Tested in the Lake of Fire

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The King James Bible (KJV) says that most of mankind will be tormented in a lake of fire and brimstone. Is this true?

Пікірлер: 103
@TheTurtleVillage 7 жыл бұрын
"You don't need to go to the caves of Afghanistan to find terrorists. Go to Hollywood..." That was some Socrates stuff right there lol, bravo sir.
@tommywarren2178 2 жыл бұрын
We love Gary and sorry that he's gone but we hope that is videos are never taken down
@knarflehcarfulfilled 8 жыл бұрын
This video should have more and more views ... sublime true words
@raypraise 11 жыл бұрын
Why does everything have to be fighting and struggling why can't we all just live, work and be in peace.
@rprestarri 3 жыл бұрын
Until Jesus Christ returns to Earth again in full Glory and Fire with the army of God behind him descending from Heaven to destroy the Anti Christ and his followers to instill Gods kingdom on Earth for 1000 years. Jesus will rule in power and glory for 1000 years with all who believed in him and gave their lives up for him. Then after that 1000 years Jesus will destroy the the Earth and Heavens with fire and throw Satan into the lake of Fire for eternity. God will create an entire new world where we will live in peace with God for eternity.
@MosesHanma 4 ай бұрын
That last segment was GOLD. SEE YOU SOON GARY! 🙌🏿✝️🙌🏿
@k0smon 12 жыл бұрын
"The King James was not given by God but was a translation by a group of scholars in the early 17th century who based their rendition on a faulty Greek text." Bart Ehrman in his book "Misquoting Jesus".
@tentmaker777 12 жыл бұрын
"This man" simply asked the reader to compare English Bible translations. The FACT is they differ greatly. The Rheim's Duay translation has the word Hell 110 time, KJV, 54 times, NASB 13 times, Young's Literal, ZERO times. What's going on? Well, when one takes a careful look at Bible translations, it becomes obvious something is amiss. Some people then dig and study. Some are lazy and demand only one translation is "God's word" and trash everything else. "Study to show yourself approved."
@tentmaker777 13 жыл бұрын
@SwordofManticorE I've been doing a lot of studying on fire, basanos, purifying metals, testing for works to are precious metals and works that are wood hay and stubble. Interesting stuff that I hope to share soon.
@savedforever1 3 жыл бұрын
Heres the thing man: the word says: the lake of fire wasnt made for people,it was made for the devil and his angels ..so. If its a place for refining. Then the devil and his angels will be refined as well? I mean that part is odd
@tentmaker777 12 жыл бұрын
Your very own words and spirit reveal whose child you presently are and it is plain for everyone to see. God is love, love never fails. And you make it quite plain where you are coming from. Thanks for your honesty. Now everyone can see your spirit...and run from it. God will find soon and then you will discover who you have been presently serving. And it hasn't been Him.
@Williamwestp24 12 жыл бұрын
But when its all done we will ALL have the GLORY OF GOD.:)
@god-is-eternal21 10 жыл бұрын
+tentmaker777 Just wanted to give you an update of my situation and continual belief in "all-saved" and my belief as it has grown in my solitude. I go to Church and continue to love it; I get a bad 'taste' in my mouth each time eternal torment is brought up... which is surprisingly/gratefully seldom.... however if they knew of my new found belief... they would "ouster" me :) I think my discretion helps them in the long run. It is obvious to me now that Christ's death on the cross was effectual for all; that "realization" (belief) in this life; may or may not happen; but most assuredly will happen in the next. Very thankful to the Lord for this and also very glad that you are 'fighting the good fight'. I believe Jesus is coming soon. Praise God!
@angelgirldebbiejo 8 жыл бұрын
awesome --look up swedenborg on you tube and he has alot of explanations of heaven and hell and is expeiences from the 1700's which match NDEs today......it gives you a whole new meaning to the words and what a happier person you are when you understand .....I believe some of universalism but more swedenborgism as it totally matches up to NDES i have studied over 150 from people of all walks of life.
@kingsleynkrumah4762 Жыл бұрын
His counsel shall stand
@giuseppestruzzo 10 ай бұрын
Dear brother, I have following question and I know there are various opinions among Christians about this; do the dead have consciousness?
@chudyie Жыл бұрын
Very well said. Amen.
@tentmaker777 14 жыл бұрын
@phillip78 oops, it's 931, But they are similar, one is to torment, the other is tormentor. Basanos is the noun, basanistes (930) is mistranslated tormentor or torturer.
@EmeiBaguazhang 14 жыл бұрын
Gary,....do you believe THIS LIFE to "Be" the Lake of Fire? Just wondering your take on it, since I respect your opinion on the matter. Thank you! :)
@rsfrj 12 жыл бұрын
Great videos brother. Thanks a lot.
@chattyscotty 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you. My niece was afraid of God because of the original teachings of today. However, I had to explain to her what God meant. I want to be a pastor for God and I left the Baptist church and now I go to a Methodist church. The United Church of Christ is way to liberal and I'm more of a moderate. The other church I haven't went to yet is the Espitcal Church. Sorry about the spelling. However I like the Methodist church, but I believe all will be saved in the end.
@MCRousseau-777 2 ай бұрын
I repent. Thank you for the Truth.
@raypraise 11 жыл бұрын
I love you man.
@theresabengston2975 3 ай бұрын
Please don’t say shame on us. There is no shame on the Church of Jesus Christ. Let the church be transformed by the truth without shame.
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Lamentations 3 31 what is the right translation of lamentation 3 31
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
I'm not a Bible translation. Young's Literal renders it: "For the Lord doth not cast off to the Age." Rotherham's Emphasized says: Surely My Lord will not cast off unto times age-abiding." This two and several other translations believe the Hebrew word Olam should never be translated forever because it refers to time, not what we call "eternity" which is outside of time. Clearly traditional translations like the KJV, NIV, NASB have made some serious mistakes with Olam. They have Jonah in the belly of the earth FOREVER! That's an obvious mistake. During our Father's plan of the redemption of all mankind, He uses many olams, many ages. The Bible speaks of at least 7, maybe there are more before Jesus conquers all enemies and then delivers the kingdom to God the Father that He may be all in all. THEN we will experience what we conceive of as eternity, something outside and beyond what we call time, ages, eons, etc.
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Well im probably never going to get saved so im turning to the bible to find out what my punishment for sin is going to be
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
Rodney, salvation depends upon from what point of view you are looking. If you saw from before the foundation of the world, you could see that you are already saved because the Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world. Or you could go to the cross and if you were in Christ when you heard "It is finished!" you could with confidence believe in your salvation. Or if you went to the place where Jesus conquered all His enemies, the last being death, then you could see Jesus delivering you to God the Father that He may be all in all. You could see your salvation from many points. When one enters the rest Jesus promised, you wouldn't stress about "getting saved." Salvation is simply believing Jesus did the work for you. As long as you try to add anything of yourself or what churches demand, then you won't have the confidence of faith to KNOW, Jesus loves you, has and will save you. I NOW I'm saved, I am being saved and I will be saved. Today is the DAY of salvation. You could KNOW you are saved this very moment if you enter Christ's finished work on the Cross.
@miekwo 12 жыл бұрын
I just watched this video via facebook and I agree with almost everything and LOVE it, but I have a question too. What about Rev. 20:10? Does that mean the devil will be 'tormented' (to see the value of what was thrown in...seeing what's inside and than 'purified'?? so the devil will be purified??? That part I don't understand.......what do you think???
@tatianaG 3 жыл бұрын
I know I am way late to the party... 8 years later... but if I can share some understanding I have... the devil is the flesh... satan means 'the adversary'... who or what is the adversary to the Spirit? Its the flesh. We are tried and tested in this life in Christ. Christ Himself is the Lake of Fire... Christ increasing as we (our flesh) decreases... He refines us as gold. 🙏🏻
@tentmaker777 11 жыл бұрын
From the little research I made, it looks like James Strong was involved with the revision of the KJV.
@Panoramicromantic1 10 жыл бұрын
I've seen your website and I liked some of what you present. I don't subscribe to universalism myself, but I agree that words like aion aionios and basanos have not been translated properly.
@Panoramicromantic1 2 жыл бұрын
@Charles Edward Cheese Mark 9:48 is pretty clear. So is Matthew 26:24. Also, just dealing with it on the human level, if one suggests that every person can sin however much they like but still be incorruptible, one is basically saying that human nature is infinitely good, despite one's actions, choices and intentions. This of course means that human nature is a godlike nature, i.e. that it is always basically good no matter how much evil it does. Something can only be purified when the basic substance is still inherently good. When one claims a human being can always be purified no matter how much evil they will and do, one is saying that the goodness of human nature is godlike in its substance. Basically, it can never sin enough to change its substance. This makes a created being God. There is really no other way to see it. It also introduces, and is the root of, modern satanism. Once you allow that a human being can never sin enough to be lost, one must also allow that Satan is also basically good and can never be truly lost. He is a created being just like human beings are. I've researched this subject enough to know this is exactly how modern satanism started. Universalism makes freewill nothing. It teaches that God will always make human beings and even Satan ultimately choose Him regardless of their personal choices, intentions and actions. There is a serious blasphemy in these ideas. This is abundantly clear to anyone who has any kind of discernment.
@Panoramicromantic1 2 жыл бұрын
@Charles Edward Cheese Did you ask a question? Or did you invite me to share? You are a waste of my time. You obviously are some adherent to a wacky cult that revels in its own obliviousness. You are not a Christian. You have neither the sense or discernment to weigh anything. I am silencing you. God help you. You are lost.
@chattyscotty 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for responding. :)
@Turner2503 14 жыл бұрын
Is it Strong's # 930 or 931?
@dannyr333 3 жыл бұрын
All i know is i saw gates of hell in a dream and i also saw heaven You are already founded and rooted in ur believs. I cant tell you that there are folks going here or there. U are calm and have a gr8 knowledge. I listen to you. It sounds sound All i know is that there are cou ntless of youtube accounts of little kids both being translated to hell/heaven and people dying either from seizures, gunshotsz or car accidents and come back to tell they saw hell/heaven Bro if God places a man who doesnt wanna be with God than heaven will be polutted just as it is here in physical world. This world is chaotic and crazy becauze of sin was authorized by adam and eve. So every descendant born after adam and eve were born into sin. The salvation of Jesus is gr8. Jesus is means savior. Im not gonna correct or tell you this or that Im just telling you what ive experienced that these places heaven and hell exist. Im not king or judge who goes where thats the Lords job. And yes the bible is mis intrepreted its messed up. Just stay close with Holy Spirit and He will lead you into all truth brother. Much love. May God continues journey you with peace and Gods graces. Daniel Tampa FL
@tentmaker777 14 жыл бұрын
@QAndyJack Thanks, stay tuned, there's a whole series coming up on the lake of fire and fire in general.
@garybentlage9465 5 жыл бұрын
Tentmaker chk out "unlearn the lies" on you tube on hell and a variety of differnt bible topjcs. He talks along similiar lines as u, thank u
@Michael-nc9cp 8 жыл бұрын
@tentmaker777 8 жыл бұрын
The wages of sin is DEATH, not living forever being tortured by a god who is supposedly love. Jesus TASTED DEATH for everyone. AND raised us up from death....EVERYONE ONE. EVERYONE will be salted with fire, including you doggcomms.
@Michael-nc9cp 8 жыл бұрын
tentmaker777 am scared.. lol.. its gonna hurt isn't it?
@admiralmurat2777 6 жыл бұрын
You are coming to the knowledge of the truth. Pretty much it.
@georgeforyan113 5 жыл бұрын
He saved us from eternal death! Through faith in Christ, you will gain everlasting life for the bible tells us that the wages of sin is death, not an eternal torment raging in flames for all eternity. When Adam & Eve disobeyed God and fell into sin, now know the knowledge of good & evil, did he tell them they would die and forever be tormented in hell for all eternity? No, he did not! He told them they would die and return to the dust of the earth from which they were made. The bible outlines eternal death and eternal life and that is all. An eternity in hell came about with the doctrine that man has an immortal soul that can never die, borrowed from Greek rhetoric during the medieval ages. But in Ezekiel 18:4 tells us the soul can die. The word soul, derived from the Hebrew "nephesh" simply means a living being or one having life, but never having an immortal soul existing after death. Christ said, "I am the resurrection and the life" and that mostly settles the issue. Did this help answer your question?
@tentmaker777 12 жыл бұрын
Most Christians do NOT study the Greek and Hebrew. And no, the KJV is not Perfect. Tell me, do you read the Roman Catholic Apocrypha and consider it perfect? Well, the original 1611 KJV had those 14 extra books in it which you're doesn't. Go to Apha and Omega Ministries and James White. He spent a LOT of time studying this. He can help you.
@tommywarren2178 3 жыл бұрын
The word hell in the Old Testament in the King James version is she all means a grave world of the Dead exedra
@Jeffreykum 6 жыл бұрын
What about Bill wises 23 min in Hell and other that clam they saw hell?
@tentmaker777 6 жыл бұрын
@georgeforyan113 5 жыл бұрын
These people like Bill Wiese and others have good intentions by what they are saying, but good intentions concerning God and His plan of salvation for all mankind do not fit into the equations of such behavior. For example: Lazarus was dead for 4 days and when Jesus brought him forth out of the tomb, does the bible ever record anything where Lazarus may have told anybody where he was for 4 days? No it doesn't and remains silent on this issue! What about other instances where even the apostles raised some persons from the dead? Is there any comment in scripture identifying where these persons were during their stay in death? Remember Jesus told his disciple that Lazarus was dead and I will go and "awaken" him. Lazarus was asleep in death according to scripture and I would say, knew nothing of where he was. The bible never reveals anything of the sort and remains silent on this issue. Saul, king of Israel consorted a witch to bring forward Samuel from death, and he was condemned for such behavior and the kingship was taken from him. As Jesus once said, "Let the dead bury the dead." To say anything about the hereafter in death by biblical standards is forbidden and remains silent and it is not for any believer to not only sustain from such behavior....but even condemns it. Did this help to answer your question?
@Jeffreykum 5 жыл бұрын
@@georgeforyan113 Yes. People in the bible did not talk about experiences of the after life. A few near death Experiences might be true. You Armenian?
@georgeforyan113 5 жыл бұрын
No, I am not Armenian and I don't believe in these tales about people having a near death experiences just as much as I don't believe in apparitions of the Virgin Mary as told from the Catholics. There might be something of a mystery to all of this, but I don't believe these kinds of mysteries are from Almighty God.
@tentmaker777 14 жыл бұрын
@JaelSister I'll do something on that too. Just stay tuned. And let other people know about the Tentmaker777 channel. We'll also post on the godtube dot com site.
@chrisnoe7272 Жыл бұрын
This is embracingly cringy. It sounds like this man has been reading too much, Robert Allin. This only makes sense to those who have a presuppositional grudge against the eternality of Hell's torment. The only good advice this man gives is at the end when he tells you to go study for yourself. Well, take this into consideration. He references Revelation 14:11, "And the smoke of their 'torment' ascends forever and ever." He asserts that the word torment is "actually" the Greek word for touchstone and runs with that as if it proves his position. There's a list of reasons why this is incoherent. For starters, the word βᾰ́σᾰνος can indeed mean touchstone; but it can also mean torment depending on the context it's used in. However, the word used for tormented is βασανίζω (basanizo) which is in the verb tense, and it definitely means tormented. But let's just say, for the sake of argument, that βασανίζω (basanizō) could also mean touchstone. Let's see if it fits the context. "He shall be (tormented or touchstone) with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their (torment or touchstone) ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image. Even if you made the leap from touchstone to testing, it still does not fit the context. This is heresy. Also, he mentioned something about the word Hell not being in many of the newer translations. That's because the original Old English meaning of the word hell was best understood as Hades or the grave. The King James translators ended up using this word as a catch-all term for three separate words Gehenna, Hades, and Tartarus. However, Hell should not have been used this way, but because it was the idea of Hell became conflated with Gehenna, which is the lake of fire. Over time Bible translators have realized it would be best to leave Hades untranslated and use the word Hell to translate the word Gehenna since the modern concept of Hell is associated more with the Lake of Fire than with Hades. This is just the nature of how words change, and the job of a translator is to use the best word that can give the full sense of what is being said by th author. There is no theological conspiracy here. Some of the most prominent Greek scholars are atheists.
@alwaysadawg6488 6 ай бұрын
It is about purification. The Bible says that fire and brimstone are in the lake of fire. Brimstone is sulphur. If the fire was only to torture people, then what is the sulphur there for? Would fire not do an adequate job of burning people. Also, how can hell be eternal when Jesus himself described it as temporary and corrective. In the original Greek NT text, Jesus describes afterlife punishment as "aionion kolasin", which is properly translated as "age-lasting correction" or "age-lasting chastisement". Corrective punishment does not last forever. It is intended to improve the behavior and character of the offender so the offender will not do wrong again. What would be the point of trying to correct the character of an offender if you are going to torture them forever? If Jesus wanted to convey that afterlife punishment lasted forever, he would have called it "aidios timorion", which means "eternal retribution". If the punishment for sin is eternal torture and he took the punishment for our sins, why isn't Jesus being eternally tortured? Universal reconciliation is not heresy. For the first 500 years of Christianity, most Christians believed in the ultimate restoration of all people to God through Jesus Christ.
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
The bible talks about fire figuretive fire What is a figuretive fire
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
Well a good example is in Malachi in which the Levites would be cleansed by "refiner's fire" so that they could make a lawful sacrifice. Obviously, we are not talking about literal fire on physical bodies. Or when the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples' heads. Again we are not talking physical fire on physical heads. We are talking about the Holy Spirit and when that fire came upon the disciples, they testified of God's wonderful works, not their own. There are over 200 different types of figures of speech in the bible and thousands of different examples. Bible language is highly figurative and must be interpreted spiritually, not literally.
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Why is gods punishment for the wicked as to be age during Why did they translated age during
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
Because punishment is NOT eternal; it's a mistranslation and it's time people begin to see that. Our major Bible translations contain some major problems, one of them being that a Hell of everlasting punishment is a lie, maybe one of the biggest lies Satan has planted in the church.
@gregdefleron6611 4 жыл бұрын
Strange how only this video has no audio. Other video's I looked at are ok
@A.S2400 3 жыл бұрын
Audio works
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Psalm 92 7 proves universal salvation and salvation of all mankind to be a lie
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
First of all, quoting from a covenant which is dead and finished doesn't serve your purpose. The Old Covenant told you to kill sheep and goats for your sins, didn't it? Do you still offer animal sacrifices? Then there's the problem with the word Forever in that verse. It does NOT mean forever for the word Olam is used to describe many things in the Bible which are not forever. It's a mistranslation. Third of all, according to Jesus and Paul, we are ALL wicked, there is NONE righteous, no not one. So look in the mirror, point to your nose and say, "Shameful, shameful wicked, unrighteous person." Then you will be honest to the Old Covenant which is dead and finished. Now in the New Covenant, we are all made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. "In Adam All died, all were "wicked," even so, In Christ shall ALLLL be made alive." Rodney, may the scales from your eyes fall off so that you may truly know YOUR righteousness in Christ and may you see that the righteousness imputed to you as a gift will be given to all you call "wicked." Stop behaving wickedly and restore your brothers that you call wicked. Be Christlike, and stop playing the devil's advocate.
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Yup im right
@numbernine8571 6 жыл бұрын
@rodneyrose6483 7 жыл бұрын
Yup hell is real its the lake of fire in revelation 20
@PhysStud2011 11 жыл бұрын
You need serious help!
@denniscraven8438 5 жыл бұрын
Over 3K subscribers? I fell asleep 3 times during this clip..
@prtmanprtGod 10 жыл бұрын
This teaching is False.
@Panoramicromantic1 10 жыл бұрын
Whenever you claim that something is false, you should be able to back that up with something substantial to prove that it is so.
@brnt034 8 жыл бұрын
+Panoramicromantic1 Yeah, like Scripture for example :)
@Panoramicromantic1 8 жыл бұрын
+brnt034 Indeed.
@angelgirldebbiejo 8 жыл бұрын
People want to believe in a hateful God so they are happy they are in the club of the only ones going to heaven ------shame on them...
@Panoramicromantic1 8 жыл бұрын
***** I'm personally not a subscriber to universal salvationism, although I think Christians should be able to openly discuss the issue without the word "heresy" being thrown around. That being said, believing that hell will be eternal for some people has nothing to do with God being "hateful", or that there is any kind of "club" involved.
@ExposeDarkness7 Жыл бұрын
You matter and are loved, Jesus said to fear not because we are worth more than many sparrows, let me explain how forever punishment is not biblical, to the original language of the New Testament, (Koine Greek) in 1 Timothy 4:10 savior of “all people” and (especially) of those who believe, everyone lives forever not just the Christian’s, the word Aionon and it’s variations mean Age for punishment not forever, The iron smelting furnace He called the slavery in Egypt, the lake of fire is not literal, Jesus speaks of a prison and says, you won’t get out “until” you have paid the last penny, God is love, always, His punishments are always rooted in His nature of love and goodness, they serve justice and then He restores, as He said He will do to sodom in Ezekiel, about the worm will never die where people say is a place where they are forever tortured, Isaiah said it’s about corpses, (gehenna) never should have been translated “hell” earth judgement in the valley of hinnom, they sleep in hades, this idea of God torturing people in fire would never please Him, He would never let it happen, He doesn’t even find pleasure in the death alone of the wicked, when He lets destruction happen He is thinking about that beings forever, if He purges out the evil and then restores them, His ways are higher than ours, no amount of evil inside of His creation, could ever change who God is, He will always be the same loving being and things don’t get to Him the way they do to us, the word that is used to show them on the outside of the Kingdom (After) the lake of fire, the word is “Exo” used 63 times in the New Testament, never once for dead, always “Outside” God is love, never let that leave your sight, to understand Him, only Jesus can get us there, His death saved every single being from death, we need to repent still from sins, the righteous will be rewarded greater, He hates dishonest scales, God loves everyone, but those in Christ do not come into judgement, and inherit the Kingdom if they are worthy, the others will be individually judged, all different beings, not a one size fits all punishment, including satan and every different human, it’s unjust Universal Reconciliation is the truth.
@SwordofManticorE 13 жыл бұрын
Hi Gary, I have a question. In the parable of the richman and Lazerus in Luke 16 you will find the word basanos in verse 23. Is there a link to the flame in this parable and the LoF?
@tentmaker777 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not suggesting any denomination although I do know some Methodist ministers who are able to teach universal salvation within the Methodist denomination. I would encourage you and your niece to seek the Holy Spirit and trust Him to lead you both into all truth. It is difficult to let go of the stuff we have been taught and experienced to come to the place of real trust. Letting go brings so much fear that most of us just can't seem to get there. Perfect love casts out fear.
@knarflehcarfulfilled 8 жыл бұрын
God is not a terrorist AMEN TO THAT but religion wanted us to be like terrorist ..judging and condemning people ( FREEONE NOW)
@hannahsenior5124 2 жыл бұрын
They don't call it the dark ages for no reason, they put darkness in a book that is supposed to be of light.
@JKBelle 11 ай бұрын
@jamessikes6700 4 жыл бұрын
Until we learn to stop worshiping a book called the Bible and learn to meet with our creator in the secret place of his presents we will never know him. God's work is born out of intimacy and intimacy is experienced in the secret place of our minds higher consciousness, the place where we come face to face with God even as Jacob, Moses and Jesus did in prayerful meditation. Matthew 6:4 & 6:6 & 6:18 The place where we take no thought about worldly things Matthew 6:25 & 6:25 & 27 & 28 & 31 & 34. The place where we ask in union with God's thoughts and words directly one on one with the one of pure inspiration, the Almighty himself who gives Wisdom and understanding to those who ask and diligently seek him by faith only. Hebrews 11:6 Inspiration is not limited to certain men who write words on paper because God"s words are Spirit and the true word of God is written on your heart as a everlasting truth . Job 32:8 Please stop believing everything you are told and start knowing by boldly going to the throne of Grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 All of Gods promises are yes to your AMEN Know the promises you have been given and you we be free to serve in continual worship in every way, every day with out restrictions. No certain day, No certain place, No certain rituals needed, only a pure and clean conscious made clean though your living sacrifice. Bible verses about the secret place of pure communion . Psalms 27:4-5 & 31:20 & 32: 7-8 & 91:1 and Matthew 6:6 Grace and peace to you AMEN
@brighteyes6585 8 жыл бұрын
What happened to the Tentmaker website?! I searched and it was gone. It made me sad...
@margaretbaker1858 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖📖😊😊😊🌹🌹🌹
@boasnoticiaspravoce134 3 жыл бұрын
@tentmaker777 12 жыл бұрын
Friend, the key to the abundant life is not your Bible translation, but the very life of Jesus Christ. The LETTER kills, it is the spirit that gives life. If the church you are attending is KJV only, you'll get death, not life. It is the grace of God, the very power of the Spirit of the Life in Christ Jesus that will put you on the right road. To be in Christ and Christ in you, there is the mystery to a fulfilled life, not memorizing a certain Bible translation.
@tentmaker777 13 жыл бұрын
@jOWNZin22 I've never heard about that. But I have come across some interesting teaching on the bottomless pit.
@markderksen4130 2 жыл бұрын
Love is not merely a casual spring which doth forth pleasurable waters bring, but I have also known it to be a burning flame which reveals the darkness of our souls.
@Turner2503 14 жыл бұрын
@tentmaker777 Thanks for clarifying.
@tonycevallos7513 7 жыл бұрын
Isaiah 5:14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. Looks like youve deceived others by sayying hell is not mentioned in the Holy Scripture. PEOPLE PLEASE READ YOUR BIBLES AND DONT BE FOOLED..
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
Tony, there are hundreds of verses in the Old Testament which are laws you don't follow, right? Why do you pick and choose out of them verses to scare people? The Hebrew behind your corrupted Bible translation for hell is Sheol. It's the place that EVERY ONE goes to. David, Moses, Isaiah all went to Sheol mistranslated Hell. There is a book entitled "The Bible Hell" by J.W. Hanson. I highly recommend you read it so you can begin to talk from Truth instead of mistranslated verses and traditions of men which make the word of God of no effect. Matt. 15:6-9
@tonycevallos7513 7 жыл бұрын
There you haver it folks. Satan loves calling the scripture corrupted. It is my prayer that all believers pray hard for discernment and for God to reveal demonic deception when it rears it's head. With this man's logic he pretty much is saying that the Word of God os false. Be careful folks. This is some dangerous teaching.It truly is a matter of life and death. Pray hard for God to reveal to you FALSE teachers and wolves in sheeps clothing. Put on the full Armor of God and know when a demon is opening doors into hell to lead you to.
@tentmaker777 7 жыл бұрын
Anyone who will take the time to do a search and compare the original King James 1611 version to a NKJV to a New American Standard to a Young's Literal can plainly see there are major differences from one translation to another. The KJV original with the apocrypha has the word Hell 64 times, the New KJV 32 times, the NASB 13 times and Young's Literal zero times. It seems the best bible translators don't know what the hell they are talking about. What the video "The Bible Hell is Shrinking" on the tentmaker.org web site. It will begin to show that the work Hell is leaving the Bible pages because it never should have been placed there in the first place. Love NEVER fails. Go see The Shack movie Tony and get healed of all that hate and unforgiveness.
@georgeforyan113 5 жыл бұрын
What you have here is a false misrepresentation or the word "hell' here in the Old Testament. I have a Hebrew-Greek study bible and so I looked up Isa. 4:14 in the original language and from the NIV, and the American Standard translations, the word hell you have in your bible is translated "grave" from the Hebrew word in its original language as "sheol." If you may like to know, the word hell in scripture did not come to us from any original wording or language from Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek of which the bible was originally written. It is an old Nordic-Germanic word from paganism originally from the dead going to the "hall of death." In this Nordic fashion, hall was spelled and pronounced "hel' and as saying "hel of death." Wherever hell is written from the New Testament in scripture, its counterpart figure of speech is the Greek word Gehenna, which was a garbage pit outside of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus, and anything that entered into the fire of Gehenna was consumed, destroyed and perished. If Gehenna is an everlasting fire for all eternity, why isn't Gehenna tormenting souls at this present time? Today, Gehenna, also known as the "valley of Hinnom" is a beautiful garden. I have read and studied my bible in its original language and so I am not fooled! Did this have any answers for you?
@georgeforyan113 5 жыл бұрын
I meant to say Isa. 5:14!
@KOIFishcat 6 жыл бұрын
Sir, you are a liberal.
@tentmaker777 6 жыл бұрын
No, my dear, I am a born again, spirit baptized believer in the Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world, Jesus Christ, savior of the world. In this earth's terms I'm not a liberal, moderate or conservative. I'm out of this world, the kingdoms of men. I'm a citizen of New Jerusalem and I don't play your politics...and you shouldn't either.
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