Psycho DnD Player Threatens Arson | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@Giganotus 7 ай бұрын
As much as I love hearing the DnD stories, I am absolutely delighted to hear the kitty is doing so well! What a lucky girl.
@darby2314 7 ай бұрын
Call her Sweet tooth, because she's defeated Twisted Metal.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 7 ай бұрын
Doge: I would be asking for a refund on every session so far. Um... Doge, that's not how paying for a service works. The OP themself even said that session was normal outside of their own personal out of game anger they took out on their fellow players. The DM acted awful during the time post-game, when said DM reached out. You don't get a refund for that. Think of it like this: you get your car repaired and an employee is rude to you during the satisfaction survey. That's not grounds for getting refunded on every car repair you've ever had, that would be insane. 😅 The only way OP would have grounds for any refund at all is if they had paid ahead of time for future sessions that they would now be unable to participate in.
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Next best option would be to give a horrible public review let everyone who'd be a potential customer know what the DM is like.
@JenJenRome123 7 ай бұрын
I have a cute name for that kitty: Mira. Short for Miracle. =D
@watcherofmemelords7967 7 ай бұрын
Miki- short for miracle kitty.
@CallMeKes 7 ай бұрын
That's going up t the top 3 of the names I've seen. Feather, Freya, Mira!
@kryslee0324 7 ай бұрын
I love Mira! So cute!
@malfolium 7 ай бұрын
I was gonna suggest Miracle, but this is better
@kingsamutay3416 7 ай бұрын
Killgor the unbreakable seems appropriate
@KatarnandKanos 7 ай бұрын
For the first story, I feel like there might be more to it that we aren't hearing. There were apparently no warning signs about the DM ahead of time, so when things escalate that immediately without any reason why it could be because there's more to the story. It might not be that the OP is lying or are the real problem player, but it could be as simple as the conversation wasn't as polite as they thought it was.
@eikekreutz7293 7 ай бұрын
nah, I totally believe this without questioning. I had 3 DM's that claimed to have 30 years experience, all 3 exploded at the slightest hint of a player being unhappy, all of them with the words : "I have been DM'ing for 30 years, and ..." Followed by a kick or a game cancel edit: all three times it was not me that complained, I know that's usually how it is as the one in common
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Chances are OP didn't notice any signs. Not everyone who tells a tabletop horror story was prepared to be in one when it happened.
@DaveTheGM 7 ай бұрын
Dang, the Autism one cuts. I am autistic myself, though as of yet not unlucky enough to be infantilized.
@PTp1ranha 7 ай бұрын
Imagine that conversation. "I lost everything. My house, my family, everything I worked for..." "Why?" "I offended a guy in my D&D group."
@thephantomwolf1002 7 ай бұрын
As someone with autism, the DM from third story makes me angry. Seriously, why are some people like this?
@daggern15 6 ай бұрын
That's the sort of person who doesn't need a mental illness as an excuse. If OP simply didn't find bigotry funny, the DM likely would have just called her dumb instead, that she wasn't smart enough to understand the jokes. I can understand appreciate your personal reaction to the story but some scum are just scum.
@mfowl677 7 ай бұрын
Before the video can even load. My brain "Tell me how the kitteh is!!!!!!?" Thank you again for being a wonderful friend to animals in need, Doge.
@CallMeKes 7 ай бұрын
Hey Doge! I don't know if you've been seeing these messages. I donated 250 dollars to the kitty fund but am unable to log in to leave a comment. It was under the name Kes, I think. As such I would like to offer up the name Feather. You see, I also have a female tortie. She's about to hit 21 but beginning to fade. Her hearing is gone and she's so thin even though we free feed kibble WITH soft food meals twice a day. It would mean a lot of me for the name to live on. I even think it fits her as the name was because she was so quiet, light, gentle, and sweet. But if you don't want to name her Feather, I think the next best name I've seen offered is Freya. A strong and beautiful fighter! That's just my thoughts on it. I hope you see this.
@conorstabler6093 7 ай бұрын
I petition for this name.
@Sanodi21 7 ай бұрын
For claiming to be a DM of 30 years and saying OP was petty, he was super petty himself. I feel like OP should've gone for a refund or charge back for the treatment. Though considering how he didn't do anything to the other players, makes be wonder if he has preferred clients
@paulman34340 7 ай бұрын
Very likely! Wouldn't be surprised if OP is just one in a LONG line of his "30 Years of Experience" of "victims" he gets into his game! His "preferred Clients/That Guys" get a victim to harass, and he gets their money! Even saying as he said felt like a HUGE gaslight from a POS to make the VICTIM feel like "they were the one in the wrong" as I know people who have "20-50 years of being POS and being GOOD at telling WHEN retribution for being POS is coming or not so they know when to cut and run!" Eventually though it's going to get harder and harder to find victims that will stay long, and when you can't SATISFY your clients of THAT GUYS who won't tolerate "being the new victim" among themselves! Well he won't have any victims! But I'd not be surprised he'd be LOW enough to go after newbies who are just entering the scene and are RIPE for someone like HIM AND HIS CLIENTS to make their early experience HELL for the "HELL OF IT" and steal their money while he's at it! Wish nothing but the WORSE for him!
@PrideOfFantasy100 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad the kitty is doing well! Now we've more positive vibes to get us through the horror stories. As for the story where they poked fun at the newbie, the newbie is certainly the problem, but I do know that not everyone likes that kind of joking. He should have simply told them that those jokes aren't fun for him and, if the group kept up with it, then leave. I don't like pranks against myself unless I'm in on it, since it should be happening to my character, not me. So yeah, can't blame him for being annoyed. But I can wholly blame him for his reaction...
@Evoker23-lx8mb 7 ай бұрын
If someone is paying for your services, they have every right to complain (politely) if they’re having a bad time and you have no right to get pissy about it.
@thephantomspectator407 7 ай бұрын
The beautiful little tortie girl is looking so much better!🥰 Maybe she has some ideas of her own what her name should be...? I was puzzling over what to call a little tuxedo boy I took in a few months ago, when he climbed into my bookshelf, right on top of the New Age/Witchcraft/Wicca books, and curled up for a nap! He's been "Pyewackett" (Bell, Book, and Candle) ever since!😊
@zeugenberg 7 ай бұрын
In Germany we call three-colored cats "Glückskatze". Seems about right. (Don't name her that!)
@paulman34340 7 ай бұрын
For the Kitty, Good! Happy to see their doing good! Reminds me of my old Cat, A Sweet Ginger named Fred (RIP Fred) met him in the same fashion! Had no idea of his age, he wasn't hit by a car, but he just JUMPED into my mom's van when I was helping her clean it when I was 16, getting our attention! He was with us for a VERY long time. He passed away when I was 29, he Ran out the House all of a sudden, and we found his corpse near by days later, he had expired on his own! My mother believes he didn't want to die in our presence! Alongside my Grandmother also dying that year, I fell into a HUGE depression that lasted till I was 36, I'm feeling better now at 37, but what helped was my baby sister when I was 30, got her husband to get her a kitten, but it only took like a SECOND for her to lose interest in it! So I started caring for it! He became attached to me quickly and lets say I love Nipsy cause they look like his Twin! Frankly if not for my family and the Cat (King is his name) I don't know what I would have done afterwards (It's VERY hard for me to CONTEMPLATE suicide or the concept of it as an "easy way out" as I'm TERRIFIED of Death, so never take "I'll kill myself" from me seriously as I like to avoid that as much as possible! But I do know the pain of resisting the idea would have been HARDER then it would have been without my family, Niece and Cat) Now off the depressing parts we got some comments to do Story 1- Yeah DM knows theres a problem, something tells me he was conspiring behind OP back which is where the Unwilling Insight checks keep coming from, the fact that same player kept interjecting when they succeeded EVERYTIME and he didn't do anything about it feels sus to me, and to go off on OP like that after a complaint reveals ALOT about his character, including the fact he played himself by revealing exactly what I'm suspecting that the other player likely bribed him to do this (Which is one of the ISSUES/FEARS people have with Paid DM! The one willing to be MERCENARY and take a bribe from a problem player to favor them or unfavor a player! Which I feel they should NOT take more then they were paid for! Once you got paid that $100 that's it, unless there's a time limit already agreed upon with a cost extension! I don't feel they should try to take more then what was agreed upon or take side money to be a BAD DM because they were paid for a game by EVERYONE! So they shouldn't take extra just to make another paying customer who "didn't bribe them as well" uncomfortable) But yeah the guy is a gaslighting asshole and I hope his behavior makes him crash and burn! Maybe it will wake him out of whatever stupor/delusion he's in. I laughed when he played the "I got all this experience and I can tell your a Bad Player" before booting OP is WHY I believe as I do! OP did nothing wrong and "30 years of experience" doesn't mean what he thinks it means! He's playing it like it's something impressive when instead it comes off as "I had 30 years of being a POS Mercenary who sides with the one who pays me the most and I can tell you finally realized what I'm allowing! Best to kick you now as last time I didn't do that, it blew up in my face" (Even if it looks like the other players are IN on his bad behavior) Well I wouldn't be surprised if his "30 years" has build up a BAD reputation and OP was unaware of it since he's smart enough not to broadcast it much (Or he found a bunch of THAT GUYS who pay well to be ALLOWED to be THAT GUYS and so he attracts "Victims" like OP to be THEIR victims! But when he realizes their not "Taking his bad behavior or their catching on" he decides it's easier to boot them and pretend "he's removing a problem player" to make THEM feel like they were wrong for how they felt!) Story 2- Yeah I will always say this, if you think un-aliving/ruining people in real life for something "not real" then you need HELP! My guess is the dude was "one of THOSE" who get TOO into character. Hell it looked like he took ANY slight no matter how small and minor as ATTACKS on him! And as said, if he can't take bad rolls well! Then he shouldn't play DnD! I COULD see him seeing stuff like "Those NAT1" moments and such as him believing he was being bullied. Though it doesn't justify his actions later and he needed to "Go Touch GRASS" (as in Go Outside and smell the roses! His bullying of another player just lowers my opinion of him MORE. I'm guessing he hated new guy because "he wasn't the newbie anymore" which is fucking pathetic). And yeah you be DONE with someone like this! But yeah maybe his friend SHOULD have given OP that warning BEFORE introducing him or at least said so SOONER! Doubt it would have changed much! But at least make me AWARE I have a potential bomb on my hand bro. Story 3- I'm not surprised at this point that idiots like Austin are not taught that this type of behavior is VERY demeaning to people who have Autism but are "HIGH FUNCTIONING!" That should be like the first lesson their taught! Or maybe they are told this but still have an ignorant belief that Autism means "low functioning and slow" which I would not be surprised if he loses his licenses and gets Blacklisted once this behavior gets him reported if he didn't "fail out" immediately the moment this behavior was caught! As said, it always SCARES me that people like Austin are "interested in psychology" as he feels like a future "Gaslighter" who has even CONVINCED HIMSELF that he knows better then others and something tells me that group is going to take a while before they realize that "anything Austin told them about autistic people" was not only SUPER WRONG! But he's a DANGEROUS source to get information about mental conditions as he's part of the problem of WHY ignorance on the Mental disabilities still goes strong! I'm certain he was TOLD OFF about this behavior from his professor when it was caught, doubled down and like a POS just started dealing with those NOT in the know like his group who'd believe him more then someone who HAS training and KNOW he's a POS! Hopefully he fails out! I'd rather not have people who "got him as a therapist or such" having to deal with his ignorance. But I do see him using what he learned for shitty stuff in the future! But good on OP for leaving! The fact he tried to STOP OP from leaving and she had to GIVE him a reason to let her leave is disturbing! Lucky he's "not there yet" to gaslight and OP got out of there and didn't go back! Story 4- DM is an asshole! Love the "Choo Choo" cause that's what it was! The fact said Dwarf was able to sneak that poison in is complete Bullshit. Especially love the Roll that was made to fail so he could tell. Also CLASSY with how he gave OP and all those Elven women "undignified deaths" and show their underwear! What a GRAND way of showing people you're an Edgy Creep! I'm sure if I was in the game with one of my observant Rogue that's ON the Dwarf he'd create DOZENS of reasons how this OBVIOUSLY CLUMSY Dwarf somehow outwitted my Rogue simply to keep the "Choo Choo" going! I feel like USING this idea in a future game one day! Except I'll have the Dwarf EASILY caught and die an undignified death as an "asshole victim" as he feels like that except with plot armor to allow him to do a horrible event for the DM gratification! Never got creeps who act like this and then are actually SHOCKED their getting CONDEMNED for this behavior. Good OP left! DM has a BRIGHT future as a POS.
@RiveroftheWither 7 ай бұрын
Styx, she looks like a Styx to me
@davidtherwhanger6795 7 ай бұрын
Vindictive Dwarf Story. Heard this one a few days ago on another channel. I still think DM was inexperienced or just following a script they did not think thru at all. So many things that could not have happened. And come to think of it, just how did the Dwarf loose his honor to an elf?
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Probably being saved by an elf or working for elves was "losing his honor". People have done stupid or evil things in the name of honor, which is really just street cred.
@davidtherwhanger6795 7 ай бұрын
@@ArcCaravan But wouldn't the ones who put the dwarf in that situation, the original kidnappers, be more of the target of that lost honor? And if the dwarf was working for the elves, didn't the dwarf put themselves in that position to begin with? Even if the dwarf had been ordered to work with the elves, that order and the one who gave it was the one forcing a loss of honor. And the dwarf if he was ordered to work with the elves, the act of killing many of them would shame that dwarf's entire clan's honor. I think this was still something the DM just didn't think thru.
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
@@davidtherwhanger6795 Honor doesn't always make sense (in fact it usually doesn't).
@davidtherwhanger6795 7 ай бұрын
@@ArcCaravan We may think that only because we don't know the rules of that culture being invoked. If we apply our own cultural norms to some one else's cultural beliefs, traditions, and rules; they usually don't make any sense to us. But they have to make sense to that culture. This looks more to me that the DM thought of a scene they wanted to have in their story, but didn't care to have a reason for it. After all that dwarf should have been letting everyone know just why, the exact reason/ event that stripped him of his honor and why this, in his eyes, would take it back. Every one I have ever heard commit an "Honor Killing" has done just that. Which is why I think this was just an afterthought reason.
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
@@davidtherwhanger6795 I don't think the dwarf NPC giving a more in-depth reason would make it any better.
@hugo910216 7 ай бұрын
Maybe "Lucky" for the kitty since they are lucky to have been found by you
@Anonymous_Individual 7 ай бұрын
So glad the kitten is feeling better! Sorry I couldn’t contribute, I’m not in the best place financially right now, but I’m so glad that it’s ok
@bgdowns10171 5 ай бұрын
First story i would really like to hear the other side of. OP started by telling us they were bringing a bad energy to the group then flipped around and told us how they pretty much did nothing wrong. Sounds like there is more to this than the one sided account we're getting
@scorpioskies1070 7 ай бұрын
I'm so so happy to see her recovering! Thank you for keeping us updated I've been checking the gofundme for updates on her!
@PrinceLuigii 7 ай бұрын
Her name should be something sweet because she seems like a super cute/sweet kitty, Caramel, Bon Bon, or even Honey would be such a cute name for her
@claudiamcfie1265 7 ай бұрын
So good to see kitty doing well.
@Diana2112Gaming 7 ай бұрын
On the Psycho DnD Player: Maybe he just forgot they were playing DnD, not Dark Dungeons?
@phantasmalemperor8887 7 ай бұрын
That first story seems fishy to me. It feels like we're missing some info
@DarkBangle 7 ай бұрын
Poor baby kitty! I'm glad she's doing better. May I suggest the name Bean as she is a precious little bean? So smol
@vortega472 7 ай бұрын
She looks like a sweetheart - How about calling her Jellybean? Thanks for saving her Doge.
@bidulestruc2257 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad new kitty is doing better! been following the updates quite closely
@Cornfiglep 5 ай бұрын
I feel like we're only getting half a story with that first story.
@doan2300 7 ай бұрын
I hope the kitty is still doing well!
@theofficerfactory2625 7 ай бұрын
Glad the kitty is doing better. Hope comes to mind. What a collection of stories.
@alexloch77 7 ай бұрын
Glad to see kitty is going well!😊
@prezaurian4914 7 ай бұрын
Happy for the kitty and glad you were there for her. And thank you for the stories!
@joelrobinson5457 6 ай бұрын
Love that you used natsu for this one lol!
@keybladewizard49 5 ай бұрын
I hope OP of the psycho newbie story called the cops D:
@christophergordon6012 7 ай бұрын
Any one who needs to tell you how much experience they have at something hefore telling you how much you suck at it is called gaslighting and that person has no actual experience nor do you suck.
@eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536 7 ай бұрын
I named my cat Eugenie after a french emperess
@VampireBatLord 3 ай бұрын
new lil tortie baby
@ganmerlad 7 ай бұрын
First thought cat names: Lucky, Cali(co), Turtle, Chestnut, Ninja (hard to see in the bushes), and Princess Softfoot (:p). I actually have a hard time naming cats until I've had them for about a month though (till then their name is 'cat'). With a dog you just call it what you want and the dog doesn't mind, but a cat seems to need an individually tailored name that 'feels right' for the cat. So ignore my suggestions. (lol) The first story sounds like the DM wanted to get rid of the player before they asked the player if anything was wrong. If the player had said nothing was wrong and that the DM was amazing, then they could have stayed a bit longer. Yes, refund is due. Story two, problem player has mental problems or a personality disorder -- whichever, they're dangerous IRL. Obsessions, fragile ego, unreasonable anger issues, physical threats...keep your eyes peeled and your doors locked. They aren't going to brush off being rejected from the game. That's going to become their new obsession.
@shipper-of-heart8898 7 ай бұрын
Doge already has a cat named Lucky- he's the Like and Comment kitty
@ganmerlad 7 ай бұрын
@@shipper-of-heart8898 Oh, I must have heard it here, but it went in one ear and out the other. So many cats on youtube that I only remember the names of a few. :( I remember their faces but not their names...I do the same with people. :p I just thought of 'Lucky' because the car didn't kill her and Doge found her.
@shipper-of-heart8898 7 ай бұрын
@@ganmerlad That's alright! Lucky was the first kitty Doge had, and I think Mipsy came next, then Alice, and I forget the others' names. I think there's at least 2 more. Perhaps Miracle? or another synonym of Lucky (or maybe Lucky...2 lol)
@alexandriacannon-4573 7 ай бұрын
Hope is a pretty name for a kitten
@Cyberswarm632 7 ай бұрын
OP in 1st story sounds a little sus; even chance he was being a spotlight hog or had main character syndrome and just didn't get his way and isn't being completely honest. I could be wrong but idk
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Sounded no more suspicious than anyone telling a tabletop horror story.
@MenxiGoblinQueen 7 ай бұрын
oh, the new kitty looks so velvetty!
@DisposableTeen876 7 ай бұрын
As a doge, are you spayed yourself? Doesnt seem fair to the cat XD In all seriousness Im glad kitty is a-okay
@andrwblood9162 7 ай бұрын
Is it just me or these stories sorta pointing out a problem with DMs who've been doing TTRPGs since decades back. Like, I'd imagine their DMing can be very good...i.e. gameplay. But they're so often toxic about everything else. I suppose the more correct take away is that experience in DnD doesn't mean experience with being a good person.
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like "experienced DMs" assuming their age overrules any criticism.
@alexandramusilova8148 7 ай бұрын
Asking for a refund for all the games up to that point is ridiculous, the DM already spent that time entertaining the player so that would be like asking for a refund at a movie theater because you realized halfway through you don't actually like the movie. It sounds to me like OP was probably, maybe unknowingly, doing something to frustrate everyone in the group for a while and complaining was just the last straw for the party. Don't forget we only get OP's perspective and it seems like the rest of the group agreed it was time for them to go.
@davidtherwhanger6795 7 ай бұрын
OP did mention he had brought a lot of negative vibes to the games because of out of game stuff. It is possible that THAT had been going on for a very long time. I have heard this story on another channel a few days ago. I just think, given the facts we have, that the DM asked if they had done something wrong then went straight to the ban hammer because this was more of a "What is it THIS time OP."
@prettyevil6662000 7 ай бұрын
Halfway through you are allowed to ask for a refund on a movie ticket. It's after the halfway point you can't in most theaters. And if everyone hated OP, all the more reason to just give them their money back and be done with the issue.
@ArcCaravan 7 ай бұрын
Having only OP's perspective doesn't make whoever they have a problem with automatically free from judgement.
@nothing_82 7 ай бұрын
I hope any extra extra in the account would be for the other cats too if something happens. I don't think anyone would mind. I won't.
@ShiroTheTraveler 7 ай бұрын
You could call the Kitty Hope. Or Kibo or Nozomi. (both cover hope or wish (in Japanese) but are used differently depending on context)
@goukeban6197 7 ай бұрын
16:05 Is that Skyrim footage?
@GarkKahn 7 ай бұрын
If story 1 happens to me i'm leaving dnd forever How could be people so shitty over such minor stuff?
@dungeonsanddioramas8068 5 ай бұрын
Plot twist: OP1 is Newbie. But seriously, story 1 is sus to me. There feels like a lot has been left out
@AlinNightwing 7 ай бұрын
for that comment of feeling like a failure and sometimes that's how dice work... I shall share an example from my own game a few weeks ago. My party has a human paladin and they are mostly fey types of some sort in a fey druid town in the wilds. The fey npc's kept picking on the human because... human, so she (paladin character she while player is he) decided she would make them respect her by a drinking contest, that she could hold the land's ales as good as any resident and show she could yet be one of them. A couple Elves, an Eladrin, a Sylph and a Dwarf go okay lets do this and they start knocking several back of the strongest brew available while a gathering of sprites are cheering and laughing trying to make the drinkers choke and lose. Well... I do constitution rolls for them all and they hold out, I make her roll... nat 1. 2 drinks in, this female paladin faceplants the table. I had set the dc pretty high but the player could have rolled a 5 and with the bonuses made it... nope, crit fail. So when she wakes up after they get her a room for being a good sport, she comes down the next day and they are calling her "Luci, Lady of the Barrel" because of her drinking flub. The player grumbles at me when I mention it or just pop off the nickname but he just rolls his eyes and continues on.
@dracone4370 7 ай бұрын
She seems to have a tortoiseshell pattern, so the name Shelly seems appropriate.
@jacksparrowismydaddy 7 ай бұрын
stray kitty looks like my Josephine. names free just sayin'. both torties.
@kurisu7885 5 ай бұрын
Did you have to use Natsu for this Thumbnail? I know he's a fire wizard but he's too wholesome to do threaten this.
@shipper-of-heart8898 7 ай бұрын
How many kitties does the doge have now? Does this new girl make it...6?
@LucyBean42 7 ай бұрын
Kitty name: Pokey
@informitas0117 7 ай бұрын
Say it with me "Never pay for a DM"
@marybdrake1472 7 ай бұрын
First story, bad DM, no two ways about it. I also severely doubt said DM had been at it for thirty years. That just sounds like a lame ass excuse to these ears.
@DraupnirEX 7 ай бұрын
I had a math teacher once that would say "Practice makes permanent." Basically, doing something a long time doesn't mean you've been doing it right, and now you've made doing it the wrong way into a habbit. That DM has spent 30 years being a bad DM.
@marybdrake1472 7 ай бұрын
@@DraupnirEX Entirely possible, I still remain skeptical though. People will brag about things that don't apply to them because they think it makes them, I don't know what. It varies.
@CooperAATE 7 ай бұрын
@TheOtherGuys2 7 ай бұрын
I'd suggest caution when wishing people anything they deserve. Just because someone has a problem doesn't mean they're owed anything from anyone.
@whitenekos 7 ай бұрын
Hmmm, Chokorēto.
@davidtherwhanger6795 7 ай бұрын
You Don't Get It Story. Austin didn't get it. Like at all. Preventing some one from leaving is a criminal act know as Held Against Their Will. Dude can get in serious trouble for things like that.
@AtlasRathbane4346 7 ай бұрын
Last story is mentally challenged, try not to platform that baby
@GalacticPossum 7 ай бұрын
Nutmeg :)
@NPC-xd6on 7 ай бұрын
Based dwarf ?
@vampire9545 7 ай бұрын
I'd prefer not knowing how an animal was hurt. 🤔 I'm still salty about being punched healed in like session 3 which was nearly 2 years ago.
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