Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability

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The big blue buildings of Ikea have sprouted solar panels and wind turbines; inside, shelves are stocked with LED lighting and recycled cotton. Why? Because as Steve Howard puts it: "Sustainability has gone from a nice-to-do to a must-do." Howard, the chief sustainability officer at the furniture megastore, talks about his quest to sell eco-friendly materials and practices -- both internally and to worldwide customers -- and lays a challenge for other global giants.
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@SpaghettiWithMeatSauce 4 жыл бұрын
And as of 2018, 70% of Ikea's products were either renewable or recycled. Excellent work!
@projecthomecoming 11 жыл бұрын
I'm only commenting to raise the search ranking. We need more of this as a planet.
@user-vl8xf3pg8d 4 жыл бұрын
It was a very impressive lecture. Recently, many factors have caused environmental pollution. Until recently, many people suffered from fine dust in Korea. As such, environmental damage has side effects. I think we should all work hard to protect the environment from getting worse in the future. In particular, in the video, I came to my heart by saying, "The environment has changed from being good to being a must." I also sympathize greatly with this sentence. We feel that preserving the environment has become essential, not optional.
@oluwaseyiadeoye8707 10 жыл бұрын
Hmmm.....sustainability, not just a to do idea but now a must to do idea. Applaude
@JTProductions3 11 жыл бұрын
And here I was thinking this guy would get a standing ovation! What's wrong with you TED! You stand for pretty much everyone why not this guy?
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
John, You're right. We have been growing food without soil for decades. We will be able to achieve this. The question is, how soon? It looks to me like society is getting closer and closer to collapse. Like I said before, even If we start working on this ASAP it will be a century before we move any substantial amount of the population into space. Wouldn't it be responsible to achieve a level of sustainability, efficiency, and reduction of scarcity here on earth before we start moving to space?
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
They don't have to store the energy, they can simply pump it straight to the grid, and, during times of surplus, i.e. a nice sunny day,they can simply compensate for the extra power by turning down the amount of power emitted through other means, like shutting off a dynamo or two at the hydro plant, or they can export the excess power.The energy generated by solar power contributes to daytime peak loads.No need for batteries (although batteries and capacitors are getting more and more efficient)
@milford30 11 жыл бұрын
I don't have anything against renewables but I suggest you take a look at the amount of concrete needed to secure a wind farm, and how much CO2 emission in creating that concrete base. Not the mention the economic factors including maintenance.
@ThrowThoseCurtains 11 жыл бұрын
The most important message: be discerning consumers!
@funnygazman19 11 жыл бұрын
I like your points here john, i would say have a look at the ted talk about new battery designs. In terms of progress, i think the question is, progress towards what?
@miguelcamel8079 8 жыл бұрын
I find this lecture very much interesting, but at the same time there's a comercial side of it, "We Ikea are sustainable" "Buy from us" "We're saving the planet"..... not sure if I like that side! I'm pretty sure he's also telling other businesses how sustainability can also be profitable... =p
@starfire139 8 жыл бұрын
+Miguel Camel I do think that having more businesses be focused on sustainability is at least a step forward. But besides the side of it that makes people buy from businesses, we need to concentrate on ourselves and make change in our own daily lives. He says at 3:21 that people want the transition to a more sustainable world to be "easy." This is where we are wrong. We must sacrifice some comforts and our daily routine, or we will get be nowhere at the end of the day. If we do not limit our consumption, we will overtax our planet.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
$33 billion in oil subsidies per year. over $70 billion can be saved by ending the subsidies on both coal and gas. (those companies would still make a profit regardless). 10,000-40,000 birds killed per year by wind turbines (this number is dropping as engineers are working out ways to avoid birdstrike) as opposed to 150 - 170 million killed by powerlines and approx. 82,000 killed in the BP deep water horizon blowout.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
Well, there is the big one in the suburb of Mayflower, Arkansas,(same pipeline also ruptured in Ripley county Missouri), the one in North Dakota that the oil company neglected to report for 11 days, there were ten spills directly related to the Colorado floods, those are some of the major ones. And getting off of oil will mean that there would be no NEED to drill in Ecuador, Nigeria or the Caspian Sea, and therefore no spills there.
@osmia 11 жыл бұрын
Love that corporations are working towards sustainability, because in my view; governments are led by corporations.
@djshortsleeve 11 жыл бұрын
People need to accept the fact that women are better are some tasks, while men are better at others. Let things work themselves out naturally.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
I was pointing out that even at the rate of 40,000 birds killed annually, it does not come close to the number of birds killed by the transmission lines. And oil spills are NOT rare. Within thirty days (april 11-may 10 2013) there were 13 major oil spills in Nigeria, Canada, Ecuador and the US. 1.3 million gallons, mostly crude oil and tarsand diluted bitumen (which is even harder to clean up). This month, there have been spills in India and North Dakota, fire in the Caspian Sea, and far more.
@Phi1eap 11 жыл бұрын
My friend bought a lot led lightbulbs when he was finishing his house. He throw away receipts as he did not care because they suppose to last so long. Unfortunately most of them start breaking faster than old "short lasting" classic lightbulbs. Think there are two possibilities: electric grid must be prepared for this type of light or "The Light Bulb Conspiracy" is good and working fine, doesn't matter it's led, it's designed to break fast :/
@nancychang9146 11 жыл бұрын
Things are getting done. I'm glad to see so.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
Except they are gaining in efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness every year, particularly solar, with the coating technology getting so sophisticated that more and more wavelengths of light are being captured. It has already surpassed nuclear (Germany, for the cost of a new nuclear plant, was able to build the equivalent in solar instead) and the ongoing production costs after installation are minimal, because no fuel is required.
@FinallyGotATubeName 11 жыл бұрын
I think he was showing that it may look like a big number but there are large numbers of birds killed by power production already they just aren't talked about. Perhaps one could relate it to how flying is safer per mile traveled than driving but plane crashes get news coverage and some people feel flying is more dangerous.
@posalguien1941 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks teacher for helping me with this video!!
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
pt.1 John, I agree with you, it is a lie saying those things cost the tax payers nothing. You know what else is a lie? Saying that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. For major issues, only creditable persons can be editors of a page. Go ahead, go edit something non-trivial and see how fast it gets changed back. Also, they list sources at the bottom of every page, so you're not just taking the word of whoever the has the editing privileges.
@VideoVelico 11 жыл бұрын
Well put. Do you think that we will ever reach a 50/50 gender distribution in management? I have always been under the impression that men have a somewhat greater tendency to seek managerial positions and that more women than men desire to stay home with their children (if that's a financial possibility of course), which seems like it may skew the hiring figures. Obviously these aren't very scientific conclusions, so feel free to enlighten me.
@holy_youtube_final 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true! But you can not say it out loud :)
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
John, part 2 Fine, lets roll with the idea of us becoming Independent from the earth in space. Unless we invent warp drives, the solar system is STILL a closed system, because the nearest star is over 4 light years away, and it would take hundreds of years to get there with conventional methods. I'm not implying that space is a waste of time, I just think that we are at least a hundred years from becoming entirely Independent of the earth. And that's if we try to achieve it ASAP.
@Vladd7 11 жыл бұрын
this is a good speech and the man has a lot of good points. However, I don't think that sustainability in the world can truly be attained while working within the current monetary system.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
you can find all that on Wikipedia. 17% of Germany's electricity production is created through renewables (solar, wind, geothermal and tidal). Peak production is exported. And this is Germany, which is overcast most of the time. If you put a similar program in a place like Arizona or Nevada or outback Australia, where very little grows, there would be HUGE gains over even that. And this is done with no cost to the taxpayer.
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
CharKueyTeow, I have a thought exercise for you. Say most of the engineers working for the fossil fuel industry, over the course of a few months, gradually started devoting themselves to renewable energy. How long would it take for it to become the economical choice? For the most part, engineers are just designing BETTER ways to get the stuff out of the ground. So when we eventually run out, all that effort was for nothing. We're on borrowed time here. Let's be responsible, and forget profit.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
a few tonnes. Once. Whereas every tonne of coal is a couple of tonnes of co2. Maintenance of windfarms is pretty negligible too, compared to constantly feeding an ongoing stream of coal into a powerplant. THAT is high maintenance, And you can actually USE the land between the towers on a windfarm, you can grow crops, while opencut coal mining leaves the land sterile.
@marilyndanz423 10 жыл бұрын
Why do coffee companies continue putting 12,000 to 15,000 tons of burlap bags from the green coffee beans in landfills. My husband figured out how to convert the bags into paper with a sister company picking up the bags and companies buying the paper. Caribou Coffee is doing it. They are using KONA PAPER in a variety of applications with plans to expand. I can't understand why other coffee companies speak about how great they are by recycling by just putting bins in front of their stores, why not do something that really helps the environment. Please encourage coffee companies to check into KONA PAPER to be better stewards.
@meeeee9407 11 жыл бұрын
You also are forgetting one more important factor. Management positions are often filled by some of the most senior employees within the company. Women are more likely to leave the workforce to have children, and thus have a few years less experience on average than men. This must add to the inequalities seen when comparing men and women on paper.
@Lintary 11 жыл бұрын
You actually be surprised at how well we actually can recycle our products, most IKEA stores themselves throw very little away nearly everything is recycled from wardrobes to mattresses. Still it can be done better and that is one of the things that as an IKEA co-worker annoys me for on top they do a lot, but on the store based level these things are HUGELY undervalued as it is all about saving costs and that hurts the real focus on sustainability at a store based level which is just sad :/
@zytigon 11 жыл бұрын
The IPCC gives a whole range of scenarios. The upper one was a 6 Celsius rise but the lower one was only 1.5 Celsius rise by 2100. For the last 15 years there has only been a 0.06 Celsius rise which could indicate a trend towards the lower scenarios. Try reading " The rational optimist " by Matt Ridley or see climatologist Judith Curry's website
@CharKueyTeow 11 жыл бұрын
I'm talking about the end consumer.. As long as the infrastructure remains inadequate and the price of renewable energy remains more expensive, consumers wont' choose renewable energy over fossil fuels. Eg: How could you drive an electric car long distance without readily accessible charging stations along the way. And I don't think the petroleum and mining engineers have the necessary skills to develop alternative energy sources, it is the other branches of engineering that are more qualified.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
They are very inefficient at producing heat, too. The glass insulates it.
@hectorae86 11 жыл бұрын
Dr Warren Farrell - Why men earn more do a KZbin search for that video, it explains why men make more and have the higher paying function, put short, it has to do with them caring more about what they make and women caring more about enjoying the job they do. Also, i would LOVE to be a stay at home dad and i believe this desire ( which i think many men do have deep deep inside, it has merely been stomped out since day one ) should have always been clear during the whole feminist revolution.
@Waffle4569 11 жыл бұрын
But but, I like my heaters that produce light on the side. Its fucking cold!
@utkua 10 жыл бұрын
well nice, but... isn't most sustainable thing to do is not to buy new furniture unless we have to.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
no, the stuff under unused land is already GONE. That is the stuff they dig up FIRST. Then comes the stuff that is harder to get. What do you have against using renewables anyway? Solar panels are getting more and more efficient every day, taking in greater proportions of energy from wider portions of the spectrum, and there is none of the risk of spillage. Wind turbines are also getting more efficient, and storage options are getting far more efficient too, while fossil fuels? not so much.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
It is done with no cost to the taxpayers, it's done through electricity bills. The power distribution firms have to pay the people with the solar panels the same rate as they pay to other generators. And the solar panels have a limited lifespan, yes, but the infrastructure to support them don't, and they are not hard to recycle. And when they are replaced, new coatings and materials will mean that they are more efficient and cheaper.
@mariamedusa3542 8 жыл бұрын
my favorite person!
@amaliahuitron 4 жыл бұрын
María Medusa s yoo
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
Sustainable products used to suck, and suck hard. But you know what? Cars sucked a hundred years ago, they were noisier, smellier, and far more dangerous than horses. But what happened when people started buying them? They got quieter, cleaner and safer. Same with environmentally sustainable devices and processes, they will exceed the potential of the old technology, and these new technologies are still in their infancy.
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
pt.2 John, Fine, Wikipedia isn't reliable, I can deal with that. The fact of the matter is we have created an infinite growth economy in a world of limited resources. Either we keep taking steps toward sustainability and efficiency or we live in a constant battle for resources. Fossil fuels are becoming more and more obsolete as technology is increasing at an exponential rate. I say we kick start our natural evolution by striving for sustainability rather than being forced by laws of nature.
@kaveter 10 жыл бұрын
9 out of 10 don't see the lies
@LordSirGinger 11 жыл бұрын
I would like to hear precisely how Ikea helps children other than ensuring they aren't working. Many children work because an income is a necessity for them, and while child labour is en evil, it may be a necessary one until the larger problems of widespread poverty can be properly sorted out.
@liquidminds 10 жыл бұрын
Cason Huffman Space-Exploration and the Images of earth made through that has done more for humanities awareness about the fragile nature of our planet, than any earth-based project ever could have.
@gabrielespinoza5956 10 жыл бұрын
I like the frases, "we can make sustainability afforeble for the many people, not a luxury for the few" the biggers company not realy matter about it, just try meke treir index better then compatition and get profit intend.
@Seancooke89 11 жыл бұрын
Great talk !! ;-)
@Skateandcreate9 11 жыл бұрын
yes, your comment is an advertisement for a hangover movie. good job.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
and that is where recyclability comes in. When they build recyclability into their products, they will find that it will be far cheaper to simply feed their old used products back into the chipper to be remoulded into new products.
@TakehHuang 10 жыл бұрын
sustainability=kesinambungan,keberlanjutan. jual sesuatu yang bagus atau cantik,harga terjangkau,kesinambungan produk
@delatroy 11 жыл бұрын
Yes agreed. All you can do is create an equal playing field so men and women equally have a fair chance. If it turned out 90% women and men or whatever then so be it. Providing an equal playing field though is obviously rife with all kinds of problems - political, favoritism based on commonality, etc.
@j.thorgard 11 жыл бұрын
Great message
@thewallstreetjournal5675 11 жыл бұрын
I know of two ways to lower Co2 to pre-industrial levels, The first is permaculture, the second is NAWAPA. Why would you think there was a point of no return? Every living and complex system I know of has a Homeostasis. Modern science cannot predict the temperature, because it models the planet, like one would a car. The planet it's dying, it just needs to go on a diet. Mankind is part of the environment and how we treat each other is how we treat the environment.
@softypapa 11 жыл бұрын
Love it! I'm learning. :-)
@milford30 11 жыл бұрын
He pulled so many 'facts' out of his arse in the first few minutes, you can make solid judgements about the video
@ChristopherJManess 11 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@earlpierce7173 7 жыл бұрын
We can create debt free money in every country to produce sustainable systems that work with the environment, ecosystem, and humanity to optimize efficiency, labor, resources, recycling, equality, and the use of money itself.
@johnnielawson 9 жыл бұрын
I have a grip with IKEA, they place there stores in high density urban areas like Dublin to maximize profit, understandable. Where do they put their wind farm so they look good, you guessed it, not close to their store where land is expensive but where land is cheap and not enough people to object, so there are four blots on the beautiful landscape in county Sligo so that IKEA Dublin can say they are heading for carbon neutral. IKEA you disgust me, never again will you get one cent of my money.
@robynnsimoneofficial 8 жыл бұрын
Dude, you're part of the problem. congrats.
@Apvatar3000 11 жыл бұрын
A definitive change into new human direction but there's one key point "Ikea " missed.Sure they could achieve all of their sustainability targets but again- would Ikea share 20 % of its annual profits with all its total employees ? This would complete the sustainability cycle.
@ZimmZimmster 10 жыл бұрын
Bravo Ikea:) Could you please think about having your meals in the restaurant's be Sustainable? 100km challenge?
@Wourghk 11 жыл бұрын
Then in this world, in which one's time is precious, how do you accommodate services with a resource-based economy? We started with bartering and moved to fiat money because services became valuable. It won't go the other way around again because it can't.
@missmeech788 11 жыл бұрын
A "point of no return" is when you have destroyed so much in the 200 years we have lived on this planet, it can never be recovered in time." I certainly do believe we have reached that point. I agree the planet is dying and it needs a diet - a diet free of human beings. A time to renew itself. It has happened before and will happen again - only we are too stupid and arrogant to accept our own extinction. It won't be in our lifetimes, but it will be. We don't realize how large our footprint is.
@Zgembo121 11 жыл бұрын
i trust this guy
@MWcrazyhorse 11 жыл бұрын
Aa a matter of fact 'climate change' instead of global warming is already the alternativie labelling introduced by those that disagree with the theory.
@michaeljames1585 11 жыл бұрын
Yes I know that but what's that. Your point is?
@scarlynlc 10 жыл бұрын
what an inspiration :)
@faza553 10 жыл бұрын
What % of world population already chronically/seriously dis-eased with Environmental Illnesses? May those in good health and the most compassionate hearts manage and lead. Look into the work of Theo Colborn, Claudia Miller, and others.
@milford30 11 жыл бұрын
This guy is funny, after the day to day issues, then they care about the BIG issues. Let's all be more sustainable and stop caring if we can put food on the table tonight!
@jameskillalotthewarr 11 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if governments would take the initiative on steps like this rather than giving billions in subsidies to the oil industry.
@jaker20101 11 жыл бұрын
I got to thinking about future generations and how our decisions now will undoubtedly impact them and I just want to leave this Earth in better condition than when I found it.
@theoryg 10 жыл бұрын
I'm all for it but I am already reminded of how its slightly too late in lieu of the global warming. I mean they say GW is unstoppable and the real issue is coming from industrial plants refineries and vehicles. Not much can be done with these two in a rapid sense.
@pennymac16 11 жыл бұрын
He's just saying that women should retain the right and whatever to get any job. But it shouldn't be mandatory for any business to employ women in certain positions when there are men who would do a better job to employ. Just like he says: "meritocracy".
@TheVirtualban 11 жыл бұрын
Investing into something that does not produce the best return will leave any company to be destroyed by the competition. Be that incandescent light bulbs, or people unworthy of reaching high management levels by themselves and needing an extra hand. I said 'people'.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
Wikipedia is a starting point, and you will find all the sources you need down the bottom of the page. To simply declare "it's on Wikipedia, therefore it is a lie" is simply a ad hominem fallacy.
@GraysonBuzz 10 жыл бұрын
This is the case for sustainability: when it makes solid economic and business sense. We are approaching that where sustainable technologies produce savings that justify their investment. This is far more of a convincing argument than some fanciful hysteria over the potential results of supposed climate change.
@dangerouslytalented 11 жыл бұрын
Most of the slanderous edits on Republican (and Democratic) Wikipedia pages were quickly taken down, and those pages locked off, and when pages are locked off for the general public, any edits (and their references) get thoroughly checked.
@ButtheadHghh 11 жыл бұрын
ya and middle class in the west can mostly be categorized in the top 5% of the world in the sense of wealth
@acvarthered 10 жыл бұрын
"Let's be responsible, and forget profit." Forgetting profit means forgetting efficency. It means using more resources the exact opposite of what we all want. If renewables ever become more efficient then our current sources of energy (and our future sources) then people seeking profit will switch to them in droves to increase thier profits. If they remain less efficient and as such less profitable then it would be a waste of resources to switch to them.
@liquidminds 10 жыл бұрын
So if you can pull 100 units out of a market, for 10 years before you run out forever, it's more efficient in your eyes, than pulling out 50 for all eternity? "If I can get 100.000.000x what I need now, why should I care if my grandchildren have enough to survive". That's what you are saying.
@acvarthered 10 жыл бұрын
liquidminds A: Your math does not work. B: Humans are quite addaptive creatures. They find new ways to do things when neccessary. We will come up with new eneregy sources. Not using those things available to us now simply because some day in the future they will run out is foolish. Would you not eat corn now just because someday in the future there will be no corn? What are you saving tings for? The day when they become obsolete due to other advances? Then you wasted those resrouces. I want to live both now and in the future. You want to kill ourselvse off to save the future?!?!? If we don't make it through today we will never see tomorrow.
@liquidminds 10 жыл бұрын
acvarthered what can I say. There are intelligent people who understand sustainability. And there are people like you. Sad fact of life. Can't change anything about it.
@seiri5s 10 жыл бұрын
I almost agree with the speaker... until he quoted other Good Company like 'Nike' , 'Timberland'...Those are for rich only, so I just can't appreciate what had they done that's good to environment....Speaking of IKEA, only visited 2 or 3 times in my life so far, actually it has not much to do with my life and people around me, how ever green are their product, it is not green to bring it to my part of the world, when we have even greener local products,with more efficient distribution (carbon foot print) after retail. IKEA is selling green product to the 'middle class' and most of the time they buy more than what they need, that's not green.
@northcacalacka545 11 жыл бұрын
Anybody got the real numbers for this fella? Unfortunately for IKEA, they are like a speck of sand on the beach. I admire their determination, but it is not enough. When all the humans are gone one day, then I would say their approach might work.
@FinallyGotATubeName 11 жыл бұрын
Or perhaps it is due to the fact that the middle class of the world is not like the middle class of the west. So what we see in the western world and how we define middle class is just another example of how dislocated we upper class types can be from the rest of the world. :P Also keep in mind that he said 3 billion joining the middle class by 2030 which is not an insignificant number of years away.
@nathanhale3697 11 жыл бұрын
Please, translation or at least subtitles for people who don't speak english fluently. Thx
@EmilChristianGram 11 жыл бұрын
How can I skip this 13 minutes commercial?
@CharKueyTeow 11 жыл бұрын
We have the tech to make fossil fuels obsolete but NOT LESS economical than renewable energy. When prices are lower and the infrastructure is there to support sustainable living, only then will renewable energy be used. The ugly truth is that sustainable living is good to do but not a need. As long as renewable energy remains more expensive than fossil fuels, there won't be any meaningful change.
@johngalt5604 11 жыл бұрын
How did powerlines come into this regardless of whether your power comes from wind turbines or solar farms, power lines will continue to exist! And oil well blow outs are rare, were as wind turbines kill on a regular basses! Also both wind and solar are dependent on whether there for incapable of providing reliable continues power! And both waste land!
@casonhuffman4466 11 жыл бұрын
John, Resources may not be strained, but the allocation of resources is definitely skewed. Why would we try to go to space when we won't even feed everyone on the planet right now? It's like paying for Internet without owning a computer. It's just irresponsible.
@Full_Counter 4 жыл бұрын
I do like inperfect food :)
@michaeljames1585 11 жыл бұрын
My family is not within those 3 billion people.... :(
@hectorae86 11 жыл бұрын
Read your comment like 10 times but uhm.... nope, still doesn't make sense to me,what are you trying to say?
@annabodhi38 11 жыл бұрын
3 billion people coming out of poverty and into middle class??? What planet are you living on because I'd like to go there...
@mahesh7337 11 жыл бұрын
Forcing 50% women into the management is not how you achieve equality. If a less meritorious woman is selected just for the sake of statistical equality, it would actually ruin her career as she fails to perform on par with her peers. Tackling the root problem, like making sure women aren't discriminated against in interviews, motivating women to take STEM and business courses at school etc. is the right way to go.
@castello544 11 жыл бұрын
They wouldn't have done anything without the horror stories!
@jaker20101 11 жыл бұрын
Scary thought
@Onodera1980 11 жыл бұрын
If only energy companies would go "all in".
@CharKueyTeow 11 жыл бұрын
Since we're on the subject of equality, I want to know how come we still have hereditary monarchies and titles all over the developed world? If we need someone for ceremonial roles, why can't we have an elected monarchy?
@Bunny456 11 жыл бұрын
You will never get the Ayn Rand crowd on board with this. Selfishness is a virtue in their world.
@iluan_ 11 жыл бұрын
I gues he is living in the developing world. If you look at most countries in the so called tird world for the last 50 years, you will notice that the average income has mostly gone up. In fact in many African countries you may notice that the middle class was born in the last decades of the 20th century and are still growing.
@CurtHowland 11 жыл бұрын
"The 'Middle Class' is not hurt in any way, shape or form by regulation" Then who do you think pays the cost of the regulations? "That 3billion u speak of isn't poor due to regulation(ask Chinese citizens)" China is reducing regulation, and their economy is improving, raising people out of poverty and into the "middle class". When China was very tightly regulated, almost everyone was "poor". Your example proves my point.
@kalidesu 11 жыл бұрын
I agree but the reality is the battery tech isn't there on a mass scale yet. Nor the money to make them on a scale to get the rewards, (no Keynesian money printing make that happen without crashing the world economy) Because energy is REAL currency. Countries are getting desperate they will go for the nuclear option in the short to medium term. If it's nuclear lets make it only Thorium, Integral fast reactors (IFR) we have these now! Or for the future Liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTR).
@wolfRAMM 11 жыл бұрын
if there's not enough women capable to capable to outcompete men as a CEO, one shouldn't force it
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Hungry FAM
Рет қаралды 9 МЛН
Рет қаралды 26 МЛН
How IKEA Is Assembling an Eco-Friendly Image
Bloomberg Originals
Рет қаралды 74 М.
The psychological trick behind getting people to say yes
PBS NewsHour
Рет қаралды 3,6 МЛН
Sustainable City | Fully Charged
Fully Charged Show
Рет қаралды 2,1 МЛН
Iwan Baan: Ingenious homes in unexpected places
Рет қаралды 184 М.