何回見ても面白いですね!50歳の誕生日のプレゼントは本当によかったですねがんさん! I never get tired of watching Gan San learning Nakajima's F1 car. What a perfect present for him on his 50th birthday!
@ncole907 жыл бұрын
From America, this show is FANTASTIC! We've never had anything remotely as awesome as this show and probably never will, in automotive terms. Great work Japan!
@moonred27715 жыл бұрын
Motoharu KUROSAWA is the most famous test deiver all ober the world. He had pushed BRIDGESTONE POTENZA RE-71 upto topmaker of sport tire, his original council term "as touching roadface with myhand" is 10 years foword from PORSCHE test item "steering information". He feel a soft feeling, used to tell staff as "softend rubber bush is not better choice", "thinned tire side wall or tire make feel good", "increasing brock hight make own weakness. Noto better choice", as a insider spy telled him todays defference. He and the monthly video copy for sell "Best Motering" is change 80th japanese automobile maker from write-uped scam to what you see is what you believing. So they hucked up R-32 GTR, NSX. Write-upped Mitsubishi GTO show his cheat boost for press day (works severe selected parts with build and boosted 320ps perhaps now we know), it have never winned in BM videos because its real body is 1.7t diamante coupe. Rancer evolution 1 was negated him on video, so following 2 or later fine change, so her serie make that legend. Motoharu KUROSAWA is the grand daddy of japanese cars.
I can’t even imagine what driving one of these beasts would’ve been like around Monaco, ferocious, but I could certainly imagine driving something more modern.