Hi @Nima, congratulations for the work!! I would like to ask you with what utility or mesher use for this. Use Snappy and stl files... or maybe another?
@NimaSamkhaniani Жыл бұрын
The grid generator is snappyHexMesh with the aid of stl filed
@sergiodavid4590 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, do youn have a tuturial about mesh creation? I really interested on in @@NimaSamkhaniani
@NimaSamkhaniani Жыл бұрын
The most inclusive tutorial for snappyHexMesh can be found in the following link: A Comprehensive Tour of snappyHexMesh - OpenFOAMWiki openfoamwiki.net/images/f/f0/Final-AndrewJacksonSlidesOFW7.pdf