AITA For Saying "I'm A Better Dad This Time Around" To My Daughter?

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Mark Narrations

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@gabeangel8104 3 жыл бұрын
The ‘better dad this time around’ is a total jerk. Many years ago, at a case conference about my fathers mistreatment of me he said a very similar thing about why the social workers didn’t need to worry about my significantly younger sister. I’ve never got over hearing that. You don’t have another kid as a do over for screwing up your older kids, you face your mistakes and work to fix it with the kid you hurt AS WELL as treating the younger one better!
@sambillings2254 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: None of the comments brought this up: OP tried to politely decline going to the wedding citing being busy and regardless not wanting to go to a stranger's wedding. SIL is the one who pushed the subject, even AFTER she was told no. If she could have just accepted that he didn't want to go to a stranger's wedding and moved on she never would have gotten yelled at in the first place. Combined with all the jokes she was making about people mistaking OP for her son's dad, I can completely understand the outburst. NTA OP, and while SIL isn't TA for asking you to go to a wedding, she absolutely is TA for not accepting "no" for am answer and crossing boundaries by making untimely jokes.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I had the same thought process as you, but I wasn’t sure that I could write it to where it’d make sense to others. Very well said!!
@squirrel670 3 жыл бұрын
She wants him and feels entitled to him plain and simple. If he had a girlfriend and she was single and "needed help" some other way for him to do everything and be there, people would say she is trying to steal him. He isn't getting this replacement vibe outta nowhere.
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
The blow up was about the fact that he was exhausted from all of the other things he'd done. If he set proper boundaries, he wouldn't have exploded.
@luxlibertas 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP: *wants to celebrate with her sister* OP's mom: *threatens to kick her out* OP: Okay, I'll move. OP's mom: *surprised Pikachu face*
@fatcatlol_4820 3 жыл бұрын
Love it!
@hothotheat3000 3 жыл бұрын
Of course the oldest resents that comment. She heard that and thought “why couldn’t you be a good father to ME? What did they do to deserve your best that I didn’t do? What’s wrong with me?” The dad really didn’t think about how hurtful that comment was to her.
@catandrobbyflores 3 жыл бұрын
Parents usually dont.
@agostinacoronel2901 3 жыл бұрын
He isn't a good father. His daughter deserves better. I hope she cuts contact
@darkshadow5581 3 жыл бұрын
It seems like the old relationship was terrible. Pregnant too early, OP working 80 hours, and seemingly ex-wife barely working. They werent ready to have kids but they did, and they are both wrong for doing that. That said, is it so wrong to say your getting better? If this was alchohol or drug use I feel the effect would be worse, but the comments would be more favorable. He sees how he failed and is trying to make it up, even if he still can be insensitive like he was
@ravanpee1325 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 He talks about a second chance with the new family. That doesn't sound like he would take responsibility for the first one.
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 He’s trying to make it up by marrying a woman less than 1/2 his age at 56 (28+28) and explaining to his daughter that she just wasn’t as important as this child, ya OK. And 28 was too young yet he had a kid with a lady who’s 28? Ya sounds functional. I wonder where precious child-wife is hiding boyfriend/baby-daddy.
@marist6734 3 жыл бұрын
what disturbs me most is that the mother is crying about not have a chauffeur for her bratty son not the fact that she may never be in contact with her kids again. Also my birthday lands on Thanksgiving sometimes, there is a thing called postponing.
@toysruskid5074 3 жыл бұрын
My birthday is between a holiday and my nasty grandma's. She's the "matriarch" and so my birthday was dismissed for hers. Even to the point where I was told to go to a birthday party on my birthday as a child and stupidly stupidly thought it was for me. I got yelled at for not bringing her a present.
@digit5465 3 жыл бұрын
@@toysruskid5074 jesus, does anything happen now? Like any pettiness or anything?
@victoriatube159 3 жыл бұрын
My dads sometimes falls on thanksgiving it just means he gets cake on thanksgiving and maybe some gifts (depends on the birthday though a lot of the times people juat get him more extravigent gifts for Christmas
@KyrieChii 3 жыл бұрын
Mine sometimes falls on Easter, & my family always celebrated it the day before (if i was visiting the extended family that attends church services on Easter), otherwise we'd just do it on the day of. It's insane to act like your child's bday 'doesn't count' or 'can't be celebrated' just because they were unfortunate enough to fall on a holiday.
@UnnoticedKIN 3 жыл бұрын
@@toysruskid5074 Wow, that's just so wrong! Birthdays are so much more meaningful to kids than adults so dismissing a kid's birthday for an adult's one is just ridiculous. My nephew was born two days after my birthday this year, I fully expect there to be far more focus on his birthdays than mine for the next 18 years and I'm OK with that.
@catandrobbyflores 3 жыл бұрын
Why the heck are people saying esh for story 2? Dude isn't her husband and was in the right as far as I can see. A freaking doctor thoutht that he was her husband and that's not funny at all. She was taking advantage of his kindness.
@Park-Kim_VMin 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly NTA 😌
@Dragonprincess21 3 жыл бұрын
I think people agreed with his feelings but not his delivery. In a perfect scenario he should have sat her down privately and explained his discomfort and his need to step back. But I feel for him because I feel he must be grieving too so this isn’t a perfect scenario (he must be suffering a lot of emotional strain). Hopefully the family can reconcile and proper boundaries can be set up
@C-Herzog 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think his comment was cruel at all. It sounds like she was using him as a proxy and OP had already voiced his opinions on the matter. She just pushed it all too far and hasn't dealt with her loss yet. OP needs to create that distance so that the SIL can grieve and move on as she needed a large wake up call.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
@@C-Herzog Exactly!
@piffba 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: he’s the a for the story, but also he married a girl... two years older than his daughter... and he’s like 50-something? YTA in every aspect of life
@KyrieChii 3 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for his older children... It has to be such a huge slap in the face to see him getting to have a 'redo' with a perfect family when they don't get to have a 'redo' of their childhoods. And for this new woman to be basically the daughter's age... I imagine the resentment is probably strong. I hope the daughter gets therapy so she doesn't have to carry it around with it her for the rest of her life.
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
@@KyrieChii Image 10/20/40 years from now. He is 56!!! She is 28. Who knows if she even has a BF on the side. I wouldn’t trust their perfect redo family.
@locusxe1411 3 жыл бұрын
He’s an asshole for everything else except the two years older part. She’s a damn adult. Get over it
@darkshadow5581 3 жыл бұрын
He was an AH for his parenting, but people can and do change, even if you hate their old selfs. He is trying if nothing else, and its sad. Imagine trash talking a person because he used to be an alcoholic. Age difference can be an indicator of trouble, but it alone isnt an issue if both of the adults are ok with it.It's not my cup of tea, but not gonna shame people for their likes if they arent hurting people.
@lightningbug3189 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 The big problem is the way he said it. He stated the daughter is in therapy and we can assume issues from her childhood (at least partially caused by him) are still being dealt with in therapy. This means he should know that issues from the crappy relationship and childhood he played a part in are likely still emotionally charged for her. What he said did not take this into account, and it really needed to if he values their relationship. To use the example you have repeated throughout this comment section: It is great if an alcoholic gets sober, remarries, has more children, and gets to be in a better place. It does not make the shitty childhood he gave his first children and shitty marriage he gave his first wife less bad. It does not mean that they can't feel hurt by that. It would be normal for children to ask "Why wasn't I good enough? How come your new family is worth changing more than I am? What was so wrong with our family?" The children do not get a do-over even if dad changes, and people are sympathizing with this fact that his daughter is facing.
@15oClock 3 жыл бұрын
1. Well, I can tell who's the golden child. Yeah, the little traitor's gonna learn it isn't so fun to be in a controlling environment soon. 2. You can't just replace your partner, especially with someone who doesn't feel that way. This isn't healthy, and OP's not a surrogate husband. 3. OP doesn't get to wipe away his sins when he insists on keeping his victims around without even apologizing. He can't have his cake and eat it too. 4. Asking isn't the problem; it's aggressively pursuing it that's the issue. OP could be arrested for this easily. Side note: I had waffles for breakfast today. They were delicious, if a bit cold.
@darkshadow5581 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: but can OP not try to improve and make strides to do better. He wasnt a good father for her growing up, but is it bad to say he's trying and getting better?
@ravanpee1325 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 He cares better about the new family and his youngest son. How does this help his older children and their reconciliation process with him?
@yourneighborhooddeadpool488 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 I think that story 3 was a slight YTA but the fact that he was trying to work and support the family. That’s what everyone was skipping over is the fact that he was trying to provide for his family even if it meant that vacations have to be cancelled and some important things need to be missed.
@darkshadow5581 3 жыл бұрын
@@yourneighborhooddeadpool488 i can get his 30 YO being TA, buti agree that while he wasnt a good parent, he was trying. Just sad a person trying to make himself better than his past is forever brought down by it.
@ravanpee1325 3 жыл бұрын
@Kathlyne Guillot Pomales Yeah, we agree that the comment was tactless. But the whole focus of the story is not about the reconciliation process or the feelings of the children but about himself. His own feelings and how he wants to be perceived as a good dad. The phrase "second chance" is a Freudian slip.
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: A 56 year old man needs to constantly buy the love of his 28 year old wife. Ya better keep working. She’s not there for ya 😂😂🤣
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
Also, this man needs to take a seat. His kid is 1 there’s an long 18 year road ahead and by the end he’ll be 74 (I added in my head), it’s too early to be giving himself the greatest dad ever award.
@lulufufu7139 3 жыл бұрын
OP in Story 2 is NTA at all. Shes grieving, yes but he was also grieving when she began treating him like a free care-taker. If she really needed so much help, why was she refusing help from other people to focus on OP? Does that not seem suspicious to you? Also are people forgetting that this guy lost his brother? Or he might have been afraid to say no/felt scared to as time went on? To say its his fault for not setting boundaries and not her fault for taking advantage of his help is nasty. If this was a man constantly bothering his dead wifes sister to the point where people mistake her as the mother of his child, there would be no arguing over how wrong that is. Its been 16 months. Her child is over a 1 year old, she's no longer a new mom and she has had time to move on and start doing things herself rather than depending on OP. She has been going around to places and events with OP like he's her partner (like asking him to go the wedding like he's her date). That's not okay. No means no. When he told her he didn't wanna go to the wedding, she shouldn't have tried to argue with him and convince him to go nor should she be upset at the idea of the other brother going with her instead. She started the scene when she could've accepted his refusal rather than argue in front of the whole family. This guy has been pushed to his breaking point. She basically was using her dead husbands brother as a replacement father/partner and thats beyond disgusting. He is NTA but the sister in law sure is.
@aurellezanou5062 3 жыл бұрын
@@k70freeman and? he lost his brother!
@lulufufu7139 3 жыл бұрын
@@k70freeman OP would not have yelled if the wife had respected his boundaries when he told he didnt wanna go to the wedding. He said no, hes busy. No is a full sentence, no is all thats necessary. She acted like a child by refusing to let him say no. She doesnt get to change his mind, its his decision. He even offered his brother to go with her and the brother has been offering his help to her all this time that shes been denying since she ONLY wants OP to help her. If the wife was a man upset at a woman for saying no and trying to convince them to go a wedding as their date, would you still be defending that behavior? There's no excuse for this. Getting upset and trying to get someone to change their mind when they say No is harassment.
@RedLithic 3 жыл бұрын
There's no way in hell it's yta, very close esh, nta, nah depending on how forgiving you are towards grief influencing both of them, but it's mostly the sil being inappropriate trying to turn an uncle into replacement dad. I guess it's good that she's not trying to get with him (yet?)
@lulufufu7139 3 жыл бұрын
@@k70freeman If she needed so much help with her kids and because of her grief, why did she refuse help from the other brothers? Why did she consistently ONLY want OP to help? Youre sick in the head for defending her. OP had every right to say what he said. He was at his limit. He's not her dead husband and she needs to stop treating him like one.
@RedLithic 3 жыл бұрын
@UCSbHjI3xCHC9lZIU7e6QXSg it is an explanation. I'm less likely to go with it hard to esh considering this is on the much lighter end compared to outright malicious assholes in other posts. I can see a better case for nta or nah but it's a thin one between those two and in a strict logical read esh is valid.
@stargazerkawaii 3 жыл бұрын
28 young to be a dad? ? ? ? This guy was horrible absolutely horrible
@anonymousbrooks8194 3 жыл бұрын
Mark don't degrade yourself like that, you do deserve those fan arts just like you deserve all these subscribers because you're generally a good person and you care about all of us as much as you care about you.
@CactusDee1286 3 жыл бұрын
@CactusDee1286 3 жыл бұрын
But yes, he absolutely deserves all the fanart
@pepper0110 3 жыл бұрын
@@CactusDee1286 cat? Art
@abdullahalali3962 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I’m sorry what I’m I reading his family doesn’t celebrate his birthday wow just wow
@Flufferz626 3 жыл бұрын
My father-in-law used to be part of a fundamental sect of Jehova's Witness. They didn't celebrate any holidays, especially birthdays. He was forced to accept gifts from people who didn't know their traditions and either throw them away or donate them to Goodwill or what not. This sounds like they have an odd mental hangup tied to this.
@daniellediller5070 3 жыл бұрын
Yah it was like this for my grandpa he was born extremely close to Christmas back then it was the great depression, so his parents couldn't afford both, till the day he died grandma made sure that his birthday comes first we don't even decorate for Christmas until after his birthday party.
@mbyerly9680 3 жыл бұрын
The grieving SIL has OP's whole family to be her support. They should shut up about OP and do it themselves.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
I know this video is 2 yrs old, but I just had to say that I wondered why all the responsibility of the SIL fell on OP and his brother. Why can’t their parents and her parents help out? And she needed to be told to quit calling only OP for everything. He has a life of his own and as one said, what if he wanted a girlfriend? He would never have anytime to spend with said girlfriend because I have a feeling SIL would make more and more appointments and grocery runs so he couldn’t spend time with a girlfriend! OP’s parents should have been stepping up for doctor appointments too. And why can’t this woman drive herself? She doesn’t have a license? Well, she’s had a year to learn! Sorry for that rant! 🤣
@_Sage967_ 3 жыл бұрын
I dont understand how anyone could see OP of story 2 as TA, everyone focuses on "oh there are better ways to do it" completely ignoring his Memorial state that in other stories validates an OP's outburst. this isn't some radical thing but merely the straw that broke the camel's back after a ramping up of assistance due to the niece being born. not to mention that some people really dont take what you say to heart if you try to tone it down. there may have been a better way to do this but it's not like most people can stop mid outburst and calmly reevaluate the situation for the optimal outcome.
@KyrieChii 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with this 100%. I really feel for this guy, he was honestly just trying to help his SIL, but she _has_ been taking advantage of him, & whether she realizes it or not, has been using him to replace the partner she lost, & that is neither right nor fair. I was 2 when my Dad passed in a car accident, & he had 2 brothers... I could easily put my Mom in SIL's position, & OP as one of my uncles. (My Mom moved back in with her family after he passed, they acted as the support system she needed... I wonder if this was an option for the SIL? OP didn't mention her family). He let it go on for too long, not wanting to be hurtful, & she pushed it too far. Yes, there were absolutely better ways to handle it, but he just reached his breaking point. The way he said his Mom looked confused when SIL was talking about all the times he's helped her... It's obvious his family didn't really understand the extent to which she was relying on him to stand in for her late husband. I do think he should apologize for hurting/embarrassing her, as that wasn't his intention, but he should also sit his immediate family down & tell them just _how much_ he's been doing (literally just about everything a father/husband would do) for SIL over the last 16 months.
@_Sage967_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@KyrieChii the sad part (besides the fact that i said memorial instead of emotional... somehow) is that should such a situation continue the widow would desire ALL their "needs" to be met by the person assisting them and that could lead to a whole host of problems one of which being the families potential disapproval of the relationship (or whatever version of it they're fed) as nobody seemed to know to what extent OP was helping.
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
The thing about being an adult is that you need to set boundaries appropriately so that way you don't have extreme outbursts. A simple conversation would have sufficed. If you give someone a dollar every day for 30 days, you can't get mad at them asking you for a dollar on day 31. Just say no on day one.
@mishratheforsaken 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: " I'm just going to date and marry a woman my daughter's age. Then try to rug sweep the fact that i was a TERRIBLE father to my kids, because i'd rather pretend that i was (still am) a garbage person.... That would make living my current fantasy to hard."
@danip9927 3 жыл бұрын
As soon I heard "she will kick people out if they wished us happy birthday" my jaw dropped and immediately declared NTA before the story even continued
@amazinglynn 3 жыл бұрын
If you don’t like ‘fanart’ you should call it ‘mark-art’ or ‘mart’ 🤷🏽‍♀️😂
@misscheeky8010 3 жыл бұрын
Or fart
@PelegdolevWackyycool 3 жыл бұрын
Mart is the best art
@sierralovat5498 3 жыл бұрын
@patronofdragons 3 жыл бұрын
Title Story: This reminds me of that one scene in the Good Place. Eleanor finds out her awful mother changed and started a new family after giving Eleanor a horrible childhood and then abandoning her.
@hiftu 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: SIL actively dismissed the help from other brother. After that pressured OP to a husband role. That makes her the a**hole. OP was right to stand up for himself.
@howdyyall2545 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine controlling someone and being shocked when they move out
@DarkAngel65989 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1:OP is not the Ah, the mother and the grandmother are horrible amd controlling, the brother is a mama boy and spolied. OP move aspa and the sister is awesome. Story 2:OP is not the Ah, OP could of handle it differently for how he said it to SIL instead of doing it in private. But the wife need therpy and shouldn't take advantage of OP like that, OP is not a replacement of his brother/her husband, that creepy. Story 3:OP is the Ah, the daughter felt abadon and not love by OP. Now she see OP being happy, actually being a dad and being there for his new kid. It's almost like a slap on the face. Story 4:OP is the ah, it was ok to connect her through socialmedia but not respecting her wishes and going to her house is crazy. I understand OP is hurt but OP can't do that.
@DuckTapeWarrior1 3 жыл бұрын
I was born in Easter so story one is now reminding me of the Shrek movie for me. I’m proud of op for standing up for herself.
@ACBIGBOIEVDT 3 жыл бұрын
I have this fantasy about you Standing up* to yourself because your Parents didn't want to watch Shrek
@CartoonGentlemen 3 жыл бұрын
Were you standing up because that was your swamp
@robertbishop5158 2 жыл бұрын
I was born Dec 23 I never got to celebrate My birthday because the Money went to Christmas presents But everytime my 3 brothers got their Birthday with a homemade cake Every April May and November Mom never understood why I hated Holidays. I didn't enjoy my birthday Until I was 40 when co workers went All out it made me cry at 40 yrs old Ever since I am happy about every day Since.
@comajuice 3 жыл бұрын
Also he excused his behaviour at age 28 and forward as "i was young" yet has a child with someone even younger.
@andreawalker8343 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely NTA for story 2. I’m sure the mom is grieving and my heart goes out to her, but singling out a person for not having a family and forcing a person to fill the very personal role that her husband filled is extremely inappropriate. She kind of needed to be called out.
@indianspartan76 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: SIL totally got a thing for OP. He's her comfort
@a_hoovy_main5597 3 жыл бұрын
ops brothers wife: uses him for sixteen months and never gives him free time at all completely stressing him out op: says something mean reddit: clearly they both suck and these things look very similar and equally bad
@schokigirl1989 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: "my therapist suggested I talk to the people in my life connected to the divorce" How is Angie in your life? Maybe you should listen to your therapist more closely!
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
@robertbishop5158 2 жыл бұрын
Closure comes from with in not from outside sources
@flowerjpotter1629 3 жыл бұрын
The first story... That little grass the brother. He's on his way to being an unpleasant grown up.
@katie8732 3 жыл бұрын
As far as the title story goes, I have to wonder (and think I know the answer) if OP ever actually apologized to his older children for the cruel ways he treated them and their mother when they were younger. He talks as if he has never done anything wrong
@vickilouise3307 3 жыл бұрын
Angie is not a “poor lady”,she played a role in the destruction of OPs family and childhood. She knew fully well that she was sleeping with a married man. What was she expecting? Rainbows and puppies? She was seeing a married man, and when his “relationship” with his wife and son imploded YOU,ANGIE married him. And then that imploded. I find it highly amusing that ANGIEs marriage blew up and was shit talked by the people she screwed over. She could have at least have spoken to her ex husbands child. No she doesn’t have to but she could have, “she’s moved on so leave her alone” what a joke. Shit like this pisses me off, the only ones I feel sorry for are OP and OPs mum.
@jayc7171 3 жыл бұрын
@shinxgirl2947 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly she thought she could just walk away without consequences. She’s not just some incident party she’s what caused everything. Talking to the kid is the least she can do.
@Bijecarli 3 жыл бұрын
Aaaaayyyyyy i thought i was trippin when I said that.
@plainsabertooth7828 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bijecarli Ikr, atleast she could of done is tell him why she did it. And apologize or atleast try? You don't have to talk to him. But give the kid closer for fuck sake.
@Bijecarli 3 жыл бұрын
@@plainsabertooth7828 maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe OP shouldn't have harassed her, but the deny OP from jump is trash. So I don't feel sorry for her. I don't cape for unrepentant assholes.
@LilChuunosuke 3 жыл бұрын
I think the father in story 3 genuinely thought he was doing right, but he's too shallow and dense to realize he was inviting his older children to watch him give their new sibling everything they had wanted from him growing up. While he makes little to no effort to make up for the mistakes he made when he was younger.
@phunkyzilla 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: he’s the antagonist. He wants to feel better but when she rejected him and he went to her house to confront her and from how he talks about It, his insistence that he needs her help to improve sounds like it may be impeding him from recovery as he sees it as a necessity for him to improve.
@jeancarbonneau6966 3 жыл бұрын
In story 3, I find it sad. The father states that it was ridiculous for his kids to wear department stores clothes yet his new child is allowed to wear them. For me, clothes are just clothes. My mom used to bring me and my sister to a store in Sherbrooke Québec for our clothes when we were young. I didn't care about those clothes and how they looked on me. When I was 20 years younger, I was told that I had a son. At the time, I was on welfare so I went to a low brand store to get him an outfit for him. It looked really nice on him and I only paid 20$ for it. A few months later, I began to work and I bought him a nice leather jacket for him a year later from an Oshkosh clothing store. I sent it to him because he was adopted. Now, I don't have a son because his mother told me that he wasn't mine New Years eve 2018. For me, clothes are important to cover ourselves but name brands aren't that important. The father in story 3 made it look like his 2 eldest children weren't good enough for name brand clothing while his newest child is. The fact that he stated to his daughter that he was a better parent then with his older children is true but he shouldn't have mentioned that to his daughter in the way he did out in public. He should have done that in private at home with his older children and talk to them about how things were when they were born and how things are now.
@MooncrafterUTAU 3 жыл бұрын
From personal experience - there is no good way to approach that subject. No matter what, the older kids will feel abandoned and lesser because the changes were never made for THEM. It’s shitty, but what’s the alternative? He keeps treating the new child just as poorly as he treated them so as to save their feelings? My therapist said that kind of situation ends with the child having to grieve the loss of a parent - not the one they HAVE but the idea of what they WANTED. To have that loss mourned and then watching that “fairytale” come to fruition just rips open all of the wounds, time is the only cure. It’s been 14 years since I went through my own thing with my dad watching him get his life together for my sister in ways he never could/would for me. I’m only just now starting to forgive and empathize with his perspective.
@Cazlouisa123 Жыл бұрын
My heart hurt at story 3.😢 He's still not a good dad. He's just a hypocrite with his sugar baby
@janejane6754 3 жыл бұрын
The dad that worked 80 plus hours. What was the point of working so many hours if you wouldn't even let your wife get your children nice things once in a while.
@nerdy_evy 3 жыл бұрын
Shes been grieving for 16 months. Theres no need to have him help that long. She clearly was replacing her husband with him. He had every right to say it
@joannediaz8978 3 жыл бұрын
All my children are basically holiday babies. One is new Year's the others right before Christmas. I always make sure to celebrate their birthdays and they get presents for both.
@lifeofzoe6276 3 жыл бұрын
Not letting her child celebrate her BIRTHDAY because it fell on Thanksgiving? Are you crazy?? Isn't it the mom's fault the kid was due around Thanksgiving in the first place? Hahaha
@mothmanlol6263 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like the only situation where it's at all appropriate to tell your mistreated child that you'll be a better parent to the next one is if you've actually changed and they're concerned about your ability to raise a child, in which one would expect the parent to apologise to their older child for the mistakes that they made and reassure them that they've changed and will do better so as not to mistreat the new child. Just unnecessarily bringing it up is nothing but a cruel stab in the gut of someone you've already mistreated.
@MsBELLE7 3 жыл бұрын
That brother won't think its so funny when he is the only one left to control. Abusers will abuse whoever they can, even if he was the angle he won't be for very long.
@troubleinthevalley5884 Жыл бұрын
Little brother thinks it's funny now just wait until both of the older kids are gone and he's the only one left for her to control. See how quickly she turns on him LOL
@novabrilliant4510 3 жыл бұрын
Feeling like a frozen waffle - day 3 without power! Two kerosene heaters going and many candles are keeping the cats and I warm. Power will possibly be on tomorrow night.... maybe. The first story was just the same way I left home when I was 16. A bunch of my hippie friends had an apartment and let me move in. OP did the right thing. Your videos are a light in my dark days 😊 Thanks Mark.
@rionamcauliffe5469 3 жыл бұрын
My youngest sister is the exact same as the brother in story1. She'll even join in when my Mam's giving out to me to suggest some creative punishments. Anyone else you can reason with, but there's nothing I can give her that she'll enjoy more than watching someone else suffer
@patmccann2696 3 жыл бұрын
Title story. You consider 28 and 27 to be 'young' parents? (I'm speaking here as a teen mom) At that age, You are a fully grown adult. 23 and under are considered 'young' parents. At 23 and under, you don't have any type of back up money or experience relating to work to afford any time off. At 28 or so, you should have job experience (normally), back up money (normally), and have a life set up. It sounds like you were not ready at all for a kid, much less 2 at nearly 30. It honestly sounds like, your ex should have been a single mom, you pay child support, and get the kids at times that you could actually deicated to them. It sounds like that you were unavaiable for most of your kids lives. I've noticed that the Oldest (the daughter) was constantly mentioned. The younger (son) wasn't. Leads me to believe that they're not in contact.
@darkshadow5581 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say "young" as maturity. Think its fair to say people mature and people age at different rates. They werent ready for a kid, even if their age says they were. He's trying to do better, that won't absolve what he did, but he can and should continue getting better for all of his kids. He was insensitive to the daughter, but the message he meant was a good one "I wasnt a good father but im trying to be a better one".
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
His new wife is the same age he was the first time. Lol!
@patmccann2696 3 жыл бұрын
@@laraantipova389 Yes I've noticed that too. I find it very hard to believe that he get along with someone that far apart in age. ( Speaking from my ex-in laws being about 20 years apart). Also my little sister is 21 years younger than I am and is not the easiest but I'm able to pull it off.... *smh* I'll admit my dad is a bit of a horn dog but still. To a point, it sounds like OPS dad can't adapt to his age or something. Sometimes, it's cause they are trying to re-live their youth.
@laraantipova389 3 жыл бұрын
@@patmccann2696Ya his wife is 28 and he’s 56 he needs to keep spending to keep her and her BF’s baby around 😉
@paigecook4750 3 жыл бұрын
story 3: he understands what he did wrong and is a better father now, cool that’s awesome but i don’t think he actually said sorry i don’t think he apologized and Actively worked to make it up to his family, he can’t just forget them!
@anelbegic2780 3 жыл бұрын
He and his kids gave differwnt values now that he "changed" (finally has enough money) which is where I think the disconnect is really. Has he changed? Sure he has (actually for the better). But in his mind that means that the past is in the past for good which is easy to say as you grow older (common accirance actually) and get a dispensable income to spend on your new family, friends and life. In his previous kids minds he basically told them to shove it and that they need to get over their bad, and possibly traumatic, childhoods since he isnt the same person anymore (like that matters in their minds).
@namename2040 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA she blatantly thought his free time was irrelevant and consumed all of it even though she was offered help from others. OP she get some space for a while Story 3 NAH OP was an asshole at one point but in that situation there were no assholes because he is doing better and she is understandably hung up on the past hence the therapy
@Lizzey2006 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3, yes the daughter is hung up on the past.. because it scared her so bad she still has therapy. She was confused as to why the Wife was aloved to shop desiger good and his response was "donet hang in the past"... like WTF. Emagin you get injured and the person who injured you then weareds someone for the same reason they injured you and say "its all in the past get over it".. Thats a slap in the face and Op knows it! Thats what makes Op TA
@finnorourke4861 3 жыл бұрын
For the story with the brother and the dead husband, 100% NTA. If a man’s wife passed away during childbirth and he used her family as support, that is reasonably acceptable. However, expecting someone to be there 24/7 for you cause they’re single, and you invite them to places not as a “thank you”, but to subtlety try and replace them is not okay. Grief is not enough to excuse this behaviour. The commentator that said that she was upset because he challenged the precedent hit the nail on the head. I was being sexually harassed and objectified by a close female friend for months during quarantine. We had a few fights because of her frankly shitty behaviour and her sexualisation of men, for example her endorsing people to take photos secretly of people they found attractive. I called her out, she faked an apology and went to the excuse of her not knowing/never thinking about it that much, only to complain to mutual friends that I was blowing it out of proportion. This resulted in everyone siding with her. So when I confronted her again on her objectification of me, she did the same trick and some friends have cut me off, rather than her losing friends for truly terrible behaviour. I should have not been expected to confront her gently, and never should have OP. Their uncomfort is more important then the possible reaction of the exploiter, because they were called out on their behaviour and have guilt. This may come across as harsh, but I felt a connection to that story and these are my true feelings
@MySjenna 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Did you at any time tell your widowed SIL that she can call you any time she needs something? Given the circumstances it's a common thing to say. She's taking you at face value.
@aliquot8404 3 жыл бұрын
*#1* ☕🍫🍓🥐🍳🧀🥞🥯🍞🧈 1:04 -- Am I the (Expletive)? *For using my mother's own threat against her and calling my brother a tattletale??* No -- Pack everything, get all your financial and identity documents in order, and leave your Narcissistic Mother in the dust. Now. Treat your sister well. Get a job (if you don't have one already) and pay your way. Do not be a burden and do not pick fights with her. Sit down and have a conversation about your expectations and what the rules will be for shared living. Formalize it; it can be revisited and revised (by mutual agreement) as circumstances change.
@Secretadmirerlol 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: OP should’ve written a message to Angie with their therapist there and have at least a script because what they responded with sounds aggressive. I think blaming Angie 100% for the divorce isn’t right she may be the catalyst but if she wasn’t there their father would’ve found another woman to cheat with. OP also caused her some trauma when they and the mother bad mouthed her throughout town. Personally I wouldn’t have reached out to her because I couldn’t imagine being neutral especially when I have the mindset she is the reason why my family isn’t together. Idk ESH OP is bordering on having a harassment case on them if they keep pursuing, mother (and grandmother?) for bad mouthing Angie and encouraging their child to do so not cool, dad sucks for cheating when he should’ve just left and not made the mom suffer, and Angie sucks for continuing a relationship with a married man if she didn’t already know that he was married.
@TheNormExperience 3 жыл бұрын
I’d have to argue that OP is the Ahole. We don’t know any of the details of the affair, we don’t know what Angie knew, just that her life was ruined as well as OP’s. Why is it only her responsibility though? Where is OP’s parents responsibility? Why is it somehow the other woman’s job to clear this up? I feel like OP hasn’t moved on from blaming someone ELSE, and they’re just presenting it like they’ve moved on and want clarity and closure, but then their actions still just single out one person for blame like they owe you. No one gets to talk about how far they’ve come, bragging about how “I don’t blame her anymore”, and then in the next sentence talk about looking up her address and harassing her at her house in person because she owes them. OP isn’t dealing with the problem, or fixing what they can in themselves, but making it someone else’s fault. I can’t think of any therapist that would ok with what they’ve done, because the way they are going about this isn’t healthy and if they don’t stop, they can and should get charged with harassment. Though OP was the only child in the situation, they aren’t the only one whose life was destroyed in the fall out. I understand OP is mad the adults were flawed and not perfect and they as the child were hurt by that. I just think it’s sad OP is so twisted up, that they are just continuing that cycle as the adult now; how can you actively accusing someone of not taking responsibility for their actions in the past, while refusing to do the same for your own actions in the present?
@Ladywizard 3 жыл бұрын
They left a ton outta the post... MOM was actually the other woman that got the ring for getting knocked up
@Secretadmirerlol 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheNormExperience I said everyone sucks because no one is really innocent here (idk what Angie’s knowledge was during the affair). OP was harassing her and should’ve left it alone it’s not healthy. This seems like something that should’ve been done with the therapist there to guide the conversation to be productive if Angie chose to speak with them. She has to think about her mental health because her life/reputation was ruined in that town and OP is a reminder of that time. You can mess up a child by placing them into an adult conversation like daddy cheated on mommy and this woman ruined your family. How does a child not become resentful? Which is why the parents suck. I’ll give OP a pass for their behavior when they were 10 since they were a child. If you also consider that mother’s usually get the kids in a divorce OP was raised hearing that Angie ruined their family, so there’s a lot of resentment that’s built over the years and wasn’t addressed correctly. In my opinion, I think OP needs a family counselor to address the issues with the family mom for not keeping them out of it and dad for not keeping it in his pants. Also we don’t know what OP said during the therapy sessions so they could’ve come off okay to take this step forward. Depending on the therapist some do encourage confronting problems head on because it helps with closure to deal with your own issues. I’ve learned that through personal experience. Sorry I’m on my phone I hope this makes sense.
@Secretadmirerlol 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ladywizard Wait really? That’s messed up.
@Ladywizard 3 жыл бұрын
@@Secretadmirerlol basically Dad and Angie were dating in college with open relationship. Dad started dating Mom on the side while still dating Angie. Mom got pregnant so he married her for the baby but continued dating Angie
@Tues48 3 жыл бұрын
Dang after reading the full reddit context. I really feel bad for Angie. Guy you're dating gets another girl pregnant and then the pregnant woman does everything she can to ruin your life and then the child.from that pregnancy comes to harass you years later.
@LadyLeomon 3 жыл бұрын
1) NTA, and I love how you told the little snitch off! 2) NTA, you are not your brother and she is clearly expecting you to step into the role he left in all things (with the baby I kinda get it but why does he have to go to a wedding with her? Nope!) 3) YTA, you’re shopping there now because you can afford it now and making fun of your daughter’s mother for shopping there when you couldn’t? Total arsehole! 4) YTA, she doesn’t wanna talk, leave it alone. Thanks for the new vid Mark 💙🐱💙
@missluciddreams3472 3 жыл бұрын
Story one: what is wrong with that mom? So controlling and cruel. My mom was controlling (still would if we let her)... NTA...OP should cut contact for awhile until mom can straighten up her act. Story two: YTA...sorry if people disagree but the sil must b going through hell and is a terrified mother. OP was cruel and she probably only needed his help until she felt safe again. He could have been there for her but instead, got angry and yelled at her in front of family. Maybe she just felt more comfortable with him because of his lack of family. Seeing a family with mommy and daddy happy together was probably too much on her. But let's make it all about OP's comfort 🙄 Story three: what??? I am taking the unpopular opinion and saying everyone wants him to treat the new child shitty, too? Parents split up and get remarried. I don't expect my ex to treat his new children like shit just because he treated me like shit. He admitted to his mistakes and he and my daughter r closer since his admission. OP was trying to admit to being a shitty father and his daughter was looking for a fight. I'm sorry but I disagree. Story four: OP was NTA until the fact that they stalked her at her home...then the verdict became is a complete sentence and anyone is entitled to say no and have it respected. OP crossed a line and needs to stop. I should not have to say this but I already had someone harassing me on here and calling me names so these r just MY OPINIONS...mine alone. U may disagree and that is fine but don't attack me due to different opinions. In fact, don't say anything negative because I really just don't care. Just here for Mark Narrations and that's it...much love 🧡
@locusxe1411 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry but you’re just wrong and screwed up for that second story. You just assume she’s grieving. Even if she is Op is grieving too. That doesn’t give her the right to say “I stopped calling your brother river because he has a family to take care of and since you don’t you must not have anything going on.” Idc if she needed his help. Op has his own damn life and he can’t do anything else besides help her. His anger was fully justified. If you think this way you must have some screwed up views of life
@missluciddreams3472 3 жыл бұрын
@@locusxe1411 nope...I don't think so...u don't come in here talking to me like that...I stated my opinion and didn't attack anyone for theirs...u certainly don't come on here and call me screwed up...I never attack anyone and I am free to my opinion...I am reporting and blocking u... don't message me again unless u can b civil.
@locusxe1411 3 жыл бұрын
@@missluciddreams3472 yeah I’m gonna do that. I can’t ignore people with crappy views on life
@katarinaprofil5682 3 жыл бұрын
FINALLY someone said it for story 3... It's an awful situation, but what is he supposed to do??
@Tanjaaraus 3 жыл бұрын
For story 3 the dad is not an AH for treating the new kid nice. He is an AH for rubbing it in the daughter's face without a proper apology and offering to also get her something nice.
@greendiamondglow Жыл бұрын
I don't feel that bad for the dad or Angie in the last story, but yeah, op needs to leave her alone. I bet their therapist didn't know they were hounding Angie. I bet what OP wad meant to do was to talk to their parents/family about it, not hunt down dad's mistress and demand answers from her. And if it IS what the therapist meant, then op needs a new therapist. I get the feeling that op is still angry at Angie (valid) and wants to punish her by demanding an explanation and apology (unhealthy. Stop it)
@SeraphsGenisis Жыл бұрын
If you're able to change for someone else, that means you were always capable of change.
@chazchillings3019 3 жыл бұрын
The flores in the background is very nice
@tkb5726 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I am so glad OP got out. That really triggered my fight or flight response.
@vickilouise3307 3 жыл бұрын
“I’m going to be a better father this time around, she took it the wrong way” Is there a right way to get this? How else was she to take this? You meant exactly what tou said and then when she got angry. I don’t know why she’s so angry
@alexsantoire4701 3 жыл бұрын
That last story. I would bet full money they are not being completely honest with their therapist. One of the biggest things a therapist will teach you in these circumstances is the art of letting go. That is harassment and I feel so bad for that woman. The trauma and paranoia she must have gotten from living in that small town and having to be ousted, only to have some little shit coming to their door to stir up that pain. The OP is not holding their father in to more account for their part to play in the cheating and subsequent divorce. They still fully seem to blame the other woman which just is not fair to her. They need to either be more open with their therapist, or seek a whole new therapist along with some psychological counseling. Damn.
@alexsantoire4701 3 жыл бұрын
Also using the phrasing of little shit because their actions are very childlike. If someone tells you no, you listen and obey to that. Not the best wording in hindsight. I just feel so bad for that woman.
@kylaluv8453 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: He gets to have a second chance at fatherhood but his older kids dont get a second chance at a better childhood. OP is the AH big time.
@katarinaprofil5682 3 жыл бұрын
so he should treat his young kids shitty now so they grow up miserable too? no sense. he sucks overall, but not for trying to be better now and change.
@kylaluv8453 3 жыл бұрын
@@katarinaprofil5682 I was merely expressing what his daughter's is probably thinking and feeling. And it is the truth, he gets a second chance to get it right but his kids dont get a second childhood. They lost their childhood because dear old dad is an asshole. It dumbfounded me how he thinks a flippant remarknin the middle of the mall will go over like Rosees and silk. I am curious if he ever sat down with his kids and said that he was deeply sorry and ashamed of how he treated them. If he hasn't then he really has no clue or cares about his kids needs. I say at the very least he can pay for some good therapy to help his kids overcome the damage he has done.
@katarinaprofil5682 3 жыл бұрын
@@kylaluv8453 i agree
@pinkglitter93 3 жыл бұрын
@@katarinaprofil5682 No but he shouldn't drag his daughter along to it. He should let her consider him dead. Because that's what he was to her. A deadbeat.
@shawnawerner9015 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in exactly the same situation with my father. It’s basically like being replaced and extremely complicated because he’s doing his live over when I haven’t had the opportunity to even start my own so I’m jealous and hurt My stepmom is 24 and I’m 27
@AuntieCreed 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - NTA. OP does deserve to celebrate every birthday, good on OP for getting out. Story 2 - NTA. I agree with Mark here, there's a lot of grief going on and bad coping. OP is right to put his foot down and want boundaries. OP's widowed SIL needs to find her own feet and be self-sufficient. Story 3 - YTA. OP sounds like he's trying his best now but ouch, that was a terrible way to talk to his adult daughter. Story 4 - YTA. Angie's been thru hell and OP was part of her getting run out of town, so OP's TA for stalking all the way to her front door. NO is No. Btw, I don't do discord because it causes mad lag on the MMORPG I play but I follow on Twitter and I'm on reddit. Love ya Mark! You're awesome and this is my favorite reddit channel!
@TheZombifiedFairy 3 жыл бұрын
I was almost born on Christmas (came a little under 2 weeks early) and I could NEVER imagine not celebrating my birthday. My mom and dad has always gave me birthday and Christmas. What family neglects their child like that
@Tanjaaraus 3 жыл бұрын
My Birthday is on Christmas eve, and since we open he presents on late Christmas eve after dinner, It's usually forgotten xD I am more ok with it now though, and it was never malicious or on purpose to keep forgetting my birthday by family. It was just a high stress day for everyone. Now I only celebrate Christmas with my sister and her husband & kids, it's super chill
@cjandauntieyaya1446 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP is NTA, and the baby of the family is NOW going to have to deal with his mother's psycho side because his older siblings are no longer available as her emotional punching bags. Hope the brother doesn't go all bitter and blame his older siblings for his own shitty behavior. I understand tattletale for things that are important, ie: siblings steal, skip classes, using drugs, having unsafe sex, etc... but to tattle just because the parents' unreasonable rules cause conflict all the time and the one who tattles LOVES the drama is just shitty all around.
@builtontherockhomestead9390 3 жыл бұрын
I was born on Christmas day. If my family had totally ignored my birthday, I would have felt like I was hated.
@sierralovat5498 3 жыл бұрын
Last story did make me legitimately angry. It's a violation of consent to just appear at someone's house. Whatever it is, the woman said NO.
@justinjones-smith5168 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. What logic is that? The brother also has issues and the golden child.
@fatcatlol_4820 3 жыл бұрын
What an asshole of a brother, To be fair i used to be like that........then i got the shit beat outa me
@TheComedyGeek 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 : Protip - the more you bottle up emotions, the less control ypu have over how they come out. I had explosive rage issues till I figured that out. So I don't blame you for how it came ou,t, OP. Just remember, to find ways to express your feelings if you don't want it to happen again. NTA.
@cheskydivision 3 жыл бұрын
So be a great father and husband to the new family instead of putting effort to repair the relationship with your older kids.
@globalwarming5243 3 жыл бұрын
I have taken it upon myself to create games for this channel. This week's game is: get a point every time Mark says "it's just not on" (:
@tabithadearth7507 3 жыл бұрын
Am I the only Supernatural fan who smiled whenever you heard Dr. FishTaco? It reminded me of a Supernatural episode.
@ViviChenny 3 жыл бұрын
*** SPOILERS FOR THE GOOD PLACE *** Story 3 reminds me of the scene in the Good Place, where Elenor finds out her mum was still alive and got remarried with a step-daughter and she changed and became such a good mum for the step-daughter. OP is TA. He has the ability to be a good dad, but he chose not to and used “work” and “lack of money” as an excuse. As Elenor states, “She was always capable of change, I just wasn’t good enough to change.” Also marrying someone that can be your daughter is fucking weird and gross.
@littleolmee 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. Mom & Grandmom sounds toxic. Glad she has somewhere to go. Let's see how much her son is the golden child when it's only him there. STory 2: ESH. The SIL is AH for how she has been expecting OP to step in for everything. Who asks their BIL to be her +1 at a wedding for people they don't know? It sounds like SIL has pushed OP to the breaking point. OP should have spoken up to the entire family if it was getting too much for him to be at her beck & call 24/7. Basically, he lashed out at her. I get he was at his breaking point, but that is why you set boundaries & bring others in before you are at this point. Now I don't think he was wrong to remind her that he's her BIL & she shouldn't be expecting him 24/7 but it could have been done in a better way. Story 3: YTA. If you meant it to mean I wasn't a very good dad & husband before & I'm trying to change & do better for everyone that is different from what you said. You got a lot to make up for. Story 4: YTA. OP was fine until he went to her house. Asking on FB was fine, even asking more than once was fine, but saying no is a complete sentence. She doesn't owe OP anything, no closer, no conversation, nothing. OP needs to talk to his therapist about why he wasn't able to accept no as an answer & wanted to try & force this person to speak then they didn't want to.
@Ladywizard 3 жыл бұрын
Wait until you hear the in comments twist on 4... OP's mother was dating Dad AFTER had started dating Angie. Angie and Dad had open relationship but Mom got the wedding ring first because she got knocked up so Dad had seen Angie for longer than Mom just Mom suddenly got jealous after years of it
@josephbrown9665 3 жыл бұрын
Story one That kids doing the right thing. Gtfo she will drag him down. The brother who was getting treated like he was the husband. He should have asked her if sex was on the table when you took her to the wedding. Her jaw would hit the ground. She has latched on to him as her husband she might have bonded with him as the father of his late brother’s child. He probably should have spoken with her in private and set boundaries with her. The guy with the second child he should help his older daughter some so she doesn’t feel left out. He was probably trying to mend his relationship with his older daughter who he screwed up his words with.
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
Story 2: This is why it is important to set boundaries. If you set proper boundaries, you won't blow up at it people and be the AH.
@brysongamer0625 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: he’s basically saying his daughter was a mess up, a failed thing YTA
@elvisneedsboatsbennett2455 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter is 21 and she jokes the first kid is like the first pancake, you try your best to make a good pancake, but it is usually a little off.
@LadyTarasque 3 жыл бұрын
4: Bruh.. I read in r/amithedevil comment section for same post (not from OP, but from someone who caught these details) that Angie was actually seeing the father first, before father met the mother, and that they were in an open relationship so they knew of each other. Dad got the mom pregnant so they married, and I guess she got tired of the continued open relationship arrangement.. On another note.. she sounds awful all-round.. should check out the post she made about putting down her kid's friend and their family. (Deleted, but you can find story in comments).
@nancyjay790 3 жыл бұрын
You do a great job reading and reacting to the stories. It's miles better than the robot voice channels, and even when you pronounce things in a way that I wouldn't, you are just so real and caring. Super stuff.
@Kzinix 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. OP's brother sounds like a complete brat and her mother is just awful too. Run, OP! Glad to hear that you have somewhere to go. Story 2: mild ESH. It does look like SIL is trying to fit OP into her family to replace her husband - which is not okay. Then again, I understand that she's sad and vulnerable, so OP could have gently talked to her about it first. It wasn't necessary to blow up like that. Story 3: hard YTA. I feel so sorry for OP's daughter. She gets to see how he plays happy family with a new partner, who is about the daughter's age (YUCK!), and does all the things for this replacement family that he was never willing to do for his first family. He clearly didn't find his first family that important. It's just another slap in the face to boast about how he screwed up the daughter's childhood and is doing so much better with the replacement family. It's the textbook nightmare for kids from broken families: they aren't worth changing for, and the new arrivals are. OP has a lot to make up for. I don't even know if he can make things right, actually. The damage is done. Story 4: unpopular opinion, but OP is not at all the biggest AH in this situation. No, it wasn't a good idea to go to Angie's house - but she (together with OP's father) did do something horrible that scarred OP for life. There was no empathy for OP and his mom from them - getting married with your AP a month after a nasty divorce? Who does that? I feel sorry for that family, not for Angie. She indeed played a big role in it and didn't seem to mind the pain she caused others, so their negative attitude towards her was justified. That said, OP needs to back off now. His dad's relationship with the AP didn't last, so OP should just try to move on from here and discuss it further with the therapist.
@rockmusicisperfection2791 3 жыл бұрын
Not celebrating someone’s birthday because it falls on a holiday sounds ridiculous
@Hope-md3fb 3 жыл бұрын
3rd story sounds like modern family plot lol
@lovelywolv 3 жыл бұрын
Day 4 of helping the person who wants Mark to say "it really means ZA WARUDO to me" instead of "it really means the world to me"
@fatcatlol_4820 3 жыл бұрын
@madisonwaycaster9832 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 I'm gonna say strong not the ass-hole. I get that she's grieving and trying to be a new mom- let alone a single one- is 10 levels of stress I know I couldn't handle, but OP did TRY to be tactful and it didn't work. She's treating you like a replacement husband. I wouldn't have said it if it were just the cleaning and help with rides but wanting you to be her escort to a wedding pushed it over the edge. Her no longer asking the other bro for help was also intentional. I cannot stress this enough: You being single does not make you automatically emotionally and romantically available. She's showing signs of mental instability you need to run.
@christopherbillings6294 2 жыл бұрын
Title story guy just needs to be honest this is what he should have said " I got a newer model wife and child so just deal with it".
@Rael0505 9 ай бұрын
For story 2 I think everyone sucks here. The sister-in-law shouldn’t have put him in that position, but also OP shouldn’t explode as the first method of communicating he isn’t happy with the way things are going.
@Dom_om_nom Жыл бұрын
The thing is… Charles was forced to marry Diana, even though he dating Camila for years already, and Diana was half his age.
@cal291 3 жыл бұрын
Title Story: "My wife (28)-" **brakes screeching** Hold up. Your daughter is 26. You married and had a kid with someone who could have been on your daughter's soccer team... YTA, idgaf what the rest says, sorry bout it.
@soulbound2 3 жыл бұрын
That's ageist
@cal291 3 жыл бұрын
@@soulbound2 Nope. If you're over 50 and feel on the same level as someone in their 20s, you got developmental issues. And if you're over 50 and know you're on a different level than someone in their 20s and marry them anyway, you want a prize, not a partner, which makes you a creep with control issues. ETA: It's really gross how people use "ageism" to excuse and normalize men going after women who obviously have way less life experience and financial agency, as if it's an insult to the woman's "maturity" (favourite term for creeps who never grew up) to say she has demonstrably less power than someone twice her age. Your brain doesn't even stop developing until 25, ffs.
@Mkay999 3 жыл бұрын
I want to see a photo of mark. The mystery is killing me
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Haha I'm a shy boi
@jamestown8398 3 жыл бұрын
Story #1 NTA - OP's mother is a bad mother and a bad human being, and if OP's brother thinks it's funny when mother yells at her than it might be too late for him. I hope when OP is living with her sister she can have a real birthday for once, one with a cake and friends. Story #2 ESH - It was indeed wrong of the sister-in-law to expect OP to shoulder ALL of her husband's duties, and no doubt OP is in emotional turmoil as well because he just lost his brother. Having said that, OP should have found a more polite and tactful way to tell her this instead of yelling at her in front of their family. The family is the AH as well for flinging hate at OP over this instead of realizing that he's in mourning too. Story #3 YTA - OP was a crappy Dad to his younger kids, and he never mentioned an apology. Not only that, but he basically admitted that he's replacing his older children with the children from his second marriage - how could he NOT expect that to crush his daughter's spirit? Honestly it was Story #4 ESH - If someone rejects your olive branch and asks to be left alone then the right thing to do is to leave them alone, NOT to come to their house. While Angie did ruin OP's family and it's cowardly of her to not give OP a chance for closure, at the end of the day that's still no justification for OP to go to her house when she asked to be left alone. No wonder she threatened to call the police; she was probably afraid for her life.
@Bloodshewolf 3 жыл бұрын
My birthday is the day after Christmas. Lol Story one? NTA NTA NTA NTA Story 2: no one sucks, lingering on a light yta
@carmenbarrera80 3 жыл бұрын
Typical older man, Gets money gets new younger wife and now he is DAD OF THE YEAR. 💯 How ignorant and pathetic behaviour. SMH 🤦‍♀️
@jacquiethebibliophil 3 жыл бұрын
Story II: the widow probably hasn't grieved at all because, if he took her to doctor's appointments and the hospital to have the baby, she's been replacing her dead husband pretty much as soon as he died. We've moved past biblical times when a man had to marry his brother's widow, if not a brother than another relative--see the Book of Ruth. Her dragging him to social events started what seems like passive "dating" which he might have felt was off, but didn't know for sure what was happening. The juxtaposition of saying the doc thought that the baby was his and inviting him to a wedding says much. I have heard from numerous coworkers, a roommate, and male friends that they NEVER go to a wedding as the plus one with a woman they aren't serious about. Apparently going to a wedding makes some women feel that there is more there in their relationship than there really is. And the selfish way she was using his time, since he's just a single man was so entitled! Does this woman have no relatives or friends who she could ask for help from or go to things with? Coworkers? How about her MIL??? Nope, it was past time for limits.
@Cat-The-Spade 3 жыл бұрын
I always find myself getting excited when I see a new video from you pop up in feed. I love your videos it feel as if a friend is reading these stories to me.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Awww thank you so much and you are a friend 😁❤
@TheZombifiedFairy 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA... you are a changed person and you are in a better place holistically. She's jealous of a baby while failing to recognize that the person who is working on his relationships with her and her siblings and doing better by this child is very different from the person who raised her. Would she rather her sibling get the same treatment that made her resent him? Because that would be disgustingly selfish...
@soulbound2 3 жыл бұрын
@ravanpee1325 3 жыл бұрын
@@soulbound2 She's not jealous but dissapointed in him. He doesn't acknowledge the situation in a direct talk, neither does he apologize or make up for his past
@shikuthetempest 3 жыл бұрын
I literally cannot stop thinking about the fact the guy in the third story married someone two years older than his daughter. What the fuck.
@thatone6597 3 жыл бұрын
for the title story i feel for the daughter cause i have a strain relation ship with my dad cause he is never there for me, missed events for my school, yelled and scream at me for school shit, my dad doesnt really care much about me. i cant really get help with my mental issues cause my parents never really listen to me atall
@fhuber7507 2 жыл бұрын
2... NTA. SIL has been treating OP as a servant.
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