You might start journaling your thoughts and feelings about your kids for them to read some day. As you remember things you could have done differently, write those apologies down as well. Try your hardest not to bad mouth their mother even though she is the problem. They live with her, they know the type of person she is. Once they are older, they will appreciate you for not attacking their mother, who is as much a part of them as you are. Prayers going your way to help you heal. Counseling for yourself might help with the healing during this difficult time. Bible study might help some as well.
@probrickgamer18 күн бұрын
They are in the wrong especially those surrounding your ex and not challenging the isolation from you. The one thing that's tough to do but you'll probably have to do is completely ignore anyone else's role in the isolation despite them being the majority of the problem and focus only on your failings and apologize for those. I reunited with my first son after parental alienation and I do not say anything negative about anyone around him, although I refuse to lie so if he asks, he'll get the truth. Anyway I have apologized though he was kidnapped because I am imperfect. I felt like I could have fought harder or differently and apologized for that. He sees her everyday and he'll figure things out but by focusing on what others do wrong instead of where you have failed than you are going to make him feel defensive of his mother instead of focusing on healing your relationship with him
@probrickgamer18 күн бұрын
"only a coward would believe lies" no bro we all have lies we believe and if you get stories pushed into you on a daily basis and it's by people you love than it's hard to overcome. You need to have some empathy for him even though you are hurting. In fact if you feel more hurt than empathetic than reunification isn't even something you should pursue yet
@tonysfamilytalk16 күн бұрын
You woke? Yes, we're all sinners, but to sit there and help these monsters' moms is ignorant
@alisonf647816 күн бұрын
@@tonysfamilytalkdefine “woke”, Tony. Go look it up ;)