Warsaw uprising is a tragic part of polish history. Greetings from Poland
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
Greetings back. 🤘🤘🤘
@angelsvortex4 жыл бұрын
I learned more history from this song than I did in class as a kid. Gives me chills every time. And that's saying something cuz I've heard it a million times.
@CadarnTheMad18104 жыл бұрын
seeing this song played in Poland looks amazing from the videos, I have seen one but can't find it where the crowd sing something before it, i think..... historically the uprising was a harsh bitter and nasty engagement while the Soviets just watched, and as some grim trivia, the UK and France should have also declared war on Russia for invading
@angelsvortex4 жыл бұрын
@@CadarnTheMad1810 What I don't know is WHY Poland got the shaft. How come that location and those citizens didn't matter?
@CadarnTheMad18104 жыл бұрын
@@angelsvortex the alliance with Poland was meant to put the Germans off invading or at least pause so that both nations (Britain and France) can arm. also the Polish equipement was from the late 20s early 30, so very out of date. As well tThe Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between Germany and the Soviets, which in essence was a land grab for both sides. So Poland was then occupied for the rest of the war and had a Soviet puppet government put in place once it was over. Thats the first bit. The second was the Warsaw Uprising took place in Aug 1944 as the German Army was falling back. The citizens of the city thought that as the red army was approaching it was time to strike against the occupiers and so they did. What they didn't expect was the red army to stop, and basically have a picnic. Stalin thought it was best for those that cause trouble to be taken care of by his enemy, and so they watched as the Germans and Polish resistance fought a bloody and botter street fight were at the end, all of the resistance were either killed or sent to camps. The Red Army then went in to add more carnage to the streets of the city The second part is pretty well covered in the song, hope that helps :)
@Naffurie4 жыл бұрын
The Soviet union was just outside the city, but their commander had decided to wait and let the nazis destroy the uprising. So that when they later went in, they had no problems taking the city for their own.
@Finkele14 жыл бұрын
@Pat Ludwa Stalin: "would you like country with resistance or would you like country beaten" answer is obvious
@Tatyana_Chervova4 жыл бұрын
@Pat Ludwa В конце июля 1944 года Красная армия вплотную подошла к Праге, району Варшавы, расположенному на восточном берегу Вислы. Это событие вызвало переполох в стане руководства АК, поскольку они посчитали, что сама столица Польши будет взята советскими солдатами в ближайшие дни. Однако переброска резервов немцами, растянутость коммуникаций советских войск и поражение в танковом сражении под Радзимином не позволили 1-му Белорусскому фронту под командованием маршала Рокоссовского продолжить наступление. Но генерал Тадеуш Коморовский по кличке «Бур», командующий Армией Крайовой, 1 августа 1944 года объявил о начале восстания в Варшаве с целью опередить СССР в деле освобождения столицы Польши. Восстание стало полной неожиданностью как для «аковцев» и польского населения, так и для немецкой агентуры, поскольку решение о нем было принято буквально накануне. У бойцов АК на момент начала восстания катастрофически не хватало оружия, не было четкой организации и планов по взятию стратегических объектов. На обвинения в бездействии и неоказании помощи Варшавскому восстанию с нескрываемым чувством горечи отвечал Константин Рокоссовский. Объясняя в своих воспоминаниях отказ от взятия Варшавы объективными причинами (растянутость коммуникаций, отсутствие резервов, создание немцами крепких оборонительных рубежей и подтягивание ими свежих сил), он прямо указывает на настоящих виновников поражения, Коморовского и одного из лидеров АК Антония Хрусьцеля по кличке « Монтер » , добавив при этом: "Они сделали свое черное дело и ушли, а расплачивался за все спровоцированный ими народ Разыгравшаяся в Варшаве трагедия не давала покоя. Сознание невозможности предпринять крупную операцию для того, чтобы выручить восставших, было мучительным." Варшавское восстание изначально было обречено на провал. Не имея адекватного представления об обстановке, о собственных силах и средствах, польское правительство в изгнании и лидеры АК сознательно обрекли своих соотечественников на бессмысленную гибель. Пока поляки с оружием в руках бились с врагом, их предводители делили шкуру неубитого медведя, не признавая границу с СССР и уже считая своим Кёнигсберг. Варшавское восстание вошло в историю как одна из самых печальных и бессмысленных авантюр, ценой которой стали тысячи жизней.
@gotharion4 жыл бұрын
@@Tatyana_Chervova too bad that you don't mention Stalin's direct order to halt all advance until the germans destroy all opposition in the city, thus also expending their resources for a potential defense / counterattack against the red army. Documents confirming that were declassified and made public a couple of years ago. Also, the uprising was planned for for months ahead. The only question was "when?". One more thing that you are not explaining is: If the soviets weren't helping Warsaw only because of their own problems with communication / supplies... why was it that they didn't allow other allied forces to perform supply drops into Warsaw? Any normal person in that situation would be like "well, I can't do anything, but if you can help them, sure go". In the meantime the Soviets didn't help and would not allow anybody else to help either. They wanted the uprising to be put down. They wanted Poland vulnerable and subjugated. They wanted the Polish people down on their knees and enslaved. And the decades of terror that followed after 1945 during the soviet occupation of Poland are undeniable proof of that. I have lived through these times. I was born in soviet controlled Poland and my relatives have lived through the "soviet liberation" in WW2. The rapes, beatings, plundering... I was forced to learn russian in school, and venerate soviet national heroes above our own. We were taught that "all communist people are brothers... but russians are better in every way". We had food rationed out like prisoners, or cattle. We were not allowed to travel. We were not allowed to leave our homes after dark. We had people beaten, imprisoned and tortured just because they didn't want to become members of the communist party. What our leaders did wrong back in 1944 is one thing. And I am not excusing their mistakes. But NEVER tell me the soviets were all just about helping back then, and that they just couldn't help, but really wanted to. Bullshit. I have nothing against the current generation of russians, they aren't to blame for history. But I will never forget or forgive what my people and my family had to suffer through at the hands of the soviets, and may they all burn in hell for what they did to my country.
@Tatyana_Chervova4 жыл бұрын
@@gotharion Да, 600 тысяч человек положили свои жизни напрасно... Можете плюнуть на их могилы, возможно, вам станет легче.
@Tatyana_Chervova4 жыл бұрын
@@gotharion 27 июля 1944 года польский посол в Лондоне Рачиньский официально уведомил Черчилля о предстоящем восстании (Миколайчик уже находился на пути в Москву), а министр обороны эмигрантского правительства Кукель озвучил в связи с этим конкретные требования: подкрепить восставших силами польской воздушно-десантной бригады и авиацией. Британский комитет начальников штабов в письменном заключении на меморандум Кукеля отмечал: «По нашему мнению, союзные операции в Польше могут проводиться исключительно при полной координации с русским наступлением». Посылку польской воздушно-десантной бригады комитет посчитал нереальной, так как перелёт над Германией привел бы к тяжёлым и неоправданным потерям. Как практически неосуществимые оценивались и возможные бомбардировки немецких аэродромов под Варшавой. Следует отметить, что, согласно советскому плану операции, утверждённому И.В. Сталиным 28 июля 1944 года, Варшаву предполагалось брать не в лоб, а обойти с севера и юга, создав для этого плацдармы на Висле. Такая тактика учитывала и необходимость сохранения города как одного из центров славянской культуры. 28 июля - 2 августа 1944 года советские войска создали плацдарм к югу от Варшавы и передали его частям Войска Польского, которые должны были, наступая вдоль реки, войти в Варшаву с юга. К этому времени войска 1-го Белорусского фронта (командующий - Маршал Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовский), находившиеся под Варшавой, пройдя с непрерывными боями более 600 км, были крайне измотаны. К тому же тылы отстали, отсутствовало воздушное прикрытие, так как 16-я воздушная армия еще не успела перебазироваться на ближайшие к фронту аэродромы. Так что для советского командования восстание началось в самый неподходящий момент, ибо приковывало к Варшаве пристальное внимание гитлеровцев, перебросивших сюда дополнительные силы. В беседе со Сталиным 9 августа тон Миколайчика был уже совсем другим: он просил быстрейшей помощи повстанцам оружием. Сталин не возражал. Однако он справедливо отметил, что восставшим требуется прежде всего тяжёлое оружие, а сбросить его с самолётов технически не представляется возможным. В целом советский лидер расценил восстание как «нереальное дело», так как у немцев под Варшавой три танковые дивизии и много пехоты. «Просто жалко этих поляков» (т.е. повстанцев). Сталин весьма откровенно сказал, что вначале считал взятие Варшавы советскими войсками делом нескольких дней, однако противник перебросил под город дополнительные силы и теперь освобождение польской столицы потребует времени. Тем временем восстание принимало характер всенародной борьбы против оккупантов: героически сражавшиеся варшавяне не знали о закулисных манёврах руководства АК и истинных мотивах восстания. А в печати АК усилились нападки на СССР, который, якобы заранее зная о восстании, не оказывает теперь никакой помощи. В качестве ответной меры 13 августа 1944 года публикуется заявление ТАСС; в нём подчёркивалось, что Советский Союз не имеет к восстанию никакого отношения и оно с ним предварительно не согласовывалось. 16 августа в ответ на обращение Черчилля о помощи восставшим, Сталин сообщил, что сначала он распорядился «интенсивно сбрасывать» вооружение в район Варшавы, затем советское командование, убедившись, «что варшавская акция представляет безрассудную ужасную авантюру, стóящую населению больших жертв», пришло к выводу, «что оно должно отмежеваться от варшавской авантюры, так как оно не может нести ни прямой, ни косвенной ответственности за варшавскую акцию». Понимая, что восстание не удалось, эмигрантское правительство пыталось свалить ответственность за его начало не только на Москву, но и на Лондон. Так, в начале августа поляки пожаловались американцам, что англичане, пообещав якобы оказывать восстанию помощь, что, как говорилось ранее, не соответствовало действительности, теперь отказываются это делать. Однако английская авиация небольшими силами 3, 4 и 13 августа 1944 года осуществила сбросы над Варшавой оружия и продовольствия. Как и ожидалось, потери бомбардировщиков от зенитного огня противника оказались непропорционально тяжёлыми: в среднем на тонну сброшенного груза пришёлся один сбитый самолёт. При этом большая часть грузов, особенно во время последних вылетов, попала в руки немцев, так как сбросы приходилось вести с больших высот. Попытка Миколайчика побудить к помощи США также не возымела успеха: американцы сослались на то, что АК в оперативном отношении подчиняется Лондону. Правда, 14 августа 1944 года американцы попросили СССР о разрешении использовать советские аэродромы для челночных полётов на Варшаву, но СССР не пошёл на это, так как не желал показывать свою причастность к авантюре АК. На позицию СССР, несомненно, повлиял провал переговоров с Миколайчиком в Москве: последний опять отказался признать восточные границы Польши в соответствии с «линией Керзона». К тому же, советской стороне стало известно, что грузы союзников, сбрасываемые с больших высот, достаются немцам. Характерно, что в середине августа западные союзники и сам Миколайчик признавали в переписке с советским руководством, что восстание началось преждевременно.
@thelizardking30364 жыл бұрын
When I hear this song, I remember a story told by a dutch naval officer. He escaped from Colditz pow camp and ended up with the polish resistance during the uprising. A couple was fighting Germans from their balcony using hand grenades and a submachine gun. When they were about to be overrun, the husband called to his wife to go inside and kill their children. Afterwards he killed her and then himself. They had no illusions about their fate if captured.
@bugfisch70123 жыл бұрын
Some kind of help did actually show up - by a polish bomber wing, positioned in Italy that loaded all ammo they could fit in their airplanes, and tried to get this stuff to the heros in Warsaw - knowing their fuel wouldn't acctually be enough, to make it back. As German myself, I just can have the biggest respect of all to these heroes, raising up in Warsaw.
@petis19762 жыл бұрын
Which is why my friend from Poland has always said Polish people hate Russians. They watched as Polish Patriots died trying to free themselves and did nothing.
@android-kt7uj Жыл бұрын
Respect for you for such attitude.From Poland❤
@michalbedkowski51032 жыл бұрын
I am proud to be Polish and more and more people are interested in the history of my country and the people who created and fought for Poland. Glory to the Heroes
@maksu2163 Жыл бұрын
Bracie bądźmy dumni z naszych korzeni, proud Polska my Brother
@MM-yi3ec4 жыл бұрын
Nigdy nie zapomnimy.!!!
@annestrand69334 жыл бұрын
Thank you for a great reaction! I introduced my son to Sabaton when he was 12 year, he love history now, and look into every story told by Sabaton, so much that he took over much of WWII history class when he was 15.. School do not teach history, they teach snippets and not enough to make students interested. Greetings from Norway
@milidka4 жыл бұрын
Sabaton is important to us, Poles. It shows the modern world what the then world did not want to know. We were the only occupied country that had an underground army, schools. If you learn about our history, you will learn that our boys took part in many fights in the world during World War II, but we were refused participation in the victory parade. We do not complain. For our freedom and yours - it's us.
@tysonschroder98492 жыл бұрын
They were the only ones that kept an underground government I believe.
@KamilazWarszawy4 ай бұрын
I'm from Wasaw. As a child I was used to see all the scripts on the walls, on the streets, "here the nazi's have shoot 300/200/100 poles" and I had always the feeling of walking on blood. Like if It was still in the streets, in the stones. Like if my city, all my life, was built on the sacrifice of so many people. That's something you cant't forget. I will always be proud of being born in Warsaw, a city that suffered so much and that had such a great history.P.S. some of the scenes of this musical video come from a movie but, but, many others are original from '44. There were two brothers that were cinematographers and made a documentary of what was going on during the uprising. Recently the Warsaw Museum of the uprising has restored their shootings and made a movie with the original tapes but on DVD. It's something spectacular. You can feel like if you were there during those 63 epic days. At the beginning of the video we can see "100 polakòw za jednego niemca" that means that 100 Poles had to die for the death of one German.
@pszemyks85773 жыл бұрын
Dopiero tu zobaczyłem że w 5: 23 występuje Generał Wojska Polskiego Skrzypczak we własnej osobie .
@adriennszigili87374 жыл бұрын
Love them sooo much!! They rock 🤘🤗 and what a unique voice 🙃
@malinowyofficial3 жыл бұрын
🇵🇱Kto z Polski dalej ? Jesteście tu?🇵🇱
@KoksuMapper3 жыл бұрын
Jasne, pamiętamy!
@GRINCZ1006 ай бұрын
@kayacenk41644 жыл бұрын
wow i like it. love poland people from Turkey
@iwanmaister3 жыл бұрын
I love you too:)
@talusn94053 жыл бұрын
Albania dont Love Polish People but we Poles love Turkey a lot :) we know why from History :)_
@lionfromthenorth45804 жыл бұрын
Great reaction! Sabaton has a way of bringing out the emotional side of history. Another epic story, brought to us, with an awesome song, is "No bullets fly" (animated story video). Such a great story!! Greetings from Sweden!🤘🇸🇪
@detroitpolak99043 жыл бұрын
Good to see Peter Stormare got movies like Fargo after being commandant of Warsaw. Good for him.
@Jarod-sm5rf4 жыл бұрын
The polish never stopped resisting foreign rule, when the German, Austrian, and Russian empires ruled it, when the nazis ruled it, and even during the Cold War when the Soviet regime ruled it it never stoped the polish government in exile stayed in existence until the Soviet fell in 91
@LoupReg4 жыл бұрын
I recommend the film "The Pianist" by Roman Polanskii. The action of the film takes place during the Warsaw Uprising, and it reflects the emotions of those days quite well
@KajtekBeary3 жыл бұрын
It's more about perspective of jewish civilian who lives in ghetto. And it's reflects whole occupation, not only Warsaw Uprising (It also shows Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and other tragic moments of occupation of Warsaw). I think City '44 is more about Warsaw Uprising.
@Vegmart4 жыл бұрын
Tragic Polish history .. seems people never learn and history will repeat itself over and over again ... looking now a days we only have to watch News feeds ... For music like this you can also go to: Manowar - Die with Honor
@mariannenordh96933 жыл бұрын
You should watch their live version of this song! Epic!!
@DBrownRocknMetal4 жыл бұрын
from the great tour they played this song in warsaw and joakin changed the song for - and the blood you shed - that small change made it even more chilling to hear take a look when u can
@samiltorunu36124 жыл бұрын
I met Sabaton thanks to you. I didnt know Sabaton before. Thank you
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
That's awesome man 👌
@gundamheavyarms48794 жыл бұрын
From a long time Sabaton fan, I bid you welcome into our ranks! You're going to love their music! 😊
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
@Spinozathecat4 жыл бұрын
Sabaton also have a history channel about their songs check it if you want a good detailed information about any of their songs
@Kevichkovil4 жыл бұрын
Well the Russians sort of showed up. But they stayed across the and didn't cross the river to help and just watched Warsaw burn.
@koek68444 жыл бұрын
Love from Poland ❤️
@GEGE-bx3fj3 жыл бұрын
Their vids are VERY VERY powerful …. Was watching one of their interviews and they stated that for the most part all the props etc that they use are the real thing. I think they even bought a tank (german ?? ) from that era (WW1) …. The research they do is so incredibly in-depth ….
@Drescher19844 жыл бұрын
This song live from Poland is freaking epic
@ryudo7774 жыл бұрын
You definitely need to watch the new video they released of No Bullets Fly. My favorite WW2 story that they did a song about!
@gotharion4 жыл бұрын
You really need to react to Sabaton 40:1 performed live at the Polish Woodstock Festival :)
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
@petis19762 жыл бұрын
Watch the live version in Warsaw, it will give you goosebumps.
@demonyakku37103 жыл бұрын
We dont beg for freedom we fight for it
@Robertino123 жыл бұрын
Some of the paintings are original authentic taken from the museum scenes with children are real 13 year olds sacrificed their lives for the homeland
@przemekczak1003 жыл бұрын
Sabaton uprising history see this show you everything
@coltoncarson_UKR-RUS2 жыл бұрын
The History behind the song is when The Polish underground launched a coordinated uprising at the same time the Soviet Army should reach the city, the phrase "The allies turned away" refers to that and in 1939 when they were first invaded and the British and French basically did nothing.
@karolrej11093 жыл бұрын
We will never be slaves !
@viviandragon34313 жыл бұрын
Your voice, I'm impressed 😏 And yeah, I'm just a polish girl. Thanks for Your reaction 👍
@ks-jp9ri3 жыл бұрын
YEEE it is intensive... Your greand pa have arange for us...
@maciejderose4 жыл бұрын
A very detailed and moving reaction, great vid. Already sub, greetings from Poland! If you liked that part of Polish history, maybe you can react to IPN - Unconquered? Cheers mate!
@dexeuromatprywatny3883 жыл бұрын
The scenes shown in the music video are from other production (not made by Sabaton): Miasto 44 (City 44) - Polish production from 2014 about Warsaw Uprising.
@alexwhitman93433 жыл бұрын
Warsawo walcz respect from US
@k.i.a.54973 жыл бұрын
to give some intresting contest fot those who dont know, the officer burning warsaw was symbole of destruction of warsaw after uprisinig this is why in warsaw we dont have much old buildings and a lot of them are not ogrinal beacuse they were rebuilded after war ;)
@teusachterkamp88594 жыл бұрын
Ayreon/Floor/Anneke/Marcela "Valley of the Queens..
@OldSchool_Dad4 жыл бұрын
Germany quickly invaded much of Europe and emerged victorious for more than two years due to a new military tactic called "Blitzkrieg"
@jankowalski63384 жыл бұрын
It was s Nazi propaganda it definitely was as quick and easy as you think.
@OldSchool_Dad4 жыл бұрын
@@jankowalski6338 Tactic, even used to this days. A retired Marine writing this useless lines
@jankowalski63384 жыл бұрын
@@OldSchool_Dad you should read more, retired marine
@OldSchool_Dad4 жыл бұрын
@@jankowalski6338 That the problem. no need to read (Final words)
@jankowalski63384 жыл бұрын
@@OldSchool_Dad only if you want to improve your knowledge, grammar and punctuation.
@tomasz75592 жыл бұрын
greetings from Poland:)
@michagancarczyk58694 жыл бұрын
Watch Sabaton Uprising Live in Pol’and’Rock Festival 2012 (Woodstock) kzbin.info/www/bejne/eJ7Io42YebWLpNU
@andyventures65744 жыл бұрын
Or the great war tour version In Poland... Or any of the polish fan shot ones.... Its their song. The atmosphere on this song In Poland is unmatched.
@jglo51923 жыл бұрын
Because we do NOT !! beg for freedom !! WE FIGHT FOR IT
@Sallerek3 жыл бұрын
John Abruzzi ! ;d Greetings from Poland ;)
@devoosdude98092 жыл бұрын
watching this in March 18 2022 hits differently
@boruta7613 жыл бұрын
Warsaw Uprising - 63 days of glory!
@whitedevil0244 жыл бұрын
The polish,blood in me is boiling as well as it is weeping
@Helena-tx3px Жыл бұрын
Zajebiste 😱😱😱😱♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙋♀️
@Nem016 ай бұрын
Nice reaction.
@Nem016 ай бұрын
If you haven't already you may check out Woodstock in poland i think 2012, live. Uprising, 40:1, Ghost Devision, etc. The Sound and Show are amazing and the growd with about 750k people is something else.
@miro61644 жыл бұрын
I love this reaction channel the only bad thing is that there is no reaction to Wardruna & Aurora - Helvegen or else some other song by Wardruna. Feels like a must to me ;D
@andreasgaming97654 жыл бұрын
U do known many ppl have react to wadruna if u just search wadruna reaction
@miro61644 жыл бұрын
@@andreasgaming9765 I know that? Maybe I want to watch HIM react to them though:)
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
@adriennszigili87374 жыл бұрын
it's him and he plays in Prison Break :)
@bernardbak2963 жыл бұрын
That's very sad when someone don't know history and has no idea what he's talking about...
@kungsverige18864 жыл бұрын
Do the live version woodstock 2012
@brianwilson92064 жыл бұрын
The Soviets hung the fighters in Warsaw out to dry. They stopped just short of the city and allowed the nazis to wipe out the freedom fighters. Around 200,000 civilians would pay the butchers bill.
@mwas19902 жыл бұрын
IMy grandmother was involved in this uprising, she was 16, her brother was 20, he died, she almost died, she was buried under a building, she almost lost her leg, but a young doctor that later on was a creator of polish orthopedics had saved her leg. She survived, had 7 kids, 5 of them were brought up in the system, only my my dad (RIP) her eldest and her youngest were brought up by her,. The experience broke her and broke her kids.. There was no happy ending and she was one of many. The songs is great, but the facts behinds it not so much. I'm the third generation after that, but I still fill the aftermath. My dad was born 1951, died 2014, I was born 1975 and still remember
@shawkorror Жыл бұрын
"You never hear about this" Well, educations gone to shit then eh?
@ukaszjanowski21834 жыл бұрын
Great reaction! Please, check 40:1 Woodstock Festival 2012
@rattheninja28774 жыл бұрын
Everyone listening to this song wants to help the people in Poland
@cieslakm36843 жыл бұрын
Polska 🇵🇱💪💪💪
@jRoy73 жыл бұрын
Another great song about Poland is 40:1.
@random_ak_in_the_backyard3 жыл бұрын
I have heard of this way before I found this
@tomekteravita60153 жыл бұрын
@Nighteye24 жыл бұрын
It may be redundant to mention, but if you want to know more, look up the related video on the Sabaton History channel :)
@lilalewandowska46714 жыл бұрын
To nie scenariusz to cala prawda .Sabaton nic nie musial rezyserowac.My nie jesteśmy nieudaczniki a inni no cóż zdrajcy tchórze
@silesiantreasurehunters53323 жыл бұрын
This is not a lindeman lindeman, the vocalist of ramstain, the one in the video is Peter Stormare
@guanoapes7714 жыл бұрын
If noone has said the actors name, its Peter Stormare from sweden, one of their great exports
@mateuszhyla95252 жыл бұрын
The Actors name is Peter Stormare
@TheJonasbz3 жыл бұрын
Peter Stormare, he has done a lot of supercool movies. Since hes swedish he knows he never be the lead actor, instead hes always plays some badass european I specially like him in Fargo and The Big Lebowski He liad about to be able to do an hungarian accent but nobody knows in hollwood anyway
@issayaify2 жыл бұрын
It is good to mention that out "brothers" the Soviet Army stayed on the other bank of (Wisla) Vistula and watched how Warsaw was burned down. Also Russia never allowed British air crafts to use their airports to support people in this Upprising. So they had to go to Poland from Brindisi ( Italy) over predominantly German occupied territory. Not from save Russian side. On the end Russians decided to "help" On the end of Upprising but they throwing guns without parachutes so gun was broken.
@danutap3653 Жыл бұрын
Armia Podziemna ,czyli AK byla najwieka arm podziemna Europy ,ktora przez 5 lat walczyla z niemcami
@pickamaterina13134 жыл бұрын
you need to do sabaton - the final solution lyric video
@awenawen63127 ай бұрын
To się działo naprawdę. Muzyka świetna ale dzieje tragiczne. My, nigdy się nie poddamy.
@Nem016 ай бұрын
Peter Stormer the actor (I think I butchered that...) also played a character in the horror video game 'Until Dawn'.
@MatuuSaqu Жыл бұрын
An hour ago we had got 79 th. Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising. The most heroic, however the most tragic spurt in polish history - City was devasted in 80%, Germans kills 200 000 civilians, and 17 000 of polish solidiers, and they eliminetaed 19 000 of Germans. I will not judge this, because who the hell am I to do this - to judge decision of people who lived in this horrible times of World War II, however we - i mean polish people - have to learn from history so that it does not repeat itself as a farce.
@sylwiakos1662 Жыл бұрын
Upadlincy nas zawsze mordowali a jednak te ich szmate na profilowce masz..
@infidel-dn3dp2 жыл бұрын
And Poland is preparing to fight for our Country again, taking into consideration Ukraine.
@gandalf3324 жыл бұрын
hallo es ist Peter Stormare, ich mag ihn sehr, meistens spielt er ja den bösen , durchgeknallten Russen!
@PowerfulReactions4 жыл бұрын
Genau, den meine ich 😎🤘
@teusachterkamp88594 жыл бұрын
Ayreon/Floor/Anneke/Marcela "Valley of the Queens
@marikastahl40864 жыл бұрын
You are right. Its Peter Stormare
@ewagzula35903 жыл бұрын
@billytaylor44982 жыл бұрын
the british coudnt show up france was occupied how we were supposed to get help to them?
@Spartan-ny8qm4 жыл бұрын
If you want to know more about history in this song I recomend cheking out Sabaton history. This is their channel where they talk about history in their songs so you can understand what The song is about. Maybe you could react to it?
@FreeKanal3 жыл бұрын
That actor played in Prison Break
@rademenes1754 Жыл бұрын
Witam i Pozdrawiam z Polski . It's already covered in the comments for sure. The story is about the Warsaw Uprising. The Polish underground, seeing that the Nazis were losing the war, decided to liberate the Polish capital in order to protect Poland from another partition. Unfortunately, the Red Army advancing on Staln's order stopped on the other side of the Vistula and watched the events. In the end, the uprising collapsed, and the Nazis razed Warsaw to the ground, destroying about 93% of the city, according to various estimates, about 150-200 thousand people died, of course, mostly civilians. Get to Warsaw sometime on August 15, when this day of the beginning of the largest civil uprising under the German occupation is commemorated.
@lowcaglow-ij9ir3 жыл бұрын
Hey dude, do you have seen sabaton 40-1 ??? this is really awesom, it is about Polish brave soldiers at war !!
@Zerashadow4 жыл бұрын
Yay someon recognized Peter Stormare ^^
@mariank11852 жыл бұрын
No i gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak.XD tez jest XD Peter Stormare
@robertgaming19964 жыл бұрын
Te sceny w teledysku, to są sceny serialu "Czas Honoru" Polecam :-)
@biteme43223 жыл бұрын
Nie. Nagrali te sceny specjalnie do teledysku Sabatonu.
@KamilazWarszawy4 ай бұрын
"The help that never came" we had the russian army on the right bank of the Vistula river. They not only did not helped, they were waiting for our failure to enter the city like saviours without doing nothing. They shooted to anyone that was trying to escape from the battle crossing the river. In the district of Warsaw where I was born (Praga) there was a statue, a monument, made by the Soviets to commemorate the soldiers that "helped" us to fight against the Nazis. Guess what. It was called the four asleep, because they did nothing. Everybody in Warsaw was calling that monument the four asleep soldiers. And now It has been removed. We have enough of false allies. Look at what happened in Yalta after the war. They sold us to Stalin. We have fought with the allies, we won at Monte Cassino, we saved Great Britain in the battle for Britain thanks to our pilots of the squadron 303 that joined the RAF and had the best results with the minimum loss. And when the war ended they did not even invited the Poles to the great parade in London. Thank you allies. Good job.
@whitedevil0244 жыл бұрын
My great grandfather die on those sheets fighting
@TheNismo7774 жыл бұрын
Took 2 days before I dare to watch this.. its very uneasy even for me as a finn :/
@magosiaborowinska3898 Жыл бұрын
To nie jest teledysk to są fragmenty filmu fabularnego przeplatane oryginalnymi scenami z drugiej wojny światowej
@DetStoraMisstaget3 жыл бұрын
Little late butt his name is Peter Stormare and yes his swedish
@elzbietaandrzejewska90514 жыл бұрын
City 44 - movie
@sacro0013 жыл бұрын
Yes if U want to known something about Uprising from movies, this is the best.
@GraVity2k133 жыл бұрын
Man Sabaton-40to1
@brianwilson92064 жыл бұрын
Another scenario of self sacrifice waiting for help that won’t come. Remember the Alamo!
@krzysztofmodelewski1 Жыл бұрын
Niemcy i ruscy 17 września .Umowa Ribbentrop -Mołotow.