My Daughter Is Picking On A Girl With Her Friends, Is My Punishment Too Harsh?

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin decided this video should be punished as it's sensitive. However, if you'd like to support you can right here: Patreon: KZbin: I'm shameless....😜
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
Why the heck is it sensitive yt is stupid
@Fishfaceiskewl 3 жыл бұрын
I would but I don't have enough money also I love your channel!
@agentmitochondrion8049 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin is TA
@catte. 3 жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 it's sensitive and not that good with emotions, but it's working on it.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 I'm guessing it's because I used a tag "bullying"....oof!
@Nyanx4 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Now, see, this is the kind of soft parenting that bullies flourish in. They can torture and torment others, but all it takes is some crocodile tears at even the slightest hint of consequences and they're off the hook. Manipulative little brat, that one. The fact that she's still able to scheme with her friends online with her friends means that they may have just moved their bullying to a digital format. So no punishment whatsoever. _God,_ I hate clueless parents.
@thepinkdragon15 3 жыл бұрын
i agree with you i got bullied too even when my bullies followed me home yelling at me calling me names their parents would not believe their perfeckt little angels could do that heck my mom once followed me hiddeing to see and yup and when she confronted the parents they just said ''kids will be kids'', i got bullied so much to the point i broke and almost killed two of my bullies still to this day i got my mental scars and 0% tolorance for bullying if i see a bully today all i want to do is see them suffer all the pain they give their victims, i dont have or want kids of my own but once i got told one of my younger cousins was bullying a kid i had a talk with him telling him how i got bullied and how he'd feel if that was him luckly he took it to heart and made a new friend with the kid ^^
@youhaveniceshoes1939 3 жыл бұрын
Yup , I honestly think her parents should AT Least take away all of her mobile devices and sell her clothes and donate money to some kind of charity against bullying .
@Nyanx4 3 жыл бұрын
@@youhaveniceshoes1939 Her mother would have probably objected. But see, _I don't understand why her clothes were taken away in regards to this bullying punishment?_ Was she bullying another girl about her clothes? Then she shouldn't be allowed a tracksuit of her choice; she should only be allowed to wear a select few outfits from a thriftstore, at least until she expresses some empathy for the girl's situation. But _if the bullying had nothing to do with clothes, the punishment is a complete non sequitur;_ the only one that would be appropriate in that situation would have been to isolate her from her bully-friends. A grounding from electronics and phones, so that they cannot scheme further online. The parents are idiots who have spoiled their child to the point of being a monster.
@katharyndavidson1188 3 жыл бұрын
Take away everything as a survivor of bullying she deserves to feel upset and vulnerable she doesn’t feel a fraction of what her victim felt. Your daughter deserves to feel work and feel low so she know how her victim felt. Your daughter need to outed and humiliated because if you don’t do it her victim will seek vengeance 10 or 20 years later
@Nyanx4 3 жыл бұрын
@@katharyndavidson1188 I don't agree that she needs to be placed in the same kind of vulnerable point her victims are. Depending on how severe the bullies' harassment it can be anywhere from a tarnished self-esteem to outright suicidal tendencies. But getting a bully to a point where they _can_ empathize with the wounds they've inflicted on others is something they should strive for. Whether that needs therapy due to their lack of empathy or a steady erosion of their favorite pasttimes (hanging out with friends, shopping, online activity, etc). But try not to wish that she'd hurt herself. As cathartic as that idea might be, it's not doing your head or the victim any favors.
@notsarah1231 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3- NTA. She needs are harsher punishment. Bullying someone deserves a harsher punishment.
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
PUBLIC APOLOGY! Also, idk if I should rule "NTA" for staying firm on this one punishment, or "YTA" for even doubting the punishment (which was weak in the first place)
@pamelaraney4654 3 жыл бұрын
Someone said give the bullied girl her college funds and the bully is on their own.
@memeking7273 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedestroyasystem to me is NTA for giving the girl the punishment but YTA because this is a weak punishment. She needs to have her most embarrassing secrets reveal and make her wear a Patato sack to school for the remainder of the school year
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
@@memeking7273 omg that's an amazing idea
@memeking7273 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedestroyasystem thx I hate bullies so I have punishment worst than they do. Hell one of them is to have the bully go naked at school at if he tries to make it look like he is showing off it gets a kick/pull hair. At the end she gets to loose an organ without consent or anesthesia
@ilikecats9886 3 жыл бұрын
That 3rd story: YTA I think the punishment isn’t harsh at all, it’s kind of weak in my opinion. She doesn’t deserve to choose her punishment. If I were her parent id take away her nice clothes, time with her friends, her phone, and I’d make her write a 3 page apology to that poor girl she bullied. I would also make her research the effects of bullying and actually address why she bullied that girl. A lot of schools don’t take bullying seriously so the fact she almost got expelled means she must’ve done something really awful. That parent needs to act like a parent.
@MaryTheresa1986 3 жыл бұрын
I'd also make her read that paper in front of the whole school, and give her college fund to the victim.
@dr.health1688 3 жыл бұрын
Not necessarily, at my school even if all you did was call a kid a retard or something simple like insult them once or twice you could still be expelled. I say this because it doesn’t mean she was getting physical with the other girl. Not to say whatever she did is right, I’m just saying there’s a chance it was something smaller then expected.
@jazz-cat00 3 жыл бұрын
I'd make her sell all those fancy clothes and give the money to an anti-bullying charity
@misscat6055 3 жыл бұрын
@@dr.health1688 oh god I wish I went to your school, at my old school they ignored the bullying I had a bunch of shitty experiences there and it was pretty obvious that the teacher didn't give a fuck about what was happening to the kids
@nonono3766 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with anything but the public apology. She is young, and if she's really regretful, it would be enough. No need for public apology because that's setting her up for failure in the future. Forcing her to openly apologise is a way to cut your relationship with your child. However, if the victim decides to call her out publicly, I would've let it be because they probably suffered a lot and if they will feel better that way, so be it.
@lifewasawillow 3 жыл бұрын
story 3, she's getting off WAY too easy! the bully feels insecure? gosh, wonder how the girl she bullied felt for who knows how long. nah, deserves to wear plain clothes for the rest of the school year, no phone, and limited social activities after that.
@BronzeDragon133 3 жыл бұрын
Title Story: Yeah, let's let the little snowflake choose her punishment and then second-guess it when she gets upset. I would have taken her phone, broken up the friend group as much as possible, demanded my daughter give a public apology, and she'd get one frumpy track suit to wear until Christmas if she was picking on the other girl's clothing. Bullying is NOT tolerated in this household and, from the sound of it (expelling is NOT minor bullying) this was bad. And I'd be narrow-eyed staring and shaking my head at her.
@MaryTheresa1986 3 жыл бұрын
All of this, *and* give the bullied child my child's college fund, and tell my child if they want to pursue higher education, they are on their own. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@kingteddieP4 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I’d break her phone and give her a flip phone
@ACBIGBOIEVDT 3 жыл бұрын
To be honest I think I would just add a little bit to it I would bully her for an Hour for having such a Terrible taste in Fashion and not listen to her if she tried to Reality Check me
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
public apology is a great idea. It's the kind of humiliation that won't scar a kid for life, but will make them feel like shit in front of all their friends, and maybe realize "hey, if I feel this bad, maybe I did something wrong!" Plus, the victim(s) deserve an apology, even if they don't forgive. I got an apology from my first bully (her mom forced her). I can't tell you how good it felt to see her mom explode at her like that, admit she was wrong, and shrink away in embarrassment. Yes it sounds cruel, but nothing compared to what she put me through. I don't forgive because she isn't sorry, but giving an apology would be good anyways. Make her feel ashamed. Make her feel embarrassed. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.
@jacksparrowismydaddy 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know what my parents would have done but it wouldn't be pretty... I assume there would be some grounding involved.
@rofriki 3 жыл бұрын
The bullying child story - She's lucky she's not my daughter, because I wouldn't have locked her clothes away, I would have given them away, or made her (under parental supervision of course) take them to the nearest charity shop. The fact she was nearly expelled says that what your daughter and her friends were doing, wasn't just name calling or mild form of teasing, but hitting or something more serious - So no, you're not the AH for punishing your daughter, Your sister needs to either mind her business, or get on side and tell your daughter that she's being punished for doing wrong, and she should suck it up. If she doesn't like how it feels, then she shouldn't be a jerk to people.
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 3 жыл бұрын
back when I was a child my father was firm but fair but when I did something really bad I got the belt then no TV or toys for a few days that's where I learned bad decisions had consequences
@Sassafrass95 3 жыл бұрын
they are the AH for giving her a choice in her punishment and giving her such a weak one
@scarysara9364 3 жыл бұрын
Hey cool we had the same idea about the clothes being donated; I thought about having "Lilly" give them all to the girl that she was harassing, but maybe the other girl would not want her tormentor's outfits.
@Tim85-y2q 3 жыл бұрын
FWIW a lot of schools now have "zero tolerance" policies for bullying, so it may not have been something more severe (which is not at all to defend or minimize that kind of behavior). That said, I'm not a big fan of public shaming as a punishment.
@howardbeck3400 3 жыл бұрын
@@Sassafrass95 may not be that weak. This girl's clothing is her identity. The fact that everyone that sees her knows. Taking her phone would not stop her from seeing her accomplices. I would like to know what happened to her friends.
@catte. 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 SIL's internal thought process: Ah yes, I'll destroy the o n e thing I was told to absolutely leave alone, that will endear me to them and make them want to give me what I want fo' sure
@simsgirlgem 3 жыл бұрын
Surprised pikachu face when op throws her out
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
The mother is an asshole as well. Can you imagine 3 kids watching their cousin play with Legos and being told they can only watch by the mother??? Like wtf is wrong with her? That's simply evil and I, nor anyone I know would do that to kids. Her "special" boy will grow up as insufferable narcissist.... Though I have to wonder about the SIL - if the mother did that to kids, what else did she do to the SIL, that led to that outburst.....
@renoloverxoxo 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka LOL OMG THOSE MENTAL GYMNASTICS. "Establishing boundaries and respecting your child's right to their own things" makes them a narcissist? Nah it makes an adult with a spine who doesn't let people walk over him. Teaching kids to share doesn't make polite kids. Teaching them to respect themselves and to stand up for themselves does. You're the Karen at the playground who thinks its ok to take toys from other kids because your precious Braedyn needs to have fun too instead of teaching him that other people can tell him no.
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
@@renoloverxoxo Dude they are SMALL children under 10. Imagine you and your brother/sister being 9 and watching your cousin playing with Legos, while your aunt is not allowing you to touch it... Boundaries my ass.....It's cruelty... Fine, she doesn't want other people to touch it? Then he can't while the kids are in there..... Your mental gymnastics to justify being assholes is amazing :D Garbage people....Hopefully you teach your kids better.....
@renoloverxoxo 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka Huh that's funny I understood the world didn't revolve around me at that age.... Nah, it's not cruel. You're just a snowflake lol. Also legos are hellaciously expensive. I remember not being allowed to play with more expensive toys for fear that I'd break them.
@sherisheepsworth8432 3 жыл бұрын
"Hey aren't you vegan? You know those candies are made with animal products, right?" KZbin: Crashes
@ghuttsmckenzie4269 3 жыл бұрын
Looks like youtube didn't know
@D4rkenedskies 3 жыл бұрын
The bullying story.. about her clothes being her personality.. that's the point of the punishment.. OP need to break that personality and make her realize what she did was bad! She feels insecure? Good, that's probably what her victim feels. Make her realize that was exactly what she did to the girl. Also, OP should try to contact her friend's parents, the circle of the gang need to feel same way. Its useless if its only her as im sure her friends has same mentalities and even if she changed, she'll be back to being bullies if she keeps with them.
@STB-jh7od 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3-"she feels vulnerable and insecure' now she knows exactly how her victim feels.
@owl7072 3 жыл бұрын
**Gasp** the bully made someone feel vulnerable and insecure but now that she feels like that it's terrible! God forbid she gets a taste of her own medicine! /s
@pinkglitter93 3 жыл бұрын
As a person who had been bullied pretty much during my childhood and teenage years, couldn't agree more.
@STB-jh7od 3 жыл бұрын
@@pinkglitter93 Me too
@andreawalker8343 3 жыл бұрын
Still a stupid punishment. She needs to learn to place less value on appearance and these parents are just reinforcing her materialism.
@RosensDragon2140 3 жыл бұрын
As a girl who was bullied all through elementary and middle school: The father with the bullied girl, if he really feels bad he needs to sit her down and explain what she's feeling is only a small part of what her and her friends made that other girl feel everyday. Honestly, if her bullying was so bad the school considered expelling her they should have yanked her from that school and transfered her to one away from her friends and broken all contact. And did they talk to the parents of her friends? Is anyone else being punished? He and his wife are giving her too light a punishment. She also needs to be set up with a councilor or therapist to figure out why she's such a button and be made to appologize to all her victims.
@polidon1577 3 жыл бұрын
Back when I was in middle school, I was bullied all the time by a bunch of people. I always went to the teachers and administration but they always refused to do anything, making it out like it's my fault I got bullied. Heck, it got to the point I had to stand up for myself because no one else would, and I was the one that was almost expelled for "not ignoring it". Surprised there are schools out there that actually take bullying seriously
@RosensDragon2140 3 жыл бұрын
@@polidon1577 I similarly had to eventually deal with it myself, got into a fight and got in trouble. Even had the bully ring leader try to turn it around on me that I was the problem for all thoes years. The only thing that saved me was my mom- admittedly I have my own problems with her because of how much of a hard ass she is, but she came to the school and laid out a laundry list of threats of action she'd take so the most I got was a slap on the wrist. Thank God it was my last year at that school.
@AdelaideD219 3 жыл бұрын
For story 3: Bullying takes an incredible toll on victims. I was bullied relentlessly for 5 years in high school, and it takes a serious mental toll. That punishment is NOT enough, that sort of bullying thing can destroy a person. I hope you are well from your experience. ❤
@AdelaideD219 3 жыл бұрын
@Matricx700 absolutely, and it isn't just the victims that suffer either. Lots of people find coping mechanisms that hurt others in the process.
@BMakabre 3 жыл бұрын
The punishment OP administered is too weak - her daughter is upset (oh Boo-hoo - bullies are quick to cry when they feel a MERE TINY FRACTION of what they have been dealing to their victims). I had been bullied for the entire time I was at Secondary School, it was a horrific nightmare - mental anguish of insults, and threats with physical beatings (one time I was restrained by two older kids, while the third one threatened to use a deodorant and cigarette lighter to set me on fire). The school NEVER DID A DAMN THING about the bullies - NO they were very quick to punish me with detention when ever I TRIED to defend myself. The dismissive attitude of teachers made things worse - when ever it was younger kids bullying me (often the younger siblings of bullies in my year), the teachers would mock me for not standing up to kids who are younger than me, but if I tried to defend myself it was punishing me for being 'horrible to younger kids (who turned on the crocodile tears when the teachers were looking). Many of the bullies threatened to kill me. The experience has left me with mental scars (along with a distrust of authority figures - which has not improved when I had to deal with abusive bullying managers at a former job), I have depression that has taken me to very deep levels of self-hatred (doesn't help when people have called me a "Selfish A-Hole for not committing suicide, so I can get out of their way"), along with feelings that I am worthless - leading to virtually ZERO self-confidence. I have found things that has helped me over the years now - my music (performing at music open mic events have given me more confidence, not to mention they are welcoming environments), Cosplay at Comic Cons help a lot (dressing at my best as characters, and meeting fellow fans which has led to new friends) and a good network of friends who have been very supportive over the years (my experiences has given me an empathy to support friends who in turn needed a friendly face and ear when they are down)
@ian7064 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: You don't touch another person's Lego table. Simple as that. Story 3: The punishment isn't harsh enough. You should've burned all of her clothes
@firesoftheasylum7890 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. There's someone in the comments saying OP is an asshole because she's "being cruel for making the kids watch but not play", when they weren't allowed in the room to begin with. Can't watch something in a room you're not in. Like, holy hell. NTA. Yeah, my mom would have taken more than just my clothes. Everything would have been gone for a long time.
@Ishasgirl 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think burned, but definitely donated or sold and the money given to charity.
@gibgabs2899 3 жыл бұрын
@@firesoftheasylum7890 yeah they keep tryna tell me I’m wrong, like lmao you’re out of your mind man
@ian7064 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ishasgirl Good point. Someone else could get use out of her clothes. My thought process was, "how can I inflict the most emotional damage on the daughter?" And letting her witness her belongings being burned on a funeral pyre seemed sufficient
@justinjones-smith5168 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. She literally CHOSE this punishment. A weak one at that
@magemastermlg6210 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA, She came into the house as a guest and got an entire floor to her and the kids and when she didn’t get the room she wanted she destroyed jakes property, how did she think that would go well?
@ericaschaidt8588 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. The sister was the asshole. OP was well within her rights.
@berylwheaten9385 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: My punishment Lily would lose phone, credit cards, hang out privilege and laptop. The only times she can use her laptop is for homework after THAT it goes back into storage in my closet. On top of homework she would have to write an additional five page essay about the consequences of her actions every other week. She will no longer be getting dessert after dinner. No more hanging out with friends until after HS graduation. She would also have to wear a dress that she already has in her closet to her graduation. Credit cards will be on pause until she's in her junior year of college and that's a 'maybe'. If she has any problems she can always speak to the manager aka ME. If my husband has a problem with my rules he can sleep in his 'mancave' until notice. I'm not afraid to say "bye Felicia".
@tabithadearth7507 3 жыл бұрын
I would have made her wear Walmart Track Suits, Electronics would have been gone and Grounded.
@Boingoelf1 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: it isn’t about the legos. The woman literally broke a house rule because she didn’t get her way. It’s a big freaking red flag for me. What happens when she doesn’t get her way again what will be damaged then.
@BMakabre 3 жыл бұрын
Totally. Story 2 is just about a 'Karen' and her 'I want, if I don't get it I'll smash your property' (it doesn't matter if it's Legos, or a kid's gaming computer, or phone - so many 'Karens' that take, then smash other people's property). Some of the comments in this thread (is it the SIL from that story commenting?) are ignoring the fact that the children are not the ones making demands - it's the SIL who wanted a room for HERSELF to spend time AWAY FROM HER OWN CHILDREN (in addition to the generous room she and her kids are staying in - probably rent free, didn't hear anything about rent). OP mentioned that SIL is divorced - gee wonder if SIL's entitlement was the nail in the coffin of that marriage (I do wonder - if that is how she acts in someone else's house). The viewpoint of "children must share, no matter what" - is STUPID its the same damn school of the "Finders keepers, losers weepers" thought process of entitled brats that take other people's belongings and break them. When I was a child I had items that were sentimental, damaged by a visiting child (the parent was a friend of my mother's) - there was no reason, just broken beyond repair (irreplaceable). The entitled people who allow bratty children to steal (not borrow) from another child, and never pay back for what was taken "it's only a toy, children should share. You can just buy another" VERY GENEROUS ATTITUDE ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY, PAID FOR BY SOMEONE ELSE'S HARD-EARNED MONEY. Lego has small parts that can easily be lost (as a child I had a Lego model kit - paid for by my own pocket money - ruined by an entitled brat who took bits from that kit without my permission), I don't envy the mammoth task OP and her son had to face with finding all the pieces.
@peteranon8455 3 жыл бұрын
@@BMakabre Yes, the sister in law is commenting on here, and her handle looks like "clicka." There's literally no way to interpret her actions as anything good, yet she keeps applying the twisted logic that it's okay to destroy other people's things for... actually I don't know what the gains would be. Unless she's trying to break up her brother's marriage, it's hard to know why she's biting the hand that feeds her.
@moon7shinev150 3 жыл бұрын
The heck kind of punishment was that I would have taken everything not just the clothes god my mom would have lost her freaking mind
@theycallmet3061 3 жыл бұрын
My mom is 100% against hitting children but if I did something that terrible she'd probably smash my face into the wall.
@PikachuBolt10029 3 жыл бұрын
My mother would've mentally broke me, physically hurt me and run me in any outfit to do a confession in front of the school on the flag pole. And that's if she finds out I only do minor bullying; she'll make me wish I didn't exist in the first place. And I would be harsh with punishments should she been my daughter, there's no excuse and no ifs, ands, buts for what will happened for what she gets is ten-fold mentally.
@theycallmet3061 3 жыл бұрын
@@PikachuBolt10029 I'd honestly make her dress up in the clown outfit in the first place and make her do a kneeled down apology to the girl in front of me and the whole school. So I guess we're on the same line of thought.
@danalou7484 3 жыл бұрын
Wanting to be an Architect is amazing, but like insanely hard. I just graduated with a Bachelors in Architecture and honestly I wouldn't tell anyone to try it. It was hell on earth hard.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Is it worth it after though Dana?
@danalou7484 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations I made some amazing friends and learned so much, in the end yes it was worth it!
@emanx222 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that the kid has such a passion AND is being supported by his parents is a great start and from a young age he'll know that no matter how hard, his parents will always support his dream. If he carries on the way he's going, he surely has a chance :)
@austinbyrnes8091 3 жыл бұрын
2nd story: nta. Anyone destroy my legos like that gonna catch hands
@anonymousbrooks8194 3 жыл бұрын
@lecamstern00b30 3 жыл бұрын
My mom made me "give away" several lego sets i had including a melenium falcon set. Because i " didn't play with them"
@kirstin1000 3 жыл бұрын
I'm the person who's been telling everyone I know what gelatin is made from for the past 20 years and every single time, no one believes me and is disgusted by my "lies" before they go and spoon globs and globs of it into their mouthes.
@celtichound9889 3 жыл бұрын
@Kirstin S. I hope all that candy was sugar free. What kind of grown adult steels that much Halloween candy from kids that aren't even her own.
@SerenEirian 3 жыл бұрын
Wait, there are people who *don't* know that gelatin is made from animal bones?!
@kirstin1000 3 жыл бұрын
@@SerenEirian There are tons and tons of them and they get pretty angry when you try to break the fantasy of their favorite dessert 🤔
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
@@kirstin1000 IKR! I've done the same so often. Not only bones, hooves, fat, and eyeballs too. Makes it more appealing to me, but apparently some people find it "gross"
@grimdarkmalarkey5402 3 жыл бұрын
I fully accept the consuming of cow bones in sugary squishy form. Add some burgers to that and I'm set.
@beccacapshaw8556 3 жыл бұрын
She destroyed all of thats kids hard work, the father should be as enraged as his wife is. How is a grown ass woman gonna have a temper tantrum and destroy stuff?
@TriciaMarie207 3 жыл бұрын
For story 3, as someone who was bullied my entire life, literally since Kindergarten. I’d take away all of my child’s luxuries (phone, computer, tablet, fancy clothes, makeup, all of it), I’d then make her sit down and write an apology letter, and make her hand deliver it to the student she was bullying.
@heidimelendez5623 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3. Bullying leaves look term consequences to the victim. If my daughter ever behaved that way she would have been punished far more than losing her favorite wardrobe.
@brigzbeebroadcasting2870 3 жыл бұрын
100000% down to hear your story about bullying. It was really bad for me growing up (the entire class bullied me for 3 years). A lot of the boys bullied me because I wasn't going through puberty the same way all the other girls were, flat chested, lots of arm hair. It got so bad that I would wear long sleeves even if it was 100° out and 5 years later I decided to just start shaving my arms every day. Now I'm 19 and I just prefer to have smooth arms and I'm down to shaving once a week instead of constantly. I'm still very uncomfortable with my chest and for years I thought "am I trans?" when most likely it's just me still dealing with it being a giant thing I was bullied for. I got extremely "if they're going to call me a boy why don't I just be one". Now I realize I'm not trans, just uncomfortable with my body/physical appearance. Granted this largely affected how I dress (mostly male clothes). I was so pissed to find out that the main guy who bullied me for being flat chested preferred more flat chested women when we were 17. He's a really nice person now, but kind of scummy.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry you went through that Brigzbee, bullying is brutal mate. I shall defo share more in the future :/
@shootingcomet082 3 жыл бұрын
Title Story: If I were those parents, I'd have my daughter pack up all of her wardrobe, drive her over to that girl's house, hand the girl the cloths (or if the girl didn't want them, donate them) and apologize for what she did, and buy my daughter a new, smaller, wardrobe from a thrift store or something.
@shontaysmith9268 3 жыл бұрын
That was my first thought actually
@ceciliacalvin9469 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: op needs to call the father of those two kids and tell him what happened. I personally would testify for the father in any custody battle. The mother sounds like a terrible mother and those kids deserve a better parent.
@cedric7751 3 жыл бұрын
As a victim of bullying in my childhood, i can say that it still negatively affects me over 20 years later. It killed my self confidence, made me feel worthless and made it extremely hard for me to stand for myself. When negotiating raises, i literally freeze when i get asking what i did to make me worthy of it. Even when i try to do rehearsing before, laying down on paper my achievements and all, just being questioned about my worth still destroys me. It also made it very hard for me to talk to women because i felt like i wasn't worthy of being loved by anyone. The dad is the asshole for giving her such a light punishment. One thing he definitely should do is have her join a support group for victims of bullying and force her to hear them talk about how bullying affected them so she can understand the pain that she inflicted.
@phunkyzilla 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4; when I was 16 years old I lived by myself renting a single bedroom apartment because my father abandoned me. I let my friend live with me for free whenever he was kicked out of his house for reasons too deep to address here, he immediately took to leaving messes and freeloading and I was too awkward to be able to kick him out and dealt with it until he graduated at the end of the year. She/He is NTA for not wanting to be leached off of
@philwill0123 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of sweets have beef and pork gelatine, unless they specifically say vegan friendly. Makes me laugh how many sweets shes eaten without realising in the past lol
@renoloverxoxo 3 жыл бұрын
She's a vegan to be trendy
@OhDangItsBazn 3 жыл бұрын
Mark, If you’re comfortable with the idea, it might be interesting to hear an entire video filled with just the personal stories that you’d be willing to share. Whether they be funny stories, or stories of experiences you had that shaped you into the fine fellow you are. Could be cathartic for you, and folk could benefit from your advice. Just a thought. 👍🏾
@eviebraud1307 3 жыл бұрын
I would listen to that.
@phoenixmoon5580 3 жыл бұрын
Ditto this!
@ashh4929 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Translation "Whaaaaaa I don't want to accept any consequences." Which were NOTHING! NTA for punishing, but YTA for the weak ass punishment and not addressing any of this situation properly.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah bullying really sucks I've had to go through a few years of it and the schools did nothing. So yeah 3rd story you would be the ahole if you took away the punishment and for only doing that one weak punishment. (I forgot which story it was)
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
I have a fun (not fun) bullying story, I haven't really told it but you might find it interesting idk. i'll make it short. 7th grade there was this kid, "Stiletto" (dont remember why I called him that but that was his nickname). He was a transphobic little shit. One day I was pissing, like ya do, he happened to be in there. He'd been bullying me on and off for a while at this point. Bitch decided to chase me all the way to class yelling that I "wasn't a real guy". Then he has the nerve to tell a teacher, who reports me to administration. I get a talk for "making another student uncomfortable" like I was assaulting him or something and not using a fucking BATHROOM STALL like a normal person. I smile and nod as they tell me I'll have to walk the length of half the school to get to the neutral clinic bathroom if I gotta go. I have never wanted to punch someone more in my life when I saw his smug look the next day. Nearly did, in fact. My friends and I hit him several times with wooden blocks (class was woodshop, and it was middle school. Random flying wood hitting people in the face was not out of the ordinary, and not punished). Bitch got his karma later that year when he jumped off the "I" building on a dare and broke both his legs, the bastard. Jokes on him, I know he was only bullying me because he had a crush on me (he sent me a love note! lol) and was repressing his gayness cuz internalized homophobia. Anyways, hope that was an interesting story :) And I totally agree, her punishment should've been way worse
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedestroyasystem oh my goodness. Do you want to get stuff off your chest in discord if so here it is broken_queer_but_fighting #1451 that really sucks that you had to go through that, but is he better now?
@thedestroyasystem 3 жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 I don't really know, haven't seen him in forever. Better off that way for both of us. I don't have discord unfortunately, but my gmail is if you wanna talk there. It's always funny to me because most of the stuff we've been through is just "life" to us, and we honestly just forget. Defensive mechanism to trauma, I guess, in normalizing the negatives so they don't hurt as much. But I'm not trying to throw a pity party lol. We're good. Life is fine. It gets better, right? :)
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedestroyasystem yeah totally 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@Fastdragonstar 3 жыл бұрын
besides gelatin there is also another common non-vegan ingredient in candy... Red dye. the most common and cheapest natural food dye is made from crushed cochineal insects.
@legendofzeldarules44 3 жыл бұрын
On the bully: therapy and charity work for those less fortunate, take away most of her clothes, leave a few plain outfits, a few basic accessories and 2 pairs of shoes, after a month of hard work and therapy give her a chance to apologize if she is ready, come down harder if she refuses to do so.
@epicXtrollface 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine hearing your daughter is literally ruining someone's life and self-worth, and deciding that giving her "ugly" clothes is an appropriate punishment... She literally already owned the clothes, so I doubt they were horrendous. If my parents found out I did something like that, getting the slipper would be like a dream. I wouldn't be surprised if the person she bullied was someone who was way less well-off and was already struggling at home. The parents should have just donated to clothes to the people who were being bullied. They could decide to either wear it or simply sell it.
@gibgabs2899 3 жыл бұрын
Nah For story two, it most definitely is about the LEGOs. That is his practice for a pretty tough job, where you must visualize what you’re gonna build and then know how to build it, and then she just basically looked at it. Looked at his aspirations. And said “Nah, not important”. What a major ass
@blackroseinbloom 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. My passion is knitting (making small stuffed toys/trinkets for family and friends) and I think I’d get absolutely crushed if someone ripped up my yarn and broke my needles and I’m a whole functioning adult. I can’t imagine how sad her child was when all his hard work was crushed by someone he’s been told to trust
@gibgabs2899 3 жыл бұрын
@@blackroseinbloom oh so true, if someone wrecked my sketchbook or something, they better hope God spares them
@cl1cka 3 жыл бұрын
The mother is an asshole as well. Can you imagine 3 kids watching their cousin play with Legos and being told they can only watch by the mother??? Like wtf is wrong with her? That's simply evil and I, nor anyone I know would do that to kids. Her "special" boy will grow up as insufferable narcissist.... Though I have to wonder about the SIL - if the mother did that to kids, what else did she do to the SIL, that led to that outburst.....
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodpl8593 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka What part of the post implied the cousins were watching? It was just a room they weren't allowed to go in. Lego builds can take a lot of time, hundreds of hours on a single project sometimes; hell some people have even managed to make careers from building things out of legos. But most importantly: you must be insufferable to be around, calling a kid who wants to be an architect (not like that even matters, it would be just as bad without his dreams of being an architect; those were HIS builds that he probably spent a LOT of time on) a narcissist? SIL sounds like a mentally unhinged person (who the hell breaks someone else's belongings in another person's house, on purpose, while receiving help?), and the child is nothing but a victim of her entitled rage.
@gibgabs2899 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl1cka you’re a troll aren’t you?
@claritey 3 жыл бұрын
OP's kids came home with 6 bags of candy, adding the 5 taken = 11 bags total for each kid they originally got Neighbor's candy tax takings = 14 bags OP's 2 kids x 5 bags = 10 bags Neighbor's 2 kids x 2 bags = 4 bags So Neighbor lady gets 14 bags but OP's kids get 6 bags each and neighbor's kids get 9 bags each. Lady is incredibly greedy stealing candy from children. She's a damn adult, she can buy extra candy if she wants it so much. She also deserves eating animal products if she doesn't bother to look up the ingredients herself. That's not OP's responsibility.
@flyboy6392 3 жыл бұрын
For the title story, I'd say donate her clothes to a charity, and then get her nothing but thrift store and budget-brand clothes.
@juanperez9688 3 жыл бұрын
In story 2 The SIL is still upset with the divorce and all and she takes it out with everyone around her.
@jessicapalmer3455 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 made me RAGE. As a Lego lover for 25 years of my total 37, this happened to me on a MUCH smaller scale. And I've been salty about it for 21 years. What tf was that aunt thinking?!?! Woof.
@CL-lx2pm 3 жыл бұрын
For story 2 if my grown sister destroyed my child's hard work that he's using to build towards a career so she could "have some space alone," and my wife threw her out without consulting me I'd be livid. I'd want to at least get to throw a few bags myself.
@soulmaster7807 3 жыл бұрын
Had me in the first half lol
@CL-lx2pm 3 жыл бұрын
@@soulmaster7807 OP shoulda thrown the bags at her head lol
@MaryTheresa1986 3 жыл бұрын
I would've stabbed her with the Legos.
@theycallmet3061 3 жыл бұрын
Life tip: if you already have run out of bags,throw her out the house yourself. Just make her go bye bye ~
@CocoCece08 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3 - YTA. As a bullying survivor from grade school through high school, I would have taken ALL her clothes to Goodwill, make her shop there, give up her phone and social media for a year, AND apologize to the girl publicly (in front of her friends and the school). In essence, destroy her like the victim was getting destroyed.
@VikingsRazor 3 жыл бұрын
Our son bullied a poor boy in about 6th grade for not having the same quality of toys and clothes that he did. We made him pack his room and half of his clothes and drove him to the kid's house and made him carry all of the stuff in while we explained to the boy's family what happened. He never bullied poor kids again.
@digit5465 3 жыл бұрын
We need to help rebuild that city! Luckily a man didnt fall into the water this time Title story: if i was the parents id give her two options that the OP gave, but its a trick question. She gets both, with the addition of: - writing an apology letter to the victim - tell the other parents of the girls about what happened and get her to tell them what happened - apologize to the victims parents - and make her go no contact with her friends
@savethebees2574 3 жыл бұрын
On story 2: If an adult had purchased a sandwich, would a different adult (even a relative) be entitled to even half that sandwich? No! Of course not, that's ridiculous. Same concept applies to children. Just because they're a child doesn't mean they can't have their own boundaries.
@andrewmuellner 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: What the hell did she do to get almost expelled? She needs to be better punished. This is my idea. - No nice stuff for a year. - No phone for 9 months. - No friends for 6 months. But, if she does 3 nice things a day, she will get a day off one grounding of her choice. Not just a compliment or something, more like help somebody cross a street, ETC. This will tell her to be nicer to get her things back and maybe she will change her ways.
@Misspellednumbers 3 жыл бұрын
Gosh, the first half of the video. I was angry at how messed up adults can be. She stole 7 BAGS of candy from CHILDREN. She can purchase her own damn candy but instead steals them from children because she had to go door-to-door in an apartment building. I support OP's choice; that woman deserved what was coming. Secondly, the same here! The amount of support Jake gets from his mother is amazing! I was so happy. I'm a hot-headed person, so I probably would've done a whole spin and flung SIL's stuff onto the street, ofc, not the children's. I would've packed that stuff after she ran out for her crap and put it outside my door.
@Ospyro3em 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who was bullied a lot throughout school for things I couldn't help (my looks, my intelligence or just others being arseholes) I have no sympathy fo bullies who feel that their punishment makes them feel "vulnerable and trapped". That's how I felt every day. I was scared to go to school, I lost a lot of confidence because they would take the piss out of everything I said, and it was just generally an awful time. Sometimes, the only thing that will get a bully to stop is to make them feel how the victim feels.
@Tiogair 3 жыл бұрын
If I bullied a girl to the point I was nearly expelled my mom would have taken away everything I love: favorite clothes, phone, computer, time with friends, she would probably make me cut my hair short since she knew it was a security blanket for me in my adolescence. And if I cried or acted upset she would tell me to think about how much worse the girl I bullied felt since she didn’t even deserve what she went through. Parents who question an incredibly lenient punishment raise monsters, you don’t have to whoop a child to teach them a lesson, you just have to be steadfast in your punishments.
@1992KCWolf 3 жыл бұрын
You’ll read more food labels as a vegan than a college student will read books. 2. P.S. taking away the bully’s clothes is not harsh enough of a punishment. IMO. If the mom is vegan for ethical reasons, she should check on which companies test on animals as well, because last I checked Starbursts are Mars candy and they test their chocolate (at least) on animals.
@Kahli21 3 жыл бұрын
Not all vegans care about animal testing, just strictly the consumption of animal products (and honey). Also, there's non-animal gelatin, but it isn't often labeled as such. In any case, the woman is a bitch and deserves what she has coming.
@nyxcuseme 3 жыл бұрын
How can you be vegan and not know about gelatin anyway? :D
@gunnargislason5221 Ай бұрын
This was my first thought too. There's no way that any vegan doesn't know what gelatin is lol generally speaking, vegans are much more knowledgeable about the food industry than non-vegans. It sort of comes with the territory of being vegan. This story sounds like a meat eaters wet dream and I will bet $100 that it's fake.
@smileytuna 3 жыл бұрын
I had a super hectic day in the emergency trauma center (my job) gunshots, stabbings car accidents the list goes on... and listening to mark's calming voice melts all the stress away
@5gaa5 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: that neighbor is a monster. 5 bags of candy from each of OPs kids. Thats absolutely insane. I would loose my mind on that women and then go buy my kids a bag of candy to make up for the candy that b stole.
@ashleysteinhaus9447 3 жыл бұрын
That kid with the LEGOs is gonna be a master Architect someday. Love to see parents supporting their kids like that
@kolonarulez5222 3 жыл бұрын
The title story reminds me of the benefits of a uniform high-school. That whole freedom of expression thing goes away fast after realizing how great it is not worrying about your outfit. Plus it taught me how to accessorize!
@rdcdragonar4726 3 жыл бұрын
In story 2 how dare the SIL destroy his city, building a normal Lego set is difficult even with a set instructions but to make a plan for them, is just amazing and the husband needs to get out aswell
@Pizzamaster8114 3 жыл бұрын
I'm on the same page with you on story three. I can't stand bullying. If I had found out that my (hypothetical) child was bullying someone, honestly, I wouldn't consider them my child anymore. I know that sounds harsh, but I can't stand bullies any further than I can throw them, especially after how horribly I was treated in school.
@MildredCady 3 жыл бұрын
Last story; music degrees aren’t job generators. Not many academic degrees are. And I say this as someone who has a double BA in English and Theater (worked in computer tech support & now am a barista at Starbucks, also with depression), and a husband who has a MA in music. He had enough gigs (playing for ballet classes, school concerts, country/contra dances, etc) before the pandemic and that disappeared when the pandemic started. He’s picking up computer programming gigs (he’s also a developer) to pay the bills while music gigs are mostly non existent.
@HeyMel_B 3 жыл бұрын
She just doesn't have to wear her .. fancy clothes? W h a t? Omg that's not even a punishment, when you bully someone you leave marks that can't fully heal even after so many years. I still feel insecure because of all those years I was bullied, that girl having to wear "ugly clothes" is literally nothing at all. I hope OP can address the problem better and explain her daughter how much pain she caused to the other girl
@NoName-dx1no 3 жыл бұрын
He should’ve shaved her hair and eyebrows at least, daily
@HeyMel_B 3 жыл бұрын
@@NoName-dx1no actually no 👀
@CourtneyHaleMeow 3 жыл бұрын
I was bullied for years by a group of 4 girls. I’m visually impaired and can’t see much. These girls all came from very well off families, always had new clothes, phones, which they bragged of constantly. I don’t know what their home lives were like, so I can’t speak to their motives. But their parents were informed again and again, and nothing was done. My school tried to keep us apart, but they just wouldn’t stop. I don’t know if their parents ever punished them, but nothing ever changed. I really don’t think the punishment given to the daughter was too horrible. She has to learn her actions have consequences.
@catte. 3 жыл бұрын
I repeat: the initial waffle must not be skipped, the gospel needs to be heard, o' holy father cringe!
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Father Cringe haha!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
Lamo and I love your pic its adorable
@catte. 3 жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 thank you 😊
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
@@catte. 💜💜🤗🤗
@Pidgeyato 3 жыл бұрын
Aaa it is an adorable pfp! It was my girlfriend's profile pic once mskdjsk absolutely precious
@RandomTrinidadian 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Lily is a spoiled brat and OP went too easy on her by making her choose her own punishment.
@aliyah859 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: The punishment needs to be way harder but in a way that will help and not make everything worse like the ideas some others here had: Take away her phone, keep the clothing thing up, ground her, contact the parents of the others they need to get punished too. Force her to talk and apologize to the other girl. Teach her more about bullying and show her the results or it (for example Amanda Todd) and most importantly, send her to a therapist.
@dianaphillips8038 Жыл бұрын
The bully - NTA. By making her pick the punishment, she learned how it feels to be vulnerable (like the person she’s bullying) and feeling like she’s in prison. Which is what would happen if her bullying that extreme. And she can’t complain about it because she chose it.
@m.a.4838 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad the parents protected their child's space. It reminds me of the time my mom would babysit for this family and she let the little girl play in my room and the kid completely trashed my room. Next time they came over she wasn't allowed to play in my room.
@alsinakiria 3 жыл бұрын
My mom ate the candy I didn't like (I still can't stand pop or black licorice) and jokingly referred to it as candy tax, but it was never a thing that I had to give. If I had decided suddenly that I liked these things I would not have been pressured to give it up. I would give it to her happily since I couldn't stand the site of them. I think she might have sneaked a bag or two of chips at some point, but again, not my favourites. She knew me well enough to know which would be the last ones eaten.
@hevvy 3 жыл бұрын
I was bullied badly as a small child for being awkward and not standing/walking correctly, which I later found was due to hEDS. I am now 52 and still suffer self esteem issues and panic in a large group of strangers. Make you child understand the results of her behaviour and if the bullied child agrees make her apologise. The punishment was not enough. Hugs of understanding and sympathy to Mark and anyone else who has been bullied. You are amazing!!! 🤗
@eviebraud1307 3 жыл бұрын
That 3rd story has me pissed. I got heavily bullied up until and even in part of high school. I was bullied for being autistic. Not even enforcing an apology she deserved all of those punishments. Take her phone. Take her clothes. Make her make a public apology. If this was my kid they would have there phone and clothes taken, she would stay at home, and I would enforce an apology. I might even make her stand on the side of the road with a sign saying she was nearly expelled for bullying. Op might as well be letting her off the hook. I would make sure my child knows full well what effects bullying has on the mind.
@pencilduster2938 3 жыл бұрын
On Story 1 I would wait for her to finish the bag, tell my kids to leave and before I went home with my kids I'd tell her "by the way gelatin is made out of animal products" and leave without letting her be mad at me because I'm already mad at her for taking 5 candy bags from each of my kids. In story 2 before I'd throw her out I'd check the bags to find hers and when I do I'd pour coke in the bag before throwing her out with her kids (I know it would damage her properties but that's a good revenge on a entitled person)
@jeancarbonneau6966 3 жыл бұрын
I found the second story really nice for OP's son but when her sister in law "demanded" the space for herself, that was too much. To top it off, she destroyed so much time and effort that he had put in to building his city. Yes, Legos are toys but they're there to help children into being able to construct objects. I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing this to also help him not to be anxious and stay calm. The sister is the asshole for completely destroying the boy's work. I would have thrown her out as well for what she did. But her children would be able to stay.
@scottcandace 3 жыл бұрын
I always told my daughter that I wouldn't tolerate "mean girl bullshit". I told her that if I found out she was bullying anybody, that I would put her into servitude to that person, make her do laundry, clean room, wash dishes, etc. I told her that she should think carefully about how she treats people. I started telling her this in elementary school.
@Wednesdaywoe1975 3 жыл бұрын
Bully: Her clothes just got donated. She gets 2 outfits, and going forward, if she wants more, she will earn the money and only be allowed to buy 2nd hand. No phone, no free computer time. Her weekends are now devoted not to shopping, but to community service. Therapy. No contact with her friends. Ever.
@komal146 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3- the brat doesn't love fashion, she uses it as currency to rule her bully ring
@oliviabean8264 3 жыл бұрын
I had a fellow student try to lowkey murder me by fucking with my bike brakes... for context the school is located on a raised area with steep ramps that go straight onto the highway... it came shockingly close to happening... the response was a 2 week in school suspension. I've heard in some schools even sexual assault doesn't cut it... what the daughter did must have been pretty damn horrible. Definitely YTA for not correcting her hard enough, that girl needs some therapy or something.
@ezra2701 3 жыл бұрын
Hearing Mark talk about his experience with bullies makes me just wanna cry. He's so pure and deserves all the waffles
@sandyberger-r9j 3 жыл бұрын
Bully story: the daughter hasn’t learned anything from being caught and punished. She should be ashamed of herself, feel remorse- instead she fells sorry for herself, nor for her victim. Red flag!
@Sabbats-martyr 3 жыл бұрын
The bully feels upset and vulnerable she has tasted her own medicine and it is bitter
@ComaLies225 3 жыл бұрын
story 2: The audacity for SIL to demand more room when shes a guest in your house is insane. She's an adult, she should know better and I'm assuming OPs husband and family enabled her behavior. NTA. Kick her out. Story 3: YTA. this isn't even a punishment. Oh, lilly's sad? Lilly should consider the feelings of the student she bullied. Oh boo hoo, this is what it feels like when you have to experience the consequences of your own actions. How traumatizing!
@lee02jepson 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 the girl who is the ring leader for the bullies. This girl needs a harsher punishment, and take her to counseling + not just one visit, it needs to be extensive. This needs to jumped on right away, not just for the girl being bullied but also the girl doing the bulling as she will go into adulthood thinking its just fine to bully others, you just have to get away with it. Bullies start with verbal attacks + develop into physical attacks, which will lead to jail time for her. The parents should ask themselves 'do they want their grandchildren raised by a woman who likes bulling other?' The grandchildren will be the same if you let the daughter be this way. The parents could nip it in the bud now or pay the consequence later.
@TheIronwil 3 жыл бұрын
Legos City: NTA, and I'd suggest a VERY serious talk with OP's husband for not backing her on this. A parent's primary duty isn't to house their in-laws or siblings, but to protect their children. Bully daughter: NTA, but just barely. The punishment was far too light, given the school was ready to expel this girl. Especially in today's society, it takes something VERY serious to merit expelling a student. Not having her designer clothes is probably tough on her, but not nearly tough enough. Friend Moving In: NTA, and PLEASE don't let him move in with an agreement that he has to get a job within a certain time. That time will come and go, and getting him out once he's lived there for months will be a freaking nightmare. Also, I'm wondering about the parents' abuse... when I learned he earned a music degree (not terribly useful), that sent up all kinds of red warning flags. When someone gets a music degree, they'd better be really, really good or they'll never make a penny off of it. His parents, rather than abusive, might have simply gotten sick of supporting him.
@philtrumble 3 жыл бұрын
I was bullied all through school until I took a victory lap. I became a bully hunter in my last two years talked to kids who were bullied and offered "Solutions" for them. The staff said I was becoming a bully. I explained that the bullys brought it upon themselves. I existed in a grey area if the staff stopped me they would be opening a can of worms and have to acknowledge there was a problem. Most teachers appreciated when I was in class because there would be no issues with trouble makers in their classroom. I was encouraged to become part of the anti-bullying club in the school but then I couldn't help those kids that really needed it ( they had a strict hands-off policy that I wasn't willing to sign).
@blackfedoramedia6498 3 жыл бұрын
Now I see how some people think the punishment isn't hard enough, but you've got to hit the offender where it hurts. I would defiantly extend the time to like the whole year, maybe even hand over some of her clothes to the kid she was bullying, but imagine if someone took away you're favorite hobby. It's a great (and very well deserved) punishment
@mkitten13 3 жыл бұрын
The bully daughter got off way too easy. Choosing her own punishment? Are you kidding me? She's not upset about what she's done, just that she got caught. I've met former bullies who got found out and got proper consequences for it, such a person ended up comforting me at a time when I needed someone. She cried with shame telling me her story, and how witnessing what the other kids did to me made her think about what she once had done. She was grateful for her dad for giving her proper consequences and teaching her what she had actually done to that other kid. THAT is how you raise a proper human. OP is enabling their bully daughter to continue her horrible behaviour.
@CF1971 3 жыл бұрын
Taking a candy tax = AH. Telling her after she ate it? Delightful
@wickedamoeba8719 3 жыл бұрын
“Candy tax” is the couple of pieces of candy you eat when you’re allergy checking a kid’s candy haul. It’s maybe a piece or two, not an entire bag! Who takes entire bags of candy from kids? That’s disgusting!
@DoomyMacDoomface 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: NTA. If your friend has mental health problems the last thing he needs is someone he can mooch off of and enabling him to not take care of his problems. Working and taking responsibility for himself as well as seeking some kind of MH treatment will be better for him in the long run.
@trainerlesseevee478 3 жыл бұрын
I was bullied by my own family. My stepdad and his parents would call me names, belittle and give me backhanded compliments that were really insults. It was almost verbal abuse. Example: "Have you gained weight? You're huge! You should lose weight before you cant move anymore." "Shut up, no one wants to hear you talk about nothing!" My name rhymes with belly so they would call my named followed by belly and they knew I hated it. It made me feel fat and ugly. I asked my mom to make them stop but they never did. They would always call me weight related names as "terms of endearment" And theres the physical part. Shoving, slamming doors, breaking things. Things like that destroyed my self esteem, I lost any sense of safety and it gave me depression, anxiety and everyday I wished I didnt wake up. I STILL feel the effects of what they put me through, even in my late 20's I think about the things they said and did to make me feel like I was nothing. I still struggle with my weight because of it too. Anyway, bullies NEED to be punished for what they put another person through. No exceptions.
@Tara........ 3 жыл бұрын
The gall of that woman to demand the little boy's office and then trash it when she doesn't get her way. I'd have kicked her out too!
@this_username_is_taken7004 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: If anything, that punishment is far too lenient. If I were the parent, I'd do the following: - Have her give an extensive apology to the victim and her parents. - Make the brat wear ugly, charity shop clothes for a full year - Take her phone away for a year - Make her be a lone sheep for a year, aka, no socialising in/out of school. (Also, I'd transfer her to a different school) - Then, I'd have her live as a nun for that period, so her life would just be wake up, school, do homework, chores, have dinner, sleep and repeat. Her only contact with society would be through volunteer work for charities.
@giraffe116 3 жыл бұрын
I was a bit of a bully when I was a kid. Not because I was a mean kid, but I was very troubled. If my parents punished me for this behavior, instead of trying to understand WHY I was acting out, I would’ve felt extremely betrayed and unsafe in my own home. Parents are so quick to be angered, but good parents take the time to understand their children.
@koorwin 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2. Sister tried that to in my home. She was kicked out too
@Slicksterpat 3 жыл бұрын
Story one, I would have done exactly what the OP did.
@ericaschaidt8588 3 жыл бұрын
@lizgawin899 3 жыл бұрын
@@ericaschaidt8588 story 1: in addition to outing the mom the op should have taken her kids to get candy to replace what was stolen AND told the other parents to watch out for the vegan mom cause she stole from kids. story two: man poor kid. maybe someone should destroy something the entitled mum/her kids works super hard on. let them see how the poor kid felt. story 3: as someone who was bullied i am glad something was done. my school hid it from my grandmother, i call her my mom, and ignored the problem. it really messed up my life so i'm glad something is being done, still the punishment seemed weak. the victim felt isolated and the bully should be made to feel the full way the victim did
@locutus442 3 жыл бұрын
Title story: the bully daughter deserves so much more punishment. She shouldn't have had the option of her punishment. If I was the parent, she would get both punishments, made to apologize (pending the approval of the victim), and be grounded for a very long time. Bullying to the point where the school would have expelled her if her grades weren't as high as they were means that there was some serious bullying going on. She got off way too light.
@pennyclark4844 3 жыл бұрын
I have complex ptsd due to my dad dying when I was 9 and the bullying I received all the way through school until the day I left. The punishment of taking away the girls designer clothes is the most pathetic punishment ever. This girl will not learn anything and will probably continue to be a bully but be more sneaky about it.
@theycallmet3061 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: If my wife kicked a grown ass adult out of the house for breaking my kid's project he put his heart and soul in and also wants to turn this in a career I wouldn't throw her bags out...I'd just grab the sister herself and make her go *Ya-Yeet* out the door. Story 3: I have tried to *UnAlive.JPG* due to bullying so here's the punishment I'd do if I was this kid's parent since she probably did some major shit to that kid she lynched: - Since she was the ringleader I'd shove her in front of the bullied girl and force her to kneel and apologise to her - Take away her phone for as long as I decide while ALSO take her clothes,makeup and all. Even beauty products since she is apparently obsessed with her appearance. - If she complains about her fancy clothes being taken away I'll just say "It's either that or a clown costume. That's what you're acting like. Story 4: Since he apparently he's suffering from depression as an excuse I'd drag him to a therapist to get an actual mental health diagnosis. If this turns out to be false,he gets the boot. If he does,I'll let him in *ONLY* if he either gets a job in time due to the ultimatum,or looks for one as much as possible with physical proof of him looking for it. When he gets it,I'd have him split the bills with me. Also if he is actually depressed and struggling with mental health I'd just "force" him to put some of his allowance aside for therapy as it's a priority. TLDR: Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
@LordBison98 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: What kind of witch charges candy tax?! Story 3: You don't like making your daughter feel upset and vulnerable? But looks like your daughter loves making others feel upset and vulnerable to say very VERY lightly. YTA for not punishing her as harsh as possible for trash she did.
@BronzeDragon133 3 жыл бұрын
The Big Waffle at the beginning IS TOO SMALL. I NEED MORE WAFFLE!
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
They will be taking over soon!
@andrewmuellner 3 жыл бұрын
@mbyerly9680 3 жыл бұрын
Watch more than one video so you can stack them together.
@andrewmuellner 3 жыл бұрын
@andrewmuellner 3 жыл бұрын
@OverTheMoon891 3 жыл бұрын
If the bully daughter has second thoughts about her chosen punishment, allow her to swap to the other option. Thats the only bit of leniency she deserves. Even giving her a choice is giving her too much credit, in my opinion. What if her bullying actually caused someone to die? She needs to learn that her actions and behavior has consequences.
@azadalamiq 3 жыл бұрын
story 2: major nta. first off FORCED sharing is not sharing and teaches nothing. second sil is an adult and she destroyed the kids property. she could permanently ruin the lagos also.
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