@jyc313 22 минут бұрын
Feminists cannot comprehend that women are less inclined to seek positions of power because of some of the reasons mentioned in this clip. There is a biological factor at play that just drives feminists crazy because they do not have a solid stance from which to refute. I am all for equal opportunities for genders, sure. I’ve worked under and for talented women and men. But trying to ignore the inherent differences between both is the cause of the divisiveness that Cathy mentions in the full interview.
@pauls4923 Сағат бұрын
The world is getting weirder by the day
@JohnB-nq4js Сағат бұрын
What's wild is that these people think they're smart and better than everyone else.
@jewishmonarch6657 3 сағат бұрын
In accordance with fact or reality, the system in which you use to establish and test these? Science. J.P leans on the science when it suits him but when it doesn't he's more lax with it even opposed to it, whenever he wishes to garner favour from a demographic he's trying to cajole into his cult of personality. He's a essentially an octopus, forever changing his colours and textures to suit whatever environment he wishes to appear be a part of. You know how conservatives (like J.P, he's referenced it) like to use that Turkish story, about the Axe convincing the trees it's one of them due to it's wooden handle? Yup, honestly the irony here is palpable.
@keithsmith9577 3 сағат бұрын
Jordan Peterson, objective demonstrable, independently testable facts are what we define by scientific truth otherwise anything can be true. Religious people debate on things that are only true to them
@RainbowDragon888 5 сағат бұрын
Woman = womb-man (a female who is born with a womb)
@arsonfly 6 сағат бұрын
Reeducation is some dystopian sht you expect from China not Canada.
@lloydo3886 6 сағат бұрын
Some British and Americans are living in wonderland. Their intellectual ability is further down below average. A simple question is asked, "what is a woman"? They can't provide the answer. I am a South African, I know a woman and a man when I see one. It doesn't matter what they call themselves. Mr Walsh, you are the MAN. Keep exposing people who are delusional. Your intellectual ability far exceeds those of the Doctors and Professors you interviewed on this very simple yet important subject. Do they really have the accolades they are titled with? A lot is left to be desired about their qualifications. Long live Mr Walsh Long live!!!!!!!
@wyihupoip8105 8 сағат бұрын
Singapore is a city state. Very tiny country.
@markzupsic6453 8 сағат бұрын
I really like Sam Harris but he does have his flaws his belief in evolution and how we became so advanced as people it's just for that wrong but the point being taken that nobody has proof of either side of that argument
@lada13536 9 сағат бұрын
Ohm what an idiot
@KiLl67ZoNe23 9 сағат бұрын
Yes and I will take that hellish judgement with an open heart and open mind. I've done wrong and I'm not going to escape punishment. Nor should I because there are valuable lessons to be learned. Blessed be Yaweh.
@pasalasaga 10 сағат бұрын
If It was the normal p0rπ that everyone knows when they first think about It. I would have abandon It, a very long time ago. I'm not into th0t$ and forced acting, It doesn't even turn me on. I prefer the vanilla stuff, like cute, wife type of thing. It's so hard to explain.
@Helfirehydra 10 сағат бұрын
Isn’t it the definition of sexism denying someone a right or privilege based on their gender? And only their gender
@Helfirehydra 10 сағат бұрын
One thing that I don’t understand about 50-50 diversity hiring why is it always pressured in male-dominated industries and we never hear about it being a problem when a female industry is 100% female Because it’s wrong to deny women job based on their gender, but it’s OK to deny a man a job based on his gender
@Helfirehydra 10 сағат бұрын
I had a friend who got fired because a woman applied for a job that had a diversity standard and 50-50 And the company didn’t do anything legally wrong because he was still in his probationary period and they could’ve fired him for any reason So they fired him, said that his work wasn’t up to standard and hired a woman so they could fit a diversity standard 50-50 diversity quarters is literally forcing people to do job they don’t want and firing people because they’re the wrong gender But you don’t hear female, dominated businesses doing 50-50 diversity it’s always 100% female staff and that isn’t considered sexist
@janvanaartrijk9673 10 сағат бұрын
Wel Jordan is very articulate but that doesn't make what he says true !! Religion is a form of mass psychosis that uses fear to brainwash people. I've never seen any proof for the existence of Jordans god, or any other god for that matter !!
@buffysouthwick3231 11 сағат бұрын
I think i am a sabre toothed tiger, therefore I am a sabre toothed tiger. ❤
@brainwashingdetergent4322 13 сағат бұрын
@BSmith272 13 сағат бұрын
Highly defensive behaviour. Crossing the arms is a self soothing behaviour. The prof won't answer questions, he just turns it around on Matt.
@BobbyTomMathew 14 сағат бұрын
I think JP cried when he heard Wilde's comment because she didn't have the intelligence to know something you can't learn in books or schools. No one's inherent value is greater than anyone else's. No one's any better than anyone else. And not everyone learns this lesson in their lifetime.
@tony714keene 14 сағат бұрын
I agree with the therapy part
@WhatheYaz85 14 сағат бұрын
Africa poor before Africa a little less poor now "Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork"-Stanislaw Jerzy Lec. Not talking about the people just the wealth
@user-in1oo8kv9m 16 сағат бұрын
Assimilation equating as time refers to age preference to know to unknown look to the the first born languages of Bibleical context the wizely monger is the preferable dismissed all to know less just for me
@jasonspencer5267 16 сағат бұрын
If she knows she’s not a woman then she knows what a fucking woman is. The word games these people play could make anyone go insane.
@hazen01 16 сағат бұрын
I read below, and you all wonder why he advocates for the Bible, specially with an average wold IQ of 100, arrogance
@stevengreene879 18 сағат бұрын
Letting Ben have the final word in this clip is criminal.
@rudysimoens570 20 сағат бұрын
In order to defend the undefendable all the so-called believers do the same when there are problematic statements in their old scriptures! At first they try to disregard, massage and reinterpretate the problematic statements. Then they say that it doesn't say what it says, that it is taken out of context, that you have to read it with an "open heart", that you don't have enough knowledge, that it is a bad translation ( especially the muslims), etc. If that's no longer an option then they say that it was meant in a metaphorical way or if even that is no longer possible then they say that it was a miracle!
@rudysimoens570 20 сағат бұрын
If the bible would be inspired by their imaginary God it would be universally valid and clear for EVERYBODY all over the world, there would be no room for different interpretations, there would be not a single scientific error in it, and the morals would be of the highest standard possible! But the contrary is true! The bible and the koran as well are literally FULL of scientific nonsense and disgusting and discriminating morals! That's because it is written by totally ignorant peasants who knew nothing about the real natural world. They took over the "scientific" knowledge and the morals of their patriarchal community of their time because they didn't know better. That's also why women and minority groups have been discriminated and considered second class people for centuries and still are on the basis of those bronze age myths, doctrines and rules how to "please" their imaginary celestial dictator! Anyway, science and especially evolution have already debunked the crux of christianity and the crux of all the other religions I know of AGES ago!
@thomasrosendahl2783 21 сағат бұрын
Iron Age world view Jordan Peterson has, compared to Sam Harris
@alexmagor 21 сағат бұрын
It really demonstrates how far the left has gone in an attempt to avoid offending anyone (except straight white males). As Jordan Peterson said “In order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive.” Their response is essentially to stop thinking. If we keep going that direction ALL speech will eventually be deemed as potentially offensive and eventually outlawed.
@KJWalker-wt4fb 21 сағат бұрын
You can assume the most common definition is in play until otherwise mentioned. This is called the "indexical" meaning. True is that which is in accord with reality.
@kappla 22 сағат бұрын
Clown 🤡 speak
@late8641 22 сағат бұрын
You can laugh at the college professor, but that doesn't mean Matt Walsh isn't a bigoted piece of 💩. And a religious person criticizing circular reasoning is pretty rich.
@JohnB-nq4js 23 сағат бұрын
Fighting nature and reality are what the left does. That, and performatively hating their dads.
@crayonflux Күн бұрын
This is such a dumb f****** statement. If there are 10 engineers, and 9 are men and 1 is a woman, then the chance of that single woman to be any less qualified as an an engineer is 0%. They are all f****** engineers to begin with! She has qualified to become an engineer for crying out loud! How is she less of an engineer because she is a woman? The pool of women is less, but the pool of engineers is the f****** same! The chance of 9 male engineer to be shit compared 1 female is the same f****** chance! It's a 1/10 chance of them being shit. That goes for both sexes.
@douglascutler1037 Күн бұрын
Peterson only obfuscates on meaning when challenged or critiqued. It's a rhetorical device, a smokescreen to avoid or even undermine the question's validity in the first place rather than answer it directly. In this instance, JP throws in a little victimhood as well with his indignant tone.
@helmann9265 Күн бұрын
45 (gun)
@ChiliadStudios Күн бұрын
Sam Harris got him good here ngl. He is more intelligent, you can clearly see it. I still prefer to listen to JBP but this is fact
@ZafaryabWaheed Күн бұрын
These two men are two Oscar winning actors. These bastards.
@jakem1273 8 сағат бұрын
why are you so bitter hahahahahahahaha
@MildlyHumorous-cq1nn 4 сағат бұрын
They are also more capable than you in things that matter in our world
@ObservantHistorian Күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson is a mediocre intellect and raging egotist who thinks word salad substitutes for reason... just like his followers. He's the shallow thinker's idea of a deep thinker. In a world where the average IQ is 100, people like Peterson appear smart to many.
@jbapples4611 Күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson on religion = Drake with hand help up Jordan Peterson on politics = Drake nodding approvingly
@suzum.9713 Күн бұрын
He also overlooks the fact that Jesus knows there is more than this world, and that your temporary condition is nothing compared to your eternal freedom in Christ. So basically, He's saying, "It is possible to bring glory to God and live joyfully in every situation,". Ex. Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin, Corrie Ten Boom, as a prisoner in a Nazi camp
@Marionrocknroses Күн бұрын
That’s okay dude😊. That is how our ego works. So be compasionate for yourself.
@simonacland9028 Күн бұрын
If he is angry it would be because of fame and yes I know the feeling. Overrated if it's not your goal but easy if it is.
@lasanthavirajith1090 Күн бұрын
Respect for JP. Debate never turn ugly with him. Always looking for truth rather than proving own point.
I think the same way interesting
@bitingthedog1 Күн бұрын
Since when is "Freedom to not be offended" a right?
@user-qv9bi9sj9k Күн бұрын
“What are they identifying as?” “As a woman.” “But what is that” ………. “aS a WoMaN”
@archie7218 Күн бұрын
I thought JP hated post-modernism