұрын
Op with the picky wife who won’t cook for him - I’m in love with his wife. When they get divorced I want to marry her she’s a savage and amazing for laying down the LAW
@jesseflynn1259 2 жыл бұрын
Daughters marriage won't last because of inlaws
@memeking7273 2 жыл бұрын
That n the fact that she only sees OP as a cash cow. Poor him calling what he got the "Bare minimum" is honestly an insult to the word itself
@mikemartinez5436 Жыл бұрын
Also. If your husband is ok with it let him handle the ex’s wife.. he’ll enjoy it.
@troubleinthevalley5884 2 жыл бұрын
Like a "mature" adult who takes a child's birthday gift, breaks it, and then tries to lie about it? That level of maturity? LOL
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