Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S2E13: Time Squared

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@ChocolatierRob 6 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised you did not bring up the obvious reason why Picard looks at his double with such anger. It is not a feeling of uncomfortableness with having another him, it is that all the evidence suggests that he abandoned his ship and left everyone else to die. He is looking at an incomprehensible proof that he is (or about to be) a coward.
@phemyda94 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly! When I looked back at this episode, that's the one thing I remember about it: Picard being confronted with the physical embodiment of his own (possible) cowardice and the loud silence of no one mentioning that Picard Two abandoned his ship and his crew. That's why it's so important that Troi keeps saying this is the "real" Picard... because that would mean that, deep down, despite his self-assurance, Picard One is also a coward (at least it seems that way until we find out what really happened). Picard faces his own biggest fear: the possibility that he will crumble, panic, or let down his crew under pressure.
@phemyda94 6 жыл бұрын
Also: that's why he starts second guessing himself. It's not just the time travel that has him rattled, it's that he's not sure whether he can trust himself anymore.
@legatobluesummers4290 4 жыл бұрын
I just watched this episode and this was exactly what I thought he was feeling.
@kevanos4636 6 жыл бұрын
Was the second Picard the real McCoy or was he a La Forgery?
@BPond7 6 жыл бұрын
Kevanos That's gold, right there!
@mapleicecream4819 6 жыл бұрын
@Jamyes9909 5 жыл бұрын
Hilarious ☝️
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
Headcanon: This episode's mysterious instigating force actually is Q, it just isn't John DeLancie Q. One of the other members of the Q Continuum, who doesn't share JDLQ's fondness for the spotlight, takes ire at Q's interest in the Enterprise, and maybe even gets wind of his intention to introduce them to the Borg (remember: "don't provoke the Borg!"). So this other Q who doesn't want to reveal himself tries to destroy the Enterprise with a "chronosynclastic infindibulum" of sorts, perhaps specifically to prevent them from encountering the Borg. When Picard succeeds in thwarting the Time-Loop of Doom, our unseen Q goes "okay, I see why JDL is so interested in this mortal", and goes back to the Continuum and leaves the Enterprise alone hereafter.
@peterkottke2570 6 жыл бұрын
Data: After careful analysis I have been able to determine the cause of the vortex and temporal phenomenon. Picard: Really? I was convinced we'd never be able to explain it. Data: Analyzing scan data collected during and just before the incident I have determined that an entity was created at the exact time and location of when Commander Riker made his omelet. Riker: Come on, Data! My cooking is not that bad! Data: Neverless the investigation is conclusive. This entity in the space of six hours matured into a giant space vortex which proceeded to trap and study the vessel on which it had been born. When it accidentally destroyed us, I believe it sent Captain Picard back in time to the moment of its birth to fix the damage it had done. Minute energy readings discovered after careful examination of the scan data show all these events were connected. Geordi: Wow. And all this was a result of Commander Riker cooking breakfast? Data: Indeed, and it does answer one of mankind's most common and perplexing questions. Picard: What question is that? Data: What came first? The chicken or the egg? ============================================================= Oh like you can come up with a better explanation? On note with the cooking though. Riker makes a meal with one course. He adds no spices, no dairy, no meat and no vegetables. Just plain scrambled eggs. And his crewmen sit around watching like "oh wow, cooking!". Mankind has truly fallen. One thing that could have spaced the episode out more evenly would be if they bothered to read the lettering on the shuttle craft before bringing it into the ship. On rewatch it's very obvious its a shuttle from the Enterprise.
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
He could have put spices into the omelet before the scene begins.
@ChocolatierRob 6 жыл бұрын
The attitude that the crew shows to the possibilities of time travel in this episode always felt decidedly underwhelming to me. Had I been on this bridge crew I'd have come up with several way to test this whole thing and frankly the 'let's stay on course and see what happens' idea would be pretty low down on the list of 'things to do to avoid everyone on the ship dying'. There was *nothing* to suggest that they were actually stuck in some kind of loop apart from Worf... well, suggesting it. Idea 1 - Contact Starfleet immediately and inform them of the bloody weird day they are having, then keep them constantly updated. If it all goes horribly wrong then at least Starfleet will know what happened even if not why. Idea 2 - Make a small cut somewhere on Picard, if the 'other' Picard does not show signs of a six hour old cut in the same place then you immediately know that your future/his past are not linked as strongly as you fear. If the old cut appears on other Picard as soon as you make it on current Picard _then_ you can start to worry. If you make the cut somewhere it would not be seen without searching for it then checking other Picard (as opposed to trying this somewhere that you _know_ other Picard is not injured. One little cut, maybe two can give you a whole lot to work with. Idea 3 - Separate the ship. We saw the whole ship get destroyed with everyone on it --> simple solution --> separate the people as much as possible and spread them out. The reason the human race needs to look to the stars is to avoid a localized Extinction Level Event, if we are on multiple planets then it will not matter (as much) if something happens to the Earth. Don't keep all your eggs in the same basket (especially if it is about to blow up). Separate the ship, fill whatever shuttles and transports you have, even send some people to escape pods. As you are keeping Starfleet up to date (see idea 1) they can send someone to rescue adrift crew members if something does happen to the Enterprise. Idea 4 - Replicate up some paper and have Picard keep his log up up to date and on him at all times. You know future Picard and his shuttle craft will be in no fit state to give you answers next time around so give him something non-verbal and non- electronic that will give you more information next time. Hell, you could tattoo the information on his very skin. Idea 5 - If evidence shows that you _are_ in some kind of inviolable loop then you _still_ have options, to put it in trope form you simply need to 'trick out time'. Arrange things so that your crew and maybe even ship will _appear_ to be destroyed to your past selves but will actually be safe. Fake the logs in the shuttlecraft to match up with what you saw. Don't worry, they also got trashed in the process so it will be impossible to see through. Once the time limit has passed other Picard has come to his senses and can simply rejoin his not actually dead crew. Even if you don't know how Picard ended up going back in time you have set up a scenario where once it is over no one is actually dead or ever were. These are all ideas you can have in motion before you ever even come into contact with any weird space tunnels and each one increases the chances of you not getting your entire ship and crew destroyed. Or you can just blunder forwards and see what happens...
@mapleicecream4819 6 жыл бұрын
Now _that_ was an excellent comment. I'd love to watch an episode like that!
@resurrectedstarships 6 жыл бұрын
You say the mystery of this episode is torpedoed at 16 minutes. I honestly think the episode builds up a lot of vexing mystery, but we never really get an answer, such as what the hell is the tunnel and how did the loop get started in the first place!? And time paradoxes are sooooo overdone and cheap.
@penguinphysics 6 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite comments is that “Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans”. Perhaps this is applicable to Star Trek as well
@MFMegaZeroX7 6 жыл бұрын
Looks like I have to disagree with you two episodes in a row! I actually thought this to be a pretty solid season 2 episode. I have notes from my first time watching it, and I considered to be generally solid. I don't really remember enough about the episode now to really say though.
@caramel7149 2 жыл бұрын
Gonna have to agree. Geordi LaForge tends to be accurate about what the engine can and cannot do, how fast it will go, how long it will last, when its available, or under what conditions it will work. He tells Captain Picard because he trusts him to make life and death decisions while taking the limits seriously. Now Scotty loved to exaggerate. I think he would do that because most engineers know that people will go over the line, so they make a habit of putting a buffer to take into account humanity's tendency to take unnessesary risks. Small examples are the rubber gaskets to connect parts, because the device may be taken into hot or cold places and the slight contraction and expansion of materials would cause it to fracture if constructed together without breathing room. large examples would be extra cables to support elevators in case people decide to pack in.
@tubeviewerX20 6 жыл бұрын
Despite it’s flaws, I’ve always liked this episode. It has that creepy intrigue which makes certain other episodes so enjoyable for me in this way. I do agree that the early Picard reveal being done a little later in the episode might have avoided some of the padding.
@LostMercenary99 6 жыл бұрын
I hate the idea of Q being a trickster without any purpose. Even at his most base, Q always seems to have an underlying purpose to his antics, such as guidnig humanity, preparing them for the Borg, getting Picard to realise the importance of the reckless idiot his was before, etc. I'm glad the Q plot was dropped here because what the hell kind of point would there be to it?
@gnomesaiyan1680 6 жыл бұрын
Speaking of the opening scene, this was one of the first times I remember noticing how great Michael Dorn's comedic timing can be. "...delicious."
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
That bit is one of the funniest things in Trek history to me. Everybody gives Worf all of their eggs, and he's just shoveling them into his mouth as fast as he can, and then realizes he should compliment the chef. Classic.
@lilben4184 5 жыл бұрын
"What a handsome race."
@WessyD123 9 ай бұрын
I always thought Time Squared was the one of the better second season episodes... I always remember the relieved look on his face when Picard said the line "But, in that brief moment the Enterprise could break free. Thats what he, thats what the other Picard must of thought". When he learn he learned the he wasn't a coward after all.
@olympicnut 5 жыл бұрын
I don't mind the lack of explanation in this episode. Many things in life are not wrapped up neatly with a bow.
@BPond7 6 жыл бұрын
The writing in this episode was like a square peg in a round hole, and far too much time was spent with future Picard writhing in the sickbay. I will say this, however: The VFX rank right up there with Best of Both Worlds, and Cause and Effect. That it was done in 1988, with the budget it had, was incredible. That's all I got. 🖖😀
@philswaim392 3 жыл бұрын
I have never thought "get on with it" for a video more than i have with this one.
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
This episode is a fine example of "weird for weird's sake", not done very well.Also, I once saw it listed in a TV Guide or the like, with the title "Time to the Second". In my opinion that title works much, much better than "Time Squared".
@Mr1flapjack1 5 жыл бұрын
This is one of the episodes I came back to many, many times as a kid. It was so tense and mysterious. I think part of that was that I found Patrick Stewart's performance in this episode genuinely disturbing in a really engaging way. It felt stilted and off, and I do mean for both versions of Picard. It always intrigued me.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
You know that you're a truly terrible cook when your Klingon buddy compliments you... XD
@ssmsmdffff 6 жыл бұрын
I've always loved this episode, it was the one that really got me into Star Trek. I started my Trek explorations with TNG season 2 and the premise of this one just really stood out to me. The episode was sloppily done, but I get a lot of nostalgia from it and certain parts of the episode are genuinely great. I would have enjoyed if this was Q messing about, if only for the fact it would mean the production was on board with adding more elements of continuity to the show. Though I would have prefered even more for the event to have been referenced by Q in Q Who, something along the lines of 'you know there are things beyond you out there, and yet you press on', perhaps Q could have informed Picard how many loops he had been through (maybe it had been far more than he thought). Watching the episode in anticipation for the rumination, and also watching through your STO lorerun, got me thinking about time travel. I was playing Stellaris and thought it would be neat to have a time travel toggle option. Say a AE wipes you out so you open a past save, maybe a ship from the AE 'follows' you back thought time and tries to preserve their timeline. They could trigger the FE to awaken early or some such. They could also do a temporal war event chain where you have to travel back to various points in your empire's history to protect your interests in your current save. I was thinking about single player only, but the multiplayer implications could be pretty interesting too. /random
@fredrikcarlstedt393 3 жыл бұрын
Picard vs the Anti- Picard .
@williamozier918 6 жыл бұрын
My head cannon tells me that this episode was a mis-fire in the Temporal Cold War. Probably the faction who orchestrated the temporal incursion of Yesterday's Enterprise.
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
Not a bad fan theory.
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
Next week's episode better known as "the Anbo-Jitsu episode".
@Gunnberg85 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with the idea that the episode would have been worse off if it was revolving around Q. I believe that having too many Q focused episodes would have taken away from the series as a whole. It would have been induced some sort of paranoia on the part of the audience where Q could have been responsible for every episode moving forward. No story would have been allowed to breathe on its own no matter how good or bad with Q allegedly pulling the strings. To your point regarding Troy insisting that the other Picard is real, I do agree that showing rather than telling would have been preferable. However, to another one of your earlier points, this episode is supposed to be from Picard's perspective. I'm sure he would have preferred communicating with this other Picard in order to better inform his decision making. I do appreciate the fact that Picard is given very little information regarding what the other Picard is and why he is there. The fact that the other Picard is out of sync and unable to communicate, adds to the frustration. A mystery is still present within the episode. Science tells us that this form of Picard is from the future. Troy tells us that this Picard is real and not some kind of an illusion. It's not completely concrete information, but it's all the information both Picard and the audience has. Most of it is solved as Picard one is walking along with the released Picard two. Picard is both figuratively and literally having a conversation with himself regarding how he made a decision that he does not understand yet. The tension comes from both the alleged imminent destruction of the Enterprise, as well as the time that it takes to walk from sickbay to the shuttle bay.
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
Q is a lazy plot device more often than he's an interesting character. I definitely oppose having Q as the explanation for any of the things which are poorly explained.
@maflipse 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, I do like the name of the system that was their supposed destination. Endicor system? Sounds like a cool place to me.
@Edax_Royeaux 2 жыл бұрын
30:59 "And than he kills him. For the longest time it bothered me that he killed Picard too. Than I started to realize that made perfect sense. At least it does to me for the reasons I already listed. That's him taking command of a situation he does not have the answer in. And despite uncertainty, owning up to it." I have the complete opposite take. Picard committing cold blooded murder of an innocent isn't him owning up to the situation, it's him turning into a psycho murderer who belongs in prison. As Odo says, killing your own clone is still murder. Picard doesn't stun him, he sets the phaser to kill, to snuff out a life for no other reason than pride and perhaps a confidence boost. Has life become so cheap? The whole episode he seems disgusted with the other Picard and him gunning down seemed like the result of rampant ego and pride. "How dare this man lose the Enterprise and continue to draw breath? That man is not me. I will be the judge, jury and executioner to this waste of space. His very existence sullies my reputation as a starship captain." -My Impression
@gigabyte5568 2 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is how the second Picard is even alive given that the shuttle had "no power". No power means no life support.
@donm5354 3 жыл бұрын
Surprised Data, since he is supposed to be super intelligent, not suggest separating the saucer section from the drive section and send them in different directions; since the log from the shuttlecraft showed the Enterprise intact when it was destroyed. Doing that would made a repeat of the video log impossible.
@jerryharris876 3 жыл бұрын
Somehow they can't tell the difference between an omelette and scrambled eggs.
@jerryharris876 3 жыл бұрын
28:30. Geordi doesn't exaggerate, at least not when it comes to mechanical stuff... he's not a Miracle Worker.
@ThrobbGoblin Жыл бұрын
I feel like having Q show up at the end would've been an absolute cop-out. Not that the episode that we got here was great, but I'll take a mysterious anomaly that's never explained over a mysterious anomaly that's explained away with "Q did it". (Again, though, I'd prefer neither approach) lol
@SchneeflockeMonsoon 2 жыл бұрын
The breakfast scene really bothered me. Not because of the characters, mind you, because of the food. Polaski said he was making “omelets”. He barely could call that thing scrambled. He beat the egg (singular), poured it on a hot plate, then tilled it with a fork, and served up segments. He didn’t season it, he didn’t salt it, he didn’t do anything with that single egg. He didn’t serve any side dishes, he didn’t honestly cook anything. He just heated it up and swirled it. And that bothers me for some reason. Maybe because Polaski brings expensive alcohol because his cooking is supposedly “worth it”. Maybe it’s because of his excuse when it’s awful: “a cook is only as good as his ingredients.” You mean: ingredienT, Mr. Riker. You can’t even pull a tekhnically by saying you had multiple eggs. You didn’t fail because you did it poorly, you failed because you didn’t try.
@dreamwhisperer2340 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your hard work. Not much to comment on about this episode myself. it's there.
@DrownedInExile 4 жыл бұрын
I thought this episode was genuinely unsettling. But it does seem like it could have used a few re-writes.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
Not everyone is as good as you are at reading people's facial and body language, @Lorerunner. I'm a bit on the slightly autistic side, so I struggle with that stuff, and IMO, if this episode just had the scene of Picard looking at the shuttle, and didn't have Troi and Pulaski dialoguing what he's thinking, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. I admit that the exposition might be a little dry, but I don't think it's entirely unnecessary; by memory, Troi is talking from a psychological perspective, and Pulaski is talking from a neurological or otherwise physiological perspective, so they're specialists in different fields who are talking about their different perspectives on their "patient".
@stanislavkostarnov2157 Жыл бұрын
I actually really really love this episode... I think it really puts Picard through his paces as a character... &, having grown up among experimental scientists, I can easily imagine the conversation between Troi and Pulaski happening... to me, the things they are saying are not what they're telling each other... it's more like: you realize if A=C than X = tangent(b) don't you.... Yes... and that would mean X=Syn(D) (thinking, of course how could I miss that, T cannot be Cos(Y)!!!) but A does not = Csq + Y' (thinking... of course! than Y' cannot be part of triangle Y,C,T)
@tylisirn 6 жыл бұрын
"This is a Maurice Hurley episode" ... oh... I think that's all the summary this needs. An interesting idea, mostly lackluster execution. As for inclusion of Q. I don't know if it would make the episode any better, but I don't think it would make it any worse either. So, eh. The stimulant-sedative dichotomy doesn't make much sense, however reversing polarity to access the shuttle can make sense, since physically time-reversal of electrons is equivalent to charge reversal.
@maflipse 6 жыл бұрын
At first i thought this was the episode cause and effect. Because i didn't remember this one. Maybe I didn't want to. This whole plot feels so wonky, it made no sense to me, and Picard seems to just randomly guess the answer to the problem and then shoots himself for reasons known only to the writer.
@kristenstoumann8345 6 жыл бұрын
Is this the episode with the bad tasting eggs/omelete made by Ryker?
@TheRamrod3001 6 жыл бұрын
Kristen Stoumann yeah
@Helyyx 6 жыл бұрын
The most memorable part of this episode for me has always been when Riker and Worf just do a double-take in the shuttle bay. The first time I re-watched this episode I chuckled over that. Even though the way it's acted out in this episode is a little off (like, couldn't you see the markings of the shuttle craft from like across the bay?) I would have probably done the same thing. I'd read regisitry once...huuuh?... Look across the bay... look back and read it again.... yup, that's the same shuttle. Okay this is weird.
@TheRetrostorian 5 жыл бұрын
Trick question. Q makes every episode better.
@Spartanj42 6 жыл бұрын
I think in this episode having Q in it would have helped, just because otherwise the vortex goes comepletely unexplained and honestly doesn't add a whole lot to the episode. Picard's line at the end "a lot of questions, damn few answers" that's a perfect summation of this episode. Honestly in my head canon this was Q, he just didn't reveal himself.
@setojurai 6 жыл бұрын
ian yeara Q flushed, Enterprise accidentally caught in time loop as a result
@mr51406 Жыл бұрын
Interesting concept that could have been better written so it didn’t run out of steam. My “time well wasted” category. I do agree with Lore like the with shuttle bay scenes. And indeed lackluster scripts can be salvaged by excellent acting. By this point, all the cast were at peak performance (pun intended). Too bad Colm Meaney had nothing to do but stand around. No worries, O’Brien, better things ahead!
@jmiester25 6 жыл бұрын
More Q, the better.
@Scottlp2 5 жыл бұрын
There is something inherently very attractive about time related episodes. I liked this episode and didn't much like cause and effect. I think because cause and effect is all science/technical and this is more people centered e.g. Picard recoiling at what he sees as cowardly other picard, the icky doctor wondering to Troy whether she'll have to relieve picard, Riker (briefly) reflective on Picard and how he handles things. Not deep character development, but better than none in cause and effect. Also "lots of questions, damn few answers". I like the line and the fact that there are no answers.
@technosworld2 6 жыл бұрын
I like this episode. I don't think Q would have helped it, and I also agree that they spend far too long on certain things that are obvious to the viewers, like comparing the shuttle craft for so long
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
When you say "TNG's good about flavor over filler", I can't help but mentally insert a little sotto-voce "unlike Voyager".
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
2019 Me's opinion (pretty much his last chance to say anything about it): While it might be fun to have a bunch of episodes where Q messes with the Enterprise, the version you described quickly here would have been absolutely awful. I actually like this episode, although it's not really very good; it feels very much like a Maurice Hurley script (as I observed when previously watching it, it's "weird for weird's sake"), but I think it's done reasonably well within that concept.
@ManicMTG 6 жыл бұрын
Very surprised this isn’t a Lamentation
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
The episode is definitely not THAT bad, and I say that as mostly a detractor of it. He points out many times during the Rumination that it has good bits in it. A Lamentation, by his new definition, has NOTHING good about it. I doubt we'll see any more within TNG.
@djhutchison 4 жыл бұрын
7:20 If you're interested in brief jaunts back in time, would you be willing to do a review of Primer?
@picard714 6 жыл бұрын
IMHO, Deanna's insistence on "Picard 2" being the real Picard I think is her relying too much on her empathic sense. If that's what she's feeling, then that's it, that's her impression and that's her recommendation to her Captain. And these are the very senses that Troi will trust to a fault at times (see "The Loss," when she has to function without them). But is it the real Jean-Luc Picard? I think the episode (i.e. Hurley) is allowing for some ambiguity.
@ShadowStoryteller 6 жыл бұрын
My feelings about having Q in wouldn't have worked. I just have this feeling that, if Q were there and said "It was just me messing with you" would have made Q out as a bully rather than a realist teacher. That was something that struck me as I watched Q the character. Yes, I admit that Q strikes me as being like Gargoyles Puck or at times like Marvel's Loki, but the counterpoint to that is an upcoming episode "Q Who". Specifically the last bit with his interaction between the crew and himself, "If you can't take a little bloody nose, then why don't you go back home and crawl back under your bed." This to me says he was teaching Picard specifically and Humanity in general (both the viewer and the fictional people) that the price of exploring comes with it a cost, so don't be arrogant about being safe and sound going in...and don't blame anyone else but you going out. If you notice throughout all of TNG, Q teaches a lesson for the most part when the matter is serious enough. The only exceptions I can think of are "Qpid" and "Hide and Q". Unless the lesson in that episode was, "Jean-Luc, you need to get laid." and the other was " Riker, we want you". Still, even the series opener "Encounter at Farpoint" had a tiny lesson, "Don't judge based on the appearance alone. Investigate the possibilities." As to Alternate Picard, I feel the explanation from the DTI books seems to fit. This Time-Cloud appearing to attack the Enterprise first, then Picard second fits with the explanation that it's a combination of Dr. Manheim's experiments with time manipulation and Dr. Manheim's subconscious lashing out at the people he was angry with. Picard having dated Mrs. Manheim and both still having "Old Flame" feelings is something Dr. Manheim would be angry about. The cloud's attack on Alternate Picard was on the Enterprise in general at first, simply because it was a created entity knowing only Dr. Manheim's subconscious rage at Picard and seeing the Enterprise as Picard as a whole while ignoring a shuttle escaping containing Picard specifically. With time reset six hours, it's form and function reset without erasing its memory and it learning Picard was a person, not a fellow entity, made it attack Picard the person instead of the Enterprise. The only way that I can explain it projecting a beam at Alternate Picard is Dr. Manheim again. The subconscious mind is a ever shifting thing. Possibly, and this is still fitting in with the book explanation, Dr. Manheim's subconscious went from hurting Prime Picard to healing Alternate Picard so it could renew the cycle again and keep on with hurting Prime Picard. This is just a theory and I hate trying to explain time travel or time entities. Maybe I got the point wrong, but the DTI book 'Watching the Clock' explained it better than I could.
@harpercole5321 6 жыл бұрын
Q wouldn't have done much for the episode if they'd just tacked him on at the end. If they could have hinted at his influence throughout, giving the audience a chance to guess what was going on, that would have been different. Another episode with some clever ideas but no satisfying payoff, but I guess S2 episodes always have an excuse for that.
@BlueWolfAlex 6 жыл бұрын
More Q would've been awesome as long as it wasn't over the top
@jamespepper8671 6 жыл бұрын
Data eats eggs?
@EnvisionerWill 6 жыл бұрын
The early episodes were pretty emphatic that Data was a partially organic android. This was portrayed with increasing inconsistency later on.
@danielyeshe 6 жыл бұрын
I find I care more about Star Trek too. I don’t like the more recent Trek stuff. Partly for reasons of canon but also because I don’t think they are doing as well as the first 5 live action shows. Star Wars on the other hand is not so much of an interest. So I can just think meh and move on. With Trek I feel almost offended when it screws up. I’ll just add the caveat that it is just my opinion and I know it is just a TV show - but it has been in my life for almost as long as I can remember.
@gallendugall8913 6 жыл бұрын
Producer, "Everyone loved Q let's bring him back!" Roddenberry, "As gatekeeper of canon I exercise my veto." This is not a mystery. Roddenberry used his lone power of veto to harass and extort more money out of the production.
@gallendugall8913 6 жыл бұрын
Speaking of rushing to "the good part" doesn't that describe every bland blockbuster made in the current era? Action spectacle that cost millions to make and has no weight because tension, consequences, and character are never properly set up.
@gallendugall8913 6 жыл бұрын
Mind powers are either the solution to every problem or so weak as to be useless. Oh look it's Troi.
@frazerrhughess 6 жыл бұрын
I am in the exact same boat as lorerunner, I love Star Trek but it’s obvious how BAD it can be, especially season 1 &2 Of tng and 1 &2 Of ds9 OF COURSE there’s going to be a lot of bad reviews. Most of these episodes are soooooooo bad, but obviously he loves Star Trek he is reviewing every episode ever made!!!
@Jim73 6 жыл бұрын
You love yourself waaaaay too much. All your videos are about you. I suggest you see someone.
@resurrectedstarships 6 жыл бұрын
I hope this is tongue and cheek, if not, git fucked. I'm just so sick of haters of great content; you don't know this guy or how much time and effort he puts into this.
@mapleicecream4819 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, right? It's all about Lore. Why is Lore always ruminating in his Rumination videos? If I wanted to hear about some guy's ruminations I'd watch a Rumination! Oh, wait...
@deadvex 5 жыл бұрын
No such thing as loving yourself too much. Loving yourself is key to destroying anxiety and building confidence.
@CrumCringle 3 жыл бұрын
You must not have loved yourself enough when you made this comment.
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