Friends Tricked Me Into Breaking Up With The Love Of My Life r/Relationships

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@nicknitro86 Жыл бұрын
Good for him. He dodged a bullet. And no way she wouldn't try to get him to cheat.
@monkey-man7430 Жыл бұрын
More like a ballistic missile
@turnkeydirect Жыл бұрын
They didn’t trick her, she went along with them so she’d have an excuse to do what she wanted like her friends.
@WabbitHunter68 Жыл бұрын
I'm certain that she'd try to split Bo up if he allowed her anywhere near him and his family.
@CrimsonAngelWinges Жыл бұрын
Bo's only mistake was letting his mother back into his life. The moment she took the ex's side without any proof then started sabotaging his relationships she was unforgivable.
@RedLithic Жыл бұрын
Yeah, OP doesn't deserve to be jealous.
@matthewcourt3795 Жыл бұрын
With Bo’s side of things, it sounds a lot more like the OP was just wanting to go wild in college and her friends only egged her on. She was with some other guy very quickly after they broke up and her story paints her as the poor innocent country girl. Sounds like she just has buyer’s remorse now that her friends haven’t grown out of their shared mean girl phase.
@charliescott859 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, she thought college life was meh after she ran a train on the whole football team. I'm willing to bet.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
It's just sad because she litterly didn't saw the ramifications and of course lost everyone. I'm sure she is proud loosing her younger sister in a sense.
@AmukaAkuma Жыл бұрын
It's just a way to not take accountability. She wanted to the "college experience", and now she is ran-through and nearly 30. He dogged a tactical nuke.
@vanzy01 Жыл бұрын
@MarkTrueblood Жыл бұрын
“The one that got away” is often a weasel phrase to avoid accountability. They’re “The one you threw away.”
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
YES!!! That is far more accurate.
@carolroberts4614 Жыл бұрын
I am so glad Bo got his happy ending! His wife sounds lovely,and just the kind of person he needed,after all those people that hurt him, including some of his own family
@elizabethbasileo1861 Жыл бұрын
I love your phrase way better. All the stories I have ever heard or read the person didn’t get away they were thrown away (but I guess in a way they did “get away” from a relationship that was toxic or becoming toxic)
@MarkTrueblood Жыл бұрын
@@elizabethbasileo1861 There are certainly some cases where someone “gets away” such as to take a can’t-miss career opportunity. But in most cases it’s an excuse.
@bigz3483 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely!! I'm gonna save that quote lol
@edalynclawthorne5877 Жыл бұрын
I love how everyone was dismissive of Bo: slow-witted, etc etc. how all the girlfriends and even the man’s own mother thought little of him. Yet he’s probably the only winner here. Girlfriends wasted their 20s and proved themselves to be predatory and manipulative leeches. OP (29F) destroyed the best relationship she had out of nothing but unsubstantiated gossip. And now a decade later she’s still hung up on him, so sad. And Even Bo’s mom almost destroyed her relationship with her son, being an inch away from burning it completely. Yet Bo graduated early, is successful/satisfied with his life, and even had a wife and child now. He’s proof that good guys win, and I love him for it.
@WhitneyDahlin Жыл бұрын
‼️Yeah and OP kept sending him messages every few days! She ignored all of reddits advice and is still that same selfish person she's ALWAYS been. If she had changed she never would have continued to harass him for her own selfish reasons. If I had done something as messed up as OP after telling my family and his family the truth I would have never showed my face again. Out of pure shame. I think I've seen a few reddit stories like this. Does anyone remember that one where this girl got married in university and her girlfriends all gave her terrible advice. Like telling her not to change her last name because she wasn't a real feminist, and not to have kids right away, or change careers. And they kept saying her husband was abusive for not being okay with it and it caused a lot of strain in her marriage. Then as her university friends got married they all did the opposite of what they told OP to do. All of them changed their last names, and had kids right away and gave up careers because they wanted to be stay at home moms. And now OP is getting divorced by her husband because he couldn't take how she didn't care about his wants and needs at all and never thought for herself. She always blindly did what her "friends" told her too. And OP came to reddit blaming her "friends" and not herself?
@bunnyslippers191 Жыл бұрын
OP hung with bitches and they bitched her. That's what bitches do. They do their best to bring you down to their level and the only thing to do is cut them out of your life and ignore them.
@DCD762 Жыл бұрын
​@@WhitneyDahlinwould love to hear that one. Do you remember the name of it?
@dimsufferer9951 Жыл бұрын
For some reason it feels like OP thinks she’s the one who broke up with Bo when that’s very clearly not what happened
@delmarhi Жыл бұрын
She ate up the cheating story because she was already emotionally cheating or physically with the other guy bully. She’s cowardly using the other girls.
@chiquitaf16 Жыл бұрын
I think the wife getting a kick out of OP’s weird emails to Bo is hilarious. Sounds like a strong marriage 😊
@KeitieKalopsia 6 ай бұрын
We love a couple who can laugh at their weird exes together
@shadowshoganyt3438 Жыл бұрын
it's funny she's claiming Bo was the love of her life, yet she believed these "girlfriends" over her own partner
@Davtwan Жыл бұрын
I bet she’d claim she was young and stupid. Problem is, she hasn’t outgrown the “stupid” part. 😂
@shadowshoganyt3438 Жыл бұрын
@@Davtwan agreed, her x dodged a bullet
@leylamurphy5797 Жыл бұрын
Some people are easily manipulated because they grew up around a narcissist. It's taken me years to learn healthy boundaries and to trust my partner fully because of how I was raised. We've been together since I was 16, and I'm 31, so a while, lol. Many people have tried to break us up over the years, but I always listened to my partners side. I think Op wanted an excuse to sleep around, guilt free 😅😂
@sgtwhisker26 Жыл бұрын
She was one of those weak-willed persons who would take the terrible advice of a stranger over good advice from somebody that they’ve known for several decades without a thought for the people that they hurt, with absolutely no self-awareness or lateral thinking at all
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
And then went and dated a guy who treated Bo like dirt, while making Bo's college life hell. It's about so much more than her not believing Bo or believing in him.
@ggdail Жыл бұрын
OP, you didn't break up with Bo, he broke up with you. The fact that OP couldn't leave that man alone to enjoy his life proves that she's still the same self-centered twit she was in college.
@lindah3803 Жыл бұрын
OP is on her way to a full break down. Which tbh,she deserves it. I don't care if she were to go full wack or suicidal. Time for her to get hers. Bo will be fine. Got over her BS. Now he's got a family that he obviously loves. His wife has his back.
@bakedandbeaded 3 ай бұрын
@@lindah3803 I’m so happy there are people that feel the same way and are unsympathetic for OP. 💜
@Davtwan Жыл бұрын
The thing that makes Bo a winner: he didn’t peak early. He’s still growing. 👑
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Yes. He IS still growing. 😊 Who knows what Boo will achieve next?
@Mglay556 Жыл бұрын
Honestly if I was Bo I would hit the ex with a restraining order. Like leave him alone, your friends didn’t trick you, you wanted to please your friends.
@americasteam2112 Жыл бұрын
Are you always so dramatic?
@SilverstreamPJ28 Жыл бұрын
​@@americasteam2112why is it dramatic? Homegirl wants him to cheat on his wife.
@Cl0ckcl0ck Жыл бұрын
And ride the carrousel. "A bit of a wild phase" Yeah......
@ivanfeltrin6514 Жыл бұрын
​@@americasteam2112I think you didn't understand how much Amy hurt Bo and that she still wanted to destroy his life even more
@samiulhuda4001 Жыл бұрын
@@americasteam2112sop doesn’t want to take accountability like most women these days
@MaryTheresa1986 Жыл бұрын
"My wife was bummed I blocked Amy because she enjoyed her strange emails." Bo's wife is a queen and one of my favorite people on Reddit. 👑👸🏼💎🎤
@NellBelle Жыл бұрын
Bo is an example of still waters run deep. I am glad Bo got a happy ending.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Me too. He deserves it after all he's been through. 😊
@hello93617 Жыл бұрын
She wanted to mess around in college. There's no real reason to believe someone you met 6 months ago over someone you've known for years.
@cyrusthegreat3299 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. She became an absolute 304 and that she's 30, she wants a husband. Lmao
@draconisdragonheart4248 Жыл бұрын
This is the truth. She used an excuse to attack Bo so she can move on to a high body count. The closure was an excuse to see if she could break up Bo's family.
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
@@draconisdragonheart4248 Yep....too many times you hear this from "Regretful" people like her. Only turns out a good many of them "aren't the least bit regretful" their just upset that the "loser" they believed they dumped to the side made something of themselves while they "went the same way as the crowd and fell off the cliff with them because they blindly chose to follow without question cause it was EXCITING at the moment!" Frankly I hate these's types! The Person found peace and happiness and you want to destroy or sabotage it because you feel since your miserable with your choices, you have to bring them down as well!? Just goes to show they were ALWAYS a horrible person deep down inside, and when they let the beast out! It did those around them a favor by getting them away from them post haste! They found REAL happiness away from them and when they find out their just not happy because they have no self respect or reflection! Wonder if she would "want to reconnect" if Bo was still single, alone and struggling! I guess I'm pissed off with her because I had a "Treachery" "Childhood friend" as well! Same gender, we were close, or at least I BELIEVED we were close since we met in 3rd Grade! Had to come to terms that he was a user and always was! Might have felt bad early on. But in time, he likely was able to convince himself that "I deserved anything that came my way!" Especially as he found "better friends" in my bullies at the time (His Treachery was in Middle School, they planned to ambush and beat me up because I was mimicking Metal Gear Solid that I played around that time and started finding ways to avoid and dodge their petty ambushes! Frustrating them as I was a plumpy kid AKA Fat and doing this so easily LOL He was willing to exploit our "Friendship" but it fell through because My Spy of a Mother who worked delivery at the time and made sure she got ANY that were to my school to have an excuse to POP IN on me ended up in the same hallway LEAVING where they were huddled in the stair well talking! She knew his voice as he DID come around the House alot! She went Mama Bear on him and told him to stay away from me which he was happy to do lest she tell his mother as His cousin, was my FIRST and LONGEST running bully as the dude ALWAYS ended up in the SAME SCHOOL somehow as me from 3rd Grade TO HIGH SCHOOL and somehow ALWAYS graduated despite PURPOSELY failing as he BOASTED about his Failing Grades! He was also a known Gangbanger around Middle School and his family weren't too thrilled with him. Especially my "EX BFF" mother! So she would be pissed he was MIMICING him. Frankly those bullies he "Befriended" became game members and dropped out in high school last I heard. He still remained in contact with them! Didn't end well for him as he got CRIPPLED in a Drive By that resulted in their deaths! Last Time I saw him a Decade Ago when I was 25 and my Grandma died and we had the funeral in that Area I LONG moved away from! Took a LONG ride around and came across him. Only thing that changed with me was I grew a beard, but you could still tell it's me! But he, he was recognizable, I was shocked to see him in crutches. We talked and it was CASUAL as in he assumed me just some random Stranger, I was abit sad that in the end I meant little to him. I was not sad when he stopped talking to me in middle school and I found out from my mother WHY in High School but by then I made peace with that! In the end, he was my first friend, and it hurt. But I moved off it! As my grandmother told me before her death! "Keep moving forward with your head held high!" And I did so! My Closure was LONG before that meeting! I never want to see him again, hope the best for him. But that's my feelings! I moved on with my life! And I'm sure Bo did as well! OP is just selfish that whatever "Dream" she had for herself going forward didn't pan out for her and Bo was always the the backup Sadly for the OLD Bo who had to make peace with the monster that was UNLEASHED on him for no good reason (OP never had an excuse, she was VICIOUS because she likely HATED that everyone pushed them together and so decided to blame Bo for it like the weakling that she is It's why people have a DIM view on "Childhood romances" as those who took OP path always had the mentality that the one they "abandoned" was meant to ALWAYS WAIT FOR THEM! Like those few "Crappy Romances" where the Childhood Sweethearts live life away from each other and the guy held love for the girl that she FINALLY married him after she's OLD, worn out, alone and they've gone through life already like he was EXPECTED to wait that long for her to make up her mind! I despise shit like that, and declare it PURE fantasy. Never wait for people to change and be better! They need to do so NOW as life is short, or it's time to move on from that person! I learned a long time ago this lesson and found since entering my 30's when ALOT of toxic POS who made life miserable for me when I was 8 have all DISAPPEARED and I feel that happiness and freedom that I LOST when I was 8. And I REFUSE now at 36 to lose that as some of them HAVE tried to "Reconnect" like they assume I'm THAT stupid! I'm kind, but I've learned I had to be equally as RUTHLESS to those who made enemies out of me to balance things out! And frankly I've never been happier! Only people I'm connected to are those who WERE always good to me and still are! And I return it in kind (Learned at a young age that doing good and ALWAYS paying your debt pays off in the end! Debt being REPAYING Kindness with Kindness.....and Aggression with INDIRECT means! No need to fight and rough someone up! There are ALWAYS ways to get back at assholes that they NEVER see coming! My favorite is that FATE sometimes put's THEIR Future prospects in my hands somehow that COUNT on me helping them of my own free will or not! I won't obviously because why help someone who has done you no good! But they never figure this TILL IT HAPPENS! And it's funny in a amusing way to see them WIG OUT when their bad behavior BITES THEM IN THE ASS! Cause how hard is it to NOT be an asshole ESPECIALLY when you have no reason to do so!)
@Dandan-tg6tj Жыл бұрын
Really? I don't believe anyone. I need to know myself. My own mom said to me that my wife is sleeping with my brother in law. Should I believe her? Obviously I knew her way before I knew my wife. Anyway, brother in law (her sister's husband) is a fat, stupid, alcohol addicted person. If I ever find out that my wife was willing to have sex with that then she will have to give me a blowjob every single day of our life together as husband and wife. I promise I won't be jealous, I won't be mad and I won't divorce her. I'm going to focus only on the improvement of my life. I think I will be a happy man at last LOL
@botanicalitus4194 11 ай бұрын
@@cyrusthegreat3299what an lnceI comment. Every girI yaII caII a 304 will still be able to settle down and find someone to spend their life with, but an lnceI will aIways be aIone untiI he gets himseIf locked up and other lnmates start thinkin he Iooks good
@superiorrule34 Жыл бұрын
OK she went to detail on how Bo was the love of her life and yet all they had to do was say “oh we saw him cheating but we don’t have any proof other than than we saw it” and she when “well they must be telling the truth” guy Dodged a bullet.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
The crappy friends just amplified who she really is at point. I'm starring think her own family has a lot of unhinged behavior and she became a mess.
@LLSmoothJ Жыл бұрын
Which is why I wonder if he really was the love of her life or just good enough until she found someone/something better. To her, Bo was a convenience when needed, and a hindrance when not.
@blacksunday4231 Жыл бұрын
She wanted to believe it. Yeah her friends likely manipulated her, but they didn't manipulate her into believing Bo cheated. They got in her head and she allowed them to convince her that she could do way better than Bo.
@KingBrandon-zd3ci Жыл бұрын
@@blacksunday4231 well the cats are happy the 100 living in the street will have a place to call home
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
She just wanted a convenient excuse to be a slut and it all blew up in her face in the end.
@Eliz2011abc Жыл бұрын
Bo dodged a bullet with the ex. The fact that she could be so easily manipulated, shows lack of maturity and she didn't have his back to defend him that toxic bunch. Birds of a feather flock together, she definitely showed her true colors in college. By contacting Bo, I bet she thought things were going to turn out like a rom-com and she'd some how end up with Bo.
@ddavis8988 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, most 17/18 year olds are that easily manipulated. But usually, they go to another adult for clarity before they do something stupid.
@shebakoby Жыл бұрын
with everything going on, I'm thinking more he dodged a tactical nuke.
@draconisdragonheart4248 Жыл бұрын
I agree. From Bo's post it also sounds like she went off with another guy quickly.
@locusxe1411 Жыл бұрын
@@ddavis8988most is crazy. I’m 19 and no one I knew two or a year ago was easily manipulated like this.
@AmukaAkuma Жыл бұрын
@@ddavis8988 She was 20/21 when she dumped the BF, and she immediately was hooking up with other dudes. The manipulative friends could be a completely made up, or heavily embellished for all we know. She only regrets her actions now because she is ran-through and nearly 30. The "rage" and "jealousy" she was feeling when seeing the x was pure projection.
@TwiggyHetfield27 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Here's what's bugging me, why does SHE need closure? She chose to listen to her shitty friends, not give Bo the time of day to even just hear him out, ruined his relationship with his family, had almost the entire student body make fun of him, while she pranced on with her life without a second thought. Has her party filled college days & decides to wind down the partying only for her "friends" to reveal they orchestrated their whole break up. Eight years & NOW she feels bad after seeing how he's moved on... she doesn't need closure. Bo knew the truth & moved on. Now she's butthurt because he's happy & she's miserable. No closure needed. She fucked up & found out. Move on girl. I thought I needed closure when my ex & I broke up. He ghosted me. I was devastated. Then I took the time to actually think about our relationship. I came to the realization that he was a shit person & had been throughout our relationship & I just didn't see it. I made my own closure. Amy needs to do the same, only in this case SHE was the shit partner, SHE fucked it up. Seeing that Bo is happy & literally blocked her on everything should give her that sign, but she's too obsessed to see it.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. OP needs massive help, but I can't help but feel like she's more than likely too far gone at this point.
@TwiggyHetfield27 Жыл бұрын
@@PrincessQ-fj9ly right! Especially how she said she was PMing him on Reddit after reading his post. Girl can't take a hint.
@katem.3677 Жыл бұрын
Me, thinking back to an old Dr. Nerdlove article: She doesn't actually want "closure". At best, she wants forgiveness/validation. At worse, she wants Bo to leave his wife and take OP back and act like the breakup and its aftermath never happened.
@WabbitHunter68 Жыл бұрын
It's all about her.
@επιθετικόακτινιδιο Жыл бұрын
Good for you. That is the only closure anyone would need in such cases. I was wondering about "closures" and I ve reached the conclusion they are overestimated. What if you do get one? Will it change the fact that you felt betrayed and hurt? Nope. What if you never get any? You will never move on with your life? Noone must have such power over you People like OP are losers and narcissists. Why on earth would someone think they are so irresistible or important that they can come back after so many years and things can be the same with previous partners again? Married or not? And they insist on top of that. They will not accept "no" for an answer
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
This story is every where right now. I have no sympathy for OP. Sorry not sorry. If you have no reason to doubt your SO, I don't care who tells you, you better doubt that 💩 Plenty of people are bitter and jealous and will lie just so you can be miserable like them. And, "receipts" can be faked, though doesn't seem like there was anything here, but the friend's word. Bo hit her with that work level professional email 🤣🤣🤣 FAFO. I wouldn't have met her either. He's married with a woman who actually trusts him and has a child. Time to move on, OP. He don't want you! OOP dead ass thinks this man will leave his wife and child for her. Delusional AF
@LilFeralGangrel Жыл бұрын
honestly i pity her because she's surrounded by shitty people and she's trying to "escape" by chasing something that will never happen. she needs to cut off the toxic people in her life and start learning to take accountability for her actions. she can be happy, but that's up to her. i was in her position, it's so much easier to blame others for our own shitty decisions. i hope she learns that it only hurts you in the end.
@ElleD308 Жыл бұрын
Yeah! I hate when they say... "my friends tricked me" or "I was forced into"... No, no, darling, YOU decided, you fucked up for not having the spine and character to know what you want, protect it, and not lose it.
@LukeStonePharmD Жыл бұрын
Just from the title of her post... the delusion is strong.
@shadowkissed2370 Жыл бұрын
Especially since she KNEW they did not like him and constantly tried to break them up already.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
@shadowkissed2370 the shitty friends honestly amplified it and it's honestly more sad when you think about it.
@ThatgirlL18 Жыл бұрын
I can just picture Bo’s wife sipping her tea and giggling at those emails… and then being all disappointed when “the fun had to stop”. Lol. Good for them being a true partnership. I’m glad Bo got the family he deserves!
@Kalossupremacy3356 Жыл бұрын
Man needs to marry his wife again with how great she is
@azadalamiq Жыл бұрын
eh that kinda high school behavior :/ imo it bad to get a drama fix seeing someone acting poorly.
@ondank Жыл бұрын
Story 1 : So OP actually ruined his life for years because she was dumb enough to believe her obviously malicious friends. She really should stay the hell away.
@fluidwolf Жыл бұрын
Nah she ruined his life for years because she wanted to be the town bicycle from what it sounds
@nousernamesarevalid Жыл бұрын
Why would OP hang out with people that called her boyfriend slow witted, accused him of trying to saddle her with children and all around disliked him. OP's at fault for hanging out with these disrespectful people in the first place. Bo always deserved better.
@MinisterManDan Жыл бұрын
Her real fundamental flaw is she has no sense of self or her own identity. She grows up in a suburb where everyone goes to church, so she becomes a church girl and dates the literal boy next door. Goes to college and then just changes on a dime to be a mean girl sorority dipshit. Now she’s pining for an idealized past because the work or figuring out who she actually is at 29 is too much work and she’d rather put the old HS costume back on.
@cathybaldry7822 Жыл бұрын
She is a queenbee
@justadummy8076 Жыл бұрын
@@cathybaldry7822 nope, she’s just another member of the hive
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
@@justadummy8076 Yep, and I'm quite sure there was no "confession" like she claimed happen when she became "boring!" They had a falling out, One of the "GF" likely "sent told OP mother, family ETC" out of SPITE to her on what really happened! Which is why Bo Mom "no longer SPEAKS about OP fondly anymore!" (She saw a PROPER good girl and refused to see her for the "Party Girl SKANK" that she turned into.....till it all came out! Hence no longer WANTING anything to do with her anymore. Especially once she finally realized what a BONEHEADED IDIOT SHE WAS for only taking ONE SIDE that was NOT her son and not hear HIM out) I'm sure her mother is ASHAMED of her! Frankly now in the position Bo mother was in when they didn't know the whole story! And likely threatened DISOWNMENT if she screwed the POOCH by approaching Bo after what she did! Seeing her daughter for the selfish witch that she is. Something tells me they didn't see OP and Bo as "Hicks" and that was just OP fishing for sympathy points with us the audience by making them more evil then they actually were! I do believe they were evil as she was! As they DID likely help in ruining Bo reputation and setting up the LIES for OP! Which is why it's SWEET Karma that when they broke up, one or BOTH nuked the bridge by telling her mother/family the truth of what happened! Assuring OP reputation back at home is "just as it should be!" "The GOOD GIRL who once out of SIGHT of her guardians and parents became a Skank and Bad Girl" so she can't SLICK BACK into pretending! (Bo is too much a good man for taking it all on himself in letting her lies paint him the VILLAIN! But as I said, his mother was a FOOL to begin with for hearing ONE SIDE! I can get OP mother believing her as she's her daughter, and it's Karma once she discovered the TRUTH of her daughter and now RIGHTFULLY sees and treats her like the fuck up she is) that's what happens when you hang with HORRIBLE people like that! They have NO concept of "Honor" so instead of walking away. Well if their EAGER AND WILLING to lie on others to damage their reputations! Then who's to say they won't do it to YOU when you piss them off (hell they might even do it for hte EVULZ! It's why these's types never find happiness! They become so consumed on SUCKING others and lying alot that eventually they are seen as the "Boy who cried wolf" that they are and people just stop believing or even CONSIDERING anything that comes out their LYING Pie HOLES)
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
I think she was always a selfish, manipulative, immature bitch deep down. She just couldn’t act on her true colors back in her hometown because it would’ve destroyed her reputation. College was the perfect opportunity to express who she truly is.
@khaavren3 Жыл бұрын
Mom with the "Don't make trouble for Beau." So wise and empathetic. The fact that OP didn't listen shows how much of a main character she is. I'm impressed by how mature Beau is and how hard his boundaries are set.
@AmukaAkuma Жыл бұрын
Empathetic? Maybe it's for self preservation. The daughter has tarnished the reputation of the family enough as it is. What would you think of your daughter if she behaved like that.
@khaavren3 Жыл бұрын
@@AmukaAkuma that might be part of it. But it still shows a deeper understanding of the world that OP should have tried to learn from.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
Not only the don’t make trouble it her mother basically rubbed in her face that this was all OP fault. Consequences for being stupid.
@ch3rrikiss Жыл бұрын
She learned the hard way that all middle aged people and older have regrets and walk with it
@kevinj1855 2 ай бұрын
I mean, she found out that both families were mistreating Bo for YEARS for something that never happened, because none of them had the brains to ask for another side to the story, instead trusting a brainless moron
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
Bo you’re a great man. Telling his wife immediately as soon as the messages come in.
@draconisdragonheart4248 Жыл бұрын
We need more men like Bo, and less women like OP.
@benjin3993 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: all these toxic women need to leave Bo alone. His ex, his mom, all of them. He has a new family and is doing good, he doesnt need toxic monsters like them in his life. Op sent her apologies and more than he ever expected. Leave it at that
@diamcole Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't consider this a "the one that got away" situation. Just sounds like OP fucked around, found out, and is now refusing to deal with the consequences of her actions.
@mkaverage1791 Жыл бұрын
It wouldn't surprise me that the OP left out details about humiliating Bo with her new boyfriends. She knew she was going to look bad as it is. She needs to leave him alone. He's suffered enough thanks to her, both with his family and his reputation. His family owe him huge apologies for not believing him.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
He should’ve completely cut his mother out of his life. The fact that she took her side over her own child just proves how little he really means to her.
@mutegirlsirius8940 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I dont get how OP didnt see the true nature of her "friends" with so many red flags. When she broked up with Bo why she didnt listen to him, why she didnt give him a chance to explain, she loved him right? Being in the Bo perspective of course he didnt want her back, she didnt belive him, with no trust there is no relationship, and he knew he was not her priority with this.
@NoMoreHeroesAnymore1334 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't really sound much like she loved him, honestly, didn't seem particularly devastated about it until SHE wanted him back.
@frequentuser360 Жыл бұрын
After reading Bo's post, the reason she didn't see the true nature of her friends is because she is just like them. Everyone told her to leave him alone - she emailed him anyway. I don't know if she said it was just once, but Bo stated she was emailing him every few days. She's shameless and a horrible person. She should have hung onto her college friends - they deserve each other.
@Kimberly_Sparkles Жыл бұрын
I mean? How many people have no evidence of cheating when they tell others? A lot. It’s why a lot of people don’t tell at first. If someone comes to you and says that your ex cheated and they saw it? Most people would believe them because they risked it to say something. Especially if they have nothing to gain. It’s rare that it’s someone trying to break people up just to break them up.
@Takeoverartist1987 Жыл бұрын
Because it’s a lie. She wanted any reason to live the wild college life. Welp she got it. Now she regrets it. Story as old as time
@mutegirlsirius8940 Жыл бұрын
@@Kimberly_Sparkles i saw some situations like this and all the people i know try to get some proof and then talk to the partners about it to get their side. Of course others are more emotional and go jump on them with wrong conclusions but in the end 98% ends well with some therapy
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Everybody has been meddling in Bo's relationships. OP broke up with him and caused a rift in his family that tanked his future relationships plural. There is nothing meeting OP could do for him. If she ever loved him stay away from his life.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
She won’t stay away because she’s self absorbed and can’t see past herself.
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
@@bautistalover Oh I'm sure she's convinced herself that her and Bo need this to happen.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@Russman67 oh I’m sure. Which is why Bo did the smart thing and blocked her everywhere and got his sister to do so too. Got to keep the crazy away, he definitely got lucky OP exposed herself early on before marriage and kids.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
She doesn’t love him. She only loved what he could provide her. She, like most women, view men as nothing more than disposable utilities.
@GamingLoreForge Жыл бұрын
Damn I can’t believe his own mother would do him like that. I get that she liked the op, but to self-sabotage her own son like that is cold. I don’t even know if I could ever forgive my mother for something like that.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
That’s the hiveminded mentality of women for you.
@jack0f4lltrades28 Жыл бұрын
As soon as she mentioned having a wild ride in college, I knew that was the real her. She wasn't manipulated, Bo was right. College brought an ugly side of her out to the front, and now she needs to live with it. Good for Bo, I'm glad he got a happy ending.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! This is who she really was all along. She just could never be her true self in her hometown because it would’ve ruined her reputation.
@BruinPhD2009 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure why, but Story 1 really pissed me off. OP grew up with Bo and it never even crossed her mind to question what her so-called “friends” said about him? And what kind of spell did OP cast on Bo’s MOTHER that she would distance herself from her own son over this spurious crap? Bo seems like the only one with his head securely attached to his shoulders and he owes closure to no one. Thank goodness his sister came around. OP has a bad case of seller’s remorse because she sold out what seems to be a true, stand-up man. What an idiot.
@samiulhuda4001 Жыл бұрын
It’s the college culture feminism and entitled behaviour thing these days
@Cl0ckcl0ck Жыл бұрын
His sister was still meddling from the shadows when OP mentioned that she was still in contact with her. She's probably the one that turned his mother.
@AmukaAkuma Жыл бұрын
Women close ranks. This is why "believe all women" is so dangerous.
@Pikaman20008 Жыл бұрын
I like how he says he doesn’t believe the first post is from his ex because she seems to unhinged, when previously he mentioned that she had been emailing him every few days. Even now he still tries to see the good in her and doesn’t tear her down, I know I couldn’t be forgiving.
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
That’s a man of integrity, because I personally feel like exes shouldn’t be present in your life if you have nothing tying you to them I/e mutual friends children or shared property
@delmarhi Жыл бұрын
Relationships end. They don’t go backwards.
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
@@delmarhi Amen Amen Amen
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Would I say hi to an ex if I happened to run into them? Maybe some of them. Am I trying to be friends? No. Freaking. Way.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
Relationships end for a reason and hers was stupidly believing her friends instead of her boyfriend. Every time I was done with a relationship, I never wanted to see or talk to that person again. It was very awkward if I had to be around that person, so best to just avoid it! I am just dumbfounded as to what this OP thought was going to happen if he decided to meet with her. He’s happily married and has a child. Did she really think he was gonna be so overcome with joy that she wanted him back and automatically divorce his wife? Geez lady, you broke his heart and trust, you’re lucky he even responded to you!!
@Snowshowslow Жыл бұрын
I don't really understand that... Yes, relationships end for a reason but not all of those reasons also prohibit friendship. My partner is friends with most of his exes and I have no problem with that. They broke up because of a) an emigration the other didn't want to join in on, b) a difference of opinion in whether/when to have children and c) because one of the two fell out of love. None of those make any one the villain to me and all of these people have moved on, but kept in touch because they did have compatibility on a friendship level. Most of them are my friends too, now. Why shouldn't they be in our lives anymore?
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
Story #2: You get most jobs through networking. It sounds as though OP's bud actually gave Jamie more of an opportunity to prove himself, not less. There's a probable reason Jamie is struggling to find work. OP doesn't need to cover for a guy who is a creep. If her friend ditches her over this, then the friend wasn't one in the first place.
@sweeneytodd2420 Жыл бұрын
Op has some serious main character syndrome... The fact that everytime she contact him or his family, it caused something horrible to happen and she's still entitled enough to say "fuck It, I just have to know"... She's insane and I'm absolutely delighted that the man has standards for himself and respects the people that cared for him... Which OP didn't... I literally smiled when I found out he's married with a family and happy... Op deserves everything she gets. Edit: why are the women in this dudes life so preoccupied with other women's emotion besides him... Literally, tell the mom, the sister and the ex to fuck off and die... Credit to his wife for being by his side
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
I'm glad the sister has finally dropped the ex. I'm pretty sure OP is the ex. She was just good at hiding her unhinged behavior. I hadn't seen Bo' s side. That was great. I hope Amy or whoever gets some business and leave them alone
@brianaschmidt910 Жыл бұрын
Op said that the "bo" post was almost 100% him so yeah... Jesus this is getting more unhinged than a removed door
@samiulhuda4001 Жыл бұрын
Hope not at least not a decent man. Any half decent man. Deserves better
@Cl0ckcl0ck Жыл бұрын
Only when she was found out in writing. Beter keep that liar at arm's distance because liars lie. The fact that she and the ex clearly were in communication and her push for 'closure' makes this not 50/50 but 100/0. Sister has done some very serious damage to her relationship with her brother over nothing.
@MrJpaynebb Жыл бұрын
Unhinged or desperate? I think her desperation after learning the truth has driven her to make shakey decisions. Some of the blame definitely rest with those girlfriends who engineered the breakup but OP owns the bulk of the blame for taking their word over Bo's without getting proof. Those girlfriends set her up because they were jealous of her having happiness and a real and steady relationship while they didn't. Very glad Bo was able to recover and prosper and also glad he didn't meet with her. He already had his closure after being wronged. While I feel for OP after finding out she was set up by those friends she needs to get a therapist to work out her issues.
@Sherwoody Жыл бұрын
@@MrJpaynebb I think she wanted to break up with Bo and not look like the bad guy. Seeing as how she moved on so quickly to someone else and became “that girl” in college.
@SpectreBagels Жыл бұрын
So ALL OF THAT happened to Bo and all because the OP couldnt be bothered to ask for proof?
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
I actually have ZERO sympathy for OP, none.. If you're a friend of mine and you say something negative about my SO, you're not a friend and I would never speak to them again.. I am so happy for Bo.. She literally didn't look at him and listen to his side and just said oh well they said you did so that means you did.. OP didn't ask for proof from her friends, nothing.. I'm so glad he dropped her and found someone that truly loves him..
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
Take a number, no one feels bad for OP. I sure as heck don't. I am happy for Bo, though. He really should have cut his mother off though. Her being malicious as she was would make me immensely reluctant to give her another chance. I hope the mother wakes up knowing how profoundly grateful she ought to be.
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
@@LunaMane Absolutely perfect comment!! I wasn't even thinking about the mother but yes, you're spot on!!
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
Not relevant to the story, as in the story they are assholes. But you shouldn’t dismiss concerns of friends or family about your SO. Sometimes they can see red flags you can’t see for the rose tinted glasses you’re viewing them through
@Swnsasy Жыл бұрын
@@Nevertoleave I wouldn't dismiss anyone that's why I said they had no proof or anything but she believed them over her boyfriend. If a friend continues to talk negative about my SO, as these so called friends did to her constantly yet she still hung out with them, that's what I mean by we would no longer be friends.. They kept disrespecting him, their relationship, calling him names and how he would never amount to anything, why would you want to stay friends with people like that and through what rose tinted glasses?
@tamsel814 Жыл бұрын
@studiosandi Жыл бұрын
The fact that she went to both sister shows you she is conniving and underhanded and she is absolutely trying to break up his marriage.
@DerekScottBland Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - this isn't off the clock behavior costing him a job because he never worked there. This is the same as me verbally assaulting a man in a parking lot only to find out he's the hiring manager of the job interview I'm heading to. Jamie thought it was safe to mistreat certain people because he thought they'd have no say in his future employment.
@jedimasters1462 Жыл бұрын
As op was not part of the job, she actually doesn't have a say in his employment. You can bet that she knew anything she said would screw up his chances to get that job and did it purposely. If she was uncomfortable, she should have simply said that, as she wasn't an employee of the company, she had no reason to be around the interview and removed herself. Either she should have gone to her room or left the place entirely. It wasn't her place to get involved and you can bet that she most likely said a lot more than she's admitting.
@AngelaMastrodonato Жыл бұрын
OP shouldn’t be kicked out of her own home to accommodate her roommates work meetings. Most people who work remotely have video meetings so I’m surprised the interview was originally scheduled to take place in his home. Maybe the story is fake and that’s the plot hole. Or maybe job interviews have to take place in person, which I can sort of understand depending on the job. In that case the interview really should have taken place on the company’s premises. Conducting interviews and meetings in a home you share with a roommate seems unprofessional to me. Anyway Jamie’s connections with his girlfriend’s friend group can reasonably open the opportunity and get him an interview but in no way guaranteed him a job, especially with his behavior. I can’t believe the friend group is divided over this. To me it’s clear OP is NTA and Natalie should dump the loser. If she continues to date him, the friend group would be within their rights to distance themselves from her. He’s just gonna drag her down and treats her like crap. He’s such a liability
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@AngelaMastrodonatobut the problem is OP did open her mouth to the hiring manager about her personal problems with the guy which doesn’t necessarily reflect his job performance. It’s obvious she “sabotaged” him and now she wonder why the friend group is split. She should’ve said nothing at all and if he didn’t get the job there would be no room for anyone to blame OP.
@AngelaMastrodonato Жыл бұрын
@@bautistalover to me it sounds like she wasn’t planning on saying anything until the interview was planned to take place in her apartment, which I think is a plot hole making the entire story fishy anyway. She was uncomfortable with the guy in her home. Any guy who is that off putting will be a liability in the workplace, even if he is amazing at the job. No amount of talent can make up for someone harassing coworkers. If I recall the entire friend group hated the guy so I don’t know why they are split over this.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@AngelaMastrodonato again you missed the point some of these people know how to keep that vibe away from work. There’s a reason a lot of co workers always if we had no idea so and so was always an amazing person at work. So no him being a dick outside of work doesn’t mean it would make an appearance at work.
@eliopearlman1309 Жыл бұрын
Bo's not going to think about her after this but I'm sure she's going to think about him every day for the rest of her life.
@Symos Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Not sure what OP1 hoped to achieve. She dumped him for supposedly cheating but now wants him to cheat?
@dimsufferer9951 Жыл бұрын
Nah, he broke up with her. “If you believe what they said without thinking critically, we’re done.” And they were done.
@romiimaggi9624 Жыл бұрын
Lady, he's MARRIED. You've lost your chance. You chose to believe your Chernobyl of a friends. YOU'VE LOST. GIVE UP. I don't have a glimpse of simpathy for her. Poor Bo and his wife.
@elizabethbasileo1861 Жыл бұрын
YES! As soon as it got to the part where OP said he has a wife and kid I was yelling at my phone for her to leave him alone! And then the quick update where she said she sent an email 🤦🏻‍♀️ all I kept thinking was “leave that poor man alone, you’ve done enough harm to him.”
@mayborneflower 11 ай бұрын
Don’t pity the wife, she’s making popcorn on the sidelines and I envy the energy she brings to this story.
@starbird3939 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 Why does OP want to meet up with BO? Is it to apologize, or is it a chance to try and hookup with BO (despite being married and with kids).
@philwill0123 Жыл бұрын
She thinks SHE deserves a second chance. She isn't thinking about Bo
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
Chance of another hookup, under the name of "just friends" probably. She already apologized in the email and he answered he forgave her, so there's no reason to meet up.
@Batman-lg2zj Жыл бұрын
I think she was manipulated .
@dimsufferer9951 Жыл бұрын
She feels like the victim in all this when she isn’t
@Cl0ckcl0ck Жыл бұрын
'The one that got away' and 29...... She's desperate (and will do anything to remedy that). Bo's sister and mother would still help her to do it to I'll wager. He needs to stay far away from these women.
@HobieInTheBox Жыл бұрын
She did not, in fact, have a chance to reconnect with him. He's married, had kids and had moved on clearly. OP should move on too, she sounds unstable as fuck. Edit: One important detail that bugs me is the amount of kids the guy has. The ex gf said he had 3, but the 2nd OP says he has 1. I don't think it's the same guy.
@tamsel814 Жыл бұрын
Her information may just be wrong. They lost contact so she likely got her information from gossip. Or maybe one of them changed the numbers of kids for privacy reasons.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
No, she said "they're married for 3 years and have a 2 years old son." And he said "got married and have a son."
@nigelis2345 Жыл бұрын
Maybe 1 is his kid but the other kids could be his friends or family members.
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 Жыл бұрын
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
Or maybe she came into the marriage with 2 kids. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@PastorRapture Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP deserves no forgiveness nor a second chance. She nuked her relationship with Bo because she uncritically accepted what her “friends” said without proof. Bo is married and has kids, and is right to not want to reconnect. OP should just let it go.
@fnjesusfreak Жыл бұрын
The only thing she deserves is a TRO. "If you try to contact me again you're going to have to explain things in an actual court instead of the Court of Public Opinion."
@FlamesAndShadows 4 ай бұрын
Especially since evidently this is the first relationship he had in 8 years that was not sabotaged for 'all that cheating he did'
@LucaLukaszPascua Жыл бұрын
1st Story: I've heard this type of story time and time again. Childhood friends became lovers only for one of them to screw it up because of trust issues. You'd think that much time being together would have a stronger bond. Kinda makes me sad honestly.
@eldeano9964 Жыл бұрын
So many stereotypes in one story. An easily manipulated op that just had to live her life with her single jealous 'friends'. Needing to get back with a stable ex because she's still single and nearing 30. A guy that (apart from his wife) has every woman in his life against him, because of the fantasy of him getting back with her is more important than his actual happiness. Op still being a narcissist and "unhinged" because it's her feelings that matter...
@AmukaAkuma Жыл бұрын
Trust me, she has not been single all this time.
@draconisdragonheart4248 Жыл бұрын
In the story when she broke up with Bo she immediately starting sleeping with another guy.
@drakeloki4214 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the friends didn't even make fake evidence, she just took the words of a few people she knew for months if not a couple years over someone you knew for basically her entire life. I'd want nothing to do with op after that. Op's mom is right she should have left it alone.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I bet at this point, OP's mom has lost all hope for her daughter. Poor lady......... Imagine having an adult daughter who refuses to accept the consequences of her actions. 😒 I would feel absolutely ashamed and feel like I've failed as a mother.
@samoanjoseph1457 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: If Jamie is really a jerk I think that would come out either in the interview, or on the job, so he'd likely lose the job either way. And if you only have to put up with him because of this friend, I would rather lose him and the friend. Maybe that would wake her up.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily some people can keep that side of them away from work. As messed up as it is it’s clear OPs roommate didn’t hire the guy because OP. She didn’t just make up the fact the interview ran longer than necessary which she would only know because Harry told her.
@mansoortariq8411 Жыл бұрын
​@@bautistaloverI got the same feeling, Harry's the white knight and op took it to reddit to feel less guilty about it. If she only told harry she didn't get along with Jamie, what did she need to confess to her friend?
@jerrystauffer2351 Жыл бұрын
Before his response I noticed in her "apology" she's still blaming her friends and not acknowledging the trouble she caused him. Single women keep women single
@jacearmor5274 Жыл бұрын
So, OP destroyed a perfect relationship to be a wild party girl! Sucks to be her. Why did she let her friends constantly disrespect Bo, instead of asking him? Why did the mom not adk what happened to Bo?
@tully6648 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I've said it before, and I'll say it again... If you love and believe in someone, you can NOT hang around people who only talk s-t about them. Yes, you can take their words into consideration if they're cautioning you against troublesome behavior, but if it's all "they're so slow, they'll just pull you down," then no. Straight up "No, bye." As we like to say in this house... OP's about as smart as a bag of hair.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
To me, Beau’s mother is so much worse than OP. It’s one thing to be betrayed and stepped on by a spouse or somebody you thought was a friend, but to be stabbed in the back by your own flesh and blood is unforgivable.
@Metal_Mouth Жыл бұрын
Op's post: I agonized over if I should contact him so I sent him a message Ex's post: Yeah this crazy ex who ruined my college life and familial relationships came out of the woodwork and started barraging me with messages
@bigz3483 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Even OP's title of her post shows she hasn't taken accountability for her actions by blaming her toxic "friends". I have ZERO sympathy for her.
@FlamesAndShadows 4 ай бұрын
I would have more sympathy for her if the first thought after finding out Bo had endured years of hardship because of the rumors and has a young family, wasn't rage, selfishness, self-pity and deciding to manipulate him into giving her a second chance
@littleraeofsunshine Жыл бұрын
Living vicariously through the wife's glee at the emails lol
@tofumar Жыл бұрын
OP helped destroy this man's relationship with his mom based on lies. I hope it haunts her forever
@rexcatston8412 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 in 10 easy steps! 1. Girl dates guy, goes to college 2. Girl sees options, wants to sleep around, gets similar minded friends 3. Uses friends as an excuse to break up, goes for other guys 4. has wild college fun time, shames simp ex 5. Gets old , regrets college fun time, running out of options, wants the simp back 6. Simp is not simp, got married 7. cant handle it, no safety net 8. creates reddit post, factually inaccurate 9. non-simp sees it, confusion, over use of word 'unhinged' 10. Reddit post ended, everyone blocked. Bo's mom sucks.
@angelgonzalez9614 2 ай бұрын
Story 1: He's the one who got away, and you're the missle he dodged.
@LovelyCinccino Жыл бұрын
First story: And why exactly is reconnecting was supposed to do? OP’s admitted that she was both jealous and furious when she saw Bo with his new wife so I really don’t think she would had been satisfied with simply catching up. And Bo deserved his happy ending. He doesn’t have do what the ex wants to be happy; he has a wife and child that accept him for who he is and his mother and sister are no longer clinging onto his former relationship.
@PT-fs5ff Жыл бұрын
The fact that his mother believed other people over her son is the worst. She allowed her friends destroy her relationship that could have led to marriage. I like the way he handled it. He told her about her friends then walked away. When the truth came out, those words he spoke came back along with regret. Leave the man alone. Him meeting with you serves no perpose.
@skydayang Жыл бұрын
She needs to leave Bo alone. He is better off without her. She kicked him to the curb and even said she didn't have a thought about him until recently. When she saw him with his family, she knew she was the one that lost. She seems selfish and unhappy with herself. Leave Bo alone!
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I hate to tell you this, but I don't think it's over yet. Bo is more than likely going to be back here, asking for legal advice on how to get a restraining order.
@phatcavy98 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. Off the clock behavior is totally justifiable reason not to hire someone. I had a job interview once where they searched your social media before the interview and would quizz you on anything that seemed problematic they find. He learned the hard way that some of the people you mistreat may know the people thst you need to better yourself or your career.
@meloelebi1996 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: After learning she not only emailed him back (after he gave her the 'closure' she wanted so badly) but possibly kept bugging him to reconnect because it wasn't good enough for her, my opinion dropped even lower than the near rock bottom it was. And if it is the same situation with the first was incredibly embellished and unhinged then man, Bo sure did dodge a nuke.
@ajb7530 Жыл бұрын
1st story, OP, you got what you deserved. You didn't trust him enough, and you didn't have true evidence, you only had someones that you barely knew, word. Now you lost. Drop those friends who actually betrayed you and move on.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I'm willing to bet that those so called "friends" dropped her once they got what they wanted. 😒
@AryonaSamoto Жыл бұрын
Story 1: She took no accountability in that e-mail whatsoever. Simply blamed the ex friends and apologized for what happened. No apology for what SHE did and no apologizing for almost ruining his relationship with his family. She is still an immature selfish college girl at heart and needs to work on herself and grow up. I'm glad Bo healed and moved on. He deserves happiness and it sounds like he found it, even if his family almost burnt their bridges with him, I'm glad it worked out for them. I hope for many happy years for Bo and his family. I hope the ex can move on, heal and take accountability for her toxic, awful behaviour. Story 2: Harry must have done something during the interview that raised red flags. Not OP's fault and Harry needs to take responsibilty for his actions instead of blaming his failings on others.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I have high hopes for Bo too. I also hope OP gets help, but I'm afraid she's likely too far gone now.
@genechristiansomoza4931 Жыл бұрын
Bo does not need closure. It will only messed up his current family. Bo here is the real man.
@επιθετικόακτινιδιο Жыл бұрын
"I have a chance to reconnect" 😂😂😂 OP is delusional. She thought she would come back, and what? Bo would live his wife, his child, take her hand, and run to the sunset? Bo s mother and sister are no better. They are of those people who "know better". His sister did not want him to have a closure. He wanted him to reconnect with this wacko. Bo is unfortunately surrounded by controlling people First OP is a pathetic loser and that is why she did not move on with anyone and suddenly remembered Bo. She thought she had a chance, but in reality, she became a laughing stock for Bo s wife. Best outcome
@sailorjupiter4 Жыл бұрын
that’s why my husband never takes sides, doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong or if they’re family or friends… and i respect that.
@lilolmecj Жыл бұрын
In story number one, Amy did not even take full responsibility for anything that happened. She is sorry that the rumors got back to their families? Mashed told them! After she believed false accusations, she perpetrated them back to his family! She is completely pathetic and self absorbed.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
I don’t entirely buy her story. She just wanted a convenient excuse to express who she truly was the whole time. A self absorbed, manipulative, immature, narcissistic slut. This is who she always was underneath it all, but could never act on it in her hometown because it would’ve destroyed her image.
@bigtexas517 Жыл бұрын
OP’s mom is awesome, “Chickens come home to roost” amazing line. Leave Bo alone
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
It's a shame her parenting skills weren't enough to keep OP from becoming a selfish and increasingly disturbed person.
@UnicornOfDepression Жыл бұрын
She only wants to talk to Bo because she wants a second chance, but who cares what Bo wants. You shit all over him in the past. He will only remember that part. Not the good parts, just the pain & trauma. 'You broke up with me because of your friends. I owe you nothing. My time & attention are for my wife and kid."
@macmcleod1188 Жыл бұрын
Bo was so smart to reject the reconnection attempt. Literally no good can come from it.
@CatLoverX74 Жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for Bo. This girl caused him so much trouble at school, his relationships and his family! His mom and sister really should be ashamed of themselves! I’m glad his mom is repairing the relationship but she really should’ve believed more in her son! Also glad the sister finally seen how unhinged the ex is and is cutting her off. Bo is happily married now with a son and I couldn’t be more happy for anyone. He deserves to be happy after his toxic ex nearly ruined his life! She has the audacity to throw away her relationship over her toxic friends say so and didn’t give him a chance! Now sees him happily married and wants to try and ruin that! He doesn’t want you! He dodged not a bullet but a train! You had the nerve to try and reconnect with him when you knew he was married! You didn’t need closure, you were hoping he’d leave his wife and child for you! You FOFA now live with the consequences.
@kcirtapelyk6060 Жыл бұрын
Her mother doesn’t deserve a second chance to made amends with her son. She’s so much worse than the ex. It’s one thing to be betrayed by your spouse or somebody you thought was a friend, but being betrayed by your own flesh and blood is in my book, unforgivable and irredeemable.
@DrownedInExile Жыл бұрын
OP is quite the miserable creature. Bo should have just replied to her snivelling emails with one word: NO. OP wanting closure is a "her" problem. He doesn't owe her squat, and that includes one second of his time. But I am quite amused at the picture of his wife reading OP's emails with a bag of popcorn! She's a keeper alright.
@Fullbloomed 8 ай бұрын
Story 1: OP has an opportunity to connect with her ex? Lol…he’s happily married with a family…there is no opportunity.
@NinjaCthulhu 9 ай бұрын
There is another update from BO: Relationship with my sister is good. Relationship with my wife is good. My mom doesn't even want to talk about it anymore, everyone seems to have moved on. Almost forgot about the whole thing until Friday, when I got home and saw a bag on my front door. Opened it. Inside was like 5 or 6 things I gave Ex when we were dating(from highschool to college). Honestly, if I haven't used it or missed it in almost a decade, do I really need it? On top was a letter, basically said the same stuff the emails did. She knows she screwed up, she didn't realize what it meant. Just rehashing the past over and over. It ended with her saying she doesn't know or like who she is right now, and she needs to figure out who she wants to be, so she won't be contacting again and will work on herself. Of course, I showed my wife the bag and the letter, we both threw the bag out, told my mom, who told ex's mom, and then moved on with our lives. Ex, if you read this, we all hope you get better.
@motheroftears25 Жыл бұрын
Op is a real piece of work! Seriously she listens to her friends then causes Bo to have issues with his family! He deserves happiness! She deserves misery if she can't leave things alone!
@caridadchang7895 Жыл бұрын
the fact that Bo stated that she kept sending e-mails everyday but the other op only mentioned her first e-mail, not the harrassment. Good thing he kept showing them to his wife too, that way they avoid what ifs in the future.
@kristinmartin2899 Жыл бұрын
Of course she didn’t because the comments were “leave him alone, he’s been through enough because if you”
@Hope_this_is_just_a_dream1994 Жыл бұрын
Op didn't have to go along with her loser friends. She knew Bo longer, she should have investigated more. She said it herself Bo was shy. Meaning he probably wasn't the type to cheat on her anyways. Op probably had been thinking of the college party lifestyle for a while, but knew that Bo wouldn't be interested. So when her friends came up with a bogus story, she jumped on the band wagon. It seems like bo won in the end though. Good for him!
@alicewilloughby4318 Жыл бұрын
3:06 - First they tell her that her BF will hold her back in life, but then, when she tries to get established in life they are the ones holding her back. 4:10 - Why does EVERYONE seem to think they have a right to control OP's and Bo's relationships - whether with each other or anyone else??? Now his mother is doing it???
@Luthelioness83 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Her title is misleading. She said she had a chance to reconnect but the man was married with a kid. What's to reconnect over? Her being so weak-minded and gullible that she believed her "friends" over her boyfriend? IMO, she's really upset about her karma and that he moved on and had a better life without her. But if she didn't blow up his life like that! No wonder he didn't want to meet with her. I suspect that even if he wasn't married, he'd never want to see or deal with her again. Bazooka dodged with that one.
@__rogue___ Жыл бұрын
OP would've divorced him anyway. A man or a woman, if they break a relationship without even confirming means the relationship was already fragile. She went for a ride and was looking for BO to settle, when she hit the wall.
@heatherv3417 Жыл бұрын
Yeaaaah I have a feeling she’s the one that actually cheated if she had another guy so quickly, and if the guy was mocking Bo. Then she just dumped Bo and blew his life up so no one would believe him if he found out she’d cheated on him. Now she’s 30 and freaking out because her biological clock is chiming and she wanted to go back to the ‘hunky farm boy’ she’d left so long ago. The ‘easy and safe guy. The ‘settle down’ guy. Suddenly finds out he’d taken and has a kid and flips her damn lid. That’s what this is.
@LovelyCinccino Жыл бұрын
Honestly, your comment really hits home on how Bo was expected to be Amy’s Prince Charming by her and his mother and sister, always pining away for her and not daring to look at any other woman but her. But Bo broke free of those expectations and found happiness. And everyone besides his ex woke up from that fairy tale, as his mother was forced to realize that Amy wasn’t the sweet innocent princess and had 97% nuked her relationship with Bo clinging onto his past relationship while the sister most likely learned about Amy’s post and how she had ‘failed’ to mention several key points, causing her to have the same realization the mom had (and I have a feeling she just got roasted in the comments for insisting that he meet Amy, calling her out for potentially destroying a family just to get Amy back in her life.)
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The only advice given to OP should have been LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE!
@cmsxcb Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Let's have a closer look at this 'closure' OP says she wants. Seems to me that the only acceptable closure for her is to get back what she lost due to her own stupidity. So, really, 'closure' is not an option because she'll never get what she really wants... which ain't closure folks. She asked to meet him. He said 'no'. So she continues to contact him as if the word 'NO' is just the opening gambit in some form of negotiation or manipulation she can still win. That isn't how the word "NO!" works. It's like a game-show host showing the prize to someone who's just lost anyway - "Come and look at what you COULD have won!" But the prize isn't an object - it's a person. A person who's moved on with his life. A person who has a wife and family. A person who had to recover from the damage OP dealt him. A true victim. Why would a victim ever want to offer his betrayer 'closure'? OP - your actions - your consequences. You don't get to dictate what happens next. You threw away that chance a long time ago.
@MasterBuilderDragon Жыл бұрын
Bo’s like that classic scene from The Matrix where Neo is bent backwards dodging multiple bullets.
@TheBlueDsc Жыл бұрын
My best friend could tell me a person I was dating was cheating and I still wouldn't believe them without actual evidence. I cannot imagine having so little faith in my partner that some new friends could so easily convince me they were cheating without any evidence.
@carlsberg-gs6rl Жыл бұрын
Bo's wife is the goat. She enjoyed reading the ex's emails because they were unhinged. That's a keeper right there.
@InvasionAnimation Жыл бұрын
I hope Bo's wife is a good person because every other woman in his life seems like a trainwreck in story 1 at least.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
She is. Bo has posted a little bit about her when he told his side of the story.
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 4 ай бұрын
The ex has zero accountability. She is unhinged, hes just being polite.
@hdeodh Жыл бұрын
S1: Why would Bo even want to reconnect to this weak minded woman... reality is what the friends only gave OP a push to what she really wanted, to live a wild college life without the shackels of her upbringing... Bo did the right thing and left her for the streets... By the way, the mother would be dead to me....
@mshake7056 3 ай бұрын
"Love of her life," yet she admits that for 8 years while she was with multiple guys, she didn't even think about Bo. Only until after she was bored of her party lifestyle and found out the truth did she start thinking about him again. Had a wild 8 years and now she wants to settle down? Find some fool who will take you, but please leave this poor man alone
@Crosby69 Жыл бұрын
Good for Bo. Wish him the best. Op can only drown in her own misery. What a sad and pathetic person.
@joeschmo622 Жыл бұрын
Wow, The Bo didn't just dodge a bullet. He dodged a nuculer bullet, with horns and pitchforks on it.
@freelance4200 Жыл бұрын
Her friends convinced her of the lifestyle long before she and Bo broke up. She wanted to act wild and Bo didn't, so she was looking for a reason to end it so she could scratch that itch. Later, when she is unfulfilled about her life, since she saw hookup culture as hollow. Then she saw Bo and the girl she could have been, and she panicked realizing she chose to mess her whole life up. She tried to blame her friends for her decisions too.
@LovelyCinccino Жыл бұрын
There was another update from Bo. Amy left all the things from their relationship on his door stop along with a letter saying that she didn’t like who she was and she was leaving to work on herself. No doubt she got absolutely reemed out by everyone online and off for harassing Bo and trying to force him to reconnect with her, forcing her to realize that no one supports her. Hopefully the fact that she left his things on his doorstop (showing she knows where he lives) doesn’t mean she’s going to end up a stalker.
@iinvaderrand Жыл бұрын
Honestly, i think OP for story 1 wanted a reason to get out of the relationship and her friends gave her that. Then things didnt work out and she got the news that he is happily moved on and NOW she wants to shoot her shot to get back together. Nah shes toxic.
@solarchos4352 Жыл бұрын
OP should bring her ex-boyfriend videos of her beating the crap out of her so-called "friends" in retaliation for all of them lying to her.
@justfelicitous5109 Жыл бұрын
I rarely comment, but you definitely have the best reddit stories channel. I'm glad I came across your channel years ago. Hope you are well!
@tennesseedogpack 7 ай бұрын
Story one, wild college ride means she’s had ton of partners. Riding the CC until she fell off
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