My Niece DEMANDED To Know Why I've Been AVOIDING Her Her ENTIRE Life r/Relationships

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@lucialovecraft 2 жыл бұрын
“How hopefully I get to experience not having a mother soon.” Holy fucking shit. My mouth dropped! What a horrible, nasty thing to say
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
The day I show up with my hair cut past a certain length, it means my husband or child has died. It's literally a cultural tradition in my tribe. Short hair on me literally means that the floor of my world just fell out.
@indiashante1560 Жыл бұрын
I'd drop those friends that said that.
@iamhungey12345 Жыл бұрын
Seriously wtf?
@GIChiyo 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: people need to deal with their traumas and not expect that everyone else will change to fit your little bubble...
@mikehilbert9349 2 жыл бұрын
This goes beyond her trauma, this is psychological game she is playing. She using her trauma to control OP and probably others.
@melvinmelvin9606 2 жыл бұрын
why not? half the population expects all of us to do that now. we got boys thinking there girls and girls thinking there boys and we gotta call them what they like cuz they are nuts and will cry if we dont. now we got people that identify as animals. the whole gen z population expects EVERYONE else to change to make them happy so whats different between any of it. people need to learn to start telling people to fuk off again
@Sanquinity 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not even sure I'd call it a trauma. This sounds more like "There's certain things that make me remember my mom and make me sad, so I'm going to call it a trauma and use it to garner pity and emotionally manipulate people." But yea even if she has a trauma from it, that doesn't mean the whole world now has to bend over backwards to accommodate her. If it really affects her that badly she needs to go to a psychiatrist and figure out ways to cope with it, not demand that other people change for her. Also that's quite the entitlement she has. "My mom died from cancer, have pity at how bad and sad my life is!" Newsflash...probably millions of people have lost loved ones to cancer. And hundreds of millions have lost people to other illnesses and conditions. You're not special, the world doesn't revolve around you.
@stellamccoy5259 2 жыл бұрын
As a therapist I so agree with you.
@Juan-bx5rq 2 жыл бұрын
No, people have a right to feel, they also have a right not to feel, encouraging, community/family engagement to support and recover from these hurt feeling. Don’t advice someone to get over it, cause we don’t care, that will truly make someone unconnected as a human with you. We get that your miserable and know this an love your life like that. But someone of us actually love and we actually love. And with that love those bad/negative feelings will leave and make room for new learning
@angierucinski5694 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for Kate's loss but deliberately befriending someone who resembles mum, expecting them to cut their hair and then wishing death on OPs mum. Wtf?? What if OP had the same colour eyes as Kate's mum, what's she supposed to do? Gouge them out?? 😲😲 Soo NTA.
@tommyhaukedalhansson2797 2 жыл бұрын
Not a « friend» you need in your life. Do understand the loss , but cut your hair for a stranger 👎, unless its for a close cancer victim’s wig etc , hell no
@andysheepleton 2 жыл бұрын
She's a cry bully who wants power. The whole notion that everyone who has experienced "trauma" needs to be and should be coddled is complete BS. For centuries people were able to function just fine without the world trying to bubble wrap them.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
Cutting my hair would run counter to my cultural traditions, and be traumatic as fuck. It would signal that I was grieving my very alive husband, or the loss of (another) child (really don't want to relive those experiences). Not only is there a cultural aspect to my hair, it's damn near unmanageable when it's any shorter than midback length. Not cutting my hair for anyone.
@Vipre- 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: It is NOT your responsibility to back up their lies and assorted BS. Their actions are coming back to haunt them and they only have themselves to blame.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
And is not his fault Lyly was born that falls entirely on Lyly for the sin of being born. In any case what Lyly should do is change both her name and last name and move to a non extradition country and cut all ties with her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@tgbedini 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true, and I feel for OP. And I can't imagine having to make nice for all those years with people who were so rotten. But Lily was punished for 18 years for something she didn't have any control over. Imagine if you had that situation; Uncle takes Bobby and Suzy to Disneyland. Lily, nada. Charlie and Sally get jet skis for christmas. Lily? still nothing. Yep, Lily's parents suck, but OP used his very understandable pain to make an innocent feel left out, and did it very obviously.
@Vipre- 2 жыл бұрын
@@tgbedini So he's supposed to suffer constantly just so she might not have to? No one has the right to expect or demand that of someone else and rather than explain why he was distant her parents let her go that entire time just shrugging and playing dumb. I feel bad for her as well but life isn't "fair" most of the time and she's going to need to learn that sooner or later.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@tgbedini Exactly. The only one that ended up paying for all this 💩 is Lyly for the crime of being born into a storm not of her making.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@Vipre- She learn that from a very early age already thanks to all her wretched biological family her parents her uncle and everyone in between and thankfully she is taking the steps the unloved for being born into situations that they are not responsible for can only take which is to fully emancipate and cut all ties with all of them forever and move as far away from them all as humanly possible and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@shellchenonceau6987 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I am sure the son will be dumped by the in-laws & fiancée as soon as possible now they realize he is "not good enough" either.
@mikehilbert9349 2 жыл бұрын
They are scamming him for the house. The plan is to be married long enough to scam or divorce him out of the house.
@PeterShipley1 2 жыл бұрын
yeah I get the feeling the in-laws are gold diggers.. note how the in-laws refer to the house as "their house" when they thought it belonged to the son (who was NOT EVEN MARRIED yet to the daughter)
@MrJpaynebb 2 жыл бұрын
Lawyer up now. OP needs to get a lawyer to make sure the eviction is done legally. Definitely NTA. No good enough for the wedding then OP's not good enough for his son to live in one of his houses rent free.
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
@@PeterShipley1 i thought this to and it remembers me of a story i hear jeahrs ago there a son merried a woman who devorced him after a jeahr and a half to get his house.
@KE-hr4sb 2 жыл бұрын
S2: NTA. Son and in-laws bit the house that homed them. S3: NTA. It's up to Kate to deal with her trauma, not try to force the world around her to change by cutting their hair and getting rid of their mothers. Dump Kate and her flying monkeys, they're all toxic, and NO, don't cut your hair. They can eff right off.
@atinyevil1383 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I can’t believe I’m talking about my mother and sister twice in one comment section. My sister looks just like my mother and my mother traumatized me. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I WANT MY SISTER TO REARRANGE HER FACE TO NOT LOOK LIKE OUR MOTHER. There are lots of things that remind me of what I went through, but I don’t just demand everyone to change things about themselves just to make me feel better! That’s not how things work!
@dianajunus2316 2 жыл бұрын
It sounds more like trying to control your friends do as I say or we are not friends a real gaselighting thing to do
@kaykay8855 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: while it sucks for Lily, it’s get why op distanced himself from his ex, his brother, and Lily. What op did wasn’t out malice, he did what was best for himself. NTA.
@PaulaSB12 2 жыл бұрын
No he took out his anger on the one person who didn’t do anything wrong he is the asshole
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully Lyly changes her name and last name and moves to a non extradition country to try to make a life for herself completely outside the sphere of her vile parents and uncaring biological family
@kaykay8855 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk away from her bio parents and op or just her bio parents?
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@kaykay8855 Away from her entire biological family her aunts,cousins, grandparents every single one of them as all of them failed her and did her wrong for the sin of being born.
@SummerRain101 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk The children are always the victims in these situations.
@maxsupernova 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: OP should cut her hair anyway? What kind of monsters would say this?! OP really needs new friends. And while I empathize with Kate, asking someone to cut their hair because long hair triggers them is beyond entitled. Kate needs a reality check.
@Rabbithavenstitchery 2 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if Kate deliberately befriended him on purpose in order to bully him into cutting his hair. I don't think it really counts as a trigger, as if it did, then she wouldn't of even been able to have a normal conversation with him about cutting his hair in the first place.
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
Welp time to kick this monster to the curb. You don't get to claim trauma for someone else's body then demand to change it. Trauma is not an excuse for it. Also other people have mothers. Is the friend gonna demand everyone pretends they're motherless? Not how the world works
@brandi5126 2 жыл бұрын
S1: NTA. Well, Lily should know the truth why you kept your distance and treated her differently from the others. Her mom and dad should have talked to her about it instead of leaving this situation to happen.
@untitled-gv3qp 2 жыл бұрын
The OP didn't even know that they were keeping it a secret. They should've told him if they didn't want it coming to light.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
In any case what Lyly should do is change both her name and last name and move to a non extradition treaty country and cut all ties to her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@denitzilla 2 жыл бұрын
Yes they should have and also kept her away from him.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@denitzilla How she is 18 and wondering why she has always been treated differently well now she knows that is because of her terrible sin of being born into a storm not of her making. As I've said hopefully she cuts off all ties with her entire wretched biological family and that includes her vile parents, her uncle and everyone in between blood related. She should change her identity and move as far away from them as humanly possible and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@Ospyro3em 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3- what the hell is wrong with those "friends"?!
@zebnemma 2 жыл бұрын
They wish death upon OPs mom... Over long hair... Kate must have spun some nasty story about OP being a total bully psycho or something. "She keeps reminding me about that my moms dead while hers is still alive and rubs it in my face", c'mon Kate... It's just hair, Op didn't bully you, please stop lying.
@robinwhite4148 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3. I lost my mom last week. I look like her and i miss her. I Would NEVER ask someone to change something about themselves because of this. People are crazy
@RJH_LIL 2 жыл бұрын
Third story Watch your back. If she is that cray cray, she will find a way to hack it off. Don't ever invite her to a sleepover. Don't get drunk around her. Stay WOKE or just stay away from her. Don't ever trust her or be alone with her. Just saying.
@atinyevil1383 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: possibly petty, but I’d say “if my family isn’t good enough for you, then neither is our house.”
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
it is the right thing to do. for me it sounds so much that the girlfriends family only wannt the free house.
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
They don't get say that to or about op's family like that then still expect the house. It's gross and obviously disrespectful. The son needs to leave the relationship with this girl she's only after his money it sounds like
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I truly feel sorry 😞 for that child that grew up that way always being the one that stuck out through no fault of her own. She should change her name move to a non extradition treaty country and try to make a life for herself completely outside the sphere of her vile parents and her uncaring family.
@trevie7589 2 жыл бұрын
She should've been placed for adoption. It must suck to have zero family. This crap causes suicide.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@trevie7589 Sometimes is better to be alone than in terrible 💩tty company of liars and people that ignore you as if you are 💩 as she has. Yes a lot of people that have suffered neglect and rejection for being born into situations that they are not responsible for do end up badly. If not suicide alcoholism or drug addiction but hopefully she can rise above all these crap she has had to endure as a child. I hope and pray she does.
@JasperCatProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4 I can’t imagine wasting 9 years on a dude who let his kids treat me this. They are grown it’s been that long and still want to control daddy? And he allows it. No frigging way, 9 years completely wasted.
@zebnemma 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure why the kids feel like they are allowed to control their dads life choices like that? Why are they so obsessed about their dad being single? Is he never allowed to start dating again?? The kids sound very selfish and controlling for treating their dad like that. The dad is allowed to start dating again if he wants too, get over it! His wife died too you know, and their mom. He has ben ready to move on for 9 years but the kids want his dad to never experience love ever again it seems, and that's very selfish of them when that's none of their concern really cuz there has been enough time for them to heal when it's been almost 10 years!!! The post didn't mention how long the dad waited before he started dating again after wifes death but if he waited a few years then it has been MORE than a decade by now. Honestly maybe the dad needs to put his kids in their place and make an ultimatum. "either you finally let me move on or I cannot be around you anymore, cuz you are trying to keep me tied forever to a person that is dead and that is not healthy for me or anyone". He has been patient enough with them he needs to bring the big guns to make them understand their obsession and controlling behavior over him is not okay. And they are adults now so shouldn't the kids have the mental maturity to see how ridicolous they are acting, and them hurting their dad.
@leegraves8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@zebnemma Because dad let them. She was a fool for staying that long.
@shebakoby 2 жыл бұрын
@@zebnemma yes it is selfish but it does not matter. OP wisely bowed out of the situation (several years late is better than not at all). There's literally nothing Mark could have done to improve the situation - the kids are going to feel what they're going to feel and therapy clearly didn't fix it (maybe the therapist was incompetent, idk). Best to be out of that situation than breed further resentment.
@zebnemma 2 жыл бұрын
@@shebakoby I have a feeling that the dad was way too nice to his kids after the moms death, to the point of becoming a doormat. Maybe the dad stopped being a parent and tried to be the kids friend instead (to somehow thinking that would compensate for their moms death) and so let the kid walk all over him and never putting his foot down. I think if he put his foot down on this issue years ago and not budging on it it wouldn't have become such a big problem as it turned out. He has now raised two kids that have learned that controlling behavior is 100% acceptable and that's where he majorly fucked up as a parent. Instead he should have taught the kids coping mechanisms instead to deal with their moms death, instead they try to control others because they don't know how to managing their own emotions.
@shebakoby 2 жыл бұрын
@@zebnemma that is certainly possible. But some kids, it doesn't matter what you do. It's quite possible that if Mark had tried other things and put his foot down, his adult children wouldn't be speaking to him. The damage was probably done long before OP even met Mark.
@brandi5126 2 жыл бұрын
S2: NTA. How are the in-laws going to say his family isn't good enough but they need to live in their house. HA!
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
its sounds so ducking like gold diggers
@dtee9053 2 жыл бұрын
Wow.. you read my mind markee... I was getting frustrated that these weren't updated.. lol its cool to hear these stories I guess.. but I need my anger to be satisfied.. when I hear these stories I need to know the bad people got what they deserved.. or if I should be mad with the op for their stupid choice..
@noneedtoknow07 2 жыл бұрын
Man Lily is like the living incarnation of OP's betrayals and regret and it's not even her fault.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Yup that's the tragedy here but at least now she knows how wretched her entire biological family really is every single one of them. Which is why she moved in with strangers on order to start her complete emancipation from all of them for good. She already knows her uncle resents and hates her and always has same as the rest of her entire wretched biological family so there is no reason for her to speak to any of them for the rest of their natural lives.
@growinghigher420 2 жыл бұрын
I want a update on story 2 so bad😫😫
@josepherhardt164 2 жыл бұрын
19:29 "A little more time?" Crimony. You're about to start counting the relationship in DECADES here. Time is over! Time has been over for a LONG FRIKKING TIME! 20:00 "A table for FIVE???" This is where you throw a loud, public tantrum and embarrass the hell out of everyone else to everyone else in the restaurant. My god!
@synber 2 жыл бұрын
i have to admit that i really missed the prawn on the barbie-intro, so happy that it is back!
@Dohyden2 2 жыл бұрын
I very much dislike when someone tries to unreasonably impose restrictions on others for their own comfort. Who asks someone to cut their hair, rude.
@suehirsch6545 2 жыл бұрын
Re Mark's kids not letting OP in and treating her to the cold shoulder and trying to exclude her: Not cool that Mark and his parents didn't take the kids to task for their rudeness for the entire 9 years that you put up with that. I would have walked away after a few months. Obviously the therapist also failed to do a proper job of helping the kids to see you and their Dad as individuals who were just doing your best to get through life and get some enjoyment out of it. Grieving a loved one is understandable but it's not an excuse to be mean to others. If Mark's parents think that you're "unfairly" blaming the kids, then maybe THEY need to shoulder some of that blame, since they had NINE YEARS to help guide the kids and role model better behavior toward you. The same goes for Mark and especially for the kids. NTAH. You spoke your truth with no name calling or recriminations.
@dulcilass 2 жыл бұрын
Hair story OP asks what to do about her friendship. My question is " What friendship?" Katie is not a friend.
@juanhaines7295 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 I've heard this one and I say nta. All the brother and ex is to spoil their daughter. They deserve to be called out.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Did you even heard the transcript for crying out loud? No you obviously didn't. Lyly was only inquiring as to why she was always treated differently by everyone and his uncle told him why. For the sin of being born into a storm not of her making. In any case what Lyly should do is change both her name and last name and move to a non extradition treaty country and cut all ties with her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@jackdawjohnson7436 6 ай бұрын
Story 3: while I think it’s reasonable to ask people to change things like mild mannerisms or phrasing (for instance, “could you please not throw your arms up like that,” or “could you please not say “what do you want me to do?””) you cannot expect someone to change anything whatsoever about their body, including hair. It’s their body, their choice, and that extends to how they style it.
@michaelwoods3651 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4- wasted 9 yrs of her life because her SO was too weak to handle the situation with his kids. She tried her best. Glad she finally started taking care of herself!
@emanymton7184 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: this one hit close to home. I was six when my mom married my dad. Both brought 3 children each to the marriage. My half sisters didn't have a problem, my step sisters on the other hand... During all the 40 years of the marriage they tried their best to disrupt it. They even tried to enlist me in their schemes. I had a sit down with them and told them in no uncertain terms i wanted to be left alone with their nonsense. If they ever dared to make their problems my problems they would not like my solutions. And I put a spent rifle cartridge on the table. I told them pissing me off was a very bad idea, one having a daughter and another one having a son. Never heard a peep from them since. So I'm totally backing up OP. NTA x 9000.
@jqdsilva 2 жыл бұрын
Your story should be read here and I'd really like to hear more details. The rifle cartridge bit (kissing fingers)
@SadWorm030 2 жыл бұрын
I love hearing your personality slip through when you read these stories! You should let it out more.
@Godsthetics 2 жыл бұрын
NTA and he didn't even tell her out of spite. That's karma.
@eclipse849 2 жыл бұрын
Just got some popcorn now time for the shitshow 🍿
@jusaminit 2 жыл бұрын
My friend and I call life's shit shows popcorn moments
@MaryTheresa1986 2 жыл бұрын
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Story #1 is the worst 💩show with an innocent party paying for the sins of her parents.
@Alissandre_Iskander 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. I will say that it's unfortunate that the truth was withheld from her for so long and this was the way she had to find out... but she deserved to have the full picture to understand why you were different toward her. I feel bad for OP and his niece.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
The only true innocent victim here is Lyly. The rest from her parents, grandparents, cousins and her uncle who resents and hates her for being born are all horrible, vile wretched sad excuses of human beings. Thankfully now that she knows what they really are and always were she is taking steps to fully emancipate and cut all ties with this evil bunch forever and hopefully she will move as far away from them as humanly possible and try to make a life for herself as best as she can as those are the only options for the unloved for being born into situations that they are not responsible for. That has always been the case.
@trevie7589 2 жыл бұрын
If she'd been given up for adoption she'd have a loving family. Her uncle is a piece of crap.
@juliane.mfarias9285 2 жыл бұрын
1. This truth was going to be known sooner or later. NTA.
@2Cambell 2 жыл бұрын
Hair: Holy crap! What an unreasonable demand!!! I have long hair. I grow it obscenely long, then I cut it where it's still left decently long enough, then donate it. My Mom had short hair and had no clue how to brush hair without it being painful. My hair is blond, rare in my family. I'm more than a bit jealous of my raven-haired relatives, sometimes. My Mom just didn't want to deal with my hair and gave me the same short haircut as my brothers. I was 4. The rest of my family was in shock. I felt ugly for a long time. Haircuts are for donations and on my terms only.
@mikehilbert9349 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP should tell his cheating @$$ ex and brother that consequences have actions. It is good the niece knows how horrible her parents are.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
The only one paying for those actions is Lyly though. What she should do is change both her name and last name and move to a non extradition treaty country and cut all ties with her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@mikehilbert9349 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk that's a solid plan.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikehilbert9349 For what I can gather she has always been treated differently than everyone else which is why she doesn't go to any family member and goes with a third party instead that shows how much her life has probably sucked up to that point and she never quite knew why. Her uncle finally told her that her family hates her for being born into a storm not of her making. At least he was honest despicable just like the rest of her entire wretched biological family for the looks of it so for her sanity she should cut all ties with them and change her identity and move as far away from them and their 💩 as possible and make a life of her own as best as she can without their toxic drama which she bears no responsibility whatsoever.
@Ellerwind 2 жыл бұрын
Must say I was told about your videos around 2 days ago. My brother (who told me about you and the videos you make/made) likes the updates. Myself: I like people reading Reddit story’s lol. Enjoying the videos you put out and while an update is nice, I don’t hunt them down.
@lokisgodhi 2 жыл бұрын
RE: Hair I think any reason for OP to even consider cutting her hair instantly evaporated when her 'friend' started spreading lie about OP to their friend group. In fact, not cutting it just became a moral imperative. As is cutting off this 'friend' and anyone else who made comments about OP's mother dying. In fact, OP should probably make a police complaint about them making threats against her mother's life. Because what they said can definitely be construed as that.
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
1. NTA. You are under no obligation to pay for anyone especially people who hurt you. While Lily is innocent her parents are not and they should be paying for their daughter and they should have told Lily the truth.
@thanos8077 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Op should not only cut off anyone who sided with Kate but she should also cut Kate off for what she did her trauma her problem what she did was awful
@atinyevil1383 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: this reminds me a little bit of my sister. Short version, our mother and sister’s father did some shitty things to me growing up and when I gave my mother a second chance to be my mother, she betrayed me and bailed on me. 11 or 12 years later, my sister contacted me and wanted to get to know me. Talking to her (and by her own admission) it’s very obvious our mother never told her the truth about what happened. I have a feeling, when/if she finds out, she’ll do what Lily does in this story. I feel bad for OP and understand to a degree how he feels.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Not even remotely the same situation.
@trevie7589 2 жыл бұрын
The op is as trash as the rest of his family.
@browniewin4121 2 жыл бұрын
1) NTA for telling the truth, there was not enough of that from your X and brother. I feel sorry for Lily being left out of the kind of relationship you have with her cousins, but that is not something for which I blame you. 2) Hard to believe your son could be so hateful, hurtful, disrespectful, delusional, and entitled. You absolutely should give them all the boot, just check with an attorney now to see if the law allows you to tell them to get out in 30 days time, and right away record everything about the property so they can be held accountable if they cause any damages. So sorry OP, NTA. 3) No OP, keep your hair, that request is not reasonable. She is not a friend to you if she is trying to make you change your appearance and treat you in the way she is. Avoid those obnoxious people who are behaving so terribly towards you. NTA. No is a complete sentence, you needn't justify yourself or make any excuse. Consider yourself better off without those people in your life. Report any harassment to those in charge, it's unacceptable. 4) Mark needs to recognize he is entitled to move on, but mostly he needed to insist his adult children must accept you and treat you with respect as his partner, but since he didn't, you were right to get out of this relationship. He strung you along for too long.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Yes they should have told her as a prepubescent child why she was treated differently and that she was and would always be unloved. I don't think that would have worked as great as you think so they probably just lied when she asked why she was treated differently from the rest. But alas at least she now knows that they all hate for being born into a storm not of her making hopefully she changes her identity and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family and that includes everyone who is related by blood from her vile parents to her resentful uncle who resents her for her horrible crime of being born and everyone in between and move as far away as possible from them and try to make a life for herself as best as she can as those are the only options for the unloved for being born into situations they are not responsible for as she was.
@danganryanne9499 2 жыл бұрын
For Story 1, I can't really blame OP because he distance himself from Lily for his mental health and his therapist told him to distance himself
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@danganryanne9499 This channel is at fault for never updating this story which actually ended up having a far better outcome than the one presented.
@danganryanne9499 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunkI was talking about something else.. not about the ending
@justasmalltowngirllivingin8453 2 жыл бұрын
First story total ah! The guy told the niece out of spite and anger it want for her it was to get back at her parents. He could of said your parents can afford to help you unlike xyz. It was nasty of him. She didn't do anything to him yet he is punishing her by treating her like crap while she sees her cousin getting treated so much better.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
He is not responsible for her being born that falls entirely on her evil parents and all the rest of her uncaring biological family. The only thing Lyly should do is change both her name and last name and move to a non extradition treaty country and cut all ties with her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@randomusername3873 2 жыл бұрын
Not giving money to someone is not punishing them. The fact that she's innocent doesn't mean that she is entitled to anything. And also, what is this crap that one is supposed to keep up with lies someone else decides to tell instead of being onest?
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomusername3873 The Twat uncle always resented her for being born and never gave her anything other than disdain she finally inquired as to why her entire biological family hates her for being born and yes at least he was honest and now she can change her identity and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family and move as far away as humanly possible from them and try to make a life for herself as best as she can without their toxic presence. No more uncaring family and no more twat resentful uncle around forever. They should all eat 💩 and die as far as she is concerned for as long as she lives. Thats the only way for the unloved for being born into a situations that they are not responsible for. Always has and always will be.
@trevie7589 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry, he'll end up a bitter old man in a nursing home with nobody that cares for him.
@danganryanne9499 2 жыл бұрын
So.. you're just solely blaming OP? How about you blame Lily's parents for having an affair and never telling her, and people aren't entitled to people's money because they are family
@eri-chan1943 2 жыл бұрын
I also enjoy hearing your funny reactions to stories while you're reading them!
@sighthoundlady15 2 жыл бұрын
Ha, your reaction to the story with the friend demanding OP cut her long hair had me cracking up, they’re all super demented for sure! 😂
@darlieoneeleven 2 жыл бұрын
If she is no contact with her parents, pay for her college
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
If I were Lyly I would never contact any of her horrible wretched biological family members not a single one much less an uncle that resents and obviously hates her for being born into a storm not of her making. And if someone like that sent me a check Id tear it into bits and send it right back alongside with anything else sent by other family members to make crystal clear that I don't want anything to do with them as they have hurt her enough already.
@cianap.281 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3-- wait, so Kate saw that OP had "triggering" hair but still decided to befriend her, then was able to remain friends for long enough to become "close," all despite the hair? It sounds like the hair isn't exactly a crisis situation but something she can and has managed. Unless Kate very recently lost her mom-- in which case I accept that grief just makes people go slightly insane for a while and I won't judge her-- I suspect that Kate was "triggered" because OP's hair gets attention and Kate was jealous of attention, so Kate went about getting attention for herself by whipping up a lot of drama.
@G14-Classified 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 after I lost my mom who was a petite woman with short hair, and would see women who looked like her it was hard at first but then I just told myself it was god’s way of letting me know she is with me
@teancoffee208 2 жыл бұрын
We like your personality mark. Whatever you wanna do, I'm fine with. I do like updated posts more, but hearing more from you is nice too
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: Mark has some awefull selfish entitled kids! Actually it feels like abuse! If those kids want their dad to saty single for 9 fff years? and still that isn't enough? They will NEVER 'allow' their dad to move on! OP is NTA! The kids and in some part Mark, IS!
@songb1rd333 2 жыл бұрын
Keep it spicy Markee! I rather enjoy hearing the opinions of the narrator, it keeps things interesting. Besides, if it were just about the narration with no commentary I could just go on Reddit and read the stories myself. Keep up the good work.
@jameyregier8054 2 жыл бұрын
Love it when you interject your personality! Thank you Markee!
@bethb4432 2 жыл бұрын
Mark - I’m glad you’re putting more of your personality and opinions back in again. I’ve missed that!
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
4 NTA. The kids are adults now and still wont let dad move on. No choice but to leave.
@gaminwithproplayer836 2 жыл бұрын
Love you markee I like to listen to your vids when I'm playing games
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
If I were Lyly I would not want anything to do with any of her entire wretched biological family which is probably why she moved in with strangers as the first step from complete emancipation from all of them for good.
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 - NTA Asking someone to do a major change like an extreme haircut and then threatening the friendship and Op’s mom when OP refused? Hell no.
@wolfwhistlewoowoo6297 2 жыл бұрын
We LOVE your sassy opinions and interjected personality - it adds a fun personal element ♡♡♡
@roelthas 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I feel sorry for the OP that wasted 9 years.
@benjaminperez1149 2 жыл бұрын
Lily has no right to expect anything and it was extremely rude of her to ask anyone to foot the bill for a free four year college ride.
@Justaperson354 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but he did that to everyone else’s kids. It’s in her eyes clear favoritism and isn’t fair. I mean it is kind of shitty how she’s treated she’s an innocent child who did nothing wrong. She doesn’t deserve to be treated so badly. I get he’s upset but that’s something you work through in therapy not mistreat a child
@benjaminperez1149 2 жыл бұрын
@@Justaperson354 The word but negated the yes in your reply.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
No you are absolutely correct is all her fault for being born. She should either change her name and last name and move to an no extradition treaty country and cut all ties to her vile parents and her entire uncaring biological family and try to make a life for herself as best as she can or just eat a bullet in your case since she never had the right to even exist to begin with.
@KimPossibleShockwave 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: shrug OP should've said, "Oh, so you're just being racist" and turn it back on her.
@missflowerpower8724 2 жыл бұрын
The hair story… RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN from these NARCISSISTIC “friends”!!
@gl8172 2 жыл бұрын
The issue with the hair doesn't sound like trauma at all... more like entitlement and controlling behavior. Surely Kate would have noticed OP's long hair well in advance of getting to know her and becoming friends? She allowed her friendship to start with someone she already knew she would feel uncomfortable around, under the assumption that she could manipulate this person into changing themselves for her convenience later on. The fact that she's been made uncomfortable all this time is purely her own fault, since she could have just distanced herself from the start. OP needs to cut off contact with Kate and her flying monkeys. Kate should be fine with this, since it means OP won't be around to make her uncomfortable anymore.
@DivusMagus 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I feels like her trauma has led to control issues so she tries to control others to cover for her own control insecurities. I would make sense for someone seeing a moved one feel powerless so now she uses her trauma as a weapon to give herself power. She even said "she only asked because they were such close friends." But then said "she wanted to ask her immediately when they become friends but waited." Those both don't make sense at the same time. So she wanted to grow closer so her emotional manipulation is not effective. Last point I believe all of this is unintentionally but still very unhealthy and she needs therapy.
@w7100 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: you were a victim so you decided to make a victim of your own, congrats Story 2: Ok he told your wife and daughter but not you? Then it takes a four hour, at best, drive to calm down enough to give you 2 sentences you really should had known immediately? Sus
@randomusername3873 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that Lily is innocent doesn't entitle her of anything from the Op. The fact that he treated her differently from her cousins is due of the different relationship he has with their parents, it's really obvious for anyone with a braincell (and as a person with estranged relatives since when I was a child it's always been obvious why they weren't in my life and I didn't care lol) And the fact that her parents decided to not be honest with her doesn't mean that he's supposed to act like the bad guy to protect them from whatever lies they told "Oh but he did it out of spite", they just ruined his life, maybe don't expect him to care about their wellbeing
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Lily was simply inquiring as to why she was treated differently as in less than everyone else and she finally got an honest answer that it was for her horrible crime of being born into a storm not of her making. Now that she knows for a fact how horrendous her entire biological family is hopefully she chooses to change her identity and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family and that includes everyone related by blood from her vile parents, grandparents to her resentful uncle who resents her for being born and everyone else in between and move as far away as humanly possible from them and try to make a life for herself as best as she can without their toxic presence.
@randomusername3873 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk Why should you have a relationship with a child if you don't have one with her parents?
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomusername3873 I've had plenty such relationships with grownups as a child obviously not with them offering me lavish gifts but just of their time. Obviously since for the looks of it such a concept is alien to you its incomprehensible and I'm not saying what he should have done or not as at this point is totally irrelevant and totally irreversible what's done is done and all that matters is for Lyly to take care of her own well-being and forget and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family forever, move as far away from them as humanly possible and try to make a life for herself as best as she can as I said those are the only options for the unloved for being born into situations that they are not responsible for and always has been as for the OP of story 1 and the rest of his entire family which are even worse than he is. They can all eat 💩 and die. Hopefully she rises above all this 💩 she was subjected too as a child far away from their toxic presence for good. That's all I care about on this story.
@thomaswagner9875 2 жыл бұрын
Hair length story - I suspect the reference to her mother had nothing to do with her mother being alive, but that her (non-white) mother also had long hair.
@zachf748 2 жыл бұрын
Lol at the gall of OP's ex to get mad at him for simply telling the truth, as if _he’s_ the bad guy here..
@xxxBamBammxxx 2 жыл бұрын
story 1: can’t believe the ex has the audacity to tell OP that he was ruining her family after her and op’s brother did that themselves by cheating
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
The only true innocent victim of all this 💩 is Lyly. She is the one that had to grow as the black sheep of the family and always treated as less than. At least now that she knows that her entire biological family are nothing but PO💩 she has started her complete emancipation process away from them forever and for good. Its better to be alone than in the company of those that revile you for being born as is her case.
@larrylightner5638 2 жыл бұрын
Story one. I would like to know what happens next? What was the results of the nieces response to the information of her family?
@starwhite9655 8 ай бұрын
Op and Lily met up, he explained everything to her and in return she told him that her parents said that he was distant because he had a miracle baby named Lily that died and they told her he resented her because of that, they both apologised to each other and OP decided he’ll do his best to be more involved in Lily’s life, Lily agreed and said she wanted to get to know him better, and the family decided to cut contact with the ex and brother now that Lily’s an adult.
@WildKat25 2 жыл бұрын
I have really long hair and I have only cut my hair once and it was because my work wrecked it, so the only way to "fix" it was to cut it. If someone, especially a "friend," asked me to cut my hair due to trauma and has been planning to ask me this from the beginning of our friendship I would accuse them of planning to manipulate me from the beginning of our friendship. Trauma never gives someone the right to try and control other's looks or behaviours to try and soothe their grief. If a parent demanded their kid to change their looks because they look too much like the dead spouse everyone would be demanding CPS be called and that the parent be forced to go to therapy.
@surrealistgirlx 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy your commentary. You have a great deal of insight & you are funny. Updates have been good but it's more important that you're having fun. Aren't we overdue to have a visit with the puppy patrol? They are adorable.
@beege4491 2 жыл бұрын
I really prefer the stories with updates. Not sure how other's feel about it.
@MsMookalate 2 жыл бұрын
Same here
@eiffapearson4628 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 I have ptsd and I would never ask someone to change something about themselves to accommodate me, asking for certain actions to be avoided is fine and understandable but asking someone to change themselves absolutely not
@ddavis8988 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Let's be honest, dude is a jerl and enjoyed treating the kid that way to get back at his brother and ex. If it was really that serious he would've handled it with the adults and not the kid. Instead he took the coward way out amd then acted like he didn't know how badly it would effect the kid. It kind of shines light on why his brother and ex did him that way.
@danganryanne9499 2 жыл бұрын
His therapist told him to distance himself away from Lily
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
strory 2 : NTA!!! We call this Karma! tell you son to kick ricks
@Jeff-vg2hf 2 жыл бұрын
We are never going to get a update on story 1 cause if I was lily I would go NC with the whole family
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly to hell with that entire horrendous family of hers. They never loved her and they never will.
@starwhite9655 Жыл бұрын
There was an update from him this is what he said I've met up with Lily yesterday. I told her about my relationship with her mother, how and when it started, went into detail about the accident I went through, the cheating, her birth. I got over everything she asked me about. In turn she told me everything her parents told her about me growing up. Apparently she was told that around the time she was born I had a miracle baby named Lily that died at the hospital and since she and her share the same name I held some sort of resentment towards her. I am still processing what she told me. I feel like it's such a twisted retelling of what actually happened that it's insulting. Needles to say there was a lot of crying involved and apologies from both ends. Lily said she's doing better now that she knows the truth and that her bf and his family have been an amazing support to her throughout all this. My family decided to officially cut off any contact from my ex and brother, now that Lily is an adult there is no need to also invite them along so they can see her. For those asking me if I go to therapy, yes I do. My therapist was the one who suggested I distance myself from Lily and her parents all those years ago and honestly it did do wonders for my mental health so I can't say I regret that decision. I was suicidal back then and I don't think regular contact with them would've possibly done me any good. I decided that I'll try my best to be more involved in Lily's life now that I don't have to interact with her parents inorder to meet up with her. Lily agreed and said she also want to get to know me better. Overall this whole incident opened up a lot of old wounds but I'm glad it happened. It needed to happen. All I can say is that I hope that both Lily and I will probably heal from this and move on with our lives.
@tayganroberts5098 2 жыл бұрын
3: I went to primary school and high school with a girl who lost her mother very early in her life. She and her sisters never got over it. Not that you’d ever expect them to. However she made Mother’s Day a literal nightmare every year. She’d cry and scream that it wasn’t fair that other people got to talk about their parents just because she didn’t have hers around. We stopped talking about mums around her. We shouldn’t have had to be censored because of her trauma. Y’all can’t stop me talking about how much I love my mum.
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: unless a man loses his testicles, he's not 100% infertile. Doctors need to say "very low chase"
@quartzskull8772 2 жыл бұрын
And if they don't produce live sperm?
@Barlmoro 2 жыл бұрын
@@quartzskull8772 the thing is, if the are not removed there is a small chance that a few "good" ones are still produced and had a lucky strike, but we talk about a chance lower than 0.1% for some men. A freind from shool had this problem after a cancer treatment. the doc told him that only 0.01% of his sperm are ok after test. he visit the doc every jeahr to get this checkt and it crawls up after 5 jeahr to 0.1% and he managed to get his girl pregnent ( he demands a dna test to be sure, cose lets be honest the chances that she was cheating was way way way more likly than he hit it, but it happens and i am happy for him and she was total fine with the test, cose she knows his past and says that she can understand every men to wanting to be save, cose her sister cheatet on her boyfriend and this unfortunate guy try 2 self delite attempts after that and got a bed in a medical facility for a few years becourse of it.)
@lokisgodhi 2 жыл бұрын
RE: Family This situation is what it is because OP's fiance chose the wrong type of therapy for his kids. They needed the 'over the knee' therapy to demonstrate the world didn't revolve around them. Now it's way too late. OP's former fiance needs to accept the fact if he wants a relationship, he's going to have to cut his kids out of his life.
@carlrood4457 Ай бұрын
So the people who own two homes will somehow embarrass the squatters?
@rmhartman 2 жыл бұрын
The friend needs therapy. She is poisoning the well, lying to your friends about what you said and did. Don't try to justify anything, that's how you got into trouble. "No." is a complete sentence.
@alicewilloughby4318 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 - First thing OP needs to do is cut all contact with these so-called "friends" who wished her mother dead. That's just evil. As for OP's comment about her mom, she should have thought before she spoke, but it was one unthinking comment (which I hope she's apologized for) and Kate twisting into "she's always reminding me about my mom. She said she looks more like my mom's daughter than I do," is bullshit. I'm sorry about her loss, but lying to OP's friends to get them on her side is inexcusable. If (and only if) OP decides to stay friends with Kate, I wonder if wearing her hair in a braided bun or something whenever they are getting together would help at all? But after Kate lied like that, I'd think long and hard about whether OP still wants her in her life. OP gets maybe half a butthole for unthinkingly blurting out that "reminds me of my mom" comment, but Kate gets at least three buttholes for the way she tried to turn all of OP's friends against her and those of OP's "friends" who chose to believe her crap - Sheesh!
@MrAlwaysOnTen 2 жыл бұрын
Markee I’m pissed as hell none of these have updates
@powellmountainmike8853 2 жыл бұрын
I like COMPLETE stories. If a story can stand as a whole without updates, fine. If it leaves one hanging, wishing to know how a situation resolved, then I don"r like it. Such stories should not be posted unless and until they have an edit or update which provides resolution to the story.
@roseydot 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, we’ll that’s you, and nobody has to change their channel to suit your needs.
@powellmountainmike8853 2 жыл бұрын
@@roseydot True, but then don't wonder why your viewership, or likes, are not as high as those of channels which DO present stories with some closure to them.
@Hiimreggie 2 жыл бұрын
@@powellmountainmike8853 dude just stop watching nobody is forcing you to stay
@cloudfair2 2 жыл бұрын
That last story: Those kids need a serious wake up call. Do you really care so little for your father that you want him to both live and die alone? You don’t have to accept her as your mother but you do have to respect her on a basic human decency level.
@denitzilla 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1. You do resent the child, YOU couldn't be happy even if you had all the $ in the world. You can't let go of things therefore couldn't forgive them I can see how she was so scare of tell you the truth. While is wrong what they did unexcusable and selfish YOU stood to their level to hurt a child. YOU had NO right to tell this girl the truth PEOPLE like you is the reason tragedies happened. You were purposely like a bully singling Lily out to hurt her bc you have no life and have become the very people you hate the most (your brother and ex) Your brother and ex are equally selfish and careless thinking they could do this and have a normal life I would've LEFT this family and move far away and avoid you at all cost for the sake of my child and not flaunting around happiness in front of the person the hurt the most YOU. They kept making you miserable, however, you have no excuse tho you're an adult. YOU SAID something terrible to someone on porpuse hopefully this brings you peace and happiness YOU CREEP. I feel horrible for the child Lily she is the only victim of this terrible situation.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I imagine her growing up and seeing how her cousins would be showered with gifts by his uncle on Christmas while only receiving a hateful glance by him. How he would go to Birthdays and other events while he never went to one of hers. He said so himself that he loves his other nephews and nieces but resents and loathes Lily down to his bone marrow and beyond. And all the other family members partaken on this as well. This is why I say she should change her identity and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family and that includes everyone her vile parents her resentful uncle who resents her for the sin of being born into a storm not of her making and everyone related by blood and move as far away from them as possible and make a life for herself as best as she can.
@randomusername3873 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk So you are saying that he should miss out on a relationship with the other nephews for no reason just because another side of the family is composed of horrible people. And also, he should be the bad guy to Lily just because her parents decided to lie to her, for what reason exactly?
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomusername3873 The entire family from her vile parents grandparents and her resentful uncle thar resents her for being born are all horrible people. Hence my recommendation that she should change her identity and cut all ties with her entire wretched biological family and yes that includes her Twat uncle who hates her since she was born for being born anyway and move as far away from them all as humanly possible and try to make a life for herself as best as she can.
@immortalsofar5314 2 жыл бұрын
What a collection of American stories! As a Brit living on the West Coast for 25 years, the East Coast "Not our kind of people" is the attitude among those social climbing aspirants. As someone explained to me: if there are two people, one with $5m and one with $1m, the one with $1m will be absolutely miserable. Same with the hair thing. Maybe it's the puritan martyrdom syndrome but some people just want to be the victim and it's the rest of the world's job to accommodate that. I always told them they have the right to be offended, I will defend that right and if that's what they want to do then to go ahead and knock themselves out. Why else would you befriend someone who triggers you? The same goes for the kids who would "feel uncomfortable" if dad's new partner was there. Well, how unfortunate for you, you'd better work on getting over that problem of yours or you can just embrace your failures and make them permanent.
@LisaApril 2 жыл бұрын
I love all the stories, but the updated ones get more closure and can sometimes fulfill our curiosity. Hope everything is well in Australia. Love from California
@debc6260 2 жыл бұрын
All that time wasted for last OP. She should have left sooner.
@tanasiacampos5836 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: yeah like my half sis found out we weren't fully related and step mom got all pissy. Like who cares 🙄
@RoyCyberPunk 2 жыл бұрын
Not even remotely close to what happened to Lyly @$$w!p€. Bye
@amandabrinkman2338 2 жыл бұрын
Op with the long hair. Take your friends texts and send them to their mother’s and watch them get karma!
@champslim 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Did the son really think that was going to go down well????? " Not their kinda of people" WTF
@aurora4218 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: if op was VERY close to her friend, it might have been reasonable to ask her to wear it up more often, esp if she volunteered to, like, do hairstyles for her. But cutting it? You don't ask someone to alter their body for you
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
3. NTA. Is she going to make that request of everyone with long hair? That is ridiculous.
@janwojciechowski7227 2 жыл бұрын
Hair story: this is frickin crazy. What the hell is wrong with people? Cut your hair because it reminded me of my trauma? Maybe go to counseling and don't bother other people?
@GlucoseGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Markee, I enjoy your channel because you've tended to focus more on the updated stories and I like hearing outcomes. Just getting the reddit comments and opinions doesn't quite give the fulfillment I'm looking for. I figured you focused on stories with updates for a reason. Also, as far as you bringing your personality into it - up to this point, I've seen it as, when you feel strongly one way or the other, putting in your opinion is fine - kind of like when you react to things as you're reading them. It's not something that I would be demanding that you do all of the time. If you want to, do it. If you don't don't. :)
@naturalPaths 2 жыл бұрын
Re: long hair. Sounds as if quite a few ‘friends’ are jealous of OP’s hair, maybe more than just her hair.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
The long hair drama certainly has shown who OP should cut out of her life, and it's not her hair. Jeez, what a nasty bunch of stupid little cows. Oh, and don't allow any of these cows access to her hair. It will be hacked off. Often these stories end with the OP finding out the other girl is jealous of the beautiful hair so she was trying to bully her into cutting it. This story reeks of the same maliciousness. Older person wisdom: People who are grieving deeply don't have the emotional energy to be so vindictive. The kids want their dad chained to their mother's grave for the rest of his life. As long as he allows these selfish little brats to control his life, he should enjoy his chain to a dead woman and stop trying to make some other woman miserable with his spineless selfishness.
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