Lewis Black's Rantcast #191 | The Emmys
@davidcombs1586 10 минут бұрын
I enjoy Lewis Black and find him absolutely hilarious. I don’t like it being edited though.
@johnransom1146 10 минут бұрын
Love the shi. Canadian Air Force? From Nova Scotia, big fan
@ronnie5165 53 минут бұрын
You paid to go see him and you laughed when he called you stupid
@ronnie5165 54 минут бұрын
Never forget a the Jew will rob you of your money and you will thank him for it at the same time
@fredericklockard3854 Сағат бұрын
Isn’t he a leftist who supported the untested Covid vaccine and making it mandatory? Didn’t he support the vaccine that made hundreds of billions in free tax payer money for……..BIG PHARMA!? So he’s a hypocrite who thinks the medications he supports are needed and should be mandatory, but all others are fodder for his acts.
@BryerTheGreater1 2 сағат бұрын
Yea thank them for all the evil they've done scumbag pills only make things worse we all know it....
@reddroche7447 3 сағат бұрын
The earth was warmer during the renaissance period and we've been on a cooling trend ever since. How do I know? I listen to a geologist named Randall Carlson. In his view, and mine, we want the earth to remain warm. Too cold and plants don't grow, and the food chain is disrupted, which is what happened during the dark ages. Science.
@videogalwatch 3 сағат бұрын
Congress is attacking this.
@donnawoodcock9069 3 сағат бұрын
Not really very funny, actually so very sad!!!
@Itsgone99 4 сағат бұрын
im more afraid of the doctor zombifying me with the shit. not my fault you all think im crazy cause youre running away from the skeletons in your closet.
@johngower2208 5 сағат бұрын
another big farmer shill masquerading as a comedian. doctors are the drug dealers. all medicine is in nature. knowledge is power
@johngower2208 5 сағат бұрын
you don't need prescription pills. they are poison. take care of yourself and you won't get sick
@rasheedrashad6831 6 сағат бұрын
On point. It's not the news itself but all the talking heads on TV giving thier " expert" opinion. Personally I like to form my own opinions, so no thanks.
@TheCleaner6969 6 сағат бұрын
They've been pushing health & prescriptions for a long time to the point where that's all we hear. The prescriptions they are pushing have worse side effects then what you have. They can go F-themselves!
@ianmartinezcassmeyer 6 сағат бұрын
Give me his address. I have a brick I'd like to mail him, with the following not: "You wanna keep acting a fool, or would you like me to mail you the rest of the sh*thouse?"
@Y20XTongvaLand 6 сағат бұрын
This is terrible.
@jameswallace4794 8 сағат бұрын
I like how he encourages the settlement of other peoples lands but not his own.
@davidadamson3664 8 сағат бұрын
It is the fault of Congress.
@honem 9 сағат бұрын
I got it even worse. I live in NZ. Over 12,000 miles away from you crazy kids. I have never gone on any of Biden or Harris's websites. Not signed on for a single mailing list. Yet I'm getting the Harris email spam :(
@maxsharpe2194 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you and/or your publicist for uploading all of these clips Mr. Black
@TBR_LLC 10 сағат бұрын
Are there actually people in the audience?
@sciwiz57 10 сағат бұрын
Who gives a crap about those people?
@Tannehillin 10 сағат бұрын
The only problem is that these prescription drugs only mask and treat symptoms, not the root problem. But the FDA is a perfect system in order to allow food manufactures to make the people of this country sick so that they can in turn charge them for prescription drugs, which don’t make them better. Ask your doctor next time about nutrition. They’ll look at you like you have three heads because they weren’t even taught about nutrition and nutrition is the number one thing That leads to a healthy life. But here in the United States they don’t want us to be healthy because healthy people don’t make them billions of dollars a year. Only people who are addicted to over processed food can make them that money. Mexico won’t even allow their citizens to consume corn from the United States because it’s all genetically modified. MEXICO!!!! One of the most disgusting and corrupt countries in the world still care about their citizens. Yet the high and mighty United States couldn’t give a shit because there’s no profit in healthy people. We live in an oligarchy and that oligarchy has developed a perfect system to fill their pockets.
@Krmyas 10 сағат бұрын
Am an american living in Costa Rica. My neighbors live to 100 years old normally and still walk a few blocks to buy their own groceries while they are in their 90s. The biggest difference is see is that they eat “real food” (not processed chemicals), and they dont trust doctors outside of stitches and casts for broken bones, so most “cures” are natural food based. So yes, when i have a cold or sore throat, my Costa Rican wife makes me drink lemon juice with honey and weird tasting crap, but i am 48 years old, 12% body fat, and take zero pills or drugs. US FDA should be brought up on RICO charges..
@dannycorsaro546 10 сағат бұрын
I don’t take anything,why because I take care of myself and if I have a problem I seek other solutions.
@adambrown8867 12 сағат бұрын
You're very misinformed. You wouldn't need prescription drugs if your illness wasn't created by billionaires who profit more billions a year making you sick & keeping you sick. They poison your food with toxins that cause you to be sick & then sell you medicine for it.
@davidpeterson8424 12 сағат бұрын
If it wasn’t for my horse…
@davidpeterson8424 12 сағат бұрын
I’m glad he’s still around
@MontyGraham-y3r 13 сағат бұрын
Can you imagine a show with George Carlin, and Lewis Black? Wouldn't that be great two comedians who absolutely tell it like it is!
@Kj-fd3qn 16 сағат бұрын
🙃 Are we talking shipping or going postal -prevention- 🧐
@alvinmarcus5780 17 сағат бұрын
And now two day shipping from Amazon is up to three or four days. WHAT HAPPENED TO TWO DAYS ?
@paulaliberty2082 21 сағат бұрын
Love love love him!
@oldgoat142 21 сағат бұрын
We as a nation consume over 90% of those products. Why would any corporation give up that profit margin? They want you as a literal lifetime customer. You have to advocate for yourselves, otherwise they've got you. I had a serious health scare 6 years ago. I was put on tons of stuff. I got better, but I didn't need to become a walking cvs. If I didn't speak up for myself, I'd still be on nearly a dozen things, including things to counteract the effects from the other things. With 0 meds, I have a BP of 113 over 68, yet I was on a BP med. Yeah. Go figure. And that's just 1 example. Remember, you are a walking profit margin. The more thing they can put into you, the better for them.
@echosend 21 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately you CAN make shit up and broadcast it endlessly. Conservatives insist that this is a right to freedom of speech. Or something.
@saraabozeid923 23 сағат бұрын
Hello, love watching you. When your in Madison next month can my Jewish friend from New York tack you out after your show to Cracker Barrel?
@Bluemoon92585 Күн бұрын
15 years ago the dentist wanted to pull one of my teeth and put a crown on another to the out of pocket cost of $2300. I went down to Leon, Guanajuato MX Total cost 1200 including airfare. No tooth had to be pulled and no crown needed. To this day no problems yet.
@SASQUATCH3 Күн бұрын
I see my family doctor 2 to 6 times a year I've never had a bill😂❤
@SASQUATCH3 Күн бұрын
I'm 58 on average I've been to the hospital twice every year of my life sometimes more sometimes less but on average and I've never had a bill that's Canada😂❤
@frankbrindley2424 Күн бұрын
The Art of being a great story teller 😜
@therakshasan8547 Күн бұрын
A creature lay an egg . That egg had a mutation that turned into a chicken .
@anthonydebski5814 Күн бұрын
Yup....INCREDULOUS ....right? no....DUMB as CHEESE! SO NECESSARY, Luv ya Lewis!
@XLonghaul Күн бұрын
The bird lay the egg, but the egg was a retard
@harper7509 Күн бұрын
You are going to prison for paying Kid Rock to kill me and you're gonna give back what you stole from me too.
@glennedwards-zc1il Күн бұрын
Remember a cured patient is a lost customer
@jpbaley2016 Күн бұрын
My parents were active and vibrant until my mother died at 91. My father started his decline. Without my mother, he didn’t socialize well and the church they worked so hard with forgot he existed so he stopped going. His hearing got bad, he developed dementia and became combative. Right before his 99th birthday, we had to put him in a memory care unit because his aggressiveness meant he couldn’t stay with my brother and his wife (who bought a new 1-story home with a separate living space so my dad could move in). Covid stopped us from visiting and within a few months he passed. He had only lived there for 6 mo. Loss of hearing cut him off from the world and his decline sped up because of it.
@authaire Күн бұрын
Once the finger starts wagging ... You know its on 😂
@zoranvucenovic3824 Күн бұрын
Could "global warming" be intentional? They found oil... Under the ice... How do we get to it? Melt the ice right...? Scientists alarmed...! D: "Global warming is happening..." Oil companies..."meh; We can finally get to ALL that OIL! :D Scientists, "What about coastal populations...?" Oil companies, "They can move..." Scientists, "The ocean currents will change..." Oil companies, "So what..." Scientists, "Earth's weather patterns may change...DRASTICALLY...! D: Oil companies, "We need that oil..." Scientists, "Do we...?" - Solar Power - Wind Turbines - Perpetual motion power generation - and other ways to generate power... Oil companies, "WE WANT that oil..." Scientists, "What happened to WE NEED that oil...?" Oil companies, "Yes...Yes of course; WE NEED that oil..."
@Vertigoneardeath Күн бұрын
My dad worked 54 YEARS for the same scrap yard. What did he get when he retired at 77? $1400 month from SS. That's all he had. Until his death at 89. This is what is wrong with our nation today. The rats get the entire cargo ship of cheese while the workers get the scraps. Next sentence is added and will show as edited...I said the last three words at high volume while pointing my fore fingers....both of them!!!
@timturner9407 Күн бұрын
You will own nothing and like it. Wake up dumbmasses
@BoydGilbreath Күн бұрын
Because none of it is real. The truth is out, no charges are filed, no punishment is given, and a Supreme Court justice continues to do whatever his friends want.