My Sister-In-Law STOLE My Pregnancy Announcement By Pretending It Was Hers r/Relationships

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@nathanhinman9069 2 жыл бұрын
They had a freaking spite baby and are ditching him now that it isn't fun anymore. If OP agrees to take the baby then rights need to be fully signed over followed by complete no-contact as none of those people deserve to have any role in ANY child's life.
@Chellirsl 2 жыл бұрын
Wow u said it best “They had a spite baby”. My chin is still on the ground. How disgraceful can a person be to put a poor child in the world just to spite someone else and “feel better” or “take the spotlight”. People are insane! To me these kinds of stories are the real horror stories of the world.
@TheMimiSard 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this. If OP does take the boy, she needs to make the work move as well and get herself and both children away from the toxic mess of a family.
@ladyv5655 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, though it sounds like SIL wouldn't have abandoned her child if he had been a girl. I am hoping the OP does legally adopt her nephew, change their last names and moves across the country as planned. The three of them would have a better life far away from that toxic family.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
SIL was mad cause she wasn’t having a baby doll she could play dress up with, so as soon as she gave birth, she ditched them!
@TiaNichole17 Жыл бұрын
@@F40PH-2CATas much as I agree with you, that would be a train wreck, that poor baby would know he was never wanted by his father and mother. But I also don’t think OP is obligated to take on his son. That whole family is screwed up. I really feel bad for OP, her daughter and her nephew.
@artistwithawanderingeye908 2 жыл бұрын
Nah. Leave that family high and dry. SIL didn't even want to care for the baby, she just wanted attention from the family. And of course they want OP to take her nephew. They view her as below them and would take the baby as soon as he grows up from the constant monitoring stage to the "fun" stage
@danger0Robertson 2 жыл бұрын
Also did anybody remember that she has another sister who already has a child?
@MrJpaynebb 2 жыл бұрын
OP needs to stick to her guns. A full legal adoption with all rights or nothing. Both her brother and SIL must terminate their parental rights because OP nor those kids need that drama and craziness in their lives. Whether she does the adoption or not she definitely needs to do that move. Distance will definitely help those relationships or if she continues no contact make it easier to enforce.
@Kris-wo4pj 2 жыл бұрын
@@danger0Robertson yeah it was weird how she seemed to disappeared.
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but OP is a fool and a sucker for punishment.
@SuperYoshi29 2 жыл бұрын
@@danger0Robertson yeah after this last update I was starting to think it’s fake, but then you pointing out about the other sister with kid being completely forgotten I definitely think it’s fake. Thank you for pointing out this glaring inconsistency!!!
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
It takes a special breed of narcissism to be mad at someone because they are rightfully hurt and won't let you "make it right". You are supposed to be apologizing, you can't force someone to accept it.
@kitarrah1422 2 жыл бұрын
Yep. I kept saying "Wow, a whole bunch of narcissists; and the SIL is the worst one."
@WhitneyDahlin 2 жыл бұрын
@@kitarrah1422 she should go to the gender reveal party and reveal her baby's gender first LMAO! I would definitely go and do something crazy like that. After all as the brother said "it's just a joke"
@paxhumana2015 2 жыл бұрын
@@kitarrah1422 , this is why some family trees need pruning.
@Zino_Kohiruimaki 2 жыл бұрын
@nela3986 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how the world is upside down for them and they just suck you into their reality. Specially if there are others supporting them. And fir some reason there often is. The only way you can breathe is to go low or no contact at all. Those kind of people never change, never apologize for what they did nor are capable (or don't want to) walk in your shoes to understand what they did and how you feel. There is simply no point.
@kbf9644 2 жыл бұрын
SIL literally had a child solely to keep the spotlight on her no matter what. Wow. That is some malignant narcissism. It’s also f’n gross.
@spacetofu5306 2 жыл бұрын
But then when that child didn't turned out the way she expected she blew up. She might had won the battles in the first updates but she ultimately lost the war.
@Sherwoody 4 ай бұрын
Is the baby actually OP’s brothers?
@dodgyyoutuber9560 2 ай бұрын
What’s malignant narcissism
@ComaLies225 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, if OP does take nephew in, only take him for full custody and cut contact with everyone in that family . SIL played a dumb game, intentionally got knocked up to compete with OP only to run away. So what was the point in her and family disrespecting and belittling OP only to run? This irks me but I don’t blame Op if she decided to cut contact again. She needs those people away from her
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
She didn't want a son, but I do wonder if things would have been different if she had a daughter. Obviously she didn't really want a kid, she wanted the attention of being a parent. But she did seem obsessed with having a girl.. either way she'd be a terrible parent, I'm just wondering if she would have stayed
@tishjanuary7379 2 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for the baby but I do not think OP should take him. Even with custody being signed over. OP needs to completely cut contact with everyone but really seems to be struggling with doing so. I think taking the baby would make it almost impossible. They would continue to use the baby as leverage into OP’s life in some way or another.
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
@@tishjanuary7379 OP should not name him (the ONLY exception with a HUGE maybe would be is she gor full custody!) and go NC with the family or OP would be screwed as it is 100% a certanty that OP's own child would be treated as less to her nephew! He would be the golden child and her 'first' kid would be treated as crap!
@shhd2105 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 if she had a suaghter she would still be able to compete with op
@kbf9644 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 I wouldn’t put it past her to try to kidnap OP’s daughter after OP fully adopts her son. She’s criminally self-absorbed.
@Resilient_Sage88 2 жыл бұрын
I get the feeling Brother was probably the golden child so by default his wife can do no wrong and needs to be praised and coddled and catered to. Good for OP for finally going NC. Keep it that way. You owe this pack of Narcissistic douchebags nothing, including your brother. If he's not ready to be a father, it's probably best for the kid to be in foster care, as terrible as the system is, it's unfair to OP to expect her to clean up this mess.
@tishjanuary7379 2 жыл бұрын
OP definitely seems like the scapegoat
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@tishjanuary7379 She's not only the scapegoat, but she's also the Martyr-Hero. She's come to love her life as the perpetual victim, and I don't think she will ever break out of that unhealthy cycle as she is now. Just as much as they need her to be their whipping horse so they feel better, she needs to be whipped to feel like she's saving everyone else. If she takes all the pain and suffering, she makes the world a better place, kind of thinking. Even in the end, the ONLY reason anyone contacted her was to say "Hey, our toys broke, we don't want them anymore, so you come take the responsibility of it all", and rather than be rational and tell them No, she justifies it as "but that boy NEEDS me!". But then again, even if she told them No, her words don't mean anything, and they know if. How many times in this story alone, did she tell them "I'm tired of this, I'm going LC!" only to turn around and "forgive them because it would be cruel if I didn't" in the same breath? OP needs to fully extricate herself from that family, including the nephew, get a ton of therapy and shine up her spine so she can be a healthy mother for her child.
@Resilient_Sage88 2 жыл бұрын
@@Original_Tenshi_Chan It's really sad because I bet that was drilled into her all her life. "If things go wrong, it's your fault and you need to fix it."
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Resilient_Sage88 Agreed. It's a learned response, and I know how she feels. The thing is, she's had time away from them, and she still hasn't considered therapy. People in the comments were urging her to get therapy, she admits she knows it is all toxic...and yet she doesn't seek therapy nor cutting off the toxic family. She needs to unlearn that behavior and she knows it, but she isn't ready to start.
@dawnmidnightsun2521 2 жыл бұрын
@@Original_Tenshi_Chan families like this often have a "you don't need therapy, it's all in your head" mentality as well though. Therapy probably isn't even something she has considered.
@TopazFire15 2 жыл бұрын
OP needs to STOP engaging her family. She keeps letting them back in and getting shocked at how badly they treat her. And now they’re pushing her to adopt a whole baby while already caring for an infant as a single mother? God almighty.
@ScooterBond1970 2 жыл бұрын
@day_dreamer9316 Жыл бұрын
I do wanna say that it's pretty obvious that this dynamic has likely been a thing since she was young. This is her normal, I bet there's more small stuff that she doesn't even notice is messed up bc that's how normal it is. I'm not saying her actions are right or healthy, but they do make sense when a child has been taught to be the "fixer". She needs therapy and to leave without a trace or number to call. These types of families rarely change and if all of this didn't make them reconsider how they treat OP, nothing will
@bjsaust Жыл бұрын
This is one of those stories where you start off feeling bad for the OP, but by the end its kind of "meh, if you're not going to cut these people out of your life, you're just inviting all this on yourself".
@Metal_Mouth 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, color me shocked that the couple who never wanted children and only had them to up op and get all of family's attention are showing themselves to be horrible parents. Straight up everyone is horrible beside op and the innocent children. Two faced and beyond hurtful- especially brother who called op petty and forcing her to "make peace" with his wife after op housed him after his fight with his wife. And look at what that "peace" had lead them- a broken family and a horrific pregnancy experience that ruined all of op's milestones on her one and only child. Hope op stay no-contact and place her energy to her little one.
@stephanien6237 2 жыл бұрын
I hope this is all fake because none of it makes any sense. Sounds like a creative writing story.
@Metal_Mouth 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephanien6237 Same, a lot (if not most) of reddit stories are fake, either karma farming or wannabe story tellers, but it's not as entertaining to treat them as fake. There has been wild stories that are verified as true, especially on r/relationships. So this with the anonymity means ppl are very open about airing out dirty laundry and can be tricky to tell between that and the bullshiters. (Plus I don't feel comfortable calling out stories with heavy topics like abuse and death or sa. So yeah, really, really hope it's fake.)
@paxhumana2015 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephanien6237 , and anyone that dared to give your toxic comment up votes, you all sound faker than porn stars yourselves, so shut up before your pimp finds out that you all are not at your corners where you belong and then he slaps you all and then asks you all where is his money.
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: "You're cruel for holding a joke gone wrong against her" ummm basically almost everyone treated Op like absolute dog shit and called her a jealous, selfish person for getting upset about sister's "announcement" and you're gonna sit there and call Op, _the victim of everyone's toxic behavior,_ a cruel person? Really? _That's_ the narrative we're going with here? The person who is actually pregnant is the cruel one for being upset that she was treated horribly during an event that _she_ put together for _her_ announcement? Edit: "You're trying to StEaL my SpOtLiGhT" ahhhh hypocrites. It's a love/hate relationship with them. In this case it's mostly hate.
@heathermiller5765 2 жыл бұрын
So crazy. All she did was congratulate SIL and she just flew off the handle
@ElleD308 Ай бұрын
But she kinda allows this behavior. How easy was for her to say, what are you talking about? I AM the pregnant one... or get fake excited and say omg! You're also pregnant?! We're both going to have babies!!!.... instead of just running away like a child.
@fabiancaceres1473 2 жыл бұрын
sounds like SIL was so obsessed with "competing" with OP that when reality hit her super hard she just had to run away, one of those "how I let this get here!?" moments when you're too stubborn to do something until its too late and now everybody else has to suffer
@JDKT002 2 жыл бұрын
It's also a prime example of when a toxic family enables someone who clearly has mental health issues. Instead of dealing with the person who keeps causing drama, they blame the person who refuses to put up with the bullshit. It just gets worse and worse and other people end up suffering for it in the long run. In this case OP, OP's brother, and his newborn child. I truly hope OP says no to shouldering her families poor choices and moves away from them and builds a good life for her and her child.
@JK-sh8rc 2 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is why OP's family is asking her to take the baby nephew. Wasn't there a sister mentioned at the beginning of the story (mother of 7 year old nephew)? Regardless of what happens regarding her brother's baby, I hope OP takes the job transfer, moves across the country and goes NC with her family for a long, long, long time.
@fabiancaceres1473 2 жыл бұрын
@@JK-sh8rc ​ OP just happen to have a baby, so she is already in "mommy mode" plus maybe deep down they think that if OP raises a baby nephew, it will justify everything they did to OP. "sure, we enable your terrible SIL behavior instead of your well-being... but hey! now you have a "nephew" who is like a son to ya right? you can't complain cuz that will mean that you HATE nephew, making you an ungrateful terrible human being again!"
@TheFilmbroad 2 жыл бұрын
@@JK-sh8rc I was thinking the same thing. Why would they ask a first-time single mother to take care of 2 newborns at the same time? When there was someone who had to taken care of babies before? This family was useless, vane and petty. Even if she would ask for help from these ridiculous people they would be incapable of doing so.
@fabiancaceres1473 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFilmbroad as I mentioned in my comment, I have the theory that they want to do it to "wash" their guilt, somekind of "we did wrong but now you have this second son!"
@Tammohawk1 2 жыл бұрын
Sister in law got pregnant out of spite and it didn't turn out quite the way she thought it would. Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. She's going to have to answer for this when that baby boy grows up.
@JDKT002 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine that conversation SIL will have to have in 20 or so years with her son. "Oh well see I only got pregnant because I was insecure and jealous of your aunt and the fact that she was pregnant. Right after you were born I realized I didn't actually want a child so I abandoned you and your father the moment I got released form the hospital after giving birth to you."
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
@@JDKT002 and i do not like that you are a boy, i wanntet a girl.
@TheArnaa 2 жыл бұрын
If Op decides to adopt her nephew, she needs to have both brother and SIL sign away their parental rights and do a full legal adoption of nephew that the birth parents can’t challenge. Then she needs to accept that job in another state without telling anyone in the family, move with both the children with no notice and without leaving any forwarding address and change her phone number so they can’t find her. Because you just know everyone is going to make the nephew the golden grandchild while ignoring OP’s daughter and interfering with every aspect of the way OP raises him while refusing to do any of the work involved.
@CatBuchanan 2 жыл бұрын
In most states even after a legal adoption is completed, either bio-parent can reverse it for a certain amount of time (over a year). Her legally adopting the nephew binds her back to people she doesn't want contact with. They WILL take exception to something she decides raising her nephew and WILL make her life hell because of it.
@stephanien6237 2 жыл бұрын
At minimum, OP needs to call CPS on that kid. He deserves better than this sociopathic family. Agree that if they completely sign away parental rights she can adopt and then move far far away and live happy lives.
@zfchaudhry1302 2 жыл бұрын
There you go. That's all I'm thinking 🤔. It they'll contact her when the baby is grown up into a boy where he doesn't need or demand constant attention and will try to manipulate the young boy in any way possible because they're the parents. Believe me if OP goes with it her life will become more hellish. She's move away without leaving a trace behind through which they could find her.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
SIL is insane and trying to compete with OP. You were so staunchly child-free, but in the timeframe of someone else's pregnancy you go from a perfectly flat stomach to announcing the gender. They must have immediately began trying. You can't immediately tell the gender of a baby, that takes time.
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
And brother was childfree too, I wonder if she used reproductive coercion, sabotaged birth control etc without telling him
@Callimo 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 Yeah, that "conversation" they had was probably more of a ultimatum.
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
@@Callimo I dunno.. I think she went behind his back entirely. I don't think he knew until it was too late. Unless the ultimatum you're referring to is "get an abortion or I'm leaving"
@Callimo 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 Probably, but I think the ultimatum was either, "we're having a baby or I'm leaving you" or "I'm pregnant so you need to man up". But man, OP's brother is such a waste of sperm, geezus.
@cheergiver 2 жыл бұрын
Seemed like she got pregnant just to spite OP, then in the end didn’t even want it. What a horrible person
@yukikursosaki200 2 жыл бұрын
Dear lordy me. If ever OP was to see this video, I would give her this advice: In this case, I feel it is justified to be selfish and refuse to help. I know how terrible you'd feel leaving your nephew behind, but this family has not once been kind to you or let up on their abuse and harassment, and you should not feel obligated to take care of someone else's child because of familial ties. Not even your BROTHER was once nice to you, even if he did stay with you briefly. Focus on your daughter and daughter only when it comes to family now. The rest have not once given you reason to step up and "do the right thing". Whatever THAT is to them at this point.
@crazyminegamer2339 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I believe she should adopt her nephew with full custody of she’s able to so that poor baby doesn’t get raised by those monsters. However, it’s a matter of doing what’s best for her and her baby. If adopting him with full custody and going no contact soon after isn’t possible, her best decision would be to focus on her and her daughter and just pray the little baby isn’t raised to be a monster like the, or a victim like her.
@maleandrolemale9467 2 жыл бұрын
Yuki Kursosaki: This!
@cnow82 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like brother is the golden child and OP the scapegoat. Having a family dynamic like that is so damn toxic. I have only heard of scapegoats having a better life once they cut contact. And I am wondering if the other sister is just ignored or also a scapegoat. This family is bat sh*t crazy. OP needs to get away from them. If she didn’t have the courage to leave for herself, then she needs to for her daughter. That is not a healthy environment for a kid to grow up in.
@juanhaines7295 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard this whole saga. I'm so glad op cut off the toxicity of her life.
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
Did she? Even now she's still waffling over the nephew that isn't her responsibility. She's a huge sucker for punishment.
@kittie479 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t stand people like this who won’t take a stand and then each time gets hurt will rant and cry but won’t do anything concrete to stop it. Like what is the purpose of the letter for closure? That’s not even necessary.
@LoveableNiki 2 жыл бұрын
@@kittie479 They say it can be therapeutic. However, closure isn't me. The person one seeks closure from could just lie. Could manipulate you. Could make you feel worse. I do the work myself to release the person from my life.
@LoveableNiki 2 жыл бұрын
@@holographicwing Yes!!!! That is accurate. 💛
@JDKT002 2 жыл бұрын
@@holographicwing agreed, true closure means you have to be okay with what that closure is, not what you want it to be. Sometimes the best closure is to tell everyone to go to hell and remove them from your life entirely and never give them another chance. Anyone who's been alive long enough has had to do it to someone. Yet some people just feel like they are obligated to give terrible people who happen to share DNA with you allowance to trample all over you time and time again.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA I remember thinking "all these people missed the point. They are tryng to make it better for THEM not OP." They are trying to assuage their guilt and OP isn't letting them. If they actually cared, they'd let OP dictate what to do going forward. Also...there is no "making it right". They had one chance and not only did they destroy OP, but theybarent even mad at the person who DESERVES to be the brunt of their anger. It's OP's fault for "not being clear" and not SIL's fault for FAKING PREGNANT AND STEALING THE ANNOUNCEMENT. Edit after update 1: it's pretty clear brother married his mother. The mom and SIL are so much alike that they're 2 peas in a pod. This wasn't a "joke gone wrong" and he knows it. He just doesn't have the spine to deal with it. I'm glad OP us happier and she should avoid them. Update 2: jesus...what a psycho Update 3: OP needs to report her for unauthorized access to online accounts. She committed a crime by logging onto her Amazon without permission Kudos to OP for finally putting her foot down. SIL sounds exhausting Edit after sad update: the AUDACITY of OP's family.. They treated her like crap for at least a year in favor of that psychopath. Then SIL just bounces when the one thing she's been using as leverage isn't perfect. Now they want OP to...step in and take over? Nah bro, take care of your own kid. He showed OP who he was and taking in the nephew will just open up the door she closed on them. As sad as it is, she needs to think about HER baby first and foremost. Letting these peoole back into her life won't be good for either of them. OP is smart to not do so without full rights and full custody.
@kellywaters643 2 жыл бұрын
well, no it's not a crime if she gave out the info to the bro. it was never intended to be given to the sil, but that's the risk you take when you hand out login info. hacking into it would've been a crime
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
@@kellywaters643 no, it absolutely is a crime. Giving a person your details to your prime video does not give even THAT person permission to access your account on Amazon. That's called "exceeding authorization" and is a crime as well. The fact he gave it to his wife and she accessed OP's online account is the very definition of "unauthorized access". It's not about whether they know the account details. It's about whether they had PERMISSION to access that part of the account. The phrase used is "knowingly accessed without authorization or exceeding authorized access," which absolutely qualifies both in this situation.
@kellywaters643 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mewse1203 I'm not finding the applicable law. can you cite the law's full code?
@dozergetscrafty 2 жыл бұрын
None of this happened. This whole story is compelte bs.
@kellywaters643 2 жыл бұрын
@@dozergetscrafty that makes perfect sense
@ian7064 2 жыл бұрын
This woman makes me want to scream. She is clearly unwilling to do what is necessary for herself and her daughter. How many times will you let them trample your boundaries and guilt trip you? Truly this woman makes me want to shake her and yell at her to get her act together
@trillionbones89 2 жыл бұрын
These people are raised and brainwashed into helplessness.
@jasperj.d.g.4147 2 жыл бұрын
She did cut them off. She just loves her newfew.
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
one thing thats off for me on this story is: where is the father of the girl? why he is not in the picture?
@waternoises9277 2 жыл бұрын
@@Barlmoro how is that off? it's really not that important. IVF, one night stand, ask a friend. That was literally the least important part of this story. She's a whole family trauma addict and you wanna know where her babies father is. SMH
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
@@waternoises9277 no it is not , why? this are allways oneside storys and i ask myself how the parents react to this fact, cose she never mentiont it. maybe the parents where very disapointet cose it is a child out of wetlock, and lets be clear, if its a family with traditional values than this is big no go for the family. its still a big off what a crap family, but it would clear why her parents are so messy to her and why the try to force the child of the brother on her like: she is allredy the outcast of the family, she can take child from the broken marriage, so the rest can pretent to be a functional one. Maybe i am a bit biast against her, cose in my life expirence woman who choose to be a single mother and push away the father completly are in over 90% of the cases i know crazy. it still do not exuse what the sil did but in the complete picture it is one part
@HackiePuffs 2 жыл бұрын
This family is completely insane. Honestly I hope that the SIL turns this attitude onto other family members so they could all think about what they’ve done to OP. And I hope OP doesn’t accept them back if that does happen they deserve to live with their decisions. Edit: looks like it happened. I wouldn’t adopt the nephew of OP could handle being a single mom her brother could handle being a single dad especially after the way he treated her. He made his decisions and I’d let him live with it.
@samanthasmiles9112 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - As a parent, I would have been PISSED at my daughter for stealing my other child's pregnancy announcement. The fact that the whole family wants to ignore this horrendous behavior speaks volumes. Block them. 🚫
@Swnsasy 2 жыл бұрын
Oh good, the updates!! I remember this story and feeling so upset for OP... I'm so happy to hear the updates and good on her! That SIL is vile and disgusting and then blaming the person that was hurt for being hurt by them is insane! She's flat out jealous and one of those people that need to ONE UP!
@DarkAngel65989 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen this story before but my opinion doesn't change, OP's family are a bunch of AH's. I feel bad for the nephew but all that is both parent and family fault, I would stay no contact with the family and help from the distance
@nilianstroy 2 жыл бұрын
I seen it before too, but didn't have the last update, I thought op's family was horrible at the time... The update made me actually despise every single one of them, except op and the 3 children...
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
@@nilianstroy i remember i heart it with even one more update there she not take the neph and moved and goes full NC. But maybe it was addet by the other Yt channel to make it longer. To the complete situation. I the family is horrible and sil the most, but i have a problem with op too. Where is the father of her child, why she never mentionen him? I feel bad for child where the mothers think it is a good idee to be single mother. 1) what is about child support and how can he coparent if she moved away. Or did she not even know where the father is?
@ariannewingard1660 2 жыл бұрын
The Sil clearly wanted kids and a girl, so She sabotage everything that OP had . NGL, I think that OP should cut contact once something is settled. Its clear, that the more time she's with contact with her mostly spineless and enabling family the worst it gets for her. It pains me that this series of updates the only upside is that her daughter is healthy.
@somedragonbastard 2 жыл бұрын
Lets have a fuck yeah for OP, eh? Hope she can find a wonderful family of choice and raise her daughter into a kind and happy young lady Edit: Let's also hope for the nephew to grow up healthy, happy, and better than his parents
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
i hope it for her child. but i really wonder where the bio father of her child is? did he know he become a father? did she know who it is? What will she tell her daughter if she ask about him?
@Tyanna01 2 жыл бұрын
OMG, that just kept going and going and going. This poor woman. I want to honestly hug her. OP needs to get away from this family. They are all toxic as hell. SIL is mentally cracked. She didn't want the baby, she wanted to be the centre of attention. Hell, she didn't even want that, she wanted what OP has. If OP had of had a boy, I'm sure she would have been just as mad b/c she would had the first son to carry on the family name. I get the feeling she's always felt better than OP, and knowing she was pregnant realized OP would have something she didn't and that INFURIATED her. Part of me says OP should take the child so long as it's a fully adoption where brother and SIL both sign away their parental rights. But, OP should still take the job and move. Still cut this toxic family from her life like the cancer it is. Changer her number, and just disappear once the papers are signed. Part of me says OP should just change her number, and move now. Taking that child and even if she cuts the family off, there is no telling when SIL will decide she's ready to play mom again and will show back up and inject toxicity in OP's life again. Either way, step one is changing all passwords on EVERYTHING if she hasn't done it already. Step 2 is take the damn job and start planning the move. Keep that information locked down. Step 3 will be to plan a last name change so that it's hard to find her and the child/children. Whatever choice she makes, she needs to make a clean break from this family. With one or two kids, it doesn't matter. Get out.
@lucialovecraft 2 жыл бұрын
Complications aside, I had a feeling she would abandon the baby anyway since it’s clear she really wanted a girl. I feel so bad for OP and the baby boy
@spacetofu5306 2 жыл бұрын
Even if it was a girl, if the baby girl was born with medical issues or physical deformities, the mother would've dipped regardless.
@jilliankyla2983 Жыл бұрын
@@spacetofu5306 if the baby was born a girl and without the health issues, she probably would’ve stuck around because then she could’ve kept the mental mind game going.
@CrypticCharm 2 жыл бұрын
this one is a classic, and i've seen it on several channels. next to the one where the sister wanted a brides wedding venue. imagine being the SIL every few month it resurfaces, and everyone must know who she is...and i bet she's reliving the internet hating on her
@minecraftmum3436 2 жыл бұрын
My take on the parent's behaviour is that they didn't approve of OP being pregnant without a partner in the picture so her pregnancy didn't carry the same weight as that of her brother's wife whose baby would be carrying the family name. If OP's baby didn't make it, for them it would be sad but not important in their idea of what mattered for the future. If I were her I would agree to take the baby if she could have total parental rights then take the job across the country and go very low contact. Stick it to them all with their awful attitude
@Buff_Helpy 2 жыл бұрын
This might sound cold but forget the nephew, after how horrible the parents were brother deserves to deal with this alone. Leave them to their fate.
@AdrianaBear 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, if she takes the nephew she will never be free of them. And will set her daughter up to suffer.
@lindaomoefe4156 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@bessieburnet9816 Жыл бұрын
What? No. No matter how awful the parents were to her, the innocent kid does not deserve this. She should get the nephew away and into a loving household
@Kimberly_Sparkles 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who lives on the East Coast, she's making a LOT of money to afford two babies. She's wrong about her ability to afford the second child. She needs to send her apologies and stay away.
@Chellirsl 2 жыл бұрын
And, staying away is probably the only way she can ever have some peace. If she takes the boy the whole family will have a perpetual excuse to be around and to keep treating her as the family’s servant. “Yeah yeah yeah raise this baby, be around, don’t complain, do this or we’ll fight for the baby” they will have something over her head for ever. She will never be at peace. I’ve escaped a family just like that. U can’t ever accept anything from them. Ever!
@OriginalAsherella 2 жыл бұрын
Uuuugh! The fact the sister-in-law pretended to be pregnant is soooooo weird and gross. Seriously, how much of an attention w#0&3 do you have to be to do that? Yuck.
@pezchef7577 Жыл бұрын
anybody else get the feeling that a) family doesn't respect OPs for being a single mother. b) ops brother is the golden child
@centurycountess4949 2 жыл бұрын
Whatever O.p decides, after what happened, I think no contact with them all would benefit her but probably after she knows her nephew will be ok. If o.p does decide to take full custody of her nephew she should make sure she has full parent status so if the ex Sil reappears and starts stuff she has zero power, and probably go no contact with everyone. With how they all treated her and now are all only being so apologetic about what they did because there's a crisis. O.p, her child, and her nephew don't need to be around that two face dramatic family.
@vasyabrave2832 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say to have any parental rights of theirs terminated, get full custody of kid, keep any text/messages where they said they never wanted kids someplace safe (in case they try to contest it later, I think families have 30 days to change their mind on adoptions), and ghost the family. Leave with no contact information beyond 1 email only for that purpose. Also, I have the weird feeling sil drank parsley tea or something.
@centurycountess4949 2 жыл бұрын
@@vasyabrave2832 well said.
@hothotheat3000 2 жыл бұрын
The nephew isn’t your problem. If you fear for the kid, notify CPS and be done with it. Stop taking these people’s phone calls.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
SIL and brother both need to be arrested. Not sure if there's actually grounds with the stupid court system, but they were child free for a reason. Then the moment OP gets pregnant they decide to immediately get pregnant. SIL has already abandoned the child and brother wants to as well. They are both unfit and this should be child abuse and a jailable offense.
@truthseeker9249 2 жыл бұрын
No no no. Let's say OP takes the baby and gets FULL custody on him. They need to be stripped of all their parental rights to him and then years later when they change their mind and want him back let them be humiliated and punished by the law fro harassing OP and trying to get "their" baby back because you know they will. They will be furious watching their child grow up and being happy with the woman who I'm sure they think "ruined their life" seeing her raise their child will infuriate them and so they ill make it their life's mission to take him back and ruin everything for her and their son. But they don't have a leg to stand on if OP gets them stripped of parental rights and OP can get a restraining order on them.
@Daydream_N 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that the brother immediately wants to get rid of the baby as a first option makes me believe that sister in law probably baby trapped him. Then she decided she didn't want to be a mom and left the baby with someone who never wanted him in the first place. This poor baby doesn't deserve anything that's happened to him.
@truthseeker9249 2 жыл бұрын
@@Daydream_N Yeah that's just what I was thinking. They changed their minds about being childfree after they had a long talk about their future? Yeah right. More like she pushed and pushed and pressured and pressured until he gave in. That or she sneakily got herself pregnant on purpose right under his nose (i.e. sabotaging his protection or something like that).
@dozergetscrafty 2 жыл бұрын
Or none of this ever happened and its a bunch of bs for someone to feel important and righteous on reddit 😆 and yall fell for it. OP is painting herself as too kuch of a saint. This whole thing stinks. 💩
@HaliaStone 2 жыл бұрын
That family is tapped, the lot of them. OP is better off staying the hell away with her daughter. As sad as it is, the nephew’s not her problem.
@shadewolfe1231 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t even with this. I was so proud of OP when she finally cut off her family-only to accept being their “nanny” when SIL bails on being a mother to her premature son? She’s just giving them another hook to rule over her and her daughter’s lives by agreeing without full custody/adoption….
@danger0Robertson 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone think that this might be a ploy from sister-in-law that if she takes the nephew, in a couple months sister-in-law is gonna come back and claim that the daughter was her child not the son because she actually wanted a girl? W**** that she didn't want a child at all she was just super jealous of the attention that she thought OP was gonna get and honestly should have gotten.
@macylouwho1187 2 жыл бұрын
I think the term “narcissist” gets thrown around a lot without being actually diagnosed, and everyone thinks that they know one when it just might be garden variety selfishness at play. And everyone has that to some degree or on some occasion where others around them point at them and cry “narcissist!” when it’s just selfishness at a moment in time that ticks people off. That being said-this genuinely seems like a family of narcissists except for OP, like she is just surrounded by them including her brother. Like wtf? Brother: “I never wanted to be a dad and my next level bad narcissist wife ran out on me-you know the one that I constantly let bully you because I sleep with her??? But seriously, I don’t want my son now that she’s gone-YOU take him and deal with him for me!” Wow, just wow. OP should have ran for the hills as soon as she could before being sucked back up in these a-hole’s drama.
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
i cant say 'THIS' loudly enough. i thoroughly hate how 'narcissist' is used online... but even I was here like "nah something is at least real messed up with SIL"
@Night_Owl2023 2 жыл бұрын
I would advise OP to move, out east. However before leaving I would advise calling Child Protective Services and make them fully aware of the situation, get CPS involved to protect you baby nephew. My best Wishes to OP and her daughter and nephew 🍀🙏🏼❤️
@karlab95 Жыл бұрын
I feel so sorry for OP in that story. She's trapped so deep in their family's abuse that she can't even recognize it.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
OP needs to grow a spine. You need to go no contact with this entire family at least for a few years. SIL has shown her true colors. Believe her. This will not get better if you continue to be passive and spineless.
@HackiePuffs 2 жыл бұрын
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's not easy. I had to do the same thing and I consider my spine very shiny. It's a lot easier to stand up to friends and strangers than family, unfortunately. I'm finally NC with my abusive mom, but I contacted her like a year ago because I was desperate. I was at a really low point and needed help and didn't really have anyone else to turn to. That went as expected and contact lasted maybe a day, but still. This was after a few years of NC already
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
Wish OP the strength to stay NC
@sadtitties222 2 жыл бұрын
@@HackiePuffs THIS! THANK YOU! Yes, please call out this b.s. mentality that has seemed to plague Reddit these days. I swear to flippin' blob, I will never understand people who believe that anyone can just opt out of an abusive situation so easily. Did they forget the countless people throughout history who have literally been killed trying to leave? How people can still be abused and mistreated even after leaving? It's not as easy as you think. Even if you personally have been able to stand up for yourself against cruelty, it does not mean that others will be able to do the same. Grow some flippin' empathy people. 🙄😑
@realotiswashington 2 жыл бұрын
What the actual fuck? This has got to be the stupidest, most insensitive application of "grow a spine" I have ever seen. Especially coming from you. You're blaming the OP for not going full no contact with her abusive family, whom she's been abused and conditioned into believing could do no wrong. And you also blame OP for her lack of control in the situation. She had control. She had gone no contact with her family, but boom, brother comes along like he owns his sister in the first update and so she gets dragged back to the family. Why? Because they control her, and she was abused into thinking that's love. Let me put like this: Let's pretend I'm some scumbag with a decent amount of power and a decent following. Well, since I'm a scumbag I probably hurt some folk. However, since I have power and a following I use said power and following to keep my victims down and without a voice And then comes along people who have no involvement in the situation what so ever. They see my voiceless victims and they see I, the scumbag enjoying every moment of the suffering. Now these people, who again had no involvement in the situation up until now, start shaming the voiceless victims for not standing up to me, their oppressor. And I, the scumbag start laughing as I not only have power over my followers, but I seem to have an ounce of power over the brainless buffoons who are blaming the victims for not speaking up, even though it's impossible to speak up because I made it that way.
@shizanketsuga8696 2 жыл бұрын
From the moment OP got the "I am sorry for what you made me do." non-apologies in the original story it was clear as day that the updates would be a series of prompts to ask why she didn't go no contact with all of those arseholes for good already.
@bloonh8tr619 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the upload Mark! And thank you for always rereading the initial post because I never heard the original. Happy Saturday! ETA: Ah entitlement, gaslighting, and denial. That family are assholes. ETA for Upt 5: So she abandons the baby for the complication? Yeah she only got pregnant to hurt OP and take the reveal. And they really want OP to take the baby? Belittle her and then expect something back, fuck that family. Guess all the negativity and anger affected SIL's body, and now the poor baby will suffer from it. I hope the nephew grows up fine and I hope OP stays strong and does the best thing for her, her daughter, and her nephew be it taking him in or out him up for adoption.
@marshmello3455 2 жыл бұрын
My goodness! That whole family sounds exhausting! If OP takes that baby, she should only do so with full custody and then immediately move to the other side of the universe. She needs to protect herself and her child(ren) from those toxic humans!
@5H4D3 2 жыл бұрын
Adopting the nephew will just be a constantly growing resentment in the back of her mind. Not to mention that she'll never get away from the family if she does it, cruel as it sounds, not her baby, not her problem.
@shebakoby 2 жыл бұрын
SiL is clearly a cluster B disaster (heavy on the narc qualities) and the poor bro sold his soul to a 'demon in the sack' (for passionate hugging) just so he won't be alone/SiL might be smoking hot and he doesn't want to lose that. OP's family is clearly cluster B'd as well, the brother is the Golden Child (and by extension SiL because she behaves the same way they do so why would they object? They'd be telling on themselves if they do) and OP is very clearly, and always has been, the scapegoat. NC is too good for those idiots.
@BraveryWing26 7 ай бұрын
"It was a bad idea to break no contact" Right you are first OP! Never again!
@ditzyhere3138 2 жыл бұрын
What a crazy B!! Forcing a child into the world because the attention of being pregnant/ruinging someone else's pregnancy gave her some kinna high? That poor little boy. How do you even explain to a kid that his mom had him out of spite despite the fact she never wanted kids to begin with?
@AngelaNortonTyler 2 жыл бұрын
This story was torture to listen to. I literally feel worse after listening to this abuse.
@lkcclan1 Жыл бұрын
in this story i legit have no idea why people let them do this. Why do you keep in contact if at every turn your entire family screws you over and doesnt even bother to say sorry? it infuriates me people are like this on both sides
@UnderTheTableGremlin Жыл бұрын
She needs to keep her baby far away from any of these people.
@-_-Onyx-_- 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1. Op's sister felt awkward, but when most people feel awkward they clear up the situation. I can't imagine rubbing a stomach that I know is empty while also KNOWING that someone else is pregnant and trying to make an announcement. Your brothers wife is either selfish and malicious, or childish and stupid.
@-_-Onyx-_- 2 жыл бұрын
I listened the the rest of the story and SIL is so selfish. I would confront SIL in front of the whole family and embarrass her, it is YOUR baby not HERS.
@jaimehunt7987 Жыл бұрын
Dude I'm so scared for OP if she does take the baby nephew. God forbid if SIL finds out OP takes him and decides to come back and 'play mom' and try to guilt OP into custody back. It really seems like something she'd do. This family is the worst, this story stressed me out more than many others have recently.
@NerdilyDone 10 ай бұрын
OP should not take the child. She's letting guilt get to her head, and brother needs to take responsibility. Single motherhood isn't a joke, and having two infants at once would be insane.
@thevoidismyhome7242 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: They say you're selfish for not letting them make it right? They're being selfish by trying to do a "Redo" to make it right when they should have cleared it up instead of immediately fawning over SIL. From where I'm listening, it sounds like OP's own family favors SIL in a Golden Child way, and OP will always be wrong no matter what she does. God, that's awful.
@thevoidismyhome7242 2 жыл бұрын
Jeez, NC the whole family.
@Lunasera 2 жыл бұрын
I think the problem would be to keep the family out of OP's life after taking the baby in. OP would habe to legally adopt the baby and make sure the family knows this would mean having no contact with OP or the children. Which would open a whole new can of drama.
@tallyp.7643 Жыл бұрын
and you know her parents would NOT be cool with that. They have the whole "offspring of the first son carrying the family name" vibes going on. They'd make her life hell and throw lawsuits out if possible, crying "grandparents' rights" wherever they could, whether effective or not.
@memyselfandi7782 2 жыл бұрын
In the last update, I'm like DUH. They're toxic and manipulative. Tell her brother to contact a lawyer for money in child support
@dianasmith8248 2 жыл бұрын
OPs parents need to take their nephew. OP just needs to tell them that she is moving and staying no contact with them, so he is their responsibility not hers.
@cycy1578 11 ай бұрын
What a terrible family. That poor baby boy is screwed.
@feiery Жыл бұрын
Op’s SIL is completely unhinged. OMG.
@mhawkins829 Жыл бұрын
I understand OP wanting to keep her nephew safe but if she does this the family will forever use her as a punching bag and SIL and brother will make every excuse to control her life. She keeps asking for advise and doing the exact opposite then is surprised that her family keeps treating her like this. She has a good heart but she’s enabling this behavior.
@Ospyro3em 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of those stories that just gets worse and sadder for OP with every update. What the hell is wrong with that family?!
@hilarymurray8741 Жыл бұрын
PS I am astonished at all the fuss some mothers in the US make about having a baby. Pregnancy announcements, baby showers, 'gender reveal parties'. No wonder there's so much drama - there's so much opportunity! In the UK, we just get on with it.
@PeterShipley1 2 жыл бұрын
Update 1: for the reveal party people were "told to wear red or pink" . I would have showed up wearing black.. Update 3: At 4 per day, sister-in-law was going through everything popular baby name trying to claim everything. Update 5: the family trying to "dump" the premature baby on OP is more bias support of sister-in-law.
@alicewilloughby4318 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - The last time I read this story, OP was in her twenties. Now, suddenly, she's 36? WTF? Still Story 1 - I was pretty disgusted with how no one just ASKED OP why she left and then shut up and listened to the answer. Story 1 - Update 1 - Jesus Christ, that SIL is so competitive that, after years of insisting she's child free, she now has to bring a human being into the world just to show up OP?! Story 1 - Update 5 - And there it is. SIL wanted to be fussed over and treated like a queen for being pregnant, she wanted to cause as much drama as possible for OP, but she didn't actually want to be a mother. I'm so sorry OP is getting sucked into this - as if she didn't already have enough to deal with! - but I admire her for stepping up for the baby's sake!
@dobiegirl1801 Ай бұрын
Isn’t there another sister who could help??? Crazy how families always have that one person who is always expected to be the “bigger person “. God forbid anyone else is expected to step up!
@grungekitty77 Жыл бұрын
OP 100% made the right call when the "Gilly" thing happened. Speaking as the daughter of the family's scapegoat, it absolutely would transfer to her daughter. Maybe not for a long time, in my situation being a child made me fun and cute so they were happy to treat me well. But as I got older and they saw more of my mom in me, they began nitpicking. It screwed me up as a preteen when my aunt stopped loving me randomly (in retrospect: Not random, I had just hit puberty.) My aunt escalated in the things she said to and about me in the years that followed. My mom worked hard to shield me from them. (now that I'm an adult and she feels comfortable telling me, I'm horrified. I'm also so grateful to my mom. A fifteen year old didn't need to hear those things.) When my uncle had his own kids, I virtually never saw him again. The second I graduated highschool, my grandmother's love for me began to degrade. By the time we went no contact a few years back, they were beginning to verbally abuse my brother and I and openly blaming our mother for all the ways we were "failures". I imagine we might've been welcomed into the family if we had grown up to hate our mom and joined the abuse, but that's not even a guarantee. I once got shamed for how I ate my hamburger because it was the same way my mom ate them.
@gigga143 2 жыл бұрын
i was so glad OP finally found her backbone for a minute there. i really did not get her continuously letting her family back in, especially the SIL. i couldn't stand her family and was getting frustrated with the family, but i was actually frustrated with her as well for letting her family get away with this. i hope she does not help her brother, he didn't give a crap about her. tbh she should have hung up the minute she heard his voice. she needs to move out east and take her daughter. she needs to stop being the doormat for her family, her family does not care about her. her brother can give the baby up for adoption or he can go with the grandparents. she needs to put her daughter first, and taking that nephew would continue to keep her toxic family in her life and in her daughter's life. this lady needs a good friend to shake some sense into her.
@BraveryWing26 7 ай бұрын
I am so glad OP decided her family doesnt deserve any kindness and just went No Contact for good. Also I feel for the nephew but he's NOT HER RESPONSIBILITY. Her family should not force this on her.
@vagrantmessiah 2 жыл бұрын
The last update had me saying about OP's mom "if she didn't "DIRECTLY" say it then fuck her, they flat out did OP dirty from the start and without remorse at all. No contact is the way to go IMO and I come from a toxic family myself.
@nimisilverbird1239 2 жыл бұрын
OP forget that moment with the family. Remember the sweet one with your nephew. Also no one has apologised. They have just blamed you.
@videofan1010 2 жыл бұрын
Why are people suckers for drama? Stay away from people who start shit!
@kp2223 2 жыл бұрын
I might be a terrible person for this but I hope she doesn't take the nephew. Specifically only because then the sister-in-law will always feel like she has a right to enter and exit Op's life whenever she feels like it. Furthermore taking on a second child who is the exact same so everything will cost double at the exact same time ie daycare ,diapers, formula excetera. Then there's the added medical costs. Op's nephew was a preemie and had to stay in the NICU so chances are there will be some accompanying medical cost for the next couple of years for this baby.
@jenniferhersey4980 Жыл бұрын
The brother's baby would most assuredly be better off being adopted by someone not connected to this family. I understand the brother's wish for his sister to take him and acknowledge that it would most likely be easier for the OP to do this than anyone else in their family because she is already dealing with an infant and would not have her life drastically changed by this. Unfortunately, if the behavior from the former sister in law was accurately reported by the OP, I have no doubt that at some point, the SIL is going to be livid that the OP is raising her son. She might not want to deal with everything and be his mother now, but as soon as he starts to thrive and people start talking about what a wonderful parent the OP is to him (obviously as well as her own baby), she will not be able to contain her anger and jealousy and will have to push her way back in to destroy things for the OP. I would not be surprised to learn that a big part of the reason the SIL left is because she didn't get the little girl she clearly wanted. The way she behaved at the gender reveal as well as over wanting to control access to certain female names, indicates she wanted a girl and is having a petty tantrum against the universe for not getting her way.
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Holy hell. The entire family is insane. The OP is the only one who is sane.
@devchekhov7512 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say go no contact. It's too bad about the nephew but you've got a newborn baby to worry over. Nobody else in the family is going to help you.
@cheriremily9360 2 жыл бұрын
It was all a competition and her brother is a single father and his responsibility.
@theScytheofGod Жыл бұрын
One thing; where's the...father? She never mentions him at all, so I assume he was a drunken ONS.
@ataleofcoffee842 2 жыл бұрын
My advice for OP coming from someone on low, heading no contact with my toxic family members--Sometimes in life you have to put on your own emergency mask before trying to help others. Focus first on your responsibilities, Your well being and caring for your daughter and all things required to do so. If you can then take and care for nephew afterwards and still want to then go ahead. But you cannot save everyone from other's bad choices and decisions. Believe me, I understand how badly that hurts. I've had to leave people to be raised by toxic people and it's hard. But you didn't create the problems. That guilt doesn't belong to you. You don't have to catch it for the people it does belong to. And you do not have to fix everything. I'm sorry to say that your family will not treat you better for doing so. The opposite, actually. And that's not something you should live with, let alone model for your daughter.
@umustbkrayze 2 жыл бұрын
If OP really thinking about taking full custody or adoption she should probably get legal council and look into abandonment laws and what qualifies as, because then she may not have to worry about parental consent by the abandoner since parental rights would be revoked if proven.
@kaneki18-d1t4 Жыл бұрын
To be honest if I were OP I would've just blocked all of them and told them that they will not be part of my future child and that they have no right to turn up at my place and if they do that they will be confronted with legal issues As for the update she shouldn't take that child because her family is only using that as an excuse to get her back and bully her even more. If she takes her brother's child she won't be able to cut contact with her family and that's exactly what they want. They want to manipulate her to come back instead of sincerely apologizing and actually making things right. As heartless as it sounds she shouldn't take the baby and stay firm on her ground
@Pama013 2 жыл бұрын
For OP... Never take the child. It's the responsibility of your crapy brother and family. Don't let them "dispose" of the child. You should focus on your own daughter, because she will feel second when she get's older, since your nephew will need more attention, because of the health problems.
@A.x3 2 жыл бұрын
I hate stories like these. Why do people even come to reddit for "advice" when they almost always do the opposite?? Like just continue to be a doormat and punching bag for your family but don't pretend like you actually want anything to change. Not even having a daughter-- that no one respected her name-- was enough for OP to see that her family just doesn't care about her/her daughter. They will always be at the bottom of the barrel for that family.
@susanvanophem4569 2 жыл бұрын
I'm worried the sister in law will say you take my son and give me your daughter because she has no issues and I wanted a girl. I can see her doing this because she is one entitled loony bird. This woman is selfish and entitled and doesn't live in the real world of not all about her.
@laurakirby578 2 жыл бұрын
These kinds of family adoptions can be so messy. Depending on the laws, the parents might have 1 year to undo the adoption. Such a tough situation.
@SkyEcho751 2 жыл бұрын
OP needs to tell her Brother and HIS family(because they sure ain't OP's) that if she takes in the Nephew it will only be under a full adoption, with the brother 100% admitting that his wife abandoned the kid and has been missing. If all that is possible then OP should get it done as a closed adoption and leave with no contact to them, tell the poor kid _everything_ when he's old enough, including that both his parents were willing to ditch him and that no other family member did anything but claim OP should be responsible, maybe even show him the movie "Gaslight" so he understands how far people are willing to go to lie and get there own benefits.
@oakenshadow6763 Жыл бұрын
Wow. That family is so abusive.
@fjnxtgdjsjeeh6073 2 жыл бұрын
If she took her nephew, she should cut contact with the family, they should never be allowed to be around those children.
@Famous_Athlete_Hashimoto 2 жыл бұрын
It's very obvious there was favoritism towards the SIL by the parents and the SIL enjoyed being the center of attention. The SIL enjoyed the attention she got when they thought she was pregnant, and then convinced the brother to have a child when they previously planned on being child free. When the baby wound up not being the gender she wanted, on top of all the medical problems she faced, she realized what a huge mistake she made and ran away like a coward. Unfortunately, given the pattern displayed by the parents and brother, when she does inevitably come back with her excuses, she will again face no real consequences for her actions by the family. It's very telling that the brother only contacted OP when things went wrong. If the pregnancy had gone swimmingly and his wife hadn't left, he would never have bothered contacting OP. I hope she does move away from this toxic family and focuses strictly on her daughter and herself from here on out
@elizabethsomers1340 2 жыл бұрын
Op was the unwanted child and the sil was the daughter they always wanted
@calmingvoice8646 2 жыл бұрын
There should have been just one update: "I decided to never talk to any of them again."
@jeannebuttons5301 2 жыл бұрын
SIL agreed to be child free, pretended to be pregnant, became pregnant, got upset that she was having a boy then left after having the baby premature. That woman was an agent of chaos and evil!
@nexuseagles6279 2 жыл бұрын
I know the kinda person SIL is they cause problems and stir up tension. But than leave before they get in trouble, some of the worse People on earth.
@chyme2465 2 жыл бұрын
op is such a dormat lmfao no wonder it keeps happening to her over and over
@theresatrahan2147 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope op stuck with moving away. The last thing she or her daughter needs is their garbage. And you can bet all the money in the world and win, that they will treat her as less than for her entire life.
@noemiemi7213 2 жыл бұрын
Fucking hell, I really do think after listening to everything, that SIL wanted a baby just to spite OP and take all the attention she would get (which she basically did). Then, when she realized that you can’t pick and choose kids like dolls and having kids also mean complications and heartaches, she disappeard as if nothing happened. She’s a damn psycho, and OP’s brother is such a tool for having gone back to her and allowed himself to get her pregnant 🤯
@krazycats564 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever tweeted at mark asking if he'd seen the updates is a hero
@shanebrown4146 Жыл бұрын
this story was an emotional roller coaster! and we never got a conclusion.
@TheRichmaster24 Жыл бұрын
that's a really sad situation
@strategicarchitect869 Жыл бұрын
I know this is an old video but the one thing I came to learn after all these years is this: being treated like shit even once is one too many. They let SIL cause this nonsense while she was pregnant but when OP expressed frustration they lashed out at her or outright ignored unless pressed? Nah, they made their bed--they can go sleep in it. OP has no obligation to that kid other than telling her idiot brother to go at the wife with divorce papers and child support since she dropped out--better yet, report to CPS about this. If anyone had failed that kid it's the adults in that family except for OP. Shame on the SIL for being such a narcissist, for going as far as having a baby out of spite. Shame on the brother for thinking with his privates and not his head. All while enabling his wife's behavior. Shame on OP's parents for the clear favoritism and enabling SIL's behavior. Shame on the rest of the family for either enabling the SIL or doing nothing to stop her from doing this. What a piece of trash of a family, OP isn't missing much if everyone wants her to bite the bullet for her brother.
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