I like Oscar's way of working -- quickly and efficiently.
@frelnc5 ай бұрын
He's calm, and never seems to doubt himself. Good man!
@pheonixdragon22616 ай бұрын
I applaud whoever welded those D-Ring mounts as I've seen several that break loose with that type of strain. And cheers to Oscar for a job well done and learning from Ron.
@EricScrapping4Dinidog6 ай бұрын
Ron teaching is an excellent thing. I learned by getting into, rigging and doing the work. It’s tough especially when you’re doing heavy recovery work
@jasondrake67106 ай бұрын
@CharlesPhillipNeave6 ай бұрын
Another great job, with Oscar doing all the hard work and soaking in knowledge from Ron!! Have a great weekend, Mr Ron and crew!
@Charles-re4vd6 ай бұрын
Ron is a great " teacher" he'll let Oscar do most of the job, that's the best way to learn.
@jasondrake67106 ай бұрын
@@Charles-re4vdI agree!!
@litz136 ай бұрын
Wow ... what a demonstration of the pure, raw, brute force strength of the new truck. Absolutely the correct tool for this job!
@harveywaitchison20626 ай бұрын
I would have Oscar on my team any (every) day of the week!
@royknight30996 ай бұрын
Oscar is definitely a keeper, intelligent and oozes logic
@MargieKye-xq5ti6 ай бұрын
Love seeing the new truck at work. Oscar seems to be a terrific employee. Reminds me of Mike in some ways. Happy to hear Oscar being introduced and acknowledged. Excellent video! Super job!
@mikeharris31486 ай бұрын
Must have been in Illinois all amber lights
@EricScrapping4Dinidog6 ай бұрын
He could use a little practice driving and rigging. He’ll probably get it. That’s good Ron takes him out and teaches the new guys how to drive in tight spaces and teaches them about rigging and doing recovery work before he puts them on their own
@jasondrake67106 ай бұрын
@_bobjohnson11575 ай бұрын
@@mikeharris3148 not necessarily; the location of the winch-out didn’t really necessitate red/blue lights
@timothyfry84706 ай бұрын
You and Oscar did a great job, I’m always impressed by what you and your crew can accomplish
@kevingordon74266 ай бұрын
Love how Oscar is fitting in and showing all you have taught him.
@donaldhalls21896 ай бұрын
The young lad is coming along great, thanks for sharing, all the best to you and your loved ones
@18robsmith6 ай бұрын
Oscar is learning quickly - a great addition to your staff 🙂
@johnapernorio81516 ай бұрын
Glad to see Oscar on the job.
@13thcolony575 ай бұрын
Miss seeing Ethan though.
@NickManCuso596 ай бұрын
Amazing what you can do with experience knowledge and the right equipment !
@rebelliousmedic6 ай бұрын
I can just imagine the resistance that was there with that RR truck buried. Between all of the equipment on the truck, the railroad axles/wheels, and it's a tandem axle on top of that. I'd be willing to bet that truck was pushing 60,000 lbs. Great work boys.
@tractorboy316 ай бұрын
I thought the rr worker said it was 56k when ron said he was thinking 60k. But either way just a few pounds
@teaches20106 ай бұрын
Awesome to see how far oscar has came!!!❤❤
@mstover28096 ай бұрын
16:16 "I love it when a plan comes together!" Way to go HANNIBAL SMITH!
@ferguscampbell24856 ай бұрын
You two made a tough looking gob look easy. The new machine is look like a fantastic purchase.
@hollywoodredneck85654 ай бұрын
I love the Robinsons reference from the t-rex "I have this big head, and these tiny arms" a hilarious movie for all ages!! Also great job with the lift and pull, some people may not realize it but because of how deep the tires were you may as well think of it like a wall that high that the tire is trying to clear, with no lift it's supremely more resistance. And we're aaaaaalllllllllllllll glad the tank didn't hit or rupture.
@eloleddie5 ай бұрын
When one started noticing the movement of the truck getting out of the mud, i all looks so simple! But the truck had to be pulled out just so! Great work by a skilled operator!!
@AirWasTaken6 ай бұрын
Nice job maneuvering that massive wrecker. Seems pretty hard considering how big it is. Hope you have a good day!
@feliciafisher37486 ай бұрын
Oscar is the best.
@djplayskeys6 ай бұрын
Whoever built that rail truck did a good job on the welds on those d-ring straps. Love seeing Oscar out with you in the new truck. Definitely knows what he’s doing and learning from the master.
@randyedwards50106 ай бұрын
Ron Pratt you are the master.
@philippenaluna23126 ай бұрын
You were really on the 'right track' with that one, Ron. At least that MoW truck hadn't gone 'off the rails'. That would've been bad! The job's a good 'un! Greetings from the UK. God bless.
@kencooper52016 ай бұрын
Another great job for Ron and his team.
@Mike444604 ай бұрын
It always comes down to the proper application of force.
@RefVengance5 ай бұрын
Awesome job Ron and Oscar! You made it look like a cake walk with the new rig. Kudos to the welder of those D-rings too. I've learned a lot from watching your videos, and I have applied your approaches to the farm equipment I now have. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Ron.
@lloydreeves7156 ай бұрын
Keep up with the good work Ron and team love watching you on KZbin god bless
@SteveNicoson-u1i6 ай бұрын
Thanks for an absolutely amazing video!!!! It was super interesting and extremely entertaining!!! My compliments to you and Oscar, Ron!!!! Your new truck is absolutely wonderful, it pulled and lifted that big truck without any effort what so ever. Wow. Fantastic!!!!! My compliment to you Ron , for turning the process over to Oscar for him to learn and have your guidance. That is the sign of a great teacher!!!!!! Nice going Ron. The railroad should be very happy with the service you gave them. Got the truck out and no damage anywhere. Very very nice work. It was a pleasure to watch this one. You and Oscar did a great job. Your have a good employee in Oscar. Thanks for everything Ron. God bless!!!! The retired Air Force veteran.
@sensitivewsm6 ай бұрын
As usual Mr Pratt you have an answer which works. That's why I enjoy watching your channel. Professionalism all the way.
@slimwantedman66946 ай бұрын
Good morning from Southeast South Dakota
@dailyp15 ай бұрын
As always Ron, you make it happen, no matter the circumstances. Also, I can't believe how quickly Oscar has adapted. I've seen such dramatic growth and eagerness to learn in every situation.Kudo's Oscar. You will be a Super Star in the Rotater, Towing and Wrecker industry. Keep on keepin on My Brother.
@greghomestead83666 ай бұрын
Enjoyed the video. 👍 Have a Jesus filled day everyone Greg in Michigan
@elainemorgan56295 ай бұрын
You too brother! God bless you in Christ. Elaine from Holland
@craigpridemore75666 ай бұрын
After watching so many of these I shouldn't be stunned when one goes this easily, but I was...nice work
@holland69home-stead3 ай бұрын
Ron your dad would have loved that truck 🎉🎉🎉❤❤
@stevebury65606 ай бұрын
Hello I have watched your video on Terry. I am so sorry for his trouble and wish him the best. Also I wish all at midwest Truck the best. I have watched your channel for years (7). You have shown me a lot in that time. My prayers go out to all of you and Terry!!!
@EricScrapping4Dinidog6 ай бұрын
Me too. I’ve used a ton of his techniques
@seanbeaudoin20866 ай бұрын
Good afternoon Ron Pratt and family I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend. God Bless
@kelleyschwerdtfeger92936 ай бұрын
Good morning Ron Pratt and family
@douglasneidert98736 ай бұрын
Love it when a plan comes together & the welds hold
@adampyke40376 ай бұрын
A second beast. Nice job.
@charleswelch2495 ай бұрын
I love the blue on the new truck. And that recovery went better than expected after seeing the situation. Great job Ron .
@jacquelinewarren67906 ай бұрын
Wow!!! Oscar be wheeling and dealing in that big ole truck!!! Drive almost good as me.!!! But he better not get any scratches or excess dirt on the truck and let Ethan see it(lol).😅😅😅
@N3m3sis516 ай бұрын
Another notch for the star
@howardnielsen62206 ай бұрын
Always good to see Oscar on board
@adairwilkinson69166 ай бұрын
Greetings from the UK. I enjoyed this vid. You were working in a very confined space . Oscar should get an Oscar for his driving skills, missing the concrete walls by inches.!! You have some great employees Ron and Oscar is coming along very nicely. You work very well together!! Best Wishes Roy W.
@swampy15846 ай бұрын
Even after all the years on the job you can still hear Ron's enthusiasm
@dominicdahlheimer68616 ай бұрын
The D-rings were tougher than we all expected! Nice job in kinda tight quarters. Very soon you will have memorized where all the equipment is so you don't wear out doors / latches looking for things.....lol!
@roybjarnepettersen-tn8pe6 ай бұрын
Good truck make a great day even better. With great crew, the day become perfect 👍👍👍
@alanstant93566 ай бұрын
Oh wow, that predicament they got themselves into Ron. That had to be challenge to get that out of there. Gret recovery guys and the hard work put into it. God Bless you guys in all you do.
@maudwelford18436 ай бұрын
Another neat Job Oscar, well done lad👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧
@nonaloeffler3086 ай бұрын
Wow, that was a deep truck. Great job, Nice to see Oscar out he did a nice job. he has a great trainer. have a great week.
@scottb026 ай бұрын
What a great job that new truck does. You and Oscar make a great team for get the job done! As always God bless.
@Brian75-ej5mn6 ай бұрын
Great job Ron and Oscar the new truck is a BEAST and a great add to the fleet as always stay safe and GOD BLESS you all
@susanowens6393Ай бұрын
Another great job done.
@richardgrumpywelsh24856 ай бұрын
It really pays to have the best equipment and know hows to useit. God bless your crew
@gregadomeit40205 ай бұрын
When you guys pulled up I was thinking spreader bar and really thought that after I saw the D-rings. Those things welded on that truck very well. I had to get one out like that up here in Michigan ended up picking it with a spreader. Great job guys. Take care be safe and God Bless. Greg
@edwinschlee83746 ай бұрын
Even with the small area you guys got him out of the hole he was in. Good job.
@susandallessandro50766 ай бұрын
You and Oscar make a great team! You both work well together. This was a different one for sure. I had faith in you guys but not the D rings! They looked like they would snap for sure.
@getzybreuer36915 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the video please post more videos a week and God bless
@ianphilips22916 ай бұрын
Well executed job Ron
@greyjay92026 ай бұрын
Whoever did those D ring welds was old school. Amazing that they held. The 50 ton is already proving to be a wise investment.
@JackOff-tw4bu5 ай бұрын
@dinsole33116 ай бұрын
@toddsimpson91646 ай бұрын
12:17 I'm guessing those D-hooks are for basic towing, not recovery. Or, if the truck is towing something, those would be used for chains (like in a car/SUV to take over if the hitch breaks).
@keithbennett55196 ай бұрын
Another amazing job
@barryshisler37205 ай бұрын
Great job Ron and crew Stay safe and God bless
@wilycat52904 ай бұрын
Oscar appears to be one of the best partners Ron has ever had onsite by far 😊
@mi240z6 ай бұрын
What a beast. That truck is strong.
@rodneyjeffery97266 ай бұрын
nice job guys
@francisbaker93666 ай бұрын
Morning Ron, I hope you don't mind but European wheel stand off lifting / fixing point would help here as they also allow the wheels to rotate when pulling. Glad those d rings held this time 😅
@squelchstuff6 ай бұрын
Oscar seems both competent, and cautious , thinking about the equipment he has charge of. Certainly an asset to your company Ron. I like what I see of him. That was an interesting job you had there, and I dare say, more ccomplex than it appeared. Thanks for sharing. Oh! by the way, did you resolve the problem with the safety chains on that rig?
@andyneipert25276 ай бұрын
You guys work good together
@888johnmac6 ай бұрын
$10 says Ron stopped by a store on the way back to base & got a step - stool .. lol
@karenwoodward72916 ай бұрын
That's funny.😆😆
@EricScrapping4Dinidog6 ай бұрын
Lol 😂
@danbrooks82416 ай бұрын
I was thinking lottery ticket as trusting those d rings to hold was like playing Russian roulette, but I dont think Mr. Pratt is the gambling for pleasure type
@JackMacLupus6 ай бұрын
Well, he already has a, how he calls it, "Short persons little helper" in the Tator, so the chance is high that the new Truck will get one too. XD
@warrenmills50815 ай бұрын
That new truck dose awesome work and u need to grow a little lol😂😂😂😂😂 god bless you and your family Ron
@fastst16 ай бұрын
Good exercise in geometry! Be nice if the folks building the trucks would realize they're going to get stuck so make recovery easy. I'll usually try to use the 1 inch d-rings but still those are only rated for 15k wll way lower than the mighty wrecker. I have seen a locomotive recover a mired excavator with a 2 inch cable, it was like a big dog tied to a coffee cup.
@MrWaltjam6 ай бұрын
when the customer finds a way to give you a test. lol. You have already did the simple jobs for them and they say try this, 60k pounds axle depth, leaning into a fence on a rail road right of way, in an alley.... the only other complication could they could give is on its side, lol good job you make it look so easy.
@vickiel12846 ай бұрын
You forgot the arc nemesis, one of Ron's favorites
@claytonabare15515 ай бұрын
Awesome job guys
@DrewMarold6 ай бұрын
Ron, something to consider for the next truck you get, have the lift axle be at the rear instead of the front and it'll give you a better turning radius.
@leegoldeneagle90036 ай бұрын
Very smooth nice work 👍👍👍👍👍😊
@catgynt91486 ай бұрын
As always, a great example of applied physics in action. Peace brother
@chrisjackson93865 ай бұрын
Yes the welder who welded those D-rings on definitely needs to be teaching others
@jeffclark27256 ай бұрын
They really had that truck stuck, but no match to the new truck,thumbs up, great video
@gordonrichardson29726 ай бұрын
Definitely surprised that those D-rings on the back of that vehicle held up to that lift and pull!
@ivoman76 ай бұрын
It's good to hear you're liking the truck. My concern was the weight of the blocks that attach for hook up. Also the weight of the new (orange) hooks. Both a little bit over-engineered, imo. But I'm not working with them. So I can't say for sure at all. Just leaving some comments. ✌
@victorjeffers19936 ай бұрын
Oscar is coming along nicely course he's had good training from the best ! I don't think the 50ton broke a sweat on this job ! Lol
@larrymercer34485 ай бұрын
Great job
@truckfreak10276 ай бұрын
Another job well done ron!
@tomvickerman87926 ай бұрын
Ron, just an FYI for you. The Hi-rails put an extra 5 - 6000 lbs on the front axles of that truck and an extra 8 - 10000 lbs on the back, so be careful when pulling a hi-rail truck. I worked on the railway as a mechanic for 33 years, and saw lots like that.
@daviddamico42886 ай бұрын
Great job Ron …
@muleman17016 ай бұрын
Lil' beast doing lil' beast things. proving that sometimes a smaller truck is the better truck. The Tator would have made easy work of this but getting her in there would have been almost impossible. so to use the rotator the position would have made the job difficult as the tator would have to back in and stay on the road they came in on between the fence and wall. Perpendicular to the casualty. Not to mention her ARC nemesis was looming. The new truck was the right truck. Able to get in line and gor the rail truck out in no time Good job guys. God Bless.
@dave.lawrence.38946 ай бұрын
GREAT Video, just the right job for this unit!!!😅
@corycollier5 ай бұрын
Ron's laugh! Ron The Mad- Tow Scientist!
@johnwarren-6495 ай бұрын
D rings is very last resort for recovery pulls or lifting. Ive seen them pop before its not fun when they do. Great job Oscar
@rcatyvr5 ай бұрын
Skill in action
@jean-lucluis5 ай бұрын
Very good job sir 👌
@Charles-re4vd6 ай бұрын
" I love it when a plan comes together " a cool nof to The Ateam , 😂
@msv66205 ай бұрын
enjoyed the heck out of this one, tks
@nickellingson70356 ай бұрын
Great job Oscar and Ron. Is this the biggest pull with the new Star?