Overcoming white coat syndrome

  Рет қаралды 16,468

Martin Burridge

Martin Burridge

Күн бұрын

White coat syndrome is high blood pressure due to anxiety when in a medical setting. This video gives some tips on what to do if you have white coat hypertension and also what it means if you really have high blood pressure.

Пікірлер: 112
@MJPage 4 ай бұрын
I have WCS, Last month it was 240/125 doc called an ambulance. Of course being in the emergency department made it even higher but I got lots of tests and scans that were perfect. GP doesn’t take my BP any more, I take it at home and take a picture of it with time and date. That is the one he puts in my file.
@DomnulDarius Ай бұрын
I wish I could do that. I had a BP reading of around 160/90 max and an average of 140/80. Quite high for my age too. I got an Ambulatory 24 hour blood pressure check and the average was 126/70 which is much more normal. But unfortunately they don’t take this that much into account and still use the BP checks at the GP which are elevated.
@WidmoGeniuszaa Жыл бұрын
I got this syndrome, and i cannot overcome it, because i care to much about proper result.
@David-mo8rl Жыл бұрын
I have a slightly strange OCD compulsion. Normally, my heart is in a resting state - blood pressure is fine - but as soon as the blood pressure machine is strapped on to my arm, my heart starts pumping like a maniac. It seems to have a mind of its own. The closest analogy I can use is if I tell you not to think of a pink elephant, you will automatically think of one. Likewise, when I tell myself to relax and slow my heartbeat down, the exact opposite happens . Does anyone else get this? Please tell me I’m not the only one😅
@irenesworkroom Жыл бұрын
I have the same problem and this lead to avoiding the doctor's office, what is kind of destructive. This is so crazy. I test the blood pressure regularly at home and it varies between 100/60 und 120/80. But as soon as I enter my doctor it goes up to 160/100 and everybody freaks out including myself 😁😁 and I am not able to calm down before I leave. So, yes, it is good to hear that there are more of us 😅😅
@quickpstuts412 Жыл бұрын
Same. I even start anticipating the appt days before because I fear it. Your breathing is probably wrong as well. We tend to hold our breath and breathe deeply but that can make your heart faster if you aren't doing long exhales. It's 100% mental. Like you said, the moment you see the cuff coming toward you, you think "I hope my heart doesn't race" and sure it does. I wish I knew how to deal with it but it's tied to my generalized anxiety.
@quickpstuts412 Жыл бұрын
@@irenesworkroom Same!!
@EzequielDeniz Жыл бұрын
Same here! 😢 it’s so annoying
@itz_aymi41 Жыл бұрын
​@@irenesworkroom Same here. Mercy!!
@Fyr35555 Жыл бұрын
I've had really bad health anxiety over the last year (put it this way, I stubbed my toe and thought I had a rare type of skin cancer under the nail, and I thought I might have scoliosis after I got back pain from carrying a heavy bag everywhere.) I also do the checking too much thing with a pulse oximeter - my heart rate will be perfectly fine at 65-75 when I haven't been thinking about taking it and I've been resting but if I see a reading like 100 when I've been active etc I start panicking. So it comes as no surprise when I had an appointment recently that I was worrying ahead of for a good 30 minutes, having not drank anything all morning and only ate a breakfast bar, it should have been obvious my reading would be a bit high (152/68) If I can't calm down at my next one and it reads high again I'm going to ask if I can get it monitored for 24h as I think it's just me getting stressed with health anxiety.
@user-fu3pk3hd7q Жыл бұрын
Did the 24 hour bp monitor exercise. As an anxious person that was like being at the drs for 24 hours straight. Terrible experience with the machine going off every 30 mins during day. At night every hour which meant no sleep at all. Ended up with bruised arm too.
@BLOKI5 11 ай бұрын
I’m on it now and feel the same haha
@Pelesys_a320 Жыл бұрын
My blood pressure is 130/80. When I have a headache I check my blood pressure and it’s 120/80. When a doctor puts a cuff on my left arm I start panicking because when it pumps I think it’s gonna cut my arm off or something. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but it is what I feel.
@CountofSerenno Жыл бұрын
At home it was 124/74 with 80 pulse. At doctor it was 156/81 with 129 pulse. I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but I've always felt a constant fight or flight response in public/social environments.
@piratefanyt1602 Жыл бұрын
Same here man my number at doctor office for blood pressure last time was 130/80 and heart spiked to even high as 150. But it’s because I’m super nervous. At home my heart rate varies from 70s to 80s and blood pressure is lower. I believe anxiety is that much of a big difference
@WidmoGeniuszaa Жыл бұрын
The same here. I'm generaly healthy, runing maratons, etc. At home my blood preasure od even 110/60, pulse 50-60. But in any medical enviroment it rises even to 210/120 and pulse 150. The more i try to overcome and get proper result the more IT rises, I cannot Control it. Each meditation, relaxation, breathing Technics are worthless in my case. Even farmacology doesn't help. Even if Lion would attack me I will afraid less than in doctor Office.
@thisiskd5204 Жыл бұрын
It my heart rate that I can’t get an accurate reading for. It’s always around 102-105 when I know I have to have it checked. So even if I check it on my Apple Watch it’s high but I don’t think it’s high all day 😩
@lisafiddelke7437 Жыл бұрын
@@WidmoGeniuszaa I am right there with you. Next doctor appointment I am going to try going with the anxiety instead of fight it. Wish me luck
@viccapalihan364 6 ай бұрын
​​@@WidmoGeniuszaaI'm a very gym / workout gym rat with bp of 127/78 . Heart rate of 78. But in a medical exam it will shoot up at 177/100 hr of 115...... sometimes I just tell them there is nothing we can do about it..😂😂😂
@MotopGT 2 жыл бұрын
I test my blood pressure regularly at home. My most recent reading was 112/72 and I test it multiple times a day. The highest measurements I get at home are after I go for a run, and those are usually around 130/80. When I went to my doctor this week it was 158/96. I lost a job opportunity recently because I had to go to an urgent care for a physical in order to get the job. My pressure was high at the appointment, but I showed them all of my readings I take at home and they didn't seem to care. My PCP has diagnosed me with white coat syndrome, but again, the prospect employer didn't care about any of that. I test my BP 10+ times a day and it's always within normal limits. I have tested it with an auto cuff and also with a Sphygmomanometer because I am an EMT and I know how to do it. I'm pissed off to be honest, I was DQed for some bogus reading at urgent care and they didn't take into account my white coat syndrome. I showed them a time stamped video of myself taking my BP the day of the exam, and it was normal. Oh well.
@eki63595 Жыл бұрын
Wow. That's bad you lost a job opportunity over this! Hopefully you will overcome this, and a better opportunity comes along!
@jamescps8799 Жыл бұрын
Same thing happened to me for my employment health check, I can totally relate.
@albertobriceno9533 Жыл бұрын
Today I went for a física exam for future job. My BP at home is 116/ 72. Did not pass my DOT exam.
@teelakthapa Жыл бұрын
Until now only one doctor I met who agreed with me when he tried relaxation technique. Other doctors I think they have no idea of white coat syndrome. They just prescribe high BP medicine.😓
@turbostream7925 4 ай бұрын
I'm doing a 7 day blood pressure chart at home this week for this very thing. Ended up in A&E after an out of hours Dr assumed I was having a heart attack, I wasn't. My blood pressure was obviously sky high but after a ecg, chest x-ray and CT scan I was declared fit and healthy. At my Drs again my blood presure was high, even was asked to compare my machine with theirs to ensure it was ok. I do have a degree of anxiety so its not surprised it goes up at the drs. Hopefully I can wtch a gew of your videos without adding to the anxiety and try and calm my brain down. Currently have tinnitus which isn't helping. Do you have any vids that can help us with tinnitus calm our nervous systems down? Thanks for helping us.
@angelozicarelli541 Жыл бұрын
At home my blood pressure is usually 107-117 systolic over 69-76 diastolic. At the doctors office it's usually 140-150 systolic over 85-90 diastolic.
@Justin-fx9xu 9 ай бұрын
Yes. Up and down readings at the doctors. Nurse would take it , 160/90. I would wait and my doctor would take it later 120/81. Clearly it's a subconscious fear of something bad happening and feeling unsafe. When I say subconscious, I mean even if your consciously trying to breath etc often times the body/mind will just override it. Especially if you have had lots of high readings in the office and it's been reinforced. That happened to me. I think the true solution to this is a 24/hour ambulatory reading. I have talked to a few cardiologists and this method reflects one's true bp number. It's taken all day and you will get YOUR real number. I asked my doctor to do this, he said, we dont do those here. . So, I take at home readings. anyone suffering this, your def not alone. And relax in that knowledge. Btw there is added pressure now. They lowered the guidelines so low for "normal blood pressure". Below 120/80 Is now normal. Also. What may be high for someone else may not be high for you. We all have different makeups, genes, adaptations. Of course the guidelines is a one size fits all rec for every person.
@lisafiddelke7437 Жыл бұрын
I do have chronic GAD and health anxiety. I find as soon as the cuff is placed on my arm, the panic sets in. I have been able to overcome home BP average 125/ 72, but find it challenging to overcome outside of home.
@Rue100 Жыл бұрын
@lisafiddelke7437 Жыл бұрын
@@Rue100 glad I am not alone
@orenthornhill7986 Жыл бұрын
I check my blood pressure on a regular basis and my norm is 117-121 over 65-72..My pressure at doctor office today was 189/94 but upon arrival home it was 124/58 with a heartbeat of 58...It is not unusual for my blood pressure to be in the 170-180 mark and drop 40 points right before leaving the doctor's office....Crazy because I have no control at all...
@raulespinoza9987 3 ай бұрын
I have white coat syndrome. I test myself daily and it's normal between 102/78 to 120/80. When i'm at the doctors it goes up to 170/100. It's ridiculous.
@darienravin Жыл бұрын
I went to the doctor and my bp was 160/88 the second time it was 140/90 when I got home it was 111/74. How do I get past this Im starting to get scared to take it at home now?
@pranavtripathi9901 2 жыл бұрын
What you said is 💯 percent true I always avoid measuring blood pressure don't know but when I go to clinic suddenly thoughts comes that my blood pressure will be high and when they measuring my heart beat becomes above 100 and BP comes 170/100 but at home my heart beat comes down to 60.
@darienravin 2 жыл бұрын
do you take your bp regularly?
@PhuzzBuzz 2 жыл бұрын
This is hard for me because the only 2 times I have been checked in the last 18 months at the doctor the readings were high. I had an OCD issue with checking my own blood pressure before, where I would have a home machine and check it dozens of times in a day or even hour, so I got rid of it because I was constantly anxious. This is what I explained to my GP and they are sympathetic but since my appointment Friday I have been an anxious mess. This feeling of dread and panic in the pit of my stomach, feeling nauseous, jittery. The odd thing is the last two months I've been more physically active then in the past 20 years riding a stationary bike to raise money for charity. I feel great but since the appointment Friday I am freaked out and don't want to do anything. I know one needs to monitor things like blood pressure but the mere thought of it makes me so anxious, even see a blood pressure monitor makes me uncomfortable. :-( This is my struggle. I almost want to tell my doctor to knock me out and take my blood pressure, so I can't know it is happening....lol (I know that is a silly idea). Thanks for the video, it is very helpful.
@darienravin 2 жыл бұрын
I have the exact same phobia!!!!!! my aunt who is a nurse had to take my monitors away. I had two because one would usually give me better numbers on the bottom than the other and one would give me better numbers on the top. I would get so anxious the night before I was going to take it the next day that I wouldnt sleep and it was getting out of hand. so what do we do? Im tired of living afraid of my bp all the time and the doctors say its good but its in the 130s over 80 when i go to the doctor. when my aunt checks it for me its 110 over 70 to 120 over 80. I really need help with this!!!
@kalenaglory2483 2 жыл бұрын
@@darienravin You’re good! Those numbers are not bad. Trust me.
@darienravin 2 жыл бұрын
@@kalenaglory2483 thank you but now i have been getting nervous for my aunt to check and its been 140/90 a couple times. I took it on a monitor today and it was 136/95 but then retook it and was 119/79. should I just stop taking it and live life?
@sholeh4334 Жыл бұрын
I am same way as you are.i am healthy with ideal weight and no cholestrol,no high blood sugar .no health issue.but always been anxious about getting my blood.P checked ad Dr visits.specially after this pandemic and few family and job issues,I have been more anxious. Thanks for sharing your experience..
@revo40 Жыл бұрын
I’m the same way!! I cracked up when you said you want to ask the doctor to knock you out then take your blood Pressure😂 I’ve said the same thing! 😅
@cindymaynard465 Жыл бұрын
HBP is stress related for some. Distrust in medical society and the stress of side effects of any medication for the heart will shoot my bp sky high. What can be done about that?
@circa1890 2 жыл бұрын
I'm normally 120/72 at home, but since the pandemic, I've been very anxious going indoors with others .. Blood pressure is at 150s/90s at the clinic. I was given medication but had too many side effects to continue. Now I've got blood pressure anxiety.. I rarely drink, no caffeine, eat well, exercise an hour every morning.. regardless, I've now developed White Coat Syndrome with myself monitoring. 🙄 Gads.
@MMJACKmmHEAD 2 жыл бұрын
me personally need to take 3 readings at the same time
@darienravin 2 жыл бұрын
I have bp anxiety also. What do you do to get yours down?
@circa1890 2 жыл бұрын
@@darienravin Deep breathing, 2tbsp flaxseed daily, 1 beet juiced/daily, magnesium/potassium drink, and the above like exercise (1hr day at medium heartrate), etc. has all helped immensely.
@darienravin 2 жыл бұрын
@@circa1890 did you stop taking your bp due to the anxiety? also what magnesium and potassium drink would you recommend?
@Rue100 Жыл бұрын
I just had a an appointment last week and my blood pressure was 168/ 92 and as soon as I got home it was back to my normal 130/80....i HAVE very bad blood pressure ISSUES at ANY TYPE OF doctor's appointment, dentist appointment...at first thought I was going to have to have blood pressure medication but i bought a cuff and my blood pressure is normal it averages about 126/82
@mehdimehdi8072 Жыл бұрын
Infact medication for white coat could be dangerous because of the flactuations...
@naightengale101 9 күн бұрын
My penultimate reading at the doctor's office was 165/103. At home, it's around 110/70. I am working on confronting it.
@alyssajohnson582 Жыл бұрын
Mine will often read 30 points higher systolic and 25-30 higher diastolic at the doctor or dentist… I get anxious that I have to “perform” and have a good BP reading, which then never turns out to be one. I also hate it when I’m center of attention and obviously at these appointments it’s all about me, so my nerves increase.
@mrs.ramjattan-gosine5011 Жыл бұрын
Same here😮
@steviebaby59 Жыл бұрын
Mine is usually 117/75 at home. 170/90 at doctor. I tell them about WCS. They say they are aware of it but don't seem to care. I have had too much medication prescribed to me. I had dizzy spells and black outs when bending over. Feel fine if I cut my medicine in half. Can't get doctors to lower my meds.
@andreacampbell3538 3 ай бұрын
I have developed WCS through my first pregnancy out of fear of having to have a C-section bc my BP is too high. I’ve had to take my blood pressure 3x per day at home since high BP is a complication of concern in pregnancy and the doctors requested I do that. My home cuff is fine. And the doctor is fairly understanding. But as the pregnancy goes on I’ve started trembling whenever I’m in the doctor’s office or hospital. I’m so nervous there. I’ve so many things to try to be calm but it evades me. Yesterday they admitted me to the hospital for two hours to monitor it constantly. When the nurse was in the room it was high, when she left it went down but only a little bit I think because of being in the hospital and having monitors on me and the baby. Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor and they’re going to manually take my BP and measure it against my home cuff reading bc they’re worried the home cuff isn’t calibrated. I’m so overwhelmed by all of this and I don’t know what to. I never had this issue before and am afraid it won’t go away even once I’m not pregnant anymore.
@BigCheeseEDC Жыл бұрын
150 over 98 at the Dr. And 135 over 85 at home. Should I consider medication?
@kathyblaine5446 10 ай бұрын
At home I'm regular top 110 to 120 bottom is 70 to 82 but when I go to the doctor it's jumps to 161 to 187 and the bottom is 90 to 108.. Im 67 years and never had this problem before
@shadowrock Жыл бұрын
Please tell me there is nothing to worry about it cuz I heard on the Internet it can give you a heart attack but that doesn't make any sense because you would have to have high bp non-stop all day which is not the case for me. I'm only 20 but never had panic attacks during a bp test. I remember taking my bp test before calmly and the readings were always good but now ever since I got health anxiety and panic attacks, I get super scared when I see a bp device and immediately get a panic attack. Will I ever overcome this fear?
@TheAnxietyAttic Жыл бұрын
Even if you had high blood pressure all day it would not give you a heart attack. Blod pressure goes up and down as our body needs it. Coronary heart disease is what causes heart attacks not temporary increases in blood pressure. Have a look at my video that explain how blood pressure and anxiety works kzbin.info/www/bejne/pmWzeIR6drmNrK8
@seattlecathy Жыл бұрын
I’m more anxious with the techs and nurses than the doctors. How are you supposed to relax in a crowded, noisy waiting room, with a rude receptionist and then you get a patronizing tech? Blood pressure meds have side effects.
@HSHeart723 5 ай бұрын
At the doctor's office, I am usually 170+/110 and my pulse is over 100. At home, I run 107-125/70's. I have had some serious medical traumas in my life. Definitely WAY more then a 10-30 pt difference for me. I can hardly wait to get the heck out of there!!!
@ryanbadgerheart 5 ай бұрын
I had a procedure postponed as I could not get a normal reading of my BP, my surgeon referred me back to my GP abd reumfused ti operate because of it and I have been feeling really bad about myself. I would happily take Beta Blockers or other BP meds, but I am afraid BP will drop too low (this morning my reading were 80/55)
@josephsylvester6893 2 жыл бұрын
Tnx Martin's for the video. Dough my blood pressure is always high at the doctor's office,my last reading was 143/98 cux my heart started racing immediately the culfs was on which makes it high dough I will be going for a physical fitness examination in 2days time please advise me what to do to help tnx.
@TheAnxietyAttic 2 жыл бұрын
If its a medical fitness test it will probably give you a good indication of your heart health and the doctor will decide if your blood pressure needs addressing or not (i.e. is it falsely raised due to anxiety or hypertension). If it is just anxiety then you need to address the anxiety instead of the temporarily raised blood pressure which is just a natural symptom of anxiety. It best to see a therapist trained in CBT. If you can't access a therapist my channel has many videos teaching you CBT tools and principles to address anxiety. Check out my health anxiety playlist. kzbin.info/aero/PLLLHgjmNNVTF5PT0N3sTulqL2JOfggva5
@jenmink4626 11 ай бұрын
Mine is usually 170/99 in a clinic setting. At home I’m 107/69, it’s so wild.
@leeloo7073 6 ай бұрын
@notapplicable430 3 ай бұрын
The worst nightmare is when the dentist denies treatment based on a false BP reading. I'm dealing with this now.
@mrigankadeshmukh2602 Ай бұрын
When I visit doctors my bp is always raised.But after some time when I get it measured later it comes down to normal level.My family is very much worried about it.Please say something how can I overcome this aweful situation.
@hungkiet7535 Жыл бұрын
I awals get high blood pressure at the doctor's office, measure at 155/95 he take my blood pressure again is 120/90
@shantanu2169 23 күн бұрын
At home I measure 118-125 /70-60 but when I checked it in clinic it shows 150/80.i am feeling very nervous and now suffering from anxiety fear ..please suggest me what I can do..my health growing down day by day
@elissagiles5596 Жыл бұрын
I am pregnant and everytime I walk into the doctor I panic and my blood pressure skyrockets. But at home it’s 100/64 at the doctor it’s so much worse and they make me feel so bad about it ☹️
@sheilarosedoctor7419 Жыл бұрын
Same with me ..did your ob gave you a medicine for your blood pressure ??
@alyssajohnson582 Жыл бұрын
This is my fear if I’m ever pregnant. It will be fine at home, but at doctor like 150s/90
@mariyammehdi4949 Жыл бұрын
Same happen with me
@shellafoe4431 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@sstalks1148 8 ай бұрын
Me too
@Clapstick77 7 ай бұрын
This video is exactly me. Always under 120/80 at home and usually 150/95 or so at the doctor. I just can’t help it
@bambangs.ismanto1703 2 ай бұрын
Mineral is normally 155/95 at hospital and 140/90 at home
@andyg6967 2 ай бұрын
My BP goes through the roof like 190/115 at the Doctors.😔
@AngelaEvans_ Жыл бұрын
I see this is very common, but no one really has a solution 😢
@Kanjanapisan 10 ай бұрын
Even diet people like lose weight still have high blood pressure even though losing a lot of weight after diet and exercise still have high blood pressure
@brianwilson7314 Жыл бұрын
Mine got as high as 200/106, but my BP has gradually increased
@naturalwoman3552 Жыл бұрын
I was 188/102 yesterday at doctor's visit 😞
@tonyj6605 Жыл бұрын
Story of my life
@PIA-tj5hc Ай бұрын
I have it and I work in healthcare don’t know why. At home 121/77, 130/79. In office 160/90-100.
@user-pz4uh6sl8w 5 ай бұрын
I have the same problem
@hollymcdonald2606 2 жыл бұрын
I had issues with my heartrate being high over 100 so now I am constantly watching my heart rate am I making my heartrate worse by constantly worrying about it. I am fine when I’m laying down but it is always high when I’m up . I went from running three miles a day and running to businesses to barely able to shower without having a high heart rate. I was given anxiety medication but my anxiety will not allow me to take it. I want to figure this out without meds 😮‍💨
@TheAnxietyAttic 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Holly. This video may help you. It takes you through the steps needed to overcome health anxiety using the principles and tools of CBT. kzbin.info/www/bejne/fKqvpoZ_id2XmNk
@jdawg313 Жыл бұрын
You ever heard of inappropriate sinus tachycardia sounds like you may have that
@fauziahzainurdin4714 Жыл бұрын
What supplements to cure this problem
@TheAnxietyAttic Жыл бұрын
I have made a video on supplements for anxiety but its not very positive. Here is the link kzbin.info/www/bejne/aKi0eqyubbVnqck
@quickpstuts412 Жыл бұрын
Fix your underlying anxiety / habit. More than likely you have anxiety or worry issues outside of this? I've tried every supplement known to man but the underlying issue is I worry about being judged so of course I worry I will be judged for having high blood pressure. My guess is that most people that have this also have an anxiety problem in general.
@TroopsofDoom666 7 ай бұрын
Avoid alcohol and eat healthy foods....keep active...jogging...brisk walking lifting weight.... less on social media...go outside have real talked with a family members,friends and colleauges insted of just sit there scrolling facebook,instagram or whatever types of social media.... you need to move your body sometime....
@cathyloveless4234 Жыл бұрын
This morning I took my blood pressure at home before going to my doctors appointment. It was 128^79 pulse 73 At the doctors office my reading was 159^94 pulse 86
@alyssajohnson582 Жыл бұрын
This is what happens to me
@renattator8505 Жыл бұрын
i have the same problem.
@JoeDCollins Жыл бұрын
I have pretty high anxiety and while I may have a tad of prehypertension, as I think my normal BP is about 130\? But when I'm in the doctors office I panic so bad that it will skyrocket to the 170-190 range. 🥴🥴 About 10 years ago I was at a doctor's appointment and completely unrelated to the appointment was right on the borderline of having a panic attack and so when they took my blood pressure it was absorbingly high, of course. Try to explaining my mental state at the time but just didn't really seem to sink in they just wanted to keep going on about how they couldn't let me leave and how they felt like they should call an ambulance and blah blah blah blah blah Ever since that has now been a panic trigger, and has been a constant fight with every single doctor has only a handful would actually even believe the home numbers because I tried that too. Like I would have to fight, to the point that sometimes I would have to go off on the doctor's boss's boss (can't remember the appropriate doctor titling) to get them to leave it alone. Problem is the fight's been going on so long that now even checking it at home is becoming an anxiety trigger. And I know I don't genuinely have high blood pressure because I feel normal until I hit start on the blood pressure monitor and right at that moment my heart rate skyrockets like somebody put a gun to my head. In that moment I feel like I feel walking on the StairMaster, but I don't feel anything close to like that normally, outside of panic episodes obviously.
@alyssajohnson582 Жыл бұрын
SAME! I was stressed in college once and had “high” readings (lower than mine are now at the clinics) and that sent me into a spiral and a fight or flight response any time I see someone else pull out the BP monitor for me. It’s crazy and no matter how hard I try to relax because I KNOW it’s anxiety, it remains high :(
@sunduzaizulusikanyika4961 Жыл бұрын
Am also fighting this. Sometimes I regret ever reading about it because its like I just made things worse. Like everytime am at the hospital and immediately am called in for the BP readings then my heart starts to race and my BP goes way up. Its like am so so anxious of the results. It sucks!
@pattykendrick5592 11 ай бұрын
Same here........now I can't even think about taking it cause I get too anxious.
@JoeDCollins 11 ай бұрын
@@pattykendrick5592 it's funny like 3 months ago I had to go get an echocardiogram to get my doctor to STFU about their fears that "my heart was on the verge of exploding" BC my "chronic extremely high blood pressure". It was great giving them the results showing that everything was okay and perfectly normal 😂😂
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What is the best way to measure BP
York Cardiology
Рет қаралды 132 М.
Fix White Coat Syndrome 💥NOW💥
Adam J. Story, DC
Рет қаралды 45 М.
3 Ways to Solve WHITE COAT SYNDROME 💥 Proven Methods 💥
Adam J. Story, DC
Рет қаралды 9 М.
Adam J. Story, DC
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How to Lower HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Naturally (Easy Tips)
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Не пущу, уже весь укроп вытаскал...
А на даче жизнь иначе!
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
Double Stacked Pizza @Lionfield @ChefRush
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Good-natured poor girl. Helping others
Son Hero
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Не пущу, уже весь укроп вытаскал...
А на даче жизнь иначе!
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
My New Model 3 Performance Almost Ran Out of Battery 😳😱
Tesla Flex
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Рет қаралды 19 МЛН