The Real DEI Program

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 82
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are three words that symbolize a program that a rapidly growing proportion of people across Western nations recognize to be nefarious. Indeed, they are Communist, as has been amply discussed on this podcast and on others. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks this fact down another way. In it, he suggests that "Diversity" represents politicizing, "Equity" represents redistribution, and "Inclusion" represents accommodating the intolerant ideology of the Woke activists to achieve renormalization that transforms the institution. Join him for this insightful discussion that will change your perspective on DEI programs.
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@martindenham2207 7 ай бұрын
This bullets is scary as I've literally experienced this first hand. What I learned afterwards was that everyone involved was incredibly resentful, they were immature. They were like children having a tantrum because something wasn't fair. It's a hell of a thing to experience this tactic for the first time, especially with grown adults, but you live and learn. Now I can spot it a mile off.
@bestdjaf7499 7 ай бұрын
But it's our fault. My grand-parents would just tell me that if I am causing some problem or dont like the food, I am not allowed to eat. And you only eat after you work. ... There were no games with my grand-parents. My parents were a bit softer. And new generation think that they can dictate what the whole familly supposed to eat or cook. I had a chronic pain & my dad wouldnt even give me the painkillers. When I told him that I am depressed, he told me to wash the toilet until I feel better. We had simple life.
@stevenjames1138 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, it seems like these types of people and tactics dominate almost every single corporate HR department nowadays. And, of course, HR are gatekeepers for companies. While not impossible, it’s become a lot harder to get - and keep - a job if you’re a straight white male these days, even if you don’t advertise your politics. (And good luck to you if you wear a MAGA hat!) I too have learned this from personal experience.
@martindenham2207 7 ай бұрын
@@stevenjames1138 Those with an axe to grind seek power. I've known far too many people in positions of power that really shouldn't be anywhere near it. Yes unfortunately these unscrupulous idiots have gotten themselves into positions of power in which they can discriminate freely, but then do you want to work somewhere that has people like that?
@Apistevist 7 ай бұрын
Only once you accept that we're talking animals who vary wildly between individual specimens in cognitive ability and empathetic capacity will you be set free lol.
@bestdjaf7499 7 ай бұрын
Look, our grand parents went through wars & revolutions & famine... Our parents didnt have to do that. And the new generations are out of control. The same happened in Arts. We had Classical School - very dificult & precise. Then Modernists came (who did study the Classical School) & proposed to realx the rules & make it more interesting.... But then Post-Modernists came (who didn't study the Classical School), & asked, "What is Art?" Now you can crap on the floor & call it Art. There are no standards. It's happening in the society. I guess, it's how all the Empires end.
@scillyautomatic 7 ай бұрын
DEI is a slow heavy train. Don't be fooled if it looks like it's slowing down. It will continue on for years and will crush any business or person in its way.
@qlippoth13 7 ай бұрын
DEI is little more than Vanguardism carefully guided by men of the same cloth. It may be difficult to see the connection between al-Ḥajaru al-Aswad, Larry Fink and VTI but I assure you this connection will become very clear and well known in time, and when it does it will be a planned event designed to lay blame for the benefit of public hatred.
@Ubu987 7 ай бұрын
@@NC-dw3tk Larry Stink is not going to give up that easily. He is just being cautious because if people start asking too many questions about ESG scores, they might start wondering if the arbitrary way they appear to be assigned may have anything to do with market shaping for the purposes of investment fraud. They might start wondering how certain politicians and government officials in high places seem to miraculously beat the market in their investments. A whole lot of inconvenient wondering might start happening, leading to a RICO investigation, especially if Trump gets elected. Then Larry stink will have to share a cell with Bernie Madoff.
@eddysgaming9868 7 ай бұрын
Likely, he's just waiting to rename and reintroduce it in some other way. People need to remain vigilant.@@NC-dw3tk
@ATAMOPodcast 7 ай бұрын
Agreed. Just keep redefining their own language. Centralized power is brittle, it can only handle so many truth bombs.
@1SpicyMeataball 7 ай бұрын
Another thing is sometimes they will try to hide DEI policies under different terms and names. You have to be ever vigilant.
@RepublicConstitution 7 ай бұрын
The hospital I work at is very proud that they just started a DEI council. It will be awful for patient care.
@annetteniebelski7513 7 ай бұрын
Get the book "Woke Racism " by John McWhorter
@westswell2757 6 ай бұрын
Science saves and protects lives. It doesn’t care about feelings.
@NoahGooder 6 ай бұрын
from personal experience a big hospital chain that current has a DEI council is oschner.
@diversityfire 7 ай бұрын
Despite having an impeccable record, I was recently fired for criticizing mandatory DEI training at a healthcare institution where I was a nurse leader in the organization. I interview at another institution next week which also has a public DEI statement. Any tips for how to approach this interview? I will be interviewed in two sessions. One with middle management and another with senior leadership.
@madhusudan 7 ай бұрын
The only way into these organizations now is to mouth the orthodoxy, find or hire other free thinkers over time, create a power base, and then force reform. That's how the revolutionaries took over all our institutions. Play a character in the interview - the perfect believer. Script out how such a person would answer. If that's too distasteful, you may have to move into a more independent role or sign on with a smaller practice that hasn't been infected yet.
@xenatron9056 7 ай бұрын
Do you want to work there to change it? Otherwise, why would you willingly step into the nightmare again?????? I guess it doesn't matter what we do, we always end up feeding the beast. I hope you find something better so this will not be an issue going forward.
@diversityfire 7 ай бұрын
@@xenatron9056 Thank you. Ultimately, I want to defeat it, but I'm also the sole provider for my tradwife and three children.
@xenatron9056 7 ай бұрын
@@diversityfire It is becoming a problem when the society requires we give away a bit of our soul everyday just to survive. Bless you my dear.
@benfaubion 6 ай бұрын
How were you criticizing it? And how exactly did they justify firing you for that?
@danieljakubik3428 6 ай бұрын
James Lindsay’s best reframing of DEI to date.
@Remenschneider 7 ай бұрын
D: Setting up the justification for Entryism by setting a condition that the institution is accused to fail, making it immoral. Thereby creating the need for "experts" - Critical Marxist activists. E: The important thing about E is that it is unfixable by design. It's a perpetual justification for the power grab. Any merit-based inequalities are used for increasing the activists' authority. I: Making sure that no one can criticize the activists, by framing any opposition as offensive. Also scaring all neutrals into silence by normalizing reflexive distancing rituals.
@mustang607 7 ай бұрын
If these activists were working for me, or more accurately against me, these people wouldn't be working for me.
@westswell2757 7 ай бұрын
James, you do good and necessary work. One thing I would really look forward to on your channel is an interview with a former zampolit from the corporate human resource or academic sphere. I’m sure there are some looking for a way to come forward or at least speak their peace. Remember to mask their voice and identity!
@benfaubion 6 ай бұрын
I'm interested in hearing that as well. One of the ways these sparing cultural conversations unfold is that they lack a debate. You see this between news and media organizations, they rarely really host a conversation where the participants are given time to really offer their rebuttals. They just kind of lob critiques over the fence. I want to hear what DEI insiders are thinking and how they act behind closed doors, I want to hear it from them directly. Not that I don't believe James, it's just that it makes it a bit more real.
@qlippoth13 7 ай бұрын
it's always a word game on opposite day with them.
@mjhonsun 7 ай бұрын
This is one of the best explanations of DEI in practice I've heard yet.
@ewinbarnett9411 7 ай бұрын
The inclusion is exclusion by dilution.
@OrwellsHousecat 7 ай бұрын
The DIE institutional architecture & professional DIE employee network is identical to the way CCP has it's PLA representation/management commisars in every institution in China. That's not the only social (engineering) technology that we're copying from China....
@ArchangelCrusader-he3gg 7 ай бұрын
All of this stems from the Frankfurt School and their gift to destroy us. Critical Theory.
@gerrytyrrell1507 7 ай бұрын
Thank again James...University College Dublin..UCD.. New DEI Officer started last month January...It's tentacles going everywhere....Dublin
@annetteniebelski7513 7 ай бұрын
Get the books "Woke Racism " by John McWhorter "Reinventing Racism" by Johnathan Church Hand them out to everyone at the school
@arcdecibel9986 7 ай бұрын
Why on Earth does everyone insist on calling this DEI? The original acronym was D.I.E., and even if it wasn't, that's what we need to call it. They re-label everything we do, so why the hell don't we just do that right back to them? Don't say "Progressive", say "Communist." Don't say "racial justice", say "racism." It drives them nuts if you do that, and then we can have their reaction as our intended action.
@amibrainwashed 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, the term Communist has lost its luster and you're more likely to get eye rolls from people who don't pay attention to anything. I prefer the term Regressive as it's more accurate.
@SMABSO 7 ай бұрын
Important work you're doing. I was saying the same things on Twitter circa Gamergate era. The irony is, I'm a gay man myself - and I can't stand this nonsense just as much as any other well-adjusted non cult member.
@qlippoth13 7 ай бұрын
Opting out of the "haves" control over your identity is as easy as defining yourself as YOU, the person you are and do not accept any other definition for your identity. Best advice I got on this was from a teacher insisting I check the racial identity portion of an employment application as "other" and write in the word Human. Needless to say that teacher was "let go" for having non-confirming ideas.
@SMABSO 7 ай бұрын
​@@qlippoth13 - That's what I resent the most. These people claim to "represent" me and say "representation" is important but I never consented to be represented by them, and if I was asked - I would not. It's honestly ridiculous now. Gay pride is a ridiculous concept. I've never been proud to be gay, I just happen to be. It has zero impact on my identity and how I act. I've been in a monogamous gay relationship for over 7 years now, which is also my first. You don't have to be any particular way to be gay and what I hate about the modern gay movement is this idea that you have to be an insufferable narcisist to be gay. Some of the things you see at Pride Parades make me just as sick as the hardcore homophobes believe me. Bring back bullying I say.
@eddysgaming9868 7 ай бұрын
It really takes something for an individual resist their word games, twisted logic, and the lure of joining the mob. No hobby, or pastime, has been safe from their infiltration and take over since Gamergate.
@qlippoth13 7 ай бұрын
@@SMABSO Interesting observation you made. The alphabet gang does not define love faith or monogamy anywhere in what it represents. If you look at someone like Harry Hay tho you can easily see how values of love (not sexual desires), faith or monogamy were likely not consistent with his personal values, yet his persona defines a moment. Seems like most want an easy path forward with their personal struggle yet they are not always able to fully vet the archetypes of the path. The path forward IMO is an unflinching gaze into knowledge of those who proclaim themselves authority of us all. Bullying should give way to unity caused by self evident gnosis.
@SMABSO 7 ай бұрын
@@qlippoth13 I hope so. I just fear that so many gay people bought into this nonsense that the backlash will be severe in the other direction. In my experience, most people lack integrity. It is the most defict quality in modernity. I take it you are a fan of the Persona series too? 😸
@Bay0Wulf 7 ай бұрын
Uhm … DEI used to be called the HR Dept. (Human Resources) but apparently they weren’t getting the job done quickly enough so the DEI Crowd decided to distribute these “New” DEI Guidelines to the HR People. I’m not sure I know of any HR Dept that isn’t staffed by females or gay males or any combination of; gay, feminist, lesbian, females because I can’t think of any HR Dept that would tolerate a male even if he is gay. To date I haven’t run across any “Trans”-Its but …
@sandrab.5065 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for these bullet summaries. Keep it up.🌻👍🙂 These woke strategists are word smiths who twist meanings of words. Their minions are angry,misguided people.
@werollins 7 ай бұрын
The lost left are experts at jabberwocky and Orwellian doublespeak. They have a master's degree in manipulation and a doctorate in deception. WER
@georgechoquette5735 7 ай бұрын
At around 6 minutes, I was blown away when you said the the FAA had a code for selecting diversity applicants, which was essentially "bad at Science". Could you please provide references. I believe it, I just need the proof. Thanks.
@wonderwomanx1268 7 ай бұрын
When my Kid didn’t want the dinner I made, she had to make her own with pantry ingredients, or don’t effin eat. Guess what? She learned she couldn’t manipulate me into doing $hit. Wasn’t falling for the BS.
@christianbolt5761 7 ай бұрын
They really do the Mott and Bailey routine with DEI. I have seen training which is much like what we had in the 90s, treating people fairly, and be understanding, etc. However, we have also seen where it is tool of transformation.
@248wendell 7 ай бұрын
Was watching soccer news on TV earlier and there was a talk between the pundits and a "DEI commissioner" or something, obviously a black guy. I muted the TV
@mcfarvo 7 ай бұрын
The hydra has a new head for every one you cut off, so when "DEI" is lost, they will already have more trojan horses already within the walls
@xenatron9056 7 ай бұрын
well it does say in revelation that one of the heads of the beast is destroyed and three little heads come up... Probably a weird connection, but DEI truly is a three headed monster.
@fensterrose1585 7 ай бұрын
Yes, they'll "rebrand" it.
@xenatron9056 7 ай бұрын
@@fensterrose1585 and apply a different meaning to the word 'brand'.... isn't that what they do to cattle?
@OrwellsHousecat 7 ай бұрын
It's a Caste System
@alabama2uz 7 ай бұрын
I see what it's done on the bottom end, in the worst schools in some of the most dangerous areas in the country. These blue dots have very purposely been turned into the powder keg that could set things off. That, and the people on the other "side" that carry the same beliefs. They planned on, and need that, too.
@astralcowboy5511 7 ай бұрын
My workplace has ‘communities of inclusion’ for special interest groups that supposedly need a leg up because they’re unable to manage on their own, like women and gays. Of course it isn’t framed like that and of course they’re exclusionary by their very definition.
@mustang607 7 ай бұрын
The more accurate acronym would be DIE.
@BasedJoo 7 ай бұрын
I’m just here to give you my money.
@Niko1aus 7 ай бұрын
Bending to the whims of the intolerant vegan daughter is an example of "negative reinforcement" or "punishment" of "Operant conditioning". A very powerful tool from behaviourism.
@markmorrise 5 ай бұрын
Thomas Sowell has written extensively about why outcomes are not equal. Even within the same family outcomes are not equal, with the oldest child consistently doing better in school and work than younger siblings.
@martinburrows6844 7 ай бұрын
I'm a gluten intolerant vegan with a peanut allergy, I also have Mexican heritage, and only one leg.
@amibrainwashed 7 ай бұрын
So what you're saying is, according to DEI, you're our next president?
@raymond_luxury_yacht Ай бұрын
Mister president!
@Gideon020 7 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work, I see why people try to make you out as some kind of conman to bring you down.
@dhmossedios2194 7 ай бұрын
Extremely important work. Share it with friends and family!!
@BryanWLepore 7 ай бұрын
PRA is good. For fun, I offer Dialectical Epistemic Inversion
@debbiepalmer3528 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your videos. In Canada our governments have Anti-racism strategies based on equity that spell out everything. The Wheel of Privilege and Power is being used to redistribute power across the groups. And Canadian equality values are being decolonized and replaced with Indigenous and non-Western values.
@eliseosterbrink8000 6 ай бұрын
Although Freire's work didn't come up in this Bullets episode, I wanted to thank you for giving me a fairly strong understanding of his work and why it's not very good. That directly came in handy today because, for one of my classes, we started learning about Freire and were assigned chapters from Pedagogy of the Oppressed. It's not difficult for me to not take his work seriously and to, instead, pick it apart and criticize what he says. I despise that class, with the exception that I get to work with a local museum to design an ancillary addition to house one of their collections (I'm an architecture major and this is the first project I've been able to participate in that could actually be built in five years). Literally the only reason I haven't dropped the class or generally stopped going. Thank you once again for giving me the background I needed to better be able to resist this idiotic indoctrination. It was genuinely irritating to hear a bunch of people blindly talk about how wonderful Freire was when his work sounds just as angry and bitter as Marx's. They both sound like complete losers who don't know anything about the real world and live in little idealistic bubbles that conflict with reality.
@cachinnation448 6 ай бұрын
The intolerance of tolerance is a thing, it seems. What a weird ideology. Thank you.
@trumanhw 5 ай бұрын
The ONE thing that Dr Lindsay doesn't spend enough time on ... Is how deliberately intolerant these people are. And thus, how intolerant we have to become. It's literally a competition of who can actually be LESS tolerant that we should engage in.
@raymond_luxury_yacht Ай бұрын
Exactly. How are your hurt feelings my problem
@vanthdreadstar8039 7 ай бұрын
I work in City government in Canada and they are trying to get a foothold in the organization where I work. I brought up how much poison and division it brings with the Mayor. I just hope it didnt fall on deaf ears. I didnt get the boot so that was a good sign (I think).
@annetteniebelski7513 7 ай бұрын
Get the books "Woke Racism" by John McWhorter "Reinventing Racism" by Johnathan Church "Irreversible Damage" by Abigail Shrier "End of Gender" by Debra Soh "Trans" by Helen Joyce Send these to the council.
I’m fukking amazed at the institutions and organizations that have witnessed this sh!t play out for years now would allow it near or through their doors - wipe out your HR and screen/hire yourself-you definitely know who they’re screening in……
@SineEyed 7 ай бұрын
R.edistribution A.ccomodation P.oliticization
@benfaubion 6 ай бұрын
Nice overview, it would be interesting to see you add a few infographics or sort of diagrams explaining this that matched the audio. I think the audio stands on it's own, it would just be somewhat helpful to see how the bait and switch operates in a diagram. On that note, I haven't personally been around any DEI efforts, however, I've heard the stories in articles, comments, etc. Some of them sound banal, others sound totally awful. I'm interested in hearing some more of those, and also hearing directly from the DEI horse's mouth by those who are practicing it. Otherwise your explanation (which I do believe) can sort of be dismissed as "well, that doesn't happen THAT much".. or "well, it's not REALLY going on like that", or "you are listening to too much right-wing news", and the rebuttals go on. I would like to refer to some source of undeniable truth that the bait and switch really is that severe and pervasive in at least North America.
@milarepa4577 7 ай бұрын
Thx for your work! Hmmm, I always found the acronym DEI cumbersome. I just realized that DEI is the latin plural of "god" and also as genitive partitivus "parted from god". If the decontructionist love word games it is clear why they did not choose Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, or IDE "Beware. of the ...s of March". 😊
@spiff1 7 ай бұрын
Division, Inequality and Exclusion
@arimendelson8875 5 ай бұрын
For the life of me, I can't understand how anybody could enjoy being accommodated to. I've got lifelong and potentially deadly food allergies. I've needed special meals my whole life. I've always hated it. HATED it. I can't imagine how that would feel if it were voluntary.
@timothyappleseed2986 7 ай бұрын
Equity is what you earn. Equal outcomes or equal opportunity is called equality.
@polarisjustdothework2258 6 ай бұрын
Just learned about you today Mr. Lindsay, and I applaud your integrity and your heart. Now let's get this acronym straight, it's DIE...don't get it twisted! Also, there is no virtue in the fact that child slavery is the second highest profitable enterprise in the US. It overtook the weapons trade and is working on claiming the number one position currently held by the drug "cartels".... But drugs and guns aside, until we can keep our children safe and healthy (including eradicating bullying in our schools), all of this political and economic maneuvering is straight bullshit!! And our children won't be fooled. Focus your work on them and their futures and your efforts will be most fruitful ❤ Bless you 🙏
@teonactalpizza 6 ай бұрын
The work he's doing is going at the umbrella that bares the foul fruit of this child slavery you speak of.
@cestmoi4532 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video.
@Individual_Lives_Matter 7 ай бұрын
What’s up with DEIB? Belonging? Is that like “unity”?
@Individual_Lives_Matter 7 ай бұрын
I always thought that equality of access (starting line) or outcome were not what the philosophy of modernity would advocate. It’s neither equal opportunity nor equal outcome. It’s neutral process/laws/rules/standards. We all have luck. No bureaucracy has the power or knowledge to fairly adjust for that.
@Anti_Woke 7 ай бұрын
Well, ok, but 'Inclusion' should be 'C' = Conformity. PAC.
@Jersey-towncrier 6 ай бұрын
Letitia James is their Rockstar!!
@freesk8 7 ай бұрын
Good one! Thanks.
@dawnemile7499 7 ай бұрын
Nobody has to do anything unless they are not strong about their boundaries and do not resist with vigour.
@bathysphere1070 7 ай бұрын
They have been trying to ram this stuff into the military as well. Many commands now have a diversity officer (though, they have various different names for it) as a collateral duty.
@amibrainwashed 7 ай бұрын
Between the military and the police, this is what worries me most. In the long term, the result will be the only ones willing to deal with this nonsense will make up the majority of the military or police force. In other words, the ones most willing to "just follow orders."
@bathysphere1070 7 ай бұрын
@@amibrainwashed Yes, it is a profound danger. Both the police and the military are full of yes-men.
@robertporter6527 7 ай бұрын
@@amibrainwashed That is what worries me the most also! Like they said at The Nuremberg Trials “ I was just following my orders. “ “ Following your orders don’t make it Right!” How about doing what is right boss ?
@dawnemile7499 7 ай бұрын
It has become apparent that the adage "children should be seen and not heard" is very wise with what we've seen about their knowledge and ability to discern what opinions they should hold.
@robert0price 6 ай бұрын
This is a dumb thing to say actually
@dawnemile7499 6 ай бұрын
@@robert0price Writing about yourself?
@emilioflores12349 7 ай бұрын
Instead of politization, its normativity shame or norm denial
@rchar9757 7 ай бұрын
All systems are tied together. No need for anyone to guess anything. In law the language was intended to confuse in order to enforce a contracts which where treaties. You have to define using blacks Law dictionary for remedy, as well ass observe allies from opposition. This is regarding 14th amendment Dred Scott case which used Federal case within an International Jurisdiction in maritime zome and events in real time, cases and money all in sync.
@abcd3fgh1jklmn0pqrstuvwxyz 7 ай бұрын
DEI - Dramatise, Equalise, Integrate Based on what I got from this. For me I think of it as: DEI - Divide, Exclude, Infiltrate
@miroirs-jumeaux 7 ай бұрын
12:53 Oreos. Maybe also certain pop-tarts, but for sure oreos. (i was a sufferable vegan for a spell.)
@Knuck_Knucks 7 ай бұрын
Dear COMMENTS section: Sort comments by " Newest First " and witness a broader conversation. 🐿
@carlyellison8498 7 ай бұрын
Comments should be displayed in random order, in the interest of fairness.
@Knuck_Knucks 7 ай бұрын
@@carlyellison8498 Maybe so. However some comments become 'disappeared' and relegated to the 'newest first' only. It's a stealthy slight of hand. That's all I'm saying. 🐿
@dawnemile7499 7 ай бұрын
The West is too soft.
@dawnemile7499 7 ай бұрын
Simple, you avoid all airline flight.
@blackquiver 7 ай бұрын
Equity is weight.. IMO, but Yes.. redistribution people's equity.
@johnselden9257 6 ай бұрын
Since no one will mention it….I will, there are IQ differences between groups. There are mountains of data/science proving this. And it is something that can’t be changed with schooling….these are innate and it’s why people like Einstein can drop out of high school and still have the most brilliant mind of all time….he was born with high IQ.
@tomtichi8760 7 ай бұрын
Is this the "Everyone gets a trophy" scheme?
@kylekatarn5964 7 ай бұрын
More like "the bridge isn't safe to cross because the engineers behind it can't math"
@xenatron9056 7 ай бұрын
I was so pissed off when my son won almost every race he entered on Sports day, but all he got was a participation ribbon, just like everyone else. So unfair and crushing to their little achievements. Instilling in our children such a bland outcome for their efforts. This was in the late 90's. Now it has morphed and covered our society like a cancer giving birth to identity politics.
@tim2muntu954 7 ай бұрын
Woke is the revenge of second raters.
@amibrainwashed 7 ай бұрын
That's good. The best way I heard it put is that it's the Philosophy of the Loser.
@fensterrose1585 7 ай бұрын
Those who can DO. Those who can't DEI.
@Erick_Bloodaxe 7 ай бұрын
It’s real simple, don’t accommodate them, be willing to argue every time, or loose your right and society in the long run. Quit being sniveling cowards in other words.
@helpusall5987 5 ай бұрын
This sounds more like an explanation of what you HEAR when DEI is explained, not an actual definition as defined by the program itself. Why don't you consider your perspective to be conspiracy theory at this early point in the DEI conversation? As well, it could be argued that "redistributing" opportunity and access is what happened when Jim Crow was abolished. The only people concerned at that time were the ones who were already benefitting from the monopoly of both opportunity and access via the pre-selection of themselves above all others using criteria that favored/isolated themselves as the obvious choice (moved literally to the front). As well, if you dislike the idea of DEI, I am curious - what would you consider military veteran, or disabled military veteran preference in matters of employment? It seems to function similarly in many ways.
@danascully1248 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the real DEI was the Marxism we made along the way ❤
@teonactalpizza 6 ай бұрын
Although it's made not to be seen at all, it would look that way to anyone who could see lol. But really it's a top down attack from rich children of liberals in new York. As usual communism is lead by wastrel rich kids who know they don't "deserve" their easy life and want to justify their wealth beyond having been born to harder working parents it's pathetic. Just accept who you are and leave everyone else alone .
@apocolypse11 7 ай бұрын
Ford Foundation will just modified n change its name. Chocolate,vanilla etc
@timegasm1462 6 ай бұрын
Incoming third world hellscape
@StarCityFAME 7 ай бұрын
No way in Hell could I handle the level of ass-kissing that goes on with these types in the biz or civic world.
@H0kieJoe 7 ай бұрын
Bullsheet. If the intolerant daughter wants vegan, she can cook it herself. See how long she stays committed to 'veganism'.
@Knuck_Knucks 7 ай бұрын
Redistribution of opportunity 🐿
@Objectivityiskey 7 ай бұрын
Nailed it, thank James!
@TerrorDaemonum 7 ай бұрын
DEI in Latin is God. Mockery
@madhusudan 7 ай бұрын
Equity in everything except sports. In that everyone's happy to admit that blacks have certain genetic advantages and it's fine. But if you mention any other genetic differences that play into outcomes in other careers, wealth, or criminality, it's verboten.
@AncientRylanor69 7 ай бұрын
@blackquiver 7 ай бұрын
Political commissant.. think that's the turm
@tamara6771 7 ай бұрын
@huskermike8096 7 ай бұрын
Bruce Quanye says hi.
@peterbills4129 7 ай бұрын
Today I learned, James' daughter is a vegan🤪
@robert0price 6 ай бұрын
This is dumb stuff with a smart looking power point
@donde2k 7 ай бұрын
So Victoria Jackson was right -
@juanzulu1318 7 ай бұрын
Diversity? Ok, lets bring in some islamists into the company Equity? Ok, please then give me the same pay as my boss Inclusion? Ok, please include my brother, he needs a job
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