Looks like Cargo Bay is back on the menu, boys! Welcome back! Hope everything is ok, Adam.
@s.k.l.1826 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate ya, boys. Really hope 2024 is kinder to ya'll!
@bearmarket5829 Жыл бұрын
I always liked 'Fellowship' more than 'Two Towers.' Never read any books, but my college buddies can talk about those books for literal hours.
@kemutsemu Жыл бұрын
As much as I loved The Two Towers and Return of the King for consoles, the not-Diablo GBA versions were what really did it for me as a kid. I still need to play that FF 10 knock-off that they made where you basically play as clones of the Fellowship following in the actual Fellowship's footsteps.
@TheCargoBayPod Жыл бұрын
I loved that version of The Two Towers too. Fantastic time on the GBA. -AB
@s.k.l.1826 Жыл бұрын
Also, in defense of Thrones (the books and tv series) -- it's about the journey and the characters you spend on the journey. To love the show you have to give it a bit of slack, just like in Star Wars, for not being perfect. It really just comes down to whether or not your respond to its strengths. And obviously like anything, if it doesn't there's no reason to force it.