TikTok Has a Cop Problem

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ethan is online

ethan is online

2 жыл бұрын

i am the law
u can support me on patreon if u want! / ethanisonline
law abiding tweets: / peethanisonline
law breaking streams: / peethanonline

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@Ari-ez1vj 2 жыл бұрын
Got pulled over cause I forgot I turned off my lights while I was eating at mcdonalds. They asked to see my ID and cause I was on the other side of town they started asking me why I was there. I told him that I was at my parents house and heading home after eating, but he insisted that wasn't true. I got a bit heated at that point and said something to the effect of "is it illegal to drive on this side of town?". He went back to his car and called for a k-9 unit. He came back a few moments later and there were 6 cop cars around me. He questioned me about my marijuana license; gave me a dui test, and then handcuffed me so he could get the dog to sniff my car. I literally saw the cop circle around the car; and then tug on the dog's leash. The dog looked back at him and then tapped on the floor once with his paw, the cop gave him a fucking treat, and then he barked. They spent the next half hour tearing up my car looking for drugs -- they never found any. I got sent home with a warning, an unforgettable feeling that I was violated, and belittled. I asked the officer who started this why this was happening; what caused him to do this? His answer: "You were an asshole."
@idontwantahandlethough 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. Knowing your rights makes you an asshole in the eyes of police, isn't that wonderful? :|
@ReiAnikaAyanami 2 жыл бұрын
holy shit that sounds terrifying, i'm so sorry that happened to you.
@presidentalpaca 2 жыл бұрын
That's atrocious I'm so sorry dude. Last 4/20 I got pulled over for the same reason. He made me do a full DWI test cause, yknow, tis the season. The "follow my finger" part took for-fucking-ever. My ability to keep prolonged eye contact is not great. Neither is my attention span. I have ADHD and I might be on the spectrum (not sure and havent tested). I was also completely sober. Hadn't smoked or drank anything in days. He insisted that I was high but under the legal limit, even after I tried to gently explain that I cant keep eye contact. He called himself a "drug expert," which I interpreted as completion of a week-long course, at most. I've always known the whole system works against various disabilities, and I knew I was automatically on his good side by being a short gender-conforming white girl. but the fact that my issues are way less intense than most others' and they still created a barrier where I could've gotten in trouble for doing nothing?? That added a whole other layer for me.
@mustafa._.9371 2 жыл бұрын
But you hurt his little man feelings🥺
@mynamejeff3545 2 жыл бұрын
Sniffing dogs can easily be trained to give false positives. If the handler is excited and expecting the dog to find something, of course the dog will comply, even if there isn't a whiff of weed in the air. Dogs are just an eloborate way of saying "I thought I smelt weed" so the cops have an excuse to tear up your car.
@funandyvideos 2 жыл бұрын
"Police are like a box of chocolates; they'll both kill your dog."
@hoorayitsjackie6166 Жыл бұрын
@ollie2111 Жыл бұрын
I covered my mouth with my hand hahahaha darkly funny.
@applehead2134 Жыл бұрын
and it's always your fault for being a bad owner edit: I was being sarcastic
@smooth_4306 Жыл бұрын
@AmericaSucksBalls Жыл бұрын
@@applehead2134 So a Chihuahua barking after being let out of a house on accident warrants a death?
@bloodandempire 10 ай бұрын
I was raped as a 13 year old and I walked into the cop shop bloody and shoeless in the winter and they made fun of me and threatened to have me arrested for prostitution if I tried to press charges. They said I had no business being a neighbor I don't live in and I was just mad my john didn't pay me 😭
@user-uq5rm7io8h 8 ай бұрын
that is fucking horrible, acab to the max
@YilingLesbian 5 ай бұрын
That is beyond fucked up. I’m really sorry you had to go through that.
@ljeans531 3 ай бұрын
That is so traumatic. Im so sorry. Make sure to record every interaction you have with the police.
@caesarsalad493 Жыл бұрын
My mom called the cops on me when I was 15 because I was having an emotional meltdown. I wasn’t being violent or aggressive, I was literally sitting in the corner, whaling and covering my ears. She was being extremely manipulative and verbally abusive towards me, which was the very cause of said meltdown. I have been diagnosed with autism and borderline personality disorder, but this was years after this event. I remember sitting there wailing, but I couldn’t stop myself. Instead of being a decent parent, she decided she didn’t want to deal with me anymore and called the cops. She even made her friend come over to “comfort” her. Which was incredibly embarrassing for me. The cop showed up, made me get up and sit in the middle of the living room on a chair, and proceeded to be the biggest fucking asshole. He was all like “why are you crying? You have no reason to be crying. You have a mom,dad and a house” etc. I couldn’t even respond I was so scared, confused and upset. I knew IMMEDIATELY that he didn’t give a rat’s ass about my side of the story. Nor did my mother obviously. The cop basically threatened that I either shut up or he takes me into custody to see how that feels. This definitely not my only negative experience with a cop, but one that will always stick with me.
@Sodapatches Жыл бұрын
Sorry you had to go through that, cops are fucking horrible, I hope things got better for you since then
@ethanstump 8 ай бұрын
As someone who is also autistic, many people either don't know or don't care that those with a disability are just as likely as POC to face police brutality. It's one of those things I kinda instinctually knew, but never really clicked for me until I was radicalized. ACAB
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
As someone with autism, I understand this. It hasn't happened with cops (yet) but it happens with just about everyone else. My parents, my teachers, and pretty much anyone I know who isn't autistic. I've recently started spending most of my time with other autistic people, and it has helped so much. They don't quite understand what I am personally going through, but they understand that they shouldn't do shit like this.
@ona512 6 ай бұрын
love it when an adult threatens to give a child a criminal record for having emotions (and by love i mean HATE)
@wormbra1n Күн бұрын
i have a similar story! when i was 13 (granted i did st/b her) my mom called the police on me. i was in a full blown manic episode before we really knew what was wrong. except i wasnt the one that was belittled. the cops came in and separated us and then as my mom tried to have me arrested i heard the cop tell her that this "wasnt a case of domestic violence or abuse". back then i was grateful but now i see how horrible that was to say to her and that even though it was a case of mental issues, it very much was still abuse. it really was the emts that deescalated the situation and were very supportive while the cops stood there arguing with us the whole time.
@JordanAdika 2 жыл бұрын
you either become friends with the monster or your whole head become a pumpkin 🎃
@caseymckenna7111 2 жыл бұрын
I have often said this in my own life.
@cloverthefrog 2 жыл бұрын
excellent take, jordan
@frida9380 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree
@chasejones7008 2 жыл бұрын
@OsamuuDazaiii 2 жыл бұрын
Guess I'm a pumpkin 🎃
@abelinasabrina 2 жыл бұрын
people in police academy will watch COPS and call it studying.
@trevorford8702 2 жыл бұрын
People in police academy have never heard of “studying”. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be cops.
@parasthesia1 2 жыл бұрын
isnt it only like a 3 or 4 month course or some shit
@BigAlexgator 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to see you here, girl!! Hope you’re well. F the cops for sure tho lmaooo. I think they need to reboot COPS to show all the police brutality but pretend they’re pro cop agenda
@CrumpetsElite 2 жыл бұрын
It's only considered studying because it will make you dumb enough to pass the test
@StoutCorvus 2 жыл бұрын
@@trevorford8702 seriously though, why are all the guys who became cops from my graduating class the same guys that barely passed school and also broke underage drinking laws and smoked weed at a time where it was illegal. It's almost like they don't actually respect the law and instead want to bully, harass, and hold power over people. Oh wait... it is that lol. Edit to say that I don't think smoking weed is wrong lol, it's just hypocritical to do it and then also arrest people for it.
@the_randoms7742 Жыл бұрын
Can we start glorifying firefighters or EMT's instead of cops?
@treysonmcgrady4750 Жыл бұрын
We kinda already do with firefighters and for good reason. Not saying they couldn’t use more or we should stop, but I definitely agree EMTs need more love. And more pay, they make dick for doing one of the hardest jobs out there.
@theclockman775 9 ай бұрын
get off your ass and go talk to your local senator
@infiresnation7430 9 ай бұрын
Lol agreed to both of you
@miaumiaumiau692 9 ай бұрын
def. firefighters actually do more shit than cops lmao
@squirraffe3252 8 ай бұрын
@shishiromura Жыл бұрын
As a private investigator i often think about how much easier my job would be if cops werent shit at their job. I also get a significant amount of adultery and domestic abuse cases against cops. Almost every single physical abuse case i get is involving a cop.
@unknowngirlul2344 Жыл бұрын
How did you become a private investigator? Like college degree?
@shishiromura Жыл бұрын
@@unknowngirlul2344 in my state its by investigative experience. Apprenticeship, process service, being a cop, and i think some military jobs count as well. I was a process server. So i focus on finding people. Missing persons, fleeing debt, etc.
@RankaZer0 Жыл бұрын
That's cute
@hylvic6707 2 жыл бұрын
The way cop content on tiktok is so awkward, pointless, and uncomfortable really makes you wonder why they're the face of public interaction
@fuglong 2 жыл бұрын
You've described all tik tok content imo. I can't believe a phone is all it takes for grown ass adults to lose all shame
@TheEepyMagi 2 жыл бұрын
@@fuglong well, most of tiktok. Go to the right places and you just have a bunch of hilarious teens and young adults making short videos like Vine never ended. Most of these people are from marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ+ people. Now, I'm not saying those two things are connected, but yes they absolutely are.
@TheN00bmonster 2 жыл бұрын
The only good thing from cop TikTok is that at least those cops are busy being on their phone instead of harassing people
@ButchBirdie 2 жыл бұрын
Because the alternative is letting the actual traffic stops and shit be the face of public interaction and we all know why they don't wanna do that
@gordonramsayslambsauce 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheN00bmonster yeah but that also turns right around into another negative because now they're creating a digital safe space for cop lovers to rationalize their own thinking with other cop lovers
@Nocturnalux 2 жыл бұрын
I was groped at age 15, in front of TWO cops and what did they do? Made fun of me. I was in tears and these men, who were supposed to be there for me, took the guy’s side. This was over twenty years ago and still remember it. This wasn’t in America either.
@camelopardalis84 2 жыл бұрын
A relative of mine was raped at that age after being dragged into a car over 20 years ago. Which was some time ago, but not quite the 1620s. She ended up being questioned a couple of days later _in front of her school_ and _in a police car_ by _two male police officers_ . She was old enough to be aware of how bad an idea that was. CAR. MEN. IN FRONT OF HER SCHOOL WHERE ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE WHO KNEW HER PERSONALLY COULD SEE HER. This was also not in the US.
@Nocturnalux 2 жыл бұрын
@@camelopardalis84 That just goes to show how little they understood- or cared- about the situation.
@berraloks Жыл бұрын
I'll take thing that didn't happen for 500 dollars alex
@Nocturnalux Жыл бұрын
@@berraloks Lol, yeah, I bet you do.
@OllieBeesGarden Жыл бұрын
@@berraloks go back to sucking on ur moms teat for milkies we dont need u talking down to victims because in the end its literally not ur right to question them on the experiences that they say theyve had to go through. at the end of the day ur the asshole
@vivlyviv 2 жыл бұрын
Our cops must be so brave to sit at a desk next to all the murderers, domestic abusers, and KKK members in the force. 😔
@kasketbase8741 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes anti cop propaganda
@Nothanie 9 ай бұрын
@@kasketbase8741 Ah yes, the fucking truth
@theclockman775 8 ай бұрын
@ona512 6 ай бұрын
truth and truth.
@AMenacingCloudofBlackPeople Жыл бұрын
The amount of abuse taking place on a federally funded level is shocking. People usually say it's just the "bad apples"; but at this point, the whole bunch has been spoiled and needs to be thrown out. It stinks, it's leaking juice everywhere, and it's molding.
@theprimo100 Жыл бұрын
And the whole tree was growing out of a toxic waste dump.
@Tangee379 11 ай бұрын
A healthy tree doesnt grow bad apples
@theclockman775 9 ай бұрын
talking about it online won’t do anything, go do something about it, not even trying to be rude about it, talk to a senator, something other than yelling into the clouds
@karmajester6504 9 ай бұрын
@@theclockman775is to easy to talk to a senator where you live? /gen Where I am, theres basically no way to do that, they throw out letters that aren’t from an important person, and they (kinda obviously) don’t respond to messages anywhere, and theres definitely no way to meet them irl lol
@dylanroy2653 2 жыл бұрын
yo we gotta start talking about these dog murders at the hands of cops more. Nothing will get white suburbia behind a cause faster than saving dogs
@gypsylee333 2 жыл бұрын
During the protests since I couldn't really participate, I hung up a bunch of posters around town about the dog murders cuz ITA
@Squishy876 2 жыл бұрын
Good point!
@tylerthejetsuarez8902 2 жыл бұрын
Actually statistically speaking you should say asian suburbia because statistically speaking white people only live in apartments.
@radiationshepherd 2 жыл бұрын
@magnarcreed3801 2 жыл бұрын
Well yeah. Killing an innocent doggo is bad.
@isaacperson129 2 жыл бұрын
Just one of the thing that makes me throw up about cops when they’re like “a cop got hurt? We will work on this so hard, this is so traumatising for us omg 😢” and I just think about the ridiculously large amount of dead trans people, black people, indigenous people, disabled people that they don’t even look into.
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
Um you know cop deaths are worth more than civilian deaths right because people who kill cops are normally more dangerous to the general public because they will just kill anyone not to mention the repercussions of one less cop on the street to stop other crimes compared to a random civilian
@speshulgurlee 2 жыл бұрын
If they looked into it too hard, some of their coworkers might get punished with paid vacations
@isaacperson129 2 жыл бұрын
@@speshulgurlee exactly
@magnarcreed3801 2 жыл бұрын
Really? I’ve seen a lot of those people that absolutely got what they deserved. Don’t fuck around and you don’t have to find out.
@isaacperson129 2 жыл бұрын
@@magnarcreed3801 I’m talking about the murder of vulnerable groups. Are you saying that that is deserved? Or what do you think deserves execution on the spot without a trial?
@ProfJamie20 Жыл бұрын
As a neurodivergent person, encountering cops is terrifying. I am lucky to not have dealt with any situations by myself or that were directed towards me yet, but I think a lot of people don’t realize how scary and dangerous it is for nd people with cops. Like they start giving WAY too many instructions at once and they get mad at you for not making eye contact or being anxious and they think you’re hiding something??? And then they get even more aggressive and it’s just a whole terrifying and dangerous mess. And I’m WHITE, I can’t imagine also being a POC that must be horrifying… Anyway what I’m saying is ACAB
@ProfJamie20 Жыл бұрын
@@pioxels2311 Ghostbusters
@blobfish7109 Жыл бұрын
@@pioxels2311 What are the cops going to do? Come four hours after the incident and then shoot my dog? Cause that seems to be pretty common occurrence when it comes to calling the cops for home robberies.
@jjprentiss9192 Жыл бұрын
@@pioxels2311 ….the cops?? just bc we don’t like them doesn’t mean we don’t call them. but yk what if someone robs my house the police won’t care they literally don’t care and have said that
@jjprentiss9192 Жыл бұрын
ikr I can’t imagine being POC with a cop bc just imagining having to count backwards by 7s makes we anxious bc I’m not looking at them and I have to think and everything
@jaydenlynette8648 Жыл бұрын
@@pioxels2311my insurance company
@michaelautrey6641 Жыл бұрын
"good" cops get strangely silent when the bad cops do something bad.
@Hongobingo 10 ай бұрын
ya cuz when good cops try to do something they get fired -HB
@karmajester6504 9 ай бұрын
@@Hongobingoso they would rather keep their job knowing that something bad is happening that they could prevent, then have a chance of stopping it or getting fired? It’s not like cops would have a hard time finding another job lol they don’t get paid *that* good
@cymtk 9 ай бұрын
If they dont get strangely quiet, they usually die shortly after in completely unrelated training accidents
@rosethorne9155 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, they either get silent or they "go missing" and are found dead under "mysterious circumstances" 3-6 weeks later. Or their house "mysteriously" burns down, and they have to move out of the state. Or they flee the area after they find themselves being tailed by people in unmarked cars or panel vans with tinted windows. Or after their kids say they saw the same van or car waiting following them to and from school. And all these things are "internally investigated", but nobody catches anybody and nobody finds anything. (All these remarks are from real cases of cops trying to actually uphold the law and be good cops, and what was done to them afterwards.) There are no good cops, because the bad cops are the majority and force them out, sometimes fatally.
@lazarus8018 6 ай бұрын
The noisy ones usually end up being past tense by the end of the week.
@zacharyodinlynn6667 2 жыл бұрын
My father is a cop and I can confirm 100% that they are abusive cowards obsessed with power.
@sophiathefurbst 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don’t remember where so take this with a grain of salt but I read that a lot of serial killers (typically male ones; it’s more common for female ones to become nurses, but obviously that’s not mutually exclusive) tend to become/try to become cops *because* of that power Edit: oh yeah and about half are domestic abusers :’))
@fragile-capricorn2128 2 жыл бұрын
same here, cop child, the manipulation and way certain cops treat their children is horrible
@alexsnightmare 2 жыл бұрын
my cousin's a cop, he openly bragged about how he'd use his power to target and abuse Hispanic men. 100% agree with you
@keppakappa5033 2 жыл бұрын
only tangently related but my dad was a firefighter who was friends with cops and would frequently bring up his close ties with them whenever we'd bring up the fact that maybe his violent tendencies, power tripping, and constant physical/verbal/mental abuse towards us were doing more harm to the family than good, and that they'd side with him before they'd ever side with us. You don't even have to be a cop to be able to abuse their power, just be buddy-buddy enough with them to ensure the people you're abusing have nowhere else to go.
@benjaminstevens4468 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutes like this exist only in a hypothetical reality. Your experience is valid, however a person can really only confirm something like this about themselves not about anyone who’s life they have not lived, and most people who say things like this, even about themselves, are overlooking countless examples of evidence contrary to their assertion.
@chasejones7008 2 жыл бұрын
I love Ethan not being afraid to pull his punches, Black ppl, myself included routinely have to be ever so respectful when addressing police brutality without being called a criminal like I literally don't have family members that were raped, blamed for their house being broken into and them positioning themselves to be raped and then are told routinely see how rapists and murderers would be loose without cops, like there are multiple stories of Black women getting their pregnant stomachs stomped on during routine traffic stops and I've seen drunk white men yell at cops and the cops wait patiently but the justice system needs no changes
@chasejones7008 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the heart Ethan ik you're bi so if you wanna date a pansexual Black girl I'm volunteering 🥰
@The_Ajna 2 жыл бұрын
@@chasejones7008 shoot your shot girl lmao
@shaybribri 2 жыл бұрын
@@chasejones7008 woooah hey fellow pansexual black girl!!
@user-zr1wv4tt4y 2 жыл бұрын
I had the same thoughts! Shoutout to White allies speaking the truth.
@CatsandDragons7 2 жыл бұрын
I hope your family is doing okay :( I’m so so sorry you and they have to deal with that.
@noalowenstein6741 Жыл бұрын
the "ticket or dance" thing also illustrates another point; that cops can choose whether or not to give you a ticket depending on their whims. so the whole "I don't make the laws I just enforce them" thing is total bullshit lol
@oddlie-small 2 жыл бұрын
I was hit on by a cop that came to my house right after my ex tried to kill me. He was such a shmarmy meat head. I needed a social worker who understood the trauma I had just endured. He really thought that I’d be flattered? You hit so many good points and made me laugh. Now I’m going to watch all of your other videos!
@watermelon.. 2 жыл бұрын
damn, cops really are insensitive bastards. i’m so sorry that happened to you and that the dumbass cop just shrugged off your trauma like that. i hope that insensitive turd burger gets cheated on by his wife
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm glad you're okay.
@maxrydzyn6263 2 жыл бұрын
The "gay cop" one is kinda triggering for me. I live in Poland, and in the past couple years police brutality against lgbt people was very common in here. We had a lot of gay rights and pro choice manifestations because of some awful changes in law, and apparently cops are told to beat up people that have rainbow flags in situations like that. So yeah, a lot of fully armored police officers kicking and tazing young, often underaged people
@Jiji-the-cat5425 Жыл бұрын
Eastern Europe unfortunately still has a lot of work to do in regard to securing LGBTQ rights. The situations LGBTQ people have to face are not exclusive to the States, it's worldwide.
@Treeeboy Жыл бұрын
I love Poland so much and it hurts me to hear how much their just going backwards with regards to human rights, when I was exploring my gender it was just so miserable to look at a map of "LGBT Free zones" in the country and trying to find somewhere I could visit and not feel in danger.
@heggoosh Жыл бұрын
Well, as a Polish citizen myself, I gotta admit, our Police is a weird creature. On the one hand, they protected pride march in Białystok from far-right counter-protesters, every year they have to clash with nationalist in Warsaw. On the other hand, they were ordered to pacify Women's Strike, they guarded some humble Sejm Deputy's home and detained anyone who attempted to get near it. Sometimes you meet a nice cop on the street, who is more than willing to help you with anything, but when you go report something really seriuos on the police station, you often meet this grumpy and obese staff sergeant who doesn't give a damn about you. And incompetence of some police officers, mainly Policja administration is just frustrating. How you can "accidentally" fire an grenade launcher in your own office? Honestly, I don't know what to think about our Police anymore. And I'm afraid, when some positive changes will be eventually made, some stupid politician will ruin it all. I think Policja would be a better formation without political pressure from the government.
@ethanclark85 2 жыл бұрын
Conservatives: “We got guns, we don’t call the police around here. Don’t mess with us.” Also conservatives: “Hey, we need those cops! Don’t defund them! They protect us!”
@DeezN00tz99 2 жыл бұрын
because they are one in the same.
@QuikVidGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Englebert and Charlemagne
@kasketbase8741 2 жыл бұрын
Well liberals wanna take away guns and the police so....
@DeezN00tz99 2 жыл бұрын
@@kasketbase8741 incorrect, there are plenty of liberal gun owners in fact since the right have now talked about killing gays and their enemies (see RINO commercial taggin and baggin) I'd wager its the right causing the left to get more guns to protect themselves. A little research wouldnt kill you but given ur complaining about dem libzzzzz i have a feeling ull cry "fake news" anyways
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
You don't understand, they're afraid of those dangerous, unarmed, nonviolent minorities!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰😰😱😱😰😱😰😱
@zephyrsilly Жыл бұрын
I’m a 16 year old AFAB person (i use any pronouns and am a part of the LGBTQ+ community.) I was 13 when i had called the police because a man on instagram had my address and said he was coming over to my house. A singular policeman arrived, and he called my mom and had her take me to her work place so she could watch me. A few hours later, we were told that the policeman watched the man i had been talking to on insta come up to my houses door, knock on it multiple times and wait, before he finally left. They did nothing. Before i went with my mom, they took my phone. It’s been three years, and the last update we had on the case was 2 and a half years ago where they said someone else had taken over the case. Nothing has come from it since then, and they still have my old phone. In all honesty, I dont even want that phone back because I’m scared they may have done something to it. This isn’t even mentioning the multiple moments in school where police had told everyone to back away from me or hold me down because i was “dangerous” while i was having a panic attack. Not to mention them forcing me into psych wards for showing mental distress caused by everyone around me yelling at me. All in all, my trust in the police has been lost for a while at this point. They can act as they like, but I will never truly trust them.
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
Psych wards are overused. They are put in place because these cops don't have the experience they need to deal with us. I don't even blame cops for this, but I do think there should be someone there who knows how to deal with this stuff.
@toothfairy10133 2 жыл бұрын
as someone once said, tell the police nothing, tell the paramedics everything. that aside, i work in customer service and if i filmed a tiktok at work (not that i have that godforsaken app) i would be fired lmao, why are cops even allowed their phones with them? customers will cuss me out and i take it, fold up their clothes all neatly, redo it when they tell me it's not done right (are you not gonna iron them anyway??) apologise for the wait, and say "have a nice day :)" on their way out. cops will see a black person existing or an autistic person stimming or a deaf person not hearing them or any combination and just. reach for their gun.
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
Customer service is so hard dude. The hardest part about being a cop is APPARENTLY not developing a superiority complex.
@heatherquinn777 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't it so weird how "inspirational" photos for cops are "dystopian" for everyone else
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
It reminds me of The Hunger Games and how for the Capitol the games were just entertainment, but for everyone else it was a dystopia
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's fucking crazy how people who despise people who abuse power hate when people who abuse it celebrate their abuse of it. Always thought that was weird too.
@Maybe_Olivia Жыл бұрын
I looked up "inspirational cop photos" and one of the first pictures was a cop chokeholding someone and the quote: "forethought: think about the consequences before you mess with a Deputy Sherif." The rest was saying give your life to the state and cops are heroes. Man wtf also I live in Australia and every single photo was of an American cop, pretty telling of how large the American police department is compared to literally everywhere else.
@blubtw1644 2 жыл бұрын
I used to work for a dog shelter where I was a deputy dog warden. One night I was called out for an emergency. It turned out to be a very large, very horny, male dog. Honestly he was super dangerous but there were so many ways we could deal with him. I'm just glad they called me before the cops cause when they got there their only suggestion was to shoot the dog. If that doesn't say something idk what does. We ended up tranquilizing him. Once he was back at the shelter he was pretty chill and when his owners got there he was obviously in love with them. I'm glad it all turned out the way it did.
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so infuriating and depressing how “shoot it” is normalized as a logical escalation to _anything_
@oli_rythl 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeathnoteBB espcially animals, just because we as humans have a higher intelligence than them doesn’t mean we should kill everything else ??
@sirrivet9557 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeathnoteBB unless someone also has a loaded gun and is ready to shoot, or is 3 feet away from you with a knife, yeah a guns usually unnecessary
@quag6989 2 жыл бұрын
@@sirrivet9557 if you're in either of those situations a gun won't protect you anyways.
@averymemorablename329 Жыл бұрын
@@sirrivet9557 by the time you realize someone has a loaded gun, your usually dead. Especially as a cop.
@mossdrawsstuff 3 ай бұрын
when i was groomed, someone i knew at school called the cops on me. being neurodivergent and sobbing and stimming as they questioned me about my groomer, telling me they couldnt do anything, and then yelling at me in front of my parents was humiliating and horrifying. i still have panic attacks when i hear sirens.
@kaydenpedraza9709 2 жыл бұрын
I love that he’s speak on the cops in regards to People of color. I literally reported this guy that lives next to me because he literally has been sexually harassing me and they literally said “ we can’t do anything unless he “does” something”.
@AleTitan 2 жыл бұрын
Cops said the same thing when I tried to report on r@pe threats I was getting through text at the time (and I was a minor at the time too)
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
Because threats aren't "doing something"?! That's still illegal!
@ona512 6 ай бұрын
there needs to be like, a better list of people to call for this shit
@TheGrimbler 5 ай бұрын
​@@iandaughdrill5889 It only isn't doing something unless it is directed towards a cop
@iandaughdrill5889 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrimbler took me a bit to make put what that said but yeah
@maxatrillionfatstacks 2 жыл бұрын
I never get over the irony of conservatives being like "dont tread on me, you can only rely on your gun to protect yourself the cops wont show up in time." And then in the next breath be like "you're unamerican if you dont back the blue."
@kox7527 2 жыл бұрын
Its the nature of the conservative "libertarian", they all love cops, they are all anti-abortion, anti- sex worker. I mean if Matt Walsh considers himself a libertarian you know they actually don't know what that term means. I seriously don't know how someone can look at you and say straight-faced that they are libertarians and say all these things, but hey conservatives are as politically literate as a moldy fridge, and they just like the aesthetic of being anti-establishment, while also praising Trump for every shit he took while he was president.
@otakunthevegan4206 2 жыл бұрын
They need police to act as stormtroopers to keep non-whites down.
@Czarwinters3313 2 жыл бұрын
I mean having something to protect yourself in a emergency is always good being that cops can’t always arrive in split seconds which is about how much time it takes for something to go wrong. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect the police force
@maxatrillionfatstacks 2 жыл бұрын
@@Czarwinters3313 so again what's the point of the police if we can't rely on them in an emergency that's the whole point of having them, to protect and serve. Also I was pointing out how hypocritical it is to have the "don't tread on me/government shouldn't tell me how to live" mentality and then support the police because they are the enforcers of the government's will. Conservatives will cry for freedom then vote for authoritarianism every damn time.
@mparstrikesback 2 жыл бұрын
@@Czarwinters3313 Sure, that's not 100% of why we shouldn't respect the police. There are so many other reasons!
@CoilCannon 2 жыл бұрын
As a person who's very interested in true crime, there's so many examples of corruption and laziness within the police system when it comes to how certain homicide cases are handled. It's really disheartening and unfortunate that not even the dead can get true justice sometimes, all because of clear bias' that get blatantly ignored
@crypticcorvid 2 жыл бұрын
Literally, lmao. 💀 Nearly every case I hear could've been prevented, or the murderer caught if the cops actually did something. And if you say anything pointing out how shitty their work is, you'll get non-stop hate in the comments lmao.
@TRexRAWWR1 2 жыл бұрын
Fr, i've been listening to true crime for years and most of the time when the cops show up they somehow make things worse.
@brutus3631 2 жыл бұрын
depends on who's presenting the case. some people just ignore the blatant neglect from the cops and say things that would make it less serious
@Octobermarceline 2 жыл бұрын
Especially when they dismiss the family when someone goes missing
@QuillC 2 жыл бұрын
"The local police had received numerous reports from local citizens noting the smell of dead bodies coming from the residence for years, as well as neighbors calling in about body sized bags being moved in an out under the cover of darkness, and bloody heads being shoved into the mailbox of the residence... No investigation was ever conducted and local police declined to comment." - Every true crime case ever
@Aogami20 5 ай бұрын
I'm a cis white man who grew up in a middle class suburban neighborhood. I've had a lot of good experiences with police, I even considered becoming one at some point. Until I attended an inner city Boston public school. I was only there two weeks, and that experience was so awful that it irreparably changed my politics with regard to race, policing, schools, and crime in general. Police suck ass, ESPECIALLY when they have to go and do the things people generally associate with policing - protecting civilians and investigating crime. What they DO do well, is beating up black people for no reason, intimidation of the public, and enforcing private property by acting as tax funded security guards for the wealthy.
@thegreatopotato2719 2 жыл бұрын
being anti-vax and "pro-life". do they not see the irony?
@Marianiki2002 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine going to your job and having an abused woman file a report on her abuser and recount the horrible things she went through and the first thing you think off is "damn this good tiktok content tho"
@Marianiki2002 2 жыл бұрын
@thenetherbaddie9760 2 жыл бұрын
ikr. it makes me so mad. the fact they basically went "did somebody break your heart? uwu" like bitch no, he broke her arm. dont downplay it.
@Ryukuro Жыл бұрын
That's just general tiktok brain
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
"Man, she's single now? While she's recounting these horrifying tales of abuse, I think NOW is the time I'll shoot my shot!" What the fuck has to be wrong with someone to think like this?
@pixie7042 2 жыл бұрын
I will never forgive the cops that treated my mom like she was crazy for crying about being abused. She was literally threatening to end her life and they sided with my father. I learned then to never trust cops with anything. Now my mom begs me not to call the cops even for serious matters, she could be in a life or death situation and still be too afraid to call them.
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
You and me both, but my mom never learned to stop trusting pigs.
@_inkykitty_5054 Жыл бұрын
That might actually be the most heartbreaking, horrific, jaw dropping thing I’ve ever heard. I’m so sorry and I hope she’s ok now.
@emiliew5553 Жыл бұрын
thats terrible. i'm so sorry about that and i hope your mom is recovering from the trauma
@inlieuofsense9521 Жыл бұрын
the police really does fuck all when it comes to protecting people, just the sight of a these pigs standing around authoritatively with their thumbs in their vests gets my blood boiling so sorry that happend to your mother, sadly far from the first time i heard similar things from people that are very close to me
@twinbruisesonmyshins Жыл бұрын
same. my mother tried fleeing from her abusive ex, and when she warned the cops and asked for protection they asked if "it was bad enough to send her to the hospital", followed with a "then why are you complaining?". later, when i made a call to the police station at 14 after we fled, i made a call for my mother as she wasnt fluent in the countries first language , and the police officer changed the topic, and tried to coerce me into saying the sexual assault her ex committed against me "could've been a mistake" because he "seemed so nice"
@Oliviaandtrina 6 ай бұрын
One of my worst experiences with police was when my abusive dad was beating on my brother, I finally called the cops. When the cops arrived my dad freaked out at the door and charged at then pushing them out of the house. After he spoke with them, they allowed him to just "leave and cool off". They didn't ask to speak to or see ANYONE else in the house. We could have all been dying behind the door, they didn't even look in the house or ask us to come out. Since my dad was allowed to leave he just showed up at my school later, and pulled me out to get angry at me for calling. That was not the first time we called the cops, but it certainly was the last. It never did any good, and always made things worse.
@StrwbrrzDrmz 5 ай бұрын
I had to report a sexual assault to the police once. I was 12. It was at a middle school Halloween party. He was my first crush, “first” kiss, and they charged him still with only sexual harassment for the fact, it was only “oral” and not another thing further, cause he didn’t strip me nor well…. Point made. And quite another bizzare thing was the words I remember my own mother saying after I came out of the dance, sobbing and barely breathing, “Did he actually touch you or did it only feel like it? Cause that’s a very harsh accusation…” and just…. I dunno. ACAB.
@obsursion 2 жыл бұрын
"One day you are going to need them and they're not gonna be there" huh, that just sounds like every time I've ever needed the police
@Kay-om8ik 5 ай бұрын
Fr here where I live we have a lot of problems with domestic abuse, robbery and child abuse. Every time we tried to called the police to help others, or even when we needed them ourselves it was always "we can't really do anything to help you". Sorry for commenting sooo late, but I just saw your comment now
@nekovalley 2 жыл бұрын
So glad the police are taking well-deserved breaks from abusing their wives and kids to make these fun little tiktoks
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
It's hard work, their fists and knees need a break from punching and kicking. I also imagine their vocal chords are stressed from threatening violence.
@Psychedlia98 Жыл бұрын
Yami Marik
@kasketbase8741 Жыл бұрын
Y’all are so triggered 😂
@theclockman775 9 ай бұрын
what the fuck? where did that come from?
@Nothanie 9 ай бұрын
You idiots in the replies are fucking moronic, literally over 40% of cops are (reported) domestic abusers. 40% of cops beat their kids and wives, which is a whole lot of shitty people.
@blackivy7582 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Native American mixed, and got pulled over coming home from high school once after stopping by my grandmother's house to help her move some things first. The lady followed me for several miles without turning on her lights and then finally hit them at a red light. She approached my car with her gun drawn, and demanded my wallet. I gave it to her and then she told me to pull into a parking lot. I did so, and she called 3 OTHER COP CARS to cage my car in. 3 other officers all were around my car with their guns aimed at me while my hands were out my open window and I was sobbing. My father, who is white, was on his way home from work passed this and stopped. He asked what was going on(they hadn't told me anything and just yelled at me to shut up when I asked) and they told him they got reports that the car I was driving was stolen. My father informed them that the car was in fact mine, that I had saved all my money from my first job to buy it, and produced the paperwork for them(he kept copies in his Jeep in case something happened to the originals in my car). They took a look at it and then waited another 30 minutes before putting their guns away. I had left school at 3, and my grandmother's house at 3:45. I didn't get home until 7pm. My father ended up having to call my brother to come get his jeep so he could drive me home because I was having a breakdown. My parents were later told they drew guns on me because I was "posing a danger". I was a 16 year old, 5 feet tall, less than 100 pounds Native American child who was afraid for their life and was still buckled in their seatbelt with my trembling hands stuck out an open window while having a breakdown. Edit explanation: I am 3/4 Native. My father is 1/4 Native and my mother is full blooded. I have a darker complexion similar to my mother, my father is lighter in skin color and mostly white passing.
@cinnamon3784 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that happened to you I'm glad that they didn't actually shoot you ACAB
@lemon93 Жыл бұрын
Just wanna say I had the exact same thing with caging my car in for a bloody head light out and I was heading home from work.
@mosswellmullet8134 5 ай бұрын
Right after my roommate's mother passed away, like literally as they were loading the ambulance with her corpse, The cops were searching my roommates house and "confiscating contraband". This contraband included many antique guns and water pipes. All of the pipes would have gone for about 200 to $300 on eBay and the guns triple that. It's super common with the police force in my town.
@shaybribri 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this video Ethan! As a black woman I feel like I can’t even talk about my criticism towards the police without being seen as an ‘angry black woman’
@DeepDiveLibrarianAl 2 жыл бұрын
That's not right, you have every right to critique the police as anyone else (if not more)! If you have anymore thoughts I would love to hear them. Ethan did make a great video, loved the stats and jabs at cops
@Thewrightchoices4u 2 жыл бұрын
@espeon871 2 жыл бұрын
Its really sad to hear that critiques of cops get met with dismissal especially when its done by people impacted negatively by law enforcement, like black people for eg, im hope the world will change where your feelings arent dismissed
@espeon871 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeepDiveLibrarianAl yep
@gavinwilson2071 2 жыл бұрын
And now a white man has taken the piss out of them for 8 minutes on KZbin you will not be seen as an angry black woman anymore. Because that makes sense.
@susbus1703 2 жыл бұрын
I am a mostly anti cringe culture kind of person, I live by the motto that being cringe is ok actually and that people should feel free to be cringe but not with cop tiktok I can feel my soul recoiling into my body from the cringe
@fluffydumbun 2 жыл бұрын
i agree!!!
@kiiro_7836 2 жыл бұрын
Be cringe as long as you aren't spreading false information or hurting anyone honestly
@fluffydumbun 2 жыл бұрын
@@kiiro_7836 mhm! as long as you're just having fun and not hurting anyone then you're good with me :]
@DreamsOfLennox 2 жыл бұрын
usually my rule is that you should do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting other people. online, that “hurting” someone usually just means being an asshole, but in the case of cops they’re quite more than assholes. that makes them some sort of cringe squared
@lilypaigeham 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamsOfLennox theyre cringe²
@Adry-pe4qy Жыл бұрын
Every time I see one of these stupid tik toks, it takes me back to the time I attempted, the cops were called on me by my friend who was worried. All they did was make fun of me, laugh at me, and aggressively throw me around which they excused by saying they were just, “looking for anymore drugs I could’ve had on me”. It’s something I’ll never forget and never forgive, police treat people with mental health issues like the scum at the bottom of their boots and I’m sick of it.
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
Everyone treats us like this, because it's easier than actually helping. Cops just have the power to do it with no consequences.
@anteros_21 2 жыл бұрын
1:14 my grandma was severely abused regularly by her ex husband. one time, when my grandma was bleeding horribly, bruised, practically beaten to a pulp, the cops were called. my mom says she remembers them joking and chatting with her dad while my grandma was being interrogated and asked "what she was doing to deserve this." smh fuck the justice system.
@watermelon.. 2 жыл бұрын
what the actual fuck. that’s so fucking pathetic of those dumb cop fucks. what a sad excuse of a justice system. i hope your grandma somehow recovered from those evil police morons and her ex husband. excuse my language but holy shit i lose faith in humanity every time i read one of these stories. i am so so sorry for your grandma
@juratory8876 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a Black woman and I have had nothing but positive experiences with law enforcement. The last time we had the cops called over was in 2012 (I was 14 at the time) to help my mother and I remove a black rat snake that had slithered out from the laundry room in our basement. The cops were very kind and collected, and one of them gave me a piece of the snake's dead skin as a sort of memento from what happened that day. However, I know that just because they were nice to me specifically doesn't mean that they gave other Black women or Black people in general that they encountered that same treatment. The older I got, the more I realized that the narrative of the "nice cop" was complete bullshit, given that they will be nice to you personally, and then turn around and bodyslam and permanently injure someone for something as minor as jaywalking. Or even worse. There is no such thing as a "good" or "nice" cops in my eyes now.
@salemcrow5078 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to find someone else poc who never had a bad experience with cops. I always feel so confused and left out of the discussion because I've never experienced it, and no one really ever tries to explain it because they assume you already know
@CarsonBobarson Жыл бұрын
So, what you're saying is that every single police officer is bad and racist because of something most of them would not do? Yeah, you know that there are black people who are cops too? Are they racist to themselves? Sure, there are some bad cops, that's like saying all men or women are bad. In reality, it's a very small percentage.
@devilsadvocate9105 Жыл бұрын
When your sense of justice is based off of how much you like an indvidual their is no justice. A cop will dictate within the first few seconds of seeing you how they intend to treat you and their is a tiny window of opportunity to make your own impression. I was detained for being drunk and causing a scene. When I sobered up I asked to be booked in immediately. I asked for several hours I asked everyone to the point a receptionist asked me to stop asking. I had very little sense of time but I had been their for at least half a day. Half of it blacked out from alchol but a good 5-6 hours asking if they were ready to process me and that I just wanted to go home. I remember crying waiting for food they practically threw at me, they left the slot open the second time they brought food so I just stared at the light beaming on the wall,, reassured that their was natural light coming from somewhere. My depression was running me ragged at this point so I crawled into a corner so I couldn't see anything but the wall and let my imagination replace my eyes this consumed half of my conscious hours. I spoke to many different police officers. It was obvious none of them knew I wasmt booked in as each one I spoke to was surprised to hear it but the same cop never came by me twice and eventually they stopped coming by at all. Finally someone asked if I wanted to speak to a lawyer I should have said yes but I simply asked to be processed. He also never returned. Finally I overheard an innmate asking for mental health. I broke down crying and asked to see mental health as well.... THAT is what finally got them to put me in the system. P.s. if I had spoken to the lawyer the entire precinct would have gotten in a lot of trouble
@SatanicGhostCat Жыл бұрын
I’ve also always been treated well by cops even as a queer, trans disabled person but I realized that when I was 12 and lost in a Walmart that the cops aren’t going to be mad at me or treat me abusively when I truly have don’t nothing wrong and just want to find my mom in a big grocery store. I’m privileged in the way that I’ve never had a mental emergency (in public), been physically abused or SAed, situations where cops are notoriously unprepared for.
@MyBinaryLife Жыл бұрын
so you havent had a police encounter in a decade, when you were a child, and you think you have room to talk about how they act? wow
@cassandracrakes532 2 жыл бұрын
in social psychology, there’s a study nicknamed “the gun study” that assessed if people would become more aggressive if just in the presence of a symbol of violence. they tested it by having participants have an anger/frustration promoting situation. the room either had a gun or a badminton racket. other variables were controlled (obviously). people in the gun condition showed significantly more aggression than those in the badminton racquet condition. this is further explained by the weapons effect (also social psychology) which states that the mere presence of violent symbol promotes aggression. meaning that cops, by definition; by their existence, promote aggression in themselves & others
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
Cops also cause “broken window effect” but I forget how. Something about how overpolicing neighborhoods leads to more crime? It’s depressing how cops create more crime, leading the ignorant to believe cops are necessary “because of all the crime”. It’s like seeing a revolt against a dictatorship and citing the revolt as to why the dictatorship is necessary 🤦
@emmyarmstrong1540 2 жыл бұрын
where can I find this study?
@shinybearevidra 2 жыл бұрын
@@emmyarmstrong1540 I found a different article that has a similar thesis, "Wielding a gun makes a shooter perceive others as wielding a gun too", you can find it on science daily, it's source is the Colorado State University
@Vesta_the_Lesser Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the mere presence of weapons makes people more violent, this is something that has been well-known for thousands of years, it is referenced in the Odyssey
@iandaughdrill5889 7 ай бұрын
Oh, yeah, the presence of cops just makes the entire situation more tense.
@killergrooves2438 2 жыл бұрын
This got recommended to me after the Texas school shooting. The one where the cops stood around doing nothing and pepper sprayed a parent trying to rush in and save their kid because the cops dod nothing.
@sleepylionking1103 2 жыл бұрын
“I’m pro life and pro gun” Aka “I’m pro life but don’t care if a child dies from a shooting”
@cinnamon3784 2 жыл бұрын
exactly. Basically, "I'll force you to have a child you may not live through having, or may not be able to deal with financially, or any of that, but don't worry! They'll die before they graduate."
@emory6027 2 жыл бұрын
personally, if there's anything i've learned about true crime, it's that cops are incompetent. also i know how an innocent person would act in an interrogation room, so that's neat
@bees5114 2 жыл бұрын
yup which is kinda y i like jcs so much. he shows what they do for a living and makes it really clear he knows you should never talk to cops
@mizzkittenttv 2 жыл бұрын
It's so frustrating hearing how many lives could have been saved if it weren't for police incompetence
@atomichearts9332 2 жыл бұрын
honestly it’s disgusting how many cases you can look at that specifically cite police mishandling as the reason for a case going cold, getting botched, etc. and that’s just the ones we know about, who knows how many more people have been screwed over by lazy cops
@gorillaguerillaDK 2 жыл бұрын
No you don’t know that! You already made the same mistake a lot of cops makes - believing that you can tell the difference!
@joearnold6881 2 жыл бұрын
The innocent person in the interrogation room should act like this: “lawyer” That’s what I learned from true crime.
@originalchildclown 2 жыл бұрын
when I got assaulted I waited before reporting anything, when I finally went they listened to me without writing anything down, then told me girls do this all the time to try to get their ex's in trouble anyway, and was shown the door. I was not reporting anything about an ex (i never had a boyfriend at that time). so they werent even listening to me. he was a random person, i still dont know his name or who he was. i left and felt like it was pointless and wondered why i had to relive all of that for nothing.
@crystalrose4562 2 жыл бұрын
first of all im so sorry that happened to you. second of all thats the fucking problem!! this happens all the time and it teaches assaulters and rapists that they can get away with their actions with no punishments. no justice for the person assaulted either. youve already gone through something so traumatic and the people who are supposed to help leaving you feeling more helpless than before.
@originalchildclown 2 жыл бұрын
@@crystalrose4562 thank you for your kind words. this was around 2010 in south florida.
@Megan-cd6sh 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Myself and far too many of my friends have experienced similar situations. And then victims get asked why they don't report? THIS! This is why. I am sending you a virtual hug, you did not deserve any of it. None of it was your fault.
@thenetherbaddie9760 2 жыл бұрын
that's so horrible. i'm so sorry that happened to you, that cop makes me sick.
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
And people have the audacity to say “wHy DiDn’T yOu RePoRt It”
@StrwbrrzDrmz 5 ай бұрын
“There are no ‘good’ cops for the second a ‘bad’ cop messes up, either harming someone or doing something corrupt, and the ‘good’ cop stays? They are no longer a ‘good’ cop, they are an accomplice.”
@jasper37 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s also talk about the severe abuse and mistreatment of police horses. Especially when used in riot squad, they are commonly killed or overworked to hell. I own an ex police horse and she has severe saddle scars and arthritis from being overworked
@ToxicLemonsyeah 2 жыл бұрын
poor thing, poor police horses in general, im sure she is living much better under your care
@jasper37 2 жыл бұрын
@@ToxicLemonsyeah she’s doing a lot better! She’s very old so only light riding but she’s so gentle and such a sweet girl
@DrDinoNuggies 2 жыл бұрын
Love your points about copaganda. I started my Criminal justice degree as a conservative who was completely brainwashed by this kind of media. After a few years of studying the history and the data , my worldview was completely changed. The current criminal justice system is doing significantly more harm to our society than good. Another video topic you could highlight is how horribly the other parts of our criminal justice system are portrayed on tik tok. i.e lawyer tik toks and prison life tik toks. Those systems are overlooked by media but extremely detrimental to the same groups you mentioned in the video
@The_Ajna 2 жыл бұрын
@gorillaguerillaDK 2 жыл бұрын
FFS, everything that has to do with the American "justice" system is so broken that it’s impossible to think of America as being anywhere near a modern western civilized society! But so is your healthcare system! And your educational system!
@BirthquakeRecords 2 жыл бұрын
It’s sad to think about how some people will see this comment and think “just another person *brainwashed* by their access to higher education”
@StoutCorvus 2 жыл бұрын
@@BirthquakeRecords I always find those comments particularly funny to me. Mostly because I was moderate throughout all of college and didn't become left, left, and more left until I worked in the "real world." Working in the mortgage industry made me realize how fake, corrupt, systemically racist, classist, and all around b.s. American capitalism is. I ended up quitting after 2.5 years with no back up job because I couldn't handle the absurdity of that whole industry.
@tacticalmisandrist 2 жыл бұрын
YES god I can’t stand the TikTok’s of people in prison and the comments are all “wow it doesn’t look so bad” “he’s makin more money than me in prison wtf!” No fault of the incarcerated folks, but the dumbass people who see those and romanticize or minimize incarceration piss me off. We imprison an unfathomable amount of people, and in my local jail in the last six months or so like 8 people have died, with a good chunk of that being s***ide. There is nothing good about incarceration, especially in this country.
@sophitiaofhyrule 5 ай бұрын
1:35 This man is legally allowed to murder you without consequences. Just... let that sink in.
@Me-iq4se Жыл бұрын
"Acab but y'all seem cool" it's *A*cab. ALL COPS. DO NOT MAKE EXCEPTIONS THAT'S THE POINT
@unownyoutuber9049 Жыл бұрын
@CloudyOrchards 2 жыл бұрын
Ive actually never considered the abuse behind the canine units, thsts another layer to consider. Think it's wild how all cops have to do is show their gear, which is mostly tools of violence, and people on tik tok are into it.... Like, TOO into it. Or the slightest "UwU am just a lil guy, just a friendly lil cop, pls love me" has people sobbing at their feet. It's wacky
@CJMGalaxy 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a dog groomer and I used to do a police dog. Working with him is how I realized that police canine programs are abusive as fuck. That dog was so intensely traumatized, and that's by design - they train them by traumatizing them.
@violet7773 2 жыл бұрын
TW: animal deaths Apparently most police dogs who die on the job are killed by cops. They're trained to go after aggressive criminals; they see the cop being an aggressive criminal and try to stop them and the cop lashes out
@egg4666 2 жыл бұрын
Same, the idea of training and sending them off to attack criminals just never struck me as odd until recently. Even with knowing how much they kill household pets. And that's not even getting into friendly fire.
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
For real, I don’t think I ever really trusted cops and I’m white-passing and afab… I just don’t trust someone with that much authority and power, who also has deadly weapons they can choose to discharge whenever they want.
@mynamejeff3545 2 жыл бұрын
Almost all police dogs have to be euthanized after "service" because they are too traumatized to live a normal life, and have been trained to be a danger to every animal and human nearby, except its former handler. It's animal abuse, plain and simple. Police dogs are pure cruelty used for the sole purpose of "outsourcing" violence to an innocent animal which, by nature, cannot understand words such as "I'm innocent" or "please stop, you're hurting me". They will just keep attacking whenether you're complying or not (which is rather hard to do while a dog is tearing at your flesh), and due to their training which rewards agression above all else have trouble letting go even when handlers command it. Dogs aren't used to catch criminals who run away like in Paw Patrol: they are used for intimidation first and foremost, and to blindly attack people who are in cops' reach. Ban the use of animals by cops, whenether it's dogs or horses. They are used as tools of violence and opression, at the cost of the animal's mental and physical wellbeing.
@abouttimeforarevolution241 2 жыл бұрын
I’m dealing with the murder of a trans person I loved from my hometown right now. They were murdered about a week ago and my community is desperate to find some answers. The police have already ignored some key evidence, took too long to go visit the victims home, where the murderers car was parked and any number of people could have had an opportunity to mess with evidence…. They also said my friend had been in an altercation with the murderers son last year, except they had to come out and say “oops, turns out the two are not related” and it’s just so annoying to see a real need for some copaganda style work and it’s just guesses, negligence and mistakes thus far.
@The88Cheat Жыл бұрын
Really? What was the victims name? Where did this happen?
@joshc5613 Жыл бұрын
@@The88Cheat Yeah, I'm sure they're going to tell you exactly where they live, the name of the person who was murdered, and also their home address and bank account information just because they feel like it :)
@The88Cheat Жыл бұрын
@@joshc5613 Why couldn't you give the name of the murdered person? It would be in the newspapers. Unless of course this person made the whole thing up. Which seems likely because you know damn well that a trans person being murdered would be reported in this political climate.
@joshc5613 Жыл бұрын
@@The88Cheat Well, for starters, if you actually read the comment you replied to originally, the person who got murdered was someone who was close to the person who wrote the comment, so obviously they have a lot to deal with emotionally. You also clearly know nothing about what trans people getting murdered is actually like, because they're disproportionately more likely to be the victims of murder due to the fact that people are generally shitty to trans people, so it honestly would have been more surprising if it HAD been in the news. And also, you know, people generally don't respond well to random people on the internet asking for very personal details related to a person who got fucking MURDERED, and then claiming that person was making the whole story up when those details don't get shared
@The88Cheat Жыл бұрын
@@joshc5613 What the hell are you talking about "disproportionately more likely to be the victims of murder?" You know how many trans people were killed in 2022? Thirty-two. That's it. Trans people are way more likely to die driving to work than they are to be murdered. You probably also think that cops are shooting unarmed black people everyday too (they aren't). Let me let you in on a secret. This is the internet and people lie on the internet. All the time. Why? No idea. They want attention I guess. So more than likely that person is completely full of shit. Sure, I could be wrong, but I'm probably not. Don't believe every fanciful story someone writes in a comments section.
@hopefullyentertainment6029 Жыл бұрын
im glad you mentioned the injustices with dogs getting shot, almost happened to our dog, and for a second we thought it did. let me tell you i will never forget how my heart dropped. she was really traumatized by the event and actively panics and gets scared when police or even men who look threatening enter out house :(
@basementdwellercosplay 2 жыл бұрын
We talked about police in my sociology class and the teacher gave studies and polls of how bad police are and one pro police kid just said,"no they aren't!". Our teacher was going to fight him but you could tell he was like,"um did you not see my presentation and notes?"
@joearnold6881 2 жыл бұрын
Your teacher should have fought him.
@Chloelol 2 жыл бұрын
GIGACHAD teacher
@rexman971 2 жыл бұрын
Back the blue till it happens to you unfortunately for these fools
@tines_de 2 жыл бұрын
What type of school teaches that?
@nunpho 2 жыл бұрын
@@tines_de what, teaching facts?
@batsonthebelfry 2 жыл бұрын
my friend called the cops because i had a mental health emergency and these cops were assholes when i didn't want to give him my phone, he threatened to send me to jail. them being there triggered a panic attack and it didn't help that they were super gruff and aggressive. i was terrified.
@memequern8087 2 жыл бұрын
Same. They also told me my mom didn't want me in the house and that it was better if I just followed them to the asylum. I only found out later that my mom never told them that and they where just trying to guilt me into cooperating
@Nocturnalux 2 жыл бұрын
A while back, a black man called the cops because his friend was having some kind of maniac episode. The cops shot his friend dead. A bunch of armed men were too afraid of an unarmed man that they had to fill him with bullets. And the saddest thing is, I bet if you look this story, you will find more than one.
@boyisbored6421 2 жыл бұрын
I will say, I've had cops and other emergency services called on me for both mental and physical issues and its always been: cops scary, ambulance folks nice, very good at asking about pronouns, firefighters super chill (when the danger was taken care of)
@SallyBerry9 2 жыл бұрын
​@@boyisbored6421 My aunt is a paramedic with the UK ambulances and she's said that her and her colleagues hope to get to a scene before the police all because the police end up causing more damage, more trauma, and get in the way. While Firefighters are super helpful
@gordonramsayslambsauce 2 жыл бұрын
@@SallyBerry9 yes. in case of a mental health emergency, ALWAYS call a social worker or the fire department (the difference being that the social worker doesn't have to have permission to come into your house during an emergency while a firefighter does).
@KM-mw3jp 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin once said to me “the only reason you can sleep well at night is cause my dad is a cop” and like… Courtney, your dad is a meter maid.
@Pixiebabee 11 ай бұрын
I got yelled at by a cop and the cop allowed a man to scream slurs at me as i had self harm scars on my legs. Both yelled at me for it. Gotta say DIDNT FUCKIN HELP lol
@yellobb3848 2 жыл бұрын
I took so much psychic damage when the white cop put his finger down for being called a racial slur 💀 was it cracker or colonizer that was your breaking point?
@kay-og4rv 2 жыл бұрын
No purpose flour ass 💀
@Megan-cd6sh 2 жыл бұрын
Macey, I couldn't agree more. And imagine having the audacity to do it right next to a poc. Poor little white guy, somebody picked on him. Makes me sick.
@VoidRep 2 жыл бұрын
honestly could have even been the N word... which is... still just harmful to black people, even if its said to a white person
@yotsuyuyagiyama2443 2 жыл бұрын
Or maybe it was snow roach or salt shaker 😩
@mikoi7472 2 жыл бұрын
So racism is okay when it's towards white people? Weird how we can't just have this standard of racism is bad overall. You fucking idiots.
@7PMNewz 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite #CopMoment is when a cop from my town called in that two men with guns were attacking him. The cop was found dead, and my school had to go on lockdown until 7:00-ish at night, multiple schools full of young children fearing for their lives. The town (and National News for some reason) we’re full of hero worship for this man. Cops from all over the US drove out to have a fucking parade in his memory. Turns out the cop actually… offed himself… because he was laundering money (and maybe was cheating on his wife). Because it’s a majority white town, the very few black adults around here were pulled over MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. My dad works for the state fish and wildlife service, and they had a guy apply for a job who used to be a cop in Chicago. He didn’t get the job because there was an incident where he SHOT AT SOMEONE while he was off duty because said guy had a habit of purposely slamming on the breaks in front of people on the road, because all cops have no feelings.
@casperg.8603 Жыл бұрын
Every time there’s a new report of a teenager being injured or shot by police my school does an announcement saying “Remember if a cop talks to you, speak clearly and calmly.” Like oh cool time for our yearly “How to not get shot” seminar
@hungry.hungry.hippos Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for mentioning the drug dog margin of error. My mum gets stopped at the airport for the random security checks every single time we go because a drug dog came up to her once like 15 years ago. They completely searched her and everything and found nothing but it still happens.
@noeramirez7575 2 жыл бұрын
I had a guy tell me that when he got pulled over for speeding the guy gave him a police escort because he told him he had an emergency at the hospital. He was white. My aunt was in the hospital for cancer, and there was an emergency where we thought she was gonna die. So my family got into the car and speed to the hospital. We got pulled over and the cop almost arrested my Dad because my Dad was upset that the cop didn’t let him go after he told him why he was speeding. He kept us there for a long ass time arguing. Then took a long ass time in his car. When he finally came out with the ticket he then lectured my Dad on why speeding is dangerous, and that’s why he wrote the ticket and he should be grateful that he didn’t arrest him. We are brown.
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
Was this the same cop?
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
@@domjoannou8516 Did these things not happen if it’s a different cop or something?
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeathnoteBB yes it does because unless it's the same cop no proof it was because of race
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
@Emma Stofferahn not really proof that cop was doing it because they were racist also who did these studies
@gordonramsayslambsauce 2 жыл бұрын
@@domjoannou8516 yall really hear a poc talking about how they observe white privilege every day and still have the audacity to go "proof?" to try and shut them down
@eromnis 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t with this crap anymore. Whenever I see a Punisher skull with a thin blue line on a cop’s car (I work in a big cop neighborhood) I want to scream. And just so you understand how much faith a cop town has in its cops, they boarded up everything during the BLM protests even the lumber store. This town was 15 miles away from the protests
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
Um you know a full town of cops isn't enough to stop a protest of like a thousand people without violence which would just lead to more protests so it makes more sense to just board everything up
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
The Punisher is literally a vigilante who became one after seeing how the police and justice system fail to do their job
@gaminikokawalage7124 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeathnoteBB pretty sure there was a comic where cops were adopting the punisher logo and the the punisher basically threatened to kill them if they decided to start acting like him
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
Bruh isn't Punisher a vigilante who works outside of the law 😂😂😂
@chocomelo454 Жыл бұрын
isn't the punisher a parody of cops? and judge dreads is a parody of the justice system?
@itslaurelynn 2 жыл бұрын
My best friend always shouts "GO GET A REAL JOB!" whenever we pass cops on the road and I think about that everytime I pass a patrol car.
@sleepinginmoss Жыл бұрын
my dad (a white man) called the police on me when i was 13/14 for leaving the house wearing a skirt. The cop lectured me in the middle of the street for the entire neighborhood to see. he and my dad kept beating me down with "youre asking for it" type sht (I was molested and assaulted as a child lol, wasnt asking for it then). the skirt went past my thighs and wasnt even revealing. still really mad and humiliated
@jordanm2936 2 жыл бұрын
“people wanna be friends with me until they realize i’m an insufferable psychopath and also racist. why is that a dealbreaker for people?” i’m cryingggg ethan
@Squishy876 2 жыл бұрын
The "thin blue line" patch is such a red flag! There shouldn't be anything between us and cops, they're literally supposed to serve and protect the people
@ethanstump 8 ай бұрын
As it is colloquially called the cowards swastika.
@v_eye_let_17 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone bringing up the fact using dogs in the police force is animal abuse. I’ve been saying that forever. It makes me sick when people thank the dead dogs for their “service” as if they had any choice.
@rarecandy3445 Жыл бұрын
the fact that the blue lives matter crowd generally have everything negative to say about rap music but use one of XXXtentacions songs for their pro cop tiktoks is striking lol
@Bully_Biscuit Жыл бұрын
Especially when x didn’t support the police
@greyisnthere 2 жыл бұрын
I can't stop thinking about that "are there any good cops" vine where the sleeping cop rolled over to reveal a sign that said racism bad and they immediately fawned over him
@charliedeegan1598 2 жыл бұрын
They praise the bare minimum so much. 😭
@LacroixboiMarx 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, there is only one good kind of cop, but I can’t type it.
@TheEepyMagi 2 жыл бұрын
@@charliedeegan1598 it was ironic, making fun of those who defend cops using "not ALL cops are racist!!!!!!"
@donalddarko5807 2 жыл бұрын
@@LacroixboiMarx JPEGMAFIA Type Beat
@demetrian7856 2 жыл бұрын
@@LacroixboiMarx The only good cops aren't cops anymore :(
@AliciaMajo 2 жыл бұрын
Hey that's me! I'm a victim of sexual assaults (yeah plural), and just got a good "well you accepted that grown man's alcohol, even tho you were 16 :) " Or the famous "Sure he violently s/a'd you, but you felt bad for him for spending his birthday alone, and you let that man you trusted into your apartment :D"
@ps1hagrid786 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry that happened. I hope you're healing and that they're set on fire. including those pathetic excuses for cops.
@AliciaMajo 2 жыл бұрын
@@ps1hagrid786 Thank you so much Hagrid, I am slowly healing, and my partner found a really good lawyer who specialises in those cases. So we're not going to let them get away with it. It means a lot that you care, use your umbrella carefully and I hope all your creatures are doing great and so are you. :)
@Nocturnalux 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 15 I was groped by a grownup back before two cops who saw it happen. When I said something, they laughed at me and took the guy’s side. Apparently, they decided I had it coming for being “snotty” as I attended a private school. Yeah. What happened you is utterly unacceptable.
@AliciaMajo 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nocturnalux I am so sorry you went through that, that shouldn't ever happen and I hope you're recovering. Coincidentally I was also at a private school when this happened to me. And the police degraded (the whole what were you wearing). But it was assault, and you were a child, it's unforgivable ×2. Stay strong, you've survived so far through so much pain, I hope you're happier now. I'm here if you need me.
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
To put it into perspective, in case there's someone here that doesn't get it somehow: "Hey, you, a minor, trusted an adult who got you drunk and sexually violated you, so really it's YOUR fault!" And: "Hey, you chose to trust that man after he manipulated your emotions, and even though you never said you wanted to have sex with him, you're still at fault even though you didn't give consent!" This is why cops are useless.
@Bone_Incidents Жыл бұрын
5:31 if I had a nickel for every single time one of my friends said that I don’t “act gay” and then proceed to demonstrate this, I would be able to flood the economy.
@staying_silent 2 жыл бұрын
God, I remember being of the "oh, they can't _all_ be bad" mindset when I was younger. Then I got obsessed with true crime and figured out I wasn't straight or cis, and I just remember it suddenly hit me one day that I would not be treated fairly at all if I was ever in legal trouble. Frankly I'm ashamed it took that long for me to realise how inherently corrupt the police are One of my old friends from high school went into police because he wanted to help protect people. One of my bullies from high school went into police because he wanted an excuse to carry weapons. He was also a blatant racist. So sure, maybe it's possible for one single individual cop to be a decent person, but at this point in my life I'd be just as scared to run into my old friend in uniform as I would be to see that bully. You won't last in the police force if you have noble intentions
@GratefulMessiah Жыл бұрын
Please explain the part about not lasting, i am very curious about it
@seichethebobcat 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for calling out cop bullshit. i knew a cop who lived in my childhood neighborhood who shot his wife, i’ve been harassed by cops for being autistic & missing social cues during questioning, and many of my friends have been harmed by cops as well. cops have never helped me or prevented me from being hurt. they are pathetic excuses for “defenders of the public.” im glad to know a creator i enjoy watching agrees with me on this ❤
@rexman971 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you, I try to avoid them but unfortunately they make their traffic stops routine so they can invade your privacy and harrass you for being different all for nothing. It's disgusting
@huh7270 2 жыл бұрын
Bro it’s so easy to leave them alone. Maybe it’s just the town I live in but they don’t seem to be bad people. There was a drunk guy that came into Taco Bell once while I was working so they called the cops and the cop came in and asked a few questions and left which all he could do considering the guy left already. What are you doing that they bug you so much? If you have that much evidence to support your opinion that cops are bad then maybe ask yourself, “why am I always having interactions with them?” because you shouldn’t be.
@thatrantinggirl7376 2 жыл бұрын
@@huh7270 this is so icky and victim blamey
@huh7270 2 жыл бұрын
@@thatrantinggirl7376 not really. It’s just simple self evaluation. It’s what helps us grow as people. And I’m not saying it’s their fault I’m just wondering why they seem to be in so many altercations with the authorities. Just trying to see the bigger picture. Like most people should.
@thatrantinggirl7376 2 жыл бұрын
@@huh7270 No it definitely is, fact of the matter is that you don't know them so you can't ask them to self evaluate anything. They know their situation better than you do and and implying that someone did something to deserve to be hurt by cops is gross
@jakthesac5175 2 жыл бұрын
Putting the babies in police costumes onscreen for the police apologist moment is the most accurate thing and best way to sort out police defenders. Bc almost all of them are so insecure in their masculinity that they can’t take a joke and will bail immediately
@jakthesac5175 2 жыл бұрын
My friends were harassed by a former friend to the point where they felt unsafe in his presence, and then he started guilt tripping their 12 ur old sister about how she shouldn’t have said anything. They had screenshots, call receipts, and half of it happened in person. The cops basically told the, to fuck off. So if you can’t tell, I’m very anti cops atm lmao
@theclockman775 9 ай бұрын
mb i’m responding 1 year later lol, but imo it’s also pretty immature, responding to the other side with just “you’re a police apologist baby! lol!” is just kinda like, weird
@grandtwhite8254 8 ай бұрын
I was gonna say something about this, I actually want Ethan to leave babies and kids alone stop comparing murderers to them. There are plenty of accurate and funny insults of conservatives and cops and Ethan should maybe stop you know, comparing horrible assholes to babies and children.
@velveetaenthusiast Жыл бұрын
Acab, acab acab acab. My mom is a violent, meth addicted criminal who has been in and out of jail for some pretty heinous shit. She is a GENUINE danger to herself and others, and cops have continued to be extremely lenient with her, probably because she's white. Someone she had a weird dispute with called the cops on her, claiming she was dealing. She wasn't, but she had alot of weed. The cops showed up, asked if she was dealing, she said no, and THEY TOOK THE WEED AND HER PIPE AND JUST LEFT. Bro she was literally in possession of drugs
@sonderfulsable 6 ай бұрын
sometimes i forget that not all the youtubers i watch have leftist audiences.. got chewed out for saying that a cop was stupid in a video LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING STUPID THEY DID
@Ashcashfain 2 жыл бұрын
We all have a cop problem...they exist.
@crystalrose4562 2 жыл бұрын
@kasketbase8741 2 жыл бұрын
Facts! 👏👏 The world would be alot safer under violence and chaos from non-cops!
@darkred1438 Жыл бұрын
@@kasketbase8741 yea we would. i would trust my local crackhead over a cop. at least the crackhead won't faint from touching a bag with fentanyl lmfao
@notanarsonist7574 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, cops really shouldn't have guns cuz maybe then they'd try learning a new move called: de-escalation
@memeju1ce 2 жыл бұрын
honestly the fact that police have funding for guns and shit but teachers have to pay for their students stationary is nuts
@PamsPrettyPlants 2 жыл бұрын
They are taught it in training. They choose not to use it.
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
And when they get shot at what are they supposed to do then?
@notanarsonist7574 2 жыл бұрын
@@domjoannou8516 Believe it or not but a lot of situations where cops would get shot are usually time where they instigate or put pressure and fear in the suspect/s
@PamsPrettyPlants 2 жыл бұрын
@@notanarsonist7574 or shoot each other, which is also far more common than it should be 😂
@eden4025 Жыл бұрын
in portugal a guy got jailed for YEARS, waiting for a drug test on the SUGAR he was carying, HE WAS CARYING SUGAR?? AND WENT AWAY FOR YEARS
@Chudchanning Жыл бұрын
There's some cop in Missouri who lets people off with warning if they go and follow his tik tok account. I'd rather take the ticket
@ohioella 2 жыл бұрын
i'm majoring in criminology and this video goes so hard, this is a condensed version of so many of my classes. it's insane to me how much data exists and is insanely easy for people to access yet they STILL don't get it. people just can't comprehend a world without cops. acab
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
Propaganda is a powerful tool, sadly. I also can’t grasp how people can be so ignorant yet have all the data at their fingertips. I can only imagine copaganda is just that pervasive
@agentpaper8130 2 жыл бұрын
Yea the justice system in the US and some other places is broken and needs fixed but getting rid of cops isn't the answer. We need cops but we need them to actually do their jobs effectively. Getting rid of cops doesn't get rid of all of the bad people.
@gordonramsayslambsauce 2 жыл бұрын
@@agentpaper8130 We need a new system. The police system was built on the foundation of racism, homophobic, transphobia, xenophobia, and ableism. We can't continue with our current system because it was never reformed once its public goal changed (public goal: serve and protect. actual goal: serve and protect whoever we feel like serving and protecting). It's not about having no police system whatsoever, it's about reforming/recreating the one we currently do have.
@agentpaper8130 2 жыл бұрын
@@gordonramsayslambsauce Oh yea I was talking about reform for the system. Maybe I did misunderstand one thing though, I was under the assumption they meant no cops at all. The system needs to be worked but entropy is not the answer in my opinion.
@gordonramsayslambsauce 2 жыл бұрын
@@agentpaper8130 Yeah. We need to completely destroy what we currently have and rebuild it so we can effectively prevent and deal with crime
@peekabee502 2 жыл бұрын
I live in the heart of Louisville and saw nothing but police brutality during the Breanna Taylor protests. It was really eye opening to know that some weirdos can have full authority over a person unprovoked and 99% of the time get away with it but yeah give them more money for military grade equipment 🙈🙈🙈
@theronsmith3303 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not from there but I had friends there that were brutalized during that time. #breeway✊🏾
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
And a gross amount of people will STILL side with the cops. It makes me fucking furious. All a cop has to do is set their own (already damaged) vehicle on fire and the general public blames the protestors
@amelia3146 2 жыл бұрын
I’m originally from Louisville (although almost all my family still lives there). I moved away for university & hadn’t really been back since then-in fact, I live in a different country now-but I visited briefly a couple years ago and it was *surreal*. The unabashed violence from the police in the streets was astounding and terrifying. You can read about it, hear about it, see all the videos…but none of it really shows how angry, aggressive, smug, and manic they really seem until you’re there in the protests, facing them. I agree that it was really eye opening; it was like an entirely different Louisville than the one I’d left no more than three years prior.
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
The problem isn't that they're causing destruction, it's that they don't have the money to cause MORE destruction!
@mewnboy 2 жыл бұрын
@nonyabizness956 10 ай бұрын
Any good cops are systematically removed for not being cool with their shitty coworkers too. My stepdad was a cop in a prison and got fired for being a snitch because he kept telling on his fellow officers to the warden. Even if there are good cops, they don't last long.
@gh0stgarbage 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact, I had a classmate who had to shoot her own dog because her dad abused them so they bit him. She would’ve rehomed them because they were a good dog outside of trauma but her uncle is a cop and was there purposefully watching them to make sure they killed an innocent animal.
@plague8163 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for her, I hope she's cut ties with them. Not that I expect you to know, if they were just a classmate and not a friend.
@comcat8524 Жыл бұрын
Cops are fucking monsters. 40%
@everfluctuating 2 жыл бұрын
cops (the tv show) actually came back. i guess they canceled it for the obvious controversy in summer of 2020 but once general opinion went back to "some cops are ok, we need cops" they brought it back
@itsgreyfaayy Жыл бұрын
I had a cracked-out lady punch me in the face a few yards from a cop just chillin in his car, he did nothing but roll down his window and ask if I wanted to press charges. I was then saved by a different, unrelated crackhead who came to my defense, then cussed out the cop for me. Evan, you’re my hero. ACAB
@akuma4321 Жыл бұрын
"i have to try to radicalise someone" well good job, you radicalised me. thank you
@hogenthusiast8468 2 жыл бұрын
As somebody Who went through a traumatic experience that still affects me years later where the cops only shrugged and left again: I felt a lot less alone when you mentioned this reaction being normal.
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
I mean what are they supposed to do in that situation?
@gurneyqueen5782 2 жыл бұрын
@@domjoannou8516 you know sucking off pigs is beastiality right?
@ro_pp 2 жыл бұрын
cops suck!! i love your name btw
@DeathnoteBB 2 жыл бұрын
@@domjoannou8516 Their supposed fucking job, maybe? Are you serious?
@domjoannou8516 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeathnoteBB they aren't therapist that's not their job
@ethanisonline 2 жыл бұрын
sorry guys i had to mute a section around 13 minutes in for copyright!
@ashwalkerthisway7094 2 жыл бұрын
I was so confused, I rewound because I thought my phone was glitching out haha. Luckily I was also scrolling thru the comments
@judithkim4050 2 жыл бұрын
ok definitely thought I was going crazy lol
@MetaphoricalSatanist 2 жыл бұрын
You should pin your comment so more people can see it. I had to scroll SO FAR DOWN because your comment only has about 100 likes (as of me posting this comment), while the "Top Comments" has THOUSANDS. Just some friendly advice.
@tomatobooksentertainment8376 2 жыл бұрын
@CerebralSupport 2 жыл бұрын
I used to work as a material scientist, and a prerequisite before I was allowed to step foot in ANY lab is that I had to take an ethics course. _Why the hell isn't that a prerequisite to being a cop?_ If you can't pass an ethics course you shouldn't be handed a gun, it's really that simple.
@x.xandria.x4081 Жыл бұрын
My friend literally got shot at and a officer told her to get a gun 💀 she is 15 wtf
@mobiusstripper7279 2 жыл бұрын
10:00 "Yeah that cop that completely riddled that disabled man in a wheelchair on camera for being suspected of theft was fine, but the second you allegedly arrested that girl for not wearing a mask? That's what _shattered_ the thin blue line for me. "
@CarsonBobarson Жыл бұрын
"Allegedly" doesn't necessarily mean it happened.
@PBthesquirrel 2 жыл бұрын
Cops are so insensitive (I could stop the sentence here) to animals. I was in a car accident on the way back from the vet with my cat in the passenger seat. It was a hot Florida summer day and my cat has all black fur. I asked if I could put my cat carrier in the back in the police car (that already had the AC blasting) bc she was overheating. Her tongue was out and she was panting; I was starting to really worry. He responded with, "can it wait?" Said almost as a statement. He already had a grudge against me bc he knew the other driver, so I had to be careful, yet assertive: "I'm sorry, sir, but she really can't wait. She's already panting and it's so sunny. Can I please just set her in the back of your vehicle?" And I started walking to his car. He begrudgingly acquiesced. Of course I then had to flood his dopemine receptors with a bunch of thanks for helping my cat and blah blah blah... It sucks that we have to fear asking a police officer for such a simple request, and that's a day-to-day behavior for them. I'm tearing up just writing this.
@ona512 6 ай бұрын
talking to abusive people is like having to balance a sanity meter in Eternal Darkness. up and down and down more because they just looked at you. Xel'lotath save us all
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