Security guards who watch cams, watch bizarre things have you seen?

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We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!
Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

Пікірлер: 156
@rionthemagnificent2971 Ай бұрын
Yes, the cows have a lookout. its from the days when they were wild. The lookout kept an eye out for wolves, coyotes, bears, and early man.
@grimdarkmalarkey5402 Ай бұрын
I was just about to comment this. Any social animal benefits from having a lookout while the rest of the herd eats, as it means predators have a harder time sneaking up on them.
@cannedmusic Ай бұрын
4 cows sitting around a table playing poker on black velvet (it's late and my mind goes all Gary Larson, sorry)
@btlcry Ай бұрын
@@grimdarkmalarkey5402 Yes, you can see this a lot with a flock of geese for example. When they're grazing you'll see at least one not eating and just keeping an eye out. If it's a larger flock, there may be a couple lookouts.
@saagabragi6938 Ай бұрын
​@@cannedmusic ???
@saagabragi6938 Ай бұрын
​@@cannedmusic ???
@AngelusNielson Ай бұрын
Maybe if we didn't treat suicidal people like criminals it'd be easier for us to get help.
@blackgemstone801 Ай бұрын
I work in hospital security and I fully agree. I have to fight the nurses more than the patients since they always neglect the suicidal people. I suggest anyone who's suicidal NOT go to a hospital because it's legit the worst I've seen people treated in healthcare
@AngelusNielson Ай бұрын
@@blackgemstone801 Thank you for fighting for us. It means a lot.
@Theworldiscomplex Ай бұрын
@@AngelusNielsonwhy dose your profile picture a B
@onemintyrose Ай бұрын
@@Theworldiscomplex it's the default pfp
@kingofichigo Ай бұрын
​@@blackgemstone801 ending up in the psych ward is legit my worst nightmare. I never tell anyone anything about those thoughts ever for that reason
@DamiesEvilTwin Ай бұрын
Love the guy who planned his escape SO carefully but failed to account for needing his damn keys, that's me every fucking day
@risingwind8943 Ай бұрын
There was a lubed up streaker on our college campus. He was a local who was known to be harmless, but was also known to be a wacko. Que the professor finding this so funny that he paused class to let us watch 6 cops try to catch a lubed up guy in a borat banana hammock with the athletics of a track star. We could literally hear him shouting. "Yer must have to do better than that piggies, I'm SUUUUUPER lubed up in Oil for da babies." The professor was in stitches. And yes, the guy had a perfect imitation of Borat that he used the whole time he was shouting insults at the cops. I saw the cops taking a break in the cafe later and their uniforms were SOAKED in baby oil. Two of those cops were working as cops part time and were students at the college. I knew them by name. I asked them if they had fun trying to catch Borat. One of them said (Swears not written. There were many) , "I was an all american track star in highschool. I was in olympic qualifying. That is THE fastest guy I have ever seen. If he would just take his damn meds, he could be a famous runner." Me "Didja catch him?" "Not even close. I had flashbacks of being a toddler trying to chase my dad."
@SewardWriter Ай бұрын
As long as that guy doesn't take his meds, Usain Bolt's record is safe.
@mb_ammaces Ай бұрын
@thaurane Ай бұрын
its literally just something for the background. if you care that much, then you're paying too much attention.
@Moon_x_sun Ай бұрын
@@thaurane I like to read the comments, but whenever I get an ad or have to interact with the video it goes almost full screen and I can’t see the comments anymore :/ so sure it’s just for noise but I do still wish it would go back so reading the comments was abit less annoying
@xedrexgaming9579 Ай бұрын
They probably will soon. They did a poll about it, I'm assuming this was just shot ahead of time so is already in portait.
@Gobmsm Ай бұрын
@@thaurane stop copying and pasting the same reply
@saagabragi6938 Ай бұрын
​@thaurane It isn't fucking nothing. It isn't just the fuckign background. The display is super thin and tall on anything that isn't a phone, and when i scroll down the comments on my tablet the comment section goes up covering part of the screen (vice versa if i even accidentally touch the video), and ads almost fullscreen it and the comments go. I like it when the screen behaves normally, and not almost like the shorts format.
@qje3204 Ай бұрын
can stories like #39 just be skipped that’s absolutely disgusting and cruel, even if it’s just you reading off of reddit can there be some sort of barrier where things like that get cut off? there are a few other stories i skipped in this but that’s the main one i’d like to point out
@misschieflolz1301 Ай бұрын
1:18 - actually, makes sense for a prey/herd animal. You can see similar behaviour in horses too. I've seen it myself when going to catch horses early in the morning, especially in summer. They have a tendancy to lie down and sleep around that time of day, however, without fail there's always one standing and keeping watch, and there will always be one on alert.
@MsMercury Ай бұрын
The story about the lady moving the cones and not seeing the gas leak signs perfectly describes what it’s like to work with the public.
@HaYlEeXx19 Ай бұрын
Those poor animals. Vile and disgusting.
@Rollinmayhem21 Ай бұрын
I work security and got to watch a clip of one of our doors opening slowly tripping the alarm and when my supervisor went to go reset it, the door closed softly by itself as she was walking towards it, our relief supervisor was there and bolted the other way, mind you there is no way to open that door without an access badge and there was no one there as it was 12:30 at night on a Saturday when security is the only one there.
@sterlinsilver Ай бұрын
Sort of related, my dad used to work in this old office building and to get into the actual workspace you had to pass through the electrical room. One day my dad walked in and noticed someone had installed a HUGE black wire and my dad was like "huh, thats odd..." So he goes in to work and later he talks about it with someone and theyre like "uh, nobody installed anything I dont know what youre talking about" so they go back down and sure enough the wire is gone, but dad is convinced he saw something so later he checks the security cameras. It turns out the "wire" was a massive black SNAKE that had crawled up the wall and my dad caught it mid climb, and it had slithered off by the time the other guy came to look. Crazy story. They never did find the snake after that...
@SewardWriter Ай бұрын
I'm glad the snake got away. He clearly needed to get to a noodle appointment.
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Black snakes are pretty chill and good pest control. Good to have them around.
@hugosinclair6798 Ай бұрын
story 7, I'm in stitches laughing so hard, "you can't watch me doing my girl unless you pay" had me rolling
@shitneyb5562 Ай бұрын
Give the rest to someone else
@FractalParadox Ай бұрын
The last story looks like some sort of sting operation like they were going in circles pretending to deal drugs just to see what would come up
@gonun69 Ай бұрын
I wonder if the last one was a planned distraction for the guys watching CCTV. Just have a few dudes trade some random item in circles, but in a suspicious way. No risk when they get searched as it's not illegal to trade a little baggies of white lego bricks.
@Robertz1986 Ай бұрын
As a security guard in a hospital, have you ever had to chase a naked psych patient through an ER, and drag them back to their room while people try to record you?? Fun times. Also, never tell a hospital that you intend to hurt yourself or another unless you really mean it. You will be immediately detained, will not be allowed to leave even if you change your mind, forced to give up all of your property (including your phone, which you won't be allowed access to) and in most hospitals you'll be forced to strip completely naked (in front of medical staff and possibly security, often on camera) and to put on a gown with grippy socks. You also can't leave to smoke, if that is a thing of yours.
@blackgemstone801 Ай бұрын
Adding my voice to not liking the vertical content. Also for engagement lol
@Lilith-Rose14 Ай бұрын
@crossSkull97 Ай бұрын
@xedrexgaming9579 Ай бұрын
They rotate narrators. I'm pretty sure one narrator does one batch of videos, and then the other does another batch, and that's how they keep a consistent schedule now.
@AnonOmis1000 18 күн бұрын
Now if we could get horizontal videos Ай бұрын
@bloodvue Ай бұрын
Last story might be undercover trolling for crims, or uni students making a buck distracting the security cam operators
@lindybarnes641 Ай бұрын
I feel like the seriousness of Story 39 is being downplayed. Dude literally watched multiple people rape animals and did nothing but joke about it. He should have done something to stop them, or at least reported it to some sort of authorities.
@themeadman 27 күн бұрын
Cows do have lookouts, they will have one cow watching at all times for anything that could be dangerous that way the rest of the herd can graze. They also have babysitters for their calves and they sometimes designate the farmer as the babysitter for a while and they have to change all their plans to sit with the calves until one of the cows relieves them from babysitting duty.
@c.mcdermo Ай бұрын
Story 25 about the father keeping it together until he was alone absolutely broke my heart. Speaks volumes on what it means to be a strong man
@natesharpejr1742 Ай бұрын
That last one is easy. Former drug addict here. It’s not uncommon for druggies to buy cheap and sell high, and if you’re closest to the main guy, you get it the cheapest. I could get a ball of some fire coke for 180, then sell it to someone for 200, who sells it to someone for 220 after taking a bump, and that person selling it for 250 only 24 miles away. It happens a hundred thousand times a day around the world, and only happens because one junkie pays more than another.
@SelestialCatharsisArt Ай бұрын
I've told this story on other sites before but I'll tell it again here :) I work security at a pharmaceutical warehouse. We have 24/7 surveillance and around the clock officers. However, there aren't always people in the warehouse, save for a single or maybe two officers max from 7P-6A on weekdays and all day on weekends. I was working one weekend and I was the only one in the whole building. The only car out front was one of our shuttles which happens to be an old Prius and my car was in the shipping yard, out of sight. I ordered Doordash since it was the weekend and I was the only officer on duty. We can't leave the building unattended so unfortunately, lots of food delivery if you don't bring your own. Every time I end up ordering food, in every "driver note" I let them know that since I'm working, I might not be able to come to the door right away and instruct them to just leave it. I usually leave a $5 in an envelope taped the correct door when I'm alone because I appreciate them listening to my instructions. I never let drivers know I'm alone or that I can see them on the cameras and most of the time, the drivers leave it where I say, take the money and leave. I guess most of them assume I get the automated message from Doordash and get my food when I can. One weekend, I ordered my food and everything seemed normal until the driver marked that they delivered my food. I had walked back into the office after a sweep of the warehouse (we have to do them frequently) right as my phone notified me that it was delivered so I turned my head to look at the camera screens and just saw the driver standing halfway between their car and the warehouse entrance, doing nothing. They weren't even facing the door or car, just mindlessly standing in the middle of the road for FORTY MINUTES. By about 5 minutes in, I started to get really freaked out. 10 minutes in, they started looking at their phone periodically. After 25 minutes, I was so spooked that I messaged them and told them to leave and that I would grab it. They messaged me a bunch of gibberish back? I armed the building and texted my boss and while I waited for her to answer, the driver continued to stand there. The driver ended up getting in their car a few minutes before my boss messaged me but then sat out of view of the front door in the parking lot entrance for another 7 minutes (which I obviously saw on the camera). I personally think that they were trying to do something, although I'm not sure what. Our facility was targeted a few times during COVID and we had several security risks then. My manager had me document everything, just in case, since she thought it was a little weird that they stood there for so long when there was seemingly only one car there. She later discovered that she had the same driver two weeks earlier and they didn't hang around like that which only alarmed us more. Their plates are now blacklisted from our facility. In the past when I've told this story, people have tried to guess what the driver was doing and here are some of the ones I debunked. WAITING FOR ANOTHER ORDER - my warehouse is in a small industrial park nowhere near any hot spots and the closest restaurant is 10 minutes down the road. I did Doordash in the area for years and my warehouse is roughly two miles out of the zone since it cuts off at the main highway north of the industrial park. It can still be delivered to but you can't accept orders unless you drive about five minutes north. I was in a Doordash Facebook group where they constantly complained about this particular area being out of the way and a deadzone. STRETCHING THEIR LEGS - for 40 minutes in a private parking lot of a closed warehouse on a weekend not moving, just standing? unlikely. NEW PAY BY THE HOUR FEATURE- This happened before it was widely available, I'm just telling the story months later. WAITING FOR YOU TO PAY- I prepaid??? WAITING FOR A TIP- I always round up my orders to the nearest 5 for a tip on the app and include the $5 in the envelope for following directions, which they took on camera. I always tip because I hated not getting a tip. If I can't tip, I don't order. Looking at the order details now, I gave them a $7.11 tip total on an almost $18 order. That's almost 40% and way more than I should have tipped in that situation. Lastly, people ALWAYS ask why I let my food get cold. I didn't, it wasn't a temperature sensitive meal but I would have if it meant securing my own safety as well as protecting my facility/ job.
@stubbystubby Ай бұрын
I worked as a security guard. Worked at a hospital. Maintenance guys decided that, in their infinite wisdom, to drop off all the technical scraps (old HVAC units, piping, broken electrical equipment, etc) in the "disposable pickup" area and not immediately have it picked up, as it would've required a large truck to grab this stuff (mainly the HVAC unit) to bring to the dump properly. So, at night, some genius dudes in black come with a stolen shopping cart, lifted the HVAC unit and placed it in the shopping cart. Got about 250ft to a small section of trees near a parking lot before "hiding" it there. Probably realized that they'd need a truck to steal it. So, I and another guard go out, retrieve the HVAC unit, and have maintenance actually dispose of it the next morning. Moral of the story: if there's even a spec of copper or gold in your scrap, have it properly disposed of so they can't make a mess of your garbage. Cause they stole all the actual technical equipment that shouldn't have been out there. Outside of that, at my current job, I'll see police officers pull into our parking lot and just... Sit there. For hours. No idea what they're doing. Their lights are all on, they just idle there for hours. Longest time idled is six hours. SIX. I'd like to assume they're just doing notes, catching a quick snooze during dead hours at night, or maybe they've been asked by someone to keep an eye around here but... That's what I'm paid for lol. Just weird.
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. It's done on tablets or laptops, but yeah. Sometimes it's a police presence to deter would be shoplifters. Cops have different jobs, patrol areas, what they should be doing on shift, etc. It makes more sense for a cop to hangout in an area that is generally safe, but may also be in or near a higher crime area. That way if they do get a call they're closer and can respond faster than if they were at the station.
@JairoTakan_ Ай бұрын
Story 8: Guy is lucky to work in such an awesome place where even CEO is that chill.😂😂 I still pictured him crash with that scooter
@NiaJustNia Ай бұрын
It's Hallie, so it's pronounced like Holly with an "a" instead of an "o". That's probably what's causing confusion
@jodeboyd8386 Ай бұрын
how many times does the internet think i need to be told to "switch to chrome?"
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
The twelve gun salute had me rolling! 😂
@paragonca9736 Ай бұрын
Story 25... That's a man right there. A rock for those who need him, but not devoid of emotion himself
@Recliner09886 Ай бұрын
For me i worked at a pizza place that had one of those animatronic bands and they started moving. I think the place was haunted because a few kids went missing there in the 80’s
@unconditionallyvalid 13 күн бұрын
Har har! ❤
@awikim Ай бұрын
Oh I wish* there was more of a warning about the dog/truck driver one, those images are horrifying Edit: spelling
@ashtonstout7375 Ай бұрын
Yes. A story about raping animals was not something I was expecting to hear. I don’t know what this channel was thinking when they decided to include such a despicable act in a video.
@ASlickNamedPimpback Ай бұрын
@@ashtonstout7375 they were thinking "man, this bot I coded to copy off reddit and pay some guy minimum wage to voice act it sure does make me cash money"
@maximillian1109 21 күн бұрын
Yeah, the way it was written so casually too. As if it wasn't rape. Gross.
@pitbulprincesita0503 19 күн бұрын
Yup... stopped listening there and might not click on new videos. That one messed me up
@unconditionallyvalid 13 күн бұрын
Timestamp of when that story begins and ends? I'm not to that part of the video yet, luckily, but no worries if no one sees this in time, hopefully the info can help someone else avoid that story even if it doesn't reach me in time.
@neko6803 Ай бұрын
I have rarely seen an arcade racegame that portrays a sense of slowness this much...
@shybandit521 Ай бұрын
Team Sonic Racing gameplay??? Quite incredible!
@maximillian1109 21 күн бұрын
A lot of herd animals have lookouts. I'm not an expert on cows, but I know a lot about horses, and they even have "schedules" for who keeps watch when.
@that_pan_chick8650 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry but you should have some type of assault warning for the animal story. I think hearing about an animal get assaulted is just as horrible and triggering as hearing about a human. To me at least.
@emilybattle4790 Ай бұрын
When starting this video I honestly wasn't expecting animal rape
@CurlyKirsty1999 Ай бұрын
I worked retail (serving customers on a till) well i also had authorisation to access cctv camera room because i did loss prevention and banking so more than just a cashier. I had some customers that set off my spidey senses but couldnt figure out why. For those who knoŵ what the term traveller or irish gypsy means, you'll understand the ethnicity of these customers has in relation to the situation. I had to watch the footage several times to be able to work out that two female toddlers managed to walk out without paying for several toys. These babies slight of hand was amazing, they were like magicians. Mum and the baby left the store first whilst dad and these two pre nursery tots put the stuff on the conveyer belt and passed the products from one side to another and paying for most of it but the girls were so well trained i really was stumped how they managed it. I could only work out after watching almost frame by frame because i had to slow it down that much. Most disturbing because they were so young, could barely see over the counter and just out of nappies young.
@RenAsterion 25 күн бұрын
Story 25 killed me. That poor family... but I feel even worse for the father, who comforted everyone else, but had no one to comfort him in return. I want to pull that man into a huge hug and let him cry on my shoulder... because he seemed like he needed it.
@am_a_beluga_boi Ай бұрын
can you please go back to the wide screen videos, i watch the videos popped out while playing games and its so much smaller than a massive bar covering half my screen
@DrFunkman Ай бұрын
This video in the background is the slowest racing game I’ve ever seen
@Aikano9 Ай бұрын
Story 34, maybe he was a vampire and all the cameras except that one were mirrorless.
@kayleighfuria819 Ай бұрын
Cows and other prey/herd definitely will do a lookout
@Jerrell7321 Ай бұрын
*Guy that escaped the ER* “Damn, I left my keys in my other pants”
@thewinterprince1731 18 күн бұрын
As far as I am aware, Haley Berry's name is pronounced like "Hal." So Hal-ee.
@squiddwizzard8850 Ай бұрын
Anti-psychotics, and many psychiatric medications take time to work. This can be weeks or months. I know this is true for anyi-psychotics, mood stabilizers, and SSRIs from personal experience. So it's probably not that mayo guy needed different meds it's more likely he just wasn't on them long enough. Or at all.
@ninabriesch4184 Ай бұрын
Lubed up Soapy dude.. just take some Towls or paper towls.. and tada! You got him!
@Bananaramuh Ай бұрын
Lots of prey animals have lookouts. The most well known being meerkats
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Predators too. Most social animals operate this way. My cats take turns laying across the bathroom doorway blocking the path and looking out. I have doorway curtains for privacy and leave the doors open for them. The night shift will often see them racing to be the one on guard duty. The loser will often loaf up a few feet away keeping watch as well. Geese even keep lookouts. Meerkats are something else though! 😅
@KleineSprechenfuhrerin Ай бұрын
About the last story, i think it was a chain that started with "Hey maan i was thinking about trying some grass with my homie/gf, you said you know some goy who smoked once? Could you mb help me out? - Yeah, I'll ask him if he knows people who smoke regularly and if so - he'll ask them to get you some" It's not something actually weird😅
@NeoStef Ай бұрын
That voice is music to my ears.
@pacman10182 29 күн бұрын
the last one was clearly set up for training
@pixiebubbles2628 Ай бұрын
Cows and horses will have 1 member be a lookout for security while everyone else eats or sleeps or whatever else. If they see danger, they sound the alarm, and everyone is up and running. Wild animals also do this. Example: deer The more eyes and ears that are alert, the less likely the herd is in danger of a surprise attack & can relax enough to eat, drink, birth babies, etc..
@zachlewis9751 Ай бұрын
I really regret clicking this video
@unconditionallyvalid 13 күн бұрын
Ngl, story 20 had me wincing too-
@squiddwizzard8850 Ай бұрын
Giant 3 foot snake? That's not giant lol.
@cannedmusic Ай бұрын
The greased patient reminded me of the dropped coin role scene in Groundhog Day. Timing is everything.
@stanwolenski9541 Ай бұрын
2:50 My daughter was an ER nurse at a hospital which would handle emergency services for the local state prison. One inmate came in because he pulled his eyeballs out and another who decided to eat his testicles with ice cream.
@ireneparkin3360 Ай бұрын
Not me, but a deputy manager at work who longer works there. The convenience store I work at shuts at 10 pm, the only people on shift was the deputy manager and whoever was ob the till at 9.50 at night. DM was counting money to put in the office safe when her dog growled. She looks on the camera and sees a pair of legs in the camera that's facing the door.
@lalu72 Ай бұрын
if we got the original narrator back i aint complaining
@skippershikrapski6583 20 күн бұрын
5:47 not Holly or Hailey. Halle. Prounced like the man's name "Hal" (which is short for Harry, why?) then "Eee". She stunned at the 2002 Oscars.
@nadirimyers6643 19 күн бұрын
I work security at a warehouse and I asked them what’s the craziest thing they seen on camera…. so a uber came to pick up an employee and as he was waiting for her they seen the driver get out the car and poop in the grass by the parking spots 😭. the security didn't see till later because it was like 4 am and i guess he didn't ask to use the bathroom because we are a closed campus but i was like wtf !
@brydonwood6000 Ай бұрын
I've been working night security for a few years and it's boring glad i haven't had to deal with these things yet 🤣
@lisagill4139 Ай бұрын
Not a security guard but I remember when I was a teenager we got a call from food4less saying my grandpa was banned from their store. Apparently my Alzheimer's having grandpa was caught on camera walking then stop to shake his pant leg then repeat again and again. Apparently he had shit himself and was shaking little balls of crap out of his pants as he walked.
@cannedmusic Ай бұрын
Cows keeping watch. Maybe it wasn't dogs and cats that should have been on all that black velvet.
@maplecarter4231 Ай бұрын
Damn story 25 got me crying 😭
@fu3zy Ай бұрын
listening to the story about escalators. im a construction worker and helped build Levi stadium (California) there were 2 very publicized deaths during construction but not many people knew there was a 3rd. when they tuned on the main entrance escalators for the first time they found out that a stray cat was living them 😢
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Escalators are insane and some days I question how many people step on them completely oblivious to the risk, also how we just use them as an acceptable risk for moving people. I'm sure someone would try to say the same about cars, but you're supposed to have a license for that.
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Also, rip poor kitty...😢
@mo-s- Ай бұрын
landscape modeeeeee
@burndowntheworld Ай бұрын
Story #20 is crazy
@johnconner8437 Ай бұрын
Yay we love this narrator
@YourEverydayGuy2 27 күн бұрын
16:12 up in the sky (1st class)
@kingwoof3444 Ай бұрын
Story 25…
@nothanksplease Ай бұрын
AHHH I WAS JUST AT THE STORE A BIT AGO AND THIS DUDE WAS SUDDENLY LIKE BENT OVER RIGHT BY ME WHEN I WAS GETTING TOMATO SAUCE. LIKE BENT WAY TO CLOSE TO MY AZZ. I literally was like "oh sorry" cause i thought i got in his way but that didnt make sense cause he came in from behind me! i literally made note of it to my mom cause it was so odd how close he was to me suddenly!!!! ahh!!!!
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
That is legit terrifying!
@toxinistired849 Ай бұрын
we need better suicidal people care. we need facilities that are like fancy hotels with a couple healthcare tweaks, not white walled prisons.
@Just1Nora Ай бұрын
Honestly, it usually comes down to risk. If you're low risk you may be in an open plan area with shared bedrooms and free movement around the living space. If you're a more serious risk they take more precautions to keep you safe. Meds take time to work and their purpose is to keep you from harming yourself and others until you're stable enough to be transferred to a lower security unit or hospital. I've been voluntarily committed 3 times. I've always been low security units. Sometimes the people in high security are legit pants pooping scary and need to be secured for the safety of other patients, the nurses, and themselves. Whether it's a bad medication reaction, going off their meds, or just straight insanity, some people just need that for a while, and some forever, but it probably beats the heck out of prison.
@panpanpandy Ай бұрын
yeah since you seem so dead set on sticking with the vertical format now, im outie. gonna miss the content but there are 5000 other reddit reading channels that don't use a video ratio that makes me have to resize my picture-in-picture window.
@lalu72 Ай бұрын
@OGSnow420 Ай бұрын
Love the video 🎉
@essiecat Ай бұрын
Yeah still cant do the vertical thing, its terrible to read. Theres like 3 words at most. I envy the people able to stay concentrated just by listening!
@kevinbrisbin7563 Ай бұрын
Well, cows are prey animals so having a lookout makes some sense.
@toniwilkins252 Ай бұрын
I'm more disturbed by the fact that you don't know who Halle Berry is than anything else in the whole video.
@Wolfie54545 Ай бұрын
I don’t know who that is either
@explodingbutters9595 Ай бұрын
Why the video different resolution
@yyoot9790 Ай бұрын
Story 25: o7
@corimyers4985 9 күн бұрын
It’s Halle like Halle’s Comet. Pronounced Hal-ee, not like Hailey
@TheRealNoah_83 26 күн бұрын
I saw an abandoned pizzeria animatronic move his name was “freddy fazbear” i think
@Talia_Foxx Ай бұрын
If none of these stories make a FNAF joke I'll be kinda bummed ngl
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
Good day
@getpunked9243 Ай бұрын
got to this surprisingly early
@ZA-mb5di Ай бұрын
4:33 why did you add the word "arm" Also please bring back the normal formatting. It requires no effort
@shastaham7630 Ай бұрын
@blackgemstone801 Ай бұрын
Makes me wonder how old this narrator is lol
@flarethefox1779 19 күн бұрын
why do almost all of your videos have like, some weird crisis with someone who is mentally unwell.. its... actually getting tiring to hear, especially as someone who is going through shit.
@8-bitswag608 Ай бұрын
This new format is horrible
@valerief1231 23 күн бұрын
I really really did not expect that I’d be basically listening to bestiality the whole time
@Notbakedboss Ай бұрын
211 views 15 minutes tsk..
@ashtonstout7375 Ай бұрын
Why on Earth is a story about *aping animals included in this video?!
@CondorMeat Ай бұрын
1 view ten seconds… smh
@fallenking211 Ай бұрын
What's your average time to make a video?
@UnderSparked Ай бұрын
very long if you account for the time for the gameplay, voice acting, editing, thumbnails etc.
@Fade_NB Ай бұрын
@@UnderSparkedso 50 years roughly? (Very rough calculations)
@xedrexgaming9579 Ай бұрын
​@@UnderSparked This about falls in line with my theories as to why you took on a second narrator and why despite there being a poll about bringing landscape format back, this video is probably edited ahead of time and therefore retains the portrait aspect. I just wish more people would understand these two things and not keep complaining.
@endernightblade1958 Ай бұрын
@@xedrexgaming9579oh i didn’t even think of that, that explains it
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