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You're Doing It All Wrong! But It Doesn't Matter || Calorie Tracking

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Greg Doucette

Greg Doucette

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#GregDoucette #CICO #UnderestimatingCalories

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@krissanwich 3 жыл бұрын
I love that Greg is patient and lets his guests get through their thoughts without interrupting. Professional! We need a Coach Greg Podcast! “More Pod Than Last Time” or the old school “I’m not your doctor!”🤓
@krissanwich 3 жыл бұрын
@@lonewolftrucker3955 boooo. No need to be rude.
@jameshunt3504 2 жыл бұрын
@gamer8622 3 жыл бұрын
The sheer, digestible, quality education this q&a with Layne has is incredible
@isaiahdanz3308 3 жыл бұрын
More education than last time !
@goransegan3793 3 жыл бұрын
@jadoncochrane9998 3 жыл бұрын
YES! I love it, might be one of my favorite videos so far
@MadPropzBaller 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that only people that actually know these things watch these videos
@brglmns 3 жыл бұрын
@@MadPropzBaller 🤣
@juliet4521 3 жыл бұрын
When Layne talked about people not wanting to test their levels, that hit me HARD. I blamed my hypothyroidism for my weight gain for YEARS. Put my head down for a year and a half and lost 40 pounds and my levels actually normalized on their own for now. It sucks but it’s not an excuse. Takes a long time to get it through your head
@viajeraeterna3 3 жыл бұрын
You held yourself accountable, good job!💪🏼👏🏼
@dudie5403 3 жыл бұрын
I did the same for years. Blamed everything on my hypothyroidism when I wasn't losing weight but it was me eating to much and not my thyroid working too slow.
@danieltemelkovski9828 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, people with supposed "thyroid problems" don't take well to the advice to actually get their levels checked. What they really want you to say is "yeah, gee that must really suck, poor you, who can blame you for being overweight and pigging out when life has dealt you such a bad hand..."
@peytonponder8488 3 жыл бұрын
There are legitimacies too it tho. Ur case might have been not as bad as others. I have a underlying condition affecting cortisol and testosterone and despite having a more perfect and consistent diet than 90% of people dieting, I see a quarter of the results.
@kiannadariooshbonnet4200 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is a bit of a late comment, but same here. I had PCOS for a little bit (I did actually have it tested) but went on medication for it. However, due to other issues (I.e depression), I end up putting on a lot of weight. I always just blamed it on my PCOS, but in reality, I didn’t have PCOS anymore. I never got it rechecked because I didn’t want to admit that the weight gain was actually just due to bingeing every week or so due to just being depressed. I am happy to say now, that while everything is quite perfect, I have gotten a lot better. I only have another 5-8kg to drop, and I rarely binge.
@luiscanamarvega 3 жыл бұрын
Always overestimate the amount of calories you eat and underestimate the amount of calories you burn.
@titanmaximum239 3 жыл бұрын
That is some solid advice
@kassieonatuesday 3 жыл бұрын
good advice but it makes me wanna cry lol
@Rajdweep 3 жыл бұрын
Thats what i have been doing since i found greggo😂went from 88kg to 70.4kg it works almost perfectly
@tuompe8410 3 жыл бұрын
I'm underweight and i agree
@nik.5974 3 жыл бұрын
@@tuompe8410 oh in that case stop buying gregs cookbook (as much as it hurts to say) GO WATCH ALAN THRALLS FRICKIN BULKING RANT VIDEO AND SAMPLE DIET, literally the key to weight gain
@Bandstand 3 жыл бұрын
Host a boxing match between your harassing neighbor & Ally in the backyard 🙏🏻
@JohnWright10 3 жыл бұрын
That's what the small claims court will be doing to them. 😜
@Briansgate 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for calling out the 'accuracy' of these smart watches.
@sedohrj87 2 жыл бұрын
Been training seriously for 11 years. On and off gear. Got in the best shape of my life after finding coach Greg last year. It took 3 things I was missing for 11 years. Cals in cals out consistently, eating the right kind of foods that satiate, and friggin cardio! Now I can maintain a 6ft 200lbs at 9% 2600 to 2800 cals no problem. Then when I cut for summer. Increase cardio lower cals slowly. 2200 being the lowest, and that's not even that hard to handle. Thanks coach Greg. My wife found the way too. And she's struggled with weight loss for a while. She has veins in lower abdominals now.
@Uzk127 3 жыл бұрын
Greg is one of the best listeners I have seen!
@chillingwithhenny7175 3 жыл бұрын
The amount of free knowledge dropped on us is just amazing!!!
@Moose92411 3 жыл бұрын
I finally realized that knowing the exact numbers of intake and expenditure are less important than the ratio between them over time. My weight is staying the same, so even if I’m wrong about the numbers, they’re at a 1:1 ratio. If I want to get bigger or smaller, I would just adjust one and keep the other the same.
@chriswheeler2472 3 жыл бұрын
I love how Greg listens with passion. What a great person
@tankberserkererer 3 жыл бұрын
I overestimate in small areas of my diet in order to compensate for my inaccuracy. I like to round up to the nearest 50 calories. So if something says 230 I call it 250 (plus it’s easier math for me to keep track in my head.) Hopefully this offsets my underestimations for when I have to eyeball something but even then I try to overestimate that as well.
@BrettHowe2 3 жыл бұрын
When I eat at a restaurant I tend to add 20% from what menu says.
@mysharona6754 3 жыл бұрын
I round up to the next hundredth
@Alex-sg3yz 3 жыл бұрын
I did the same thing and ended up starving my ass off 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I'd round up 100-200 calories
@chillingwithhenny7175 3 жыл бұрын
When he said “breaking the law of thermodynamics” I’m like this dude gta be someone who studies the same religion as our coach 🤣🤣🤣
@danieltemelkovski9828 3 жыл бұрын
Although, in reality, there's virtually zero chance Greg would be able to say anything intelligent about the laws of thermodynamics as a physicist understands them, off the top of his head. (Start reading, Greg. Just a tip in case anyone ever tries to embarrass you by asking you to explain these laws.)
@janoycresva1935 3 жыл бұрын
@@danieltemelkovski9828 He doesn’t need to. FACT: Food has calories. FACT: We have plenty of research showing that healthy people absorb almost all the energy in food when they digest it. With those two, research-proven facts alone, there is no clever physicist way to stump someone using high-level thermodynamics jargon about open/closed systems blah-blah-blah. You can’t get around those 2 facts.
@danieltemelkovski9828 3 жыл бұрын
@@janoycresva1935 calm down. I'm not disagreeing with any of it. Just pointing out that it's characteristic of people who casually toss around big words that they really don't know very much about the concept.
@nathanwagester6665 3 жыл бұрын
​@@danieltemelkovski9828 In philosophy we often say the ability to know something without confirmation or full understanding is a result of an epistemic division of labor(that is dividing the labor of investigating and understanding various aspects of the world among various groups and individuals). I would say Greg does know exactly what he is talking about due to the fruits of physicists. I know about the laws of thermodynamics although I have never read a physics textbook. A basic understanding of thermodynamics is common knowledge given to us by the investigations of physicists. Stop being such a smart ass man, normal people are allowed to use the term 'thermodynamics'. You reek of elitism
@danieltemelkovski9828 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanwagester6665 Dude I don't demand he able to give an impromptu disquisition on thermodynamics, but I think something more than "well...I think the first law of thermodynamics...or was it the second (I can never remember which!)... says something like energy can be converted from one form to another but never destroyed... and umm... therefore CICO!" should be required before allowing that someone knows what he's talking about when he uses a technical term - and certainly before asserting he knows EXACTLY what he is talking about (fanboy detected). Not an elitist. I'm all for the democratization of knowledge. I've just learned to be cautious about what I claim to know or tell myself I understand, and from time to time I like to urge a similar humility upon others. (And don't worry, I get it. This is an infotainment channel, and throwing around "thermodynamics" is almost as much a part of Coach's shtick as "it doesn't matter" and 'harder than last time.")
@daanvanrijn4117 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing video. I am a beginning diet coach myself, and I always say: "It doesn't matter if you under or overestimate calories, just do it consistently." For example: I am maingaining right now on 3200 calories. If I were to find out that those 3200 calories were actually 2800 calories, would that mean that I should bring those 2800 up to 3200? NO! Of course not. Yeah I miscalculated, but I did not actually overeat or undereat calories. You don't add or cut calories based on what some calculator says, but based on what you seem to be eating. Being consistent is more important than being precise.
@ScuffedEngineer 3 жыл бұрын
Being pedantic, you are precise not accurate. Consistency is precision, closeness is accuracy. Using your example you are precise with 2800 but not accurate to 3200.
@daanvanrijn4117 3 жыл бұрын
@@ScuffedEngineer That... is pretty pedantic, yeah. But thanks for the English lesson I suppose!
@MeesterJ 3 жыл бұрын
@@daanvanrijn4117 Ik ben ook beginnende en je hebt helemaal gelijk Daan! Tegenwoordig kan ik alles eyeballen en ik ben nog nooit zo lean geweest. Ik zag vorig jaar een diëtiste op tv en heb me nog nooit zo geïrriteerd. Volgens haar (minstens 15kilo overgewicht!) móét je 3x per dag eten en 2x snacken 🤔 vervolgens kreeg ze een stuk taart voorgezet met de vraag wat is hier slecht aan...antwoord: "euh euh ja vet enzo". Nou, ze had ook kunnen zeggen de mega bloedsuikerschommeling door de waanzinnige hoeveelheid snelle suiker, de ontstekingsverhogende transvetten uit de (gedeeltelijk geharde) plantaardige oliën en de micronutrientloze verdere inhoud met dus superveel loze calorieën. Niet dat het niet lekker is en af en toe gegeten kan worden overigens. Maar zo iemand mag toch niet op tv?!
@MamaSwole 3 жыл бұрын
another goated collab🙌
@Slok727 3 жыл бұрын
That thumbnail is more cursed than last time!
@angiez1342 3 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 ikr? His wink
@AstroBaby91 3 жыл бұрын
I love how Greg holds conversation.
@don8244 3 жыл бұрын
Love the point that Layne brought up about people making CICO excuses when they have a condition like hyperthyroidism. As someone who has actually had it (currently in remission, diagnosed with thyroiditis), it's not as big of a deal as people make it out to be in terms of thermodynamics.
@stargazerbird 3 жыл бұрын
Hypo, not hyper. Yes, I actually gained weight when I was hyper. It makes you hungry burning all those heat calories.
@peytonponder8488 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah don’t lump it all into one group. Everyone different. And some cases are worse than others. Glad urs wasn’t that serious but I’m sure there’s many putting in twice the work as u and seeing no results because of their condition
@Ruffy112 3 жыл бұрын
I underestimated my calories heavily the first time I started fitness. I felt like I am not eating that much and I am also eating healthily. The second part I did, but the servings were massive. One day I sat down and calculated what I ate that day. 3400kcal without counting the one 0.4L glass of coke a day I used to have for lunch or the beers I had every other night. I weighed 99kg at 1.85m with no significant muscles that time. I went down to 85kg and got into the shape of my life. Then I got into a relationship with a real good cook and on top of that Corona happened. 2 years later I was at 96kg again. Once again I sat down 3 months ago and started the journey. And once again I am shocked how little you are actually only allowed to eat to get to a healthy BF percentage (My goal is like 15% then see how it feels and maybe go a little lower). Now I am eating in a 400kcal deficit while training with weights to not lose too much muscle. Then I'm gonna lean bulk. 89kg now and I still got slight love handles to lose. Wish me luck guys!
@WhatIsItToBurn 3 жыл бұрын
"What's more likely, you are breaking the laws of thermodynamics or the calories are wrong" I love how a lot of people will say they are breaking the laws of thermodynamics lmao
@alzbeyz5921 3 жыл бұрын
Coach Greg: my leg is shaking, I’m burning calories. Me: starts shaking both legs 🤣
@viajeraeterna3 3 жыл бұрын
@Lexsoufz 3 жыл бұрын
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
C-c-c-can bare ly type mmmmm sh sh shakin soooo mu ch ch ch 😂
@alzbeyz5921 3 жыл бұрын
@@kyliejones8827 This guy is on another level 🤣. Update us with how much calories you burnet.
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
@@alzbeyz5921 I can tell you straight off it's a ZERO !!!! 😂
@arkdova2710 3 жыл бұрын
Underestimating calories is bad enough, and it's those people that can't even consistently measure their intake, and their own weight, so they will have absolutely no idea what they are doing wrong when they can't reach their goals. Then out of frustration, they will blame "CICO" and claim it's not working vehemently.
@FiveN9ne 3 жыл бұрын
It's always easier to blame something else. People rarely want to accept they're doing something wrong, they want to hear excuses because that makes them feel better. So they will end up feeling better but not losing weight..
@sagichdirdochnicht4653 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. I don't get it with peoples frustration over Diet. Eat less (calories), burn more. It's such a simple concept. If you are not loosing weight, you are at Maintainance, so cut it down. And watch what the fuck you are eating. A Salad seems so god damn healthy, which it IS, but if you absolutely soak your veggies in a Dressing, that consists out of Mayo/Oil, how should that put one in a deficit? Or if someone thinks: I did 30 Minutes of Cardio, I deserve Cake now! Sure. But that Cake propably has more calories then you've actually burned. Heck, stuff like a Stupid Chocolate bar seem so harmless. But a single Snickers Bar will have over 200 Calories and many people won't stop at one - because that shit only lets people crave for more. Funny thing is: I'm not really exactly sure, what my intake is, I don't count calories, I don't give a shit, yet I'm loosing weight. Slow, but steady. If one is good in maintaining weight naturally, as I am (had the same weight for over 4 years), it's kinda easy. I eat a lot of Bread (I'm a Baker, so that isn't very surprising). But I tend to eat a whole lot of Butter with it. Instead I'm using more fresh Cheese now, which I equally enjoy, but the calories are miniscule compared to butter. And I absolutely fucking love Raddish. So I make a Raddish Salad almost daily - therefore I eat less other stuff. For a dressing a Splash of oil, a good Splash of Vinegar, and a bit of sweet Mustard. For curiosities sake, I've counted the calories once for it - give or take around 300 Calories for the whole Salad, wich may be tiny Portion for fucking Greg, but it lasts me 2 Meals, because that thing alone would absolutely stuff me. And if I stop loosing weight - well, there are still plenty things I could actually change, without making a big sacrifice. Lol, I knew a girl once who "tried" to loose weight - so she went low carb, because that certainly works. Her meals consisted out of: A shitton of Beef, covered in a Shitton of Oil, covered with 5 Shittons of Cheese and maybe a small Salad on the side. Because that is actually very low in Carbs, it must work, right? Yeah, she didn't do that great. But of course: She occationally cheated, because she had a slice of Bread or a Potato or whatever the Fuck. She was absolutely 100% convinced, that not her lack of exercise or her ultra high Fat Diet was the Problem, no, that makes you loose weight, it was that single stupid slice of bread, that killed all the Progress of the week. I fucking hate people.
@arkdova2710 3 жыл бұрын
@@sagichdirdochnicht4653 That comment was beautifully spot-on, and yes, I think many of us know a "girl on super fad diet" person. :D
@peytonponder8488 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah well I’m doing all of those things extremely consistently with every possible variable including nutrient timing and everything every day and not seeing results. I’m thinking I have a underlying health issue. So don’t put everyone into the same group
@FiveN9ne 3 жыл бұрын
@@peytonponder8488 Have you considered the possibility that you're doing it wrong?
@carbon1631 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful discussion! Everyone should be required to hear this!!!
@67flyers 3 жыл бұрын
A sure-fire way to underestimate your caloric intake is to trust the packaging. The label may say a slice of bread is 100 calories but that is only true if the slice is exactly the number of grams it is supposed to be. I find almost everything I eat is heavier than the packaging says it should be.
@ivoryking509 3 жыл бұрын
Bread is one of the worst foods you can eat.... its ultra processed packed with sugar and salt...
@dyderich 3 жыл бұрын
I finally lost weight and kept it off when I took ownership of my fat. Nobody was forcing me to eat as much as I was. It was my sole responsibility for being fat and my responsibility to fix it.
@Lexsoufz 3 жыл бұрын
Love the Carbon app! I find the database of food and calories super accurate. They don’t round up or down so if a food says 150 calories, it will actually say 154 for the serving. Small detail but I like it :)
@mopsandmuscles7855 3 жыл бұрын
I wear a fitness tracker, and I’ve always known that they aren’t accurate. I use it as a tool to keep moving. Get steps in, get my heart rate up. But it’s not the end all be all.
@mysharona6754 3 жыл бұрын
I have thyroid resistance syndrome... even had an MRI done to make sure there was nothing wrong with my hypothalamus..down 50 lbs...And that's even after I completely screwed myself taking phentermine and not eating for two years. I have to work harder than last time, but if you put in the work, it works
@peytonponder8488 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah don’t lump it all into one group. Everyone different. And some cases are worse than others. Glad urs wasn’t that serious but I’m sure there’s many putting in twice the work as u and seeing no results because of their condition
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
Peyton Ponder Must be very frustrating for you. Keep typing comments even if you're repeating yourself as you're doing currently - no copy and pasting- NEAT! 👍😀
@mysharona6754 3 жыл бұрын
@@peytonponder8488 you have no idea how much work I put into it
@peytonponder8488 3 жыл бұрын
@@kyliejones8827 yeah this pissed me off. Must be nice to be normal. The irony of working harder than everyone else worrying about things in my diet 99% of people don’t all the sacrifices I make and time I spend just too keep my body from deteriorating any further due to my condition. Then add insult to injury by saying I’m making excuses. Pretty disgusting tbh.
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
@@peytonponder8488 Was your comment to me? Where did I say you were making excuses? Where did I say you weren't "normal" or that I was "normal, " which would indeed be belittling. I apologise if you got that impression. What I did do was validate your frustration and make a flippant (and I thought amusing but obviously not) remark about typing responses instead of cutting and pasting. I was clearly off the mark and I'm sorry. A YT comments section can be a devilish phemenon as it's difficult to discern intention and nuance. No one is "normal" and there's no such thing as normality. We're all different and we all experience and react to painful circumstances differently. I say this as a mum whose 19 year old son died in an accident last year. I say this not to attract or get sympathy but to emphasise that there are many ways to experience the inevitable pain that comes with life. I wish you well on your journey of self-care and hopefully healing. 💕
@peejayfromhell 3 жыл бұрын
6:20 fitbit changed their algorithm a lot. 90 min of a brutal alternating set workout used to be around 800kcals, now it's something like 400kcal, for me 66kg dude. And we're talking a workout when I basically never stop moving, I can get 5000-7000 steps during it. As for calorie counting, it only makes sense if you track your activity levels somehow, since TDEE is not something constant.
@tomlazoriksuccessfitness 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely going to share this discussion with some clients. Fantastic talk 💪🤓
@marks7480 3 жыл бұрын
This is so true. I’m the worst when it comes to binge eating. At my peak I was about 195-200 lbs 6% fat. Super lean. Fast forward…. Started a career, discovered beer, wings and pizza and gained about 70-75 lbs over the course of about 8 years. I stayed consistent in the gym and ate clean during the week usually around 1500 calories a day. Weekend time I binged like it was my last meal on earth Friday-Sunday. 12 pack of beer at least every day and all the junk food. A Good beer is guna be 200-250 calories so do the math. And that’s just liquid calories. Those calories add up so quick and then you wake up Monday morning swollen and holding more water and than last time. Then you think to yourself “ I’ll just eat 12-1500 calories Monday-Thursday and I won’t gain weight” but in reality you’re taking in 5-6000 calories Friday -Sunday so over time you pack on the weight. Great video guys. You speak the truth no one wants to hear.
@ashlington79 3 жыл бұрын
Online calculators say my BMR is 2400 calories, and an app I have says its around 1900 calories, which makes it hard to know which is true for me, through trial and error I'm working it out myself by aiming for 2000 calories and seeing how things go.
@stargazerbird 3 жыл бұрын
Not your BMR. You must mean TDEE. Mine is always set really low as I am over 50 but there is no evidence your BMR goes down until you are elderly. I think just take the average burn for your sex and weight age 35, don’t add in exercise. That is a good starting point. If you use the calculators set your activity level to the lowest they have.
@jacobcohen3280 3 жыл бұрын
See if you can work out your bf% and use that to work out your maintenance (not your BMR) using your bodyfat % is much more accurate than just putting your weight,height etc.
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
Great idea - trial and error (and use the mirror to assess as Greg often advises). As was mentioned in the video, maintenance calories are an individual thing and so is the number of calories 'burnt' via exercise. I don't trust trackers or food labels etc 👍😀
@lovemust 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhhh my god thank you so much C.Greg , the hosting skill is incredibleeeee, not interrupting Dr.Layne while talking !!!! No interruption! No inteeerrrupttiooonnn!!
@ms3ben 3 жыл бұрын
I weight everything when tracking my caloric intake including what I drink; clearly makes a difference from my experience.
@Lost_In_LA 3 жыл бұрын
I weigh a single serving (~40g) of my favorite cereal every day but then fill the rest of my bowl with fresh berries, micro-greens, and a scoop of unflavored protein. It tastes incredible, super nutritious, and fills me up. Never ever eat stock cereal with nothing added to it; it'll either be too little food or too many simple carbs.
@omarbabakarkhail 3 жыл бұрын
This. I’ll add 40gr of Coco Pops to 40 gr of oats. Incredible snack
@stargazerbird 3 жыл бұрын
Granola as a thin topping to a protein smoothie bowl is fab.
@rachels7252 3 жыл бұрын
I also weigh and measure out my cereal, pasta, etc. It's eye opening compared to when I didn't track calories and macros - I was eating at least twice the serving size. Good idea about the adding protein to cereal. I'm hungry and feel my blood sugar drop just eating cereal and fruit less than 3 hours later
@Defaultchannelname69 3 жыл бұрын
My mother went to a Nutritionist recently, her goal is to lose weight, and they didn't even mention CICO I couldn't believe it!
@kyliejones8827 3 жыл бұрын
At least you know that you have more common sense than your mother's nutritionist! I wonder what was recommended. Keto? Eat more fruit, veg and protein? Lay off desserts and sweets? Definitely won't be: Buy Coach Greg's Friggin Cook Booksssssssss!!!!!!!....🤔 😂
@LeonGenesis 3 жыл бұрын
This is what we need more of! Great conversation!!!! People just don’t get it! Love this!
@uruichii2968 3 жыл бұрын
Greg hit with this format keep this type of content coming
@uruichii2968 3 жыл бұрын
He seems to be willing to divulge more information dense stuff like this because he’s speaking directly to someone whom he’s aware can reciprocate the terms n such
@Hungrybird474 3 жыл бұрын
Whomever makes a video of the most common foods eaten and compares the amount of calories will have a winner . I believe Greg already has a few .
@bartowsanta6313 3 жыл бұрын
Great content. I like the interview videos, they add a lot to your channel.
@Tickles_The_Oaf 2 жыл бұрын
I pedal on a cheap stationary bike as a sofa alternative during the day to get as much NEAT in as I can while watching KZbin videos and eating my SmartPop popcorn. If I went by the calories burned readout on the monitor, I’d think I was burning over 1,000 calories per day with this gentle movement!
@jeffreymcdonald8723 2 жыл бұрын
I work in the food production industry. The salt, sugar comes in on a pallet. The canola by the tanker. The big problem is that when mum buys a product for her family if little Jonny or Kate dosn't like it then she dosn't buy more. It does not sell.
@hamzariazuddin424 3 жыл бұрын
Omg i totally agree with all of during lockdown i started tracking my calories by weighing everything. In the past, i have had this tendency to Binge eat. I have done it my whole life. Not everyday but some days i would sit down at lunch and eat non stop... Now i thought even during those long sessions of eating huge portions for lunch, i was roughly taking in 1500 calories. But omg i was wrong. Since ive started tracking through weighing / my fitness pal, ive actually been eating 2500+ in one go, just for lunch. Some days i literally eat over 5000 + calories. Tracking is so monotonous and dull but this channel has helped me so much cut down on high caloric foods with little volume for higher volume low calorie foods. And im not just eating chicken and broccoli. My friend does that and its impressive i have to say but i have a sweet tooth and need tasty foods. Owe alot to Greg. With no gyms and in complete lockdown in Malaysia for 4 months now, i have managed to keep my weight from escalating up. Managed to keep my body fat down around 12-14% (I guess, probably underestimating that). And managed to control my massive binge days. I still have the odd day when I do eat 4000+ but for the month Im averaging around 2700 per day. Which for me is ok for now. When the gyms open and i focus on weight training, I will probably increase that to an average of 2900 and gain some extra weight. But i was shocked how many calories in some foods.
@117swordsmen 3 жыл бұрын
@GregDoucette the puff is strong with you my friend. This is a hard listen on speakers you can't turn the bass down on.
@alexandrelamontagne3748 3 жыл бұрын
could listen to you guys for hours! very interesting!
@sumawav 2 жыл бұрын
Love hearing everything Dr. Norton has to say. Super informative
@TeamYouphoric 3 жыл бұрын
CICO is a fact. It's also impossible to accurately track. People think that CICO is an oversimplification, but it's actually the most complex formula there is. There are roughly 37 heptillion chemical reactions that occur within the human body every second, and each of those reactions affect the "Calories Out" part of the CICO equation. You don't have to count calories, and food choice and food quality is more important, but they do still matter and if you're constantly in a surplus you're going to gain fat. No way around it.
@mephistosprincipium 3 жыл бұрын
I know my watch doesn’t track the calories accurately, but actually the number doesn’t matter since it still gives me a reference on how much I was active
@Lost_In_LA 3 жыл бұрын
The number just needs to be consistent to be useful.
@Ginmabes 3 жыл бұрын
I've got the last 12 pounds to go (lost 38 pounds woohooo!) and finding it super tough. I'm happy for it to go slowly but it's at a stand-still.
@thedroll 2 жыл бұрын
I've found the biggest problem in my life with weight is working in an office. Train just as much now as when I was working as a tour host in Europe, eat just as much, but sit around all day at my desk now and the weight has slowly crept up. And I'm pretty diligent with not snacking during the day.
@MrGeorgiev91 3 жыл бұрын
My housemate is so bad at estimating and doesn't have a clue about calories. He's not overweight, but he's the type of person to gain weight easily. The other day he was adding peanut butter to his oats and I was shocked when I saw a full tablespoon of it going into his bowl. Stopped him and asked him how many calories are in that spoon and he said around 100cals. Begged him to put it on my scale and I told him it's around 40gr, which is 300 cals. It turned out it was 47gr, which is almost 400 calories. People that have no idea of calories should always weight their food, not track, but weight.
@cetriyasArtnComicsChannel 3 жыл бұрын
I've tried to keep in mind that I'm eating more than I first thought and try to keep hi cal foods to very few times per month and try to find other options. Thanks for all the info.I find just avoiding the foods are much easier for me than trying to portion it out (like ice cream or dougnuts) and just have them as a treat every few months and than just have the low cal version at other times.
@johnp3994 Жыл бұрын
This is the area I have always struggled at. I am 59 and I am 5’9” at 175. I have had both hips replaced so my cardio is walking on elevated treadmill. I just started lifting mon wed and fri and the only place I retain fat is stomach and love handles. I admit I do suck at meal prep and I hate counting calories. Gregs videos are very informative. I just wish I knew the answer for getting rid of the stubborn fat. I honestly think it is under eating.
@MichaelBennett000 3 жыл бұрын
love the Greg/Layne series! I do weigh everything and I bet I incorrectly estimate my input, especially when dining out... plus there's unknowable aspects of food; like say how hydrated that food is. For example two different chickens or two different corn cobs can have very different masses based on the water they're holding, or their fat distribution, etc.
@RemingtinArms 3 жыл бұрын
"you're not a glutton, you're just lazy." -Layne Norton
@krisamagus1 3 жыл бұрын
what a comment.. Needed to think hard, ye?
@dexhorox7394 3 жыл бұрын
Damn thats a nice quote
@j3badger1 3 жыл бұрын
In my experience with myself and others, there is one root cause for not being able to make progress. It's pride. Its so easy to be stubborn ESPECIALLY when you have been working hard, but still not seeing results. But you can also trick yourself in to thinking you are working hard, but you are simply getting one or two things wrong. Having the ability to step back and say "If what I am doing is not working, I need to change" is such a hard reality, but ESSENTIAL behavior.
@clipzz1280 2 жыл бұрын
Like the rgb mic greg, starting to look younger by the minute
@skinny_pumpkin_lady890 3 жыл бұрын
I really like this interview with Layne. He has this discussion about COCO on Twitter almost daily! I think he got tired of it and started hanging on IG more. Great job, Coach! ✌💚
@groomer537 3 жыл бұрын
I love the... IT DOESNT WORK FOR ME....yes it does... works for everyone!!
@slackerm1 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, if they end up in a Vietnam POW camp 50 years ago, good chance they come out looking like a skeleton. It's hard to gain QUALITY mass, it's easy as shit to lose it
@nageshchandranial9802 3 жыл бұрын
Greg burns 200 calories per minute while screaming, irritation is a better cradio
@ibrahim_-_-_ 3 жыл бұрын
@carloslaboy4279 3 жыл бұрын
These are the only two people I ever listen to about nutrition
@shandacrouch4946 3 жыл бұрын
Really enjoying these interview/collaboration type videos Greg
@saltypatriot1768 2 жыл бұрын
My days off I eat lot less... I don't do as much..just get tired of having to eat all the time
@shyshy1894 3 жыл бұрын
I think the main reason people are like still debating about cico is because they don’t want to accept that they’re going to have to eat less than what they burn off. People want to find a easy quick fix solution, not hard work. They don’t want to have to give up a meal or two, or potentially stop eating one of their favorite foods. They want to hear “oh you can eat whatever you want! Don’t track! Just do this!!” Personally, I don’t demonize tracking your calories. However, like anything, if you start to obsess over it, it will become a problem. Also, when trying to lose weight, you don’t necessarily have to only eat salads and avoid carbs! You can find lower calorie options for your favorite food all over KZbin nowadays! (*cough cough* Greg’s cookbook). But I would be careful because some foods, even if lower calorie, CAN still be trigger foods that cause binging. (I still struggle with this personally.) I avoid my trigger foods, they can’t step foot in my house! Not until I properly have my urges under control. I still have them once in a while but I two mainly two things: 1. Buy them in smaller portions so I can’t eat as much (ex. A bag of mini lays instead of the family-sized bag) 2. Eat it at someone else’s house/in public. I tend to hold myself back when I know people are watching me or when I know a food item isn’t mine. I think: “I don’t want to eat all of their chips so I’ll only have a couple.” It really does help for me! Of course, do what works for you! Anyone who’s telling you things in absolutes are not to be trusted. “This will work 100%!” We’ll let me tell ya, nothing ever works in its entirety. It all depends on the person. And what works for you, may not work for another person. Anyways, if you made it this far, thank you for reading my long and boring comment. Please remember that sustainably is key and that progress is progress, no matter how slow. Everyone please be safe and stay hydrated! 😊
@drumminggt3322 3 жыл бұрын
You're on fire this week coach thank you. And thank you Dr. Norton
@reybar1957 3 жыл бұрын
Well if you like to eat 3 servings and of cereal for breakfast, calculate how many calories that is and add that to your calorie budget.
@julianwilson8061 3 жыл бұрын
Please go head to head with Dr. Jason Fung's "CICO doesn't matter" theory. I'd love to hear both sides.
@caseyj1144 3 жыл бұрын
When it comes to vitamins and minerals and hitting protein requirements the overall amount of food you need still matters a lot.
@lisas2538 3 жыл бұрын
Great conversation/interview. I needed reminded of this. I have a tendency not to weigh or measure everything. I know I’m eating more than I think. Going to track food calories tomorrow. I track my body weight every day. Thanks!
@chachircola1690 3 жыл бұрын
Coach Greg podcast interviewing harder than last time 💪⭕️❤️
@marjoriemartinez9973 2 жыл бұрын
I always loved ❤ Greg! More than last time!!!
@anthonyhernandez1933 3 жыл бұрын
For real about the cereal I only will eat around 30g of cereal and that's always about .5 to .75 of a serving and it looks like a smuck serving. Blown away when someone made a pasta dish and told me they put 2 cups of olive oil in it 🤯
@elizabethseiden7456 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Coach Greg!!! Amazing video!!! Weight loss is very hard when there’s fast food, Chinese buffets and pizza everywhere!!! I try to eat just before I’m full. Also, they say if you drink one gallon of water it helps first thing in the morning and before meals plus snacks!!! It’s hard to be in a deficit. I just keep a Victoria’s Secret Calendar on my fridge!!! I try to eat raw veggies too!!! 😍🥗🥥🍉🍓🫐🥑🥐🥨🍅🥒🌽🍞🌶🍟🍣🍿🍿🍫🍩🍪🍩🍿🎂
@ShhImASpy 3 жыл бұрын
Overshooting calories is dangerous in both ways. One month I'm eating too much, another too little and I'm malnourished. It's just hard to have "the medium" diet. Especially in summer. This is a season for great fruits and vegetables... But also for cool beer, ice-cream (Yeah, I know, Anabolic Ice-cream, but people sometimes want some sugar-packed good) and good grill - Then the hell of kilograms is advancing :/ I'm glad that I woke up in the right time I think. Thanks Dr Greg and Dr Layne.
@irishinnj72 3 жыл бұрын
I read an interview with a guy years ago, who needed to lose 150lbs. but couldn't exercise due to severe inflammation in his joints, plus a bad low back. So he came up with the idea of buying up entire cases of canned soups and stews, because each can has the calories for the serving on it. So each day, he'd eat about 2,000 calories or so of soup or stew, spread out over the course of the day, roughly about 5 cans worth. After about 10 months, he had lost the first 100lbs. and was in less pain and inflammation, which allowed him to start long walks and light weights. He lost the remaining 50lbs. in another 5 months remaining on the soup and stew diet the entire time. In some ways this is not unlike celebrities who use a food service that will calculate their calories and macros for the day and deliver their meals each day. Sarah Michelle Gellar said that she did that for Buffy, because it freed her up from worrying about counting calories herself and allowed her to avoid the mostly junk food they serve on sets.
@abiola100000 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with every part of this except for the metabolism doesn't matter argument. There's no universe on this planet where the 3000 calories a day resting person is gonna suffer more than the 1200 calories a day resting. You can argue physiologically the 3000 calories a day person might suffer but psychologically 1200 to 1500 calories a day is taxing. You are extremely restricted to the point a single decent sized sandwich is more than a third of your day.
@berserkemblem2091 3 жыл бұрын
@@petergause1760 Ik you asked for his but mine is 4,100
@natashas4395 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. I’m a small woman - 5’1 and 118lbs. To lose weight I need to eat around 1200 cal per day + cardio. This is where low calorie, high volume food helps. I must be mindful and eat smart - no other way! Or else I will starve! Every calorie counts and not much wiggle room tbh 😔
@abiola100000 3 жыл бұрын
@@petergause1760 yeah my maintainance at rest I think is between 2000 to 2200, on days which I walk 10,000 steps its somewhere around 2700. There's been days I've had to eat 1800 when I'm busy and that shit is hell.
@MyGuyGordon 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I always tell people who complain about tracking and not reaching their goals to undertrack when on a bulk, lean or not, and to overtrack when cutting. Obviously don't starve yourself, but it's better to be safe than sorry if you're having a hard time.
@dozergetscrafty 3 жыл бұрын
The main problem with v fitness trackers is that people are not entering their fat percentages properly they are under estimating how much body fat they have there for the fitness tracker overestimates the calorie burn
@baileymadison9019 3 ай бұрын
To combat the overestimate by fitbits/Apple Watches is to put my weight about 15lbs lower and my height by 1 inch. I find this is a little under my needs, so perfect for a deficit.
@BMB707 3 жыл бұрын
I’d go to say the opposite about weighing food. When I didn’t weigh my food I was severely overestimating how much I ate
@richardjones8846 Жыл бұрын
3:48 my rule is ALWAYS round up, and whatever you think you're eating... add 10-20% to that. some food will just have different values than what's on the label, for example chicken... some chicken has a lot more fat than usual and you're suddenly intaking 10-20% more bcus of so much chicken fat, or you sprayed oil for half a second more per meal, etc.
@aleandtaca7391 3 жыл бұрын
I am loving these videos.
@eliasklein9311 3 жыл бұрын
I've been weighing pretty much everything for a few months, my weight was always as expected (with water/glycogen fluctuations, which were also expected). I have a step counter on my phone, no fit bit yet, even though I know the calories it says might not be accurate, as long as I always use the same measuring device, the error is going to be the same. For some activities, the getting the calories out really is a problem (like hiking, tried online calculators with every information possible, but it pretty certainly overestimated it by a lot). I do think when I can weigh everything, my calories in are very accurate, I usually eat very homogeneous things where there aren't that many fluctuations in composition. Different story for when I have to guesstimate while eating out, still have to get a hang of that, but often you just don't know how much fat was used while cooking, or how much something actually weighs without a scale.
@djsusiequ2422 3 жыл бұрын
My fitbit is pretty accurate- i burn aprox 450 calories doing 2 45 min exercise classes; body pump (high resistance, weight lifting) + body combat which is high cardio intensity If i just do regular light cardio for 40 min i only burn like 250 calories
@adamelliott2492 3 жыл бұрын
Another golden interview
@timothyrocky50 3 жыл бұрын
If you are wrong -+10% you are pretty accurate tbh. Even weighing every freaking gram and scan the product in mfp you could still underreports calories. I use MFP and have my goal 2700 I try to be at 2400-2500. Margin of error in my favour atleast.
@timothyrocky50 3 жыл бұрын
@Beastbombshell how many video's have you watched of the coach? Off course I can build muscle in a deficit my fat storage is basically sored calories in credit.
@MehdiCheniti 3 жыл бұрын
@@timothyrocky50 not in a deficit, but in maintenance.
@johnathonolavarria7432 2 жыл бұрын
Great interview. I only use my Fitbit for the steps. My calorie tracking app says how much to eat based on steps. If I’m diligent about tracking it works extremely well. When I don’t track the Hershey kiss here, Girl Scout cookie there it doesn’t work.
@seveneleven7255 3 жыл бұрын
Love this video! Super educational and entertaining
@tommydraeger8086 3 жыл бұрын
The part that gets hard and frustrating I think for some people (I know it happened to me) is that my body compensated for more exercise and fewer calories somehow. Probably through neat, even though my steps were 8-10,000 every day. I was meticulous with how much exercise and the intensity and I weighed everything I ate. I was smooth sailing from weighing 220 to 162 and my body really likes sitting there. My lesson learned was NEAT is annoying lol
@nekoizpublike2151 3 жыл бұрын
In my country, no restaurant show how much calory is in their food so every time when you eat out you are gambling with calories
@DC-wo2yb 3 жыл бұрын
Most don't in the US as well. It's bad business for a restaurant to display to people how fat their food can make you.
@chefe2152 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know,I plug in every single meal,scanning lables, weighing everything, and it works ! It's simple math,why people underreporting? Because they are lazy and going the easier ,I will eyeball my portion,sit I'm a chef and I have pretty good idea what's 6 oz of steak look like,and I make mistakes!!
@milky_dromeda 3 жыл бұрын
Really loving these podcasts, great infos.
@desrosij 3 жыл бұрын
That's why, you try a option, and see what your body is telling you...THE BODY IS THE ONLY LAB THAT MATTERS, just pay attention, ajust, pay attention again....
@janiecekeys4765 3 жыл бұрын
1800 calories is not enough food for me my calories tracker is set to 2069, the weight is sliding off unbelievably fast. I walk or jump rope nearly every day, i rarely have time to just sit around. Cooking, cleaning, shopping work full time and part time school and keeping teenage boys in check. 300lbs from july to 242 in September, not straving at all. Stopped smoking weed and snacking and napping. In therapy for ptsd depression and anxiety as well.
@Robbiee3344 3 жыл бұрын
Another great video please keep them coming thank you so much for this.
@masterandkerranginparticul4324 2 жыл бұрын
The major factor comes down to suffering. Every deficit you are going to have bite through it, if it was easy to burn it off, keep it off, everyone would just run around shredded. It took me many days and weeks of complete determination to maintain deficits and get sort of what I was aspiring to.
@dang1099 Жыл бұрын
Spontaneous activity is interesting. I tend to listen to music and really get into it. I also like to move around and will get antsy if I sit for a while and generally can be quite twitchy, but I'm really lean and I've almost always been super lean. I actually tend to have a hard time putting on weight. I wonder if the two are connected.
@nattyandnice6010 3 жыл бұрын
More information learned than last timeee 💯💯
@meten90 3 жыл бұрын
Layne. When talking about weighing yourself and weight fluctuations. The problem is that your app doesn’t take that into account.
@gabeaugustine7487 3 жыл бұрын
Greg with da gamer mic, fr tho good shit.
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