My Husbands Sister REFUSES To Leave Our Home So I Told Him, It's Either Me Or Her - Reddit Podcast

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Mark Narrations

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@hothotheat3000 2 жыл бұрын
Love how the idiot husband didn’t care about this issue until it affected him (trying to work and can hear the kids screaming). I’d have left and let them play house together. Husband better be groveling to his wife for forgiveness.
@rebajoe 2 жыл бұрын
Hope he was the one who cleaned the house while op finally was finally able to get some bed rest.
@rebajoe 2 жыл бұрын
@@holographicwing ah so he's learned but hasn't changed
@devchekhov7512 2 жыл бұрын
So pathetic that husband didn't have any empathy for his wife until he actually went through what OP was going through, like OP's words weren't enough. That man has zero empathy for her. It's nobody's job to hold your hand like that.
@DragonicGamer32 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. Only when it started affecting HIM did he actually care.
@Biusmenoi 5 ай бұрын
Not a good person this marriage is going to end soon purely bc of his lack of empathy. He only changes when things affect him and him only. If thats the case he’s going to be a neglectful father as well
@FoxgloveWanderer 2 жыл бұрын
First story: same thing happened with my grandma. My grandpa built her a house and they moved in after their wedding. Within a week she'd moved in her brother, whom my grandfather hated. He never put his foot down. By the time my grandfather died, the second floor of the house *he'd built* had been chopped up into an apartment and my great uncle was *still there* . If you ever find yourself in this situation put your foot down fast or your 'guest' will never leave.
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
That’s like my worse nightmare
@nela3986 2 жыл бұрын
@dodgyyoutuber9560 Жыл бұрын
My gosh…
@josephbrown9665 Жыл бұрын
I bought my sister a house so she could leave her husband. I was going to add it to my rental income property. My mom called me and said that she was in the hospital. I said that I had just got the house that she has now and I got it for the taxes so it was cheap but it was in need of a lot of work. I got the kitchen working and remodeled the main bathroom and removed all carpet and fixed all the walls and air conditioner and heating system. She moved in the house a week later and I just signed the house over to her once she had filled out the paperwork for her divorce. She still has the house. She has made it very nice.
@ScreamingDucksShotMyMother Жыл бұрын
@@josephbrown9665You sound like an absolutely amazing brother, and great human being. You were raised well.
@josephedward7534 2 жыл бұрын
The SIL’s baby daddy is also an AH. Not for kicking out the SIL, but for abandoning his kids. He should have made a plan to make sure the kids would be taken care of, before kicking her out.
@melvinthewatermelon4459 5 ай бұрын
I agree. Not liking the mother of your children is not a reason not to house your own children.
@helenlewis2510 2 жыл бұрын
Op should still consider marriage counseling if it took this long for her husband to come around
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, or at the very least solo therapy for him. Husband has bad habits from his passive family that need to be swept out of his mind.
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
@@Davtwan it's very obvious how toxic the family dynamic is.
@Tanjaaraus 2 жыл бұрын
yup. He didn't believe his wife's word for it. He had to experience the sister neglecting her kids himself for him to really believe it
@MovableNu 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. They obviously need to figure out how they’ll handle raising their kid. This could easily go into Permissive Fun Dad where Mom has to become the Strict Disciplinarian Battle Axe to compensate. That’s awful for everyone.
@keplersdream901 2 жыл бұрын
@@MovableNu Agreed. Honestly, OP shouldn't have kept the pregnancy or the marriage. The husband's a loser. If it took him that long to see his sister's behavior, he won't have OP's back in other areas.
@jeanjohnson8492 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Call the baby daddy and tell him he needs to take his children out of your house because she is going to be evicted by you. And, tell the baby daddy and the sister both that unless she leaves your house, you are going to contact Child Protective Services.
@angietyndall7337 2 жыл бұрын
#1. This lady, who is pregnant, a house, and a husband should not have to deal with a LAZY SIL. She doesn't need the stress as it could cause premature labor; etc. Good for this lady for putting up boundaries. Her SIL needs to be held accountable for neglect, etc.
@armaggedon390 2 жыл бұрын
Glad OP got rid of the parasite infesting her home. It's sad that it had to come to this, but the family has been coddling her for too long. She's not acting like an adult with 3 children, she's acting like a 15 year old; a particularly immature one at that.
@vincentstuart9562 2 жыл бұрын
Idk about that, when I was 15 I could cook, I did house chores, took care of the dogs, mowed the lawn, knew how to apply for a job, and knew how to change oil in a car.
@zozocecp 2 жыл бұрын
@@vincentstuart9562 That’s above average therefore your point is moot. The average 15 yr old does not know how to change a car’s oil, most adults don’t. This screams “Please give me brownie points”. No I don’t agree with OP’s sister in law but this “But I was this age doing x thing” is annoying, your experiences aren’t anybody else’s.
@stillvisibletoallusers 2 жыл бұрын
@@vincentstuart9562 I was the same at 15, minus the changing oil lol, I can change a tyre, anything beyond that...nope. Some teens are actually interested in learning life skills. Others are coddled or just refuse to learn. Sounds like that's the case for the sister.
@GabrielleHayes1921 2 жыл бұрын
@@vincentstuart9562 same (except cooking anything more than spaghetti and cupcakes lol), my parents made sure I knew all these things. The cooking luckily didn't cause too much of an issue, I don't remember if I ever really cooked before leaving home, I try and try but don't remember much before leaving, but ever since getting married and living with my husband I've done just fine with cooking, a couple meals were absolutely horrible, but I tried and that's what was important. The only time I really stayed away from all food was during my pregnancy with our oldest, I would walk to the kitchen, open the fridge, feel sick, close the door and go back to bed before I threw up, it was like that until the second trimester which was understandable. With our second I didn't have that same luxury, so I covered my nose and made food for our daughter and him and quickly left the scene lol. It doesn't take much to learn these things and I really hope the baby daddy calls CPS and gets evidence through OP so he can get full custody of the kids that she doesn't care for.
@roserocks1979 2 жыл бұрын
No,at least most 15 year olds know how to cook basic things. Don't insult them.
@stillvisibletoallusers 2 жыл бұрын
Solid effort OP. Disappointed your husband was as oblivious to his sister as he was. But good on you, your home, your choice. You did the right thing for you, your baby and marriage.
@jdenameinit 2 жыл бұрын
I think he noticed but he wasn’t the one taking care of things when it got bad. His wife took care of dirty dishes, dirty house, etc…. Look at the last update. She says he came around when he started working from home and hearing the kids crying all day while she was sitting in her room pretending not to hear it. Once it started to interfere with him and his work then he had a problem with it. I’m glad OP took care of the issue and if anyone in the family has a problem with it then they can take the sister in and cater to her.
@DragonicGamer32 2 жыл бұрын
@@jdenameinit yup. Once it became a problem for HIM he realized that this cannot work. He hated it. But I think what he hated more is that because he and his sister stopped speaking to OP, neither of them could offload the work on her and he was forced to deal with the problem himself.
@FreeTans239 2 жыл бұрын
@@DragonicGamer32 maybe not so much it became a problem from HIM, but he saw first hand it was a problem period? Eye opening experience? Lol
@phoenixsky6124 2 жыл бұрын
Why would the father kick his kids out with the one who is neglecting them. Both parents are neglecting those poor kids.
@shortnsweet057 5 ай бұрын
He could have had a job with long hours or he was brought up believing the kids are better off with their mom.
@melvinthewatermelon4459 5 ай бұрын
@@shortnsweet057 moms who work long hours are still expected to figure out child care while they’re working. It’s just part of being a parent. Also him thinking they’d be better with her is crap. He’s lived with her he knows she doesn’t care for them properly.
@sasakimirai4318 2 жыл бұрын
"What did I do to deserve a community like you all?" Mark, you're the one that cultivated an environment that drew people like us to your channel. If you weren't always such a bright, lovely, warm person, we wouldn't all have stuck around for as long as we have! Please keep being you and never change
@ScooterBond1970 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 💗💖💕💜💞❣
@nathryl03 2 жыл бұрын
You couldn't have said it better 💜
@catte. 2 жыл бұрын
This ☝️ I totally agree
@magiv4205 2 жыл бұрын
I was there before we were Waffle gang. Even back then, it felt special🧇🧇🧇
@edmondallen9393 2 жыл бұрын
Yup 👍
@ruthdragon962 2 жыл бұрын
What op does not realise is the sister planned all of this you build a nice new 5 bedroomed house and she thinks she has hit the jackpot.
@susanrobbins9476 2 жыл бұрын
This is why my husband and I live in a small home that is not great for long term visitors. We are choosy about who we invite to visit since so many have no respect for other's possessions.
@holyek7892 2 жыл бұрын
OP should just divorce the husband. The update was worse. If it was her family he would have kicked them out but her Babylonian sister can stay indefinitely? OP's husband's loyalty is only with his flesh and blood. She should throw the whole man out and move her family in to support her with the baby.
@RIC0H720p 2 жыл бұрын
If it was me and I gave 30 days notice and then they made a post on social media like that, I'd come home and be like: "You now have 48hrs to GTFO". If they moaned about the 48hrs, I say "Congratz, you now have 24hrs to GTFO".
@paden1865able 2 жыл бұрын
Never let a slob and user move into your home, you're never gonna get rid of them. We found this out from harsh experience.
@alma5147 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1. When I lived at home with my parents I was allowed to live there rent-free, however I was actively searching for work and was deep-cleaning the house every other week as well as cook the dinner every night, and the dishes after. The sister is horrifying, and disgusting. Can't take care of your children then stop making them.
@marleneperry6972 Жыл бұрын
Apparently bad parenting, wonder how the husband would describe how they grew up? My father is letting me stay, getting on my feet, I do chores/buy food/assist the useful in other words.
@kmechwarrior1684 2 жыл бұрын
S1: First mistake, letting her stay over at all, knowing how worthless and useless she is. Now she can claim tenancy and make it a drawn out legal battle to get rid of her. Secret calls to CPS since BD didn't want her OR his kids.... Your ultimatum to hubby is a bummer, but necessary. Good, stand your ground. SIL would be a horrible influence on your child, and your hubby isn't going to be much of a father if he can;t put his foot down and enforce common sense rules. When you get the house in the divorce, you can kick them all out. S1 Update: You have NOTHING to feel shitty about.
@notconvincedgranny6573 2 жыл бұрын
SIL ended up getting kicked out by BD again and is with her parents again.
@Passions5555 2 жыл бұрын
Let's be real, SIL's parents are at fault here. They obviously spoiled her.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
@@Passions5555 Jup. But SIL is an adult now so every new day she has the chance to change her life for the better. Her parents can't make their mistake right anymore, SIL will have to do that herself.
@Passions5555 Жыл бұрын
@@Nathan_Bookwurm exactly.
@erikabury2341 2 жыл бұрын
This story reminds me a lot of what happened to me when I was pregnant. Basically my husband and I while I was 5 months pregnant moved into a two bedroom two bath home, Then my husband's mother ended up asking to move in, with her two grandbabies that she had just recently got custody of Ages 2m and 4f. So we let her move in because she offered to pay rent for our spare bedroom. Which actually wasn't too bad and would have worked out very well because his mother was very nice she cleaned up after herself and she took care of the kids very well. But the problems started when, I was five and a half weeks pregnant, my husband's cousin his wife and his three kids, needed a place to stay, so for the sake of the kids 6f, 4m, 1f we let them stay in living room to get back on their feet. Told them that him and his wife need to find a job and that I'd gladly watch the children for them to start working and get a few paychecks under the belt so they could find a place to live. But a few weeks turned into a few months and by the time I gave birth they had basically had trash the house and still did not have any work it got to the point where I ended up just moving out getting a one bedroom one bath for myself and my daughter who was just a few weeks old. And i ended up separating from my husband because he took their side and thought it was wrong to kick them out. But next thing I know when my daughter was 2 months old they were falling behind on rent, and was looking at being evicted. And They were calling me to ask me if I could help them. I obviously told them no. that's why you should never let family move in with you, especially if they're being kicked out of the place they are living for certain reasons, you shouldn't let them move in because obviously those reasons are why they're homeless in the first place why do you think they're going to change just because they're living with you.
@kimnamjooniemoni2221 2 жыл бұрын
Did you get a divorce?
@erikabury2341 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimnamjooniemoni2221 no we didn't. it took a long time but we ended up fixing things and he learned the hard way that he can't enable people.
@heathermcdougall8023 2 жыл бұрын
@@erikabury2341 Weird that MIL, husband, BIL and his wife couldn't afford the rent. 4 adults!!
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Egads! A fricken clown house!
@erikabury2341 2 жыл бұрын
@@heathermcdougall8023 MIL was on disability and wasn't getting child support for the two grandbabies she was caring for, so they were practically just living on my husband's income. Because the other two refused to work, or chores, and most of the time they didn't even look after there own kids. So that's why they couldn't afford rent.
@GMWILD87 2 жыл бұрын
Well OP missed one of the biggest opportunities to leave for a week or two and let her husband take care of the house his sister would destroy in that time and let it finally finally dawn on him missed opportunity man.
@rumooooni 2 жыл бұрын
Fr fr the only reason he even "came around" was because he noticed his wife wasnt helping with the kids or house cleaning anymore lol
@treehouse2902 Жыл бұрын
1. BIL should file for divorce and full custody since she's unable to be responsible. Calling CPS is a great idea. OP's husband is spineless.
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Happy to hear that OP stood up for herself. I’ve been in her position with brothers, my mom’s bfs, nephew, son and ex husband. It gets easier. Lol
@Tooth_Fairy 2 жыл бұрын
Future storytime? 😅
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tooth_Fairy a short one. I had to toss out one of my mom’s bf because he got drunk and peed in the corner of her bedroom. My mom relied on me to do the heavy lifting.
@Objective-Observer Жыл бұрын
I would have my lawyer contact the Baby Daddy and work with him, to get the SIL declared an incompetent parent and get her out of the house. Have the lawyer present the Baby Daddy with all the various public assistance available to a single parent. Once sister is out of the picture, then the rest of the family can help the kids.
@macylouwho1187 2 жыл бұрын
Saw this happen with family. My adopted father’s sister lost her husband and suddenly would not stay alone in her new (nice) apartment. Everyone was being gentle with her because she had just lost her husband, and was obviously grieving. A family member took her in (two adults no children), and she badly overstayed her welcome and left messes that the couple was not used to. She would not leave, so they ended up moving out and leaving her there. They had been renting, so they bought a house too small for her to live with them. Eventually she went back to her own apartment and the rental house was given up. A year later she started having panic attacks and some sort of fits, so husband and I let her stay with us for two weeks. At the end of that, I was done too because I had become basically a servant to her cooking and cleaning up after her (again due to her husband’s death everyone was still babying her a bit). He was a really nice man who helped everyone and everyone felt like it was some sort of repayment to him for his constant kindness that his wife be helped as needed. But by week two she was becoming a bit too demanding and problematic, and definitely messy. She was a large woman and left poo streaks on the back of the toilet seat from trying to wipe from behind and then left it. Yeah that wasn’t ok with me AT ALL because I had to clean that and I politely but firmly told her that her time was up at the end of the week since she was doing better and not having more fits. She looked disappointed but not surprised. She left as asked at the end of that week. She has frequently went to stay with her large extended family often over the years, but everyone has been strong enough not to let her actually run them right out of their own place again like that first couple did 😂
@zachf748 2 жыл бұрын
It blows my mind when people like SIL return peoples generous favors by spitting in their face…
@itsjustme7487 2 жыл бұрын
Why isn't SIL getting child support? She needs to get a job!
@albertgongora6944 2 жыл бұрын
Dude I'm not going to lie the story brings back feelings when I first had to kick out my own brother I didn't like doing it but because of him and his friend I had no choice and I know how it feels when it's very difficult to basically kick out your own blood especially when you're trying to you know maintain a good relationship with them
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes it’s impossible to have both.
@nairbvel 2 жыл бұрын
Two kids, pregnant with #3, refuses to get a job, does not learn how to drive, can't do even basic cooking -- CPS would (and should) have a field day with that woman.
@astronautviolet153 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 NTA I really do hope baby daddy gets full custody of those children,. Especially having a mother like that won't even provide for her kids.
@Passions5555 2 жыл бұрын
Is he the daddy of all the kids or just the youngest?
@astronautviolet153 2 жыл бұрын
His the father of all the children.
@neritique 2 жыл бұрын
"What did I do to deserve a community like you all?" Easy answer; wholesome people attract other wholesome people. Y'all, keep it up!
@indiashante1560 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad my husband and I live too far away for anyone to randomly show up on our doorstep. This is part of the reason why I never want to move back to our home state. You have to literally schedule a time to come visit us.
@bioshockbrat9171 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: this is why you don't live with family. Stuff gets convoluted, manipulative, and a huge fight. "We're family." Grown adults acting like children to get their way. "You can't throw me out, I have kids!" I hate that so much, people's kids aren't an excuse to do anything you want!
@HinataElyonToph Жыл бұрын
Me to the SIL: You aren’t even taking care of them, honey. Nice try
@inthewindago 2 жыл бұрын
When circumstance let me to living in my sisters basement. I did all I could to be as little a burden as possible. I helped her clean, and cook. And always babysat my niece and nephew whenever she won’t me to. I was also actively looking for work. I feel uncomfortable being a quest in someone else’s house for more that a couple days. Even when I’m just visiting from out of town, they are family, and willingly offered me to stay their. I will always do everything I can to reduce my impact on their daily lives. I find doing the particular household chore. That they find the hardest to keep up with. For them the whole time I’m there. Is most appreciated. (My Stepmom taught me this. She always does my dishes when she’s here. Lol )
@OZARKMOON1960 2 жыл бұрын
That girl was just damn lazy. How f'ing hard is it to boil canned or frozen veggies, stick a chicken in the oven and cook it, or throw a can of tuna and a can of soup into cooked noodles? It is not expensive to eat decent , just takes a little effort - which seems beyond her ability. So glad OP got that leech out of her damn house!
@cardwitch91 2 жыл бұрын
Or even just boiling cheap chicken breasts. My go-to lazy mean of boiled chicken and tinned veggies.
@carolroberts4614 2 жыл бұрын
Chicken breast isn't cheap here in the UK!
@anonmouse15 4 ай бұрын
Why bother? She's established that everyone will do everything for her, up to the point of this story.
@NoOne-fo1di Жыл бұрын
" I'm not leaving because I have nowhere to go" would have had me talking her "that's your problem and if you're not out in 30 days I will call the police to remove you and I'm sure they'll give you a place to stay for a couple nights"
@jenniferkay9789 2 жыл бұрын
"Sister gets out, within 30 days, or I leave, and file for divorce, full custody, and child support!" Give her 30 days, in writing, and if shes still there, file for divorce.
@kitsumekat 2 жыл бұрын
First mistake for the couple in the first story is that they gave SIL their address.
@TheIronwil 2 жыл бұрын
Haven't even listened to the story yet, but I can predict with near-certainty that OP has been pushed way too far. When siblings or parents move in, it's almost always a sh*t-show. edit: Even worse than I thought. She can't cook or drive? Never worked a single job?? And they let her move in??? I'm going to throw a bit of shade OP's way here, because she already knew what a useless person her SIL is, and that she has no means to support herself. How did OP think such an arrangement would be temporary? This was extremely foolish.
@lisaedwards2542 2 жыл бұрын
Even when I stay in hotels I leave the room spotless. I would feel guilty being such a burden.
@ddjohnson3961 2 жыл бұрын
My family member is doing the same thing right now. She weaponizes her kids not having a home but keeps getting kicked out or loses any home she gets. Family let her in and she disrespects the house and their generosity. The kids run rampant and neglected. It’s like once they get a certain age she doesn’t care about them anymore. My grandma won’t let us kick her out. She has burned so many family bridges that she doesn’t have anymore to stand on.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Aww mark we don't deserve you and your videos honestly the waffles and silliness that happens is the best part of my day
@AJ-qe5xj 2 жыл бұрын
I just love when (sarcasm) other people get mad at family/friends when they don’t allow a person to keep living/mooching off them because they’re either lazy/manipulating or on hard times, yet all these people criticizing aren’t willing or always have excuses why they can’t take that person in for a while to give her a break.
@lovelywolv 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if the father wants the children but SIL is keeping him from them. They probably need to be given to him because she has no way to provide for them.
@cynicalminion 2 жыл бұрын
ultimatums are manipulative, but when you're so fed up that you're willing to be the one that goes, THEN they work...
@tinycrimester 2 жыл бұрын
"I'm being attacked!" "Yes."
@catherinejones5723 2 жыл бұрын
Lady who is stuck with SIL and is pregnant.. hope you get this sorted, your baby's health is paramount in the early stages this could be very bad.
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you think ultimatums don't work? They are primarily given because one party is disrespecting the boundaries of the ultimatum giver. The boundaries will be respected or that person will no longer be in their life. And if the ultimatum giver actually follows through, they are 100% effective, as you either now have your boundaries respected or the problem itself goes away. That's a win win win win from every angle. Ultimatums are good and sometimes necessary. Idk why people think they're bad. Refusing to accept disrespect is a good thing. Edit: OH. I get why people think they're bad. It's the people they're being given TO who think they're a bad thing, as entitled and narcissistic people who actually need to be given ultimatums often think they have the right to disregard everyone else's boundaries, and are downright offended when they're told to stop. So just keep that in mind.. if you're shit talking ultimatums, maybe YOU'RE the problem 😂
@Khellyyyyyy 2 жыл бұрын
I agree! Some people are vehemently against ultimatums. I guess i can see why tho. But like you said, ultimatums are usually given when your boundaries has been majorly crossed several times. That's not problematic, that's actually healthy! Now, i know there are people who's going to abuse it by giving out ultimatums left and right just for shits and giggles. Those kind of people are the ones who needed to be hit with an ultimatum "Either stop this or consider yourself single"😂
@coreymartin6486 2 жыл бұрын
Yea, if the" baby daddy" didn't take her back I would suggest calling CPS.....maybe even still calling. She's not properly cleaning them, feeding them, etc. Are they even going to be able to get any schooling? The sister can't even be bothered to get her driver's license, so do you think she's gonna register her kids at a school? How far behind are they compared to other kids? Would the sister even care to teach them to tie their shoes? She acts like a neglectful 12 year old who has ignored pet hamsters. I don't like comparing kids to pets....but you get my point. I wonder how many baby daddies she has.
@wendyhamm9722 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! We got a "cheeky so and so"! Whoohoo!
@runawayfromtoads674 2 жыл бұрын
I hate cleaning as much as the next person but surely there must be some shame when you're living with another family right?? I can't believe the family babied the sister in law for so long. I'd be out of the house had I been pulling this kinda shit 😅
@debbymccormack6525 2 жыл бұрын
This story really pisses me off. There is a HUGE difference in helping someone out who has run into a difficult time and supporting someone who does nothing to take care of themselves. Just because you have the same blood running through your veins doesn't mean that you have to support and take care of family members. And the husband, what a weenie he is. He didn't see any issues until it affected him working from home? So he not only had blinders on to his sisters leechiness, but he failed to listen to his wife. Weenie of the year. That whole family sounds like a bag of mixed nuts.
@murielross9288 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine having a newborn that won't be able to sleep because her children have no training in being a kid
@askreddit3021 2 жыл бұрын
Husbands family really enjoyed acting like they could judge the OOP so she could be the scapegoat for the family.
@lorifiedler13 2 жыл бұрын
#1 Give the husband the exit date for his sister or herself and dont bring it up again. If sister isn't gone on that day, walk out. Might have to do a 30/60 day eviction notice.
@D-Dollie 2 жыл бұрын
SIL is so entitles to OP’s house. She is living there FOR FREE and is so ungrateful!! Not to mention having two children and one on the way when she is just 22 years. What the actual heck!!! A few years ago when I moved to a new city, I moved in with a cousin until I got on my feet. She wouldn’t allow me to pay for any bills. So I cleaned, cooked and kept the fridge/pantry full to show my appreciation!!!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever is reading this i send hugs and great vibes. Drink water, eat food, nap, take a break, take care of yourself gosh darn it. And if you don't I swear I will find you and keep you in a cottage and take care of you. 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@animefallenangel 2 жыл бұрын
I've packed my bags, when can I come over? XD
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@animefallenangel lol whenever suits you m8🤗🤗💜💜
@JohnSmith-xq1pz 2 жыл бұрын
As fast as fast can be you'll never catch me
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnSmith-xq1pz lol
@icarussisyphus5201 Жыл бұрын
Tough love is needed in raising kids for them to be self sufficient. Parents who baby them are being selfish because they rather be a friend than to do what is good for them.
@thecrebain6760 2 жыл бұрын
Of course a sweet person like you has a nice community! : )
@holeymcsockpuppet Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I think OP handled it well. My concern is the husband is too weak to be a good father and husband. His wife had to involve lawyers to not only kick the sister out, but ALSO force him to take appropriate action? Being married requires both partners to be VERY strong. This marriage won't last.
@k.a.4522 Жыл бұрын
Mark, first of all I don't know if you will see this but I want to apologize for being so weird when I started here. I know I said some rather over the top stuff and I apologize especially if it made you feel odd. Now to answer your question, "What did I do to deserve such a great community?" Well, the answer is very simple: You are you. You are genuine. You are compassionate. You are kind and caring. Dude, you are da bomb and I know that I am not the only person who thinks so. Thank you Mark. This is the first KZbin community that I have ever shared so much of my past and its suffering and pain on and I do it because I know that there are no bullies allowed here. Thanks again Mark AND everyone else for helping make this such lovely place to rest.
@umustbkrayze 2 жыл бұрын
The BD should of took his kids and got full custody, he knew his kids are not being taken care of by her. they both failed them kids. OP should send a before and after of her home to the fam and BD if he needs it for a case against the SIL. Probably should send an anonymous tip to CPS.
@JJerseyGirl 2 жыл бұрын
1st story - NTA . The in laws failed their daughter, this is one example of parents enabling their child that they don't have the skills to function as an adult.
@tartlynerdy Жыл бұрын
I feel like this could have been prevented if they spoke to sister's baby daddy first and gotten CPS involved before letting this messy heifer move in. I really doubt op's husband was happy with his lazy sister messing up their house, straining his marriage and neglecting her children. He just didn't want to be the bad guy that threw his sister out. He was more than happy to make op take up all the blame for this. Except. She left the house. So he had to deal with this on his own and make some decisions. I'm so proud of op for showing off that shiny spine.
@RyuClaudius 2 жыл бұрын
I hope OP gave BD the help she gave SIL if or when BD gets tired of SIL's bs again.
@BlankBrain 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1:Take action to sell the new house.
@fhuber7507 2 жыл бұрын
Never let a relative move in if you don't want to be their maid for life.
@lisaedwards2542 2 жыл бұрын
Baby daddy got sick of this useless mother he should seek for full custody. She needs to contribute or leave. Tell husband he's enabling. Op nta ultimatum is totally acceptable.
@starrhunter633 2 жыл бұрын
Glad they got her out. I will never understand people who are allowed to live in someone's house and just act like that. There is no way I would not contribute to the house. Or clean.
@ljh5141 2 жыл бұрын
Yay OP! Enjoy your clean home and best wishes for you, hubby and little squish!!💕❤🤗🤗🤗
@kazzuo32 2 жыл бұрын
#1. Nta, get rid of that mooch. She cleaning after them? Ohh he'll no. Me screaming after her it's mire like it.
@bwicket 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes an ultimatum is just a boundary and I think thats what this was. It wasn't vindictive, it was just OP saying "I don't want this and I refuse to do it". Nothing wrong with that.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Hey you yes you remember to take care of yourself gosh darn it, you are always valid, and I love you and care about you so please take care of yourself 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@itsjustme7487 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@AngharadMac 2 жыл бұрын
@phoenix5044 2 жыл бұрын
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@itsjustme7487 np m8 💜💜🤗🤗
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@AngharadMac huggies 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@kimlehman8179 Жыл бұрын
Story One: Shame on OP’s husband for allowing this situation to go on knowing that it was causing his pregnant wife undue stress. As a husband and soon to be father, his wife and child are his top responsibilities. His sister is a leech and should have been told by him to leave long ago. I hope that OP can now get the peace, quiet and rest she needs before her baby arrives.
@yellit1975 2 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for the children neither SIL or BD seem to care for them and the rest of the family aren’t stepping up to help them.
@lun4r.h4ze 11 ай бұрын
My papa was suppose to stay with my family temporarily after my nana died. It was almost two years in and countless instances of him being disrespectful towards my mom before she finally kicked out to stay at my aunts who enabled the bad behavior
@brandyphillips129 Жыл бұрын
What you did was be a real person in a world full of phonies. I'm in sales and all the fake nice gets to you after a while. Your genuine personality is refreshing and your accent is soothing :)
@RajaniDen Жыл бұрын
Story 1: No ultimatum. No threat. This is what's going on, this is what needs to be done, this is the timeline, then I'll be gone. Done.
@susankaempfer8427 Жыл бұрын
7:09 Why the heck should op leave? Get a lawyer and kick them both out!
@emo7636 7 ай бұрын
That's so incredibly sad that these babies get sick all the time because they're so malnourished. The husband should have kept the kids with him and kicked the mother out. Any shred of empathy that may have been hiding in my brain went out with the garbage when I heard the SIL threw those pamphlets in the trash lol.
@sadisticrainbow9689 2 жыл бұрын
Had this happen with my mom. She ended up out the door. If it is effecting my child negatively then i dont care who you are, ya got to go.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Be kind, be safe and take care of yourself. Have a great day
@cheskydivision 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly even if SIL leaves ops marriage will not bounce back. It will cause conflict with the in laws. Call cps. Maybe encourage baby daddy to take the kids. So hubby didn’t care till babies crying effected him.
@tinycrimester 2 жыл бұрын
"She said I thought I was better than everyone else." No, just better than the SIL. :D
@Sylphella 2 жыл бұрын
I looked into op's comment history and there was some missing context that might put the post into better perspective. Based on what op wrote about her relationship with her husband, it progressed way too quickly. They got married within the first year of their relationship and did not spend enough time getting to know each other. Based on what op wrote, her husband is unsupportive of her interests and gets easily jealous of any attention she receives online. At the same time op has been raised on very toxic views about how women need to be the pretty little housewife and it's gross that she was trying to force that on sil. Op has no problem with using the child with her husband to manipulate him, and as of five months ago made a post about how she is purposefully withholding intimacy as a way to get back at him. Even without the sil situation, their relationship is a mess that was started on a rushed foundation and unless something major changes then I can't see it continuing much longer.
@Aquelina 2 жыл бұрын
Well I mean, in sil's case, if bd works and she doesn't she does have to pull her weight in some way ... That is not forcing her to be a perfect housewife, it's called contributing to a partnership!
@Passions5555 2 жыл бұрын
@@Aquelina exactly
@Sylphella 2 жыл бұрын
@@Aquelina Except op didn't phrase it like that. She specifically said that she was trying to get sil to "be more housewifely". Op grew up in a household with parents who as she puts it has " extreme old school values" where the woman is taught to be submissive, sacrifice everything for the husband and kids, and allow her husband to dictate all aspects of her life like who she can be friends with. I don't exactly think op would be the right person to teach or give advice to sil given that she was raised in such a sexist environment especially with how she talks about sil. tl;dr, there's a difference between "be an equal partner" and op trying to get sil to "be more housewifey" due to different upbringings.
@dopaminedrought395 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, wow. So all three of them suck and should be in individual therapy, not going around raising kids 😬
@madisonwaycaster9832 2 жыл бұрын
Always 👏 Get 👏 everything 👏 in 👏 writing. Before you ever let anyone, friend, family, etc, move in with you for x amount of time or an undecided amount of time, write up an agreement that they will maintain a certain level of cleanliness, be looking for a place to move to and be out by X. Make sure someone else is there to witness them signing it. You don't want them to possibly be able to claim squatters rights.
@DemonAngel 2 жыл бұрын
I have the most ridiculously big pet peeve about people "giving looks" (aka the passive aggressive bs). I would have lost my shit honestly. I know it sounds stupid but it just gets me
@renatatarnawski5974 2 жыл бұрын
First story I feel like I'm reliving my trauma and life Wife NTA
@1tommyday 5 ай бұрын
If she has received mail at the home for over a month, good luck getting her out. Especially with young kids. Those kids are not being cared for. And shes pregnant again?!? Call CPS
@mythsislittlefarie7635 2 жыл бұрын
She should ask her husband and sister if this is how their mother raised them, never feeding them, never spending time with them, just letting them run wild and never washing them? Letting everyone else take care of them. If not then why the hell, does sis think it's ok to raise children like this.
@posaidon67 2 жыл бұрын
Heard story 1 before its old
@SalinaHeartstone 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the awesome story.
@VikingsRazor 2 жыл бұрын
This is why we will NEVER let family or friends live with us in our house. We have a nice hunting cabin, without power or water, with an outhouse. It has a loft and a little woodstove. If someone is desperate, this is where they'll have to live. I think that it would motivate them to find a better dwelling in which to live. It's also many, many acres away from our house. If I, as a kid, could live without those niceties, others can as well. Everyone was informed about this when we bought the house and property.
@Gamergal_Val92 2 жыл бұрын
Time for the daily waffle. I hope Mark and Poppy are having an amazing day.
@Josku2411 2 жыл бұрын
Oop early and reading tumblr fanfics as a evening story bc Stranger things s4 hurt me and i need Fix it fics
@critcal 2 жыл бұрын
The first one, she isn't in a relationship with her husband, he's in a relationship with his sister. He made his choice.
@oldwelshlady6584 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe he secretly wants his sister there! She also sounds very depressed if she can't get up till1pm!
@brendacarter4968 Жыл бұрын
Some people are natural night owls/stay up on sm but kids take precedence.
@jewlzcraig-leaves597 5 ай бұрын
Absolute classic. I think I remember Charlotte doing it but wow, it’s great 🤭
@laurenmentink7401 2 жыл бұрын
Be proud Mark. You are the reason that Poppy is popular. If you had never told us about her we would never have known. Now you know how many of your subscribers love dogs. I love you too. 😊😊
@ajzephyros7454 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an adult who can't drive, but that's due to a combination of medical conditions making it dangerous for me to operate a motor vehicle. So while some people don't bother getting a license so they don't have to drive, there are people like me who wish they could drive, but because of medical issues I legally can't
@cardwitch91 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with not knowing how to drive it even without a valid reason. There are plenty of adults who can’t drive simply because they never learned. I live in a city where it’s expensive and impractical to keep a car over riding public transport or walking. But if I lived in a place where I would need to learn, I’d suck it up and learn.
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