The Best Camera For Kids
8 ай бұрын
Can you run 1000 miles?
10 ай бұрын
@jaysmith5035 8 минут бұрын
Such a clear example of where things stand. Thank you for sharing.
@jViP70 33 минут бұрын
How do we know that YOU wrote that song? Maybe Chat-GPT or some other AI-bot did?
@tiroles Сағат бұрын
You singing is muuuuch better man.
@shinygritsifter Сағат бұрын
Put on a hat or a pair of sneakers or a silk dress you didn’t know existed. It’s a tool to play with our own reflections. Some will have a gift to use it others will make cheesewhizz.
@marcu_spires Сағат бұрын
Brilliant Video
@pianomanpaulthomas 2 сағат бұрын
Your lyrics are excellent. If you discuss the origin of the song when performing, just acknowledge you had a collaborator.
@melxvee6850 2 сағат бұрын
You wrote a beautiful song
@darrylking5543 3 сағат бұрын
Jonny, thanks for your info. The way you put it was great and simple. I'm a chef by trade but I'm not cooking anymore. but I knew as the potandpanman and my name is Darryl, check me out. Darryl
@s33wagz 3 сағат бұрын
Where can we find this song? Can you record a solid version? Can you post just the ai song?
@denniseijs 3 сағат бұрын
Great lyrics, the only thing I would change is, the tears in my design, into,. The tears of my design. Great song btw. It moved me.
@JanAinali 3 сағат бұрын
I am really eager to hear your whole version of this song, it is so beautiful.
@sabomarius128 4 сағат бұрын
I wonder if we will lose the joy of listening to music, always wondering if the song is made by AI? Will music become boring/dull in the future? For example, with so many AI-generated graphics, I kind of lost the joy of going out and taking pictures. Is it because we are saturated with images?!
@nicktaylor5264 4 сағат бұрын
Sounds like Phoebe Bridgers - this is close but I'm fairly sure there's one that's closer
@iamjohnbuckley 4 сағат бұрын
I’ve felt for some time that AI is a beautiful double edged sword. We won’t fully appreciate its potential until we’re able to truly mix the human and the machine together in the creative act. This is getting really close, and Sona is almost ready to release the ability to prompt the AI with musical inputs. I disagree that we can’t ‘trust’ this process. The authenticity of the lyric transcended the machine. Sure, we’d like to prompt the vocal with our own inflections and mix the stems with our own inputs maybe (and we will) but this is just the start of the journey it’s not the destination. Great video. Subbed!
@edwood5535 4 сағат бұрын
Great video and excellent conversation points, few artists go to lengths to credit all the creatives and technology that helps them make there content. Prefer you signing it.
@normannpokorny3127 4 сағат бұрын
Hey. I love the lyrics. A great song works in a myriad of ways. Look at Hurt by Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nails. Very Cool! Thanks for sharing!
@Matkins85 5 сағат бұрын
I preferred your performance of the song because it felt more natural and less generic. The imperfections allowed me to empathise with you as a human. Of course we will reach a point where the music and even the generated video of the performance will be impossible to recognise as generated. And that's quite terrifying because no one will know what is and isn't real. But I'm less scared of it replacing our creativity, it's our creativity that feeds it and without that source it'll stagnate and even degenerate into rubbish.
@foobman 5 сағат бұрын
The vocal melodies sound derivative to me. And your version was better.
@SwitchUpYt 5 сағат бұрын
Its so strange but something in me knows it's not a human. I don't get those hairs on my neck or any real deep emotionL response. Its almost proof of a soul. Your version i can feel.
@joeha480 5 сағат бұрын
I absolutely loved your performance. To me, AI’s performance didn’t even come close. I say, let AI be a creative tool. You wrote the lyrics, you selected the version of the song that you liked and you performed it. Compare that with a photograph, where almost everything depicted is either “natural beauty” or created by someone else, but it’s still the photographer’s image. Edit: I didn’t know that you’re a photographer 😂
@PriitKallas 5 сағат бұрын
I cannot create music. I don't know a first thing about music. Chord progression? No clue! But now I can make songs that I like. Kind of a producer... selecting the bits that work for me
@henrikpetersson3463 5 сағат бұрын
I have that feeling about the best music I’ve made. That it’s not really my songs. I’ve channeled them, they have gone through me, and I did my best to represent it. But it’s not my creation, it comes from some divine place that I have the privilege to visit every now and then. I want to try to pass on that beauty to the world because I genuinely believe that it will make the world a better place. But it is hard work to do it and I would prefer if it is possible to make a living off it. Right now copyright is what makes that possible. But I think AI will make copyright a thing of the past eventually. Hopefully we will find another better way. Like universal basic income. I’m personally not interested in using AI to write music (it can be a great tool in other ways though). But I’m not threatened by it. There are so many people writing music in the world already and I’m not threatened by them. So why should I be threatened by AI? It still won’t channel music the way I do it.
@KieranLeCam 6 сағат бұрын
I'm genuinely upset at people for just going along with it as if it's a movement we can't stop. Have some backbone, speak out your feelings more. Why is every video I see on AI about accepting the reality of it? Why are the people who favor tech-use on every front getting away with everything? Because you let them. Sometimes we just take a bad course of action. We need to stand up for we actually believe in even if it goes against the tide. 👊❤
@KieranLeCam 6 сағат бұрын
I have to be honest, I'm already a live musician that loves playing with other humans, and the ingenuity and smiles, and accidents that happen. The energy people release on stage, irl, and in records sometimes. And less and less people perform without auto tune, there is no respect for the enjoyment, the mastery. What it means to connect and be human. And people went along with it. And now people are just straight up letting AI do all the work. And it will be trained on the rare few who have sex appeal or something. Like music never really meant anything. It was just another copy pasted system. Real feelings mean nothing. Real singing from your heart, struggling to get a note out but belting it anyway, means nothing. AI renders it meaningless. It's just sound. Vibrations of air, digitally created. The best tools are the ones that create an enjoyable symbiosis. Like an instrument. They don't do all the work on their own.
@KieranLeCam 6 сағат бұрын
AI's got nothing on you ❤
@lavender_corner 6 сағат бұрын
The AI version sounds exactly like the voice of Adrienne Lenker, who in my opinion has an incredibly distinct and unique voice. So that makes pretty worried for what that means.
@moshiachhasawakened6781 6 сағат бұрын
Professional musicians have devalued common music of normal people. Now they get what they have sowed.
@wizardvega724 6 сағат бұрын
It sounds like you need to pay so you can do inpainting... You can completely clear up some of the clunky bits of the ai version with that.
@denwest 6 сағат бұрын
I honestly see all of those new tools and possibilities to be creative & create things as an opportunity for everyone to be a better artist. You still need to have skill in some sort & yes the workflow and way we do thinks will change dramatically, but it is only a treat if you fight against it
@fufurabumbacka 7 сағат бұрын
These songs are better than humans songs. They are from the Univerce.
@TheDibule 7 сағат бұрын
To me this is still 100% your music. As you said you generated several musics, and at some point YOU said “that’s it, that’s the one”. So you made that choice, and continued, 30s by 30s, to build up a whole song. So it’s still your vision, and 100% your song. The computer is just another tool that you used to compose it, like you can use a guitar or a piano.
@reconsist 7 сағат бұрын
Ai tool is just a tool, like all digital tools there. If you dont state cubase for credits or synths and drum machines why mention ai tool?
@UberNoober23 7 сағат бұрын
At the end of the day the collaboration of human and AI gave us something beautiful and meaningful that we wouldn't have gotten without it.
@javabean252 7 сағат бұрын
I would see you live. Not AI.
@daveharry2360 8 сағат бұрын
I'd just see it as a songwriting partner, you write beautiful lyrics and Ai helps you write the music, as simple as that.
@skylee5029 8 сағат бұрын
I prefer your version. I actually enjoyed it. Couldn't even listen to the test if the ai version. The voice was annoying, the music wasn't as good. Your acoustic performance was far more appealing.
@adamdavis307 8 сағат бұрын
at one point i'm sure people felt great doing mathmatical sums.... then they made the calculator!
@MossHollowMissouri 8 сағат бұрын
Reminds me of Mumford and Sons.
@adamholmstrom2938 9 сағат бұрын
I need to tell you. The song is very good but you take the price för the better version. Maybe not as prefekt but I really felt it when you sang.. Thanks for that!
@wideyxyz2271 9 сағат бұрын
In my opinion, I'm a lousy vocalist, and I've been trying to find a vocalist to sing my songs for a long, long time. My problem is now solved. I can have male, female, mixed, choir, multiple harmony vocals on anything I want, like as said in the comments it's the ultimate sample pack! Its a tool another string on the bow, use it and the possibilities are limitless!
@LeftBoot 9 сағат бұрын
AI Synthesis Music 🤔 ASM already a word. Iterate...
@kengcl533 9 сағат бұрын
I don't mind if the AI is used as a tool to assist human creativity. But the even, smooth AI-performed version didn't really grab me. In contrast, I was delighted by the human-performed version as soon as I heard the first guitar notes, and the singing felt more dynamic and intriguing to me. I did think at first that the lyrics could (as the artist himself said later in the video) use a little more work, but with the human performance it didn't bother me, maybe because I'd already heard the lyrics but maybe the performance was taking up more of my attention. I think there are subtleties to human vocal expression. The human singer may be able to "hear" and interpret the song better in some respects than the machine. I also suspect there are other factors that lets listeners feel more connected to the human singer. It would be an interesting area of study for scientific researchers to look into all of this.
@walken199 10 сағат бұрын
There is nothing surprising about this video, but it is surprising that people are still being surprised by how sophisticated AI technology is of this day. It will only be a matter of time before most musicians will be out of business, and not many people will be making a living out of making music. The real reason that most people hate AI is caused they recognize it will totally outperform humans.
@guylarochelle9793 10 сағат бұрын
Wow! That’s the most beautiful way of telling all the truth about the subject. Thank you!
@carlhopkinson 10 сағат бұрын
Honestly, this song is SCHLOCK.
@carlhopkinson 10 сағат бұрын
All this proves is that you write songs that sound computer-generated.
@jcdent5775 10 сағат бұрын
I'll be so happy when 10 years have passed and the manic fear of this tech will ring like the Y2K bug. You sound real. The AI does not. Occasionally it might trick you and you are moved by it, but it's not original, it's not doing anything different, surprising, unexpected. I know where the progressions are going before they get there, as well as the "performing". That's because all AI is doing is sampling a crapload of existing works, rolling a die, mussing it up and doing a remarkable job of not sounding like a hot mess doing it. AI will replace a lot of mediocre filler, which will cost human jobs, yes, but this is no different than the dying off of data entry jobs. Where AI will shine is in *helping* you do music/writing/photography. Don't fear it. There's nothing more to fear here than there is to fear Google Search.
@yunusbarna6380 10 сағат бұрын
I've listened to tens of AI songs. They were all mediocre at best. Like this one.
@shariel9731 10 сағат бұрын
People forget that everyone values creativity, so I think in terms of music I think that people will still want live music. So I’m not concerned about it.
@David-nu5cj 10 сағат бұрын
The song was OK but it is not going to be a classic. Will AI ever write a classic song. I mean how long are you going to have to sit there pressing the create AI button until a gem pops out? You could be there forever. You might as well try and do it yourself.