Poverty: Is There Hope? | (in the Philippines)

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The Filipina Pea

The Filipina Pea

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@nadermazari3334 Жыл бұрын
As someone who grew up in a third world country myself, I can vouch for the veracity of this video. At times I feel that the cultures themselves create and encourage, whether by design or inadverdently, an atmosphere of subservience and an acceptance of the same as "this is your lot, just deal with it," or it is the "'will of God." I have no idea as to the solution. But one fact is certain: The majority of people from such places would move to the West if given the opportunity. This is not to say that they will necessarily find what they thought they were looking for. I have lived in the West since I was 19 and while I have done quite well financially for myself, my relationships with family is another matter. Food, electricity, water, climate control, vehicles, and other creature comforts are generally available to most and are affordable. However, there is a great deal of isolation/loneliness in the West, behind all the smiling pics. Notice how much mental illness exists in the West. Active shooters, drugs-alcohol, obssesive-compulsive behavior.....the list goes on. But why? This should not be occurring the land of plenty. I just don't understand.
@ambjornborjesson5481 Жыл бұрын
Dostoyevsky said and I paraphrase: If man lived in paradise and ate only cake, he would find a way to ruin the cake just to watch something happen. Meaning that people don't do well when they are too comfortable. We make up problems for ourselves. Or maybe these problems always exist but are drowned out and dwarfed by external problems. Just a thought
@angelwithbrokenwings2456 Жыл бұрын
Get out of where you are or cities! And a third of the males in Philippines are attics! Girls study hard are CB intelligent get mocked up then liver leaves then after few years they go over seas and work like slaves while grandma raises kids! The sperm diabetes drinks or dopes!!
@colinsanderson1830 Жыл бұрын
@danielmart7940 Жыл бұрын
We get bored when we have more than enough and get depressed ect trying to get even more. My happiest times as a westerner is when I disconnect from all the craziness and greed ect and just get away from western society
@AlasdairScott-ii6mt Жыл бұрын
She works for 15 hours a day 7 day's terrible 😢❤
@Ernstej01 3 жыл бұрын
To the 221 people who disliked this video…what on earth is wrong with you?! Thanks Pea…love the content!
@notusingmyname4791 3 ай бұрын
they're strangers on the internet who likes her cute and romantic content with a side of comedy and don't want to be reminded that life can be hard no matter where you go. in other words, nothing is wrong with them; they're simply looking for escapism for entertainment on video format, and are expressing that desire in the most silent and polite way possible. now, what's wrong with your judgmental ass that you feel you have to call them out for politely expressing their interest and disinterest? a bit insecure that your likes aren't echoed by everyone else and you need that sort of justification maybe?
@joshualinley4417 3 жыл бұрын
This is precisely the kind of content that the first world should have shown to them. Thank you for making this outstanding piece of work.
@briane173 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to plop the entire student body at ASU in Cebu and tell them they're on their own, and see afterward how fucked up they think life is in the U.S. But alas, all they would do is try to export socialism to the Philippines and make an already untenable economic situation virtually impossible. Yes, there are cultural issues in the Philippines that often make them their own worst enemy; but looking to the government to help raise citizens up and out of poverty is pointless -- they're the ones stealing all the money.
@jonhenson5450 2 жыл бұрын
@@briane173 Yes. And just consider their effort and attitude. I have NEVER heard a Pinot say poor me or life fucked me over.
@thomashauguel6811 Жыл бұрын
It would certainly be an eye opener to many of them...
@markjohansen6048 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking as an American: I had a period in my life when I ran into some financial problems. I was feeling very depressed about how poor I was. After I got a couple of pay raises and paid off debts, I looked back and I realized: The whole time I was crying about how poor I was, I always had plenty to eat. I had a nice house to live in, with heat and central air conditioning. I had cable TV and Internet. I had a decent car. I was living better than most people in the world can ever hope to live, but I felt sorry for myself because I couldn't afford to buy new toys. I read somewhere, a man said someone asked him, "Have you ever won a lottery?" And he replied, "Yes. I was born in America."
@Origami84 2 жыл бұрын
It's not luck, though. The western world worked incredibly hard to get what it got, and is prospering also due to the brilliance of its inventors, businessman, social leaders, artists etc. Pea asked how fair it was for X and X to be so poor, but that was the norm worldwide for centuries, make it millennia. It was the same in europe and Usa too. We pulled ourselves out of the gutter, no one came and gave us foreign aid or charity or whatever.
@DarthRane113 Жыл бұрын
Pain is relative, that said being aware of what else you COULD experience is not a bad thing just remember your experience is real too. Because there's always someone who's in a worse predicament than you.
@DarthRane113 Жыл бұрын
@@Origami84 being born in America is luck.
@webstertyrrell9412 Жыл бұрын
@@DarthRane113 Now it's luck, but 300 years ago it was the same as everywhere else.
@DarthRane113 Жыл бұрын
@@webstertyrrell9412 we don't live 300 years in the past so what's the point of that statement. Being born in America today is lucky the fact that it WASNT 300 years ago is irrelevant and I'd also argue that that is still not correct to a degree. Considering it was one of the first locations to not have any direct rule of kings and queens over them IE their moncarchal rule was much more limited for the simple fact that there was an ocean between them and their subjects.
@Dapper_Image_Official 7 ай бұрын
One thing I've learned in life is that people complain about their lives but someone always has it worst. I remain humble and thankful for what little I have and I take nothing for granted. 🙏🏽
@cwilliams383 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an American and I visited the Philippines in 2019. I visited a jungle village in Butuan and I couldn't believe the poverty there. It was the worse I've seen in all the Asian countries I've spent time in. I met a beautiful family who was struggling so much because the husband had a stroke and couldn't work anymore. They were going out into the jungle and muddy rivers just to find food. I adopted the family and to this day I'm still supporting them. I'm paying for the kid's schooling and putting the oldest ones through collage. I make sure that they are not hungry and they have clothes. They have beds now, improved home, washing machine, things to cook with when all they could do before was burn wood to cook. All the things we so called struggling Americans take for granted. I'm back in the States now due to covid and yes you are right. A bunch of whining babies who think the world owes them something. They really don't know what a hard time is. Pissed because they make "only" $12 an hour for 8 hours a day with 2 days off, when these people are making $10 bucks a day for 12 hours or more a day for 7 days a week. Reminds me of why I left this county 7 years ago. I encourage everyone to help anyone who is truly desperate in this awful time in history.
@gerardle8230 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your help to these poor people.
@muskiefishing9219 Жыл бұрын
It's really nice to see someone show compassion. And help someone in need. Like you did, and maybe still are. If you are well that is great. But just so you know if you haven't noticed. Most people cannot even travel like you did, in the first place. You should consider yourself fortunate. But I'm going to challenge you, and your thinking about the comment you made about people that feel like the world owes them something. When I was young. I imagined what life should be like. I see my parents working. And I imagined. What it should be like. You go to work and bring home a paycheck at the end of the week, you pay any bills and save some money for internment. And then put the rest into savings for the future. And I'm talking, the last part I said about saving for the future, would be about a third to half of the paycheck for the future. Every week I'm saying so that a person is making substantial gains. To buy a car or house or help your children starting out, and for retirement. Excreta. When a person can see that by working and you have time for yourself you are paying your bills and saving money for the future. And as the saying goes. You are enjoying the fruits of your laborers. It's called having self worth and it gives a person an incentive to keep going, because , Then a person can feel like Life is good. Again when I was young when children were starting out in life the parents helped the children. For instance the parents would buy a farm and some land for the young adult child to give them a start in life. Or help them start a business if the parents didn't have a business to pass down to them. That's what any normal human beings would do if life was how it's supposed to be. And when children are growing up. Children are perspective. They can see when their parents are struggling to make ends meet. Now getting back to your point. Your bashing young adult children that can see that life isn't the way it is supposed to be. They can see their parents struggling and not making the money they need, and the parents are frustrated. And the parents. Are not spending the time with the children they should be. The children's scenes. And feels all of that. They're smart enough to know that, that's not the kind of life they Want. Because there's no incentive to even going to work. And then your answer to that is. Young people feel like everything is owed to them. And if you didn't realize it , you are saying it with animosity. Because you know something isn't right but you don't know what it is. Do you see where this is going. Did I shed a little light on the subject. Well, I said all of that to answer your remark. You know you, yourself may be a casualty of everything I just said. And you may not even know it. But I'm going to tell you this much. Life wasn't and isn't supposed to be the way it is. Everything that we think as truth is a lie. We Americans, America, has fallen into a depressed , state. We have let a group of Elites control every aspect of our lives and people haven't even released it. They have taken away a free and fair economy. And withheld many technologies that would make life easier and better for everyone. I'm talking, everyone in the world. We have the technologies right now that are being withheld from us so that everyone should be wealthy. And so that every one anywhere in the world. Would have plenty to eat. We vote for people into public offices. But they cheated, and put in who they want to be in any position. If things were right we would only have to work 25 hours a week and make all of the money a person would ever need. Well I don't know why I said all of this because I know you're not the one going to fix everything. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. But everything I just said is going to happen shortly. The corrupt Elites are going to be exposed and removed from power. And arrested. And these technologies are going to be released. And then people won't have to accuse Young adults of not wanting to work. Because everything is going to change. Life will be a lot easier for everyone. The way it always was supposed to be. I hope you can even grasp what I just explained. I don't know why I did this.
@Smalltummywonderful 9 ай бұрын
@FreddieAllan-h3g 4 ай бұрын
I've done pretty much the same thing from here in Australia .. it's bad over there in some areas ..
@markbrown1622 4 жыл бұрын
On my first trip to Phils in 2006, I went to Cebu and stayed in a B&B in the small village of Catmon. The staff there were so accommodating and hospitable and very friendly and very hard working. I got to talking with them and learned that they earned only 80 pesos per day and worked 16-18 hours per day. That was the first time I saw the desperate poverty and brutal working conditions of many of the filipino people face to face. I stayed for a few days and got to know the staff little by little. When I got the bill for my stay, I asked the owners if it was alright to tip the staff, but they said it was not necessary as it was included in the bill. Yes, the bill showed a service gratuity. I can't remember the amount. When I was about to leave I asked the maid if she received any tips when guests check out. She said they did not, so I decided to tip them without the owners knowledge. I was afraid if they found out, they might try to get the money back from them. So I gave ithe money to the maid and asked her to split it with the other girls. As I was walking out of the B&B. one of the girls ,came to me in tears thanking me profusely over and over, and said that now she could buy milk for her baby. I was so touched.. I thought, "Really,, that small amount meant so much to her?" They were all so very grateful and emotional. It was not a large amount, but to them it must have seemed like a lot. On the bus ride back to Cebu City, I totally lost it and tears poured down my face. I am not telling this story to boast, I just wanted to share how my heart was impacted and my eyes were opened when I realized the desperate poverty of these women.
@sharbymj 4 жыл бұрын
Almost wherever you go in the world you will find Filipinos working jobs to support their families at home. Filipinos are some of the nicest people you will find on the planet. They will share a meal with you when they barely have enough for themselves. They are hospitable, friendly, and loyal. There is nothing you would want more than a Filipino nurse here in the US. I grew up in the US rather poor. I've lived in places without running water and without electricity, but my first trip to the Philippines to meet my wife's family was a shock. I didn't realize what poor really was. Yet, even living in abject poverty, these people will open up their home to you.
@linotolentino6641 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a Filipino-Canadian, and I can tell you it is a systemic problem in the Philippines that has been handed down for centuries starting from the Spanish colonization. It's sort of master-slave relationship. Filipinos working in Spanish-owned plantations were only given pittance, barely enough to feed their families, a slave-like treatment by the Spanish colonoizers. Hunger and malnutrtion dominated the scenes in these plantations. These served as a template for Chinese immigrants who ran and dominated the food, retail and shipping businesses from the 60s up until now. Sweatshops, inhumane working and living conditions in small factories went unnoticed. These in turn, were adapted by Filipino upper-middle class merchants who comprised the majority of employers nowadays. Meanwhile, the govt agencies, who are supposed to protect the workers, were being inept and/or corrupted by these filthy businessmen; so the workers have no recourse but to turn to radicalism and communist ideology. That's the reason why until now, communist insurgents are still in existence. The pro-people government of Duterte have yet to break the stranglehold of poverty among the masses, and it is trying hard. Decent jobs are hard to come by, and the centuries old template of employment are still prevalent. But the current president is well on his way to bring the country to a sustainable improvement. And many Filipinos are appreciative of his work, giving him an unprecedented high approval rating. I believe this is the turning point of the Philippines towards a brighter future.
@robertthomson2975 4 жыл бұрын
OK, you got me. I’m a Scottish MAN sitting here in tears as I was when I first sew Pea’s interview with those young women. What gets ME is they just keep smiling and believing in GOD. If there ever was a TRUE belief in one’s faith, this has to be it. Not one of them even questions there faith, WOW ! I have TOTAL and utter LOVE and RESPECT for these people. I thought I was proud to be Scottish but I take my hat of to the Filipino’s. May your GOD go with you all. ❤️
@andrewtucker7437 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertthomson2975 You're not the only one in tear Robert. I have seen this first hand. I want so much to try to make a difference, but I might only be scratching the surface.
@steffybael1245 2 жыл бұрын
@@sharbymj i too am in tears right now, ive lived there
@nikumimito3164 Жыл бұрын
Even now this is still the most memorable Pea video I've ever watched, I still come back and watch it because it was the first video that really showcased how poor the economic conditions for the lower class workers in the PH is really like. I wish I could give a donation to Kuya Balthazar, I know they are all hard workers out there for what they get paid, just makes me sad seeing him as old as he is and just barely making what he needs to get by for him and his family.
@TheFilipinaPea Жыл бұрын
Thanks Nikumi ❤️👍
@FarmerKen355 Жыл бұрын
I watched this video and cried for the people trapped in their situation.
@darrenmurray861 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I initially felt for uncle working for 8 dollars a day, but a teacher working for 60 a month! We must thank God for everything that we have.
@Aard-Vark 2 жыл бұрын
This issue is not about God. It's about human beings exploiting other human beings.
@mojomojo5779 2 жыл бұрын
Darren. Are you really that stupid?
@LukeLane1984 2 жыл бұрын
"thank god for everything that we have" So, if god gave you everything you have, he must not give a flying fuck about these people, right? Disgusting.
@xavierkoolat6926 Жыл бұрын
@@Aard-Vark Agreed.
@jorgschwartze6895 Жыл бұрын
@@Aard-Vark Very true.
@bekind3050 3 жыл бұрын
I was a G.R.O. when I met my supportive husband of 23 years. I went to school and got my Masters Degree last year. I'm able to help my niece/nephews( they have to go to school) and some young students in Bulacan. Education will stop the cycle of poverty.
@steffybael1245 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for helping the students with no family ties to you, we try to do the same!!
@zarwine7080 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 💯
@mojomojo5779 2 жыл бұрын
Stopping the cycle of poverty will come when you people stop selling your votes to corrupt politicians, stop cheering when your psychopathic president kills you without trial, you stop voting for the relatives of dictators, and you stop the cycle of voting for dynasties
@juniordunkley2751 4 жыл бұрын
Pea is such a talent trying to give some understanding of life in Philippines most KZbinrs are just fluff
@maryannvelasco5150 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed 💯
@thnaykhwam2425 2 жыл бұрын
Yes she's is very talented and gifted with positive attributes . She's much better than many field journalist broadcasting live or even d newscasters . Calm n composed and full of vigour and impeccable English too. 👍👍👍
@110458kt 2 жыл бұрын
That was a very eye opening video. Thankyou Pea for your hard work and dedication to truth and honesty. I don't know what the answer is to poverty. Maybe just more awareness can help.
@paulgraumann2774 2 жыл бұрын
Great and very important video Pea, the facts you pointed out are very important to point out. We western people should help out however we can first by educating other western j ers about the.problem and teaching English when possible. Thank you for this important video, I knew poverty is bad there but did not realize it's that bad. No it's not fair at ALL! I wonder how Filipinos keep such a positive attitude, and Covid and it's effect on the tourism economy on top of this all. !$@!
@petrmacha1 Жыл бұрын
Just thank you for this video... I live in Sweden and recently visited India. Sometimes I'm ashamed that I'm fine.
@jamesbowie6925 4 жыл бұрын
On my first visit to the Philippines 15 years ago, I cried for a week, the poverty was overwhelming for me, I just felt helpless, but the spirit of the people always inspired me. I grew up poor in Scotland amidst poverty in the early 50’s, our humor and spirit kept us going as well. More westerners should visit the Philippines, maybe make them appreciate what they have, of course not all of them will, sadly. Thank you for sharing this🙏
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that, James - I had no idea of your story
@jamese2424 3 жыл бұрын
Very sad reality the Filipina Pea has highlighted….. visited the Philippines many times….and these kind, beautiful, joyful people have it so tough….Great work Pea👏👏👏👏
@SuccessiveApproximations-Intl 9 ай бұрын
What a great video, thank you, Pea. This was the most moving video I've seen on your channel. Very sad.... I wish there was a way we could lift these great people out of poverty.
@Dragon_rls 2 жыл бұрын
Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. The people of the Philippines are resilient it's incredible. I wish everyone, a happy, and prosperous life. God bless.
@ericspowers Жыл бұрын
All because of a woman who wanted lots of shoes and kids have no shoes at all!
@davejohnson9232 Жыл бұрын
People have so little in the Philippines but to me they seem to be the happiest and the most friendliest people I've ever met . And I'm actually jealous of their happiness.
@sugaradaddy 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Pea. I'm a Pinoy in the US. It's hard to watch this but the issue is real. I helped my son with his school project about poverty in the Philippines and what causes. I thought I had the answer at the tip of my tongue but it only led to a different discourse. We concluded that there is no single cause for the poverty but culture plays a big part of it, and social media amplifies some of the problems. You chose a hard topic but came out with a good presentation.
@eduardochavacano 4 жыл бұрын
So Filipinos abroad should stop insisting on transplanting their culture due to their misguided sense of nationalism. Watch TFC and they deserve their poverty.
@brandonboand 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I saw this video when it 1st came out. I would have found a way to get the school teacher a laptop. Ms Pea you are truly someone special and deserve the best life has to offer. You are my favorite KZbin channel ❤
@AzerPaul 3 жыл бұрын
There's a reason why Filipinas have struck me as the most philosophical people in the world--they have to be. They use it to find a reason to be hopeful, often even optimistic. How many women did I meet during my five-month visit working one or two or more islands away from their home and daughter or son, working twenty-nine out of thirty days, going home once every two or three months for a day or two. What can a foreigner do besides buying something from them and tipping really well? The more one knows about the situation, the more paralyzing it is.
@ericspowers Жыл бұрын
It is slavery! But there is a way out with the tithe! The Lord himself says to ty tithe! As a person who worked 20 hrs a week with a minimum wage of less than $20 when I was in school. The best way to achieve more is to tithe your earnings. It works! And God pays!
@bruceweber2361 3 жыл бұрын
This broke my heart.
@scottkaskey6622 3 жыл бұрын
This video has really opened my eyes. The Filipino people have such good souls. The world is upside-down. My heart goes out to all these beautiful people.
@Tonyontheroad777 7 ай бұрын
Good job covering this issue thank you dear
@RommelJGuzman 3 жыл бұрын
Miss Pea, forgive me for being so forward. You are brilliant and eloquent. I am incredibly impressed by you. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with the world through your KZbin channel.
@balosobaloso1352 3 жыл бұрын
A victim of modern 3th wave feminism.....“ Sorry , FORGIVE me for being so forward “....😂😂😂 ....for just tellingva a girl she‘s brilliant and eloquent.🤪🤪🤪
@chriscartwright3428 3 жыл бұрын
@lukewright3943 3 жыл бұрын
I cried when she said by God's grace. Wow, such a beautiful heart. It is really hard to hear people struggle.
@paulfrancome3935 4 жыл бұрын
Hi pea , it breaks my heart to see all those hard working , proud people struggling like that, I really wish I could change this unjust world 😢😢
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to them 😔
@charlesmcgowen7238 3 жыл бұрын
Paul Francome You can change this unjust world, one life at a time.
@kennethwelsby2143 Ай бұрын
Thank you Pea. You handled this like a professional news correspondent. The content is quality and informative. Great Job! 😊 I RESPECT YOU MADAME.
@TheFilipinaPea Ай бұрын
Thanks Kenneth! 🤣
@fullonauto 4 жыл бұрын
I myself help five different families in the Philippines, Not much money to me but big money to them. When they were not working (virus) I send/sent them $200 each month. Now that they are all working again I send them $60 each month. They are all very hard workers, I am proud of them and I glad I could help. I didn't know these people before the virus. I just picked them at random.
@scott80ca 4 жыл бұрын
That's a very noble gesture. Much better than doing what alot of guys interested in the Philippines do and give superchat money to broke expat vloggers on their livestreams, aka e-begging sessions. Give to the locals they need it more! Good for you👍
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, KM - that is truly amazing and selfless!
@lesliethilow3011 4 жыл бұрын
Pea, you make a wonderful contribution to our understanding of how hard life is for average citizens in the Philippines. Thank you so much for what you do. You are a blessing.
@johnsalmon1990 4 жыл бұрын
Very sad piece you done. I think the wealthy people there need to share.
@tunesbyro1574 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnsalmon1990 Dude they are the US in similar ways. Most of those in power are related and nepotism is rampant. A lot of people in power there are like that. That is basically a society based on money and power. I lived and worked there for a living as a musician. Decided to just go back to America and go to college.
@dsrthrse7917 4 жыл бұрын
Yes she is amazing. The world needs more people like her!.
@coolnamvet 3 жыл бұрын
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
👉My videos and the effort I put into them are 100% free for everyone to enjoy, and all I ask is that you leave a thumbs-up on any videos that you like and subscribe to my channel - I have never, and will never, ask you for anything else. For those of you that still wish to support my channel further, however, I’ve posted my links below. Thanks! 👉 Support through PayPal: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GC9T7PMLZ3BDW&source=url 👉 Patreon: www.patreon.com/thefilipinapea
@hankterreros223 3 жыл бұрын
@angelwithbrokenwings2456 3 жыл бұрын
Pea! I’ve been there 5 times and love you all !!
@angelwithbrokenwings2456 3 жыл бұрын
This was outstanding info on life there !! Your conclusions were great!!
@frankkelley9684 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please contact me? I will try to someway help. Please contact me on Facebook Frank Kelley.
@TheFilipinaPea 3 жыл бұрын
TFGG What a rude, slanderous, and incorrect comment! Where do I begin? 1) How do you know what I did or didn’t give to these people? If you watched the video after this one, you’ll see I actually HIRED one of those people, and she is still with me today! 2) Why don’t I post these people’s socials or give them some money? If you had taken the time to read the comments section, you’ll see that I arranged for the teacher to receive her laptop as well as others to get needed assistance. It’s illegal for me to collect any money to give to third parties, so instead I matched up sponsors to those in need. 3) I don’t ‘give them a dime’? How would you have any clue what I give or do not give? I do 99% of my good works off-camera, because when I do it on-camera, everyone says “You’re just doing this to get views!”. Can’t win with you people, can I? But I suspect that’s the idea, and you’re here to attempt to tear me down no matter what I do. The fact is, I give quite a bit to charity, and have done several charitable videos. This was NOT a charity video - this was a report. Don’t like it? Start you own damn channel, and do whatever you like (and I promise I won’t come sniffing around to see what faults I can accuse you of. I’m what they call a ‘mature’ person, and I fact-check things before slinging accusations like some other people I could name. I would demand an apology, but you’re not the type of person to give one - you’ll just double-down with more insults.
@AlanSørensen-u9p 9 ай бұрын
It breaks my heart to see that, I sit and watch it with tears in my eyes😢 I want to do something and brings hope to the fillipinos
@georgekusz4221 4 жыл бұрын
A light on reality, thank you. 19 hrs a day work, this young mother will be burned out by the time she's 23.
@ralphmossor3160 4 жыл бұрын
This tears my heart apart. I live in America and have everything I need and most of what I want....i'll never complain about anything again!!!!!! I feel so sorry for these good hard working people. Thanks for sharing a real life truth!!!
@penleydanles825 4 жыл бұрын
this is so sad... and your analysis afterwards about western attitudes was spot on.. people in the west are so sheltered and spoiled they have no clue what people in your video are going through.. this video should be required watching in every american grade school and high school.. thank you so much for sharing?
@d1zguy864 4 жыл бұрын
each and every country you have poor less than well off people. In the Philippines the bar is just much lower, and due to corrupt government they get no help whereas in USA you get welfare, EBT card, unemployment etc. The rich in the philippines are more well off and not drowning in debt like many middle or upper middle class families with everything on debt and leverage. I've got 2 filipna friends, one is a dentist, the other a derma doctor. Their families are well off and better off than any upper middle class family in the USA I know. Even people that make 300k per year.... AND they are much happier than their USA counter parts.
@joee7452 4 жыл бұрын
You are so correct. The problem is that with each new generation that sits on the foundation built by the one before they become more remote to how truly hard life can be. In the US our avg poor are middle class or rich compared to most other countries when you consider what is basic. Shelter,food,cell phone,tv,internet access,running water, working electricity,free public education. We think of these things as basic level living now while for billions of people these are luxuries. I don't blame us. It is just the way it works. But at some point people have to wake up to what they have. Great gen > Boomer > gen x > gen y > gen z. With each new generation we became further and further removed from the harsh realities of life.
@JayRay-o9s 2 ай бұрын
Your report on poverty and wage issues in the Philippines is exceptional. You have effectively highlighted the harsh realities faced by Filipinos, vividly illustrating the challenges posed by high poverty rates and insufficient wages. Addressing extreme poverty in the Philippines necessitates a comprehensive approach that involves not only the government but also civil society and individual efforts. It remains a significant challenge to implement programs that promote good governance and transparency, including measures to combat corruption and enhance accountability, which are prevalent issues in today's Philippines.
@stanleybriones518 4 жыл бұрын
Wow....😢 The endless cycle of poverty seems so hopeless. Prayers for the people of the Phil's and all those who suffer around the world. TRUTH BOMBS. Thanks Pea for the investigative reporting.
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Stanley, it’s definitely generational 😔
@jessob1 4 жыл бұрын
Just noted the wording “prayers” hope you are aware a big reason why Philippines is the way it is it’s totally related to the power of the Catholic Church. The cardinals are ruling the way of life, there is no sex education. Abortion is illegal and divorce is illegal unless you have enough money to bribe a judge. Philippines have been sending the prime of there people outside the country for work being able to send cash home for families to support daily living. So what kind of country is this? If the church was serious about helping the worshippers why not get rid of the corruption and empower the people?
@hillbillyintheasia6122 4 жыл бұрын
Philippines need condoms and birth control free. they hate that. church is corrupt
@hillbillyintheasia6122 4 жыл бұрын
they need have free medical too get men and woman fix after 2 too 3 kids.
@dadisaliveandwell 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessob1 Amazed and shocked that social dogma from 14th century Spain has been written into the Philippine laws. Adultery is a crime, punishable with 6 months in prison--but get this--it's only for women! Men do it and its called "concubinism" or something close to that, also 6 months in prison. This is 2020. It's batshit crazy these "laws" exist. How many foreigners have come to date a Filipina who's husband left her with a child, and you and her get along great, but because there's no divorce, you can't legally marry her and move to UK or USA or your home country. Annulments are also a Catholic church vestige. It seems this can cost $3000USD to $10000USD and you are not guaranteed the annulment. What is a foreigner supposed to do with this situation?
@rhetleonard2968 4 жыл бұрын
That video should bring tears to any one with a heart. I have contact with two families in Philippines and nothing brings me greater joy that to be generous and share with them. Sometimes I get a little behind on my bills here, but my comparative crises are so insignificant. I remind myself the banker can wait a little while. My friends are gonna eat! We can make such a difference in the lives of others if we will just reach out as a caring friend. If the single mom had a sponsor that would match her monthly earnings on the condition it was saved to provide higher education for her child....think of the possible impact. And of course.....the possibility of falling in love. These people possess such determination and strength of character. Admirable!
@vernondavis561 3 жыл бұрын
Pea, great job with the interviews. Thank you for helping to tell the story of systemic poverty in the PI. It’s truly heartbreaking.
@jacksmith3128 3 жыл бұрын
Poverty has been truely voted for and enshrined by their own constitution.
@dennislbrown Жыл бұрын
Very eye opening. Enjoying all your videos.
@TheFilipinaPea Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dennis! I like a lot if my older videos, and they’re just as useful and relevant as the new ones 👍😊❤️
@lawrencewebster5377 4 жыл бұрын
I live in the US and my wife is Filipina. We helped her brother and his wife buy a home and we pay for her dad's and mom's meds. If there is extra things they need we help as well along with my own family. It's good to help those in need. Especially your family.
@jolyonrussell7021 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this hard hitting video ----- it is great to see and hear the truth versus a tourist brochure. Bless you
@frankkelley9684 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness it is so hard for these people. I pray that God will protect them
@paulnoorbergen3514 3 жыл бұрын
The information is available for anyone who is interested in would affairs to read. You just have to be bothered, instead of cracking another can and complaining about, well everything. They are happy because they believe in a God, and family. The western world has an average of 54% failed relationships. They reckon it's got to do with financial stress and infidelity, mostly. These people don't need charity. What is needed is a lid on corruption at a government level and USA government reverse the value on various currency's. Also put a lid on government corruption within all the Five Eyes countries. Australia is one, if you only have a look at one government responsibility, The Workers Compensation System in the 2 largest States. Victoria and New South Wales. Over the past 25 years Victoria has all but dismantled the whole system. In the last 4 or 5 years NSW has followed the Victoria model ( which is basically a model adopted from America) AND YES I HAVE AN AGENDA. The enormous profits that are going into WorkSafe and iCare are not designed to care for the financial needs of an injured worker. They rather try and starve and send them broke, with little to no compensation and huge legal bills they are picked-up by the Commonwealth Government in the form of a Centerlink Disability Pension. Try and support your self on $410 and change A week... Thanks for working. ( and we'll help in destroying any relationship you have, sorry. Not) That aside, i apologise i digress. Family is happiness in the Philippines. They have a completely different skew on life.
@paulnoorbergen3514 3 жыл бұрын
It troubles me greatly, a 59 year old gentleman with a wife and 2 kids under 11 earning 5000 for a six day week and going to retire in 6 years on a 4000 pension. They have no savings but they have the kids in school, which is great to hear. What's going to happen when the oldest child is hopeful to go to university and the father is retired. It's not in the countries best interests to keep the majority of the population so poor. The 17 year old girl has 'free' accommodation granted, but has to work 105 hours a week.. That's criminal. She has got 9 hours a day for herself. Young girls need around 9 hours sleep a day I've been told, maybe she can grab a few seconds free time a week to talk to her parents, no time to talk to cousins and aunty's and uncles and what about family gatherings, BBQ or weddings and birthday parties.? We can enjoy r 36 hour week and superannuation on minimum wage. To explain further in the example I gave below about workers compensation. I a two year period because of changes in Victoria, an average of 160,000 injured workers are owed (my conservative estimate) around 750 to 800 million dollars in compensation. That's for loss of earnings (present, past and future), negligence from employers, pain and suffering, ongoing medical and repayments to Centerlink (for the 'support payments' until the compensation comes through) A recent Four Corners program unearthed the greatest underpaying of workers possibly in Australian history. Remember the catch-phrase "trust me I'm from the government" , well the NSW Government and iCare (insurance) (from around 2016 or the inception of iCare) underpayed its injured workers by an estimated $800,000,000.00. Democracy at work? The program by Four Corners is well worth streaming. Oh, one other thing that happened to me that shows some more corruption in the system; I have a superannuation fund ,nothing exciting except, in most super funds you have an important insurance policy that most people are unaware of. It's called a TPDS. Just to highlight it, it stands for Total And Permanent Disability Insurance. In your quarterly superannuation newsletter and statement there's a list of management fees you are charged, scroll down and you will see the cost of the insurance policy and the premiums your charged. It may read differently with different funds but just to be clear, it is your insurance policy in your name and you pay the amount they charge for it. I was unaware of it too. A solicitor told me about it and said that I should make a claim. At the time we had a small mortgage on our house and our 1 bedroom apartment that we first bought and lived in for the first four years and now renting out to pay for the mortgage on it. I had a deposit saved up to buy our third property just when I got injured (needless to say we weren't able to go ahead with that). So I put in a claim for TPDS. It would of cleared the mortgage on the home we were living in and some. The reply was negative. Just when we needed something positive. After waiting nearly 12 months for a solicitor looking into it the findings were that the insurance policy was cancelled. Of course I said that's impossible, I didn't cancel it so who did? The reply was that my employer cancelled my insurance policy. Have a good day. None of this makes any sense. Can I contact the insurance company that insurers your home? No, they won't even talk to me about it. Can I cancel the insurance policy on your car? No way, and you'd be thankful for it, so how does my employer manage to get into my superannuation fund and cancel my policy? No one has been able to answer it so far. I am really beginning to think that this is all part of an attempt at disenfranchise the person injured. When I talk to the insurance company they speak to me as I am the enemy. I think it is all linked, keep the person poor, keep the people in the dark and without resources. Why in this day and age are things like this going on. Many years ago my father said to me "...we are only milking cows..". Any answers would be welcome.
@scott80ca 4 жыл бұрын
I went there for the first time in 2008. Huge changes since than much of it for the better in terms of the economy. Alot of it is due to the remittances from OFW. The Philippines has a big trade deficit with goods as theyre an importing nation but thanks to remittances and tourism growth before covid, the balance of payments is usually in the black due to the cash inflows. That's a good sign. The Philippines is not poor its considered a middle income nation. It would be a rich country if it weren't for these 4 factors. 1. Corruption (including a few rich families that have monopolized much of the economy and don't want to relinquish control of the most of the wealth and power there). 2. Overpopulation. 3. Natural disaster prone. 4. Security issues like Muslim extremists and communist rebels (which depresses FDI and tourism ).
@crisperez20 4 жыл бұрын
you 4got; 5. being a christian nation 6. Colonial mentality. to name a few more...
@PASSPORTKING2106 4 жыл бұрын
@Jurg Schupbach seriously
@Kwanglebeh 4 жыл бұрын
@@crisperez20 Sure,the Philippines is in the grip of the Vatican,but is there a definition of a 'Christian Nation"? There are many countries that can be described as predominately Christian,but are relatively rich. So what does being a Christian nation have to do with it?
@gregorybrown6739 4 жыл бұрын
You are correct on all four accounts. The 40% foreigner owned business rule stymies foreigners from investing in the Philippines. Also, the rule of law where foreigners cannot own land even after getting a resident visa allows the opportunity for employment to decrease. When a foreigner has a house they have a housekeeper or two and a yard worker. Foreigners have a tendency to pay more money.
@mickymouze1224 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kwanglebeh I'm thinking maybe he meant a Catholic nation where over-population is a problem and birth control is largely frowned upon.
@indidesitourer585 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice of u jeniffer to do this vlog. Guys, please tip whereever we take services, hotels, bars, parking lot, waiters, anywhere. Every peso helps. Mostly they are from province and have a very hard life. I have seen some gave up torture jobs. Also the staff at hotels mostly juniors don't get paid anything, not a cent. Tip them, it helps them with uniform and food. I really love Filipino people. They have a smile even with all these challenges.
@lorenmilkey7559 4 жыл бұрын
I sincerely have tears in my eyes. I now understand why young women marry old expats. It benefits both of them. When I go there on my retirement visa I will find a nice lady...take care of her and her family. Love will follow. I am so touched by this Vlog Pea...now I know that when I see an old man and a young lady the benefit they both achieve and why. Her life will improve along with here family. I must have a big heart because this vlog has opened my eyes and I would find a wonderful young lady and the respect from her family. Thank you and God bless.
@stevefaulkner6689 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely so I'm not great fetch but I'll be glad when join a family there have none here in States
@ardshielcomplex8917 4 жыл бұрын
I have a wonderful 27 year old Pinay girlfriend on Bohol, she ticks all the boxes for me, and Im happy to supports her financially every 2 weeks. Her 5 year old daughter can be sure of a good education and better future. I feel good giving back and making a difference, and encourage others to do the same
@GV-19871 4 жыл бұрын
Don’t do that 😅
@davidosterberg9400 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, your idea sounds great but if you are not careful, you can lose your ass because the plain truth is,, is that to them, YOU ARE RICH!!!! and you are there to solve all of their financial problems!!you may think that you are only going to support the girl who maybe has a kid or 2 But,,, you will soon start hearing about uncles, aunts, cousins, mother and father, brothers and sisters and their kids!!! Who all have problems and before you know it and whether you like it or not,,, you are supporting 12 to 20 people!!!! Sure they will say that they love you BUT the second you say NO to any of them,,, you are disliked by them because YOU ARE A RICH FOREIGNER AND YOU ARE CHEAP AND GREEDY!!! I really hate to say all this but I only speak from experience!!! I now have some, actually most of the family disliking me because I had to put a stop to the every 3 or 4 days money problems which were mostly invented!!! I had plans to buy a lot and build a house on it for me and my gf's daughters but I'm wiped out financially. So just be careful my friend because you will not separate her from family and live happily ever after unless she agrees to go with you back to your country and PEA did a video about what will happen when you take your young fillipina back home with you. So don't dive into the first girl that has a sad story because many of them do. Take care.
@homebasebelgium359 4 жыл бұрын
@@davidosterberg9400 You have a good point, David! Steve and Kim, you are both great people who want to do what is best for some poor Filipina, but don't let your empathy get the better of you. Been there, done that, and I recognise everything David is talking about. If you start a relationship, make clear agreements about how far your family support will go. My advice is: the girl and her children if she has any. Your support of the parents should be occasional (when they really have a problem) but not monthly. Siblings have to earn their own living. Aunties, uncles, cousins, and the likes of those should not even be considered. This may sound harsh, but it's the only way to stop us foreingers from becoming a Filipino family's ATM machine.
@anthonyliggins8156 4 жыл бұрын
Yes Pea, the poverty I saw in Manila just broke my heart! I have traveled to many 3rd world countries but Manila's poverty was staggering. The amazing thing was everyone seemed oblivious to it as if it was normal. It's not normal and its not fair. I find it hard to understand how such a beautiful country with such hard working ppl can be so poor. Sometimes I can't enjoy my meals when I think of how little my girlfriend and her family eats in the Philippines. Sad thing is you can't help them all and feel helpless to change things. They all deserve better!
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Yup, people are desensitized to it 😔
@TheDumontShow 4 жыл бұрын
It's not right. These people deserve way more. They are so genuine. Just nonsense. I am scared because I'm not a rich man or near that. I know they will see me as that and I can't live up to it. The Phillipans don't deserve poverty. They are stuck because once again, politicians mess everything up for the people. It's always them messing it up for everybody. Even here in America. But at least we can have an opportunity to get out of our rut when it presents itself. Just sad. So sad.
@ilovejapanesemusic3858 3 жыл бұрын
This video brought me to tears ! It's so powerful a message ! I'm so glad I found you on KZbin ! You have taught me a new level of gratitude , I am blessed by your work !
@NoName-mb7iw 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, this certainly opened my eyes..
@chrisdab- 3 жыл бұрын
I like Jen, the single mother with the 3 year old. Even through all her struggles, she has a sense of humor and is well spoken. I wish I could meet her.
@donquixote1502 3 жыл бұрын
@Jim Ferrante Hehehehehehe, I guess you are right!
@thudor1 2 жыл бұрын
It's great that Pea took Jen out of that situation!
@raleighmcclane4143 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best videos I have seen on KZbin! Westerners have no clue!
@dperry203 4 жыл бұрын
I tell people here in the US all the time. Not to take our economy for granted. What do you do when there is no jobs to apply for and you can’t tell the difference between the lazy and the hard worker down on their luck. There is no opportunity. Sadly people here are entitled and don’t realize those companies can leave or go belly up and jobs could disappear. Then their trivial problems won’t matter. Thanks Pea! I knew the situation already but it’s always heart breaking!
@shannonrundquist2706 4 жыл бұрын
Yes. My employer was taken over and laid off 1/5th. All were earning 100k or more.me, no one call me or if do, have excuse why not me. My years of programming and Database Administrator worthless.
@happyguy7836 4 жыл бұрын
If Biden gets in, the U.S. may end up with alot in common with PH.
@patland1762 4 жыл бұрын
@@shannonrundquist2706 I hear you buddy, same here, systems developer for 35 years and no work now. Thankfully I saved some and my social security is going to be enough to get by in a number of Asian or east European countries (one currently at war with Russia LOL).
@welkcubnairb1478 4 жыл бұрын
American men, take care of you everything, Almost all pinoy MEN, abandon their women
@dadisaliveandwell 4 жыл бұрын
@@happyguy7836 I think either way, USA is circling around the drain, with Trump or Biden, to go down the tubes.
@metalroofing6708 Жыл бұрын
This was amazing reporting! Eye opening and very moving. You have the gift of communication and opening people's eyes. If you can open people's eyes, you can open their minds. If you can open their minds, you can change their minds. If you can change minds, you change lives. You say you don't have the answers, but this is the beginning. When you think about it, you are like Johnny Appleseed. Planting seeds of awareness everywhere you go. And one day those seeds will grow into a green forest of ideas that will change our world for the better. Thank you!
@red-hat-mike 4 жыл бұрын
My total respect to you... Filipina Pea ... a hard nose investigative piece. You have earned my absolute respect again. Thank You
@markshaw1966 3 жыл бұрын
This video was dope. Do these folks have social media accounts? I'm sure many of us would love to help them from time to time, especially Jen. Something about her situation really moved me.
@patricke.987 4 жыл бұрын
Been a sub since the beginning because I understand that this is the reality without BS! I understood you from the get go! Lets show reality! I loved it! I'm married to a phillipinna that i deeply love!!! and I understand what you say! It's my reality! Like many phillipinos The family lives on a compound where all the familly lives ,but many times, that can be be completely toxic because the familly is regrouped but not all can cohabite ... there was 5 families (25 people) and I understood that since I married into the familly I needed to help ! SO I bought land and split up the familly and set up a second compound ! I'm not blaming anyone even though a few familly members are totally toxic! Might be harsh but I chose who could be helped because they desired to help themselves! We are building a new compond with 11 people on it with room to grow on the compound because many are young adults ready to start families . I am employing familly member to build houses on the compound . All the young men without jobs are paid for their labour and they gain experience in a trade!This is done on purpose but I'm not stupid and I am though!! they need to work but In the end all are starting to thrive! not survive! I'm only a 50 year old Canadian that loves your country and I believe we make things better one at a time!
@hillbillyintheasia6122 4 жыл бұрын
true they need too work give them money is waste off time . better pay them to do a job. if you give them money they do nothing but lay around .
@lesliethilow3011 4 жыл бұрын
patrick ethier Hi Patrick, yours is a wonderful story of building hope!
@av8tor261 4 жыл бұрын
You just created 25 dependants.
@johnherr158 4 жыл бұрын
I hear you I sent a family member aboout 6 thoussnd pesos so he could get a certificate to work construction. Only to find out no certificate but a brand new pair of air jordans.
@Me-ck4zh 4 жыл бұрын
Salut Patrick. Je vis avec une pinay depuis 4 ans. Elle est séparée de son conjoint depuis 16 ans. Nous ne sommes pas mariés mais, selon la loi canadienne, nous sommes conjoints de fait. Selon la loi philippine, nous sommes des amis qui vivont ensemble. J'ai embauché des membres de sa famille pour lui faire construire une maison dans un secteur agricole. La construction de 2 chambres à coucher m'a coûté 500,000 pesos. Cette maison lui appartient en totalité. C'est un cadeau pour elle et sa fille de 11 ans d'une erreur lorsqu'elle travaillait à Taïwan. Je l'ai rencontré à Hong Kong où elle travaillait comme OFW. Je lui ai offert de retourner chez elle avec sa fille en lui donnant l'équivalent mensuel de son salaire de Hong Kong (un salaire d'esclave et de minable mais suffisant pour vivre aux Philippines)(15,000 pesos). Notre projet consiste à obtenir sa résidence permanente au Québec pour lui permettre d'y travailler en raison de 6 à 8 mois par année et retourner avec elle aux Philippines les mois restants de l'année surtout en saison froide. Ainsi elle aura de l'argent à distribuer aux membres de son choix de sa communauté. Je ne donne rien à personne sinon à ma blonde. Si jamais notre relation devait chier, elle partirait de son côté avec sa maison et devrait se prendre en main pour du boulot. Ensemble, avec ce plan, c'est le parfait bonheur!
@dkac8936 3 ай бұрын
For the second time in a row watching one of your videos you broke my heart Filipino Pea. Thank you so much for sharing! Sometimes we need to hear these things in the West to understand how blessed we are. I am indebted to you!
@harrytruman970 3 жыл бұрын
The content of your video's are very informative and accurate. I am from the UK and have been married to a beautiful filipina for four years. I've visited the Philippines ten times and met so many amazingly friendly people. The loveliest people on Earth. I have travelled quite extensively and seen the poverty. The back streets and the river banks tell the story. The struggle for so many in the Philippines is never ending. And if they are lucky enough to have some kind of income, there is the burden of supporting their parents, and often brothers and sisters. Large families, religion and corruption are major causes of poverty. And men's attitudes towards women are still in the dark ages. There are no easy answers. There is no indication whatsoever, that we will ever be equal. There will always be wealth and poverty. Rich and poor. But the way forward is to control overpopulation. And the Catholic church needs to understand the importance of birth control. Education, especially for women, is vitally important. National and local government must clamp down on corruption (easily said than done). The system in the Philippines really needs to change. Priorities should be towards improving the welfare of people in need and rewarding those who work so hard. Does the Philippines really need new airports and super highways!
@adriver4471 4 жыл бұрын
What amazes me is that the people who employ these workers don’t feel that they need even 1 day off work a week
@madamebrunhilda5105 4 жыл бұрын
Majority of the employers are Chinese! I was in a Chinese owned shop in Cebu city last year. The sales girl kept following me. I told her that I am not about to steal anything, because I can afford to buy her shop if I wanted to. She glanced at the Chinese boss by the till, she told me that her boss will fire her and make her pay for any losses. I felt sorry for the girl, I ended up buying some cheap gifts so I could give the girl a generous tip.
@paulhargreaves4345 4 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid that in the Philippines if You took a day off Sick, you would've been replaced.
@_Common_Logic_ 4 жыл бұрын
@David Chaplin - You only need to spend some time here to see a TON of Chinese and Korean owners of establishments. South Koreans earn roughly $31,000.00 USD per year at home vs. 3000 dollars in the Philippines... There are currently *33 THOUSAND* Koreans residing and 32,000 Chinese in metro-Manila, alone. They aren't all there for the average 9-dollar Filipino salary per day, Dave. Some of the most prominent businesses including Jollibee (The Philippine McDonalds) are owned by The Chinese. Henry Sy, Founder of SM Malls, one of the largest mall chains in the country. (Net Worth: $22.8 billion [2018]) was Forbes 1 richest person in the Philippines... John Gokongwei, owner and Founder of Robinson’s Malls and Cebu Pacific Air.net Worth: $6.2 billion, was the second richest man in the country in 2019 Lucio Tan, owner of the country's flag carrier, Philippine Airlines.was listed as the 4th richest man with a net worth: $1.88 billion (2018) And the list goes on. *The top 10 richest in the Philippines, eight are Chinese and two are from Spanish-Filipino descent.* These aren't retired millionaires sitting on a beach somewhere in their own bubble... Their companies employ MILLIONS in a country that doesn't boast many jobs to begin with. Now consider the thousands of Chinese families in the Philippines... Who do you think are hiring Filipino housekeepers and caretakers? Filipinos? If you trace the casino and Hotel ownership past its on-paper ownership by "Land companies" you'll find that they are a subsidiary of South Korean corporations such as Bloomberry Resorts and Hotels Inc., Solaire Korea Co., Ltd. whose parent company is also built on heavy Korean investment. AGAIN, these families and beneficiaries run MUCH of the tourist and YES, the sex/bar industry in the Philippines. Most Filipino business is limited to smaller businesses that support families... They don't have many employees or have housekeepers/caretakers/drivers/tutors, etc. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but most Filipinos I see are culturally wired to want a JOB... To support and to survive is the dream... The "end game". They aren't wired for the ambition to be a "Boss". The Chinese that reside here, on the other hand... That's a COMPLETELY different cultural mindset. GOVERNMENT jobs pay 8 to 12 dollars per day... Put that in perspective. Mom and pop shops aren't the major employers of retail help here, and Filipino families aren't hiring the majority of domestic help. It is what it is.
@TC-yx1qt 4 жыл бұрын
It's the norm. The girl at the cheap burger place near me works 24 hours on, 24 hours off. No days off .. like ever. She says she's super happy to have a job. That or you're selling homecooked foods on the street.
@ianjohnson4753 3 жыл бұрын
My god Pea such an eye opener Your amazing doing this.
@EmorySimsDrEmoryCarlSims 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Pea. A lot of Americans are ungrateful about the economic opportunities here. Pea, you God's angel. Thank you for teaching us all about the beautiful people of the Philippines.
@meltravers6981 4 жыл бұрын
I learned the other day that if the adverts are skipped before 30 seconds, the owner of the advert isn't charged for it. This also means that the owner of the channel, doesn't get paid for running the advert. For this reason I have started allowing the ad's to run for more than 30 seconds before skipping them, but only for the channels I really want to succeed, like this one :)
@robinfocon 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. Just watch the commercials. It's a small gift 😁
@tarocalypse 4 жыл бұрын
If it’s a channel I like and a lengthy ad pops up... I take a walk to the kitchen or if I’m at my computer I do something else for a bit.
@bikingitandlikingit7806 4 жыл бұрын
Also viewers from abroad are more valuable. Advertisers are aware of who buys what and from where. Google was ripping them off for years, that's part of the reason the crackdowns happened. Advertisers were paying for Rolls Royce, but getting Ford Pinto service.
@thomashaugh3287 4 жыл бұрын
I let them run in their entirety, while muting the audio.
@Jordy120 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Good to know!
@timw6690 4 жыл бұрын
this is the best of how a daily Filipino lives. I am married to a filipina. and i saw how it is in the country. you are a very pretty girl and yet you do a good job of how the filipino people live.
@TheDumontShow 4 жыл бұрын
You know what's crazy? These people don't have what we have and these people are so happy. They are so friendly. Their lives are simple. Just trying to make it through life. Here, we can't even say hi to someone who said it to you. We can't even accept a man/woman because they are a different race or creed. We are so rude. Not all of us are. There are great people here. I speak of the ones who don't act civilized. It's sad they don't have. My girl is a Flipina. I feel for them 100 percent. The world screwed these people. I hate this. These people are beautiful. They don't deserve poverty.
@followthewhiterabbit8561 4 жыл бұрын
To ge out of poverty, Filipina would just marry any white man they see on the street. Doesn't matter if he works as a dish washer, janitor, mcdonalds or a rapist, serial killer or pedophile. Doesn't matter if he was broke, fat or ugly. She will attach herself to him like a fly and try to get a green card. To a filipina mind, marrying a Westerner is a 1 way ticket to success. Everybody in the world knows this.
@JamesPg 4 жыл бұрын
@@followthewhiterabbit8561 what is the point you are trying to make?
@d1zguy864 4 жыл бұрын
They are friendly but also very classist. You don't see middle class intermingle with lower class or slum people. They look down on them in general. Even mistreat them if a poor slum girl is their waitress while they act all high. I even see it in USA in Thai restaurants. The Thai tourists that come eat at the restaurants treat the Thai waitresseses like they are inferior. Thais in thailand look down on workers from Laos, Cambodia and treat them like shit and pay them less than a Thai would get. Humans suck. Humans are humans and have the capability of being trash inside and out regardless if filipino rich or poor. I personally have groups of friends from all classes in the filipines and in thailand from poor village, city, farm, and upper middle class, celebrities etc. In thailand for example. If your background is not the same as your groups you will not be accepted and fit in. For example it was explained to me, this group consisted of well of kids families and able to afford fancy stuff and vacations, the friend trying to enter this group and be accepted came from a more simple family, couldn't afford fancy brand name stuff as often, eat extravagantly or travel as aften enough that she was not accepted. I myself come from a upper middle class family and upbringing but IDGAF, i make friends with everyone if they are good people. But out of all the groups I have I feel the most comfortable and happy with the poor, farm hard working simple people than those of "higher" stature even in the USA if they are no ignorant (which is another problem with the poor in USA). No city girls for and their insane "hi-So" mentality parents me no thank you
@eduardochavacano 4 жыл бұрын
People need to rethink what they take pride of, stop glorifying this so called down to earth attitude, unless you want to stay in the mud.
@sherylsison80 4 жыл бұрын
3/4 population in our country are poor.. the remaining of that living as middle class and high class.. thats why during this pandemic billions of money been giving away to help poorest of the poor and for those who paying taxes are exempted.. but thats okay.. what to do.. government needs to help these people to feed during quarantine and middle or high class can survive bec of their own savings..
@dbuck1964 2 жыл бұрын
Just commenting on your first interview, Jeffrey is doing extremely well! He is saving 40% of his income daily. Not many people in the western world are able to do such a thing.
@robertthomson2975 4 жыл бұрын
Could not believe that young woman’s life. I’m a guy from Scotland in the UK and my heart was breaking. I want to marry all the women there and bring them back to the UK. How is that way of life ever going to change. Pea, if you read these comments I would love to send you information and details of how different the way of life is in Scotland to see how WE all support each other as though we were one big family, as a country. We just don’t realise how lucky and fortunate we are. Maybe you could do a follow up story, a real eye opener. I love what your doing and how you present your topics. As we say in Scotland, YOUR A SMART COOKIE. Having done some investigation into your culture and women, I really truly believe a Filipino woman is the right match for me, but it’s difficult as I would love to give each and every one of them the life they really deserve and that the western woman takes for granted. We get so much for free here and wonderful opportunities in life. I wish I could make there dreams come true, or at least give them hope to dream.
@plantworks100 4 жыл бұрын
Hey pea my beautiful friend, unfortunately poverty is all over the world. There is more poverty here in the United States than people think. I always try to donate what I can. It really hurts me to see people in poverty or homeless. Thank you so much for bringing this issue to light. You truly have a beautiful heart. Lots of love to you pea. Keep up the great work on your videos. ❤️❤️❤️
@brucecossairt4075 4 жыл бұрын
WOW, such sad stories. God bless each one of them and pea what a great job you are doing. I always look forward to your video's.
4 жыл бұрын
Go and Visit , you will be surprise ...
@silversurfer9588 3 жыл бұрын
God will not do a damn thing- never has.
@samueldavis8274 5 ай бұрын
I really wish everyone would watch this video to realize how blessed people really are in the states and hopefully gain a bit of gratitude. I really like your raw take on what your culture is like and helping me to get a real idea of what expect when I visit your gorgeous country very shortly. Keep up the great content.
@kramsenoj1 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant and humbling, you have done it again Pea!
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mark!
@johnnypastrana6727 4 жыл бұрын
I have been helping people in the Philippines in my own way...two families during the quarantines...doing what I can but I am on a budget too as I am retired. I am also a generous tipper. It is not much but it is all I can do.
@satbobsmacl1729 4 жыл бұрын
God bless you Johnny. These people have been nothing but wonderful to me.
@jonothandoeser 4 жыл бұрын
Why is the first guy hiding his face but wearing a visible ID? He's totally outing himself!
@hdj81Vlimited 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonothandoeser for covid.
@davidlinscheid2618 3 жыл бұрын
Your message is a profound one, Pea.
@travelescapesOFFICIAL 5 ай бұрын
This is really an eye-opening video. And I agree with the advice at the end. Many people don't see the value in taking their English to the fluent level, but it provides many more opportunities. Fortunately, there are higher paying jobs available online, which is why I'm always encouraging my local friends here in the Philippines to work online, including starting a KZbin channel. Thanks for this video!
@jeffbradburn3800 3 жыл бұрын
This is what seperates you from the rest of the KZbinrs in Philippines. I hope you continue to do more content like this.
@1Chuck4U2C 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Pea, I’ve watched Expats like Reekay and others say what a wonderful place that the Philippines is. I didn’t realize what poverty, and lack of a real ability to earn a livable income in the Philippines is. Thank you for the insights. It’s no wonder when an older expats comes to the Philippines that age doesn’t matter. Hard working people with only the hope that there children will care for them when their old and unable to work. I have extended family that came from the Philippines and had family that did some work on the infrastructure of your Country in the 1950s. For the US Military. Again thank you , do more videos like this for your audience please.
@durwhat 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Pea. my respect for the Philippine people has just gone up 1000% .I will never complain about my life ever again. This injustice is widespread across most of Asia and India .I wish i was God and could banish greed and exploitation from this planet. But. Love and best regards from Australia. James
@zoranneskovic8788 3 жыл бұрын
that school teacher broke my heart
@KC-in9px 4 жыл бұрын
14:00 the poor girl gets paid less than 9 pesos per hour.... $0.18 USD. That should be against the law anywhere. 6am to 9pm is 15 hours a day.
@Me-ck4zh 4 жыл бұрын
They have no minimum wage law there. The government is totally absent when it comes to help their people to find a job. If you are older than 30 years old, there will be no job for you. Most of the stores are asking 18 to 25 years old workers with experience! 🤤 Hello!! If you work in the agricultural areas where I live, you get 200 pesos (4USD) per half day. They work from 4am to 8am and 4pm to 8pm (midday temperatures are unbearable!) The government is like in many banana republic countries... they like to have meetings to talk and decide nothing! WHAT A WASTE!
@mosellid 4 жыл бұрын
@@Me-ck4zh There is law about minimum wage and working hours but millions have only temporary contract,example 3 months because they have no rights. Minimum wage here i Cebu City,are 520 pesos a day,8 hours,6 days a week. Then there is also many who work without any contract,example at videoke bars,bikini bars etc. There,many only have commssion and tip. Those on temporary and no contract,cant go get a bank loan to pay a house,car or what so ever. As they work many hours but no overtime payment.. Duterte,want to remove temporary contracts and personally,i think that will lead to even more poverty.
@waterheaterservices 4 жыл бұрын
@@Me-ck4zh Thank you for information. It's helpful for us non Filipinos to have a better understanding of the situations in Philippines.
@udornyc 3 жыл бұрын
So, 18c/hour wages exist in the United States as well. There is a huge industrie of prisoner labor in the US, where they receive cents per hour, but work in all kinds of jobs, including outsources industrial jobs to call centers and furniture manufacturing and many more. This exemption in law comes out of the times after the abolishing of slave labor. It's in a by-law of the constitution somewhere! Many private prison companies in the US are stock companies, traded on the NYSE, etc. and prisoner labor adds to their profitability for they shareholders and stock prices.
@jrjohnryanjr 3 жыл бұрын
In many cities there is no work available even at 18 cents per hour
@6567GTO 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you pea for another great video. This one broke my heart. I've been talking to a provincial girl that I'm considering dating. Your videos have been very helpful and I'm not only becoming fond of her but am really falling for the philippino people in general. What an amazing country . Its people are so humble and beautiful. Once covid is over I plan to visit the girls family in Leyte. And if this beautiful girl who is much younger than me ends up liking me I will do the right thing and marry her. I plan to help the family out every month as well. It would actually be an honor at this point. Thanks and God bless Pea!
@TC-yx1qt 4 жыл бұрын
Do like Pea says... Don't give her ANY MONEY until you actually meet.
@theblackskullnetwork 3 жыл бұрын
You going to lose your shirt. My friend.
@michaelfrohock3371 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you it’s also so painful to witness when visiting the Philippines. Especially the innocent children who sleep on the streets. So sad. I wonder about the Catholic Church. An organization as wealthy as the Catholic Church, I wonder how they could tolerate this. Why I stopped giving to the Catholic Church instead when I’m there I give directly to the people who I know need so much. 😢🙏
@ruggedindividual 4 жыл бұрын
The Church doesn't "tolerate" it. The Catholic Church causes it with its teachings about poverty, for the sake of poverty, being "virtuous", and by teaching that liars and thieves should be excused of any and all accountability. I'm a Christian (protestant), living in the Phils, and I see it every day. Unfortunately, the only Bible seen by 85% of Filipinos is the large, fancy, Lain version displayed in the cathedral. No one dares to touch it, much less attempt to read it. If they read the Bible, they would see that even God will not forgive a sinner who refuses to repent, make amends and confess (for real). I believe that President Duterte gets this. He seems to understand that God expects us to be the ones who assist one another, reward good deeds and punish bad behavior. There are real causes for perpetual poverty, here as in the USA. people who view themselves as "victims" will find it much harder to succeed in any aspect of life. And people who TEACH them to be helpless and hopeless are evil. The Catholic "colonies" have suffered this indoctrination for millennia. There are also ways to avoid victim-hood and victim mentality. Those also happen to be the ways to prevent or escape poverty. As Pea mentioned near the end. Filipinos pride themselves on their intelligence, cleanliness, and piety, but someone needs to inform them that it's FALSE pride if you don't DO it.
@thehammer3340 4 жыл бұрын
@@ruggedindividual It's very true, the "Victim Mentality" will never allow you to progress and move forward.
@ljw3491 4 жыл бұрын
@@ruggedindividual Just by what you said I have a hard time believing that you are actually a Christian.
@truthhurtsalways4u 4 жыл бұрын
Time has changed,just like in the USA,there are tens of thousand of Christian denominations in the Philippines. Catholicism there is becoming like Brazil,now less than 70% of the population.In another 20 yrs ,it will become a minority,due to poor leadership at the top.Many of these new christian sects ,they only help their members.Catholic church is not a dominant force anymore there.Its been toppled already by prominent sects ,like Church of ‘Christ’ ,Born again ,Quibuloy et al ,who have miliions of members ,all of them ex Catholics,deserted by the CC ,possibly because they were poor ,uncatechized and uneducated! Now they want them back ,but is too late already!
@michaelfrohock3371 4 жыл бұрын
Vatican's wealth put it at $10 billion to $15 billion.
@ivankamau2846 Жыл бұрын
OMG Pea!!!! Thank you for doing this episode! You tell the complete truth and when appropriate, you add your own humorous and genius touch. This is why I follow you…sharing truth in a world that often wants to control, hide and omit facts can be a challenge, but necessary. Thank you for sharing information we can all trust and learn from. Respect! ❤❤❤
@Gurkha9 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting interviews Pea, reality check for sure. Some really tough stories to listen to and fully absorb and yes I know there's worse off. Wise advice at the end and good job interviewing on this important topic, I noticed the respect with the Kuya. I was born in a 3rd world country (India) but thanks to my father that worked abroad I left at a very early age of 5. England after that, then Canada for most of my life. So yeah I had opportunity by sheer luck looking back all these years, yet never forgot where I came from.
@pisathongsonlone3935 3 жыл бұрын
For those who could afford it we need to help, the single mom story who gotta start work at 2am till 9pm got me tearing up like i was working in an onion factory
@billarmstrong8341 3 жыл бұрын
This is not the first I have heard of this. Terrible and should be outlawed. Western world kids and some people should have to watch this and live it. It would be a much better place we live. If I ever won the large lottery you will hear of me there as I wouldn't care if I had anything left!
@wjm1050 3 жыл бұрын
No you don't people are starving everyplace in the world
@coolnamvet 3 жыл бұрын
That is so sad where can you send her and others living there donations...
@rolandgirouard5914 3 жыл бұрын
Our countries send foreign assistance to these countries it gets gobbled up in administration costs and government programs. They are being exploited though. Here in Montreal we see more and more philippina the Hasidic Jewish communities have them as house maids .I did air conditioning for a Jewish man and all my clients were jewish. There seemed to have at least one per household. Usually they have a room in the basement.
@nunyabiznes6702 3 жыл бұрын
@@wjm1050 help whom you can when you can, Eliviate unnecessary suffering. Life is hard and full of suffering. What makes it unbearable are people's narcissism and malevolence.
@nunyabeeswax3936 4 жыл бұрын
I do help an elementary school teacher there. Since the chyna plague hit she had no income to buy necessities. I was glad to help her.She is teaching the future there. Be blessed ya'll....
@Armeeno_Collectibles 3 жыл бұрын
Chyna plague, are you stupid ?
@nagginsnuggets9424 Жыл бұрын
So many stories like this. It's so heartbreaking to see these situations, and yet they still manage to hold a smile and positive attitude. Those last 2 women broke my heart, that all they wish for the future was to survive, be able to go back to work etc. An amazingly resilient people.
@stevelawson68 4 жыл бұрын
After my first trip to Cebu with my wife i quickly realised that life in America is completely backwards. In the US we live for material items. We prioritize these things over quality of life and basically become debt slaves to keep them and acquire more. My wife is from the province 40 minutes out of cebu city. She has 8 siblings that are very poor but they are happy. As long as they have food and shelter all is good. There are always family gatherings food and fests. I would much rather be there with them than slaving every day to pay for useless crap and pay criminally high taxes.
@Buildsolarhomes 4 жыл бұрын
Amen. I agree with everything that U wrote. People in the USA have it completely ass backwards.
@stevelawson68 4 жыл бұрын
@Q M V Yes i do agree but in their culture the kids take care of the parents when they get old etc. That is why not all but many have more children. In our country the more a poor family has the more money they get from social programs. There if you don't work you starve to death if no one is willing to help you. So i guess you can say their social program or welfare is their children.
@OrthodoxDAO 4 жыл бұрын
@Q M V Absolutely. During US slavery they were breeding slaves like cattle, while here the slaves produce an oversupply of younger slaves by free will.
@stevelawson68 4 жыл бұрын
@@OrthodoxDAO If they lived in U.S they would be given more money each month for every child they have by way of entitlement programs that working tax payers fund. I know it all too well because I'm one of those taxpayers. And the taxes are criminally high. At least in the Peens most people work and still have dignity,pride and work ethic. Call it what you will but hard work always pays off,no matter what a human beings situation may be.
@ladyEnchantressGarden 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevelawson68 agree on the taxes which is skyrocket high with the amount of what the quality of social service we have
@jejunamja 4 жыл бұрын
Sad and the best video you've done so far. I've lived in Laos for ten years and I'm many ways similar to the Philippines for the average person. Every time I travel back to California (USA) I'm hit by the difference .
@tonym3675 3 жыл бұрын
This all reminds me of the times I heard of from my grandparents. My grandfather was born in 1909 and died in 1999, he was 90 years old. He had to stop going to school in the 8th grade (13 yr old), so he could help the family in the fields pulling cotton. The family was pulling in about $15.00 a week or $2.14 a day for 7 people working. I know this, because I have some of the receipts for the cotton they sold at the time. Great grandpa came to Oklahoma in the Oklahoma land rush and got his land that they all farmed a blessing). Besides the comments about slavery brought up in a few comments below. It wasn't slavery, it was a means to exist. Meaning that in 1922 it wasn't easy for most people in the state at that time and then came the great depression, that hit in 1929 that put most Americans in food lines and sleeping on the streets. Grandpa left the family during that time to go to California to work for about 6 months as that is the only place he could find work at the time. He sent every penny he made back home to the family Grandpa later in years, became the Mayor of Blanchard Oklahoma ( of which he helped build a large portion of that small town). Yeah and only having an 8th grade education. He went on to bring into the state the first American registered Quarter horse and there is even a book written about it in his name. My point! They ( my family of aunts and uncles and grand parents and yes, my mother) all persevered. Grandpa began breeding and selling quarter horses ( of which even today, you can find some of those bred stock names in some of the breed certificates and horse linage). It wasn't education that brought everything about. It was simply politicians getting out of peoples way ,so they and all people could bring forth all that we see today. Now, I'm not saying that education isn't important. But as so many times that can be proven, it isn't the only way for growth. The Philippines in a whole lot of ways today, is like it was in the 1920s. I have no doubt, that it too will grow with many growing pains along it's way. Will it become like America. LOL lets hope not. Lets hope they learn from our stupidity through the growing cycle. Not saying America is bad, just saying we have a very long way to go to get it right. So to Pea and all Filipino's, Hang in there, it'll get better I'm sure of it. And thank you Pea for all the education about your country, it's culture and ways of it that you share to us all. I wish you the best.
@strannick2212 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that insightful comparison
@billylangford1800 7 ай бұрын
Breaks my heart, and i would give anything if i could help all these Ladies. The Philipinos are to smart to live like this. How does the head of the government live?
@NITBAN 4 жыл бұрын
Wow! This is definitely the best content you have ever created. You are a natural in interviewing people. I'm also from Asia living in the US for a long time. I have seen these situations but thankfully lived a middle class life with good education while growing up. I find these kind of social videos more interesting. But make sure not to be some kind of government target for telling the truth.
@southerntiger3107 4 жыл бұрын
@markingram1458 4 жыл бұрын
Good morning Pea, I have been married to my Filipina wife for 30 years and I have lived here for the last 11 years. I have seen the Philippines change so much during this time.. Take a walk in any SM car park and look at all the new vehicles lined up, there is money here in the Philippines. Keep up the great work. 🇵🇭👍🇬🇧
@robinfocon 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed .. I think that's just more proof of how divided income is in the Philippines. You are either wealthy or poor.
@WatchaPinasTV 4 жыл бұрын
I agree! The Philippines is not so bad compare to the rest of the world in terms of the poverty rate. In fact, better than half of the world (www.indexmundi.com/g/r.aspx?v=69). If you go to big cities, you will see so many places like Ortigas, BGC, Makati City, Aseana City, Clark City, Newport City, Eastwood City, etc., where more affluent Filipinos live.
@robinfocon 4 жыл бұрын
@@just_another_bot0110 visit for a few months and see how it goes
@Iron2011rob 4 жыл бұрын
@@just_another_bot0110 yes, have a regular stream of income. Dont go there expecting to work or expecting a couple thousand dollars will last forever.
@Velsbasketcase 4 жыл бұрын
@@just_another_bot0110 Learn the language, have a thick skin and tons of patience, oh and a passive secure income.
@yvonneandhans3040 4 жыл бұрын
This just broke my heart. They are such nice & friendly people. This is another form of slavery.
@OrthodoxDAO 4 жыл бұрын
for them and another 5 billion people!
@d1zguy864 4 жыл бұрын
We are the same even in USA. tell that to the 30 million unemployed in USA now and even if you are employed and make alot of money always have to slave to pay debt, or taxes otherwise you loose everything. Lets not even start with health care too
@paulbucklebuckle4921 4 жыл бұрын
We're all slaves ,,,,
@JJason406 4 жыл бұрын
@@d1zguy864 Poverty doesnt exist in America. Dont have kids and you shouldnt have a problem getting by on minimum wage in America.
@norbertminor747 4 жыл бұрын
Ways to do that thank you
@lorismith6398 Жыл бұрын
You should be on '60 minutes' . Great reporting ! Love the Pea!
@rheamalditaph 4 жыл бұрын
As a Filipina I always thought that I have the most difficult situation striving so hard to live but when I see this video I still feel blessed having a decent job to feed my family I earn little, but compared to this persons interviewed on your videos makes me feel to be thankful for and be grateful to what life has to offer, I now understand why most Filipinos work abroad because of this and hopefully Government make a change into this sad reality. Thanks Pea for this video.
@johnnysanders1828 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, this was an eye opening experience for me. I'm at a loss for words. 😢😢😢but thanks for the video 📹 I would be in tears if I tried to do what you have done. Once again thanks Pea.
@thegooddayrealtoreddiebuen4184 4 жыл бұрын
This puts so much into perspective. It explains why my family gets upset when they see me be wasteful.
@RudyG-c3u 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Pea, Awesome information. I was just in Cebu City February and March of 2024 and because of you I understand the culture a bit more. Thanks.
@emad365 4 жыл бұрын
For the Q&A or maybe another vlog, can you investigate the abuse many Philippinos encounter when traveling to work in some gulf countries? There are so many horror stories about that. Keep up the great work.
@Kwanglebeh 4 жыл бұрын
There's also plenty of abuse stories of OFP's working in Hong Kong
@TheFilipinaPea 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I’ve heard a lot of those stories!
@daledaniel316 4 жыл бұрын
I saw today the 80 bodies were just returned from Saudi Arabia. Just heartbreaking that this can happen today
@TheDlh7 3 жыл бұрын
This video broke my heart... America should send money to help these people instead of all the other countries we send aid to who really don't need it. Prayers sent 🙏
@altonarm 3 жыл бұрын
@coda821 3 жыл бұрын
That's a great thought but better work is what makes communities prosper. I've seen videos about how businesses which start up, often have to compete with charitable organizations. Charities have beautiful intentions but when food producers have to compete with free food, they can't sell their products. I saw a documentary about this, which showed a shoe company in Africa, and a solar powered street light company in Haiti, that were put out of business, because charitable organizations, saw what they were doing and replaced their products, with free ones. Prayers are always good. Bless you and take care.
@tonedune3456 3 жыл бұрын
Even I. Work they are poor which ain.t right
@soeren72 3 жыл бұрын
Your right, but out of the 1. worlds countries US uses the smaller proportion of its GNP, for foreign aid.
@dominicthedominator2796 3 жыл бұрын
You are so right! Why send our money to Palestinians or Iran when our friends in the Philippines are in this situation?
@tkrob36 4 жыл бұрын
Man this broke my heart to hear what people go through. Being in America we are spoiled and I am glad I was born here my heart goes out to the people in this video. Mrs. Pea if you do a fund raise for these people please let me know.
@earnestneal2459 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for showing me what reality looks like and how blessed I am as a US Citizen. God Bless.
The MIND Of A FILIPINA (From A to Z)
The Filipina Pea
Рет қаралды 126 М.
Do Filipinos Resent Foreigners?
The Filipina Pea
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Celine Dept
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pumpkins #shorts
Mr DegrEE
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Хасанның өзі эфирге шықты! “Қылмыстық топқа қатысым жоқ” дейді. Талғарда не болды? Халық сене ме?
Демократиялы Қазақстан / Демократический Казахстан
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The Filipina Pea
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LAWS FOREIGNERS NEED TO KNOW (Stay Out Of Jail In The Philippines)
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Experiencing Raw Life In The Philippines - Provincial Living
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Why Is The Philippines Still So Poor?  Poverty In Paradise
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The Filipina Pea
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Beautiful Young Women of the Philippines/What is Her Future?
Paul in the Philippines Old Dog New Tricks
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When Your Philippines Plans Go Boom, and It Was All A Lie
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Using the Philippines for Money? | When Poverty Turns into Content
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